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Acta Ethnographica.. An international Journal of Ethnography. Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae. Adiuvantibus I. Tálasi, L. Vajda et al. Redigit Gy. Ortutay et al. Tomus I, 1950 - Tomus 22, 1977 in cloth + Tomus 23-26, 29:3-4, 30:1-2, 31-40 and 42:3-4 (1997) in soft covers. Printed in Budapest. 12 volumes in cloth + 25 parts, all in very good condition. Text mostly in German and English, but also in French and Russian. Very heavy item, requires extra shipping charges. (#177430)9500:-
Actas do Congresso internacional de etnografia 1-6.. Promovido pela câmara municipal de Santo Tirso de 10 a 18 de julho de 1963. 1: Crónica do congresso e 1ª secção. 2: 2ª secção. 3: 3ª secção. 4: Colóquio de etnografia comparada. 5: Colóquio de etnologia marítima. 6: Colóquio sobre o conto popular. Porto no date. 545 + 347 + 651 + 387 + 282 + 379 pages + plates. Softcovers. 6 vols. Stamped. (#110022)2000:-
Adam, Leonhard Primitive Art.. Illustrated. Penguin 1949. 271 pages + plates. Paperback. (#98531)100:-
Aginsky, Bernard Willard Kinship Systems and the Form of Marriage.. Diss. Menasha 1935. VIII, 102 pages. Softcover. Stamped. (#89184)120:-
A Handbook of Method in Cultural Anthropology.. Ed. by Raoul Naroll and Ronald Cohen. New York 1973. XXI, 1017 pages + plates. Softcover. (#75852)125:-
Alland, Alexander Adaption in Cultural Evolution:. An Approach to Medical Anthropology. New York 1970. IX, 203 pages. Original cloth in dustjacket. (#62239)125:-
Americanistas suecos.. Illustr. Sthlm 1994. 112 pages. Softcover. "Edición especial" from Kulturrådet. (#85024)130:-
An Appraisal of Anthropology Today.. Edited by Sol Tax and others. Chicago 1953. xiv, 395 pages. Original cloth. Dust jacket. (#126943)200:-
Anell, Bengt & Lagercrantz, Sture Geophagical Customs.. Upps. 1958. 84 pages. 4:o. Softcover. (#80474)300:-
Anell, Bengt & Lagercrantz, Sture Geophagical Customs.. Upps. 1958. 84 pages. 4:o. Softcover. Stamped. (#120648)275:-
Anthropological Approaches to the Study of Religion.. Edited by Michael Banton. London 1966. xlii, 176 pages. Soft covers. A.S.A. Monographs 3. (#126922)130:-
Anthropologie.. Verfasst und herausgegeben von Gerhard Heberer, Gottfried Kurth und Ilse Schwidetsky-Roesing. Fischer 1961. 362 pages. Paperback. Das Fischer Lexikon. (#69532)100:-
Anthropology:. Ancestors and Heirs. Edited by Stanley Diamond. Mouton publ. The Hague 1980. 462 pages. Original cloth. Dust jacket. Studies in Anthropology 5. (#99229)250:-
Anthropology of Folk Religion.. Edited and introduced by Charles Leslie. Vintage Books, New York 1960. 465 pages. Paperback. Some pencil markings in margins. (#132119)100:-
Anthropology Today.. Illustrated. CRM Books, Del Mar, California 1971. 566 pages. 4:o. Original cloth. (#122580)200:-
Arabische Märchen.. Aus mündlicher Überlieferung gesammelt und übertragen von Enno Littmann. Leipzig 1968. 481 pages. Original cloth in dustjacket. (#66940)130:-
Archiv für Völkerkunde I-III.. Illustr. Wien 1946-48. VII, 240 + VII, 226 + III, 211 pages + folding table and plate. Original cloth in dustjacket. 3 parts in one volume. (#114410)500:-
Ardrey, Robert The Territorial Imperative.. A Personal Inquiry into the Animal Origins of Property and Nations. Illustrated by Berdine Ardrey. Fontana, London 1969. 416 pages. Paperback. (#155108)100:-
Arora, Shirley L. Proverbial Comparisons in Ricardo Palma's Tradiciones peruanas.. Los Angeles 1966. 205 pp. (#30665)150:-
Assessing Cultural Anthropology.. Edited by Robert Borofsky. New York 1994. XIX, 566 pages. Softcover. (#105083)400:-
Att bruka naturen.. Illustrerad. Etnografiska museet 1993. 120 sidor. Häftad. (#126783)100:-
Bachmann, Johannes Die Philosophie des Neopythagoreers Secundus.. Linguistisch-philosophische Studie. Anhang: 1. Arabischer Text der "Milchmädchen-Fabel". 2. Geschichte des armenischen Königs Terâg. Aethiopisch-Deutsch. 3. Unedierte lateinische Secundus-Handschriften. Berlin 1888. 68,49,14,26 pages. Half cloth. Stamped. (#83085)300:-
Balandier, Georges Politisk antropologi.. Aldus, Sthlm 1971. 223 sidor. Pocket. (#116476)100:-
Banton, Michael Roles.. An Introduction to the Study of Social Relations. London 1965. x, 224 pages. Original cloth. Dust jacket. Inscribed. (#126945)200:-
Barth, Fredrik Socialantropologiska problem. Stockholm 1971. Översättning Sara Hedman. 273 sidor. Pocket. (#210785)100:-
Bastian, Adolf Sprachvergleichende Studien. mit besonderer Berücksichtigung der indochinesischen Sprachen. Leipzig 1870. XXXIX, 344 pages. Half cloth. Stamped. (#106272)1250:-
Beattie, John Other Cultures.. Aims, Methods and Achivements in Social Anthropology. London 1966. 283 pages. Original cloth. Dust jacket. (#57903)175:-
Beattie, John Other Cultures.. Aims, Methods and Achivements in Social Anthropology. London 1967. 283 pages. Soft covers. Pencil-marks in margins. (#125871)125:-
Beiträge zur Volkskunde. der Universität Basel zur Feier ihres fünfhundertjährigen Bestehens ... Illustr. Basel 1960. 200 pages + plates. Softcover. With a note from Karl Meuli, one of the contributors. (#115485)125:-
Bendann, E. Death Customs.. An Analytic Study of Burial Rites. London 1930. xiv, 304, (16) pages. Original cloth. Dust jacket. Slightly foxed. (#156169)450:-
Benedict, Ruth Kulturmönster.. Livsstilar och sedvänjor. Sth 1949. 260 sidor. Original klotband. Skyddsomslag. (#27270)125:-
Bennett, Wendell Clark The Ethnogeographic Board.. Washington 1947. 135 pages. Soft covers. (#99236)200:-
Bentzen, Aage Det sakrale kongedøme.. Bemærkninger i en løbende diskussion om de gammeltestamentlige salmer. Kbhvn 1945. 227 sidor. Häftad. (#63297)200:-
Bertillon, Alphonse Ethnographie moderne. Les races sauvages.. Les peuples de l'Amérique, les peuples de l'Océanie, quelques peuples de l'Asie et des régions boréales. Avec 115 gravures. Paris, G. Masson 1882. viii,312 pages. Original decorated cloth. Last pages and back cover miscoloured due to water damage. (#200364)300:- (bild)
Bidney, David Theoretical Anthropology.. New York 1954. XIV, 506 pp. Cloth. (#125873)200:-
Binner, Vinal O. American Folktales II.. A structural reader. New York 1968. 147 pages. Paper back. Stamped. (#177856)150:-
Birket-Smith, Kaj Fjärran folk.. Sthlm 1959. 227 sidor + planscher. Häftad. (#75107)125:-
Birket-Smith, Kaj Fjärran folk.. Sthlm 1959. 227 sidor + planscher. Original klotryggsband. Skyddsomslag. (#126637)150:-
Birket-Smith, Kaj Kulturens vägar I-II.. Modern handbok i etnografi. Den svenska upplagan granskad och försedd med förord av Gerhard Lindblom. Illustr. Sthlm 1943. 652 sidor. Häftade. 2 volymer. (#74604)150:-
Birket-Smith, Kaj Kulturens vägar I-II.. Modern handbok i etnografi. Den svenska upplagan granskad och försedd med förord av Gerhard Lindblom. Illustr. Sthlm 1943. 652 sidor. Med bevarade omslag i klotband. 1 vol. (#74603)200:-
Birket-Smith, Kaj Kulturens vägar I-II.. Modern handbok i etnografi. Den svenska upplagan granskad och försedd med förord av Gerhard Lindblom. Illustr. Sthlm 1943. 652 sidor. Original klotband. Skyddsomslag. 2 volymer. (#73100)200:-
Bloch, Iwan Das Sexualleben unserer Zeit in seinen Beziehungen zur modernen Kultur.. Berlin,1909. XII,850,XIX,(3) pages. Originalleinwand. Etwas berieben. (#193611)300:-
Boalt, Gunnar, Hanssen, Börje & Gustafsson, Lars Socialantropologi.. Illustr. Sth 1960. 208 pp. (#27277)100:-
Boalt, Hanssen & Gustafsson Socialantropologi.. Illustr. Sthlm 1960. 207 sidor. Original klotband. (#69235)125:-
Boccassino, Renato Etnologia religiosa.. Introduzione generale le scuole evoluzioniste e le scuole storiche. Torino 1958. xxiv, 353 pages plates. Soft covers. (#126364)200:-
Bodding, P.O. A Chapter of Santal Folklore.. Kristiania 1924. 79 pages. 4:o. Soft covers. (#204501)250:-
Boglind, Eliæson & Månson Kapital, rationalitet och social sammanhållning. En introduktion till klassisk samhällsteori. Tredje omarbetade upplagan. Prisma 1993. 292 sidor. Häftad. (#219152)130:-
Bohman, Kristina Women of the Barrio.. Class and Gender in a Colombian City. Diss. Sthlm 1984. 374 pages. Softcover. (#46377)150:-
Bolinder, Gustaf Naturfolkens konst.. Illustrerad. Sthlm 1927. 119 sidor. Häftad. (#175068)80:-
Bolinder, Gustaf Naturfolkens kultur.. En allmän etnografi. Illustr. Sthlm 1930. 160 sidor. Original klotband. (#126796)100:-
Bowle, John Man through the Ages.. London 1977. 312 pages. Original cloth in dustjacket. Ex-library. (#111189)110:-
Bretschneider, Peter Polygyny: A Cross-Cultural Study.. Diss. Upps. 1995. 229 pp. Softcover. (#27280)160:-
Brock-Utne, Albert Studiet av primitive folk.. Samfundsliv og religion. Illustr. Oslo 1938. 328 pp. Inbunden med bevarade omslag. Stämpl. (#125870)100:-
Brock-Utne, Albert Studiet av primitive folk.. Samfundsliv og religion. Illustr. Oslo 1938. 328 sidor. Häftad. (#27282)100:-
Canellada, Maria Josefa, El bable de cabranes.. Illustrated. Madrid 1944. 376,(8) pages + plates. Soft covers. Slightly worn spine (#203531)200:-
Cantor, Norman F. & Werthman, Michael S. The History of Polular Culture ...since 1815.. New York 1968. 390 pages. Paper back. 2 small underlinings with ink. (#208352)150:-
Carlberg, Gösta Kultur och religion.. Kulturantropologiska uppsatser. Sth 1951. 607 sidor Häftad. (#48875)150:-
Carlberg, Gösta Kultur och religion.. Kulturantropologiska uppsatser. Sth 1951. 607 sidor. Original klotryggsband. (#124354)150:-
Chase, Richard American Folk Tales and Songs.. Signet 1956. 240 pages. Paperback. (#134285)100:-
Chrétien, C. Douglas Culture Element Distributions: XXV.. Reliability of Statistical Procedures and Results. Berkeley 1945. Pag. 469-490. 4:o. Softcover. (#138003)75:-
Christiansen, Reidar Th. The Dead and the Living.. Oslo 1946. 96 pages. Soft covers. Inscribed by the author. Very fine. (#189802)180:-
Claude Lévi-Strauss och strukturalismen.. Texter sammanställda av Jan Anward och Gunnar Olofsson. Cavefors 1969. 106 sidor. Pocket. Ett par mindre bläckförstrykningar. (#132083)100:-
Congrès International des Sciences Anthropologiqueset Ethnologiques.. Compte rendu de la deuxième session, Copenhague 1938. Kbhvn 1939. 397 pages. Softcover. Stamped. (#72247)150:-
Conklin, Harold C. Folk Classification.. A Topically Arranged Bibliography of Contemporary and Background References Through 1971. New Haven 1972. 501 pages. Softcover. (#41685)125:-
Contemporary Cultures and Societies of Latin America.. A Reader in Social Anthropology of Middle and South America and the Caribbean. Ed. etc by Dwight B. Heath and Richard N. Adams. New York 1965. XI, 588 pages + plates. Original cloth. (#77778)150:-
Cooper, John M. Temporal Sequence and the Marginal Cultures.. Washington 1941. 69 pages. Soft covers. (#121020)140:-
Cotterell, Arthur The Illustrated Encyclopedia of Myths & Legends.. London 1992. 260 pages. 4:o. Original cloth. Dust jacket. As new. (#190972)200:-
Count, Earl W. Being and Becoming Human.. Essays in the Biogram. New York 1973. xvi, 349 pages. Original cloth. Dust jacket. (#126929)200:-
Count, Earl W. Das Biogramm.. Anthropologische Studien. Frankfurt am Main 1970. xxvi, 295 pages. Original hard covers. (#126946)150:-
Critical Anthropology 1:1.. Spring 1970. Editors Mary Schweitzer de Grys, Stephen K. Levine, Thomas W. Newman, Joseph Rubenstein, Catherine Scherer. New York 1970. 103 pages. A4. Staple bound xeroxed issue. (#125083)125:-
Crowley, Daniel J. I Could Talk Old-Story Good: Creativity in Bahamian Folklore.. Berkeley 1966. (12), 157 pp. (#30695)200:-
Cultural Illness and Health.. Essays in Human Adaption. Edited by Laura Nader and Thomas W. Maretzki. Washington 1973. 145 pages. Softcover. (#123052)125:-
Cultural Patterns and Technical Change.. A Manual Prepared by the World Federation for Mental Health and edited by Margret Mead. Mentor Book 1955. 352 pages. Paperback. (#74879)100:-
Culture and Human Development.. Report on a Conference ... Stockholm, August 1997. Compiled and edited by Karl Eric Knutsson. Sthlm 1998. 52 pages. Softcover. (#160680)100:-
Damm - Beiträge zur Völkerforschung [1-2].. Hans Damm zum 65. Geburtstag. [1]: Textband. [2]: Tafelband. Leipzig 1961. 752 pages + 152 plates. Softcovers. 2 vols. Ex-library. (#91091)200:-
Daniel, E. Valentine Charred Lullabies.. Chapters in an Anthropology of Violence. Princeton 1996. XII, 252 pages. Softcover. (#105076)125:-
Dart - Tools... Creator of Civilization.. The Development of Man as Revealed by the Discoveries of Dr. Raymond A. Dart. Chicago 1965. 60 pages. Soft covers. (#121082)100:-
Davidsson, I.A. De första arierna.. Deras kultur och ursprungliga hemland. Stockholm 1902. 50 sidor. Häftad. Populär-vetenskapliga afhandlingar 22. (#186570)150:-
Det respektfulla mötet.. Ett symposium om forskningsetik och antropologi. Red. Gudrun Dahl, Ann-Charlotte Smedler. Upps. 1993. 133 sidor. Häftad. (#143095)175:-
Die heutigen Naturvölker im Ausgleich mit der neuen Zeit.. Herausgegeben von Diederich Westermann. Unter mitarbeit von Christoph von Fürer-Haimendorf, Hans Nevermann, Josef Haeckel & Otto Quelle. Stuttgart 1940. XI, 397 pages. Original cloth. Stamped. (#121212)200:-
DIÓSZEGI, V. (ed.). Glaubenswelt und Folklore der sibirischen Völker.. Budapest, Verlag der Ungarischen Akademie der Wissenschaften 1963. 534,+ (1) pages. Publ. cloth with slightly worn dustwrapper. Illustrated, partly in colour. (#194031)600:-
Directions in the Anthropological Study of Latin America: A Reassessment.. Jack R. Rollwagen, Editor. Buffalo, New York 1986. 219 pages. Softcover. (#59181)135:-
Dittmer, Kunz Allgemeine völkerkunde.. Formen und entwicklung der Kultur. Braunschweig 1954. 314 pages. Original cloth. Dust jacket. (#11196)165:-
Dittmer, Kunz Allgemeine Völkerkunde.. Formen und Entwicklung der Kultur. Illustr. Braunschweig 1954. 314 pages + plates. Soft covers. Stamped. Pencil-marks in margins. (#57635)135:-
Dixon - Studies in the Anthropology of Oceania and Asia.. Presented in Memory of Roland Burrage Dixon. Ed. by Carleton S. Coon and James M. Andrews IV. Illustr. Kraus reprint, New York 1968, of the original from 1943. XIV, 220 pages. Cloth. Ex library in excellent condition. (#123891)350:-
Dreyer, W. Naturfolkens lif.. Populär etnografi. Med färgtryck och illustrationer. Sthlm 1899. 208 sidor. 4:o. Originalklotband. (#163458)200:-
Driberg, J.H. At Home With the Savage.. London 1932. X, 267 pages + plates. Original cloth. Stamped. (#118089)225:-
Driver, Harold E. Culture Element Distributions: VIII.. The Reliability of Culture Element Data. Berkeley 1938. Pag. 205-219. 4:o. Softcover. (#138002)75:-
Driver, Harold E. The Contribution of A.L. Kroeber to Culture Area Theory and Practice.. Baltimore 1962. 28 pages. Pamphlet. (#82283)100:-
Duerr, Hans Peter Sedna eller kärleken till livet.. Illustr. Sthlm 1987. 586 sidor. Originalpappband. (#104412)200:-
Dundes, Alan Every Man His Way.. Readings in Cultural Anthropology. Englewood Cliffs 1968(?). xviii, 551 pages. Soft covers. (#126936)160:-
Dundes, Alan Interpreting folklore.. Indiana University Press 1980.XIV,(2),304 pages. Paper back. (#198682)120:-
Dömötör, Tekla János Honti - Leben und Werk.. Helsinki 1978. 84 pages. Softcovers. Signed inscription by author. FFC 221. (#99173)110:-
Edlund, Lars-Erik (red.) Tabu, verklighet, språk. Tio uppsatser om folkliga tabueringsföreställningar och taxonomier. Illustr. Sthlm 1992. 230 sidor. Häftad. (#125689)135:-
Egenter, Nold The Present Relevance of the Primitive in Architecture.. L'actualite du primitif dans l'architecture. Die Aktualität des Primitiven in der Architectur. Sructura Mundi, Lausanne 1992. 216 pages. Soft covers. Text in English, French and German. (#99248)175:-
Elander, Rudolf Höfdingskapet och naturfolken.. En studie. Göteborg 1906. 47 sidor. Häftad. Nött rygg. (#186564)125:-
Ellis, Harry B. The Arabs.. Illustrated by Leonard Everett Fisher. Brockhampton Press, Leicester 1960. 124 pages. Original cloth. Dust jacket. (#79530)200:-
Essays in Ethnology.. Edited and translated by John V. Ferreira and others. Bombay 1969. 375 pages. Original cloth. Dust jacket. (#126726)200:-
Ethnic Minorities in the Soviet Union.. Edited by Erich Goldhagen. New York 1968. 351 pages. Original cloth. Dust jacket. (#102402)150:-
Ethnographical Studies.. Published on the Occasion of the Centenary of the Ethnographical Department National Museum. Illustr. Kbhvn 1941. 251 pages. 4:o. Softcover. Stamped. (#89841)300:-
Ethnographisch-archäologische Forschungen 1-6.. Herausgegeben von K.-H. Otto. Berlin 1953-1959. Soft covers. 7 volumes. Stamped. (#85490)1000:-
Ethnologica Slavica I, 1969.. Bratislava 1970. 226 pages. Original cloth. Dust jacket. (#181564)150:-
Ethnologica Slavica II, 1970.. Bratislava 1970. 300 pages. Original cloth. Dust jacket. (#181565)150:-
Ethnologica Slavica III, 1971.. Bratislava 1972. 280 pages. Original cloth. Dust jacket. (#181566)150:-
Ethnologica Slavica IV, 1972.. Bratislava 1973. 289 pages. Original cloth. Dust jacket. (#181567)150:-
Ethnologica Slavica V, 1973.. Bratislava 1974. 277 pages. Original cloth. Dust jacket. (#181568)150:-
Ethnos 1936:1.. Illustr. Stockholm. 16 pp. Häfte. (#44293)45:-
Ethnos 1939:2.. Illustr. Stockholm. 104 pages. Softcover. (#178419)100:-
Ethnos 1940:1-2.. Illustr. Stockholm. 88 pages. Softcover. (#90049)100:-
Ethnos 1940:3-4.. Illustr. Stockholm. Pag. 89-184. Softcover. (#90050)100:-
Ethnos 1941:1-2.. Illustr. Stockholm. 96 pages. Softcover. (#90051)100:-
Ethnos 1942:1.. Illustr. Stockholm. 70 pages. Softcover. (#90053)100:-
Ethnos 1943:3.. Illustr. Stockholm. Pag. 81-132. Softcover. (#90056)100:-
Ethnos 1943:4.. Illustr. Stockholm. Pag. 133-186. Softcover. (#90057)100:-
Ethnos 1944:1.. Illustr. Stockholm. 48 pages. (#90058)75:-
Ethnos 1944:3-4.. Illustr. Stockholm. Pag. 97-199. (#90060)150:-
Ethnos 1945:1.. Illustr. Stockholm. 56 pages. (#90061)100:-
Ethnos 1945:4.. Illustr. Stockholm. Pag. 165-191. (#90063)75:-
Ethnos 1951:1-2.. Illustr. Stockholm. 104 pages. (#89934)100:-
Ethnos 1951:3-4.. Illustr. Stockholm. Pag. 105-195. (#44322)100:-
Ethnos 1953:1-2.. Illustr. Stockholm. 124 pp. (#44323)100:-
Ethnos 1953:3-4.. Illustr. Stockholm. Pag. 125-190. (#44324)75:-
Ethnos 1954.. Illustr. Stockholm. 199 pages. (#90065)150:-
Ethnos 1955:1.. John-Erik Elmberg: Mejbrat People, Western New Guinea. Illustr. Stockholm. 102 pages. (#44326)150:-
Ethnos 1958:1-4. Illustr. Stockholm. 191 pages. 2 volumes. Soft covers. Covers soiled. (#190856)150:-
Ethnos 1959:1-2.. Illustr. Stockholm. 108 pages. Soft covers. (#44296)100:-
Ethnos 1959:3-4.. Illustr. Stockholm. Pag. 109-238. (#44297)125:-
Ethnos 1960:1-4.. Illustr. Stockholm. 264 pages. Soft covers. 2 volumes. Covers soiled. Slightly water damaged. (#190857)150:-
Ethnos 1961:1-4.. Illustr. Stockholm.250 pages. Soft covers. 3 volumes. (#190858)200:-
Ethnos 1961:4.. Illustr. Stockholm. Pag. 167-250. (#44298)100:-
Ethnos 1962.. Dedicated to Ferdinand D. Lessing. Illustr. Stockholm. 230 pp. (#44299)175:-
Ethnos 1963:1. Illustr. Stockholm. 206 pages. Soft covers. (#190860)100:-
Ethnos 1964:1-4.. Illustr. Stockholm. 214 pages. Soft covers. 2 volumes. (#190859)200:-
Ethnos 1965.. Illustr. Stockholm. 192 pages. Soft covers. (#190861)200:-
Ethnos 1966:1-4.. Illustr. Stockholm. 200 pages. Soft covers. One volume. (#190862)200:-
Ethnos 1969:1-4.. Illustr. Stockholm. 157 pages. Soft covers. One volume. (#190863)200:-
Ethnos 1970:1-4.. Illustr. Stockholm. 171 pages. Soft covers. (#31654)150:-
Ethnos 1971:1-4.. Illustr. Stockholm. 203 pages. Soft covers. (#44300)160:-
Ethnos 1972:1-4.. Illustr. Stockholm. 205 pages. Soft covers. (#31655)175:-
Ethnos 1973:1-4.. Illustr. Stockholm. 192 pages. Soft covers. (#44301)160:-
Ethnos 1974:1-4.. Illustr. Stockholm. 198 pages. Soft covers. (#44302)160:-
Ethnos 1975:1-4.. Illustr. Stockholm. 448 pp. (#44303)225:-
Ethnos 1976:1-4.. Illustr. Stockholm. 192 pp. (#44304)160:-
Ethnos 1977:1-2.. Illustr. Stockholm. 88 pp. (#44305)75:-
Ethnos 1977:3-4.. Illustr. Stockholm. Pag. 89-228. (#44306)100:-
Ethnos 1978:1-2.. Illustr. Stockholm. 112 pp. (#44307)100:-
Ethnos 1979:1-2.. Illustr. Stockholm. 160 pp. (#44309)120:-
Ethnos 1979:3-4.. Illustr. Stockholm. Pag. 161-276. (#44310)100:-
Ethnos 1980:3-4.. Illustr. Stockholm. Pag. 129-280. (#44311)120:-
Ethnos 1981:1-2.. Illustr. Stockholm. 140 pp. (#44312)120:-
Ethnos 1981:3-4.. Illustr. Stockholm. Pag. 141-299. (#44313)140:-
Ethnos 1982:1-2.. Illustr. Stockholm. 191 pp. (#44314)160:-
Ethnos 63:1, 1998.. Illustr. Stockholm. 168 pp. Häftad. (#44315)150:-
Fallers, Lloyd A. The Social Anthropology of the Nation-State.. Chicago 1974. XIII, 172 pages. Original cloth. Stamped. (#52244)125:-
Faris, James C. Cat Harbour.. A Newfoundland Fishing Settlement. St. John's 1966. 249 pages. Soft covers. Stamped. Newfoundland Social and Economic Studies 3. (#85617)200:-
Fél, Edit Ungarische Volksstickerei.. Illustrated. Corvina, Budapest1061. 136 page + colour plates. Original linen binding. (#198986)250:-
Firth, Raymond Human Types.. An Introduction to Social Anthopology. Revised edition. Mentor, New York 1958. 176 pages + plates. Paperback. (#116342)100:-
Firth, Raymond Human Types.. London 1943. 211 pages. Original cloth. (#106269)120:-
Firth, Raymond Human Types.. Reprint Uppsala no date. Pag. 40-151. Softcover. (#106268)75:-
Firth, Raymond Människotyper.. En inledning till socialantropologin. Sthlm 1967. 174 sidor. Pocket. Lite blyertsunderstrykningar. Namn m.m. på titelbladet. (#86416)90:-
Focsa, Gh. Muzeul satului.. Museu etnografic in aer liber. Illustr. Bucuresti 1966. 34 pages. Pamphlet. (#124996)100:-
Forde, C. Daryll Habitat, Economy and Society.. A Geographical Introduction to Ethnology. Illustr. London 1977. XVI, 500 pages. Softcover. (#27302)100:-
Formal Methods in Economic Anthropology.. Edited by Stuart Plattner. Washington 1975. 215 pages. Softcover. (#87649)125:-
Fortune, R.F. Sorcerers of Dobu. The Social Anthropology of the Dobu Islanders of the Western Pacific.. With an introduction by B. Malinowski. Revised edition, London 1963. 318 pages. Original cloth. Dust jacket. (#200608)200:-
Foster, George M. (ed.) Readings in Contemporary Latin American Culture:. An Anthropological Sourcebook. New York no date (1960-ies). Softcover. (#59143)125:-
Fox, Robin Encounter With Anthropology.. Penguin 1975. 290 pages. Paperback. (#126926)100:-
Franch, José Alcina Arte y antropología.. Illustr. Madrid 1988. 302 pages. Softcover. (#98576)140:-
Frazer, James George The Golden Bough. A Study in Magic and Religion.. A new abridgement from the second and third editions. Oxford University Press, London 1994. 858 pages. Paperback. (#218284)125:-
Friedl, John Cultural Anthropology,. Illustr. New York 1976. (18), 486 pp. Hardcover. (#27287)200:-
Fried, Martha Nemes & Morton H. Transitions.. Four Rituals in Eight Cultures. New York 1980. 306 pages. Original cloth. Ex-library. (#77788)110:-
Fried, Martha Nemes & Morton H. Transitions.. Four Rituals in Eight Cultures. New York 1980. 306 pages. Original cloth in dustjacket. (#87634)145:-
Fries, S.A. Israel i ljuset av arkeologiska och etnografiska forskningar i Palestina.. Illustr. Sth 1914. 92 sidor. Häftad. (#41513)120:-
Främmande och förbjudna världar.. Illustr. Sthlm 1979. 448 sidor. 4:o. Förlagsband i skyddsomslag. (#114258)150:-
Fuchs - Anthropology as a Historical Science.. Essays in Honour of Stephen Fuchs. Edited by Mahipal Bhuriya and S.M. Michael. Indore (India) 1984. xx, 301 pages. Original cloth. Dust jacket. (#99009)200:-
Gaunt, David Memoir on History and Anthropology.. Stockholm 1982. 87 pages. Softcover. (#54309)120:-
Gautier, Léon La Chevalerie.. Nouvelle édition accompagnée d'une table par ordre alphabétique des matières. Paris, Sanard et Derangeon s.d. (c1890). xvi,850,(2) pages + plates. 4:o. With both wrappers and spine bound in cloth. (#202127)750:- (bild)
Gerholm, Tomas Prolog till en marxistisk antropologi.. En diskussion om teori och metod. Sthlm 1971. 192 sidor. Pocket. (#104440)100:-
Gjessing, Gutorm Socio-Culture. Inter-Disciplinary Essays on Society and Culture.. Oslo 1956. 314 pages. Soft covers. Inscribed by the author. (#27295)180:-
Gleichen-Russwurm, Alexander und Wencker, Friedrich (bearb.) Kultur- und Sittengeschichte aller Zeiten und Völker.. Illustrated. Hamburg, Gutenberg.Verlag c. 1930. 12 volumes (complete) bound in original cloth. A fine set. (#189162)750:-
Glück, Heinrich, Der Breit- und Langhausbau in Syrien. Auf kulturgeschichtlische Grundlage bearbeitet.. Mit 49 Abbildungen im Text und 4 Tafeln. Heidelberg 1916. (6),94,(2) pages + 4 plates. 4:o. Cloth boards with leather spine. Zeitschrift für Geschichte der Architektur, Beiheft 14. (#201420)450:-
Goldschmidt, Walter (ed.) Exploring the Ways of Mankind.. New York 1963. XVIII, 700 pp. Some pencil. (#27318)200:-
Goode, William J. Religion Among the Primitives.. Glencoe 1951. 321 pages. Original cloth. Dust jacket torn. (#59959)200:-
Goode, William J. Religion Among the Primitives.. New York 1968. 321 pages. Paperback. (#126270)125:-
GRANLUND,JOHN (RED.) Kulturhistoriskt lexikon för nordisk medeltid från vikingatid till reformationstid- Band III, Datering-Epiphania.. Malmö,Allhems,1958. 27x18 cm. VIII,720 spalter på 360 sidor, + 5 planschblad. Inbunden med främre omslag i ett rött helklotband. (#195493)150:-
Grundfragen der Ethnologie.. Beiträge zur gegenwärtigen Theorie-Diskussion. Herausgegeben von Wolfdietrich Schmied-Kowarski und Justin Stagl. Berlin 1980. 479 pages. Paperback. (#98964)150:-
Gulick, John Social Structure and Culture Change in a Lebanese Village.. New York 1955. 191 pages + 9 plates. Stiff wrappers. Viking Fund Publications in Anthropology 21. (#201104)150:-
Gunda - Studia Ethnographica et Folkloristica in honorem Béla Gunda.. Redigerunt J. Szabadfalvi - Z. Ujváry. Debrecen 1971. 756 pages. Original cloth. Dust jacket. (#169296)250:-
Göteborgs etnografiska musem årstryck 1963-1966.. Illustr. Göteborg 1967. 140 sidor. Häftad. (#127994)125:-
Göteborgs etnografiska musem årstryck 1967-1968.. Illustr. Göteborg 1969. 95 sidor. Häftad. (#127995)100:-
Göteborgs etnografiska musem årstryck 1983-1984.. Illustr. Göteborg 1985. 80 sidor. Häftad. (#127996)100:-
Haddon, Alfred C. The Wanderings of Peoples.. With 5 maps. Cambridge 1912. 124 pages. Original cloth. (#132086)140:-
Hall, Edward T. Beyond Culture. New York 1981. 298 pages. Pocket. (#217280)100:-
Halperin, David M. et al Before Sexuality. The Construction of Erotic Experience in the Ancient Greek World.. Princeton University Press, New Jersey 1990. Illustrated. xix, (1), 526 pages. Paperback. (#221813)170:-
Harris, Marvin Kannibaler och kungar.. Om kulturernas ursprung. Övers. Roland Adlerberth. Stockholm 1979. 258 sidor. Förlagsband med skyddsomslag. (#28266)145:-
Hartland, E.S. Mythology and Folktales.. Their Relation and Interpretation. Second edition. London 1914. 53 pages. Soft covers. Popular Studies in Mythology, Romance & Folklore 7. (#121073)100:-
Hatch, Elvin Theories of Man and Culture.. New York 1973. IX, 384 pages. Softcover. Some highlighting. (#87754)100:-
Hausenstein, Wilhelm Barbaren und Klassiker. Ein Buch von der Bildnerei exotischer Völker.. Mit 177 Tafeln. München, Piper 1922. (4),101,(5) pages text + 169 plates. 4:o. Original hard covers with cloth spine. (#202737)300:-
Hays, H.R. From Ape to Angel.. An Informal History of Social Anthropology. Capricorn Books, New York 1963. 456 pages. Softcover. Wrappers in plastic film. (#142505)100:-
Herculano de Carvalho, Jose Goncalo C., Coisas e palavras. Alguns problemas etnograficos e linguisticos relacionados com os primitivos sistemas de debulha na peninsula Iberica.. Illustrated. Coimbra 1953. xii,413 pages + 13 folding maps. Soft covers. Inscribed by the author in Swedish! (#203525)375:-
Heyerdahl, Thor American Indians in the Pacific. The Theory behind the Kon-Tiki Expedition.. Stockholm 1952. XV,(1),821,(1) pages + plates and maps. Original cloth. No jacket. (#196768)400:-
Hildebrandt, Hans-Juergen Johann Jakob Bachofen.. Die Primär- und Sekundärliteratur. Mit einem Anhang zum gegenwärtigen Stand der Matriarchatsfrage. Aachen 188. 216 pages. Soft covers. Bibliographica anthropologica. (#126836)160:-
Hill, Donald R. The Impact of Migration on the Metropolitan and Folk Society of Carriacou, Grenada.. Illustr. New York 1977. 391 pages. Softcover. (#90654)125:-
Hill, W.W. Navaho Humor.. Menasha 1943. 28 pages. Together with: Henry Field & J.B. Glubb, The Yezidis, Sulubba, and Other Tribes of Iraq and Adjacent Regions. 17 pages. Stiff wrappers. (#114558)350:-
Hirschberg, Walter (herausg.) Wörterbuch der Völkerkunde.. Kröner, Stuttgart 1965. 508 pages. Original cloth. Dust jacket. (#107624)150:-
Hoebel, E. Adamson Man in the Primitive World.. An Introduction to Anthropology. First edition. New York 1949. xii, 543 pages. Original cloth. (#126947)170:-
Hoebel, E. Adamson & Weaver, Thomas Anthropology and the Human Experience.. Illustr. New York 1979. XII, 700 pp. 5th ed. Hardcover. Earlier editions titled: Anthropology: The Study of Man. (#27316)175:-
Hubendick, Bengt Människoekologi.. Förkortad studieutgåva. Malmö 1987. 271 sid. Häftad. (#88126)100:-
Hubendick, Bengt Människoekologi.. Illustr. Malmö 1985. 623 sid. Inbunden. Något lös i bindningen. (#57888)150:-
Hubendick, Bengt Människoekologi.. Illustr. Malmö 1985. 623 sidor. Original pappband. (#74066)175:-
Hultkrantz, Åke General Ethnological Concepts.. Copenhagen 1960. 282 pages. Softcover. International Dictionary of Regional European Ethnology and Folklore I. (#27312)250:-
Hultkrantz, Åke (editor) The Supernatural Owners of Nature. Nordis symposium on the religious conception of ruling spirits (genii loci, genii speciei) amd allied concepts.. Stockholm 1961. 165 pages. Soft covers. (#218582)250:-
Identity: Personal and Socio-Cultural.. A Symposium. Edited by Anita Jacobson-Widding. Upps. 1983. 423 pages. Original cloth. (#113421)250:-
Illustrierte Völkerkunde.. Herausgegeben von Georg Buschan. Illustr. Stuttgart no date (1910?). 464 pages + plates. Hardcover with cloth spine. (#161721)145:-
Internationale volkskundlische Bibliographie.. Bibliographie internationale des arts tradition populaire. International Folklore Bibliography. Founded 1917. Published by UNESCO. Jahre 1939 - 1970 + 1977/78. Published 1949-81. Soft covers. Stamped. (#85486)2500:-
Iverson, Noel & Matthews, D. Ralph Communities in Decline:. An Examination of Household Resettlement in Newfoundland. St. John's 1968. 184 pages. Soft covers. Stamped. Newfoundland Social and Economic Studies 6. (#85611)175:-
Jacobs, Melville & Stern, Bernhard J. General Anthropology.. New York 1958. XIV, 338 pp. Softcover. (#27328)80:-
Jensen - Festschrift für Ad. E. Jensen I-II.. Herausgegeben von Eike Haberland, Meinhard Schuster und Helmut Straube. München 1964. 842 pages + 36 tafeln. 4:o. Soft covers. 2 volumes. (#126865)500:-
Johansons, Andrejs Mysterier, ordnar och hemliga sällskap. - i skilda tider och religioner. Åsak 1985. 224 sidor. Häftad. (#126372)135:-
Johnston, Francis E. & Selby, Henry Anthropology.. The biocultural view. Illustr. Dubuque, Iowa 1978. XIV, 626 pp. (#27306)150:-
Jor, Finn Idéerna som skapade Europa. Stockholm 1970. 135 sidor. Pocket. Några få blyertsunderstrykningar. Namnteckning. (#213812)90:-
Kamppinen, Matti Cognitive Systems and Cultural Models of Illness.. A Study of Two Mestizo Peasant Communities of the Peruvian Amazon. H-fors 1989. 152 pp + 7 Plates & 2 Maps. FFC 244. (#27334)150:-
Kardiner, Abram & Preble, Edward They Studied Man.. Cleveland 1961. 287 pages. Original cloth. Stamped. (#82749)150:-
Kaspar, Kälin Indianer und Urvölker.. Nach Jos. Fr. Lafitau (1681-1746). Diss. Freiburg 1943. 163 pages. Soft covers. Stamped. (#141281)300:-
Kellogg, J.H. Bilder ur lifvet och naturen.. En beskrifning om åtskilliga folkslags seder och bruk samt värderika upplysningar angående helsa och måttlighet. Illustr. Sthlm 1894. 508 sidor + planscher. Dekorerat originalklotband. (#124745)275:-
Kim Sung-Hae The Righteous and the Sage:. A Comparartive Study on the Ideal Images of Man in Biblical Israel and Classical China. Seoul 1985. xvi, 297 pages. Original cloth. Dust jacket. (#126375)200:-
Klausen, Arne Martin Antropologins historia.. Sthlm 1984. 158 sidor. Häftad. (#100134)125:-
Kluckhohn, Clyde Människans spegel.. Sthlm 1951. 312 sidor. Originalklotband. (#104406)100:-
Koppers, Wilhelm Primitive Man and His World Picture.. Translated by Edith Raybould. London 1952. 264 pages. Original cloth. Dust jacket. (#126767)180:-
Kroeber, A.L. A Roster of Civilizations and Culture.. New York 1962. 96 pages. Soft covers. Viking Fund Publ. in Antropology 39. (#27338)150:-
Kroeber, A.L. (Ed.) Anthropology Today.. An Encyclopedic Inventory. Prepared under the Chairmanship of A.L. Kroeber. Chicago 1953. XVI, 966 pages. Original cloth. Dust jacket slightly worn. (#27339)200:-
Kroeber, Theodora Alfred Kroeber.. A Personal Configuration. Berkeley 1970. xii, 292 pages. Original cloth. Dust jacket. (#99129)200:-
Kultur und Sprache.. Herausgeber Wilhelm Koppers, Robert Heine-Geldern und Josef Haekel. Wien 1952. 511 pages. Soft covers. Wiener Beiträge zur Kulturgeschichte und Linguistik Jahrgang IX. (#126724)250:-
Küng, Andres & Tandberg, Olof G. Jordens förtryckta. - etniska minoriteter i världen. Sthlm 1970. 266 sidor. Pocket. Namnteckning och -stämpel. (#69529)90:-
Lagercrantz, Sture Varia II.. Illustr. Upps. 1985. 110 pages. Amateur binding. Occasional Papers X. (#27997)110:-
Lagercrantz, Sture Varia II.. Illustr. Upps. 1985. 110 pages. Softcover. Occasional Papers X. (#27905)110:-
Landtman, Gunnar Kulturens ursprungsformer.. Sthlm 1918. 214 sidor. Häftad. (#126938)125:-
Landtman, Gunnar Papuan Magic in the Building of Houses.. Åbo 1920. 28 pages. Disbound. No covers. (#183355)125:-
Lane, Edward William De moderna egyptiernas seder och bruk.. Övers. Bo Ericson. Introduktion av Ingvar Rydberg. Illustr. Stockholm 1998. 486 sidor. Förlagsband. (#37166)125:-
Langness, L.L. The Life History in Anthropological Science.. New York 1965. 82 pages. Soft covers. (#99186)140:-
Language in Culture.. Conference in the Interrelations of Language and Other Aspects of Culture. Edited by Harry Hoijer. Chicago 1954. 286 sidor. Original cloth with dustjacket. (#151991)175:-
Las razas humanas I-II.. Su vida, sus costumbres, su historia, su arte. I. Orígines, los pueblos de Asia, los pueblos de Oceanía. II. Los pueblos de América, los pueblos de África, los pueblos de Europa. By Luis Pericot García et al. Director científico: Pedro Bosch Gimpera. Illustr. Septima edicion. Barcelona 1971. 463 + 464 pages. 4:o. Original cloth. Dust jackets. 2 volumes. (#98049)450:-
Law in Culture and Society.. Edited by Laura Nader. Chicago 1969. x, 454 pages. Original cloth. Dust jacket. (#125698)200:-
Lawrence, Edward Spiritualism among Civilised and Savage Races.. A Study in Anthropology. Illustr. London 1921. XIV, 112 pp. Cloth. (#43945)150:-
Leach, Edmund Claude Lévi-Strauss.. Penguin 1980. 146 pages. Paperback. (#99290)100:-
Leach, E.R. Rethinking Anthropology.. London 1963. IX, 143 pages. Original cloth in dustjacket. (#82264)125:-
Le dix-huitième siècle, les moeurs, les arts, les idées. Récits et témoignages contemporains. Illustrated. Paris, Hachette 1899. 443 pages + plates. 4:o. Original full leather with worn extremities and bleeched spine. (#215789)500:- (bild)
Legman, G., The Horn Book. Studies in erotic folklore and bibliography.. London 1964. 568 pages. Original cloth.. Dust jacket repaired with adhesive tape. (#205445)200:-
Leslie, Charles (ed.) Anthroplogy of Folk Religion.. New York 1960. XXI, 453, XI pages. Paperback. (#91424)100:-
Lessa, William A. & Vogt, Evon Z. (editors) Reader in Comparative Religion. An Anthropological Approach.. Fourth edition. Harper & Row, New York 1979. 488 pages. Paperback. Förmer owners signature. (#219192)150:-
Leth, T. & Lindblom, Gerhard Two Kinds of Fishing Implements.. 1. The Plunge-basket (Stülpkorb) in Africa and Elsewhere. 2. The Circular Cast-net in Africa. Illustr. Sthlm 1933. 48 pages. Pamphlet. (#124008)125:-
Lewellen, Ted C. Political Anthropology.. An Introduction. Second edition. Illustr. Westport, CT 1992. X, 234 pages. Softcover. (#105090)150:-
Lewis, Oscar Fem familjer.. Studier av fattigkulturen i Mexiko. Förord av Oliver La Farge. Sthlm 1970. 336 sidor. Pocket. (#104429)100:-
Lewis, Oscar Pedro Martínez.. A Mexican Peasant and his Family. Drawings by Alberto Beltrán. New York 1967. LVII, 507 pages. Softcover. Back wrapper torn. (#82271)125:-
Lévy-Bruhl, Lucien La mythologie primitive. Le monde mythique des australiens et des papous.. Paris, Félix Alcan, 1935. XLVII,(1),335,(1) pages + 4 plates. Worn soft covers. (#197984)200:-
Lindblom, Gerhard The Spiked Wheel-trap and Its Distribution.. Illustr. Sthlm 1928. 30 pages. Pamphlet. (#123765)100:-
Lindblom, Gerhard The Use of Stilts.. Especially in Africa and America. Illustr. Sthlm 1927. 40 pages. Pamphlet. (#123641)100:-
Lindblom, K.G. Further Notes on the Use of Stilts.. Stockholm 1928. 19 pages. Pamphlet. (#204249)100:-
Linell, Folke A Contribution to the Knowledge of the Antropology of Madagascar.. Lund 1936. 35 pages + 4 plates. Soft covers. (#189546)150:-
LINNÉ SIGVALD och MONTELL GÖSTA (red.) Primitiv konst. Konst och konsthantverk hos primitiva folk.. Stockholm Aktiebolaget Bokverk 1947. 4:o 467 sidor. Rikt illustrerad. Förlagets halvklotband. (#199579)250:-
LINNÉ SIGVALD och MONTELL GÖSTA (red.) Primitiv konst. Konst och konsthantverk hos primitiva folk.. Stockholm Aktiebolaget Bokverk 1947. 4:o 467 sidor. Rikt illustrerad. Förlagets halvklotband. Bandet något fläckigt. (#193085)200:-
Linton, Ralph The Cultural Background of Personality.. New York 1945. xx, 157 pages. Original cloth. (#98715)150:-
Linton, Ralph The Tree of Culture.. Abridged by Adelin Linton. Vintage Books, New York 1958. 270 pages. Paperback. (#98713)100:-
Loeb, Edwin M. Tribal Initiations and Secret Societies.. Extract. Berkeley 1929. 42 pages. Soft covers. One page torn without loss of text. (#126305)100:-
Lowie, Robert H. Primitive Society.. London 1953. X, 453 pages. Original cloth. (#116583)150:-
Lowie, Robert H. Primitive Society.. New York 1947. xii, 463 pages. Original cloth. (#126635)150:-
Lowie, Robert H. Primitive Society.. New York 1952. xxiv, 368 pages. Paperback. One leave loose. (#125868)100:-
Lundman, Bertil Kompendium i etnogeografi.. Upps. 1963. 29 sidor + kartor och bilder. A4. Häftad. Stencilerad upplaga. Signerad dedikation. (#127954)100:-
Lundman, Bertil Kortfattad etnogeografi.. Upps. 1970. 42 sidor + kartor. A4. Häftad. Stencilerad upplaga. (#128359)145:-
Lundman, Bertil Kort översikt av Sveriges etnogeografi.. Upps. 1969. 16 sidor + kartor. A4. Häftad. Stencilerad upplaga. (#128364)75:-
Lundman, Bertil Stammeskunde der Völker.. (Ethnogonie). Eine Uebersicht. Illustr. Upps. 1961. 176 pages. Softcover. (#23192)150:-
Lundman, Bertil Stammeskunde der Völker.. (Ethnogonie). Eine Uebersicht. Illustr. Upps. 1961. 176 pages. Softcover. Inscribed by the author. (#164871)160:-
Lundman, Bertil Umriss der Rassenkunde des Menschen 1.. (All published of third edition?). Dritte, noch stärker vermehrte Auflage. Allg. Teil. Uppsala 1965. 61 pages + tables & maps. A4. Softcover. Xerox edition. (#127935)150:-
Lundman, Bertil Umriss der Rassenkunde des Menschen in geschichtlicher Zeit.. Kbhvn 1952. 117 pages including 30 Maps. Soft covers. (#24336)150:-
Lundman, Bertil Umriss der Rassenkunde des Menschen in geschichtlicher Zeit.. Kbhvn 1952. 117 pages including 30 Maps. Soft covers. Inscribed by the author. (#164869)250:-
Löfgren - On Both Sides of al-Mandab. Ethiopian, South-Arabic and Islamic Studies presented to Oscar Löfgren.... Illustrated. Stockholm 1989. (8),168 pages. Soft covers. Swedish Research Institute in Islanbul Transactions vol 2. (#37623)200:-
Lönborg, Sven Den primitiva familjen.. Sth 1916. (4), 40 pp. (#27347)100:-
Mair, Lucy Introduktion till socialantropologin.. Sthlm 1971. 309 sidor. Häftad. (#104753)120:-
Mair, Lucy Introduktion till socialantropologin... Stockholm 1971. 308 sidor. Häftad. Blyrts. (#165500)110:-
Makarius, Raoul & Laura Structuralisme ou ethnologie.. Pour une critique radicale de l'anthropologie de Levi-Strauss. Paris 1973. 376 pages. Soft covers. Inscribed. (#126290)165:-
Malinowski, Bronislaw A Scientific Theory of Culture and Other Essays.. With a preface by Huntington Cairns. Chapel Hill 1944. x,228 pages. Original cloth. No jacket. 16 pages with pencil underlinings. (#200981)150:-
Malinowski, Bronislaw Brott och bruk i ett primitivt samhälle.. Uppsala 1967. 130 sidor. Häftad. (#189210)120:-
Malinowski, Bronislaw Brott och bruk i ett primitivt samhälle.. Uppsala 1967. 130 sidor. Häftad. Lite understrykningar med röd-penna. (#154433)100:-
Malinowski, Bronislaw Crime and Custom in Savage Society.. London 1947. xii,132,(8) pages. Original cloth. No jacket. (#42017)175:-
Man in Adaption. The Institutional Framework.. Edited by Yehudi A. Cohen. Chicago 1971. 478 pages. Softcover. (#48517)150:-
Man's Many Ways.. Ed. Richard A. Gould. Illustr. New York 1973. XIV, 380 pp. (#27297)130:-
Marett, R.R. Psychology and Folk-Lore.. Reprint. Oosterhout 1971. 275 pages. Original cloth. (#126368)175:-
Markov, Josef Slowakische Volkskleidung der Vergangenheit.. Artia 1956. 37,vii pages + 183 Abbildungen. 4:o. Original linen binding. (#190034)200:-
Martin, Laura Wildflower Folklore.. Illustrated. The East Woods Press 1984. 256 pages. Original cloth. Dust jacket. Inscribed (not by the author). (#180269)150:-
Mead, Margaret Kvinnligt, manligt, mänskligt.. En undersökning av tre primitiva samhällen. Förord till svenska upplagan av Gunnar Dahlberg. Sthlm 1948. 332 sidor. Häftad. (#38545)150:-
Mead, Margaret Male and Female.. A Study of Sexes in a Changing World. A Mentor Book, New York 1955. 352 pages. Paperback. (#105626)100:-
Mead, Margaret Male and Female. A Study of the Sexes in a Changing World.. William Morrow, New York 1949. XII, 477 pages. Original cloth. No jacket. (#210029)175:- (bild)
Mead, Margaret New Lives for Old. Cultural Transformation - Manus, 1928-1953.. New York 1956. xxii,548 pages + illustrations. Original cloth. No jacket. (#200205)150:-
Med världen i kappsäcken.. Samlingarnas väg till Etnografiska museet. Rikt illustr. Sthlm 2002. 411 sidor. Förlagsband. (#90732)250:-
Mercier, Paul Antropologins historia.. Sth 1971. 222 sidor. Pocket. (#27326)100:-
Meyer, Herrmann Bogen und Pfeil in Central-Brasilien. Ethnographische Studie.. Leipzig no date (c. 1900). vi,54,(2) pages + 4 plates and a map. Soft covers. Spine worn, covers loose. (#190753)350:-
Minorities and Women.. A Report from the Åland Minority Days in October 1997. Mariehamn 1998. 171 pages. Softcover. (#105082)135:-
Mitteilungen der anthropologischen Gesellschaft in Wien.. C. Band. Schriftleiter: Paul Spindler. Wien 1970. 461 pages + plates. 4:o. Soft covers. (#85586)250:-
Morris, Brian Anthropological Studies of Religion.. An Introductory Text. Cambridge 1991. 369 pages. Softcover. (#218492)125:-
Morris, Brian Anthropological Studies of Religion.. An Introductory Text. Cambridge 1994. 369 pages. Softcover. (#164178)125:-
Moulin, Raoul-Jean Måleriets ursprung.. Rikt illustr. Hälsingborg 1969. 207 sidor. Originalklotband i skyddsomslag. (#37391)120:-
Mukherjee, Ramkrishna The Dynamics of Rural Society.. A Study of the Economic Structures in Bengal Villages. Berlin 1957. 134 pages. Hardcover. (#49323)150:-
Multiethnic Studies.. Report on Research and Other Activities from the Centre for Multiethnic Research. Ed. by Karin Borevi and Ingvar Svanberg. Illustr. Upps. 1994. 88 pages. Softcover. (#55776)100:-
Murdock, George Peter Outline of World Cultures.. 3rd edition, revised. New Haven 1963. 222 pages. 4:o. Softcover. (#138023)200:-
Myth and History.. A Symposium. Edited by M. Hoppál. Budapest 1979. 90 pages. Soft covers. (#126341)140:-
Mythe, Mensch und Umwelt.. Deiträge zur Religion, Mythologie und Kulturgeschichte von F. Altheim und Andere. Herausgegeben von Ad. E. Jensen. Illustr. Bamberg 1950. 362 pages. Original hardcover with cloth spine. (#126300)275:-
Möller, lotte Citron. Om citronen i Europas historia, konst, läkekonst, trädgårdar, formgivning och matlagning samt 40 citronrecept.. Illustrerad. Stockholm 1998. 192 sidor. Förlagsband. Fint ex. (#219853)200:-
Nahodil, Otakar Stimmen der Völker.. Essays. Freiburg 1988. 167 pages. Pocket. (#99242)100:-
Nerlich, Günter Goldgräber und Diamantensucher.. Report aus Asiens "Wildem Westen". Leipzig 1968. 236 pp. Hardcover. (#27179)100:-
Newton, Douglas Masterpieces of Primitive Art.. Photographs by Lee Boltin. Foreword by André Malraux. Introduction by Nelson A. Rockefeller. New York 1978. 264 pages. 4:o. Original cloth in dustjacket. The Nelson A. Rockefeller Collection. (#46562)200:-
Nicolaisen, Johannes Primitiva kulturer.. Några huvuddrag i etnologins historia. Illustr. Sth 1965. 252 sidor. Pocket. (#27352)100:-
Nicolaisen, Johannes Primitiva kulturer.. Några huvuddrag i etnologins historia. Illustr. Sth 1965. 252 sidor. Pocket. Plastade omslag. (#6262)100:-
Nicolaisen, Johannes Primitive kulturer.. Nogle hovedtræk i etnologiens historie. Illustr. Kbhvn 1965. 312 pp. Inbunden. Litet blyerts. (#27354)120:-
Nida, Eugene A. Customs and Cultures.. Anthropology for Christian Missions. New York 1954. XIV, 306 pages. Original cloth in frayed dustjacket. Stamped. (#118094)140:-
Nilsson, Martin P:n Primitive Time-Reckoning.. A Study of the Origins and First Development of the Art of Counting Time among the Primitive and Early Culture Peoples. Lund 1920. XVI, 384, XII pages. Softcover. As new. (#27355)400:-
Nilsson, Martin P:n Primitiv kultur.. Illustr. Sth 1926. 204 sidor. Häftad. (#27368)110:-
Nilsson, Olle, Inte för ro skull. Historien om en tröskverksbyggare och den tid han levde i.. Illustrerad. Enåker 2004. 334 sidor. Förlagsband. (#206890)175:-
Norbeck, Edward Religion in Primitive Society.. New York 1961. XIV, 318 pages. Original cloth. (#50996)200:-
Nordenskjöld, Otto Kolonisationen och naturfolken.. Drag ur nutidens kolonialpolitik och kolonialstyrelse. Sth 1914. X, 175 sidor. Häftad. (#27369)125:-
Numelin, Ragnar Den gröna grenen.. En studie i diplomatins förhistoria. Sth 1941. 268 sidor. Häftad. (#28593)150:-
Numelin, Ragnar Orsakerna till folkvandringarna på lägre kulturstadier.. En sociologisk studie. Akad. avh. Helsingfors 1918. 178 sidor. Häftad. (#98719)200:-
Numelin, Ragnar Vandringsfolk.. Sthlm 1943. 291 sidor + illustrationer. Häftad. (#126778)200:-
Olofsson, Ebba In Search of a Fulfilling Identity in a Modern World.. Narratives of Indigenous Identities in Sweden and Canada. Diss. Upps. 2004. 401 pages. Softcover. (#88554)150:-
Olsson, Tord Lévi-Strauss och totemismens teoretiker.. Aa u.o. 1972. 190 sidor. Häftad. (#27332)165:-
Opie, Iona and Peter Children's Games and Street Playground.. Casting, catching, seeking, hunting, racing, duelling, exerting, daring, guessing, acting, pretending. Oxford 1969. 372 pages. Original cloth. Dust jacket. (#184681)190:-
Oral Tradition 1-8:1.. Editor John Miles Foley. Slavica Publishers, Ohio 1986-1993. Soft covers. 16 volumes. Stamped. (#85489)1000:-
Patai, Pater Araben.. Malmö 1974. 383 sidor. Originalklotband i skyddsomslag. (#121225)125:-
Pertold, Otaker Ceremonial Dances of the Sinhalese.. An inquiry into Sinhalese folk religion. Tisara Prakasakayo 1973. xii,142 pages. Stiff wrappers. (#191921)140:-
Philbrooks, Tom Fisherman, Logger, Merchant, Miner:. Social Change and Industrialism in Three Newfoundland Communities. St. John's 1966. 121 pages. Soft covers. Stamped. Newfoundland Social and Economic Studies 1. (#85607)200:-
Pocock, Davis Understanding Social Anthropology.. Teach Yourself Books, London 1975. 255 pages. Paperback. (#99293)100:-
Pohlhausen, Henn Das Wanderhirtentum und seine Vorstufen.. Eine ethnographisch-geographische Studie zur Entwicklung der Eingeborenenwirtschaft. Braunschweig 1954. 176 pages. Soft covers. (#121034)170:-
Pohlhausen, Henn Das Wanderhirtentum und seine Vorstufen.. Eine ethnographisch-geographische Studie zur Entwicklung der Eingeborenenwirtschaft. Braunschweig 1954. 176 pages. Softcover. Some underlinings. (#127967)200:-
Political Systems and the Distribution of Power.. Ed. by Michael Banton. London 1969. XLII, 142 pages. Softcover. Ex-library. (#60698)100:-
Preserving the Anthropological Record.. Edited by Sydel Silverman and Nancy J. Parezo. New York 1992. 140 pages. Soft covers. (#126928)120:-
Proceedings of the Thirtieth International Congress of Americanists.. Held at Cambridge, 18-23 August 1952. Illustr. London no date. 249 pages. Softcover. (#144881)450:-
Putnam, Emily James Societetsdamen från hellas tid till våra dagar.. Stockholm 1912. 308 sidor + illustrationer. Dekorerat linneband. Namnteckning. (#219334)150:-
Ragghianti, Carlo Ludovici (red.) British Museum, London.. Allhem 1968. 29x23,5 cm. 172 sidor. Rikt färgfotoillustrerad. Förlagets klotband med skyddsomslag. Som ny. Serien Världens stora museer. (#194412)150:-
Ragghianti, Carlo Ludovici (red.) Nationalmuseet för antropologi, Mexico City.. Allhem 1971. 29x23,5 cm. 173 sidor. Rikt färgfotoillustrerad. Förlagets klotband med skyddsomslag. Serien Världens stora museer. (#194544)150:-
Raum - Man: Anthropological Essays. presented to O.F. Raum. Ed. E.J. de Jager. Cape Town 1971. XII, 212 pp. Cloth in dustjacket. (#27396)200:-
Readings in Early Anthropology.. Edited by J.S. Slotkin. New York 1965. xvi, 530 pages. Soft covers. Viking Fund Publ. in Anthropology 40. (#126951)300:-
Redfield, Robert The Primitive World and Its Transformations.. Ithaka, New York 1957. XIV, 186 pages. Soft covers. (#27377)100:-
Religion and Society.. Papers on Cultural Anthropology. Lund 1970. 213 pages. Soft covers. (#126365)150:-
Renner, George Thomas Primitive Religion in the Tropical Forests.. A Study in Social Geography. Diss. New York 1927. 109 pages. Softcover. Stamped. (#128666)200:-
Retzius, Anders Ethnologische Schriften.. Nach dem Tode des Verfassers gesammelt. Stockholm und Leipzig 1864. xii,168 pages + 6 plates. Folio. Original hard covers. (#172230)2800:-
Revista Colombiana de antropologia I:1.. Junio 1953. 458 pages + maps. Soft covers. (#90249)250:-
Revista Colombiana de antropologia II:2.. Año 1954. 304 pages + maps. Soft covers. (#90250)250:-
Revista Colombiana de antropologia VI.. Año 1957. 324 pages + plates. Soft covers. (#90254)200:-
Revista Colombiana de antropologia VII.. Año 1958. 356 pages. Soft covers. (#90255)200:-
Revista Colombiana de antropologia VIII.. Año 1959. 370 pages + plates. Soft covers. (#90256)200:-
Ringgren, Helmer Studies in Arabian Fatalism.. Uppsala 1955. 225 pages. Softcover. (#43724)195:-
Ringgren, Helmer (ed.) Fatalistic Beliefs. in Religion, Folklore, and Literature. Papers read at the Symposium on Fatalistic Beliefs held at Åbo on the 7th-9th of September, 1964. Sthlm 1967. 186 pages. Soft covers. (#48225)200:-
Ringgren, Helmer (ed.) Fatalistic Beliefs. in Religion, Folklore, and Literature. ...Symposium of Fatalistic Beliefs... Åbo... 1964. Sth 1967. 186 pages. Soft covers. Library stamps, oherwise a very fine copy. (#162765)150:-
Rivers, W.H.R. Kinship and Social Organization.. London 1968. 116 pages. Original cloth in dustjacket. (#82259)175:-
Rivista di Antropologia 49-63... Pubblicazione del' Istituto Italiano di Antropologia. Roma 1962-85. 16 volumes. Soft covers. Incl. Supplemento del volume LXII, 1983. (#179638)2000:-
Rohan-Csermak, Géza de, Sturgeon Hooks of Eurasia.. Preface by Robert F. . New York 1963. 155 pages + plates. Soft covers. Viking Fund Publications in Anthropology 35. (#188866)175:-
Rooth, Anna Birgitta The Importance of Storytelling.. A Study Based on Field Work in Northern Alaska. Upps. 1976. 106 pages. Softcover. (#27176)150:-
Rooth, Anna Birgitta (ed.) The Alaska Seminar.. Uppsala 1980. VIII, 221 pages. Softcover. (#27188)150:-
Rudengren, Jan Peasants by Preference?. Socio-Economic and Environmental Aspects of Rural Development in Tanzania. Illustr. Sth 1981. XVIII, 234, VI, 152 pages. Soft covers. (#27960)150:-
Samhälle och ekosystem.. Om tolkningsproblem i antropologi och arkeologi. Red. Anders Hjort. Sthlm 1983. 95 sidor. Häftad. Forskningsrådsnämnden, rapport 83:7. (#98736)100:-
Sather, Clifford & Kaartinen, Timo (editors), Beyond the Horizon. Essays on Myth, History, Travel and Society.. Helsinki 2008. 240 pages Soft covers. (#203334)150:-
Schmidt, Wilhelm Wege der Kulturen.. Gesammelte Aufsätze. Herausgegeben von Anthropos-Institut. St. Augustin bei Bonn 1964. xxxii, 304 pages. 4:o. Original hard covers. Dust jacket. Studia Instituti Anthropos 20. (#126866)350:-
Schurtz, Heinrich Urgeschichte der Kultur.. Mit 434 Abbildungen im Text, 8 Tafeln in Farbendruck, 15 Tafeln in Holzschnitt und Tonätzung und 1 Kartenbeilage. Leipzig und Wien 1900. XIV,658 pages + 8 colour plates and 15 b/w plates and 1 map. Contempirary half leather. (#196656)220:-
Schädel, B. & Muleritt, W (Herausg.), Philologische Studien aus dem romanischen-germanischen Kulturkreise.. Karl Voretzsch zum 60. Geburtstage und zum Gedanken an seine erste akademische Berufung vor 35 Jahren. Halle, Niemeyer 1927. (4),543 pages + plates. Half cloth. (#206490)275:-
Seabrook, W.B. Djungelfasoner. Mörkaste Afrika sett inifrån. Med 32 bilder efter fotografier av författaren. Stockholm 1931. 208 sidor + planscher. Senare halvfranskt band med bevarat omslag. (#216121)140:-
Selby, Henry A. Social Organization: Symbol, Structure, and Setting.. Dubuque 1975. 71 pages. Softcover. (#87652)100:-
Selected Papers from the American Anthropologist 1921-1945.. Ed. by George W. Stocking, Jr. Washington 1976. 485 pages. Original cloth in dustjacket. (#109858)125:-
Service, Elman R. Primitive Social Organization. An Evolutionary Perspective.. New York 1962. xii,211 pages. Paper back. (#212683)110:-
Severin, Timothy Vanishing Primitive Man. (The Horizon Book of). Illustrated. McGraw-Hill, New York 1973. 384 pages. Original cloth. Dust jacket. (#107983)200:-
Siikala - Dynamics of Tradition.. Perspectives on Oral Poetry and Folk Belief. Edited by Lotte Tarkka. Essays in Honour of Anna-Leena Siikala on Her 60th Birthday 1st January 2003. Helsinki 2003. 390 pages. Softcover. (#131704)250:-
Simkin, C.G.F. The traditional trade of Asia.. London, Oxford University Press 1968. XIV,417,(1) pages + plates and tables. Original cloth. Dust jacket. Former owners stamp. (#197320)160:-
Sixteenth and Seventeenth Annual Report of the Trustees of the Peabody Museum or American Archaeology and Ethnology.. Vol. III. Nos. 3 and 4. Cambridge 1884. Page 148- 384. Cloth. Contains 5 articles by Alice C. Fletcher, one by Lucien Carr and one by Cordelia A. Studley. (#181655)200:-
Social Anthropology and the Politics of Language.. Ed. by Ralph Grillo. London 1989. 249 pages. Softcover. Small piece torn off back wrapper. (#105647)110:-
Sommerfelt, Alf La langue et la société.. Caractères sociaux d'une langue de type archaique. Oslo 1938. XII, 233 pages. Softcover. A few pencilnotes in the Introduction. Australia. (#52144)175:-
Sotkova, Blazena National Costumes of Czechoslovakia.. Photographs by Karel Smirous. Artia no date. 72,viii pages + 138 plates + List of plates and folding map. 4:o. Original linen binding. (#190033)200:-
Spier - American Historical Anthropology.. Essays in Honor of Leslie Spier. Edited by Carroll L. Riley and Walter W. Taylor. Southern Illinois University Press 1967. xiv, 255 pages. Original half cloth. Dust jacket. (#99295)200:-
Stagl, Justin Demokratie in Geschlossenen Gesellschaften.. Wien 1970. 85 pages. Softcover. (#90623)150:-
Stiglmayr, Engelbert Ganzheitliche Ethnologie.. Ethnologie als integrale Kulturwissenschaft. Wien 1970. 213 pages. Softcover. (#90637)250:-
Stiglmayr, Engelbert Ganzheitliche ethnologie. Ethnologie als integrale Kulturwissenschaft.. Wien 1970. 213 pages. Soft covers. Acta Ethnologica et Linguistica Nr. 18. (#199856)200:-
Stini, William A. Ecology and Human Adaption.. Dubuque 1975. 83 pages. Softcover. (#87650)100:-
Stolpe, Hjalmar Collected Essays in Ornamental Art. Atlas.. Stockholm 1927. (4) pages + 20 plates. Folio. Original half leather. Only the atlas, text volume is missing. (#200716)1000:-
Stolpe, Hjalmar Utvecklingsföreteelser i naturfolkens ornamentik.. Etnografisk undersökning (samt) biografi öfver Hjalmar Stolpe af Gustaf Retzius. Illustrerad. Sthlm 1911. 128 sidor.. Häftad. Populära etnologiska skrifter 1. (#191512)200:-
Stolpe, Hjalmar Utvecklingsföreteelser i naturfolkens ornamentik.. Etnografisk undersökning (samt) biografi öfver Hjalmar Stolpe af Gustaf Retzius. Illustrerad. Sthlm 1911. 128 sidor.. Häftad. Stämpel. Populära etnologiska skrifter 1. (#172120)200:-
Stolpe, Hjalmar Utvecklingsföreteelser i naturfolkens ornamentik II.. Etnografisk undersökning. Illustr. Aftryck ur tidskr. Ymer 1892. Sid. 196-229. Häftad. (#122094)100:-
Storck, John Man and Civilization.. An Inquiry into the Bases of Contemporary Life. 3rd edition. New York 1927. 449 pages. Soft blank covers with stamp and pencil notes. Otherwise as new. (#67180)125:-
Sullivan, Louis R. The Frequency and Distribution of Some Anatomical Variations in American Crania.. Diss. New York 1922. Pag. 203-258. Softcover. Stamped. (#139356)125:-
Sutherland, Anne a.o. Face Values.. With Contributions from Jeremy Boissevain, Patricia Caplan a.o. Illustr. London 1978. 287 pages. Original cloth. Stamped. (#77782)150:-
Szwed, John Private Cultures and Public Imagery.. Interpersonal Relations in a Nowfoundland Peasant Society. St. John's 1966. 190 pages. Soft covers. Stamped. Newfoundland Social and Economic Studies 2. (#85605)200:-
Taylor, Robert B. Cultural Ways.. A Concise Edition of Introduction to Cultural Anthropology. Second edition. Illustr. Boston 1976. 370 pages. Softcover. Stamped. (#119339)125:-
Terray, Emmanuel Den historiska materialismen och de "primitiva samhällena".. Zenit 1970. 96 sidor. Pocket. (#74892)100:-
The Camelid I.. An All-Purpose Animal. ... the Khartoum Workshop on Camels December 1979. Editor W. Ross Cockrill. Upps. 1984. 544 pages. Hardcover. (#82241)400:-
The Family as the Tradition Carrier.. Nordic - Baltic - Finno-Ugric Conference. Proceedings, Volume 1. Edited by Ingrid Rüütel and Kristin Kuutma. Tallin 1996. 191 pages. Soft covers. NIF Publications No. 31. (#187157)150:-
Themes in Economic Anthropology.. Ed. Raymond Firth. London 1970. X, 292 pp. Softcover. (#57755)125:-
The Painters of Wagilag Sisters Story 1937-1997.. Wally Carauna, Nigel Lendon, editors. Illustr. Canberra 1997. 174 pages. 4:o. Softcover. (#157614)200:-
The Peripheral Centre.. Swedish Assistance to Africa in Relation to Women. Illustr. SIDA 1985. 202 pages. Softcover. Stamped. (#104936)125:-
The Relevance of Models for Social Anthropology.. London 1965. xl, 238 pages. Soft covers. A.S.A. Monographs 1. (#126925)130:-
The Rural Survey 1975.. Ed. John Conroy and Grania Skeldon. Port Moresby 1977. X, 210 pp. Offset. 4:o. New Guinea. (#27246)100:-
The Social Anthropology of Complex Societies.. Edited by Michael Banton. London 1966. xlii, 156 pages. Soft covers. A.S.A. Monographs 4. (#126924)130:-
The Structural Study of Myth and Totemism.. Ed. by Edmund Leach. London 1968. XIX, 185 pages. Original cloth. Dust jacket. (#60473)165:-
The Structural Study of Myth and Totemism.. Ed. by Edmund Leach. London 1976. XIX, 185 pages. Softcover. Ex-library. (#126269)100:-
The Study of Society.. Methods and Problems. Edited by Frederic Bertlett and others. London 1949. 498 pages. Original cloth. Dust jacket. (#126923)150:-
Thiel, Josef Franz Grundbegriffe der Ethnologie.. Vorlesungen zur Einführung. Vierte Auflage. Berlin 1983. 266 pages. Soft covers. (#99253)160:-
Thompson, Richard A. Psychology and Culture.. Dubuque 1975. 67 pages. Softcover. (#87654)100:-
Tischner, Herbert Söderhavskonst.. Foto Friedrich Hewicker. Malmö, Allhems, 1955. 31 x 23 cm. 48 sidor text + 96 planscher. Förlagets dekorerade klotband med skyddsomslag. Som ny. (#194542)150:-
Totems and Teachers.. Perspectives on the History of Anthropology. Edited by Sydel Silverman. New York 1981. 322 pages. Soft covers. (#98738)175:-
Towards a Science of Man.. Essays in the History of Anthropology. Ed. Timothy H.H. Thoresen. The Hague 1975. XIV, 232 pp. (#27389)200:-
Transactions of the Westermarck Society I-III.. Copenhagen 1947-1956. 158 + 230 + 157 pages. Soft covers. 3 volumes in very fine condition. (#178425)400:-
Transactions of the Westermarck Society I-IX.. Copenhagen 1947-1962. 158 + 230 + 157 + 245 + 129 + 153 + 119 + 100 + 35 pages + tables. Soft covers. 9 volumes. (#179529)650:-
Transition Rites.. Cosmic, Social and Individual Order. Proceedings of the Finnish-Swedish-Italian Seminar held at the University of Rome "La Sapienza" 24th-28th March 1984. Edited by Ugo Bianchi. Roma 1986. 272 pages. Soft covers. (#126383)200:-
Tylor, Edward B. Early History of Mankind.. And the Development of Civilization. Edited and abridged, with an introduction by Paul Bohannan. Illustr. Phoenix Books, Chicago 1964. xx, 295 pages. Softcover. (#98717)125:-
Türk Etnografya Dergesi. Sayi.XVIII. 1988. Turkish Reviev of Ethnography.. Illustrated. Ankara 1988. 211 pages. 4:o. Soft covers. (#215364)150:-
Underwood, Jane H. Biocultural Interactions and Human Variation.. Dubuque 1975. 70 pages. Softcover. (#87658)100:-
van Baaren, Th. P. Vi människor.. De skriftlösa folkens religion och kultur. Sthlm 1972. 282 sidor. Original klotband. (#126716)175:-
van Baaren, Th. P. Vi människor.. De skriftlösa folkens religion och kultur. Sthlm 1972. 282 sidor. Original klotband. Blyertsunderstrykningar. (#134990)140:-
van Bulck, Gaston Beiträge zur Methodik der Völkerkunde.. Wien 1931. 256 pages. Soft covers. Wiener Beiträge zur Kulturgeschichte und Linguistik. (#79849)150:-
Wanek, Alexander Fighting Lucifer.. The State and its Enemies in Papua New Guinea. Diss. Sthlm 1993. 174 pages. Soft covers. (#45234)175:-
van Gennep, Arnold, Manuel de folklore francais contemporain. I:VII: Cycle des douze jours.. Paris, Picard 1958. xii, page 2855-3166. Soft covers. Unopened. Tome premier VII seul. (#206326)150:-
Varia I.. Illustr. Upps. 1964. VIII, 124 pages. 4:o. Amateur binding. Studia Ethnographica Upsaliensa XXVI. (#120647)225:-
Varia I.. Illustr. Upps. 1964. VIII, 124 pages. 4:o. Softcover. Studia Ethnographica Upsaliensa XXVI. (#27474)225:-
Varia II.. Illustr. Upps. 1966. (8), 166 pages. 4:o. Amateur binding. Studia Ethnographica Upsaliensa XXVI. (#27473)175:-
Varia II.. Illustr. Upps. 1966. (8), 166 pages. 4:o. Softcover. Studia Ethnographica Upsaliensa XXVI. (#27472)150:-
Varia II.. Illustr. Upps. 1966. (8), 166 pp. 4:o. Original cloth. Stamped. Studia Ethnographica Upsaliensa XXVI. (#79879)200:-
Wassén, Henry An Analogy Between a South American and Oceanic Myth Motif and Negro Influence in Darien.. (Reprint from) Etnologiska Studier, 10, 1940, Göteborg. 10 pages. Soft covers. (#180891)100:-
Weber, Elizabeth Anne The Duk-Duks.. Primitive and Historic Types of Citizenship. Chicago 1929. xx, 142 pages. Cloth. (#126732)225:-
Verhelst, Thierry G. No Life Without Roots.. Culture and Development. London 1990. 189 pages. Softcover. (#105648)120:-
Westermarck, Eduard Blodshämnd bland marockansla berber.. Åbo 1931. 12 sidor. Tagen ur band. Ej omslag. (#220782)100:-
Westermarck, Edvard Det menskliga äktenskapets historia.. Svensk upplaga. Helsingfors 1893. xvi, 618 sidor. Halvfranskt band med blekt rygg och lite nötta falsar. (#204597)200:-
Westermarck, Edvard Äktenskapets historia. i dess huvuddrag. Sth 1927. 288 sidor. Häftad. (#18210)115:-
Westermarck, Edvard Äktenskapets historia. i dess huvuddrag. Sth 1927. 288 sidor. Med bevarade omslag i halvfranskt band. (#41536)175:-
Vetenskapen om människan I.. 1: Etnologien, dess mål och uppgifter av Alfred Cort Haddon. 2: Arkeologiens problem av George Eduard Seler. Sth 1911. 52 sidor. Häftad. Populära etnologiska skrifter 3. (#27310)110:-
Weule, Karl De kulturløses kultur.. Illustr. Kristiania 1915. 128 sidor. Häftad. (#87356)100:-
Weule, Karl Die Kultur der Kulturlosen.. Ein Blick in die Anfänge menschlicher Geistesbetätigung. Illustr. Stuttgart 1922. 96 pages. Bound with wrappers in cloth. Stamped. (#86998)120:-
Weule, Karl Kulturelemente der Menschheit.. Anfänge und Urformen der materiellen Kultur. Illustr. Stuttgart 1922. 86 pages. Bound with wrappers in cloth. Stamped. (#87034)120:-
Weule, Karl Leitfaden der Völkerkunde.. Mit einem Bilderatlas von 120 Tafeln und einer Karte der Verbreitung der Menschenrassen. Leipzig und Wien 1912. 152 pages + plates & map. Original cloth. 31 × 23 cm. (#98954)250:-
Weule, Karl Leitfaden der Völkerkunde.. Mit einem Bilderatlas von 120 Tafeln und einer Karte der Verbreitung der Menschenrassen. Leipzig und Wien 1912. 152 pages + plates & map. Original cloth. 31 × 23 cm. First 3 leaves water-stained in upper margin. (#125516)200:-
Weyer, Edward Vår tids naturfolk.. Förord av Sigvald Linné. Rikt illustrerad. Sthlm 1960. 288 sidor. 4:o. Original klotband. Skyddsomslag. (#58852)250:-
White, Leslie A. The Social Organization of Enthnological Theory.. Rice University Studies 1966. 66 pages. Soft covers. (#98710)100:-
Viewpoints on Communities in Crisis.. Edited by Michael L. Skolnik. St. John's 1968. 90 pages. Stenciled A4. Softcover. Stamped. Newfoundland Social and Economic Papers 1. (#85610)150:-
VIIme Congres International des Siences Anthropologiques et ethnographiques.. Moscou (3 août - 10 août 1964. Tome 1 - 7 + 11. Moscow 1968-71. Original cloth. 8 volumes. Volume 8-10 missing. Heavy item, requires extra charges outside EU. (#179628)1500:-
Winick, Charles Dictionary of Anthropology.. New York 1956. 579 pages. Original cloth. Dust jacket. (#126932)220:-
Witchcraft and Sorcery.. Selected Readings. Edited by Max Marwick. 2nd edition. Harmondsworth 1986. 496 pages. Softcover. (#75660)125:-
Wolf, Eric R. Bönder.. En socialantropologisk översikt över bondesamhällets utveckling. Illustr. Sthlm 1971. 163 sidor. Pocket. (#90237)100:-
Wolf, Eric R. Bönder.. En socialantropologisk översikt över bondesamhällets utveckling. Illustr. Sthlm 1971. 163 sidor. Pocket. Blyertsunderstrykningar. (#127308)75:-
Wolf, Eric R. Bønder.. En socialantropologisk oversigt over bondesamfundets udvikling. Illustr. Kbhvn 1973. 156 sid. Häftad. (#47154)95:-
von der Lippe, Inger Marie Profession or Occupational Culture?. An ethnological study of the textile conservators' working conditions at the museums. Diss. Uppsala 1985. 184 pages. Soft covers. (#50375)145:-
Woods, Clyde M. Culture Change.. Dubuque 1975. 80 pages. Softcover. (#87656)100:-
World Minorities 1-2.. Edited by Georgina Ashworth. Sunbury 1977-78. 167 + 159 pages. Softcovers. 2 vols. (#150257)150:-
Völkerkunde.. Herausgegeben von Herbert Tischner. Fischer Bücherei 1959. 370 pages. Pocket. (#173731)100:-
Völkerkunde.. Zwölf Vorträge zur Einführung in ihre Probleme World. Herausgegeben von Burghard Freudenfeld. München 1960. 157 pages. Original cloth. (#144894)125:-
Yearbook of Anthropology 1955.. Edited by William L. Thomas. New York 1955. 836 pages. Original hard covers. (#166763)200:-
Zeitschrift für Ethnologie.. Band 14, 1882 - Band 51, 1919 + General-Register zu Band I-XX. Organ der Berliner Gesellschaft für Anthropologie, Ethnologie und Urgeschichte + Verhandlungen. Redaction: A. Bastian, R. Hartmann, R. Virchow, A. Voss u. A. Illustated. Bound in blue cloth. 36 volumes. 800-900 pages + plates in each volume. (#128489)15000:-
Zeller, Moritz Die Knabenweihen.. Eine ethnologische Studie. Diss. Bern 1923. 160 pages. Softcover. Stamped. (#112360)200:-
Ådahl, Sörling & Wessel (red.) Sverige och den islamiska världen: ett svenskt kulturarv.. Stockholm 2002. 372 sidor. Stort format. Förlagsband med skyddsomslag. Rikt illustrerad mestadels i färg. (#193851)150:-

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