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Aarni, Teddy The Kalunga Concept in Ovambo Religion from 1870 onwards.. Illustr. Diss. Sthlm 1982. 166 pages. Softcover. (#46311)175:-
Abelli, Bror Vi, evighetslågor!. En liten stridsskrift i den största frågan. Järna 1955. 76 sidor. Häftad. (#160203)200:-
Adkins, Lesley & Roy A. Dictionary of Roman Religion.. Illustrated. New York 1996. xvi,288 pages. Original cloth. Dust jacket. Former owners signature. (#218384)200:-
af Edholm, Erik Jņanacaksus.. Om vision och vetande i indiskt religiöst tänkande. Akad. avh. Uppsala 1989. Häftad. (#84559)150:-
African Worlds.. Studies in the Cosmological Ideas and Social Values of African Peoples. Edited with an introduction by Daryll Forde. London 1970. XVIII, 244 pp. Amateur binding. (#27493)125:-
Akhilananda, Swami Hindu Psychology.. Its Meaning for the West. New York 1946. xx, 241 pages. Original cloth. (#81804)200:-
Albanese, Catherine L. Nature Religion in America.. From the Algonkian Indians to the New Age. Illustr. Chicago 1991. 267 pages. Softcover. (#131563)125:-
Albright, William Foxwell De l'age de la pierre a la chrétienté.. Le monothéisme et son évolution historique. Paris 1951. 303 pages. Softcover. (#109568)130:-
Albright, William Foxwell Från stenålder till kristendom.. Monoteismen och den historiska utvecklingen. Sthlm 1957. 360 sidor. Häftad. (#68175)145:-
Allier, Raoul Magie et religion.. Paris 1935. xvi, 470 pages. Softcover. (#126698)175:-
Andersson, Gunnar Hinduistisk livssyn.. Jivasthitikathana ur Kularnava Tantra. Uppsala 1971. 24 sidor. Häftad. Särtryck ur Kungl. Vetenskapssamhällets i Uppsala Årsbok 1970. (#71416)75:-
André, P.J. Contribution a l'etude des confreries religieuses muselmanes.. Préface de M.J. Soustelle. Editions La maison de livres, Alger 1956. 376 pages. Soft covers. (#178678)300:-
Andræ, Tor Die Frage der religiösen Anlage.. Religionsgeschichtlich beleuchtet. Uppsala 1932. 80 pages. Disbound. No wrappers. Uppsala universitets årsskrift 1932. (#69592)125:-
Andræ, Tor Die Person Muhammeds.. In Lehre und Glauben seiner Gemeinde. Diss. Sthlm (Upps.) 1918. 401 pages. Softcover. Front wrapper cut. (#148984)250:-
Andræ, Tor I myrtenträdgården. Studier i sufisk mystik.. Stockholm 1947. 196 sidor. Häftad. (#11528)150:-
Andræ, Tor & Widengren, Geo Muhammed.. Hans liv och hans tro. Andra omarbetade och utökade upplagan. Illustr. Sthlm 1950. 270 sidor. Häftad. (#37895)110:-
Andræ, Tor & Widengren, Geo Muhammed.. Hans liv och hans tro. Sth 1967. 216 sidor. Pocket. (#85571)100:-
Anthropology of Folk Religion.. Edited and introduced by Charles Leslie. Vintage Books, New York 1960. 465 pages. Paperback. Some pencil markings in margins. (#132119)100:-
Arbman, Ernst Rudra.. Untersuchungen zum altindischen Glauben und Kultus. Diss. Upps. 1922. 312 pages. Soft covers. (#11540)195:-
Arbman, Ernst Seele und Mana.. 1931. 102 pages. Soft covers. Sonderabdruck aus Archiv für Religionswissenschaft 1931. (#126315)100:-
Arlebrand, Håkan Det okända.. Om ockultism och andlighet i en ny tidsålder. Örebro 1992. 252 sidor. Häftad. (#71352)145:-
Arlebrand, Håkan Det okända.. Om ockultism och andlighet i en ny tidsålder. Örebro 1995. 278 sidor. Häftad. (#184090)145:-
Armstrong, Karen A Short History of Myth.. Canongate, Edinburgh 2005. 159 pages. Soft covers. (#218657)125:-
Atlas över världens religioner.. Redaktör Ninian Smart. Rikt illustr. Könemann 2000. 240 sidor. 4:o. Förlagsband i skyddsomslag. (#115315)250:-
Ayim-Aboagye, Desmond The Function of Myth in Akan Healing Experience.. A psychological inquiry into two traditional Akan healing communities. Diss. Upps. 1993. 200 pages. Soft covers. Library stamps. (#27266)150:-
Aziz, Philippe Les sectes secrčtes de l'Islam.. De l'ordre des assassins aux frčres musulmans. Paris 1983. 360 pages. Soft covers. (#105975)160:-
Bacigalupo, Ana Mariella The Power of the Machis.. The Rise of Female Shaman Healers and Priestesses in Mapuche Society. Xerographed diss. Ann Arbor 1994. XIII, 488 pages. Softcover. Inscribed by author. (#103080)250:-
Bahá'u'lláh Gleanings from the Writings of Bahá'u'lláh.. Translated by Shoghi Effendi. Bahá'i Publishing Trust, Wilmette 1956. xii,366 pages. Original cloth. (#178879)150:-
Baierlein, E.R. Die Lehre des Vedanta von Gott, von der Welt, von dem Menschen und von der Erlösung des Menschen.. Aus den Quellen dargestellt. Zweite, vermehrte Auflage mit einem Anhang aus dem Dharma Shastra des Manu. Dresden und Leipzig ohne Jahre (c. 1900). viii,80 pagest. Together with: S. Zehme, Die Lehre von der Seelenwanderung in ihre Bedeutung für das religiös-sittliche Leben des Inders. Leipzig 1903. 40 pages. Together with: E. Just, Die Siddhanta oder Die Geheimlehre des modernen Siwaismus. Mit 8 Bildern. Leipzig 1897. 28 pages. Bound in half cloth. Foxed. (#181664)150:-
Bakker, F.L. De Verhouding tusschen de almacht Gods en de zedelijke Verantwoordelijhked van Mensch in den Islam.. Diss. Amsterdam 1922. viii,225 pages. Soft covers. (#178714)150:-
Bannerth, Ernst Islam, heute - morgen.. Wien 1958. 200 pages. Original cloth. Dust jacket. (#133379)150:-
Barbosa da Silva, Antķnio The Phenomenology of Religion as a Philosophical Problem.. An Analysis of the Theoretical Background of the Phenomenology of Religion, in General, and of M. Eliade's Phenomenological Approach, in Particular. Diss. Upps. 1982. 274 pages. Softcover. (#36478)150:-
Bastide, Roger Les religions Africaines au Brésil.. Vers une sociologie des interpénétrations de civilisations. Paris 1960. 578 pages. Soft covers. (#174322)250:-
Baumer, Franklin L. Skeptiker och sökare.. Fyra århundraden av religiöst tvivel och sökande efter tro i Västerlandet. Sthlm 1970. 239 sidor. Pocket. (#97247)100:-
Baylis, Philippa An Introduction to Primal Religions.. Edinburgh 1988. 64 pages. Soft covers. (#126967)100:-
Beckmann, Johannes Weltkirche und Weltreligion.. Die religiöse Lage der Menschheit. Herder-Bücherei 1960. 197 pages. Paperback. (#74012)100:-
Benz, Ernst Nya religioner.. Sthlm 1973. 164 sidor. Häftad. (#126373)125:-
Berger, Morroe Islam in Egypt Today.. Social and political aspects of popular religion. Cambridge 1970. 138 pagers. Original cloth. Dust jacket. Pencil underlinings (by Helmer Ringgren). (#178568)150:-
Berglie, Per-Arne Gudarna stiger ned. Rituell besatthet hos sherpas och tibetaner.. Akademisk avhandling Stockholm 1983. 178 sidor. Häftad. (#84412)250:-
Bergman, Jan Isis-seele und Osiris-ei.. Zwei ägyptologische studien zu Diodorus Siculus I 27, 4-5. Upps. 1970. 122 pages. Softcover. (#375)100:-
Bettany, G.T. Encyclopedia of World Religions.. Illustrated. Bracken Books, London no date (c. 1990). 906 pages. Original cloth. Dust jacket. (#140524)200:-
Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada Srimad Bhagavatam.. Nionde boken "Befrielse". 1983. 686 sidor. Original klotband. Skyddsomslag. (#170793)150:-
Bianchi, Ugo Probleme der Religionsgeschichte.. Göttingen 1964. 106 pages. Soft covers. (#126742)110:-
Bianchi, Ugo Religionshistoriska problem.. Förord av Geo Widengren. Sthlm 1968. 144 sidor. Pocket. (#132101)100:-
Bianchi, Ugo (editor) The Notion of "Religion" in Comparative Research. Selected Proceedings of the XVIth Congress of the International Association for the History of Religions, Rome 1990.. Bretschneider, Roma 1994. xlviii,921 pages. Soft covers. As new. (#218716)500:-
Biezais, Haralds Die Gottesgestalt der lettischen Volksreligion.. Upps. 1961. 268 pages. Softcover. (#11533)150:-
Biezais, Haralds Die Hauptgöttinnen der alten Letten.. Diss. Upps. 1955. XII, 435 pages. Softcover. (#22492)175:-
Biezais, Haralds Die himmlische Götterfamilie der alten Letten.. Upps. 1972. 593 pages. Softcover. (#11531)225:-
Biezais, Haralds (ed.) Dynamics and Institution.. ...Papers read at the Symposium on Dynamics and Institution... Åbo... 1976. Sth 1976. 110 pages. Soft covers. (#50733)140:-
Biezais, Haralds (ed.) Dynamics and Institution.. ...Papers read at the Symposium on Dynamics and Institution... Åbo... 1976. Sth 1976. 110 pages. Soft covers. Library stamps, otherwise fine. (#162783)100:-
Biezais, Haralds (ed.) New Religions.. Based on Papers Read at the Symposium on New Religions Held at Åbo... 1974. Sthlm 1975. 223 pages. Softcover. (#11565)200:-
Biezais, Haralds (ed.) New Religions.. Based on Papers Read at the Symposium on New Religions Held at Åbo... 1974. Sthlm 1975. 223 pages. Softcover. Ex library copy in very fine condition. (#162760)150:-
Biezais, Haralds (editor) Religious Symbols and their Functions.. Based on Papers read at the Symposium on Religious Symbols and Functions held at Åbo ... 1978. Stockholm 1979. XXIX, 177 pages + plates. Softcover. (#11568)200:-
Björkhem, John Det ockulta problemet.. Andra omarbetade och utvidgade upplagan. Uppsala 1951. 194 sidor. Häftad. (#73138)120:-
Björkhem, John Det ockulta problemet.. Fjärde förkortade upplagan. Lindblads 1970. 192 sidor. Pocket. (#199223)100:-
Björkhem, John Det ockulta problemet.. Med inledning av prof. Martin Johnson. Uddevalla 1978. 149 pp. Inbunden. (#44091)120:-
Bleeker - Liber amicorum.. Studies in honour of professor Dr, C.J. Bleeker. Leiden 1969. 324 pages. Original cloth. (#178637)300:-
Boas, M.I. Hedendom i kristendomen.. Sth 1964. 248 sidor. Häftad. Blyertsförstrykningar. (#11863)100:-
Boccassino, Renato Etnologia religiosa.. Introduzione generale le scuole evoluzioniste e le scuole storiche. Torino 1958. xxiv, 353 pages plates. Soft covers. (#126364)200:-
Boccassino, Renato La religione dei primitivi.. Illustr. Editrice Torinese 1970. Pag. 55-227. Softcover. Offprint. (#126307)120:-
Bonnet, Hans Reallexikon der ägyptischen Religionsgeschichte.. Zweite Auflage, De Gruyter, Berlin 1971. xvi,883 pages. Original cloth. Former owners name. (#218720)350:-
Bouquet, A.C. Man and Deity.. An Outline of the Origin and Development of Religion. With Extracts from Sacred Books. Cambridge 1933. xiv, 452 pages. Original cloth. Modern Handbooks of Religion V. (#90306)150:-
Bouteiller, Marcelle Chamanisme et guérison magique.. Paris 1950. 377 pages. Softcover. (#102692)350:-
Bo Yin Ra [Schneiderfranken, Joseph Anton] Tillvarons mening.. Sthlm 1996. 64 sidor. Originalklotband. (#126591)110:-
Bradley, David G. A Guide to the World's Religions.. Englewod Cliffs 1963. 182 pages. Softcover. (#126831)135:-
Breivik, Nils Olav Nye perspektiver på afrikanske religioner.. En presentasjon av nyere forskning. Upps. 1986. 75 sid. (#40692)60:-
Brelich - Perennitas.. Studi in onore di Angelo Brelich. Promossi dalla Cattedra di Religioni del mondo classico dell'Universitā degli Studi di Roma. Edizioni dell'Ateneo, Roma 1985(?). viii, 668 pages. Soft covers. (#99234)300:-
Breysig, Kurt Die Entstehung des Gottesgedankens und der Heilbringer.. Berlin 1905. xii, 202 pages. Soft covers. (#126303)250:-
Briem, Efraim Buddha, Muhammed, Jesus.. En bok om världsreligionernas tillblivelse. Lund 1938. 282 sidor. Häftad. (#42240)145:-
Briem, Efraim Gudstro och gudsupplevelse.. I historisk och psykologisk belysning. Lund 1933. 264 sidor. Häftad. (#126363)145:-
Briem, Efraim På trons tröskel.. Studier i primitiv religion. Sthlm 1948. 314 sidor. Häftad. (#126754)170:-
Briem, Efraim På trons tröskel.. Studier i primitiv religion. Sthlm 1948. 314 sidor. Original halvklotband med skyddsomslag. (#5449)220:-
Bros, A. L'Ethnologie religieuse.. Introduction a l'étude comparée des religions primitives. Paris 1923. 312 pages. Softcover. (#126325)175:-
Brunaux, Jean Louis Les Gaulois. Sanctuaries et rites.. Illustrated. Edition Errance, Paris 1986. 154 pages. Original hard covers. Former owners signature. Collection des Hesperides. (#218396)170:-
Bråkenhielm, Carl-Reinhold How Philosophy Shapes Theories of Religion.. An analysis of contemporary philosophies of religion with special regard to the thought of John Wilson, John Hick and D.Z. Phillips. Diss. Uppsala 1975. 208 pages. Softcover. (#44453)150:-
Bråkenhielm, Carl-Reinhold Problems of Religious Experience.. Diss. Uppsala 1985. 158 pages. Softcover. (#44866)150:-
Bräker, Hans Kommunismus und Weltreligionen Asiens.. Band I:1-2. Kommunismus und Islam. Tübingen 1969-71. viii,153 + viii,456 pages. Original cloth. Dust jackets. 2 volumes. All published. (#178669)350:-
Brønnum, Niels H. Under dæmoners aag.. Bachamafolkets religion og overtro. Illustr. Kbh 1926. 237 sidor. Häftad. (#123501)150:-
Buddharakkhita Jinâlankâra. or "Embellishments of Buddha". Edited with introduction, notes and translation by James Gray. London 1984. 112 pages. Original cloth. (#81649)300:-
Buddhism and Zen.. Compiled, edited and translated by Nyogen Senzaki and Ruth Strout McCandless. The Wisdom Library, New York 1953. 87 pages. Pencil underlings. (#116402)100:-
Buddhist Scriptures.. Translated by Edward Conze. Penguin 1960. 250 pages. Paperback. (#86190)100:-
Buhl, Fr. Muhammeds religiøse forkyndelse efter Qurânen.. Kbhvn 1924. 201 sidor. Häftad. (#84233)135:-
Bulfinch, Thomas Mythology.. A Modern Abridgment by Edmund Fuller. Laurel Classic, New York 1959. 448 pages. Paperback. (#93515)100:-
Bulfinch, Thomas Mythology.. London 1963. 679 pages. Original cloth. Dust jacket. (#72451)225:-
Burland, Cottie & Forman, Werner The Aztecs.. Gods and Fate in Ancient Mexico. Richly illustr. London 1975. 128 pages. 4:o. Original cloth in dustjacket. (#27411)135:-
Butterworth, John Cults and New Faiths.. A Book of Beliefs. Illustr. Lion Book 1981. 62 pages. 4:o. Hardcover in dustjacket. (#150882)125:-
Buxton, Richard Imaginary Greece. The Context of Mythology.. Cambridge University Press 1994. xvi,250 pages. Paper back. Pencil-markings in margins. (#218244)140:-
Carlberg, Gösta Kultur och religion.. Kulturantropologiska uppsatser. Sth 1951. 607 sidor Häftad. (#48875)150:-
Carlberg, Gösta Kultur och religion.. Kulturantropologiska uppsatser. Sth 1951. 607 sidor. Original klotryggsband. (#124354)150:-
Carlstedt, Gunnar Studier i Kularnava-tantra.. Akad. avh. Uppsala 1974. 68 sidor. Häftad. (#53823)110:-
Carlstedt, Gunnar Till Kulas lov.. Kulamahatmyakathana ur Kularnava-tantra. Upps. 1974. 49 pp. Särtryck. (#29123)100:-
Cavendish, Richard Magins historia.. Illustr. Sthlm 1978. 224 sidor. Original pappband. (#73134)150:-
Charpentier, Jarl Brahman.. Eine sprachwissenschaftlich-exegetisch-religionsgeschichtliche Untersuchung I. II. Uppsala 1932. 138 pages. Disbound. No wrappers. (#69593)150:-
Charpentier, Jarl Kleine Beträge zur indoiranischen Mythologie.. Uppsala 1911. 87 pages. Softcover. (#44600)130:-
Charpentier, Jarl (red.) Indiska myter och sagor.. Illustrerad. Sthlm 1925. 260 sidor. Original klotband. (#30693)150:-
Chatterjee, Asim Kumar A Comprehensive History of Jainism.. (Up to 1000 A.D.). Calcutta 1978. XII, 400 pages. Original cloth in dustjacket. (#70877)200:-
Chevalier, Jean Sufismen. Alhambra 1993. 124 sidor. Pocket. (#212665)100:-
Cho Hung-youn Koreanischer Schamanismus.. Eine Einführung. Illustr. Hamburg 1982. 129 pages. Softcover. Incribed by author. (#103043)125:-
Christensen, Arthur Muhammedanske digtere og tænkere.. Kbhvn 1906. 224 sidor. Häftad. Lite nött rygg. (#84239)140:-
Christensen, Jens Islam.. Muhammedanisme og Muhammedanermission. 2. udg. besørget af Alfred Nielsen. Kbh 1959. 221 sidor. Häftad. (#121296)135:-
Christiansen, Reidar Th. Ekstase og religion. hos arktiske folk. Oslo 1947. 48 sidor. Häftad. (#137781)200:-
Clemen, Carl Urgeschichtliche Religion.. Die Religion der Stein-, Bronze- und Eisenzeit. I. Text. II. Abbildungen. Bonn 1932-33. 140 pages + 52 plates. Half cloth. Stamped. (#121045)300:-
Colldén, Lisa The Traditional Religion of the Sakata.. Illustr. Upps. 1971. XVIII, 173 pages. 4:o. Amateur binding. (#27460)225:-
Colldén, Lisa The Traditional Religion of the Sakata.. Illustr. Upps. 1971. XVIII, 173 pages. 4:o. Softcover. (#27458)200:-
Colldén, Lisa Un condensé des caractéristiques essentielles des conceptions religieuses du peuple des Sakata.. Diss. Upps. 1971. 67 pages. Softcover. (#27414)110:-
Collection Mana I:1-3 + II:1 and 3.. Introduction a l'histoire des religions. I:1: Jacques Vandier, La religion égyptienne. I:2: Édouard Dhorme, Les relgions de Babylonie et d'Assyrie (and) René Dussaud, Les religions des Hittites et des Hourrites des Phéniciens et des Syriens. I:3: Jacques Dushesne-Guillemin, La religion de l'Iran ancien. II:1: Charles Picard, Les religions préhelléniques (Crčte et Mycčnes). III:3: Albert Grenier, Les religions Étrusque et Romaine (and) B.-O. Unbegaun, Les religions des Celtes, des Germains et des anciens Slaves. Paris 1944-62. 5 volumes bound in half cloth. Pencil underlinings by Helmer Ringgren. Volume II:2: Ch. Picard, Les religions Grecques, does not seems to be published. (#178810)500:-
Comba, Enrico Testi religiosi degli indiani del Nordamerica.. Torino 2001. 838 pages + plates. Original cloth. (#129700)350:-
Comstock, W. Richard The Study of Religion and Primitive Religions.. New York 1972. 117 pages. Soft covers. Religion and Man. (#126759)135:-
Conze, Edward Der Buddhismus.. Wesen und Entwicklung. Neunte Auflage, Stuttgart 1990. 235 pages. Paperback. (#131962)100:-
Conze, Edward Der Buddhismus.. Wesen und Entwicklung. Stuttgart 1953. 215 pages. Paperback. (#115752)100:-
Cooper, Guy H. Development and Stress in Navajo Religion.. Diss. Sth 1984. 125 pages. Softcover. (#11636)150:-
Cruse, Amy Myternas bok.. Gudasagor från hela världen. Malmö 1975. 271 sidor. Klotband utan skyddsomslag. (#177150)125:-
Cuevas Garcia, Cristķbal El pensamiento del Islam.. Contenido e historia. Influencia en la mistica espaņola. Madrid 1972. 328 pages. Paperback. (#86288)100:-
Cumont, Franz Den astrala religionen i forntiden.. Sthlm 1912. 243 sidor. Häftad. (#133168)135:-
Cumont, Franz Den astrala religionen i forntiden.. Sthlm 1912. 243 sidor. Häftad. Främre inre falsen förstärkt med tejp. (#132750)125:-
Cumont, Franz Oriental Religions in Roman Paganism.. Dover Publ., New York 1956 (?). XXV, 298 pages. Softcover. Pencil marks in margins. Former owners signature. (#138596)120:-
Dahlquist, Allan Megasthenes and Indian Religion.. A Study in Motives and Types. Diss. Uppsala 1962. 320 pages. Softcover. (#43754)170:-
Dale, Godfrey The Contrast Between Christianity and Muhammadanism.. Four lectures delivered in Christ Church Cathedral, Zanzibar. London 1909. 63 pages. Original cloth. foxed. (#181592)120:-
Dammann, Ernst Die Religionen Afrikas.. Stuttgart 1963. 302 pages. Original cloth. Die Religionen der Menschheit 6. (#178734)250:-
Dammann, Ernst Die Religionen Afrikas.. Stuttgart 1963. 302 pages. Original cloth. Dust jacket. As new. Die Religionen der Menschheit 6. (#126419)350:-
Danzel, Theodor-Wilhelm Kultur und Religion des primitiven Menschen.. Einführung in Hauptprobleme der allgemeinen Völkerkunde und Völkerpsychologie. Mit 16 Tafeln und 15 Abbildungen. Stuttgart 1924. viii, 133 pages. Soft covers. (#126744)150:-
Das, Veena Structure and Cognition.. Aspects of Hindu Caste and Ritual. Second edition. New Delhi 1992. XIII, 171 pages. Softcover. (#103838)110:-
Derks, Ton Gods, Temples and Ritual Practices. The Transformation of Religious Ideas and Values in Roman Gaul.. Illustrated. Amsterdam University Press 1998. x,325 pages. 4:o. Original cloth. Dust jacket. Amsterdam Archaeological Studies 2. (#218695)1200:-
Der Religionswandel unserer Zeit im Spiegel der Religionswissenschaft.. Herausg. Gunther Stephenson. Darmstadt 1976. XIV, 354 pp. cloth. (#30970)125:-
De stora livsfrågorna.. Religionskunskap för gymnasiet. Av Nils Beltzén, Benkt-Erik Benktson, Yngve Bogren och Olof Pettersson. Illustr. Sthlm 1970. 406 sidor. Häftad. (#90380)100:-
Det mångreligiösa Jos.. Om kyrkoliv och kristen-muslimska relationer i Nigeria. Av Christopher Steed m.fl. Upps. 1991. 376 sidor. Häftad. (#9993)145:-
Devonshire, R.L. Some Cairo Mosques and Their Founders. London 1921. xii, 132 pages + plates. Original hardcover. Uncut. (#214770)350:-
Die Bhagavadgita.. Sanskrittext mit Einleitung und Kommentar von S. Radhakrishnan. Mit dem indischen Urtext verglichen und ins Deutsche übersetzt von Siegfried Lienhard. Wiesbaden no date. 448 pages. Original cloth. (#114741)150:-
Diehl, Carl Gustav Instrument and Purpose.. Studies on Rites and Rituals in South India. Illustr. Diss. Lund 1956. 395 pages. Soft covers. (#51601)250:-
Die Hymnen des Tayumanavar.. Texte zur Gottesmystik des Hinduismus. Aus dem Tamil übersetzt von Arno Lehmann. Gütersloh 1935. xvi,270 pages. Original cloth. Dust jacket with tear. Very fine copy. (#184855)300:-
Die Religionen.. Schülerduden. Illustr. Dudenverlag 1977. 464 pages. Original cloth. (#99259)150:-
Die Religionen des alten Amerika.. By Walter Krickeberg, Hermann Trimborn, Werner Müller, Otto Zerries. Stuttgart 1961. XII, 397 pages. Original cloth. (#178733)200:-
Die Religionen des alten Amerika.. By Walter Krickeberg, Hermann Trimborn, Werner Müller, Otto Zerries. Stuttgart 1961. XII, 397 pages. Original cloth in dustjacket. (#105537)250:-
Die Religionen des Orients und die altgermanische Religion.. Von Edv. Lehmann und Andere. Zweite Auflage. Leipzig-Berlin 1913. 287 pages. Softcover. Die Kultur der Gegenwart I:III,1. (#84256)150:-
Die Religionen Südostasiens.. Von A. Höfer, G. Prunner, E. Kaneko, L. Bezacier & M. Sarkisyanz. Stuttgart 1975. 578 pages. Original cloth. Dust jacket. As new. Die Religionen der Menschheit 23. (#82827)350:-
Die Religionen Südostasiens.. Von A. Höfer, G. Prunner, E. Kaneko, L. Bezacier & M. Sarkisyanz. Stuttgart 1975. 578 pages. Original cloth. No jacket. Die Religionen der Menschheit 23. (#178592)350:-
Die Welt des Islams.. Zeitschrift der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Islamkunde. Herausgegeben von Georg Kampfmeyer und Andere. Band I:3/4, Band V:1-3, Band 6:1-4, Band 7:3/4, Band 11: 1/2, Band 12:3-4, Band 13, 14, 15:1-4, 16, 17:1-4, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22. Soft covers. (#178429)450:-
DIĶSZEGI, V. (ed.). Glaubenswelt und Folklore der sibirischen Völker.. Budapest, Verlag der Ungarischen Akademie der Wissenschaften 1963. 534,+ (1) pages. Publ. cloth with slightly worn dustwrapper. Illustrated, partly in colour. (#194031)600:-
Doty, William G. Mythography. The Study of Myths and Rituals.. University of Alabama Press 1997. xxii,326 pages. Paper back. As new. (#218590)165:-
Dreyfus, Hippolyte Essai sur le Bahaisme.. Son histoire, sa portée sociale. Nouvelle édition, Paris 1934. 184 pages Soft, soiled covers. (#178679)150:-
Drury, Nevill Shamanism.. Illustr. Forum 1996. 156 pages. Häftad. (#102920)170:-
Dunand, Philonenko, Benoit, Ménard & Hatt Mystčres et syncrétismes.. Paris 1975. 126 pages. Soft covers. (#218291)120:-
Dupuis, citoyen franįais ( Charles Francois Dupuis) Origine de tous les cultes ou Religion universelle. I-III.. Paris, H. Agasse l'an III (1795). xvi,556 + (49,302,304 + (4),367,(1),355 + 104,iv pages + 3 folding tables + Plate-volume: Frontespiece, 16 pages text and 21 (plate 22 is missing) double-page plates. 4:o. The text in 3 contemporary half leather bindings and the atlas in poor condition but the plates are fine. (#220722)3000:- (bild)
Dusenberry, Verne The Montana Cree. A Study in Religious Persistence.. Dissertation. Stockholm 1962. 280 pages + plates. Softcover. (#91137)150:-
Dutt, Nalinaksha Buddhist Sects in India.. Calcutta 1977. xii, 318 pages. Original cloth. (#84448)200:-
Dutt, Nalinaksha Early Monastic Buddhism.. Calcutta 1981. 311 pages. Original cloth. One inner hinge cracked. (#84456)145:-
Dymling, Carl Mystiker.. Uppsala. 1950. 261 sidor. Häftad. (#173514)150:-
Eastman, Charles (Ohiyesa) The Soul of the Indian.. An Interpretaion. Boston no date (1911?). XIV, 171 pages. Original cloth. Inscription. (#101596)300:-
Edsman, Carl-Martin Asiens huvudreligioner av idag.. Illustr. Sth 1971. 196 sidor. Original klotband. (#11491)140:-
Edsman, Carl-Martin Från silverfisken i Skaga till träguden i Silbojokk.. Folkloristiska studier. Upps. 1996. 385 sidor. Inbunden. (#28633)150:-
Edsman, Carl-Martin Människan och det heliga.. Religionshistoriska småskisser. Sthlm 1995. 245 sidor. Original pappband. (#126327)145:-
Edsman, Carl-Martin Studier i jägarens religion.. Särtryck. Uppsala 1958. 62 sidor. Häftad. (#126687)100:-
Edsman, Carl-Martin (ed.) Studies in Shamanism.. Based on Papers Read at the Symposium on Shamanism Held at Åbo ... 1962. Sthlm 1967. 185 pages. Softcover. (#178622)400:-
Edsman, Carl-Martin (ed.) Studies in Shamanism.. Based on Papers Read at the Symposium on Shamanism Held at Åbo ... 1962. Sthlm 1967. 185 pages. Softcover. Stamps. (#103128)350:-
Ehnmark, Erland Etiska idéer i främmande religioner.. Sth 1960. 85 sidor. Häftad. Litet blyertsunderstrykn. (#37376)60:-
Ehnmark, Erland Levande religioner.. Naturfolken, Indien, Islam. Sthlm 1966. 224 sidor. Pocket. (#132102)100:-
Ehnmark, Erland & Swahn, Jan-Öjvind (red.) Världens bästa myter och sagor i urval.. Borås 1983. Andra upplagan XXIV, 631 sidor. Original skinnryggsband. (#29807)160:-
Einhorn, Stefan En dold Gud.. Om religion, vetenskap och att söka Gud. Sthlm 2005. 208 sidor. Pocket (#211396)100:-
Eklund, J.A. Nirvana.. En religionshistorisk undersökning. Upps. 1899. 196, XV sidor. Häftad. (#25766)135:-
Eklund, Per & Stig Tre religioner i vår tid. Judendom, kristendom, islam.. Illustrerad. Solna 2000. 352 sidor + CD-rom. Originalpappband. (#94068)250:-
Encyclopedia of World Mythology.. Foreword by Rex Warner. Illystrated. Peerage Books, London 1983. 252 pages. 31x23 cm. Original cloth. Dust jacket. Very fine. (#214076)200:-
Engelhart, Monica Extending the Tracks.. A Cross-Reductionistic Approach to Australian Aboriginal Male Initiation Rites. Diss. Sthlm 1998. 251 pp. (#46303)150:-
Esposito, John L., Fasching, Darrell J. & Lewis, Todd World Religions Today.. Illustr. New York 2002. XIII, 562 pages. Softcover. (#93168)175:-
Farah, Caesar E. Islam, Belifs and Observances. Barron's Educational Series, New York 1970. 306 pages. Paper back. (#178666)125:-
Farquhar, J.N. Modern Religious Movements in India.. London 1918. 471 pages + plates. Original cloth. Pencil underlinings. (#53430)150:-
Fauset, Arthur Huff Black Gods of the Metropolis.. Diss. Philadelphia 1944. 126 pages + plates. Slightly worn softcover. Stamped. (#119333)350:-
Findeisen, Hans Das Tier als Gott, Dämon und Ahne.. Eine Untersuchung über das Erleben des Tieres in der Altmenschheit. Illustr. Stuttgart 1956. 80 pages. Softcover. (#103045)100:-
Finegan, Jack Myth & Mystery. An introduction to the Pagan Religions of the Biblical World.. Baker Book House, Grand Rapids 1992. 335 pages. Original cloth. Dust jacket. (#219389)175:-
Flügel, Gustav Concordantiae Corani Arabicae.. Ad literarum ordinem et verborum radices. Editio stereotypa. Leipzig 1842? (2), x, 220 pages. Later half cloth. Title-page dated Leipzig 1842 but this is a later reprint, probably mid 2000th century. (#125437)500:-
Forgotten Religions.. (Including Some Living Primitive Religions.) Edited by Vergilius Ferm. New York 1950. xvi, 392 pages. Original cloth. (#126703)300:-
Forsberg, Nils Une forme élémentaire d'organisation cérémoniale.. Contribution a l'étude de la morphologie du culte. Diss. Upps. 1943. 136 pages. Soft covers. (#22435)100:-
Franck, Dorothea Seelye (editor), Islam in the modern world.. A series of sddresses presented at the Fifth Annual Conference on Middle East Affairs, ... 1951. Washington DC 1951. 76 pages. Soft covers. (#204789)120:-
Frankfort, Henri Kingship and the Gods. A Study of Ancient Near Eastern Religion as the Integration of Society & Nature.. With a new preface by Samuel Noah Kramer. University of Chicago Press 1978. xxvi,440 pages. Paper back. Former owners signature. Pencil-marks in margins. (#218570)150:-
Franz, Heinrich Gerhard Buddhistische Kunst Indiens.. Illustr. Leipzig 1965. 384 pages. Original cloth. (#67987)225:-
Frazer, James George The Golden Bough. A Study in Magic and Religion.. A new abridgement from the second and third editions. Oxford University Press, London 1994. 858 pages. Paperback. (#218284)125:-
Frazer, James George The New Golden Bough.. Edited, and with notes and foreword by Theodor H. Gaster. Mentor Books, New York 1964. 832 pages. Paperback. (#132109)140:-
Främmande religionsurkunder I-III.. I urval och öfversättning. Med inledning och förklaringar utgifna af Nathan Söderblom. Sth 1908. 224 + 990 + 328 sid. 4 volymer. Senare halvklotband. Namnteckning. Understrykningar i blyerts i första volymen. (#221733)350:-
Främmande religionsurkunder I-III.. I urval och öfversättning. Med inledning och förklaringar utgifna af Nathan Söderblom. Sth 1908. 224 + 990 + 328 sid. Originalklotband. 4 vol. (#38728)400:-
Furati, Mewla Das Buch der vierzig Fragen.. Eine Sammlung koranischer Geschichten. Leiden 1960. 180 pages. Original cloth. (#178680)150:-
Gardell, Mattias, Countdown to Armageddon. Minister Farrakhan end the Nation of Islam in the Latter Days.. Dissertation, Stockholm 1995. xvi,406 pages. Soft covers. Inscribed by the author. (#218282)200:-
Gardet, Louis Dieu et la destinée de l'homme.. Paris 1967. 528 pages. Soft covers. Études muselmanes IX. (#125272)350:-
Gasparro, Guilia Sfameni (editor) Studi storico-religiosi in onore di Ugo Bianchi.. Bretschneider, Roma 1994. 551 pages. Soft covers. Very fine. (#218756)350:-
Gaudefroy-Demombynes, Maurice Mahomet.. Paris 1957. xxiv,710 pages. Soft covers. (#173823)200:-
Gavahi, Abdolrahim The Islamic Revolution of Iran.. Conceptual Aspects and Religious Dimensions. Diss. Uppsala 1987. 271 pages. Soft covers. (#57719)160:-
Geels, Antoon & Wikström, Owe Den religiösa människan.. En introduktion till religionspsykologin. Sthlm 1999. 440 sidor. Förlagsband. Nyskick. (#41379)150:-
Gibb, H.A.R. Islam. A Historical Survey. New York 1987. 144 pages. Pocket. Ex Libris. (#218829)100:-
Gibb, H.A.R. Modern Trends in Islam.. Chicago 1947. 141 pages. Ink-underlinings by Helmer Ringgren. (#178664)150:-
Gibb, H.A.R. Mohammedanism. An Historical Survey. New York 1958. 159 pages. Pocket. (#216609)100:-
Gill, Sam D. Native American Religions.. An Introduction. Illustr. Belmont, CA 1982. XVI, 192 pages. Softcover. (#129970)125:-
Gods and Heroes of Bronze Age Europe. The roots of Odysseus.. Illustrated. Copenhagen, Nationalmuseet 2000. xvi,296 pages. 4:o. Soft covers. (#214073)200:-
Goldziher, Ignaz Islam fordom och nu.. Studier i korantolkningens historia. Övers. från författarens manuskript av Tor Andræ. Sth 1915. 239 sidor. Halvklotband. Blyertsförstrykningar. (#56491)150:-
Goode, William J. Religion Among the Primitives.. Glencoe 1951. 321 pages. Original cloth. Dust jacket torn. (#59959)200:-
Goode, William J. Religion Among the Primitives.. New York 1968. 321 pages. Paperback. (#126270)125:-
Gottscgalk, Walter Das Gelübde nach älterer arabischer Auffassung.. Berlin 1919. viii, 185 pages. Half cloth. (#178706)150:-
Graf, Fritz Greek mythology. An Introduction.. Translated by Thomas Marier. John Hopkins University Press 1993. xiv,240 pages. Original cloth. Dust jacket. Former owners signature. (#218243)165:-
Granqvist, Hans Meditation och mystik i Östasien.. Sthlm 1995. 176 sidor. Häftad. (#87809)140:-
Great Religions of the World.. Illustrated. National Geographic Society 1971. 420 pages. 4:o. Hardcover with dustjacket. (#161251)150:-
Green, Miranda Symbol and Image in Celtic Religious Art.. Illustrated. Routledge, London 1992. xvi,279 pages. Paper back. Fine. (#218531)150:-
Green, Miranda The Gods of the Celts.. Alan Sutton 1993. x,257 pages. Paper back. One leaf loose. Illustrated. Former owners signature. (#218395)120:-
Green, Miranda J. Dictionary of Celtic Myth and Legend.. Illustrated. Thames and Hudson 1992. 240 pages. Original cloth. Dust jacket. (#218388)200:-
Green, Miranda J. The Gods of Roman Britain.. Illustrated. Shire Archaeology 1994.76 pages. Stiff wrappers. (#218295)100:-
Gruber, Elmar Tranceformation.. Schamanismus und die Auflösung der Ordnung. Illustr. Basel 1982. 487 pages. Softcover. (#103094)225:-
Gruehn, Werner Neuere Untersuchungen zum Wertproblem.. Ein Beitrag zur experimentellen Erforschung des religiösen Phänomens. Diss. Dorpat 1920. 64 pages. Softcover. Stamped. (#70981)150:-
Gruppe, Otto Griechische Mythologie und Religionsgeschichte Band I-II.. Arno Press, New York 1975. xiv,1-718f + viii,720-1923 pages. Original cloth. 2 volumes. Language German. Former owners signature. Reprint of the 1906 edition published in München. Language: German. (#218241)850:-
Grønbech, Vilhelm Mystik i Österland och Västerland I.. Indien. Sthlm 1926. 354 sidor. Häftad. (#88185)140:-
Grønbech, Vilhelm Primitiv religion.. Sthlm 1915. 54 sidor. Häftad. (#33793)120:-
Grønbech, Vilhelm Primitiv religion.. Sthlm 1915. 54 sidor. Klotband (#182936)150:-
Grønbæk, Villiam Om beskrivelsen af religiøse oplevelser.. En eksperimentel religionspsykologisk undersøgelse. Aa Kbhvn 1935. 239 sidor. Halvklotband. Stämpl. (#79175)450:-
Guariglia, Guglielmo Prophetismus und Heilserwartungs-Bewegungen als völkerkundliches und religionsgeschichtliches Problem.. Wien 1959. XVI, 322 pages. Softcover. Stamped. (#80717)200:-
Guide till världsreligionernas Stockholm.. Guide to Multi-Faith Stockholm. Illustrerad. Sthlm 2000. 116 sidor + kartor. Häftad. (#118163)80:-
Guillaume, Alfred Islam.. Penguin 1987. 210 pages. Paperback. (#48860)100:-
Gustafsson, Berndt Religionssociologi.. Sth 1965. 200 sidor. Klotband med skyddsomslag. (#34727)145:-
Gustafsson, Ingmar, Samuelsson, Bengt & Sundberg, Per Nyreligiösa rörelser i Sverige.. Illustrerad. Göteborg 1981. 152 sidor. Häftad. (#134396)140:-
Gustafsson, Ingmar, Samuelsson, Bengt & Sundberg, Per Nyreligiösa rörelser i Sverige.. Illustrerad. Göteborg 1983. 152 sidor. Häftad. (#164424)140:-
Gyllenberg - Pistis kai erga.. Contains: 1. H. Ringgren: A Law of Stylistic Balance in Hebrew. 2. G. Lindeskog: Christianity as Realized Judaism. 3. H. Biezais: Das heilige Ernteopfermahl der Letten. 4. C.O. Nordström: The Temple Miniatures in the Peter Comestor Manuscript at Madrid. 5. C.-M. Edsman: Die weise Jungfer. 6. H. Riesenfeld: Pär Lagerkvists Barrabas und das Neue Testament. Lund 1964. 123 pages + plates. Softcover. Horae Soederblomianae VI. (#93015)125:-
Gölz, Friedrich Der primitive Mensch und seine Religion.. Gütersloh 1963. 216 pages. Original cloth. Dust jacket. (#126693)185:-
Hackmann-London, H. Der Buddhismus.. Tübingen 1906. 242 pages + maps. Original cloth. Religionsgeschichtliche Volksbücher. (#181588)110:-
Hackmann-London, H. Der Buddhismus I-III. + A. Bertholet-Basel, Seelen-Wanderung. + C.H. Becker, Christentum und Islam. Tübingen 1906-7. Bound togetehr in half cloth. Religionsgeschichtliche Volksbücher. (#181623)175:-
Haglund, Åke Contact and Conflict.. Studies in Contemporary Religious Attitudes among Chinese People. Diss. Lund 1972. 248 pages. Softcover. (#38496)170:-
Haldar, Alfred Associations of Cult Prophets Among the Ancient Semites.. Diss. Upps. 1945. 248 pages. Softcover. (#18725)200:-
Haldar, Alfred Associations of Cult Prophets Among the Ancient Semites.. Diss. Upps. 1945. 248 pages. Softcover. Torn front wrapper. (#153916)175:-
Halifax, Joan (ed.) Shamanic Voices. A Survey of Visionary Narratives.. Dutton, New York 1980. 268 pages + plates. Paper back. Fine. (#103092)150:-
Halldén, Philip Islamisk predikan på ljudkassett.. En studie i retorik och fonogramologi. Akad. avh. Lund 2001. 332 sidor. Biblioteksstämplar. (#171116)150:-
Hamilton, Clarence Herbert A Psychological Interpretation of Mysticism.. Diss. Chicago 1916. 85 pages. Softcover. Stamped. (#78392)200:-
Hammer, Raymond Japans religioner i smältdegeln.. Sth 1967. 182 sidor. Häftad. (#11472)100:-
Hamrin, Tina Dansreligionen i japansk immigrantmiljö på Hawai'i.. Via helbrägdagörare och Jodo shinshu-präster till nationalistisk millennarism. Aa Sthlm 1996. 312 sidor. (#46307)150:-
Hamrin, Tina Dansreligionen i japansk immigrantmiljö på Hawai'i.. Via helbrägdagörare och Jodo shinshu-präster till nationalistisk millennarism. Aa Sthlm 1996. 312 sidor. Lite skadat ex. (#46309)125:-
Handbook of American Indian Religious Freedom.. Edited by Christopher Vecsey. New York 1991. 180 pages. Softcover. (#129879)125:-
Hartman - Religionsvetenskapliga studier.. Festskrift till Sven S. Hartman. Red. Antoon Geels, Tord Olsson och Peter Schalk. Lund 1983. 180 sidor. Häftad. (#126825)140:-
Hartman, Sven S. Gayomart.. Etude sur le syncretisme dans l'ancien Iran. Diss. Upps. 1953. 216 + cii pages. Softcover. (#27341)190:-
Hawkes, Jacquetta Dawn of the Gods.. Illustr. Sphare Books 1972. 174 pages + plates. Paper back. (#168062)100:-
Hawkes, Jacquetta Dawn of the Gods.. Illustr. Toronto 1968. 303 pages. 4:o. Original cloth in dustjacket. (#156861)175:-
Hawkridge, Emma Världens religioner.. Illustr. Sthlm 1950. 490 sidor + utvikbar kronologisk tabell. Original halvfranskt band med övre guldsnitt. (#122879)145:-
Hayward, Jeremy W. Perceiving Ordinary Magic.. Science & Intuitive Wisdom. Boston 1984. 323 pp. Softcover. (#11580)140:-
Hedin, Christer Alla är födda muslimer.. Islam som den naturliga religionen enligt fundamentalistisk apologetik. Aa Upps. 1988. 277 sidor. Häftad. (#53510)140:-
Heiler, Friedrich Die Religionen der Menschheit. in Vergangenheit und Gegenwart. Illustrated. Stuttgart 1959. 1063 pages. Original cloth. Dust jacket. (#132085)150:-
Heil und Macht.. Approches du sacré. Edited by Josef Franz Thiel & Albert Doutreloux. St. Augustin bei Bonn 1975. 215 pages. Soft covers. Studia Instituti Anthropos 22. Texts in French and German. (#99257)200:-
Heinroth, Johann Christian August Geschichte und Kritik des Mysticismus aller bekannten Völker und Zeiten.. Ein Beitrag zur Seelenheilkunde. Leipzig 1830. vi (of viii), 532 pages. Half cloth. Stamped. Small label on spine. The missing leaf at the beginning is probably a blank. (#158374)1500:-
Hellman, Eva Political Hinduism.. The Challenge of the Visva Hindu Parisad. Diss. Upps. 1993. 222 pages. Softcover. (#35230)125:-
Hemberg, Bengt Die Kabiren.. Diss. Upps. 1950. 420 pages. Softcover. (#13433)250:-
Hemberg, Jarl Religion och metafysik.. Axel Hägerströms och Anders Nygrens religionsteorier och deras inflytande i svensk religionsdebatt. Aa Sth 1966. 336 sidor. Häftad. (#11763)145:-
Hemberg, Jarl Religion och metafysik.. Axel Hägerströms och Anders Nygrens religionsteorier och deras inflytande i svensk religionsdebatt. Aa Sth 1966. 336 sidor. Häftad. Ouppsprättad. Dedikation: "Arne Palmqvist med hjärtlig hälsning från vännen förf." (#221639)165:-
Henningsson, Jan Tro möter tro.. Ett kristet perspektiv på andra religioner. Verbum 1992. 135 sidor. Häftad. (#118164)120:-
Herbert, Edward A Confucian Notebook.. London 1950. 89 pages. Original cloth. Dust jacket. (#187820)100:-
Herrmann, Eberhard Der religionsphilosophische Standpunkt Bernard Bolzanos unter Berücksichtigung seiner Semantik, Wissenschaftstheorie und Moralphilosophie.. Diss. Lund 1977. 226 pages. Softcover. (#63220)145:-
Herrmann, Eberhard Erkenntnisansprüche.. Eine orienterende erkenntnistheoretische Untersuchung über Fragen zum Verhältnis zwischen Religion und Wissenschaft. Lund 1984. 127 pages. Softcover. (#105306)125:-
Herrmanns, Matthias Schamanen - Pseudoschamanen, Erlöser und Heilbringer 1-3.. Eine vergleichende Studie religiöser Urphänomene. 1: Schamanen. 2: Pseudoschamanen. 3: Erlöser und Heilbringer der tibeter. Wiesbaden 1970. XXII, 705 + IX, 346 + IX, 240 pages. Softcovers in dustjackets. (#102840)1600:-
Hismatulin, A.A. [Sufiskaja ritualnaja praktika.]. St. Petersburg 1996. 205 pages. Softcover. In Russian. (#121630)145:-
History of Religions.. Proceedings of the Thirteenth International Congress of the International Association for the History of Religions, Lancaster, 15-22 August 1975. Edited by Michael Pye and Peter McKenzie. Leicester no date. 188 pages. Soft covers. (#126853)150:-
Hitti, Philip K. Islam: A Way of Life.. Chicago 1970. 198 pages. Softcover. (#124704)125:-
Hjärpe, Jan Islam. Lära och livsmönster.. Illustrerad. Stockholm 1979. 132 sidor. Häftad. Stämpel. (#42575)120:-
Hoff, Benjamin Tao enligt Puh.. Sthlm 1995. 189 sidor. Original klotband med skyddsomslag. Nyskick. (#219910)100:-
Holler, Clyde Black Elk's Religion.. The Sun Dance and Lakota Catholicism. Syracuse 1995. XXXI, 246 pages. Softcover. (#91988)135:-
Holm, Søren Religionshistoriske grundbegreber.. Kbh 1949. 131 sidor. Häftad. (#126725)110:-
Holter, Åge Arabisk statsreligion. Det politiske og sosiale islam i Nord-Afrika og Midt-Østen. Oslo 1976. 250 sidor. Häftad. Dedikation. (#210862)150:-
Hooke, S.H. Middle Eastern Mythology.. Penguin 1963. 199 pages + plates. Pocket. (#131966)100:-
Horovitz, Josef Koranische Untersuchungen.. Berlin und Leipzig 1926. (8), 172 pages. Bound with both wrappers in half cloth. Studien des Islam. Orient 4. (#125318)450:-
Horten, M. Die religiöse Gedankenwelt der gebildeten Muslime im heutigen Islam.. Halle 1916. (4),xxiv. 184 pages. Pencil underlinings and notes. Soft covers. (#178704)200:-
Howells, William The Heathens.. Primitive Man and His Religions. New York 1950. 306 pages + plates. Original cloth. Dust jacket. (#68940)200:-
Huitema, T. De Voorspraak (shafa'a) in den Islam.. Leiden, Brill 1936. 136 pages. Soft covers. (#178786)150:-
Hultkrantz - Studier i religionshistoria.. Tillägnade Åke Hultkrantz ... 1986. Utg. Louise Bäckman, Ulf Drobin, Per-Arne Berglie. 1991. 384 pages. Original cloth. (#11500)150:-
Hultkrantz, Åke Conceptions of the Soul Among North American Indians.. A Study of Religious Ethnology. Sth 1953. 545 pp. (#41551)700:-
Hultkrantz, Åke De amerikanska indianernas religioner.. Illustrerad. Sthlm 1967. (10), 277 sidor + planscher. Original klotband. Något skev. (#27684)200:-
Hultkrantz, Åke De amerikanska indianernas religioner.. Illustrerad. Sthlm 1967. (10), 277 sidor + planscher. Original klotband. Något skev.Skyddsomslag. (#209155)250:-
Hultkrantz, Åke Les religions des Indiens primitifs de l'Amérique.. Essai d'une synthčse typologique et historique. Upps. 1963. 160 pages. Soft covers. (#25442)175:-
Hultkrantz, Åke Metodvägar inom den jämförande religionsforskningen.. Sthlm 1973. IX, 227 sidor. Häftad. (#125520)160:-
Hultkrantz, Åke Metodvägar inom den jämförande religionsforskningen.. Sthlm 1973. IX, 227 sidor. Häftad. Namnteckning (#11502)145:-
Hultkrantz, Åke Religions des indiens d'Amerique.. Des chasseurs des Plaines aux cultivateurs du Désert. Aix-en-Provence 1993. 204 pages. Softcover. (#125703)145:-
Hultkrantz, Åke Schamanische Heilkunst. und rituelles Drama der Indianer Nordamerikas. München 1994. 340 pages. Paperback. (#100698)125:-
Hultkrantz, Åke The Attraction of Peyote. An Inquiry into the Basic Conditions for the Diffusion of the Peyote Religion in North America.. Stockholm 1997. 232 pages. Softcover. (#46302)175:-
Hultkrantz, Åke The North American Indian Orpheus Tradition. A Contribution to Comparative Religion.. Stockholm 1957. 340 pages. Soft covers. (#41550)400:-
Hurdy, John Major American Indian Religions.. Los Angeles 1970. 192 pages. Softcover. (#129962)125:-
Hutten, Kurt Seher, Grübler, Enthusiasten.. Sekten und religiöse Sondergemeinschaften der Gegenwart. Stuttgart 1950. 304 pages. Original half cloth. Dust jacket. (#43816)200:-
Huttmann, Maude Aline The Establishment of Christianity and the Proscription of Paganism.. Diss. New York 1914. 257 pages. Softcover. Stamped. (#77754)300:-
Hutton, Ronald The Pagan Religions of the Ancient British Isles. Their Nature and Legacy.. Blackwell 1993. xxiv,397 pages. Paper back. (#218382)175:-
Hvidtfeldt, Arild Religioner og kulturer.. Nogle hovedtræk af den almindelige religionshistorie. Kbh 1961. 235 sidor. Original klotband. (#98721)140:-
Hylén, Torsten Husayn, the Mediator.. A Structural Analysis of the Karbala' Drama According to Abu Ja'far Muhammad b. Jarir al-Tabari (d. 310/923). Diss. Upps. 2007. 244 pages. Softcover. Ex library copy in very fine condition. (#145151)200:-
Hök, Gösta Zinzendorfs Begriff der Religion.. Upps. 1948. XII, 221 pages. Softcover. (#9769)135:-
Icke kristna religioner i vår tid.. Texter och skildringar. Läsebok för enhetsskolan ... utgiven av Gösta Carleberg. Illustr. Sthlm 1961. 200 sidor. Originalklotband. (#126278)100:-
Ikeda, Daisaku, Den levande Buddha. En uttolkande biografi.. Översättning Öjevind Lång. Lettura 1989. 215 sidor + illustrationer. Förlagsband med skyddsomslag. (#206366)145:-
Illustreret Religionshistorie 1-3.. Redigeret af Jes Peter Asmussen og Jørgen Læssøe. Gads Forlag, Kbh 1968. 463 + 458 + 407 sidor. Original klotband. Skyddsomslag. Mycket fina. (#126320)1500:-
Im Zeichen Buddhas.. Buddhistische Texte. Herausgegeben und eingeleitet von Edward Conze. Fischer Bücherei 1957. 268 pages. Pocket. (#117763)100:-
Irstam, Tor The King of Ganda.. Studies in the Institutions of Sacral Kingship in Africa. Diss. Uppsala 1944. 203 pages. 4:o. Softcover. (#50339)275:-
Islam.. Religion, kultur, samhälle. Red. A. Richert m.fl. Illustr. 1985. 218 sidor. 4:o. Förlagsband. (#41914)170:-
Islamic Art and Culture in Sub-Saharan Africa.. Ed. by Karin Ådahl, Berit Sahlström. Illustr. Upps. 1995. 188 pages. Softcover. Figura Nova Series 27. (#97542)225:-
Islam - The Straight Path. Islam interpreted by Muslims. New York 1958. 453 pages. Original cloth. (#178668)140:-
Islam, vår tro.. Utgiven av Islamska Informationsföreningen. Sthlm 1989. 115 sidor. Häftad. Med intejpad dikt. (#184242)100:-
Izikowitz, Karl Gustaf Fastening the Soul.. Some Religious Traits among the Lamet (French Indochina). Göteborg 1941. 32 pages + plates. Soft covers. (#77146)100:-
Jacobson, Nils-Olof Liv efter döden?. Om parapsykologin, mystiken och döden. Zindermans 1971. 350 sidor. Originalklotband. (#156713)150:-
Jakobsson, Oskar Daimon och Agathos Daimon. Akad. Avh. Lund 1925. 202 sidor. Häftad. Stämpel. (#172169)200:-
James, E.O. Gravarna berättar.. En bok om förhistoriska religioner. Illustr. Sth 1963. 256 sidor. Pocket. (#28518)100:-
James, E.O. Gravarna berättar.. En bok om förhistoriska religioner. Illustr. Sth 1986. 253 sidor. Pocket. (#46700)100:-
James, Walter (ed.) Temples and Faiths.. Illustr. London 1958. 50 pp. Cloth. (#37806)125:-
Jansen, H. Ludin Die Henochgestalt.. Eine vergleichende religionsgeschichtliche Untersuchung. Diss. Oslo x,1939. 139 pages. Disbound. No wrappers. (#93415)150:-
Jansen, H. Ludin Innføring i religionernes historie.. Oslo 1965. 227 sidor. Häftad. Dedikation. (#126281)175:-
Jastrow jr.. Morris Bildermappe zur Religion Babyloniens und Assyriens.. Töpelmann, Giessen 1912. 56 Tafeln + Text in Tasche. Original linen binding. Oblong 4:o. (#200000)250:-
Jensen, Adolf E. Myth and Cult Among Primitive Peoples.. Translated by M.T. Choldin and W. Weissleder. Chicago 1963. x, 349 pages. Original cloth. Dust jacket. (#126704)250:-
Jensen, Adolf E. Mythos und Kult bei Naturvölkern.. Religionswissenschaftliche Betrachtungen. Wiesbaden 1951. VII, 423 pages. Original cloth in dustjacket. (#57976)200:-
Jensen, Adolf E. Mythos und Kult bei Naturvölkern.. Religionswissenschaftliche Betrachtungen. Zweite Auflage. Wiesbaden 1960. IX, 406 pages. Original cloth. Stamped. (#126273)185:-
Jesus & Kuthumi Prayer and Meditation.. Dictated to the Messengers Mark and Elizabeth Prophet. Los Angeles 1978. 312 pages + plates. Softcover. (#103430)125:-
Jevons, F.B. The Idea of God in Early Religions.. Cambridge 1910. 170 pages. Original cloth. (#132088)140:-
Johansons, Andrejs Der Schirmherr des Hofes im Volksglauben der Letten. Studien über Orts-, Hof- und Hausgeister.. Dissertation. Stockholm 1964. 304 pages + 2 Plates. Soft covers. (#11595)180:-
Johansson, Gust Svenska ortnamn jämförda med irländska gudanamn.. Lekmannafunderingar. Göteborg 1951. 533 sidor. Originalklotband. Stämpl. (#71633)250:-
Johansson, K.F. Solfågeln i Indien.. En religionshistorisk-mytologisk studie. Uppsala 1910. 80 sidor. Häftad. (#44601)125:-
Johansson, K.F. Über die altindische Göttin Dhisána und Verwandtes.. Beiträge zum Fruchtbarkeitskultus in Indien. Uppsala 1917. 170 pages. Softcover. (#44285)195:-
Juliusson, Per The Gonds and their Religion.. A Study of the Integrative Function of Religion in a Present, Preliterary, and Preindustrial Culture in Madhya Pradesh, India. Illustr. Diss. Sthlm 1974. 248 pp. Softcover. (#26228)200:-
Junus, Petra Den levande gudinnan.. Kvinnoidentitet och religiositet som förändringsprocess. Aa Upps. 1995. 312 sidor. Enkelt men rejält klotryggsband. (#123591)200:-
Junus, Petra Den levande gudinnan.. Kvinnoidentitet och religiositet som förändringsprocess. Aa Upps. 1995. 312 sidor. Häftad. (#113394)170:-
Kannisto, Artturi, Materialien zur Mythologie der Wogulen.. Bearbeitet und herausgegeben von E.A. Virtanen und Matti Liimola. Helsinki 1958. 443 Pages. Illustrated. Soft covers. (#192431)250:-
Kan, Sergei Symbolic Immortality.. The Tlingit Potlatch of the Nineteenth Century. Illustr. Washington 1989. XVI, 390 pages. Original cloth in dustjacket. (#131587)150:-
Karsten, Rafael Inledning till religionsvetenskapen.. Sthlm 1928. 336 sidor. Med omslag i original klotband. (#126334)160:-
Karsten, Rafael Naturfolkens religion.. Illustr. Sthlm 1926. 168 sidor. Originalklotband. (#126797)100:-
Karsten, Rafael, Samefolkets religion.. Stockholm 1952. 22x16 cm. 156 sidor. Häftad. Illustread. (#193418)200:-
Kellett, E.E. A Short History of Religions.. Penguin 1962. 605 pages. Paperback. Covers in plastic film. (#107605)100:-
Kerényi, Karl Grekernas och romarnas religion.. Förord av Carl-Martin Edsman. Illustr. Sth 1962. 196 sidor. Originalklotband. Blyertsunderstrykn. (#44075)125:-
Kerényi, Karl Grekernas och romarnas religion.. Förord av Carl-Martin Edsman. Illustr. Sth 1962. 196 sidor. Originalklotband i skyddsomslag. (#36722)175:-
Kerényi, Karl Grekernas och romarnas religion.. Förord av Carl-Martin Edsman. Illustr. Sth 1962. 196 sidor. Originalklotband i skyddsomslag. Litet blyertsunderstrykn. (#44123)150:-
Khoury, Adel Th. Los fundamentos del Islam.. Barcelona 1981. 272 pages. Soft covers. (#84235)145:-
Kim Sung-Hae The Righteous and the Sage:. A Comparartive Study on the Ideal Images of Man in Biblical Israel and Classical China. Seoul 1985. xvi, 297 pages. Original cloth. Dust jacket. (#126375)200:-
Kitch, Ethel May The Origin of Subjectivity in Hindu Thought.. Diss. Chicago 1917. 82 pages. Softcover. Stamped. (#79106)150:-
Koch, Klaus Die Profeten.. II. Babylonisch-persische Zeit. Urban-Tachenbücher, Kohlhammer 1980. 216 pages. Paper back. (#178770)100:-
Kolbe, William Hessische Volks- Sitten und Gebräusche im lichte der heidnischen Vorzeit.. Zweite, sehr vermehrte Auflage, Marburg 1888. 192 pages. Soft covers. Reinforced spine. Exlibris. (#182454)350:-
Konow, Sten Hinduismen I-II.. Det religiösa livet i Indien. Illustr. Sthlm 1927. 272 sidor. Häftade. 2 vol. Bakre omslag loss på del I. (#122324)150:-
Koppers, Wilhelm Urmänniskan och hennes världsbild.. Förord av Stig Wikander. Sthlm 1955. 147 sidor. Original klotryggsband. (#93588)130:-
Koran - Camili Kur'âni Keriym.. Istanbul 1969. 488 pages. Original cloth. The Koran in Turkish. (#137165)150:-
Kraeling, Carl H. Anthropos and Son of Man.. A Study in the Religious Syncretism of the Hellenistic Orient. Diss. New York 1927. 191 pages. Softcover. Stamped. (#140833)350:-
Küng, Hans & van Ess, Josef Christentum und Weltreligion I.. Islam. Güterslohe 1987. 204 pages. Pocket. (#118193)100:-
König, Eduard Bibel und Babel.. Eine kulturgeschichtliche Skizze. Berlin 1902. 60 pp. (#45648)80:-
Körner, Brunhild Die religiöse Welt der Bäuerin in Nordchina.. Stockholm 1959. (8),86 pages + 12 plates. 4:o. Original cloth. . Very fine. Reports from the Scientific Expedition to the North-Western Provinces of China under the Leadership of dr. Sven Hedin. The Sino-Swedish Expedition. Publication 43 (#203983)400:-
Lanczkowski, Günter Begegnung und Wandel der Religionen.. Düsseldorf 1971. 196 pages. Soft covers. (#126776)145:-
Lanczkowski, Günter Die heilige Reise.. Auf den Wegen von Götter und Menschen. Illustr. Freiburg 1982. 253 pages. Original cloth. Dust jacket. (#98941)175:-
Lanczkowski, Günter Die Inseln der Seligen und verwandte Vorstellungen.. Frankfurt am Main 1986. 100 pages + plates. Soft covers. (#126775)135:-
Lanczkowski, Günter Einführung in die Religionsgeschichte.. Darmstadt 1983. 113 pages. Softcover. (#126823)120:-
Lanczkowski, Günter Einführung in die Religionsphänomenologie.. Darmstadt 1978. 152 pages. Softcover. (#126292)140:-
Lanczkowski, Günter Einführung in die Religionswissenschaft.. Darmstadt 1980. 116 pages. Softcover. (#161391)120:-
Lanczkowski, Günter Geschichte der Religionen.. Fischer 1972. 334 pages. Pocket. Das Fischer Lexikon. (#132108)100:-
Lanczkowski, Günter Heilige Schriften.. Inhalt, Textgestalt und überlieferung. Stuttgart 1956. 199 pages + plates. Paperback. (#121227)100:-
Lanczkowski, Günter Religionsgeschichte Europas.. Herderbücherei 1971. 140 pages. Paperback. (#132107)100:-
Langen, Dietrich Archaische Ekstase und asiatische Meditation.. Mit ihren Beziehungen zum Abendland. Stuttgart 1963. 128 pages + plates. Original cloth. Some underlinings with blue pencil. (#79533)150:-
Laotse.. Herausgegeben von Lin Yutang. Fischer 1955. 216 pages. Pocket. Bücher des Wissen. (#81364)100:-
Larousse Encyclopedia of Mythology.. With an introduction by Robert Graves. Illustrated. London 1959. 500 pages. 4:o. Original cloth. (#108658)200:-
Larsson, Göran Virtuell religion.. Globalisering och Internet. Lund 2002. 139 sidor. Häftad. (#155376)100:-
Lawrence, Edward Spiritualism among Civilised and Savage Races.. A Study in Anthropology. Illustr. London 1921. XIV, 112 pp. Cloth. (#43945)150:-
Leaman, Oliver A Brief Introduction to Islamic Philosophy.. Cambridge 2001. 199 pages. Paper back. A few folded corners. (#177141)145:-
Leben und Tod in den Religionen.. Symbol und Wirklichkeit. Herausg. Gunther Stephenson. Darmstadt 1980. XIV, 352 pp + 26 plates. Cloth. (#30932)100:-
Lehmann, Edv Mystik i hedendom och kristendom.. Svensk upplaga, ändrad och utvidgad. Sthlm 1915. 287 sidor. Häftad. Bakre omslaget skadat. (#210974)135:-
Lehmann, Edv. Buddha.. Hans liv och hans gärning. Illustr. Malmö 1928. 289 sidor. Något lite nött halvfranskt band. (#35638)145:-
Lehmann, Edv. Buddha.. Hans lære og dens gærning. Kbhvn 1907. 260 sidor. Häftad. (#80297)100:-
Lehmann, Edv. Religionens värld.. I mänskligheten, i människosjälen. Sthlm 1926. 164 sidor. Original klotband. (#126789)100:-
Leirvik, Oddbjørn Images of Jesus Christ in Islam.. Introduction, Survey of Research, Issues of Dialogue. Uppsala 1999. 269 pages. Soft covers. Library stamps. Very fine copy. (#118259)150:-
Lepp, Ignace Ateismens psykologi.. Andra upplagan. Sthlm 1966. 222 sidor. Original klotband. Skyddsomslag. (#119759)140:-
Leroi-Gourhan, André Les religions de la préhistoire.. Paléolithique. Presses Universitaires de France 1976. 156 pages. Paperback. (#132091)100:-
Leslie, Charles (ed.) Anthroplogy of Folk Religion.. New York 1960. XXI, 453, XI pages. Paperback. (#91424)100:-
Les religions de la prehistoire.. Symposium international sur les religions de la prehistoire. Valcamonica, 18-23 Septembre 1972. Illustr. Brescia 1975. 621 pages. 4:o. Softcover. Very fine copy. Valcamonica symposium 72. (#126338)400:-
Lessa, William A. & Vogt, Evon Z. (editors) Reader in Comparative Religion. An Anthropological Approach.. Fourth edition. Harper & Row, New York 1979. 488 pages. Paperback. Förmer owners signature. (#219192)150:-
Lévi-Strauss, Claude Le totemisme aujourd'hui.. Deuxičme édition. Paris 1965. 156 pages. Soft covers. (#132094)150:-
Lévy-Bruhl, Lucien La mythologie primitive. Le monde mythique des australiens et des papous.. Paris, Félix Alcan, 1935. XLVII,(1),335,(1) pages + 4 plates. Worn soft covers. (#197984)200:-
Levy, Reuben The Social Structure of Islam.. Cambridge University Press 1865. 536 pages. Paperback. (#220492)150:-
Lexikon der Islamischen Welt 1-3.. Herausgegeben von Klaus Kreiser und Andere. Urban-Taschenbücher, Kohlhammer 1974. 210 + 212 + 192 pages. Paper back. 3 volumes. (#178759)200:-
Lichtenstadter, Ilse Islam and the Modern Age.. An Analysis and an Appraisal. New York 1958. 228 pages. Original cloth. Dust jacket (#95145)175:-
Lindberg, Staffan The Madharis.. An Ex-Untouchable Caste in South India. Socio-Economic and Religious Aspects of Conversion into Christianity and Urbanisation-Industialization. Diss. Lund 1969. VIII, 135, 19 pages. A4. Softcover stencil edition. (#49610)175:-
Lindquist, Sigurd Manikeismens religionshistoriska ställning I.. Några orienterande synpunkter i fråga om dess förhållande till den historiska miljön (allt som utkom). Akad. avh. Uppsala 1921. 132 sidor. Häftad. (#55473)140:-
Lindquist, Sigurd Siddhi und Abhiņņa.. Eine Studie über die klassischen Wunder des Yoga. Uppsala 1935. 99 pages. Softcover. (#44598)145:-
Liungman, Waldemar De sex stora religionernas grunddrag.. Jämte valda tänkespråk av förkristna filosofer. Sthlm 1938. 104 sidor. Klotryggsband. Liten bläcknotering på sista bladet. (#183169)135:-
Liv og Virkelighed.. Vilhelm Grønbechs "Primitiv religion". Med bidrag av Erik Reenberg Sand og Tove Tybjerg. Red. Mikael Rothstein. Kbhvn 1996. 167 sidor. Häftad. (#99289)125:-
Ljungdahl, Axel Profetrörelser, deras orsaker, innebörd och förutsättningar.. Aa Sth 1969. 278 sidor. Häftad. (#11515)120:-
Locher, Gottfried Wilhelm The Serpent in Kwakiutl Religion.. A Study in Primitive Culture. Illustr. Diss. Leiden 1932. XII, 118 pages. Softcover. (#91954)750:-
Lowie, Robert H. Minor Ceremonies of the Crow Indians.. New York 1924. Pag. 323-365. Softcover. (#92442)200:-
Lowie, Robert H. Primitive Religion.. Complete and unabridged. New York 1948. xxiv, 382 pages. Original cloth. (#126872)200:-
Lowie, Robert H. Primitive Religion.. New York 1924. xx, 346 pages. Original cloth. (#126748)250:-
Lowie, Robert H. Primitive Religion.. New York 1948. xx, 346 pages. Original cloth. (#148797)200:-
Lowie, Robert H. The Religion of the Crow Indians.. New York 1922. Pag. 309-444. Softcover. (#92441)450:-
Lurker, Manfred Dictionary of Gods and Goddesses, Devils and Demons.. Routledge, London 1994. x,451 pages. Paper back. As new. (#218680)150:-
Luytens, Mary Krishnamurti. The Years of Fulfilment.. London 1983. 248 pages. Original cloth. Dust jacket. (#188511)140:-
Löwén, Åsa Asylexistensens villkor.. Resurser och problem i meningsskapande hos asylsökande barn i Sverige. Illustr. Aa Upps. 2006. 235 sidor. Häftad. (#113334)175:-
MacKillop, James Dictionary of Celtic Mythology.. Oxford University Press 1998. xxix,402 pages. Original cloth. Dust jacket. As new. (#218392)200:-
Madan, T.N. Modern Myths, Locked Minds.. Secularism and fundamentalism in India. Oxford 2003. 323 pages. Paper back. (#177153)150:-
Mahloujian, Azar Vi lyser som guld. Ett reportage om zoroastrier i exil.. Atlas 2006. 255 sidor. Förlagsband med skyddsomslag. (#217864)150:-
Maier, Bernhard Dictionary of Celtic Religion and Culture.. Translated by and with contributions from Cyril Edwards. The Boydell Press 1997. xiv,338 pages. Original cloth. Dust jacket. As new. (#218399)250:-
Man and his Gods.. Encyclopedia of the World's Religions. Ed. Geoffrey Parrinder. Illustr. London 1974. 440 pages. 4:o. Hard covers. (#49888)250:-
Mantzius, Karl Skuespilskunstens historie i det nittende aarhundrede.. Illustrerad. Kbhvn 1922. 142 sidor. Tillsammans med: J. Østrup, Islam i det nittende aarhundrede. Illustrerad. Kbhvn 1923. 84 sidor. Inbundna i ett halvklotband. (#132549)150:-
Marett, R.R. Sacraments of Simple Folk.. Oxford 1933. 230 pages. Original cloth. No jacket. (#126366)250:-
Maringer, Johannes Vorgeschichtliche Religion.. Religionen im steinzeitichen Europa. Einsiedeln 1956. 328 pages. Original cloth. Dust jacket. (#126755)275:-
Markides, Kyriacos C. The Magus of Strovolos.. The Extraordinary World of a Spiritual Healer. London 1985. X, 222 pages. Softcover. (#136924)100:-
Martensen-Larsen, H. Spiritismens bländverk och själsdjupets gåtor 1-2.. Uppsala 1924. 226 + 143 sidor. Häftade. 2 vol. (#151479)200:-
Martinus Tredje testamentet 2.. Livets bog. Översatt från danskan av Nils Kalén. Södertälje 1987. Sid. 269-584 + planscher. Vitt förlagsband. Bläcknoteringar på bakre pärmens insida. (#115311)225:-
Martinus Tredje testamentet 5.. Livets bog. Översatt från danskan av Nils Kalén. Lidingö 1980. Sid. 1357-1618. Vitt förlagsband. (#115314)250:-
McCann, Lee Nostradamus.. Mannen som såg in i framtiden. Sthlm 1942. 335 sidor. Häftad. (#173483)120:-
McCann, Lee Nostradamus.. Mannen som såg in i framtiden. Sthlm 1942. 335 sidor. Original halvklotband. (#79466)150:-
McElwain, Thomas Mythological Tales and the Allegany Seneca.. A Study of the Socio-Religious Context of Traditional Oral Phenomena in an Iroquois Community. Sthlm 1978. 118 pages. Softcover. (#25699)145:-
Mebius, Hans Värro.. Studier i samernas förkristna offerriter. Upps. 1968. 215 sidor + planscher. Häftad. (#18930)350:-
Meinhof, Carl Afrikanische Religionen.. Hamburgische Vorträge. Mit 8 Tafeln. Berlin 1912. 153 pages + plates. With front cover in later cloth. (#182487)300:-
Meinhof, Carl Die Religionen der Afrikaner in ihrem Zusammenhang mit dem Wirtschaftsleben.. Oslo 1926. 261 pages + plates. Softcover. Spine repaired. Exlibris. (#80780)160:-
Mendelsohn, Jack God, Allah, and Ju Ju.. Religion in Africa Today. Boston 1965. 245 pages. Softcover. (#148936)125:-
Mensching, Gustav Allgemeine Religionsgeschichte.. Heidelberg 1949. 240 pages. Original hard covers. (#126391)120:-
Mensching, Gustav Das Wunder im Glauben und Aberglauben der Völker.. Leiden 1957. 125 pages. Original cloth. Dust jacket. (#126752)145:-
Mensching, Gustav Vergleichende Religionswissenschaft.. Heidelberg 1949. 208 pages. Original hard covers. (#126393)120:-
Merkelbach, Reinhold Isis regina - Zeus Sarapis. Die griechisch-ägyptische Religion nach den Quellen dargestellt.. Illustrated. Stuttgart und Leipzig, Teubner 1995. xxviii,722 pages + colour plates. Original cloth. Dust jacket. Very fine (#218232)1200:-
Millroth, Berta Lyuba.. Traditional Religion of the Sukuma. Upps. 1965. 217 pages. 4:o. Softcover. Studia Ethnographica Upsaliensia XXII. (#19749)200:-
Milton, Joyce, Steinberg, Rafael & Lewis, Sarah Religion at the Crossroads.. The Rise and Fall of Empires. Byzantium. The Turks. Illustr. London 1980. 174 pp. 4:o. Cloth in dustjacket. (#42160)250:-
Minckwitz, Joh. Allmänt mythologiskt hand-lexicon med illustrationer,. hemtade såväl från Antiken som från den Moderna Konsten. Öfversatt och bearbetadt af Gustaf Thomée. Sthlm 1854. 540 sidor. Senare klotband med bevarade häftesomslag. (#52753)350:-
Moen, Sveinung Johnson The Mongwande Snake Cult.. Illustr. Upps. 2005. 188 pages. Softcover. (#151600)250:-
Moghissi, Haideh Feminism and Islamic Fundamentalism.. The Limits of Postmodern Analysis. London 1999. 166 pages. Soft covers. (#118172)140:-
Mohammed Jahia Haschmi Wer war Mohammed?. "Mohammeds Geburtstag im Zeichen der Wiedergeburt des Islam". Berlin 1936. 24 pages. Soft covers. Staple bound. Very fine. (#187079)150:-
Mora, Fabio Arnobio e i culti di mistero. Analisi storico-religiosa del V libro dell'Adversus Nationes. L'Erma di Bretschneider, Roma, 1994. 217 pages. Soft covers. As new. (#218658)150:-
Moray, M.S. History of Buddhism in Gujarat.. Ahmedabad 1985. VIII, 145 pages + plates. Original cloth in dustjacket. Front hinge broken. (#106540)75:-
Morris, Brian Anthropological Studies of Religion.. An Introductory Text. Cambridge 1991. 369 pages. Softcover. (#218492)125:-
Morris, Brian Anthropological Studies of Religion.. An Introductory Text. Cambridge 1994. 369 pages. Softcover. (#164178)125:-
Morsi, Magali Profetens hustrur.. Alhambra 1990. 135 sidor. Förlagsband med skyddsomslag. (#212613)140:-
Mowinckel, Sigmund Religion og kultus.. Oslo 1950. 146 sidor. Häftad. Blyertsunderstr. och anteckningar. (#47548)105:-
Mowinckel, Sigmund Religion og kultus.. Oslo 1950. 146 sidor. Häftad. Inplastad. (#56645)105:-
Muhammed - The Living Thoughts of the Prophet Muhammad.. Presented by Muhammad Ali. London 1950. 142 pages. Original cloth. Dust jacket. (#81937)125:-
Murata, Kiyoaki Japan's New Buddhism.. An Objective Account of Soka Gakkai. Tokyo 1969. 194 pages + plates. Original cloth in dustjacket. (#148927)150:-
Murdoch, John Hindu and Muhammadan Festivals.. Compiled from Wilson, Wilkins, Crooke, Sell, Hughes and other writers. Madras 1904. viii, 88 pages. Original hard covers. First edition, two thousand copies. (#157146)200:-
Murley, Joseph Clyde, The Cults of Cisalpine Gaul as Seen in the Incriptions.. Dissertation, Menasha, Wisconsin 1922. viii,112 pages. Soft covers. Small stamp on front cover. Very fine, as new. First edition. (#205794)300:-
Mutahhari, Morteza Att förstå Koranen.. Islamiska kulturcentret i Norden, Lidingö 1984. 41 sidor. Häftad. (#221176)80:-
Mutahhari, Morteza Begreppet "den islamiska republiken".. En analys av revolutionen i Iran. Islamiska kulturcentret i Norden, Lidingö 1984. 63 sidor. Häftad. (#148921)100:-
Müller, Johann Georg Geschichte der Amerikanischen Urreligionen.. Basel 1855. VIII, 707 pages. Half leather with weak hinges. (#125452)1000:-
Mynarek, Hubertus Denkverbot.. Fundamentalismus in Christentum und Islam. Knesebeck 1992. 112 pages. Pocket. (#118196)100:-
Mysticism.. Based on Papers read at the Symposium on Mysticism held at Åbo on the 7th-9th September 1968. Ed. Sven S. Hartman and Carl-Martin Edsman. Sth 1970. 258 pages. Soft covers. (#175424)175:-
Mysticism.. Based on Papers read at the Symposium on Mysticism held at Åbo on the 7th-9th September 1968. Ed. Sven S. Hartman and Carl-Martin Edsman. Sth 1970. 258 pages. Soft covers. Library stamps, otherwise a very fine copy. (#14055)150:-
Myth and Symbol.. Edited by F.W. Dillistone. London 1966. viii, 112 pages. Softcover. (#117404)130:-
Mythe, Mensch und Umwelt.. Deiträge zur Religion, Mythologie und Kulturgeschichte von F. Altheim und Andere. Herausgegeben von Ad. E. Jensen. Illustr. Bamberg 1950. 362 pages. Original hardcover with cloth spine. (#126300)275:-
Mythologie Asiatique illustrée. Libraire de VFrance, Paris 1928. 432 pages. Bound in half cloth. Very fine. (#189791)300:-
Mythologies of the Ancient World.. Edited and with an introduction by Samuel Noah Kramer. Anchor Books, New York 1961. 480 pages. Paperback. (#86361)120:-
Nakarai, Toyozo W. A Study of the Impact of Buddhism Upon Japanese Life as Revealed in the Odes of the Kokin-shu.. Diss. Indianapolis 1931. 130 pages. Softcover. Stamped. (#77844)200:-
Nasr, Seyyed Hossein Ideals and Realities of Islam.. London 1985. 188 pages. Softcover. (#131789)120:-
Nathan, Marvin The Attitude of the Jewish Student in the Colleges and Universities Towards His Religion.. A Social Study of Religious Changes. Diss. Philadelphia 1932. 264 pages. Softcover. Stamped. (#119848)150:-
Native Religious Traditions.. Edited by Earle H. Waugh and K. Dad Prithipaul. Waterloo, Ontario 1979. XI, 242 pages. Softcover. (#131527)550:-
Neuland, Lena Jumis, die Fruchtbarkeitsgottheit der alten Letten.. Illustr. Aa Sth 1977. 186 pages. Softcover. (#25753)120:-
New Larousse Encyclopedia of Mythology.. Introduction by Robert Graves. Illustrated. London 1970. 500 pages. 4:o. Softcover. (#150737)150:-
Nicholson, Irene Mexican and Central American Mythology.. Illustrated. Hamlyn, London 1967. 141 pages. 29 × 21 cm. Original cloth. Dust jacket. (#99062)150:-
Nigosian, S.A. The Zoroastrian Faith. Tradition and Modern Research.. McGill-Queen University Press 1993. xiv,154 pages. Paper back. Some pencil-marks in margins. (#218555)150:-
Nilson, Peter Himlavalvets sällsamheter.. En resa genom myter och historia. Illustrerad. Stockholm 1977. 204 sidor. Förlagets pappband. Tillskrift. (#216641)135:-
Nilsson, Martin P:n Grekisk religiositet.. Andra upplagan, Stockholm 1960. 208 sidor. Originalklotband. Skyddsomslag. (#40489)145:-
Nilsson, Martin P:n Grekisk religiositet.. Upps. 1946. 227 sidor. Häftad. (#25763)85:-
Nilsson, Martin P:n Letters to Professor Arthur D. Nock on Some Fundamental Concepts in the Science of Religion.. Reprint. Harvard Theological Review 1949. 37 pages. Softcover. (#126688)75:-
Nilsson, Martin P:n Primitiv religion.. Sth 1923. 208 sidor. Häftad. (#75776)120:-
Nilsson, Martin P:n Primitiv religion.. Sth 1934. 220 sidor. Häftad. Tredje upplagan. (#11551)125:-
Nilsson, Martin P:n Straff och sällhet i den andra världen i förkristen religion.. Sth 1937. 144 sidor. Häftad. (#11526)85:-
Norbeck, Edward Religion in Primitive Society.. New York 1961. XIV, 318 pages. Original cloth. (#50996)200:-
Nordquist, Ted A. Ananda Cooperative Village.. A Study in the Beliefs, Values, and Attitudes of a New Age Religious Community. Illustr. Diss. Upps. 1978. 177 pages. Softcover. (#50735)150:-
Nostradamus, Michel Profetior.. Quatrainer i urval om världens öden 1555-2797. Efter den traditionella "Nostradamusforskningen" tolkade samt med inledning och kommentarer av Åke Ohlmarks. Sthlm 1960. 241 sidor. Häftad. (#163623)110:-
Nyberg, H.S. Irans forntida religioner.. Olaus-Petri-föreläsningar vid Uppsala universitet. Uppsala 1937. XV, 559 sidor. Klotband med bevarat främre omslag. Namnteckning. (#221711)575:-
Nyberg, H.S. (red.) Texte zum mazdayasnischen Kalender.. Uppsala 1934. 86 pages. Softcover. (#33856)125:-
OHLMARKS ÅKE Heimdalls Horn und Odins Auge.Studien zur nordischen und vergleichenden Religionsgeschichte.Erstes Buch (I-II) Heimdallr und das Horn.. Lund Gleerups 1937. Stor 8:o VII,399 sidor. Illustrerad .Häftad. Något nött. Dedikation på omslag. (#192188)375:-
Ohlmarks, Åke Nostradamus.. Spådomar - Orakel - Stjärntyderi. Sthlm 1970. 192 sidor. Pocket. (#163624)100:-
Ohlmarks, Åke Resa till egyptens gudar.. Illustrerad. Sthlm 1963. 248 sidor. Original halvklotband. (#71943)140:-
Okkulte Faszination.. Symbole des Bösen und Perspektiven der Entzauberung. Herausg. von W.H. Ritter und H. Streib. Neukirchen 1997. 88 pages. Soft covers. (#70209)100:-
Oldenberg, Hermann Buddha, sein Leben, seine Lehre, seine Gemeinde.. Stuttgart und Berlin 1923. viii,446 pages. Original cloth. (#173534)150:-
Olsson, Susanne Renewal and Heritage.. The Quest for Authenticity in Hasan Hanafi's Islamic Ideology. Diss. Upps. 2004. 226 pages. Softcover. (#151294)225:-
Oosten, J.G. The Theoretical Structure of the Religion of the Netsilik and Iglulik.. Diss. Groningen 1945. 107 pages. Softcover. (#105579)550:-
Oosthuizen - Religion and the Future.. Essays in Honour of Prof. G.C. Oosthuizen. Edited by Gerald J. Pillay. Pretoria 1992. 209 pages. Softcover. (#126830)160:-
Oosthuizen - The Future of Religion.. Essays in Honour of G.C. Oosthuizen. Edited by G.J. Pillay. Pretoria 1989. 202 pages. Softcover. (#126818)150:-
O'Shaughnessy, Thomas The Koranic Concept of the Word of God.. Roma 1948. 72 pages Together With: The same: The Development of the Meaning of Spirit in the Koran. Roma 1953. 75 pages. Together with The same: The Seven Names for Hell in the Qur'an. Reprint, London 1961. 25 pages. Bound with all wrappers in half cloth. Some pencil underlinings by Helmer Ringgren. (#178783)950:-
Oswalt, Sabine G. Collins Concise Encyclopedia of Greek and Roman Mythology.. Illustrated. Glasgow 1969. 313 pages. Original cloth. Dust jacket. (#207088)110:-
Otto, Walter F. Theophania.. Der Geist der altgriechichen Religion. Rowohlt 1956. 134 pages. Pocket. (#118483)100:-
Ozols, Jakob Der gehörnte Schamanentyp.. Illustr. [Helsinki] 1973. Pag. 47-61. Staple bound offprint. (#103061)75:-
Palacios, Miguel Asín El Islam cristianizado.. Estudio del "sufismo" a través de las obras de Abenarabi de Murcia. Primera ediciķn. Madrid 1931. 544 pages. Soft covers. (#132279)800:-
Paproth, Hans-Joachim Studien über das Bärenzeremoniell I.. Bärenjagdtriten und Bärenfeste bei den tungusischen Völkern (all publ.). Diss. Upps. 1976. 366 pages. Softcover. (#18286)200:-
Paret, Rudi Symbolik des Islam.. Stuttgart 1958. 96 pages. Soft covers. (#125390)150:-
Parrinder, Geoffrey Religion i Afrika.. Falköping 1971. 245 sidor. Häftad. (#132588)140:-
Parrinder, Geoffrey Vår tids religioner.. Sthlm 1974. 247 sidor. Pocket. (#131964)100:-
Parrinder, Geoffrey Vår tids religioner.. Sthlm 1991. 247 sidor. Häftad. (#96109)120:-
Pascher, Josef Der Seelenbegriff im Animismus Edward Burnett Tylors.. Ein Beitrag zur Religionswissenschaft. Würzurg 1929. viii, 110 pages. Soft covers. (#126351)200:-
Paulson, Ivar Die primitiven Seelenvorstellungen der nordeurasischen Völker. Eine religionsethnographische und religionsphänomenologische Untersuchung.. Dissertation. Stockholm 1958. 407 pages. Soft covers. (#37782)250:-
Paulson, Ivar Die primitiven Seelenvorstellungen der nordeurasischen Völker. Eine religionsethnographische und religionsphänomenologische Untersuchung.. Dissertation. Stockholm 1958. 407 pages. Soft covers. Interleaved with a few notes in pencil bu Åke Hultcrantz on the blank pages. (#208852)250:-
Paulson, Ivar Vom Wesen und aus der Geschichte der Religion.. Religiooni olemusest ja ajaloost. Stockholm 1963. 68 pages. Softcover. Estonian text and German translation. (#126758)120:-
Paulson, Ivar, Hultkrantz, Åke & Jettmar, Karl Die Religionen Nordeurasiens und der amerikanischen Arktis.. Stuttgart 1962. 425 pages. Original cloth. Die Religionen der Menschheit 3. (#178732)250:-
Paulson, Ivar, Hultkrantz, Åke & Jettmar, Karl Die Religionen Nordeurasiens und der amerikanischen Arktis.. Stuttgart 1962. 425 pages. Original cloth in dustjacket. Die Religionen der Menschheit 3. (#113536)300:-
Pautz, Otto Muhammeds Lehre von der Offenbarung quellenmässig untersucht.. Leipzig 1898. viii,304 pages. In hard covers. (#178806)250:-
Pentikäinen, Juha Samaanit.. Pohjoisten kansojen elämäntaistelu. Illustr. Helsinki 1998. 159 pages. Softcover. (#102986)200:-
Pettersson, Olof Chiefs and Gods.. Religious and Social Elements in the South Eastern Bantu Kingship. Diss. Lund 1953. 405 pages. Soft covers. (#73081)200:-
Pettersson, Olof Tro och rit.. Religionsfenomenologisk översikt. Sth 1972. 338 sidor. Häftad. (#18101)130:-
Pettersson, Olof & Åkerberg, Hans Interpreting Religious Phenomena.. Studies with Reference to the Phenomenology of Religion. Lund 1981. 202 pages. Soft covers. Inscribed. (#126720)200:-
Pettersson, Thorleif The Retention of Religious Experiences.. Diss. Upps. 1975. 159 pages. Softcover. (#18103)120:-
Platvoet, J.G. Comparing Religions: A Limitative Approach.. An Analysis of Akan, Para-Creole and IFO-Sananda Rites and Prayers. The Hague 1982. xiv, 350 pages. Original cloth. Dust jacket. (#126843)250:-
Pratt, James Bissett The Religious Consciousness.. A Psychological Study. New York 1943. 488 pages. Original cloth. Pencil underlinings. Signature of former owner. (#221712)150:-
Preuss, K. Th. Glauben und Mystik im Schatten des höchsten Wesens.. Leipzig 1926. 62 pages. Soft covers. Pencil underlinings. (#126735)100:-
Primitiv religion och magi.. Naturfolkens trosliv i regional belysning. Red. Åke Hultkrantz. Illustr. Sth 1955. 86 sidor. Häftad. (#20865)100:-
Proceedings of the XIIth International Congress of the International Association for the History of Religions.. Held ... at Stockholm, Sweden, August 16-22, 1970. Edited by C. Jouco Bleeker, Geo Widengren and Eric J. Sharpe. Leiden 1975. 350 pages. Original cloth. Studies in the History of Religions 31. (#126323)250:-
Radin, Paul Die religiöse Erfahrung der Naturvölker.. Zürich 1951. 128 pages. Soft covers. (#126697)145:-
Radin, Paul Gott und Mensch in der primitiven Welt.. Zürich no date (c. 1960). 436 pages. Original cloth. Dust jacket. (#126739)200:-
Ray, Benjamin C. African Religions.. Symbol, Ritual, and Community. Englewood Cliffs 1976. 239 pages. Soft covers. (#141727)160:-
Reichard, Gladys A. Prayer: The Compulsative Word.. Seattle 1966. 97 pages + figures. Original cloth. (#61201)200:-
Religion and Society.. Papers on Cultural Anthropology. Lund 1970. 213 pages. Soft covers. (#126365)150:-
Religion, Culture and Methodology.. Papers of the Groningen Working-Group for the Study of Fundamental Problems and Methods of Science of Religion. Edited by Th. P. van Baaren and H.J.W. Drijvers. The Hague 1973. 171 pages. Original cloth. Dust jacket. Religion and Reason 8. (#126322)175:-
Religion de Salut.. Par Armand Abel et. al. Bruxelles 1962. 228 pages. Soft covers. Annales du Centre d'Etude des Religions 2. (#126757)175:-
Religion for Peace.. Proceedings of the Kyoto Conference on Religion and Peace. Edited by Homer A. Jack. New Delhi 1973. XII, 391 pages. Original cloth in dustjacket with stain. (#126167)300:-
Religion in India. Edited by T.N. Madan. Delhi 1992. XVII, 460 pages. Softcover. (#36770)130:-
Religion in Philosophical and Cultural Perspective.. A new approach to the philosophy of religion through cross-disciplinary studies. Ed. J.C. Feaver & W. Horosz. Princeton, New Jersey 1967. XIV, 506 pp. Cloth. (#25451)120:-
Religions-Ethnologie.. Herausgegeben von C.A. Schmitz. Frankfurt am Main 1964. 461 pages. Soft covers. (#126777)150:-
Religiousness in Sri Lanka.. Edited by John Carter Ross. Colombo 1979. 300 pages. Original cloth. Ex-library copy in good condition. (#82821)150:-
Religious Traditions of the World. A Journey Through Africa, North America, Mesoamerica, Judaism, Christianity, Islam, Hinduism, Buddhism, China, and Japan.. Edited by H. Byron Earhart. Illustr. San Fransisco 1992. XX, 1205 pages. Hardcover. (#45949)250:-
Religiøse minoriteter.. Red. Ragnhild Kristensen og Ole Riis. Aarhus 1987. 203 sid. (#38546)105:-
Renner, George Thomas Primitive Religion in the Tropical Forests.. A Study in Social Geography. Diss. New York 1927. 109 pages. Softcover. Stamped. (#128666)200:-
Reuterskiöld, Edgar Till frågan om uppkomsten af sakramentala måltider. med särskild hänsyn till totemismen. Aa Upps. 1908. IV, 168 sidor. Häftad. Främre omslag loss, bakre saknas. Nött rygg. Stämpl. (#26195)110:-
Reuterskiöld, Edgar Till frågan om uppkomsten af sakramentala måltider. med särskild hänsyn till totemismen. Aa Upps. 1908. IV, 168 sidor. Häftad. Något nött. (#116838)150:-
Reuterskiöld, Edgar Till frågan om uppkomsten af sakramentala måltider med särskild hänsyn till totemismen.. Akademisk avhandling Uppsala 1908. IV, 168 sidor. Häftad. (#26153)150:-
Riboli, Diana Tunsurbian.. Shamanism in the Chepang of Southern and Central Nepal. Kathmandu 2000. 257 pages. Softcover. (#103099)250:-
Richert, Unge och Wagner (red.) Islam. Religion, kultur, samhälle.. Illustrerad. Gidlunds och Statens Historiska Museum 1985. 217 sidor. 4:o. Förlagsband. (#218503)150:-
Ringgren, Helmer Fatalism in Persian Epics.. Uppsala 1952. 134 pages. Softcover. (#44612)165:-
Ringgren, Helmer Forntida religioner i Mallanöstern. Bokförlaget Plus Ultra 1987. 297 sidor. Häftad. (#185266)145:-
Ringgren, Helmer Religionens form och funktion.. Lund 1972. 170 sidor. Häftad. Dedikation. (#48873)145:-
Ringgren, Helmer Religionens form och funktion.. Stockholm 1984. 170 sidor. Häftad. Blyertsförstrykningar. (#218292)100:-
Ringgren, Helmer Studies in Arabian Fatalism.. Uppsala 1955. 225 pages. Softcover. (#43724)195:-
Ringgren, Helmer (ed.) Fatalistic Beliefs. in Religion, Folklore, and Literature. Papers read at the Symposium on Fatalistic Beliefs held at Åbo on the 7th-9th of September, 1964. Sthlm 1967. 186 pages. Soft covers. (#48225)200:-
Ringgren, Helmer (ed.) Fatalistic Beliefs. in Religion, Folklore, and Literature. ...Symposium of Fatalistic Beliefs... Åbo... 1964. Sth 1967. 186 pages. Soft covers. Library stamps, oherwise a very fine copy. (#162765)150:-
Risler, Jacques C. L'Islam moderne.. Paris 1963. 187 pages. Paperback. (#74010)100:-
Rizvi, Maulana Syed Saeed Akhtar Elements of Islamic Studies.. Illustr. Bloomfield, NJ 1989. 82 pages. Softcover. (#124564)75:-
Robertson, Roland (editor) Sociology of Religion.. Penguin 1985. 473 pages. Paperback. (#81565)110:-
Robinson, Francis Atlas of the Islamic Worls since 1500.. Oxford 1989. 238 pages. 4:o. Original cloth. No jacket. (#178426)200:-
Rodhe, Sten Deliver us from Evil.. Studies on the Vedic Ideas of Salvation. Diss. Lund 1946. 207 pages. Softcover. (#40207)145:-
Rodinson, Maxime Muhammed.. Övers. Ingvar Rydberg. 1981. 300 sidor. Inbunden. F.d. biblioteksexemplar i fint skick. Svensk text. (#42081)120:-
Rosén-Hockersmith, Eva Buddhismen i Bangladesh.. En studie av en minoritetsreligion. Akad. avh. Uppsala 1985. 191 sidor. Häftad. (#50378)135:-
Ross, Nancy Wilson Vägen till vishet.. Hinduismen, buddismen, zen och deras betydelse för Västerlandet. Illustrerad. Sthlm 1969. 194 sidor. Klotband med skyddsomslag. (#184360)150:-
Ruby, Robert H. & Brown, John A. Dreamer-Prophets of the Columbia Plateau.. Smohalla and Skolaskin. Foreword by Herman J. Viola. Norman 1989. XIV, 257 pages + plates. Original cloth. Dust jacket. As new. (#125734)150:-
Ränk, Gustav Der mystische Ruto in der samischen Mythologie.. Eine religionsethnologische Untersuchung. Illustr. Sthlm 1981. 130 pages. Softcover. (#46310)150:-
Rönnow, K. Trita Aptya I.. Eine vedische Gottheit (all publ.). Diss. Uppsala 1927. XXVIII, 192 pages. Softcover. (#38826)150:-
Saint-Hilaire, Barthelemy. Du Bouddhisme et de sa littérature a Ceylan et en Birmanie.. Collection de M. Grimblot, Vice-consul de France ā Ceylan. Extrait du Journal des Savants (1866). 48 pages. Soft, worn covers. (#82859)200:-
Sandegren, Johannes Om Sydindiens rövarekaster och deras religiösa värld.. Studier och upplevelser. Stockholm 1924. 264 sidor. Häftad. Stämpl. Något nött. (#158739)110:-
Satsvarupa dasa Gosvami Vedisk filosofi och religion.. Urkundernas vittnesbörd. Sthlm 1977. 115 sidor. Pocket. (#179303)80:-
Sauer, Eberhard The End of Paganism in the North-Western Provinces of the Roman Empire. The Example of the Mithras Cult.. Tempus Reparatum. BAR International Series, Oxford 1996. (4),125 pages 4:o. Soft covers. (#218501)400:-
Saunders, J.J. A History of Medieval Islam.. London 1982. XV, 219 pages. Softcover. (#150878)125:-
Schalk, Peter God as a Remover of Obstacles. A Study of Caiva Soteriology among Ilam Tamil Refugees in Stockholm, Sweden.. Illustrated. Uppsala 2004. 299 pages. Soft covers. Inscribed by a co-editor. (#204709)160:-
Schepelern, Vilhelm Montanismen og de phrygiske kulturer.. En religionshistorisk undersøgelse. Aa Kbhvn 1920. VII, 212 sidor. Häftad. Stämpl. (#88433)125:-
Schleiter, Frederick Religion and Culture.. A Critical Survey of Methods of Approach to Religious Phenomena. Diss. New York 1919. X, 206 pages. Softcover. Stamped, else as good as new. (#110016)150:-
Schlette, Heinz Robert Towards a Theology of Religions.. Freiburg 1966. 151 pages. Soft covers. (#60842)145:-
Schlosser, Katesa Der einbeinige Gott.. Laduma Madela als Portraitist und Barde des Zulu-Schöpfergottes und der Häuptlinge seines Klans von mythischen Zeiten an. Die lobpreisungen, izibongo, auf Zulu und Deutsch. Illustr. 169 pp. Hardcover. Dedication to Anders Fogelqvist. (#50734)200:-
Schlosser, Katesa Der Zulu-Blitzzauberer Susa Madela.. König der Einäugigen. Fotos von Katesa Schlosser und Anders Fogelqvist. Kiel 1982. (14), 84 pp + 44 Plates. Amateur binding. (#27983)145:-
Schlosser, Katesa Handwerke des Blitzzauberers Laduma Madela.. Eine bildliche Dokumentation aus Kwa Zulu/Südafrika 1959-1986. Anhang: Graphiken des 76- bis 78jährigen Laduma Madela. Fotos von Katesa Schlosser und Anders Fogelqvist. Kiel 1986. 258 pp. Amateur binding. (#50740)250:-
Schlosser, Katesa Medizinen des Blitzzauberers Laduma Madela.. Eine bildliche Dokumentation aus Kwa Zulu/Südafrika. Fotos von Katesa Schlosser und Anders Fogelqvist. Kiel 1984. 186 pp. Amateur binding. Dedication to Anders Fogelqvist. (#50741)250:-
Schmidt, Titti Kristina Morality as Practice.. The Santo Daime, an Eco-Religious Movement in the Amazonian Rainforest. Illustr. Diss. Upps. 2007. 282 pages. Softcover. (#139241)175:-
Segelberg, Eric Masbuta.. Studies in the Ritual of the Mandaean Baptism. Diss. Upps. 1958. 198 pages. Hardcover. (#44744)225:-
Segelberg, Eric Masbuta.. Studies in the Ritual of the Mandaean Baptism. Diss. Upps. 1958. 198 pages. Softcover. (#25759)175:-
Segerstedt, Torgny Karl Till frågan om polyteismens uppkomst.. Akad. avh. Uppsala 1903. 128 sidor. Häftad. (#53787)150:-
Sekularism ifrågasatt.. "Fundamentalism" och religionspolitik i jämförande perspektiv. Red. David Westerlund. Sthlm 1992. 215 sidor. Häftad. Tro & tanke 1992:6. (#126901)140:-
Semaan, Khalil I. Ash-Shafi'i's Risalah: Basic Ideas.. With English Translation of the Chapters on an-Nasikh wa-al-Mansukh. Lahore 1961. 70 pages. Softcover. (#77571)200:-
Senior, Michael Vem är vem i mytologin?. 1200 mytologiska gestalter från hela världen. Illustr. Sthlm 1987. 227 sidor. Originalpappband med skyddsomslag. (#66753)130:-
Senior, Michael Vem är vem i mytologin?. 1200 mytologiska gestalter från hela världen. Illustr. Sthlm 1990. 227 sidor. Originalpappband. (#117255)125:-
Senior, Michael Vem är vem i mytologin?. 1200 mytologiska gestalter från hela världen. Illustr. Sthlm 1992. 227 sidor. Förlagsband. (#117254)125:-
Senior, Michael Vem är vem i mytologin? 1200 mytologiska gestalter från hela världen.. Illustrerad. Sthlm 1988. 227 sidor. Originalklotband i skyddsomslag. (#117256)135:-
Shah, Idries Learning How to Learn. Psychology and Spirituality in the Sufi Way. With an introduction by Doris Lessing. Arkana 1993. 302 pages. Paperback. (#216545)100:-
Shamanism.. An Expanded View of Reality. Compiled by Shirley Nicholson. Wheaton, IL 1988. XXIII, 295 pages. Softcover. (#103024)120:-
Shamanism.. An Expanded View of Reality. Compiled by Shirley Nicholson. Wheaton, IL 1990. XXIII, 295 pages. Softcover. (#103029)120:-
Shamans.. Illustr. Tampere 1998. 223 pages. Softcover. Exhibition catalogue. (#103088)300:-
Sharif, M.M. Muslim Thought.. Its Origin and Achievement. Translated and introduced by a detailed introduction on Islamic Civilization by Ahmad Shalaby. Seventh edition. Cairo 1984. [206] pages. Softcover. In Arabic only. (#134840)150:-
Sharkey, John Celtic Mysteries.. The Ancient Religion. Illustr. London 1984. 96 pages. 4:o. Softcover. (#163967)110:-
Shihlien, Leonard The Political Philosophy of Confucianism.. An interpretation of the social and political ideas of Confucius, hist forerunners, and his early desciples. London 1975. 258 pages. Original cloth. Dust jacket. Very fine. (#187821)185:-
Simon, Gottfried Islam und Christentum. im Kampf um die Eroberung der animistischen Heidenwelt. Beobachtungen aus der Mohammedanermission in Niederländisch-Indien. Berlin 1910. xii, 475 pages. Original cloth. (#85240)250:-
Simonsen, Jørgen Bæk Islamlexikonet.. Illustrerad. Stockholm 1994. 260 sidor. Original klotband. Skyddsomslag. Nyskick. (#73167)150:-
Sivaprakasa kattalai. or The Manifestation of Siva. Shiyali 1932. 15, III, 32 pages. Hardcover with preserved wrappers. 15 pages in Tamil, the remainder in English. (#115567)150:-
Sjoestedt, Marie-Louise Gods and heroes of the Celts.. Translated by Myles Dillon. Four Courts Press 1994. xxii,104 pages. Paper bacl. As new. (#218394)150:-
Sløk, Johannes Den religiösa instinkten.. Sth 1965. 178 sidor. Pocket. (#28207)100:-
Smart, Ninian The Science of Religion & the Sociology of Knowledge.. Some Methodological Questions. Princeton 1977. 164 pages. Soft covers. (#126842)140:-
Smith, D. Howard Confucius and Confucianism.. Paladin, London 1985. 254 pages. Paper back. (#187951)100:-
Smith, F. Harold Buddhistisk livssyn.. Sthlm 1954. 227 sidor. Häftad. Blyertsunderstrykningar. (#104751)100:-
Smith, Howard D. Confucius. Paladin 1974. 254 pages. Paperback. (#216557)100:-
Smith, Huston Mänsklighetens religioner.. Stockholm 1966. 354 sid. Häftad. Namnteckning. (#211153)145:-
Smith, Huston The Religions of Man.. New York 1965. 371 pages. Paperback. (#74832)100:-
Smith, Wilfred Cantwell Islam in Modern History.. Princeton 1977. 318 pp. Soft covers. (#42549)150:-
Smith, William L. The Myth of Manasa.. A Study in the Popular Hinduism of Medieval Bengal. Diss. Stockholm 1976. 201 pages. Softcover. (#44493)170:-
Stadling, J. Shamanismen i norra Asien.. Några drag ur shamanväsendets utveckling bland naturfolken i Sibirien. Med inledande förord af professor Nathan Söderblom Om makten och själen. Illustr. Sth 1912. XVI, 135 sidor. Häftad. Främre omslag nästan loss. (#128834)175:-
Stadling, J. Shamanismen i norra Asien.. Några drag ur shamanväsendets utveckling bland naturfolken i Sibirien. Med inledande förord af professor Nathan Söderblom Om makten och själen. Illustr. Sth 1912. XVI, 135 sidor. Häftad. Stämpel. (#26193)200:-
Stadling, J. Shamanismen i norra Asien.. Några drag ur shamanväsendets utveckling bland naturfolken i Sibirien. Med inledande förord af professor Nathan Söderblom Om makten och själen. Illustr. Sth 1912. XVI, 135 sidor. Häftad. Stämpel. Vattenskadad runt bokens ytterkant. Snedläst. (#220383)170:-
Starkloff, Carl The People of the Center.. American Indian Religion and Christianity. New York 1974. XIII, 144 pages. Hardcover in dustjacket. (#101585)125:-
Stensland, Sigbjørn Ritus, Mythos and Symbol in Religion.. A Study in the Philosophy of Ernst Cassirer. Diss. Uppsala 1986. 151 pages. Softcover. (#48462)150:-
Stewart, William Religionsgränserna i Indien.. Sthlm 1965. 166 sidor. Häftad. (#60844)80:-
Streng, Frederick J. Understanding Religious Life.. Second edition. Illustr. Encino and Belmont 1976. 207 pages. Soft covers. Pencil underlinings. (#135679)120:-
Ström, Åke V. Religion och gemenskap.. Studier i religionssociologi. Uppsala 1946. 211 sid. Klotryggsband. (#68420)120:-
Studi di storia religiosa della tarda antichitā.. Messina 1968. 109 pages. Softcover. (#85726)150:-
Stöhr, Waldemar & Zoetmulder, Piet Die Religionen Indonesiens.. Stuttgart 1965. 354 pages. Original cloth. Dust jacket. As new. Die Religionen der Menschheit 5,1. (#126415)300:-
Sugana, Gabriele Mandel Muhammed.. Hans liv och verk, Illustrerad. Allhem, Malmö 1969. 75 sidor. Stort format. Pappband. Gestalter och öden un världshistorien. (#175360)100:-
Sullivan, Lawrence E. (editor) Native American Religions. North America.. New York 1989. XVIII, 220 pages. Softcover. Selections from The Encyclopedia of Religion. (#125683)150:-
Sundén, Hjalmar La theorie bergsonienne de la religion.. Diss. Upps. 1940. VI, 319 pages. Softcover. (#48069)150:-
Sundén, Hjalmar La theorie bergsonienne de la religion.. Diss. Upps. 1940. VI, 319 pages. Spikexemplaret. (#11769)150:-
Sundén, Hjalmar Religionen och rollerna.. Ett psykologiskt studium av fromheten. Sthlm 1959. 556 sidor. Originalklotband. (#130097)150:-
Sundén, Hjalmar Religionen och rollerna.. Ett psykologiskt studium av fromheten. Sthlm 1960. 556 sidor. Häftad. (#176353)125:-
Sundén, Hjalmar Älgskyttar, helgon och exegeter.. Några religionspsykologiska uppsatser. 1969. 138 sid. Pocket. (#36823)100:-
Suzuki, Daisetz Teitaro Die grosse Befreiung.. Einführung in den Zen-Buddhismus. Geleitwort von C.G. Jung. Leipzig no date. 188 pages + plates. Original cloth. (#108357)150:-
Svanberg, Ingvar & Westerlund, David (red.) Blågul islam?. Muslimer i Sverige. Nora 1999. 299 sid. Häftad. Lite blyertsförstrykningar. (#41566)145:-
Swanberg, Lena Katarina Förunderligt och märkligt.. En resa genom New Age i Sverige. Sthlm 1997. 355 sidor. Originalband. Skyddsomslag. (#68466)175:-
Swantz, Marja-Liisa Ritual and Symbol in Transitional Zaramo Society.. With Special Reference to Women. Diss. Uppsala 1970. 418 pages + Indexes in separate pamphlet page 419-430 + plates. Soft covers. (#44158)170:-
Swearer, Donald K. The Buddhist World of Southeast Asia.. Illustr. Albany, NY 1995. XIV, 258 pages. Softcover. (#122971)130:-
Swedenborg - Emanuel Swedenborg, siaren.. Några meddelanden om och ur hans skrifter. Utgifna af Nykyrkliga bokförlaget. Tillsammans med: Om Nya Jerusalem och dess himmelska lära. Sthlm 1908. 42, 198 sidor. Häftad. (#112089)140:-
Svensk religionshistorisk årsskrift 2.. Utg. av Svenska samfundet för religionshistorisk forskning 1986. 133 sidor. Häftad. (#125730)150:-
Sykes, Egerton Everyman's Dictionary of Non-Classical Mythology. London 1974. xxii, 282 pages. Original hardcover with somewhat worn dust jacket. Signature of former owner. (#216895)150:-
Syncretism.. Based on Papers Read at the Symposium on Cultural Contact, Meeting of Religions, Syncretism Held at Åbo on the 8th-10th of September, 1966. Ed. Sven S. Hartman. Sth 1969. 294 pages. Softcover. (#19572)200:-
Syncretism.. Based on Papers Read at the Symposium on Cultural Contact, Meeting of Religions, Syncretism Held at Åbo on the 8th-10th of September, 1966. Ed. Sven S. Hartman. Sth 1969. 294 pages. Softcover. Library stamps, otherwise a very fine copy. (#162764)150:-
Söderblom, Nathan Om religionsurkunder.. Lund 1954. 219 sidor. Häftad. (#126978)130:-
Söderblom, Nathan Om studiet av religionen.. Lund 1951. 153 sidor. Häftad. (#126977)110:-
Söderblom, Nathan Ur religionens historia.. Sthlm 1915. 291 sidor. Klotryggsband. (#173482)150:-
Södling, Maria Religioner möts i Sverige.. Åtta röster om tro. Illustr. Verbum 1991. 103 sidor. Häftad. Lite blyerts. (#119744)100:-
Tallqvist, Knut Paradisets nyckel eller hur man tillber Allah.. Helsingfors 1930. 68 sidor. Häftad. (#177964)150:-
Tegnæus, Harry Le héros civilisateur.. Contribution ā l'étude ethnologique de la religion et de la sociologie Africaines. Upps. 1950. 224 pages. 4:o. Cloth. Pencil underlinings. Inscribed to Helmer Ringgren. (#178628)300:-
Tegnæus, Harry Le héros civilisateur.. Contribution ā l'étude ethnologique de la religion et de la sociologie Africaines. Upps. 1950. 224 pp. 4:o. Softcover. (#79878)300:-
Tegnæus, Harry Le héros civilisateur.. Contribution ā l'étude ethnologique de la religion et de la sociologie Africaines. Uppsala 1950. 224 pages. 4:o. Original cloth. (#27461)350:-
Temenos 4, 1969.. Studies in Comparative Religion. Helsinki 1969. 152 pages. Softcover. (#163469)125:-
The Heart of Buddhism.. Being an Anthology of Buddhist Verse. Translated and edited by K.J. Saunders. London 1915. 96 pages. Original cloth. The Heritage of India. (#78913)100:-
The Mystic Dawn.. Celtic Europe. By Fergus Fleming a.o. Illustr. Time-Life Books, London 1996. 144 pages. 4:o. Hardcover in dustjacket. (#163935)110:-
The Myth of the State.. Based on Papers Read at the Symposium on the Myth of the State held at Åbo on the 6th-8th September 1971. Ed. Haralds Biezais. Uppsala 1972. 188 pages. Soft covers. (#28183)150:-
The Novgorod Kabala Books of 1614-1616.. Text and Commentary by Hagar Sundberg. Diss. Sthlm 1982. X, 199 pages. Softcover. (#46323)150:-
The Political Dimensions of Religion.. Edited by Said Amir Arjomand. New York 1993. 293 pages. Softcover. (#100538)145:-
The Sociology of Japanese Religion.. Edited by Kiyomi Morioka and William H. Newell. Leiden 1968. 145 pages + folding table. Original cloth in dustjacket. Stamped. (#118096)200:-
The Uttaradhyayanasutra.. Being the First Mulasutra of the Svetambara Jains. Edited with an introduction, critical notes and a commentary by Jarl Charpentier. Uppsala 1922. 409 pages. Softcovers. 2 volumes. Archives D'Études Orientales 18. (#44676)300:-
The Wisdom of Buddhism.. Edited by Christmas Humphreys. London 1979. 280 pages. Original hardcover in dustjacket. A few ink marks on title page. (#142780)125:-
The World's Religions.. Illustrated. Editors R. Pierce Beaver and others. Lion Publ., 1982. 448 pages. Original cloth. Dust jacket. A Lion Handbook. (#126770)200:-
The World's Religions.. Illustrated. Editors R. Pierce Beaver and others. New revised edition, Lion Publ., 1994. 464 pages. Original cloth. Dust jacket. A Lion Handbook. (#97964)200:-
Thomas, Edward J. The History of Buddhist Thought.. London 1933. xvi, 314 pages. Original cloth. Pencil underlinings. (#67120)300:-
Thomsen, Harry The New Religions of Japan.. Tokyo 1963. 269 pages + plates. Original cloth in dustjacket. (#148925)150:-
Tiele, C.P. Inledning till religionsvetenskapen 1-2.. Sthlm 1903. xii, 208 + 189 sidor. 2 delar i ett halvfranskt band. (#132569)170:-
Tiliander, Bror Christian and Hindu Terminology.. A study in their mutual relations with special reference to the Tamil area. Diss. Uppsala 1974. 312 pages. Soft covers. Library stamps. Very fine copy. (#48571)120:-
Tiliander, Bror Christian and Hindu Terminology.. A Study in Their Mutual Relations with Special Reference to the Tamil Area. Sthlm 1974. 311 pages. Softcover. (#11597)150:-
Toutain, J. Les cultes paīens dans l'empire Romain. Premičre partie. Les provinces latines. Tome I. Les cultes officiels; les cultes Romains et Gréco-Romains.. Paris 1907. (4),vi,472,(2) pages. With both wrappers in half cloth. Former owners name. Stamped. (#218461)250:-
Tremore e potere.. La condizione estatica nello sciamanismo himalayano. (By) Romano Mastromattei, Martino Nicoletti, Diana Riboli, Cristina Sani. Illustr. Milano 1995. 271 pages. Softcover. Signed by Mastromattei and Nicoletti. (#102715)200:-
Trimingham, J. Spencer Islam in West Africa.. Oxford 1959. x, 262 pages + map. Original cloth. Dust jacket. Se also A History of Islam in West Africa. (#67962)275:-
Trimingham, J. Spencer The Influence of Islam upon Africa.. London 1968. 159 pages. Original cloth. No jacket. Pencil underlinings by Helmer Ringgren. (#178657)150:-
Tritton, A.S. Islam.. Belief and Practices. London 1954. VII, 200 pages. Original cloth in dustjacket. (#121293)125:-
Tuneld, Ebbe Recherches sur la valeur des traditions bouddiques palie et non-palie.. Deux chapitres de la biographie du Bouddha. Étudiés d'aprčs les sources palies, sanscrites, chinoises et thebétaines. Diss. Lund 1915. 239 pages. Soft covers. Stamped. (#34093)250:-
Turcan, Robert Héliogabale et le sacre du soleil.. Albin Michel, Paris 1985. 283 pages + plates. Soft covers. Fine. (#218718)145:-
Turcan, Robert Les cultes orientaux dans le monde Romain.. Paris, Les Belles Lettres 1992. 397 pages + 24 plates. Soft covers. Former owners signature. Fine. (#218743)150:-
Tuxen, Poul Buddha och hans lära.. Sth 1930. 168 sidor. Häftad. (#38343)100:-
Täckholm, Vivi Sagans minareter.. En bok om Islam. Illustrerad. Sthlm 1971. 318 sidor. Original klotband. Skyddsomslag. (#36729)120:-
Wachtmeister, Arvid Primitiv själavandringstro.. Sthlm 1925. 128 sidor. Original klotband. (#132115)110:-
Wagtendonk, K. Fasting in the Koran.. Diss. Leiden 1968. 154 pages. Soft covers. (#123627)250:-
van Baaren - Commemorative Figures.. Papers Presented to Dr. Th. P. van Baaren on the Occasion of His Seventieth Birthday, May 13, 1982. Leiden 1982. 174 pages. Soft covers. Visible Religion 1. (#126379)150:-
van Baaren, Th. P. Menschen wie wir.. Religion und Kult der schriftlosen Völker. Gütersloh 1964. 240 pages. Original cloth. Dust jacket. (#126339)200:-
van Baaren, Th. P. Vi människor.. De skriftlösa folkens religion och kultur. Sthlm 1972. 282 sidor. Original klotband. (#126716)175:-
van Baaren, Th. P. Vi människor.. De skriftlösa folkens religion och kultur. Sthlm 1972. 282 sidor. Original klotband. Blyertsunderstrykningar. (#134990)140:-
Warneck, Koh. The Living Forces of the Gospel.. Experiences of missionary an animistic heathendom. Transl. by Niel buchanan. Edinburgh and London 1909. 312 pages. Original cloth. (#181658)200:-
Was ist ein Schamane? What is a Shaman?. Schamanen, Heiler, Medizinleute im Spiegel westlichen Denkens. Shamans, Healers, and Medicine Men from a Western Point of View. Herausgegeben von / Edited by Amélie Schenk & Christian Rätsch. Illustr. Berlin 1999. 260 pages. Original cloth. (#103136)250:-
Was jeder vom Islam wissen muß.. Herausgegeben vom Lutherischen Kirchenamt ... Güterslohe 1995. 224 pages. Pocket. (#118195)100:-
Watkins, Joanne C. Spirited Women.. Gender, Religion, and Cultural Identity in the Nepal Himalaya. Illustr. New York 1996. XIII, 347 pages. Softcover. (#103888)125:-
Watt, W. Montgomery Islamic Philosophy and Theology.. Edinburgh 1979. xxiv, 196 pages. Pocket. (#216514)100:-
Watt, W. Montgomery Islamic Political Thought.. The basic concepts. Edinburgh 1968. xii, 186 pages. Original cloth. Dust jacket. Islamic Surveys 6. (#178600)150:-
v. Belzen, Jacob A. Der kulturpsychologische Ansatz in der Theologie, inbesondere in der Religionswissenschaft.. Theoretische und empirische Beiträge. Åbo 2001. 248 pages. Softcover. Five out of eight chapters are in English. (#161334)250:-
Wensinck, A.J. La pensée de Ghazzali.. Paris 1940. 201 pages. Soft covers. (#178634)200:-
Verhoeven, F.R.J. Islam.. Ursprung och utbredning. Med 32 kartor i färg och 31 illustrationer. 1962. 87 sidor + kartor. Originalklotband. Understrykningar med bläck och blyerts. (#42577)70:-
Wessles, Antoine A Modern Arabic Biography of Muhammad.. A critical study of Muhammad Hasayn Haykal's Hayat Muhammad. Leiden, Brill 1972. 272 pages. Original cloth. (#178742)200:-
Westerlund, David Ujamaa na dini.. A Study of Some Aspects of Society and Religion in Tanzania, 1961-1977. Diss. Sthlm 1980. 198 pages. Soft covers. (#46320)175:-
Westerlund, David Ujamaa na dini.. A Study of Some Aspects of Society and Religion in Tanzania, 1961-1977. Diss. Sthlm 1980. 198 pages. Soft covers. Ex library copy. (#162777)125:-
Wetter, Gillis P:son Det romerska världsväldets religioner.. Vid början av vår tideräkning. Hellenism, senjudendom, urkristendom. Illustr. Sthlm 1918. 500 sidor. Häftad. (#25541)140:-
Wetter, Gillis P:son Det romerska världsväldets religioner.. Vid början av vår tideräkning. Hellenism, senjudendom, urkristendom. Illustr. Sthlm 1918. 500 sidor. Pappband. (#127157)175:-
Whittaker, Clio En introduktion till orientalisk mytologi.. Illustrerad. Västerås 1992. 128 sidor. Stort format. Pappband. (#181403)150:-
Widengren, Geo Hochgottglaube im alten Iran.. Eine religionsphänomenologische Untersuchung. Uppsala 1938. 420 pages. Disbound. No wrappers. (#50664)200:-
Widengren, Geo Kungar, profeter och harlekiner.. Över dödahavsrullarna, iransk konst och Dante spänner dessa religionshistoriska studier. Illustr. Sth 1961. 144 sidor. Pocket. (#10050)100:-
Widengren, Geo Religionens ursprung.. En kort framställning av de evolutionistiska religionsteorierna och kritiken mot dessa. Sth 1946. 104 sidor. Häftad. Blyertsunderstrykn. (#21056)55:-
Widengren, Geo Religionens ursprung.. En kort framställning av de evolutionistiska religionsteorierna och kritiken mot dessa. Sth 1963. 88 sidor. Pocket. (#70940)50:-
Widengren, Geo Religionens värld.. Tredje omarbetade och starkt förkortade upplagan. Sth 1971. 408 sidor. Häftad. (#61761)140:-
Widman, Ragnar Trosföreställningar i Nedre Zaīre från 1880-talet.. Aa Upps. 1979. 268 sidor. Häftad. (#9311)125:-
Vilkuna, Asko Das Verhalten der finnen in "heiligen" (pyhä) Situationen.. H-fors 1956. 212 pages. Softcover. FFC 164. (#50739)180:-
Willis, Roy (red.) Prismas stora bok om mytologi.. Illustrerad. Stockholm 2007. 320 sidor. Förlagsband. Nyskick. (#214847)200:-
Vitebsky, Piers The Shaman.. Voyages of the Soul. Trance, Ecstasy and Healing from Siberia to the Amazon. Illustr. London 2001. 184 pages. Softcover. (#103102)125:-
Volf, Pavel Seger åt gudarna.. Rituell besatthet hos ladakhier. Aa Sthlm 1994. 248 sidor. (#46314)145:-
von Glasenapp, Helmuth De fem världsreligionerna.. Hinduismen, kristendomen, buddhismen, universism och islam. Aldus, Sthlm, 1965. 413 sid. Pocket. (#38344)100:-
von Glasenapp, Helmuth Die Religionen Indiens.. Stuttgart 1943. XI, 394 pages + folding map. Original cloth. (#127274)110:-
von Glasenapp, Helmuth Indiens religioner.. Lund 1979. 374 sidor. Pocket. (#11524)125:-
von Glasenapp, Helmuth Indiens religioner.. Lund 1985. 374 sidor. Pocket. (#142199)125:-
von Grunebaum, Gustave E. Medieval Islam.. A Study in Cultural Orientation. Chicago 1946. 365 pages. Original cloth. (#65603)250:-
Vos, Frits Die Religionen Koreas.. Stuttgart 1977. 264 pages. Original cloth. Die Religionen der Menschheit 22,1. (#178593)225:-
Vos, Frits Die Religionen Koreas.. Stuttgart 1977. 264 pages. Original cloth. Dust jacket. As new. Die Religionen der Menschheit 22,1. (#126403)275:-
Wright, Harry B. Witness to Witchcraft.. London 1964. 191 pages. Paperback. (#103071)100:-
Wytzes, J. Die letzte Kampf des heidentums in Rom. Mit 34 Abbildungen auf XXIII Tafeln, bearbetitet von J.J.M. Derksen. Brill, Leiden 1977. xiv,387 pages + plates. Original cloth. Stamped. (#219411)350:-
Världens stora religioner.. Hinduismen, Buddhism, Kinas filosofi, Islam, Judendomen, Kristendomen. Förkortad och bearbetad upplaga under ledning av Erland Ehnmark. Illustrerad. Allhem 1963. 215 sidor. Stort format. Originalklotband i skyddsomslag. (#199180)200:-
Världens stora religioner.. Hinduismen, Buddhism, Kinas filosofi, Islam, Judendomen, Kristendomen. Förkortad och bearbetad upplaga under ledning av Erland Ehnmark. Illustrerad. Bra Böcker 1966. 215 sidor. Stort format. Originalklotband i skyddsomslag. (#140961)200:-
Världsreligionerna.. Illustr. National Geographic Society, Sthlm 1980. 420 sidor. Förlagsband i skyddsomslag. (#157600)150:-
Världsreligionernas kärnord.. Uppsatser av Tor Andræ, H.S. Nyberg m.fl. Red. Ernst Arbman. Sthlm 1944. 205 sidor. Häftad. (#148866)100:-
Världsreligionernas kärnord.. Uppsatser av Tor Andræ, H.S. Nyberg m.fl. Red. Ernst Arbman. Sthlm 1957. 137 sid. Häftad. (#68418)100:-
Ysander, Torsten Studien zum B'estschen Hasidismus.. In seiner religionsgeschichtlichen Sonderart. Diss. Uppsala 1933. XV, 431 pp. Softcover. (#44482)225:-
Zaehner, R.C. Hinduism.. Oxford 1966. 210 pages. Paperback. Ink-underlinings. (#57734)50:-
Zeilich-Jensen, Leif Den centraleskimåiska världsbilden.. Huvuddragen av eskimåisk religion mot bakgrunden av termerna för orientering. Aa Västerås (Sthlm) 1974. 224 sidor. Häftad. (#105547)175:-
Zwemer, Samuel M. Islam.. A Challenge to Faith. Studies on the Mohammedan Religion and the Needs and Opportunities of the Mohammedan World from the Standpoint of Christian Missions. New York 1907. XX, 295 pages + folding maps & tables. Original cloth. Stamped. Some pencil unerlining. (#118080)250:-
Zwemer, Samuel M. The Moslem World.. New York 1908. Portrait. xiv,239 pages + map (loose). Soft covers. Former owners stamp. (#181673)170:-
Zwischen Säkularismus und Hierokratie.. Studien zum Verhältnis von Religion und Staat in Süd- und Ostasien. Peter Schalk, Editor-in-Chief. Upps. 2001. 251 pages. Softcover in dustjacket. (#90036)175:-

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