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Albright, Ruth Norton The Vedic Declension of the Type vrkis.. A Contribution to the Study of the Feminine Noun-Declension in Indo-European. Diss. Philadelphia 1927. 24 pages. Softcover. Stamped. (#77555)150:-
A Vocabulary of Gentoo and English,. Composed of Words in Current Use, and Illustrated by Examples Applicable to the Familiar Speech and Writings, of the Middle Orders and more Elevated Ranks of the Modern Gentoo People. By a Senior Merchant, on the Madras Establishment many Years Resident in the Northern Circars. 1958 reprint of the original published in Madras 1818. 6, X, 383 pages. Original cloth. (#50971)200:-
Bandhu, V. & Deo, M. New Varttikas to Panini's Grammar.. (A Specimen.) Hoshiarpur 1972. 34 pages. Hard covers. (#52647)120:-
Bean, Susan S. Symbolic and Pragmatic Semantics.. A Kannada System of Address. Chicago 1978. XVI, 163 pages. Original cloth in dustjacket. (#82239)125:-
Beschi, Constant Joseph A Grammar of the Common Dialect of the Tamil Language.. Thanjavur 1971. 250 pages. Hard covers. (#51816)175:-
Charpentier, Jarl Die desiderativbildungen der indoiranischen Sprachen.. Uppsala 1912. 128 pages. Softcover. (#44783)165:-
Charpentier, Jarl Die verbalen r-Endungen der indogermanischen Sprachen.. Uppsala 1917. 120 pages. Disbound. No covers. (#112223)120:-
Charpentier, Jarl Die verbalen r-Endungen der indogermanischen Sprachen.. Uppsala 1917. 120 pages. Softcover. (#44284)150:-
Charpentier, Jarl The Meaning and Etymology of Puja.. Reprinted from "The Indian Antiquary" 1927. Bombay 1927. 13 pages. 4:o Front cover missing. (#185712)120:-
Chatterji, Suniti Kumar A Bengali Phonetic Reader.. Calcutta 1986. 136 pages. Original cloth. Dust jacket. (#134538)100:-
Dhar, Lakshmi Padumavati.. A Linguistic Study of the 16th Century Hindi (Avadhi). London 1949. xiv, 341 pages. Original cloth. (#84472)200:-
Flensburg, Nils Studier öfver den fornindiska tempusläran.. Akademisk afhandling, Lund 1888. 178 sidor. Stort format. Häftad. Fuktfläcka och silverfiskäten. (#220436)100:-
Flensburg, Nils Studier öfver den fornindiska tempusläran.. Akademisk afhandling, Lund 1888. 178 sidor. Stort format. Häftad. Stämpel. (#184312)160:-
Geiger, Wilhelm Elementarbuch des Sanskrit I-III.. Unter Berücksichtigung der vedischen Sprache. I. Grammatik. II. Übungen und Lesestücke. III. Wörterverzeichnis. 3. Auflage. Berlin und Leipzig 1923. vi, 92, 56, 79, 4 pages. Hard covers. 2 volumes.Pencil underlinigs and notes. (#84535)200:-
Gren-Eklund, Gunilla A Study of Nominal Sentences in the Oldest Upanisads.. Diss. Uppsala 1978. 155 pages. Softcover. (#31381)135:-
Harsakirti Saradiyakhya-Namamala.. Critically edited by Madhukar Mangesh Patkar. Poona 1951. IX, 102 pages. Softcover. (#138027)145:-
Hemacandra, Acharya Grammatik der Prâkritsprachen I-II.. I. Text und Wortverzeichniss. II. Übersetzung und Erläuterungen. Mit kritischen und erläuternden Anmerkungen herausgegeben von Richard Pischel. Halle 1877-80. xiv, 236 + (8), 248 pages. Half cloth. (#138838)700:-
Jackson, A.V. William Avesta Reader.. First series. Easier texts, notes, and vocabulary. Stuttgart 1893. viii,112 pages. Half cloth. Marginal notes in pencil by Helmer Ringgren. (#178757)650:-
Jayawardhana Kotte Dhatvattha dipani.. 1895 (2438). (10),173,xiii pages. Soft covers. Last pages wrickled. Back cover missing. Stamped. (#216022)250:- (bild)
Journal of the Pali Text Society 1886.. Edited by T.W. Rhys Davids. London 1886. xvi, 172 pages. Original hard covers. Spine worn. back cover loose. (#134387)250:-
Kalidasa Sroutabodha.. Traité de prosodie sanscrite, composé par Kalidasa. Publié et traduit par M. Éd. Lancereau. Paris 1855. 35 pages. Uncut in original wrappers. Very fine copy. Extrait N° 15 de l'année 1854 du Journal Asiatique. (#92192)300:-
Kamatchinatham, A. The Tirunelveli Tamil Dialect.. Tamilnadu 1969. 188 pages. Soft covers. (#51762)135:-
Krsnasuri The Amaramandana.. Critically edited with notes, introduction, etc by V. Raghavan. Poona 1949. [46] pages. Softcover. (#140320)125:-
Kulli, J.S. Kesiraja's Sabdamanidarpana.. Dharwar 1976. xx,319 pages. Original half cloth. One hinge cracked. (#84605)135:-
Lienhard, Siegfried Tempusgebrauch und Aktionsartenbildung in der modernen Hindi.. Sth 1961. 240 pages. Softcover. (#46328)150:-
Lienhard, Siegfried (ed.) Nevarigitimanjari.. Religious and Secular Poetry of the Nevars of the Kathmandu Valley. Sthlm 1974. 332 pages. Softcover. (#46473)170:-
Mahadevan, Iravatham Early Tamil Epigraphy.. From the Earliest Times to the Sixth Century. Illustr. Chennai, India 2003. XXXIX, 719 pages. 4:o. Original cloth. (#87193)450:-
Mahipa Anekartha tilaka.. Critically edited by Madhukar Mangesh Patkar. Poona 1947. 4, [215], 2 pages. Softcover. (#137799)225:-
Majumdar, R.C. (ed.) Inscriptions of Kambuja.. Calcutta 1953. XXVII, 641 pages + folding map. Cloth. (#64061)3100:-
Makarandadasa Paramanandiyanamamala I-II.. Critically edited by Ekanath Dattatraya Kulkarni. Poona 1968-71. 38, 577 pages. Softcovers. 2 vols. Vol. I worn at head of spine, vol. II with weak front hinge. (#137805)375:-
Malavika et Agnimitra.. Drama Indicum. Kalidasae adscriptum. Edidit Otto Frid. Tullberg. Fasciculus prior, Textum Sanscritum et varietatem scripturae tenens. Bonn 1840. 120 pp. Soft covers. Probably all that was published. (#47754)175:-
Pischel, Riccardus De grammaticis prâcriticis.. Diss. Vratislava 1874. 48 pages. Half cloth. (#51505)150:-
Purushottamadeva Bhashavrtti.. A Commentary on Panini's Grammar. Edited by Swami Dwarikadas Shastri. Varanasi 1971. Original hard covers. Stained front cover. First edition. Sanskrit text only. (#92099)200:-
Raghava Nanarthamanjari.. Critically edited by K.V. Krishnamoorthy Sharma. Poona 1954. 253 pages. Softcover. (#140322)200:-
Raja, N. Kumaraswami Post-Nasal Voiceless Plosives in Dravidian.. Tamilnadu 1969. 112 pages. Soft covers. (#51731)100:-
Ram, Sosheila Hindustani Self-Taught.. To Those Knowing English. New Delhi 1946. xiv, 169, 74 pages. Original half cloth. One page loose. (#134525)100:-
Sandahl-Forgue, Stella Le Gitagovinda.. Tradition et innovation dans le kavya. Diss. Sthlm 1977. 276 pages. Softcover. (#45305)175:-
Sankaran, C.R. Some Problems in Kannada Linguistics.. Dharwar 1954. 93 pages. Original hard covers. (#84509)100:-
Sanskrit and Maharashtra.. A Symposium. Edited by R.N. Dendekar. Poona 1972. 139 pages. Hard covers. (#51821)145:-
Saubhari Ekarthanamamala-dvyaksaranamamala.. [Edited] by Ekanath Dattatreya Kulkarni. Poona 1955. [61] pages. Softcover. (#140318)130:-
Silva, Elisabeth W. In/On-Type Elements in Tamil and Norwegian.. A study in the expression of unit-creating relations. Diss. Oslo 1995. 192 pages. A4. Soft covers. (#52673)150:-
Simonsson, Nils Indo-tibetische Studien I.. Die Methoden der tibetischen Übersetzer, untersucht im Hinblick auf die Bedeutung ihrer Übersetzungen für die Sanskritphilologie. Diss. Upps. 1957. 291 pages + plate. Softcover. (#41553)200:-
Sivadatta Misra The Sivakosa.. Critically edited by R.G. Harshe. Poona 1952. LIII, 210 pages. Softcover. (#137801)250:-
Smith, Helmer Inventaire rythmique des Purva-Mimamsa-sutra.. Uppsala 1953. 141 pages. Softcover. (#44532)150:-
Smith, Helmer Retractations rhythmicae.. Helsinki 1951. 37 pages. Staple bound. (#203754)125:-
Steadman-Jones, Richard Colonialism and Grammatical Representation: John Gilchrist and the Analysis of the "Hindustani" Language in the Late Eighteenth and Early Ninethieenth Centuries.. Blackwell 2007. x,280 pages. Soft covers. Publications of the Philosophical Society 41. (#212345)150:-
Strunk, Klaus Typische Merkmale von Fragesätzen und die altindische "Pluti".. München 1983. 134 pages. Softcover. (#69765)110:-
The Uttaradhyayanasutra.. Being the First Mulasutra of the Svetambara Jains. Edited with an introduction, critical notes and a commentary by Jarl Charpentier. Uppsala 1922. 409 pages. Softcovers. 2 volumes. Archives D'Études Orientales 18. (#44676)300:-
Thumb, Albert Handbuch des Sanskrit I.. Eine Einführung in das sprachwissenschaftliche Studium des Altindischen. I. Theil: Grammatik. Heidelberg 1905. xvii, 505 pages. Half cloth. Pencil-notes and underlinings. (#138439)350:-
Tiliander, Bror Christian and Hindu Terminology.. A study in their mutual relations with special reference to the Tamil area. Diss. Uppsala 1974. 312 pages. Soft covers. Library stamps. Very fine copy. (#48571)120:-
Tiliander, Bror Christian and Hindu Terminology.. A Study in Their Mutual Relations with Special Reference to the Tamil Area. Sthlm 1974. 311 pages. Softcover. (#11597)150:-
Tisdall, William St. Clair A Simplified Grammar of the Gujarati Language.. Together with a Short Reading Book and Vocabulary. New Delhi 1986. 189 pages. Original cloth. (#134523)100:-
Tisdall, W. St. Clair Key to the Hindustani Conversation-Grammar.. Heidelberg 1911. 88 pages. Hard covers. Stamped. (#134558)110:-
Tisdall, W. St. Clair Key to the Hindustani Conversation-Grammar.. Heidelberg 1911. 88 pages. Original hard covers. Stamped. (#138913)140:-
Ullah, Riswan & Das Gupta, B.B. Urdu Self-Taught.. (English Medium.) Calcutta no date (c. 1985). 154 pages. Soft covers. (#134560)100:-
Vaidya, Lakshman Ramchandra The Standard Sanskrit-English Dictionary.. Containing appendices on sanskrit prosody and names of noted mythological persons, &c. (For the use of Schools and Colleges.) Bombay, Mrs Radhabai Atmaram Sagoon, 1889. xvi,889,(3) pages. Contemporary half leather. Very fine copy. (#189884)1000:-
Walldén, Ruth Studies in Dravidian Phonology and Vocabulary.. Diss. Uppsala 1982. 156 pages. Softcover. (#34357)145:-
Whitney, William Dwight Sanskrit Grammar.. Including Both the Classical Language, and the Older Dialects, of Veda and Brahmana. Cambridge, Mass. 1964. xxvi, 551 pages. Original cloth. (#114930)300:-
Vinson, Julien Spécimen de paléographie Tamoule.. Extract from ? 1886. Page 431-469. Blank soft covers. (#93100)200:-
Vrata, Satya Kannada Self Taught.. In Collaboration with Bidhu Bhusan Das Gupta. Calcutta 1996. 235 pages. Softcover. (#112081)100:-

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