Redins Antikvariat Allmän svensk och nordisk historia. Back to home page

A Celtic Miscellany.. Translations from the Celtic Literatures [by] Kenneth Hurlstone Jackson. Penguin 1971. 343 pages. Paperback. (#66775)120:-
Alspach, Russell K. A Consideration of the Poets of the Literary Revival in Ireland 1889-1929.. (An Essential Portion of a) Diss. Philadelphia 1942. 48 pages. Staple bound. Stamped. (#110743)120:-
Anglo-Irish and Irish Literature. Aspects of Language and Culture I-II.. Eds. Birgit Bramsbäck/Martin Croghan. Uppala. 1988. (12), 228; (12), 273 pages. Soft covers. 2 volsumes. (#28651)250:-
Bartlett, Thomas Ireland. A History.. Cambridge University press 2014. xvi,625 pages. Paper back. (#212592)200:-
Béaloideas 52, 1984.. Iris An Chumainn le Béaloideas Éireann. The Journal of the Folklore of Ireland Society. Ed. by Pádraig Ó Héalaí & Bo Almqvist et. al. Dublin. 206 pages. Softcover. (#66763)100:-
Beckett, J.C. A Short History of Ireland. From the earliest times to the present day. Sixth edition. London 1979. 191 pages. Softcover. Some pencil markings. (#212255)130:-
Berry, Henry F. Catalogue of the Mayors, Provosts, and Bailiffs of Dublin City, A.DF. 1229 to 1447.. Proceedings of the Royal Irich Academy, Dublin 1910, page 47-61. Pamphlet with original covers. Stamped. (#182408)120:-
Bonn, M.J. Irland und die irische Frage.. München und Leipzig 1918. viii, 268 pages + map. Bound with both wrappers in half cloth. Stamped. Ex-libris. (#95472)250:-
Bradbury, Ray Moby Dick på Irland.. Stockholm 1995. 294 sidor. Förlagsband med skyddsomslag. (#204143)150:-
BRATT, EYVIND Ön bortom ö-landet.. Zindermans 1977. 147 sidor. Illustrerad. Förlagets pappband med skyddsomslag. (#194662)100:-
Bringmann, Rudolf Irlands Weg vom Dominium zum Volsstaat.. Eine Untersuchung der irischen Verhältnisse seit dem Weltkrieg (1921-1936). Diss. Berlin 1936. 117 pages. Softcover. Stamped. (#107360)250:-
Clarke, Austin Poetry in Modern Ireland.. Filíoct éireannac na linne seo. Illustr. Dublin 1951. 71 pages. Softcover. (#66790)75:-
Dana I.. An Irish Magazine of Independent Thought. May 1904 - April 1905 (all published). Dublin, Hodges, Figgis & Co. (4), 384 pages. Bound in half cloth with wrappers from issues 1 and 12. Stamped. Very little foxing. (#134400)5000:-
Dangerfield, George The Damnable Question. A Study in Anglo-Irish Relations.. Quartet Books, London 1976. xvi,400 pages + plates. Paper back. Smal name-lable on front cover. (#212586)140:-
Deering, Arthur Sir Samuel Ferguson, Poet and Antiquarian.. Diss. Philadelphia 1931. 150 pages. Softcover. Stamped. (#121719)275:-
Devlin, Bernadette Priset för min själ.. Proteströrelsen på Nordirland. Sthlm 1970. 188 sidor. Pocket. (#86196)100:-
Dillon, Myles (ed) Early Irish Society. Cork 1969. 92 pages. Pocket. (#221087)80:-
Ellis, Peter Berresford Hell or Connaught.. The Cromwellian Colonisation of Ireland 1652-1660. London 1975. 268 pages + plates. Original cloth. Dust jacket. Stamped. (#91622)150:-
FitzGibbon, Constantine Irlands frihetskamp. De avgörande åren 1916-1922.. Illustrerad. Sthlm 1971. 128 sidor. Häftad. (#171884)100:-
Flinn, Edgar Ireland: Its Health-Resorts and Watering-Places.. Second edition, Dublin 1895. xii,180 pages + advertisments and a folding map. Original red cloth in very fine condition. A few leaves loose. Small label on the inside of front board, and small stamp on the last page (Uppsala library) (#188863)800:-
Furängen, Tore En bok om Irland.. Uppsala 1954. 126 sidor + planscher. Häftad. (#165206)100:-
Gibson, Florence E. The Attitudes of the New York Irish Toward State Affairs 1848-1892.. Diss. New York 1951. 480 pages. Softcover. Stamped. (#73029)175:-
Greiff, Mats Kvinnorna marscherade demonstrativt iväg.. Strejker och facklig organisation bland kvinnliga textilarbetare i Ulster 1870-1914. Malmö 1996. 84 sidor. Häftad. (#112805)100:-
Henry, Françoise Art irlandais.. Dublin 1954. 63 pages + 57 plates. Softcover. (#66765)100:-
Hjorth, Harriet Irlandskust.. Illustrerad. Sthlm 1971. 198 sidor. Häftad. (#153605)125:-
Hogan, Desmond A Curious Street.. Picador 1985. 194 pages. Paper back. As new. (#188049)100:-
Hughes, Kathleen Early Christian Irelland: Introduction to the Sources.. London 1972. 320 pages. Original cloth. (#187588)150:-
Hull, Roger H. The Irish Triangle. Conflict in Northern Ireland. Princeton University Press 1978. 312 pages. Softcover. Some pencilmarkings. (#212218)130:-
Ireland.. Industrial and Agricultural. Department of Agriculture and Technical Instructions for Ireland. Edited by William P. Coyne. Illustrated. Dublin 1902. (10), 532 pages + plates. Original cloth. Small stamp, otherwise very fine copy. Publ. for the Glasgow International Exhibition 1901. (#138661)350:-
Johansson, Gust Svenska ortnamn jämförda med irländska gudanamn.. Lekmannafunderingar. Göteborg 1951. 533 sidor. Originalklotband. Stämpl. (#71633)250:-
Kelley, Mary Edith The Irishman in the English Novel of the Nineteenth Century.. Diss. Washington 1939. VIII, 217 pages. Softcover. Stamped. (#111485)125:-
Langenfelt, Gösta Irland. och irernas kamp för frihet och nationell kultur. Sthlm 1934. 67 sid. Häftad. (#66807)90:-
Lawlor, H.J. The Cathach of St. Columba.. Proceedings of the Royal Irish Academy, Dublin 1916. Page 241-443 + 6 plates. Soft covers. Stamped. (#182410)250:-
Lord Killanin My Ireland.. A personal impression. Illustrated. Windward 1987. 190 pages. 4:o. Original cloth. Dust jacket. Very fine. (#185668)150:-
Lorents, Maj Almquist (red.) Erins stora fackla.. Ur de iriska bardernas sånger och sägner. Sthlm 1925. 143 sid. Häftad. (#90192)145:-
Lorents, Maj Almquist (red.) Erins stora fackla.. Ur de iriska bardernas sånger och sägner. Sthlm 1925. 143 sid. Häftad. Inlagan lös. (#66799)125:-
Lucas - Folk and Farm.. Essays in Honour of A.T. Lucas. Ed. by Caoimhín Ó Danachair. Illustr. Dublin 1976. 277 pages. Original cloth in dustjacket. (#70054)275:-
Macalister, R.A.S. Temair Breg: A Study of the Remains and Traditions of Tara.. Notes on some Ogham inscriptions, including two recently discovered. Dublin 1919. Page 231 - 404 + 4 plates. No cover. Spine with plastic tape. Stamped. Proceedings of the Royal Irish Academy, Volume XXXIV, Section C, Nos. 10,11. (#182407)175:-
MacNeill, J.G. Swift The Constitutional and Parliamentary History of Ireland till the Union.. Dublin and London 1917. xxxii, 516 pages. Original cloth. Stamped. (#95493)200:-
Mac Niocaill, Gearóid Ireland Before the Vikings. Dublin 1972. 172 pages. Paperback. The Gill History of Ireland 1. (#216466)100:-
McGuire, Desmond History of Ireland.. Illustr. London 1987. 192 pages. 4:o. Hardcover in dustjacket. (#157554)150:-
O'Brien, Edna En hednisk plats.. Trevi 1975. 177 sidor. Pocket. (#176887)100:-
Olsson, Jan Olof (Jolo) I Dublins vackra stad.. Bild: Hans Ge Eriksson. Sthlm 1968. Original klotband. Skyddsomslag med liten skada. Originalupplagan. (#107851)150:-
Olsson, Jan Olof (Jolo) & Sjögren, Margareta Irland.. Den omöjliga ön. Illustr. Sth 1957. 299 sidor. Häftad. Fint ex. Femte - sjunde tusendet. (#33795)175:-
Packalén, Bengt Belfast är bara ett annat Burundi.. Foto Sverker ström. Söderströms 1989. 239 sidor. Förlagsband med skyddsomslag. (#210597)130:-
Simms, J.G. Colonial Nationalism 1698-1776. Molyneux's The Case if Ireland... stated. The Mercier Press, Cork 1976. First edition. 80 pages + plates. Pocket. (#217061)100:-
Somerville-Large, Peter Cappaghglass.. London 1986. 354 pages. Paperback. (#61814)135:-
Thebaud, Aug. J. Ireland.. Past and Present. With a Supplementary Chapter of Recents Events by John Habberton. New York 1901. XV, 556 pages + 4 plates. Original cloth with weak front hinge. Stamped. (#97022)120:-
The Irish Book II:1-4.. The Dolmen Press, Dublin 1962/63. 136 pages. Bound with all wrappers in cloth. Stamped. (#98659)400:-
The Mystic Dawn.. Celtic Europe. By Fergus Fleming a.o. Illustr. Time-Life Books, London 1996. 144 pages. 4:o. Hardcover in dustjacket. (#163935)110:-
Thomson, Derick An Introduction to Gaelic Poetry.. London 1974. 335 pp. Cloth. Pencil-underlinings. (#52419)150:-
Thurneysen, Rudolf A Grammar of Old Irish.. Revised and enlarged edition. Translated from the German by D.A. Binche and Osborn Bergin. Dublin 1946. XXI, 688 pages. Original cloth. (#121466)450:-
Wetterström, Harriet Hjorth Irlandskust.. Illustrerad. Sthlm 1947. 326 sidor. Häftad. (#200058)140:-
White, Barry John Hume.. Statesman of the Troubles. Belfast 1985. 292 pages. Softcover. (#128309)110:-
Whiteside, Lesley Saint Patrick in Stained Glass.. Photography by Paul Larmour. Dublin 1997. 45 pages. Original hardcover in dustjacket. (#134420)100:-
Ziegler, Wolfgang The Web & Bower Dumont Guide Ireland. Translated by Russell Stockman. Illustrated. Webb & Bower 1985. 302 pages. Softcover. (#216932)130:-
Åberg, Alf Guds gröna ö.. En bok om republiken Irland. Sthlm 1956. 196 sidor + illustrationer. Original klotryggsband med skyddsomslag. (#125682)175:-

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