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Acquarossa - Rystedt, Eva Acquarossa IV.. Early Etruscan Akroteria from Acquarossa and Poggio Civitate (Murlo). Illustr. Sth 1983. 170 pages + 31 Plates. 4:o. Soft covers. (#25601)275:-
Acquarossa - Scheffer, Charlotte Acquarossa II:1.. Cooking and Cooking Stands in Italy 1400-400 B.C. Illustr. Sth 1981. 116 pages. 4:o. Soft covers. (#25627)200:-
Adams, Louise E.W. A Study in the Commerce of Latium.. From the Early Iron Age through the Sixth Century, B.C. Diss. Menasha [1922]. 84 pages. Softcover. Stamped. (#106199)125:-
Adcock, F.E. Antikens krigskonst I-II.. I: Greker och makedonier. II: Rom under republiken. Sthlm 1966. 96 + 87 sidor. 2 pocketböcker. (#97000)100:-
Adcock, F.E. Roman Political Ideas and Practice.. Ann Arbor 1966. 120 pages. Paperback. (#61869)100:-
Afzelius, Adam Den romerske nobilitets omfang.. Aa Kbhvn 1935. 222 sidor. Halvklotband. Stämpl. (#79172)200:-
A Great Adventure of Italian Archaeology.. 1955/65 - Ten years of archaeological prospecting. Richly illustr. Turin no date. Hardcover. 4:o in slipcase. (#47979)170:-
Ahlberg, Alf Augustinus.. Den första moderna människan. Illustr. Uppsala 1952. 227 sidor. Original klotryggsband. (#52449)145:-
Ahlmann, Hans W:son Den romerska campagnans återuppbyggande.. Lund 1927. 22 sidor. Häftad. Särtryck ur Svensk Geografisk Årsbok. (#94396)100:-
Aisopos & Phaedrus, Aug. Libertus Fabeln und Äsopische Fabeln.. Ins Deutsche übertragen von Wilhelm Binder und Johannes Siebelis. München no date. 164 pages. Pocket. Äsop; Phädrus. (#113578)100:-
Alessandra Giumlia-Mair e Marina Rubinich Le arte di Efesto. Capolavori in metallo dalla magna Grecia.. Illustrated. Silvana editoriale 2002. 302 pages. 4:o. Soft covers. (#214078)300:-
Alessandro Alessandri, Alexandri ab Alexandro, Iurisperiti Neapolitani, Genialium Dierum libri sex varia ac recondita eruditione referti:. Frankfurt, Andreae Wecheli 1591. (8),384,(104) leaves. 8:vo. Vellum. Worm-hole in the first few leaves. Otherwise interior very fine. (#205225)2000:- (bild)
Alexanderson, A.M. Öfversigt af Prometheus-mythen,. dess utveckling och betydelse inom den äldre grekiska litteraturen. Upsala 1869. 44 sidor. Häftad. (#48949)135:-
Alföldi, Andreas Die zwei Lorbeerbäume des Augustus.. Rudolf Habelt Verlag, Bonn 1973. (10),65 pages + 32 plates. 4:o. Original cloth. (#218655)250:-
Alföldi, Géza The Social History of Rome.. Routledge, London 1985. x,251 pages. Paperback. Pencilmarks in margins. Former owners signature and stamp. (#218750)100:-
Almberg, Nils Kring Sokrates' personlighet.. En psykologisk studie. Lund 1948. 178 sidor. Häftad. (#25976)140:-
Almquist, Jan Eric Studier rörande Senatus Cansultum Macedonianum I.. (Allt som utkom). Uppsala 1935. 134 sidor. Häftad. (#45326)125:-
Aminson, Henrik Kommentarier öfver Virgilii Æneis,. för nybegynnare, bearbetade efter Åkerman m.fl. Sthlm 1844. (8), 411 sidor. Samtida halvfranskt band. (#78179)250:-
Ancient Corinth.. A Guide to the Excavations. Sixth edition. Illustr. Athens 1954. 98 pages + plates & folding map. Softcover. Stamped. (#154035)100:-
Andersson, Bertil & Nygren, Ingemar Ekonomisk-historiska teman till antikens ekonomi.. Sthlm 1974. 188 sidor. Pocket. (#25981)100:-
Andersson,, Kent I skuggan av Rom. Romersk kulturpåverkan i Norden.. Atlantis 2013. 189 sidor. Förlagsband med skyddsomslag. (#201878)150:-
Andrae, Poul Tre villaer ved den appiske vej.. Kbhvn 1925. 269 sidor. Häftad. (#182861)150:-
Andrén, Arvid Architectural Terracottas from Etrusco-Italic Temples.. With 43 figures in the text. Dissertation. Lund 1940. CCLVI, 516 pages. 4:o. Soft covers, back cover missing. Slightly water damaged. The Portfolio with 168 plates is missing. Stamped. (#214198)450:-
Andrén, Arvid Det romerska London.. Sth 1963. 78 sidor + kartor och planscher. Häftad. (#33744)95:-
Andrén, Arvid Osservazioni sulle terrecotte architettoniche etrusco-italiche.. Stockholm 1971. XIV, 18 pages text + 40 plates. 4:o. Soft covers. Lectiones Boëthianae I. Skrifter utgivna av Svenska Institutet i Tom, 4:o XXX:1. (#27109)150:-
Andrewes, Antony Greek Society.. Illustrated. Penguin 1975. 324 pages. Paperback. (#86200)100:-
Andronicos, Manolis Delphi.. Illustr. Athens 1990. 80 pp + folding map. Softcover. (#76506)110:-
Anfindsen, Jens Tomas Aristotle on Contrariety as a Principle of First Philosophy.. Diss. Upps. 2006. 182 pages. Softcover. (#99439)175:-
Antikens teater och dess fortlevnad.. Inledning och 12 föredrag från Platon-Sällskapets symposium 7-10 juni 1991 i Åbo. Åbo 1992. 237 sidor. Häftad. (#25984)125:-
Antikes Leben in Briefen.. Eine Auswahl der römischen Briefliteratur. Herausgegeben von Alexander von Gleichen Russwurm. Berlin 1911. 330 pages. Uncut in original hard covers. Stamped, otherwise very fine. (#172176)150:-
Antik konst.. En konstbok från Nationalmuseum redigerad av Oscar Antonsson. Rikt illustr. Sth 1958. 158 sidor. Häftad. Anteckningar med bläck i den engelskspråkiga sammanfattningen. (#128115)100:-
Antonsson, Oscar The Praxiteles Marble Group in Olympia.. Illustr. Diss. Upps. 1937. 209 pp. + plates. Softcover. (#13179)250:-
Apicius, En gammal romersk kokbok.. Översättning och kommentarer av Madeleine von Heland. Förord av Gösta Berg. Fabel,1990. 160 sidor. Boken är illustrerad av Anneli Wallen-Brandes. Förlagets klotband med skyddsomslag. Tillskrift. (#193315)100:-
Appianus Römische Bürgerkriege 1-5.. Übersetzt von Ferdinand L.J. Dillenius. Stuttgart 1830-37. Pag. 867-1985. Contemporary marbled hardcover. 1 vol. Part 2 of Appian's von Alexandrien Römische Geschichten. (#128631)750:-
Archäologische Zeitung XL.. Jahrgang XL, 1882. Herausgegeben vom Archäologischen Institut des Deutschen Reichs. Red. Max Fränkel. Berlin 1883. iv,213 pages + 16 plates. 4:o. Contemporary half leather. Stamped. (#179225)250:-
Archäologische Zeitung XXXV.. Jahrgang XXXV, 1877. Herausgegeben vom Archäologischen Institut des Deutschen Reichs. Red. Max Fränkel. Berlin 1878. iv,212 pages + 16 plates. 4:o. Contemporary half leather. Stamped. (#179226)250:-
Archäologische Zeitung XXXVI.. Jahrgang XXXVI, 1878. Herausgegeben vom Archäologischen Institut des Deutschen Reichs. Red. Max Fränkel. Berlin 1879. iv,186 pages + 23 plates. 4:o. Contemporary half leather. Stamped. (#179227)250:-
Arias, Paolo Enrico Policleto.. Illustrated. Milano 1964. 322 pages + 100 plates. Original cloth. Dust jacket. Language: Italian. (#214274)150:-
Armstrong, A.H. An Introduction to Ancient Philosophy.. London 1965. XVIII, 242 pages. Softcover. (#13341)110:-
Arribas, Antonio The Iberians.. Illustr. London no date (c. 1965). 274 pages. Original cloth in dustjacket. (#111646)125:-
Atkins, J.W.H. Literary Criticism in Antiquity II.. Graeco-Roman. London 1952. XI, 363 pages. Original cloth in dustjacket. (#74625)175:-
Aubriet, Damien Recherches sur Mylasa et Labraunda ā l'époque hellénistique 336-31. 1-2 + Annexes. Dissertation, Paris 2009. 1015 pages. A4. Laminated. 3 volumes. With lots of tipped-in photos. Pencil underlinings by a member of the jury. (#214194)600:-
Austin, James Curtiss The Significant Name in Terence.. Diss. Univ. of Illinois 1921. 130 pages. 4:o. Softcover. Stamped. (#124331)250:-
Avery, Mary Myrtle The Use of Direct Speech in Ovid's Metamorphoses.. Diss. Chicago 1937. 100 pages. Softcover. Stamped. (#125052)165:-
Avi-Yonah, Michael Ancient Mosaics.. Illustr. Jerusalem 1975. 95 pp. Cloth in dustjacket. (#45016)95:-
Babelon, Jean La numismatique antique.. Illustr. Paris 1949. 128 pages. Paperback. Text on spine hard to read. (#95669)95:-
Backe-Forsberg, Yvonne Crossing the Bridge.. An Interpretation of the Archaeological Remains in the Etruscan Bridge Complex at San Giovenale, Etruria. Illustr. Diss. Upps. 2005. 259 pages. 4:o. Softcover. (#113172)200:-
Baldry, H.C. Ancient Greek Literature in Its Living Context.. Illustr. London 1968. 144 pages. Softcover. (#105797)110:-
Bamm, Peter Alexander den store. eller Världens förvandling. Sthlm 1966. 210 sidor + utvikbar karta. Häftad. (#122931)125:-
Banti, Luisa Il mondo degli etruschi.. Illustr. Roma 1960. 380 pp. Ocl. (#25677)250:-
Barker, Albert Winslow A Classification of the Chitons Worn by Greek Women as Shown in Works of Art.. Diss. Philadelphia 1923. 48 pages. Softcover. Stamped. (#137515)75:-
Barker, Phil Alexander the Great's Campaigns.. A Guide to Ancient Political and Military Wargamings. Illustrated. Cambridge 1979. 160 pages. Hardcover with dustjacket. (#162847)160:-
Barnes, Jonathan Early Greek Philosophy.. Penguin 1988. 318 pages. Paperback. (#219220)100:-
Barre, Louis, et al. Herculanum et Pompéi. Recueil général des peintures, bronzes, mozaīques, etc. I-VII (of 8). Illustrations by H. Roux Ainé. Paris Firmin Didot 1839-40. Volum I: (4),xxiii,(1),134,(4) pages + 109 plates (53 bis is missing). Volume II: (4),263,(3) pages + 91 plates. Volume III: (4),104,49,(1) pages + 88 plates (plate 22 is missing). Volume IV: (4),232,(2) pages + 124 plates. Volume V: (4),111,(3),45,(3) pages + 92 plates. Volume VI: (4),213,(3) pages + 112 plates (one extra). Volume VII: (4),69,(3),131,(3) pages + 119 plates ( plate 1-3 and 93 is missing). Contemporary half leather. One volume slightly damaged at head of spine. Hinges cracked. Some light foxing. 7 volumes. Volume 8, "Musee Secrets" is nor present in this set. (#215421)2500:- (bild)
Barrow, R.H. The Romans.. Penguin 1955. 224 pages. Paperback. (#118491)100:-
Bartsch, Shadi Actors in the Audience. Theatricality and Doublespeak from Nero to Hadrian.. Harvard University Press 1994. x,309 pages. Original cloth. Dust jacket. As new. (#218200)350:-
Baumann, Hans Lejonport och Labyrint.. Illustr. Pelarböckerna 1967. 192 sidor. Original klotryggsband. Skyddsomslag. (#104556)145:-
B.C.A. Beni culturali e ambientali Sicilia, Anno VI-VIII, N.1-2, 1985-87.. A cura dell'Academia di Scienze Lettere e Arti di Palermo. Illustrated. Palermo 1988-89. 160 + 124 pages. 4:o. Soft covers. 2 volumes. Very fine. (#214477)250:-
Beazley, J.D. Potter and Painter in Ancient Athens.. London 1949. 43 pages + 8 plates. Soft covers. Third impression. (#214293)120:-
Beer, Cecilia Temple-Boys 1.. A Study of Cypriote Votive Sculpture. Catalogue. Diss. Sth 1993. 100 pp + 203 Plates. 4:o. Hardcover. (#37833)250:-
Bendz, Gerhard & Guterman, Norbert (ed.) Latinska sentenser och citat. från två årtusenden. Illustr. Sth 1979. 462 sidor. Förlagsband. (#181233)200:-
Bendz, Gerhard & Guterman, Norbert (ed.) Latinska sentenser och citat. från två årtusenden. Illustr. Sth 1985. 462 sidor. Förlagsband. (#103414)225:-
Bendz, Gerhard & Guterman, Norbert (ed.) Latinska sentenser och citat från två årtusenden.. Illustrerad. Stockholm 1968. 462 sidor. Förlagsband. (#26814)150:-
Benedict, Coleman Hamilton A History of Narbo.. Diss. Princeton 1941. VI, 93 pages. Softcover. Stamped. (#88922)200:-
Bengtson, Hermann Einführung in die alte Geschichte.. Vierte, durchgesehene Auflage. München 1962. VIII, 205 pages. Original cloth. (#112188)135:-
Bengtson, Hermann Griechische Geschichte. von den Anfängen bis in die römische Kaiserzeit. München 1965. xii,575 pages + Karten. Original linen binding. (#14440)200:-
Bergh, Birger m.fl. (red.) Antiken, död eller levande.. Carmina, Uppsala 1984. 121 sidor. Häftad. (#214330)110:-
Bergier, Nicolas Histoire des grands chemins de l'Empire romain, contenant l'origine, progrčs & etenduë quasi incroyable des chemins militaires, pavez dépuis la ville de Rome jusques aux extremitez de son Empire. Nouvelle edition, Bruxelles, Jean Leonard 1736. Engraved front.,(32),458,(14( + (8),553,(17) pages + 5 plates. Map missing. 4:o. Old half leather. Interior with some light foxing and water-staines. The map is missing! (#215115)3000:- (bild)
Bergman, Johan Pompeji.. Dess undergång genom Vesuviuskatastrofen år 79 e. Kr och dess pågående utgräfning. Illustr. Illustr. Sth 1915. 328 pp. Originalklotband. (#4966)110:-
Bergman, Johan Pompeji och Herculaneum.. Deras undergång år 79 e. Kr enligt ett ögonvittne och andra antika sagesmän samt deras pågående utgrävningar 1738-1938. Illustr. Sth 1938. 320 pp. + planscher. Inb. (#13230)125:-
Bergman, Johan På klassisk mark.. Studier och minnen från ett års vandringar i den antika kulturens länder. Illustr. Sth 1896. XII, 307 sidor. Dekorerat originalklotband. Mycket välbevarat exemplar. (#25739)150:-
Bergquist, Birgitta Herakles on Thasos.. The Archaeological, Literary and Epigraphic Evidence for his Sanctuary, Status and Cult Reconsidered. Illustr. Upps. 1973. 106 pages. Softcover. Boreas 5. (#13373)175:-
Bergquist, Birgitta The Archaic Greek Temenos.. A Study of Structure and Function. Diss. Lund (Upps.) 1967. XV, 136 pages + plans. 4:o. Softcover. Sv. Inst. i Athen 4:o. XIII. (#13166)250:-
Bergson, Leif Die Relativität der Werte im Frühwerk des Euripides.. Sth. 1971. 118 pp. (#31141)130:-
Bergstedt, Hugo Studia archæologica.. Diss. Uppsala 1881. 80 pages. Soft covers. (#44832)145:-
Berg, Yngve Grekiskt.. Stockholm Bonniers,1929. 132 sidor + tryckta omslag. Häftad. Med illustrationer av författaren. Ouppsprättad. (#197344)120:-
Bieber, Margarete The history of the Greek and Roman Theater.. Second edition, Princeton 1961, xvi,343,(1) pages. 4:o., Original cloth with dust jacket. Illustrated. (#196231)300:-
Biedl, Artur Das grosse Exzerpt [phi].. Cittā del Vaticano 1955. 132 pages. Softcover. Pencil underlinings. Zur Textgeschichte des Laertios Diogenes. (#112009)150:-
Billheimer, Albert Naturalization in Athenian Law and Practice.. Diss. Gettysburg 1922. 128 pages. Soft covers. Stamped. (#63163)150:-
Billig, Erland Spätantike Architekturdarstellung 1.. Illustr. Diss. Sthlm 1977. 101 pages. 4:o. Softcover. (#46390)125:-
Billing, Nils m.fl. Antiken. Från faraonernas Egypten till romarrikets fall.. Stockholm 2017. 594 sidor. Förlagsband med skyddsomslag. Byskick. (#214290)250:-
Birley, Anthony Marcus Aurelius. A Biography.. Batsford, London 1993. 320 pages + plates. Paper back in fine condition. (#218557)160:-
Birt, Theodor Horaz Lieder.. Studien zur Kritik und Auslegung. Leipzig 1925. 164 pp. Ocl. (#13271)130:-
Björck, Gudmund Ord och tanke i hellensk dikt.. Sth 1956. 231 sidor. Häftad. (#43984)100:-
Björck, Gudmund Zum Corpus Hippiatricorum Graecorum.. Beiträge zur antiken Tierheilkunde. Diss. Upps. 1932. 91 pages. Softcover. (#19703)125:-
Björck, Gudmund Zum Corpus Hippiatricorum Graecorum.. Beiträge zur antiken Tierheilkunde. Diss. Upps. 1932. 92 pages. Disbound. No wrappers. (#45046)100:-
Björk, Claude Early Pottery in Greece. A Technological and Functional Analysis of the Evidence from Neolithic Achilleion Thessaly.. Dissertation, Stockholm 1994. viii,170 pages. Paper back. (#214135)250:-
Blair, Peter Hunter Roman Britain and Early England.. 55 B.C. - A.D. 871. Illustr. Sphare books 1969. 309 pages. Paper back. Pencil underlinings. (#167486)80:-
Blair, Peter Hunter Roman Britain and Early England.. 55 B.C. - A.D. 871. Illustr. Sphere books 1969. 309 pages. Paper back. (#212860)100:-
Blegen, Carl Troja och trojanerna.. Illustr. Sthlm 1965. 159 sidor + planscher. Pocket. (#25741)100:-
Bloch, Raymond De gåtfulla etruskerna.. Illustr. Sth 1960. 272 sidor. Original klotband. Skyddsomslag. (#25743)145:-
Blomberg, Mary Observations on the Dodwell Painter.. Illustr. Sth 1983. 92 pp + 50 plates. 4:o. Softcover. (#50825)175:-
Blomberg, Peter E. On Corinthian Iconography.. The Bridled Winged Horse and the Helmeted Female Head in the Sixth Century BC. Illustr. Diss. Upps. 1996. 109 pages. 4:o. Softcover. Boreas 25. (#25745)150:-
Blomgren, Sven Studia Fortunatiana [I].. Commentatio academica. Diss. Uppsala 1933. XV, 216 pages. Softcover. (#31275)140:-
Blomqvist - For Particular Reasons. Studies in Honour of Jerker Blomqvist.. Edited by Anders Piltz and others. Lund 2003. 345 pages. Original cloth. Dust jacket. (#174812)200:-
Blomqvist, Jerker Johannes Philoponos och den aristoteliska kosmologin.. Upps. 1979-80. 19 sidor. Klammerhäftad. Särtryck. (#119400)50:-
Boardman, John Athenian Red Figure Vases. The Archaic Period.. A handbook. 528 illustrations. London 1975. 252 pages. Softcover. First page almost loose. (#221800)130:-
Boardman, John (editor) The Oxford History of Classical Art.. Illustrated. Oxford University Press 1997. (10),406 pages. Paperbanck. Very fine. (#218794)200:-
Boardman, John, Griffin, Jasper & Murray, Oswyn (eds.) Greece and the Hellenistic World. Illustrated. Oxford University Press 1988. viii, 446 pages + plates. Softcover. The Oxford History of the Classical World (#216900)180:-
Boardman, John, Griffin, Jasper & Murray, Oswyn (eds.) The Roman World.. Illustrated. Oxford 1988. 456 pages + plates. Softcover. (#216922)125:-
Boardman, John, Griffin, Jasper & Murray, Oswyn (eds.) The Roman World.. Illustr. Oxford 1998. 456 pages. Softcover. (#96030)125:-
Boardman, John & LaRocca, Eugenio Erotisk konst i antikens Grekland.. Fotografier av Antonia Mulas. Rikt illustr. Malmö 1975. 171 sidor. 4:o. Originalklotband i skyddsomslag. (#163255)145:-
Boëthius - Festskrift tillägnad Axel Boëthius den 18 juli 1949.. Av Svensk-italienska föreningen. Göteborg 1949. 173 sidor. Häftad. Lagat bakre omslag. (#182829)150:-
Boëthius, Axel De nya utgrävningarna i Rom.. Sthlm 1931. 79 sidor + planscher. Häftad. (#138344)75:-
Boëthius, Axel De nya utgrävningarna i Rom.. Sthlm 1931. 79 sidor + planscher. Klotband. Stämpel. (#172126)100:-
Boëthius, Axel Der Argivische Kalender.. Untersucht. Uppsala 1922. 76 pages. Soft covers. (#44645)125:-
Boëthius, Axel Die Pythaīs.. Studien zur Geschichte der Verbindungen zwischen Athen und Delphi. Diss. Upps. 1918. V, 172 pages. Softcover. (#13336)190:-
Boëthius, Axel Hur Rom byggdes under antiken.. Illustr. 1938. 374 sidor + planscher. Häftad. (#42773)125:-
Boëthius, Axel Hur Rom byggdes under antiken.. Illustr. 1938. 374 sidor + planscher. Inbunden. (#50669)145:-
Boëthius, Axel Roman and Greek Town Architecture.. Göteborg 1948. 22 pages + 7 plates. Soft covers. (#110845)200:-
Boëthius, Axel Stadsbebyggelsen i Roms hamnstad Ostia.. Göteborg 1951. 65 sidor + illustrationer. Häftad. Blyertsförstrykningar. Inbjudningsskrift. (#204472)100:-
Boethius, C.A. Mycenaean Megara and Nordic Houses.. Illustrated. Reprinted from the Annual of the British School at Athens No. XXIV. 1919-1920; 1920-1921. 24 pages + plate. Soft covers. (#180934)125:-
Boissier, Gaston Cicero och hans vänner.. Romerskt samhällsliv på Cæsars tid. Illustr. Sth 1928. 200 + 192 sidor. Häftad. (#31704)135:-
Boissier, Gaston Nouvelles promenades archéologiques.. Horace et Virgile. Paris 1886. 377 pages + 2 maps. Half leather. (#60265)210:-
Boissier, Gaston Nouvelles promenades archéologiques.. Horace et Virgile. Paris 1890. 377 pages + 2 maps. Somewhat worn softcover. (#63892)140:-
Bondanella, Peter The Eternal City. Roman Images in the Modern World.. Illustrated. University of North Carolina Press 1987. xviii,286 pages. Original cloth. Dust jacket. (#218596)175:-
Bonnard, André Grekisk livsform 1.. Från Illiaden till Parthenon. Illustrerad. Sthlm 1962. 240 sidor. Klotband utan skyddsomslag. (#201888)140:-
Bonnard, André Grekisk livsform 2.. Från Antigone till Sokrates. Illustrerad. Sthlm 1963. 286 sidor. Klotband med skyddsomslag. (#28907)150:-
Bonnard, André Grekisk livsform 3.. Från Euripides till Alexandria. Illustrerad. Sthlm 1964. 250 sidor. Klotband. (#28908)145:-
Borda, Maurizio Lares.. La vita familiare romana nei documenti archeologici e letterari. Illustr. Cittā del Vaticano 1947. VIII, 264 pp. (#26955)120:-
Bosworth, A.B. Conquest and Empire. The reign of Alexander the Great.. Cambridge University Press 1993. xvi,330 pages. Paperback. Very fine. (#218714)145:-
Botsford, George Willis & Robinson, Charles Alexander Hellenic History.. Fourth edition. New York 1968. 519 pages. Original cloth. (#61932)225:-
Bourne, Ella A Study of Tibur - Historical, Literary and Epigraphical - from the Earliest Times to the Close of the Roman Empire.. Diss. Menasha 1916. 75 pages. Softcover. Stamped. (#87032)150:-
Boutry, Philipp et al. Lam Grecia Antica. Mito e simbolo per l'etā della grande rivoluzione, Genesi e crisi di un modello nella cultura del settecento.. Illustrated. Guerini e associati, Milano 1997.467 pages. Soft covers. Former owners signture, otherwise as new. (#218510)150:-
Bouvet de Cressé, A.J.B. Histoire abrégée de la Grčce,. avec une introduction et des notes historique, geographique et mythologique extraits du Voyage du Jeune Anacharsis de Barthelemy; A l'usage des maisons d'éducation des deux sexes. Paris 1819. viii, 256 pages + frontispiece and one plate. Small 6:o. Contemporary half leather. First 4 leaves damp stained. (#149441)250:-
Bowersock, G.W. Julian the Apostate.. Illustrated. Harvard University press 1997. 135 pages. Paper back. (#218209)135:-
Bowersock, G.W. Roman Arabia.. Harvard University Press 1983. xiv,(2),224 pages. Original cloth. Dust jacket. (#218525)200:-
Bowra, C.M. Landmarks in Greek Literature.. London 1966. xii,284 pages + plates. Original cloth. Dust jacket torn. (#212364)150:-
Bowra, C.M. Landmarks in Greek Literature.. London 1970. 284 pages + plates. Softcover. (#124666)125:-
Bowra, C.M. Landmarks in Greek Literature.. Penguin 1968. 352 pages + plates. Paperback. Wrappers in plastic film. (#93474)100:-
Bowra, C.M. The Greek Experience.. Illustrated. New York 1963. 224 pages + plates. Paperback. (#86240)100:-
Brandes, Georg Cajus Julius Cæsar I-II.. Stockholm 1918-19. 518 + 612 sidor. Original halvfranska band. 2 volymer. (#214939)250:-
Brandt, Lida Roberts Social Aspects of Greek Life in the Sixth Century B.C.. Diss. Philadelphia 1921. 108 pages. Softcover. Stamped. (#110076)225:-
Braunová, Dagmar Antické vázy z kerce.. Illustr. Západoceské nakladatelství 1981. 88 pages + plates. Original cloth in dustjacket. (#128009)125:-
Bréguet, Esther Le roman de Sulpicia.. Elégies IV, 2-12 du "Corpus Tibullianum". Diss. Genčve 1946. 252 pages. Softcover. Stamped. (#146441)400:-
Briard, Jaques Bronsåldern.. Illustr. Sthlm 1964. 167 sidor + utvikbar karta. Pocket. (#1877)100:-
Brown, Frank E. Roman Architecture.. Illustr. New York 1976. 127 pages. Softcover. (#124669)125:-
Brunnsåker, Sture Aspekter på grekisk konst 1-2.. 1. Text. 2. Bilder. Lund 1973. 188 sidor + 112 sidor planscher. Häftade. 2 volymer. (#46873)145:-
Brunnsåker, Sture The Tyrant-Slayers of Kritios and Nesiotes.. A Critical Study of the Sources and Restorations. Illustr. Sth 1955. 188 pages + plates. 4:o. Soft covers. Skrifter utgivna av Svenska institutet i Athen. (#40820)250:-
Brunswick, F. Mythologie und Altertumskunde.. Kleines Nachschlagebuch für Museumbesucher. Rom 1914. 194 pages. Original cloth. (#141103)100:-
Brøgger, Kr. Fr. Erotikk og politikk under den romerske republikk.. Med 34 illustrasjoner. Oslo 1942. 239 sidor. Original klotryggsband. (#136766)150:-
Buckland, P.C. The Environmental Evidence from the Church Street Roman Sewer System.. Illustr. London 1976. 44 pages. Softcover. The Archaeology of York 14/1. (#155570)100:-
Bulfinch, Thomas Myths of Greece and Rome.. Illustrated. Penguin 1983. 308 pages. Paper back. (#184308)140:-
Burckhardt, Jacob Die Zeit Constantins des Grossen.. Grosse illustrierte Phaidon-Ausgabe ohne Jahr (194?). 546 pages. Original cloth. Dust jacket. (#85012)250:-
Burns, Thomas S. Barbarians Within the Gates of Rome. A Study of Roman Military Policy and the Barbarians, ca. 375-425 A.D.. Indiana University press 1994. xxiv,419 pages. Original cloth. Dust jacket. (#219178)150:-
Buschor, Ernst Frühgriechische Jünglinge.. Mit 180 Abbildungen. R. Piper, München 1950. 160 pages. Original cloth. (#214315)150:-
Buschor, Ernst Griechische Vasen.. Illustr. München 1940. 272 pages. Original cloth. Front hinge weak. (#124306)250:-
Buschor, Ernst Griechische Vasenmalerei.. Illustr. München 1925. 229 pages. Original cloth. (#63757)250:-
Buxton, Richard Imaginary Greece. The Context of Mythology.. Cambridge University Press 1994. xvi,250 pages. Paper back. Pencil-markings in margins. (#218244)140:-
Byrne, Marie José Prolegomena to an Edition of the Works of Decimus Magnus Ausonius.. Diss. New York 1916. 101 pages. Softcover. As good as new. (#87699)175:-
Böhmer, Justus Henning, XII. dissertationes iuris ecclesiastici antiqui ad Plinium Secundum et Tertullianum.. Secunda editio, Halle Orphanotrophei, 1729. Engraved frontespiece, (22),569,(29) pages. Contemporary worn full leather with cracked joint. (#202984)450:- (bild)
Caesar, C. Julius, Seven Commentaries on The Gallic War with an Eight Commentary by Aulus Hirtius. Translated by Carolyn Hammond. New York 1996. xlix, 260 pages + maps. Pocket. (#219490)100:-
Caesar, C. Julius, The Civil War. With the anonymous Alexandrian, African, and Spanish Wars. Translated with an Introduction and Notes by J.M. Carter. New York 1997. lviii, 354 pages + maps. Pocket. (#219492)100:-
Caffarelli, Ernesto Vergara & Caputo, Giacomo The Buried City. Excavations at Laptis Magna.. London 1966. 4:o 126 pages + 216 illustrations. Original cloth. Dust jacket. (#192023)350:-
Callmer, Christian Studien zur Geschichte Arkadiens.. Bis zur Gründung des arkadischen Bundes. Diss. Lund 1943. XV, 138 pages + folding map. Softcover. (#163131)250:-
Cameron, Averil The Mediterranean World in Late Antiquity AD 395-600.. Illustrated. London 1993. XVII, 251 pages. Softcover. (#145922)145:-
Campbell, J.B. The Emperor and the Roman Army 31 BC - AD 235.. Clarendon Press, Oxford 1996. xx,468 pages. Original cloth. Dust jacket. Fine. (#218744)185:-
Canfora, Luciano The Vanished Library. A Wonder of the Ancient World.. University of California Press 1990. x,205 pages. Paper back. (#218498)145:-
Cantor, Norman F. Antiquity.. From the birth of Sumerian civilization to the fall of the Roman Empire. Perennial, New York 2004. 240 pages. Paper back. (#171972)110:-
Carcopino, Jérôme Dagligt liv i antikens Rom.. Sth 1964. 304 sidor. Pocket. (#21941)100:-
Carcopino, Jérôme Dagligt liv i antikens Rom.. Sthlm 1976. 303 sidor. Förlagsband. Skyddsomslag. (#22188)120:-
Carducci, Carlo Antique Italian Gold and Silver.. 44 plates in colour, 63 plates in black and white. 1964. 34 pp. text + 81 plates. 4:o. Ocl. (#42710)250:-
Carlsen, Jesper Romernes historie.. Illustrerad. Forlaget Meloni, Odense 2008. 207 sidor. Förlagsband. Nyskick. (#214214)150:-
Carlsen, Jesper Vilici and Roman Estate Managers until AD 284.. Illustrated. Dissertation, Odens 1995. 208 pages. 4:o. Soft covers. Very fine, as new. An extra set of page 195-208 inserted upside-down at the end of the book!!! (#214106)250:-
Carlsson, Gunnar Eine Denkschrift an Caesar über den Staat.. Historisch-philologisch untersucht. Lund 1936. 132 pp. (#33510)140:-
Carpiceci, Alberto C. Pompeii.. 2000 Years Ago. Illustr. Firenze 1977. 111 pages + separate folding map. Softcover. (#145937)100:-
Carpiceci, Alberto C. Pompeji. Idag och för 2000 år sedan.. Illustrerad. Firenze 1991. 112 sidor + separat utvikbar karta. Häftad. Namnteckning. (#94633)120:-
Cary, M. The Geographic Background of Greek & Roman History. oxford 1967. viii,331 pahes. Original cloth. No jacket. Former owners name and a few underlinings with ink. (#218550)150:-
Casson, Lionel Everyday Life in Ancient Rome.. Revised and expanded edition, John Hopkins University Press 1998. 170 pages. Paper back. (#188695)135:-
Cavallin, Bertil & Niklasson, Ingmar Urbi et orbi 2.. Möten med det romerska i forntid och senare tid. Kommentar. Illustr. Lund 1968. 177 sidor + tabell. Häftade. Endast Kommentar-delen. Text-delen saknas. (#182403)100:-
Cavazza, Francesco Le scuole dell'antico Studio bolognese. Illustrated. Ulrico Hoepli, Milano 1896. xiv,314,lxviii pages + folding plan. (#199876)400:-
Caven, Brian The Punic Wars.. London 1980. xii,308 pages + plates. Original cloth. Dust jacket. (#214226)175:-
Caylus Recueil d'antiquités Egyptiennes, Etrusques, Grecques et Romaines I-IV (of 7). Paris, Desaint & Saillant (vol I and III), Duchesne (vol. II), Tilliard (vol. IV) 1752-61. I. (8),xxv,348 pages + frontespiece and 107 plates. II. viii,430,(2) pages + frontespiece and 126 plates. III. xxxiv,448 pages + frontespiece and 121 plates. IV. xx,418,(2) pages + frontespiece and 125 plates. 4:o. Bound in 4 full leather bindings with 5 raised bands and gilt spines. Surface of bands slightly worn. 5 cm. of lower part of one hinge on vol. I cracked. A very nice set although not complete. Proviniens: Euphrosyne von Rosen med grevlig krona på främre pärmarna samt exlibris: Bibliothecha Warmholtziana. (#190095)9500:-
Centerwall, Julius Grekernas och romarnas mytologi.. Med särskild hänsyn till antikens konstverk. Illustr. Sthlm 1897. 368 sidor. Dekorerat originalklotband i mycket fint skick. (#163084)175:-
Centerwall, Julius Julianus affällingen.. En bild från den döende antiken. Sthlm 1884. 236 sidor. Samtida, lite skadat halvfranskt band. (#136730)125:-
Chadwick, John Mykenes röst.. Tolkningen av Linear B. Med förord av Arne Furumark. Sth 1960. 184 sidor. Pocket. (#27716)100:-
Chadwick, John The Mycenaean World.. Illustr. Cambridge 1976. XVI, 201 pages. Softcover. (#25499)125:-
Chickering, Edward Conner An Introduction to Octavia Prætexta.. Diss. New York 1910. 87 pages. Softcover. Stamped. (#73483)140:-
Christiansen, Torben Romermagt, hedenskab og kristendom.. En kulturkamp. Kbhvn 1970. 303 sidor. Häftad. (#182729)140:-
Christ, Karl Antike Numismatik.. Einführung und Bibliographie. Darmstadt 1967. 107 pages. Softcover. (#97912)100:-
Clarke, Breeze & Mackay The Romans in Scotland.. An introduction to the collections of the National Museum of Antiquities of Scotland. Illustrated. Edinburgh 1980. 79 pages. Soft covers. Exhibition catalogue. (#173348)100:-
Classical Literary Criticism.. Aristotle: On the art of potry. Horace: On the art of poetry. Linginus: On the sublime. Translated with an introduction by T.S. Dorsch. Penguin 1972. 158 pages. Paper back. (#176922)100:-
Classical Literary Criticism.. Edited by D.A. Russell and M. Winterbottom. New York 1989. xviii, 251 pages. Pocket. (#219489)100:-
Coarelli, Filippo Italia Centrale. Guide archeologiche Laterza.. Illustrated. Roma-Bari 1985. 500 pages. Soft covers. (#218486)150:-
Coarelli, Filippo Roma. Guide archeologiche Laterza.. Illustrated. Roma-Bari 1995. 500 pages. Soft covers. (#218488)150:-
Coarelli, Filippo Rom. Ein archäologischer Führer.. Illustrated. Herder, Breisgau 1981. 357 pages. Original hard covers. Fine. (#219191)150:-
Cochin le fils & Bellicard. Observations sur les antiquités de la ville d'Herculanum. Avec quelques réflexions sur la peinture & la sculpture des anciens; & une courte description de quelques antiquités des environs de Naples.. Paris, Jombert 1754. xxxvi,98,(10) pages + 40 engraved plates. 8:vo. Worn contemporary full leather binding. Interior very clean. According to a note inside, the binding is probably by Padeloup although it is not signed. (#200089)3000:- (bild)
Cochlæus, Johannes Vita Theoderici regis Ostrogothorum et Italiæ.. Cum additamentis & annotationibus, quæ Sveo-Gothorum ex Scandia expeditiones & commercia illustrant ; operâ Johannis Peringskiöld. Illustrerad med träsnitt. Stockholm, Literis Enaeanis 1699. (16),662,(2) sidor. Liten 4:o. I ett samtida halvfranskt band där en del av främre pärmen saknas. Blad i början med hundöron. En plansch saknas. (#210241)1200:- (bild)
Coney Street, Aldwark and Clementhorpe, Minor Sites, and Roman Roads.. By David Brinklow, R.A. Hall, J.R. Magilton, and Sara Donaghey. Illustr. London 1986. 112 pages + plates & folding profiles and plans. Softcover. The Archaeology of York 6/1. (#155576)150:-
Conticello, Baldassare Pompei. Guide archéologique.. Illustrated, Guide de Agostini, 1987. 128 pages + map. Plastic binding. French edition. (#188409)125:-
Cook, R.M. Greek Art.. Its development, character and influence. New York 1973. 277 pages + illustrations. Original cloth. Dust jacket. Very fine. (#204350)175:-
Cook, R.M. Greek Art.. Its development, character and influence. Penguin 1975. 280 pages + plates. Paper back. Some pencil-markings. (#175101)120:-
Cook, R.M. Greek Painted Pottery.. Illustrated. Methuen, London 1966. xxiv,395 pages + plates. Original cloth. Dust jacket. A few pencil underlinings and markings. (#214311)200:-
Cook, Robert Grekerna före Alexander.. Från järnålder till högklassisk tid. Illustr. 1963. 253 sidor. Inbunden. Skyddsomslag. (#42573)125:-
Coon, Raymond Huntington The Foreigner in Hellenistic Comedy.. Diss. Chicago 1920. 87 pages. Softcover. Stamped. (#66671)125:-
Cotrell, Leonard, FIENDE TILL ROM. En bok om Hannibals fälttåg.. Natur och Kultur, Stockholm 1961. 234 sidor. + utvikbar karta. Illustrerad. Häftad. (#194281)125:-
Cottrell, Leonard Seeing Roman Britain.. Illustr. London 1956. XII, 295 pages. Original cloth in dustjacket. (#77498)125:-
Cottrell, Leonard The Bull of Minos.. Pan Books, London 1960. 224 pages + plates. Paperback. Some pencil-notes. (#86373)100:-
Cowell, F.R. Cicero and the Roman Republic.. Illustrated. Penguin 1962. 398 pages + 32 plates. Paperback. (#86222)100:-
Crampa, Jonas Labraunda III:1.. Swedish Excavations and Researches. The Greek Inscriptions. Part I:1-12 (Period of Olympichus). Diss. Lund 1969. 148 pp. + Plates. 4:o. Sv. Inst. i Athen, 4:o, V, III:1. (#13173)250:-
Crawford, Michael The Roman Republic.. Second edition, Glasgow 1992. xii,240 pages + plates. Paperback. (#218239)100:-
Cristofani, Mauro The Etruscans.. A New Investigation. Illustr. 1979. 128 pages. 4:o. Original cloth. Dust jacket. (#19199)175:-
Crittenden, J. & Seltman, C. Greek Art.. A Commemorative Catalogue of an Exhibition held in 1946 at the Royal Academy Burlington House London. Illustr. London 1947. 72 pages + 128 Plates. Original cloth. Dust jacket frayed. (#18218)150:-
Cullhed, Anders Kreousas skugga. Fiktionsteoretiska nedslag i senantikens latinska litteratur.. Symposion, Stockholm 2006. 842 sidor. Förlagsband med skyddsomslag. Nyskick. (#218661)250:-
Cumont, Franz Astrology and Religion among the Greek and Romans.. New York 1960. 115 pages. Soft covers. (#60301)100:-
Cumont, Franz Oriental Religions in Roman Paganism.. Dover Publ., New York 1956 (?). XXV, 298 pages. Softcover. Pencil marks in margins. Former owners signature. (#138596)120:-
Cunliffe, Barry Det romerska riket.. Illustrerad. Coeckelberghs, Stockholm 1979. 316 sidor. Stort format. Förlagsband med skyddsomslag. I skick som ny. (#199998)250:- (bild)
Cunliffe, Barry Greeks, Romans and Barbarians, Spheres of Interaction.. Guild Publ. London 1988. xii,243 pages. Original cloth. Dust jacket. Illustrated. Fine. (#218571)220:-
Curtius, Ernst Blüte und Verfall Griechenlands.. Gekürzte Ausgabe. Mit 109 Abbildungen und 3 Karten. Wien 1936. 672 pp. Ocl. (#26131)200:-
Curtius, Ernst Olympia.. Mit ausgewählten Texten von Pindar, Pausanias, Lukian. Illustr. Berlin 1935. 231 pages. Original linen binding. (#112332)200:-
Curtius, Ludwig Das antike Rom.. Aufnahmen von Alfred Nawrath. Wien 1944. 71 pages + plates and folding plans. 4:o. Original cloth. Weak back hinge. (#128007)100:-
Cüppers, Heinz (Herausg.) Die Römer in Rheinland-Pfalz.. Illustrated. Darmstadt 1990. 713 pages. Original cloth. Dust jacket. (#218541)250:-
Czernohaus, Karola Delphindarstellungen von der minoischen bis zur geometrischen Zeit.. Diss. Göteborg 1988. 111 pp + CXXI plates. Softcover. (#50892)180:-
Dahl, Andreas Peter Sofokles.. En brydning mellem attisk gudstro og attisk humanisme. Kbhvn 1959. 335 sidor. Häftad. (#182819)140:-
Dahl, A.P. Aischylos.. Kbhvn 1945. 238 sidor. Häftad. (#25968)125:-
Dahlbäck, C.J. Sokrates, en tidsbild.. Sthlm 1875. 65 sidor + en plansch. Namnteckning. Halvklotband. (#182778)125:-
Dahlbäck, C.J. Sokrates, en tidsbild.. Sthlm 1875. 65 sidor + en plansch. Namnteckning. Häftad i blanka omslag. (#220254)100:-
Dahlbäck, C.J. Är Sofokles' Antigone en tragisk personlighet?. Falun 1870. 30 sidor. Häftad med tryckta originalomslag. Fuktfläck. Inbjudningsskrift. (#110681)100:-
Dahl, Gunnar Tiberius. Kejsare mot sin vilja.. Lund 2005. 335 sidor. Förlagsband med skyddsomslag. (#207522)150:-
Dahlman, Axel Studia critica in M. Tullii Ciceronis ad Atticum epistulas.. Karlstad 1898. (29,33,(3) sidor. Häftad. Dedikation. (#204478)150:-
Dahlquist, Allan Megasthenes and Indian Religion.. A Study in Motives and Types. Diss. Uppsala 1962. 320 pages. Softcover. (#43754)170:-
Dal Maso, Leonardo B. Kejsarnas Rom.. Illustrerad. Firenze 1987. 128 sidor. Häftad. Namnteckning. (#94631)120:-
Damm, Christian Tobias Grekernes och Romarnes Mythologi.. Omarbetad af Konrad Levezow. Öfwersättning. Strengnäs, Ekmarck 1812. (2), 264 sidor. Gammalt klotband utan ryggtitel. Hårt skuren. (#66490)250:-
Damm, Christian Tobias Grekernes och Romarnes Mythologi.. Omarbetad af Konrad Levezow. Öfwersättning. Strengnäs, Ekmarck 1812. (2), 264 sidor. Samt: F.W.J. Dillenius: Grekiskt och romerskt antiqvitets lexicon. Strengnäs 1813. 388, (4) sidor. I ett samtida, lite nött halvfranskt band. (#79608)500:-
Danielli, Luigi Rossi Gli Etruschi del Viterbese. Scavi, disegni, foto e studi editi ed inediti I Ferento.. Illustrated. Tipografia Fratelli Quatrini, Viterbo 1959. lxxvi,248 pages. Original stiff wrappers. Dust jacket. (#214232)250:-
Das Erbe der Antike.. Von Fritz Wehrli und Andere. Artemis Verlag 1963. 264 pages. Original cloth. Dust jacket. (#93511)100:-
Daube, David Typologie im Werk des Flavius Josephus.. München 1977. 29 pages. Soft covers. (#94242)100:-
Davaras, Costis The Palace of Knossos.. Illustr. Athens no date. 62 pages. Softcover. (#113344)100:-
Davies, J.K. Democracy and Classical Greece.. Fontana 1978. 284 pages + plates. Paperback. Pencil-underlinings. (#86241)80:-
Davies, J.K. Democracy and Classical Greece.. Fontana 1993. Second edition. 308 pages + plates. Paperback. Few underlinings in pencil. (#221779)90:-
de Florian, Jean Pierre Claris Numa Pompilius, second roi de Rome.. Pour l'instruction de la jeunesse. St. Petersbourg 1811. 176 + 194 pages. Contemporary rich gilt leather spine with marbled boards. (#140469)950:-
Delblanc, Sven Homerisk hemkomst.. Två essäer om Illiaden och Odysséen. Illustr. Månpocket 1993. 148 sidor. Pocket. (#173651)80:-
Delin, Carl Om det romerska skiljemannainstitutets utveckling under den för-justinianska rätten med hufvudsakligt afseende fästadt på det grundläggande partsinitiativet.. Akademisk afhandling, Wexiö (Lund) 1905. (4),176,(6) sidor. Häftad med omslag. Stämpel. (#204786)150:-
Delvoye - Rayonnement Grec.. Hommage ā Charles Delvoye. Édités par Lydie Hadermann-Misguich et Georges Raepsaet. Bruxelles 1982. 528 pages + plates. Soft covers. (#62995)250:-
Demargne, Pierre Naissance de l'art grec.. Profusely illustrated. Paris 1964. (8), 456 pp + 2 Folding Maps. Cloth in dustjacket. 4:o. (#27113)400:-
Den græske olympiade.. Red. Birte Poulsen & Poul Pedersen. Illustr. Århus 2004. 205 sidor. Förlagsband. (#150525)140:-
de Puma, Richard Daniel Corpus Speculorum Etruscorum U.S.A. 1.. Midwestern Collections. Iowa State University Press 1987. 241 pages incl. plates. 4:o. Original hard covers. (#89661)300:-
Der Hellenismus und der Aufstieg Roms.. Herausgegeben von Pierre Grimal. Fischer 1965. 412 pages. Paperback. Die Mittelmeerwelt im Altertum II. Fischer Weltgeschichte 6. (#104069)100:-
de Stierneman, Réflexions sur la corruption des moeurs des Romains vers la fin de la république, et le renversement de leur gouvernement républicain, qui en étoit une suite naturelle.. Strasbourg, Jonas Lorenz 1771. (8).92 pages. Old blue paper boards. Interior very fine. (#204195)650:- (bild)
De Tolf första Romerska Käjsarinnors Lefwernes-Historia.. Del 1-3. Öfwersatt af Carl Leonard Stålhammar. Stockholm 1790-91. 264; 252; 260 sidor. Inbundna i ett samtida enkelt skinnryggsband. (#13803)750:-
DeWitt, Norman, J. Urbanization and the Franchise in Roman Gaul.. Diss. Lancaster 1940. 73 pages. Softcover. Stamped. (#65295)135:-
Dezobry, M.L. Charles. Rom im Jahrhunderte des Augustus. oder Reise eines Galliers nach Rom zur Zeit von Augustus Regierung und während eines theils der Regierung Tibers. Nach dem Französischen bearbeitet von Th. Hell. Erster (bis) Dritter Theil. Leipzig 1837. vi,186 + iv,187,(1) + iv,188 pages + folding plan. Contemporary half leather. Water-stained in upper margin. (#174602)450:-
Dictionnaire classique de géographie ancienne, pour l'intelligence des auteurs anciens, sevant d'introduction a celui de la géographie moderne de Laurent Echard, ou description abrégée.. Paris, Lacombe 1768. xxviii,626,(6) pages. 8:vo. Old half leather. (#198956)450:-
Diehl, Charles Excursions archéologiques en Grčce.. Mycčnes, Délos, Athčnes, Olympie, Éleusis, Épidaure, Dodone, Tirynthe, Tatagra. Nouvelle édition. Paris 1934. 386 pages. Soft covers. (#118424)140:-
Dihle, Albrecht Die griechische und lateinische Literatur der Kaiserzeit. Von Augustus bis Iustinian.. Beck, München 1989. 651 pages. Original cloth. Dust jacket. As new. (#218588)165:-
Dilke, O.A.W. The Ancient Romans.. How They Lived and Worked. Illustr. London 1976. 199 pp. Cloth in dustjacket. (#28087)140:-
Dio Chrysostomos - An Index to Dio Chrysostomus.. Compiled by R. Koolmeister and T. Tallmeister. Ed. by Jan Fredrik Kindstrand. Upps. 1981. X, 481 pages. Softcover. (#19611)175:-
Diolé, Philippe Fornfynd på havets botten.. Sthlm 1955. 176 sidor + planscher. Original klotryggsband. (#131798)130:-
Dopsch, Alfons Grundlagen der europäischen Kulturentwicklung I-II.. Aus der Zeit von Caesar bis auf Karl den Grossen. Zweite veränderte und erweiterte Auflage Wien 1923-24. 418 + 615 pages. Original cloth. 2 volumes. Stamped. (#28931)350:-
Dornseiffen, G. Lexicon propriorum et inde derivatorum nominum principum poëtarum latinorum.. Utrecht, J. van Schoonhoven, 1828. (4), 428 pages. Bound in full vellum with coat of arms on front cover. A very elegant binding. (#95819)1500:-
Dover, K.J. Aristophanic Comedy.. University of California Press 1972. xvi,253 pages. Paper back. (#212373)124:-
Drachmann, A.G. Antikens teknik.. Illustr. Sth 1965. 144 sidor. Pocket. (#26180)100:-
Ducrey, Pierre Guerre et guerriers dans la Grčce antique.. Illustrated. Payot, Paris 1985. 320 pages. Original cloth. Dust jacket. Very fine. (#214313)250:-
Dupont, Pierre & Lungu, Vasilica Synergia Pontica & Aego-Anatolica.. Illustarated. Pax Aura Mundi 2009. xvi,241 pages. Original hard covers. Language: French. (#214307)150:-
Duruy, Victor The World of the Romans.. Illustr. London 1972. 160 pages. Original cloth in dustjacket. Ex library copy. (#165212)75:-
Earl, Donald The Age of Augustus.. Illustrated. Ferndale Editions, London 1980. 208 pages. 4:o. Original cloth. Dust jacket. (#211286)175:-
Edwards, Cargerine Writing Rome. Textual Approaches to the City.. Illustrated. Cambridge University Press 1996. xii,146 pages. Paper back. (#218520)120:-
Edwards, John Bowen The Demesman in Attic Life.. Diss. Menasha 1916. X, 63 pages. Softcover. Stamped. (#78994)150:-
Eenigenburg, Elton M. The Experience of Divine Anger in Greek Tragedy.. Diss. New York 1949. 128 pages. Softcover. Stamped. (#110164)175:-
Ehnmark, Erland Anthropomorphism and Miracle.. Upps. 1939. 229 pages. Softcover. (#13218)200:-
Ehnmark, Erland Hur var Xanthippa?. Rundqvists boktryckeri, Göteborg utan år. 16 sidor. Häftad. Oskuren. Fin (#185680)100:-
Ehnmark, Erland Processen mot Sokrates och andra studier.. Lund 1965. 236 sidor. Pocket. (#26196)100:-
Eitrem, S. Cicero og hans tid.. Interiører og portrætter paa grundlag av de efterlatte breve. Kristiania 1910. 202 sidor. Häftad. (#55655)120:-
Eitrem, S. Die Phaiakenepisode in der Odyssee.. Christiania 1904. 35 pages. Soft covers. (#211121)150:-
Eitrem, S. Zur Ilias-Analyse. Die Aussöhnung.. Christiania 1901. 34 pages. Soft covers. (#211120)150:-
Eliasson, Erik The Notion of That Which Depends on Us in Plotinus and its Background.. Diss. Upps. 2005. 208 pages. Softcover. (#116798)150:-
Eliæson, Åke Beiträge zur Geschichte Sardiniens und Corsicas im ersten Punischen Kriege.. Quellenkritisch-geschichtliche Untersuchung. Diss. Upps. 1906. 120 pages. Soft covers. (#13312)150:-
Ellis, Peter Berresford Celt and Greek. Celts in the Hellenic World.. Constable, London 1997. 285 pages + plates. Original cloth. Dust jacket. As new. (#218673)200:-
Elthammar, Bo Julius Caesar inför eftervärlden.. Studier i Caesaruppfattningen under medeltid och italiensk renässans. Aa Sth 1976. 170 sidor. Häftad. (#26126)135:-
Etruscan Culture.. Land and People. Archeological research and studies in San Giovenale and its environs by members of The Swedish Institute in Rome. Written with the collaboration of King Gustaf Adolf of Sweden by ... Axel Boëthius, Einar Gjerstad and others. Translation (into English) by Nils G. Sahlin. Illustr. New York and Malmö 1962. 480 pages + plates and maps. 4:o. Original cloth with miscoloured dust jacket in original slip-case. (#191758)200:-
Etruscan Culture.. Land and People. Archeological research and studies in San Giovenale and its environs by members of The Swedish Institute in Rome. Written with the collaboration of King Gustaf Adolf of Sweden by ... Axel Boëthius, Einar Gjerstad and others. Translation (into English) by Nils G. Sahlin. Illustr. New York and Malmö 1962. 480 pages + plates and maps. 4:o. Original half leather with dust jacket in original slip-case. (#58815)300:-
Etruscan Studies. Journal of the Etruscan Foundation. Volume 1 Spring 1994.. Wayne State University Pree 1994. 160 pages. Soft covers. Illustrated. (#218568)150:-
Etruskernas konst och kultur.. Belyst av nyare fynd. (Utställningskatalog). Medelhavsmuseet 1967. Illustrerad. 103 sidor text + planscher. Häftad. (#68014)100:-
Eutropius Eutropii Breviarium historiae Romanae ad libros scriptos editosque recensitum et virorum doctorum notis vel integris vel selectis inlustratum adiectis suis.. Edidit Carolus Henricus Tzschucke. Leipzig, Siegfried Lebrecht 1796. (8), xcvi, 812, (2) pages. 8:vo. Old, marbled boards, spine worn. Interior very fine. (#89099)1500:- (bild)
Evans, J.A.S. (editor) Polis and Imperium. Studies in Honour of Edward Togo Salmon.. Hakkert, Toronto 1974. 317 pages. Original cloth. (#214333)150:-
Everyman's Smaller Classical Dictionary.. Revised from Sir William Smith by E.H. Blakeney and J. Warrington. London 1952. 352 pages. Original cloth. Dust jacket. Very fine. (#188549)150:-
Excavations in the Barbouna Area at Asine 1.. Ed. Inga & Robin Hägg. Illustr. Upps. 1973. 82 pp + Folding Plans. Boreas 4:1. (#13374)150:-
Excavations in the Barbouna Area at Asine 2.. Edited by Inga and Robin Hägg. Finds from the Levendis sector, 1970-72. By Yvonne Backe-Forsberg and others. Uppsala 1978. 132 pp. 4:o. (#44236)200:-
Fabietti, Ettore Kejsar Augustus.. Stockholm 1941. 271 sidor. Häftad. (#165856)110:-
Fagerström, Kåre Greek Iron Age Architecture. Developments through changing times.. Dissertation. Göteborg 1988. 172 pages + 101 plans. 4:o. Soft covers. Studies in Mediterranean Archaeology LXXXI. (#25556)300:-
Farrington, Benjamin Greek Science.. Its Meaning for Us. Penguin 1961. 320 pages. Paperback. (#36709)100:-
Farrington, Benjamin Grekisk vetenskap.. Från Thales till Ptolemaios. Sthlm 1963. 288 sidor. Pocket. (#26215)100:-
Feeney, Denis Literature and Religion at Rome. Cultures, contexts, and beliefs.. Cambridge University Press 1998. xii,161 pages. Paperback. As new. (#218670)110:-
Ferrari, Anna I vasi calcidesi. Problemi di pittura greca del VI secolo A.C.. Torino 1978. (4),108 pages. Soft covers. Unopened. (#214350)145:-
Ferrero, Guglielmo Romerska kejsarinnor.. Med 26 afbildningar efter antika skulpturer. Sth 1913. 168 sidor. Halvklotband. Lite blyertsförstr. i marginalen. (#44871)125:-
Ferrero, Guglielmo Romerska kejsarinnor.. Med 26 afbildningar efter antika skulpturer. Sth 1913. 168 sidor. Häftad. (#90817)100:-
Ferrero, Guglielmo Romerska kejsarinnor.. Med 26 afbildningar efter antika skulpturer. Sth 1913. 168 sidor. Klotband. (#90816)140:-
Ficana. - en milesten på veien til Roma. Illustr. Oslo 1980. 163 sidor + LII planscher. Häftad. (#78268)125:-
Field, D.M. Grekisk och romersk mytologi.. Illustrerad. Sthlm 1977. 192 sidor. Stort format. Original klotband. Skyddsomslag. (#42356)160:-
Fields, Donald Eugene The Technique of Exposition in Roman Comedy.. Diss. Chicago 1938. 200 pages. Softcover. Stamped. (#147271)200:-
Filleul, M.-E. Histoire du sičcle de Périclčs I-II.. Paris 1873. 452 + 374 pages. Soft covers. 2 volumes in very fine condition. (#46818)450:- (bild)
Filosofiske skoler i Athen.. Platonselskabets symposium i Athen 2003. Kbh 2005. 141 sidor. Häftad. (#164756)170:-
Fine Licht, Kjeld de Untersuchungen an den Trajansthermen zu Rom 2. Sette Sale.. Illustrated. Romae 1990. 125 pages. 4:o. Soft covers. Analecta Romana Instituti Danici Supplementum XIX. (#214130)150:-
Finley, M.I. Politics in the Ancient World.. Cambridge 1996. 152 pages. Paper back. Ex library in very fine condition. (#46730)90:-
Finley, M.I. The World of Odysseus.. Second edition. Penguin 1979. 192 pages. Paperback. (#117770)100:-
Finley, M.I. (editor) Studies in Roman Property.. By the Cambridge University Research Seminar in Ancient History. Cambridge University Press 1976. (8),212 pages. Original cloth. (#214334)175:-
Fiocchi Andrea Domenico, L. Fenestellae, De magistratibus, Sacerdotijsq; Romanor? libellus, iamprimum nitori restitutus. Pomponii Laeti itidem ... item Valerii Probi Grammatia de literis antiquis opusculum.. Early 16th century (Basel 1520?) Title page (repaired) with wood cut board (by Holbein?) Wood cut initials. 81 leaves. Partly damp stained. Later marbled boards. Some old ink notes in margins. (#129614)3500:- (bild)
Flaceličre, Robert Dagligt liv i antikens Grekland.. Sthlm 1987. 325 sidor + planscher. Storpocket. (#93131)110:-
Flemberg, Johan Vid Odysseus' hav.. Med svenska diktare på klassisk mark. Rubicon 1987. 135 sidor. Häftad. (#185524)100:-
Flint, William W. The Use of Myths to Create Suspense in Extant Greek Tragedy.. Diss. Princeton 1921. 87 pages. Softcover. Stamped. (#106739)175:-
Fol, Alexander and others, Thracian Legends.. Sofia 1976. 144 pages + plates. Original cloth. Dust jacket. (#201282)150:-
Fontaine, Paul (editor) L'Étrurie at l'Ombrie avant Rome. Cité et territoire.. Actes du colloque international. Louvaine-la Meuve, Halles Universitaires. Sénat académique 13-14 février 2004. Illustrated. Bruxelles 2010. 248 pages + folding map. 4:o. Soft covers. Very fine, as new. (#214124)250:-
Forrest, W.G. Wege zur hellensichen Demokratie.. Staatsdenken und politische Wirklichkeit von 800 - 400 v.Chr. Illustr. München 1986. 254 pages. Original cloth in dustjacket. (#137003)125:-
Forsberg, Nils Une forme élémentaire d'organisation cérémoniale.. Contribution a l'étude de la morphologie du culte. Diss. Upps. 1943. 136 pages. Soft covers. (#22435)100:-
Forsberg, Stig Near Eastern Destruction Datings. as Sources for Greek and Near Eastern Iron Age Chronology. Archaeological and historical studies. The cases of Samaria (722 B.C.) and Tarsus (696 B.C.). Illustr. Upps. 1995. 106 pp. 2nd revised ed. Softcover. Boreas 19. (#17501)140:-
Forsberg, Stig Near Eastern Destruction Datings. as Sources for Greek and Near Eastern Iron Age Chronology. Archaeological-Historical Studies. The Cases of Samaria (722 B.C.) and Tarsus (696 B.C.). Illustr. Upps. 1988. 168 pages. 4:o. Mimeographed. Softcover. (#48121)110:-
Forsell, Renée The Argolid Under Roman Rule (31 BC - AD 600). Illustrated. Dissertation, Lund 2001. 155 pages. 4:o. Soft covers. (#214189)225:-
Foster, Finley Melville Kendall English Translations from the Greek.. A Bibliographical Survey. Diss. New York 1918. XXIX, 146 pages. Softcover. Stamped. (#72310)125:-
Fox, Robin Lane Antikens värld.. En historisk odyssé genom Grekland och Rom. Illustrerad. Sthlm 2008. 702 sidor. Förlagsband med skyddsomslag. (#177062)175:-
Fraser, Russell The Three Romes.. Harcourt Brace 1985. xii,305 pages. Original half cloth. Dust jacket. Very fine. (#214229)165:-
Freccero, Agneta Mumieporträtt.. Intr. Dominic Montserrat. Illustr. Sthlm 2000. 222 sidor. Förlagsband i skyddsomslag. (#121843)160:-
Fredriksen, Rune Walled Poleis of the Archaic Period. Architecture, Distribution and Significance of Ancient Greek City Walls.. Dissertation, Copenhagen 2003. x,265 + (2),144 pages text + Tables, charts, maps, plans etc. 4:o. Soft covers. 3 volumes. (#214197)500:-
Freeman, Charles The Greek Achivement. The Foundation of the Western World.. Penguin 2000. xviii,494 pages + plates. Paperback. (#214277)150:-
Frere, Sheppard Britannia. A History of Roman Britain.. Third edition, extensively revised. London 1987. xvi,423 pages + plates. Original cloth. Dust jacket. Fine. (#218386)200:-
Fridh-Haneson, Britt Marie Le manteau symbolique. Étude sur les couples votifs en terre cuite assis sous un męme manteau.. Stockholm 1983. 89 pages + XXIV plates + (8) pages. 4:o. Softcover. Skrifter utgivna av Svenska Institutet i Rom 4ē, XL. (#23392)200:-
Friedell, Egon Kulturgeschichte Griechenlands.. Leben und Legende der vorchristlichen Seele. Phaidon 1949. 340 pages. Original cloth. (#136833)145:-
Friedlaender, Ludwig Darstellungen aus der Sittengeschichte Roms in der Zeit von August bis zum Ausgang der Antonine 1-4.. Achte, neu bearbeitete und vermehrte Auflage, Leipzig 1910. 593 + 665 + 415 + 440 sidor. Samtida halvfranska band, del 1 och 2 lite nötta upptill på ryggen. (#190615)500:-
Friedlaender, Ludwig Sittengeschichte Roms.. Ungekürzte Textausgabe. Phaidon-Verlag, Wien 1934. 1046 pages + plates. Original cloth. (#100943)200:-
Frisch, Hartvig Athenernes statsforfatning.. En filologisk-historisk analyse af Pseudo-Xenofons skrift De re publica atheniensium. Akad. avh. Andet oplag, Kbhvn 1941. 352 sidor. Halvklotband. (#182674)175:-
Frisch, Hartvig Magt og ret i oldtiden.. Dike I. Fra Homer til Perserkrigene. Kbhvn 1944. 324 sidor. Häftad. Främre omslag förstärkt. (#182880)145:-
Frost, Frank J., Greek Society.. Fourth edition, Lexington 1992. 228 pages. Paper back. (#203279)140:-
Frödin, Otto & Persson, Axel W. Asine.. Results of the Swedish Excavations 1922-1930. Illustr. Sthlm 1938. 452 pages. 4:o. Original cloth. Fine copy. (#24257)2000:-
Furuhagen, Hans Antikens undergång.. En essä om historieskrivningen som i själva verket speglar sin egen samtid. Sthlm 1985. 44 sidor. Häftad. (#78658)100:-
Furuhagen, Hans Antikens undergång.. En essä om historieskrivningen som i själva verket speglar sin egen samtid. Sthlm 1985. 44 sidor. Häftad. Dedikation från "Hatte & Birgitta". (#159167)110:-
Furuhagen, Hans Etrusker.. Historien om ett främmande folk. Illustr. Sth 1985. 190 sidor. Förlagsband. (#46875)145:-
Furuhagen, Hans Pompeji bakom ruinerna.. Illustrerad. Stockholm 2004. 191 sidor. Förlagsband med skyddsomslag. (#168643)150:-
Furuhagen, Hans Pompeji. Livet och döden i en romersk stad.. Illustrerad. Sveriges radios förlag, Stockholm 1980. 88 sidor. Häftad. (#213225)80:-
Furuhagen, Hans Öster om antiken.. Sex essäer om kulturers möten. Sthlm 1988. 168 sidor. Originalpappband med skyddsomslag. (#75124)145:-
Furumark, Arne Det äldsta Italien.. Illustrerad. Uppsala. 1947. 176 sidor. Häftad. (#26255)100:-
Furumark, Arne Hellener och barbarer.. Illustr. Sth 1962. 138 sidor. Häftad. (#26112)110:-
Furumark, Arne Hellener och barbarer.. Illustr. Sth 1962. 138 sidor. Original klotband. Skyddsomslag. (#26256)135:-
Furumark, Arne Studies in Aegean Decorative Art.. Antecedents and Sources of the Mycenaean Ceramic Decoration. Diss. Uppsala 1939. 140 pages. 4:o. Soft covers. (#13163)200:-
Furumark, Arne & Adelman, Charles m. Swedish Excavations at Sinda, Cyprus. Excavations conducted by Arne Furumark 1947-1948.. Illustrated. Stockholm 2003. 177 pages + plates. 4:o. Soft covers. Inscribed. Very fine. Skrifter utgivna av Svenska Institutet i Athen, 4ē, L. (#214184)275:-
Fürst, Carl M. Zur Anthropologie der prähistorischen Griechen in Argolis.. Nebst Beschreibungen einiger älteren Schädel aus historischer Zeit. Mit 53 Abbildungen im Text und einer Beilage Crania Argolica antiqua mit 40 Leichtdruckstafeln. Lund 1930. 130 pages + plates. Soft covers. (#55618)400:-
Gagé, Jean "Basiléia" Les césars, Les rois d'orient et les "Mages".. Paris, Société d'édition "Les Belles Lettres" 1968. (49,392 pages. Original cloth. Dust jacket. (#218728)200:-
Garnsey, Peter & Saller, Richard The Roman Empire. Economy, Society and Culture.. University of California Press, Berkeley 1987. 231 pages. Soft covers. (#188348)150:-
Gassiot-Talabot, Gérald Romerskt och fornkristet måleri.. Rikt illustr. Hälsingborg 1969. 207 sidor. Originalklotband i skyddsomslag. (#37479)120:-
Gelzer, Karl Ital Die Schrift vom Staate der Athener.. Diss. Leipzig 1937. 134 pages. No covers. Stamped. (#56937)160:-
Gertz, M. Cl. Stat og Statsforfatninger i Oldtidens Hellas.. Kbhvn 1898. (4), 164 pp. (#24267)170:-
Gibbon, Edward Romerska rikets nedgång och fall I-III.. Övers. Birgit och Nils-Olof Franzén. Förkortad version. Sth 1946-50. 675 + 594 + 634 sidor + utvikbara kartor. 3 volymer varav 1 häftad och 2 halvklotband. (#22168)340:-
Gibbon, Edward Romerska rikets nedgång och fall I-IV,. i D.M. Lows förkortade version. Illustr. av Olof Landström. Sth 1977. 428; 424; 380; 422 sidor. Förlagsband. 4 vol. (#21032)250:-
Gibbon, Edward Romerska rikets nedgång och fall I-IV,. i D.M. Lows förkortade version. Illustr. av Olof Landström. Sth 1994. 428, 424; 380, 422 pp. Inb. 2 volymer i kassett. (#74605)200:-
Gierow, Pär Göran Relative and Absolute Chronology of the Iron Age Culture of Latium in the Light of Recent Discoveries.. Lund 1977. 32 pages. Softcover. (#128757)75:-
Gierow, Pär Göran The Iron Age Culture of Latium I.. Classification and Analysis. Illustr. Diss. Lund 1966. 522 pages. 4:o. Softcover. (#13345)340:-
Gierow, Pär Göran & Sjöstedt, Lennart Antiken.. Stockholm 1978. 263 sidor. Pocket. Problem i äldre historia. (#26847)100:-
Gigli, Stefania Quilici Archeologia Laziale XI,2. Undicesimo incontro di studio del comitato per l'archeologia Laziale.. Illustrated. Roma 1993. 345 pages. 4:o. Soft covers. Dust jacket. Very fine, as new. Quederni di archeologia etrusco-italica 21. (#214087)250:-
Gigli, Stefania Quilici Archeologia Laziale XII,2. Dodicesimo incontro di studio del comitato per l'archeologia Laziale.. Illustrated. Roma 1995. Page 343-677. 4:o. Soft covers. Dust jacket. Very fine, as new. Quederni di archeologia etrusco-italica 24. (#214088)250:-
Giovanna Montevecchi (editor) Archeologia urbana a Ravenna. La "Domus dei tappeti di Pietra" il complesso archeologico di via D'Azeglio. Bilingual edition (Italian and English). Illustrated. Longo editore, Ravenna 2004. 181 pages 4:o. Soft covers. Very fine, as new. English text: Urban Archaeology in Ravenna, page 131-181 (#214129)300:-
Gjerstad, Einar Det äldsta Rom.. Illustr. 1972. 134 sidor. Stort format. Häftad. (#13355)100:-
Gjerstad, Einar Studies on Prehistoric Cyprus.. Illustr. Diss. Upps. 1926. 342 pages. Softcover. Stamped. (#13338)350:-
Gjerstad, Einar Studies on Prehistoric Cyprus.. Illustr. Diss. Upps. 1926. 342 pages. Softcover without wrappers, (#50338)250:-
Glover, T.R. The Influence of Christ in the Ancient World.. Cambridge 1929. (6), 124 pages. Original cloth. (#125166)140:-
Glover, T.R. Virgil.. New York 1969. XIX, 343 pages. Original cloth. (#95639)135:-
Gnomon.. Kritische Zeitschrift für die gesamte klassische Altertumswissenschaft. Herausgegeben von Erich Burch und Andere. Band 21/1949 - Band 68/1996. Bound in blue half cloth and full cloth. 48 volumes. (#92530)22000:-
Gods and Heroes of Bronze Age Europe. The roots of Odysseus.. Illustrated. Copenhagen, Nationalmuseet 2000. xvi,296 pages. 4:o. Soft covers. (#214073)200:-
Goetz, Hans-Werner und Karl-Wilhelm Welwei (Herausg.) Altes Germanien. Auszüge aus den Antiken Quellen über die Germanen und ihre Beziehungen zum Römischen Reich. Quellen der alten Geschichte bis zum Jahre 238 n. Chr. I-II.. Darmstadt 1995. viii,361 + (8),422 pages. Original linen bindings with dust jackets. 2 volumes. Former owners signature. Germania antiqua (#218598)350:-
Goffart, Walter Barbarians and Romans, A.D. 418-584. Technoques of Accomodation.. Princeton University Press 1980. xvi,278 pages. Paper back. (#219181)140:-
Goldsworthy, Adrian Augustus. En biografi.. Historiska media 2014. 571 sidor. Förlagsband med skyddsomslag. Fint skick. (#201898)200:-
Gomperz, Heinrich, Psychologische Beobachtungen an griechischen Philosophen.. Onternationale Psychoanalytischer Verlag 1924. (4),92 pages. Soft covers. Sonderabdruck aus Imago. (#204479)200:-
Goodman, Martin Rome and Jerusalem. The Clash of Ancient Civilizations.. Penguin 2008. 638 pages + illustrations. Paper back. (#191281)110:-
Gossellin, P.F.J. Recherches sur la géographie systematique et positive des anciens; pour servir de base ā l'histoire de la géographie ancienne.. Paris, P.D. Duboy-Laverne, An VI [1798] (part 1-2) and de Bure frčres (part 3-4) 1813. viii,271,(1) + (4),322,(2) + (4),355,(1) + (4),463,(1) pages + 54 maps on 29 plates + plate: Roses des vents. 4:o. Totally uncut and partly unopened in worn original hard covers. Some very weak foxing, in volume 4 a few more significant but small. (#213679)6500:- (bild)
Grady, Eleanor H. Epigraphic Sources of the Delphic Amphictyony.. Diss. New York 1931. III, 107 pages. Softcover. Stamped. (#110156)225:-
Graf, Fritz Greek mythology. An Introduction.. Translated by Thomas Marier. John Hopkins University Press 1993. xiv,240 pages. Original cloth. Dust jacket. Former owners signature. (#218243)165:-
Grant, Michael Der untergang des römischen Reiches.. Vorwort von Golo Mann. Illustrated. Zürich 1979. 336 pages. Original cloth. Dust jacket. (#211160)175:-
Grant, Michael Gladiators.. Penguin 1971. 127 pages + 34 plates. Paperback. (#86224)100:-
Grant, Michael Roman History from Coins.. Some Uses of the Imperial Coinage to the Historian. Cambridge 1968. 96 pages + plates. Softcover. (#137625)100:-
Grant, Michael Roman Literature.. Penguin 1958. 287 pages. Paperback. (#86220)100:-
Grant, Michael The Roman Emperors.. A Biographical Guide to Rulers of Imperial Rome, 31 B.C. - A.D. 476. Illustr. New York 1997. xiv, 367 pages. Original half cloth with dust jacket. (#219921)250:-
GRANT, MICHAEL. Grekland och Rom.Den västerländska kulturens födelse.. Förord och svensk bearbetning Gösta Säflund. Stockholm 1965. 35x27 cm. 362 sidor. Förlagets dekorerade klotband med skyddsomslag. (#193481)200:- (bild)
Grant, Michael & Hazel, John Gods and Mortals in Classical Mythology.. A Dictionary. New York 1979. IXX, 365 pages. Original cloth. (#13150)165:-
Graves, Robert I, Claudius.. Penguin 1955. 396 pages. Pocket. (#216287)100:-
Graves, Robert I, Claudius.. Penguin 1974. 400 pages. Paper back. (#177244)100:-
Green, Miranda J. The Gods of Roman Britain.. Illustrated. Shire Archaeology 1994.76 pages. Stiff wrappers. (#218295)100:-
Grekland och Rom.. Huvudred. Michael Grant. Förord och svensk bearb. Gösta Säflund. Rikt illustr. Sthlm 1965. 362 sidor. Originalklotband. Folio. Stämpl. (#58468)200:-
Gren, Erik Kleinasien und der Ostbalkan in der wirtschaftlichen Entwicklung der römischen Kaiserzeit.. Diss. Upps. 1941. 172 pages. Soft covers. (#19093)150:-
Gren, Erik Zu den Legenden von der Gründung Konstantinopels.. Offprint, Serdicae 1950. 8 pages. 4:o. Soft covers. (#135362)120:-
Griechen und Perser.. Die Mittelmeerwelt im Altertum I. Herausgegeben von Hermann Bengtson. Illustrated. Fischer 1965. 424 pages. Pocket. Fischer Weltgeschichte. (#118204)100:-
Griffin, Miriam T. Nero. The End of a Dynasty.. Batsford, London 1987. 320 pages. Paper back. As new. (#218559)165:-
Griffiths, Anna Henwood Temple Treasures.. A Study Based on the Works of Cicero and the Fasti of Ovid. Diss. Philadelphia 1943. XVII, 138 pages. Softcover. Stamped. (#119872)225:-
Grimal, Pierre Ā la recherche de l'Italie antique.. Hachette, Paris 1961. 364 pages + illustrations. Soft covers. (#208375)140:-
Grimm - Sagor från Grekernes och Romarnes hjelteålder I-II. För ungdomen bearbetade af Albert Ludwig Grimm. Öfwersättning från tyskan af S. Cavallin. Lund 1867.68. (4),252 + (4),199,(1) sidor + 1 (av 3) + 3 färglagda planscher. Inbundna i 2 samtida, enkla klotryggsband. Inlagan med enstaka små fläckar. 2 planscher saknas i första delen. (#186914)200:-
Grønbech, Bo Etruskerna.. Ett försvunnet folk. Sth 1956. 174 sid. + planscher. Häftad. (#43987)100:-
Grønbech, Bo Etruskerna.. Ett försvunnet folk. Sth 1956. 174 sid. + planscher. Häftad. Något nött. (#85010)75:-
Grønbech, Bo Etruskerna.. Ett försvunnet folk. Sth 1956. 174 sid. + planscher. Klotryggsband. (#182815)135:-
Grønbech, Vilhelm Ljuset från Akropolis.. Essäer och föreläsningar. Stockholm 1954. 193 sidor. Originalklotband med skyddsomslag. (#151139)135:-
Guden med dubbelyxan.. Zeus i Labranda. Illustr. Sthlm 1987. 40 sidor. Häfte. Utställningskatalog. (#112339)75:-
Guhl, Ernst und Koner, Wilhelm Leben der Greichen und Römer.. Sechste vollständig neu bearbeitete Auflage. Herausgegeben von Richard Engelmann. Mit 1061 in den Text gedruckten Abbildungen. Berlin, Weidmannsche Buchhandlung 1893. XIV,896 pages + plates. In 2 contemporary half leather bindings. (#196638)240:-
Gustafsson, F., Tacitus som tänkare.. Helsingfors 1906. 40 sidor. Häftad. Ark loss. (#204475)140:-
Göransson, Kristian The Transport Amphorae from Euesperides. The maritime trade of a Cyrenaican city 400-250 BC.. Illustrated. Dissertation, Lund 2007. 251 pages. Soft covers. Inscribed. (#214195)250:-
Habicht, Christian Athens from Alexander to Antony. Translated by Deborah Lucas Schneider. Harvard University Press 1997. x, 406 pages. Hardcover with dust jacket. (#217267)180:-
Hafner, German Art of Crete, Mycenae, and Greece.. Illustrated. Harry N. Abrams, New York no date (c. 1970). 264 pages. Original cloth. Dust jacket. (#189018)150:-
Hagendahl, Harald Augustinus och Rom.. Lund 1970. 14 sidor. Klammerhäftad. (#134893)75:-
Hagendahl, Harald Romarna i Britannien.. Illustr. Sth 1943. 89 sidor. Häftad. (#50463)100:-
Hagendahl, Harald Stenografins betydelse för senantikens litteratur.. Lund 1971. 16 sidor. Klammerhäftad. (#134892)75:-
Hahn, Robert Anaximander and the Architects. The Contribution of Egyptian and Greek Arcitectural Technologies to the Origins of Greek Philosophy.. Illustrated. State University of New York Press 2001. xxiii,326 pages. Paperback. (#214282)165:-
Hahr, August Rörelsefigurer i antik skulptur.. Konstkritiska studier. Illustrerad. Uppsala 1915. 100 sidor. Med reparerat omslag i pappband. Dedikation. (#77079)150:-
Haigh, A.E. The Attic Theatre.. A description of the stage and theatre of the Athenians, and of the dramatic performances at Athens. Third edition revised and in part re-written by A.W. Pickard-Cambridge. Illustr. Oxford 1907. 396 pages. Original cloth. (#58082)375:-
Hallager, Erik The Mycenaean Palace at Knossos. Evidence for Final Destruction in the III B Period.. Illustrated. Medelhavsmuseet, Stockholm 1977. 120 pages. Soft covers. (#89619)175:-
Hallager, Erik and Birgitta P. The Greek-Swedish Excavations at the Agia Aikaterini Square Kastelli, Khania 1970-1987 and 2001. Volume IV:1-2. The late Minoan IIIB:1 and IIIA:2 Settlements. Text + plates.. Stockholm 2011. 486 pages + 279 plates. 4:o. Original hard covers. 2 volumes. As new. Skrifter utgivna av Svenska Institutet i Argen, 4ē, XLVII: IV:1-2. (#214186)500:-
Hall, A.R. & Kenward, H.K. Environmental Evidence from the Colonia: General Accident and Rougier Street.. Illustr. London 1990. 145 pages + plates & microfilm in pocket. Softcover. The Archaeology of York 14/6. (#155595)200:-
Hall, A.R., Kenward, H.K. & Williams, D. Environmental Evidence from Roman Deposits in Skeldergate.. Illustr. London 1980. 55 pages. Softcover. The Archaeology of York 14/3. (#155574)100:-
Hallström, Alarik Dion från Prusa.. Sthlm 1911. 28 sidor. Häftad. (#110836)100:-
Halperin, David M. et al Before Sexuality. The Construction of Erotic Experience in the Ancient Greek World.. Princeton University Press, New Jersey 1990. Illustrated. xix, (1), 526 pages. Paperback. (#221813)170:-
Hamberg, Per Gustaf Studies in Roman Imperial Art.. With Special Reference to the State Reliefs of the Second Century, Diss. Uppsala 1945. 202 pages + 44 plates. 4:o. Original linen binding. (#158869)650:-
Hamberg, Per Gustaf Studies in Roman Imperial Art.. With Special Reference to the State Reliefs of the Second Century, Diss. Uppsala 1945. 202 pages + 44 plates. 4:o. Soft covers. Stamped. (#50343)450:-
Hamilton, Edith Grekisk livssyn.. Urval ur "The Greek Way" och "The Echo of Greece". Till svenska av Kerstin Karling. Stockholm 1959. 241 sidor. Häftad. Otrimmad. (#221205)140:-
Hamilton, Edith The Greek Way.. The Norton Library, New York 1964. 212 pages. Paper back. (#212372)100:-
Hancock, John Leonard Studies in Stichomythia.. Diss. Chicago 1917. 97 pages. Softcover. Stamped. (#79126)200:-
Hanfmann, George M.A. Roman Art,. A Modern Survey of the Art of Imperial Rome.. Illustrated. W.W. Norton, New York 1975? (probably later). 328 pages. Paper back. Former owners signature. (#218532)150:-
Hannestad, Knud De 30 tyranner.. Studier i athensk forfatningshistorie i slutningen af 5. århundrede. Aa Kbhvn 1950. 234 sidor. Häftad. Stämpl. (#78414)175:-
Hanson, Victor Davis The Western Way of War. Infantry Battle in Classical Greece.. London 1989. xxiv,244 pages. Original cloth. Dust jacket. (#214272)150:-
Harland, James Penrose Prehistoric Aigina.. A History of the Island in the Bronze Age. Diss. Paris (Princeton) 1925. XII, 121 pages. Softcover. Stamped. (#140872)325:-
Harms, Bernhard Auguren, Ahnen, Aquädukte.. Die römische Kultur in Entwicklung und Struktur. Grosse Ausgabe. Leer 1974. 250 pages. Soft covers. (#133348)175:-
Harrie, Ivar Poeten Horatius.. Sthlm 1959. 108 sidor + planscher. Häftad. (#100026)100:-
Harrie, Ivar Poeten Horatius.. Sthlm 1959. 108 sidor + planscher. Original klotryggsband. Skyddsomslag. (#158865)120:-
Harrie, Ivar Sju grekiska sagor.. Essäer. Sthlm 1962. 149 sidor. Pocket. (#92933)100:-
Harrie, Ivar Sju grekiska sagor.. Essäer. Sthlm 1987. 149 sidor. Storpocket. (#187806)100:-
Harrie, Ivar Sju grekiska sagor.. Illustrerad. Sthlm 1939. 212 sidor. Imiterat halvskinnband. (#212909)145:-
Harrie, Ivar Sju grekiska sagor.. Illustrerad. Sthlm 1939. 212 sidor. Original klotband. Tillskrift från förlaget. (#26467)145:-
Harrie, Ivar Sju grekiska sagor.. Illustrerad. Stockholm 1939. 211 sidor. Senare klotband med bevarat främre omslag. Namnteckning. (#221710)115:-
Harris, Robert, Imperium.. Stockholm 2009. 357 sidor. Förlagsband med skyddsomslag. Roman. Krönikan om Rom I. (#212503)130:-
Harsberg, Erling Ostia.. Roms havneby. Illustrerad. Kbhvn 1964. 201 sidor. Häftad. (#101323)135:-
Hatzopoulos, Miltiades B. & Loukopoulos. Louisa D. (editors) Philip of Macedon.. Athens 1980. 254 pages. 4:o. Original cloth. Dust jacket. As new. Text in English (#214181)200:-
Hawkes, Jacquetta Dawn of the Gods.. Illustr. Sphare Books 1972. 174 pages + plates. Paper back. (#168062)100:-
Hawkes, Jacquetta Dawn of the Gods.. Illustr. Toronto 1968. 303 pages. 4:o. Original cloth in dustjacket. (#156861)175:-
Hays, Heber Michel Notes on the Works and Days of Hesiod.. With introduction and notes. Dissertation, Chocago 1918. 226 pages. Soft covers. Small stamp on front cover. Very fine copy. First edition. (#181154)250:-
Hazel, John Who's Who in the Greek World. Routledge, New York 2006. 285 pages + maps. Hardcover with dust jacket. (#216924)160:-
Heath, Thomas A History of Greek Mathematics. I. From Thales to Euclid. II. From Aristarchus to Diophantus.. Dover Publ. New York 1981. xvi,446 + xii,586 pages. Paper back 2 volumes. (#214326)250:-
Hedenberg, Sven Kejsar Tiberius.. Ett människoöde från antiken i psykiatrisk belysning. Illustr. Sthlm 1956. 155 sidor. Häftad. Blyertsförstr. (#42492)125:-
Hedén, Erik Homerische Götterstudien.. Diss. Upps. 1912. IV, 191 pages. Soft covers. Stamped. (#30989)180:-
Hedén, Eva Grekiska sagor.. Med förord av Örjan Lindberger. Illustrerad av Yngve Svalander. Fabel 1995. 262 sidor. Pocket. (#177104)90:-
Hedén, Eva Grekiska sagor.. Med förord av Örjan Lindberger. Illustrerad av Yngve Svalander. Sthlm 1969. 262 sidor. Original klotryggsband. (#148402)150:-
Hedén, Eva Grekiska sagor.. Med förord av Örjan Lindberger. Illustrerad av Yngve Svalander. Sthlm 1997. 262 sidor. Original klotryggsband. Skyddsomslag. (#202158)150:-
Heiberg, J.L. Fra Hellas og Italien 1-2.. Udvalgte afhandlinger. Illustrerad. Kbhvn 1929. 496 + 419. Halvklotband. 2 volymer. (#182681)250:-
Heikel, Ivar A. Antik livssyn och antika kulturbilder.. H-fors 1930. 507 sidor. Häftad. (#87437)150:-
Heikel, Ivar A. De kristna och den antika hedendomen.. Skildringar från kristendomsförföljelsernas och martyrernas tid. Sth 1927. 232 sidor + planscher. Häftad. (#60723)140:-
Heinimann, Felix Nomos und Physis.. Herkunft und bedeutung einer Antithese im griechischen Denken des 5. Jahrhunderts. Darmstadt 1987. 221 pages. Original cloth. (#124726)300:-
Heinze, Richard, Vom Geist des Römertums.. Ausgewählte Aufsätze herausgegeben von Erich Burck. Teubner, Leipzig und Berlin 1938. vi,296 pages. Original linen binding. Stamped. (#206492)150:-
Hellmuth, Hermann De sermonis proprietatibus quae in prioribus Ciceronis orationibus inveniuntur. Erlangen 1877. (2),74 pages. Soft cover. Back wrapper missing. (#204473)150:-
Hellström, Pontus Luni sul Mignone, II:2.. The zone of the large Iron Age building. Contributions by J. Lepiksaar & O. Nyström. Sth 1975. 106 pp + 80 Plates. 4:o. Sv. Inst. i Rom, 4°, XXVII:II, 2. (#550)200:-
Helms, Poul Nyplatiniske laerdomme om sjaelen.. Psykologiske syudier over Plotin. Kbhvn 1915. 177 sidor. Halvklotband. (#182767)150:-
Hemberg, Bengt Die Kabiren.. Diss. Upps. 1950. 420 pages. Softcover. (#13433)250:-
Henig, Martin and Anthony King (editors) Pagan Gods and Shrines of the Roman Empire.. Illustrated. Oxford University Committee for Archaeology Monograph No 18 1986. (6),265 pages. 4:o. Soft covers. (#218656)500:-
Henig, Martin (editor) A Handbook of Roman Art. A Survey of the Visual Arts of the Roman World.. Illustrated. Phaidon 1983. 288 pages + plates. Paper back. (#214227)145:-
Henrikson, Alf Antikens historier I-II.. Med teckningar av Håkan Bonds + fotoplanscher. Sth 1961. 320; 432 sidor. Original pappband. Skyddsomslag. 2 volymer. (#35295)300:-
Henrikson, Alf Antikens historier I-II.. Med teckningar av Håkan Bonds + fotoplanscher. Sth 1975. 320; 432 pp. Original klotband. Skyddsomslag. 2 volymer i kassett. (#41227)250:-
Henrikson, Alf Antikens historier I-II.. Med teckningar av Håkan Bonds + fotoplanscher. Sth 1996. 320; 432 sidor. Original klotband. Skyddsomslag. 2 volymer. I kassett. (#209131)250:-
Henrikson, Alf Antikens historier I-II.. Med teckningar av Håkan Bonds + fotoplanscher. Sthlm 1981. 320; 432 sidor + illustrationer. Original klotband. Skyddsomslag. 2 volymer. (#191936)250:-
Henrikson, Alf Det västliga Hellas.. Teckningar av Björn Berg. Sth 1978. 276 sidor. Original klotband. Skyddsomslag. (#35292)125:-
Henrikson, Alf Det västliga Hellas.. Teckningar av Björn Berg. Sth 1980. 276 sidor. Original klotband. Skyddsomslag. (#216125)125:-
Henrikson, Alf Hos etruskerna.. Teckningar av Björn Berg. Sth 1977. 189 sidor. Original pappband. Ej skyddsomslag. (#114863)120:-
Henrikson, Alf Hos etruskerna.. Teckningar av Björn Berg. Sth 1977. 189 sidor. Original pappband. Skyddsomslag. (#161948)140:-
Henrikson, Alf Hos etruskerna.. Teckningar av Björn Berg. Stockholm 1979. 189 sidor. Original pappband. Skyddsomslag. Reva i bakre skyddsomslag. (#35293)140:-
Henry, Margaret Young The Relation of Dogmatism and Scepticism in the Philosophical Treatises of Cicero.. Dissertation, New York 1925. 118 pages. Soft covers. (#176245)200:-
Hermann, Karl Friedrich Lehrbuch der griechischen Staatsaltertümer.. 6. Auflage von Viktor Thumser. Erste bis zweite Abteilung. Freiburg 1889-92. 804 pages. Soft covers. 2 volumes in very fine condition. K.F. Hermann's Lehrbuch der griechischen Antiquitäten I. (#46963)300:- (bild)
Herrling, Walter G.L. The Romanization of Raetia.. Part of diss. Chicago 1943. Pag. 68-162 pages. Softcover. Stamped. (#115488)100:-
Herr, Margaret Whilldin The Additional Short Syllables in Ovid.. Dissertation, Philadelphia 1937. 31 pages. Soft covers. Small stamp on front cover. (#180941)125:-
Hettinger, E. (red) Källor till grekisk vishet. Till svenska av Ann-Britt Andersson. Solna 1984. 45 sidor. Häfte med plastskyddsomslag. Litet format. (#214155)75:-
Hicks, E.L. A Manual of Greek Historical Inscriptions.. Oxford, Clarendon Press 1882. xxviii,372,32 pages. Original cloth. Spine slightly worn at top. A few underlinings with blue pencil. (#189507)400:-
Hjertén, Ivar Hypnos och Thanatos i dikt och konst.. Illustr. Sth 1951. 96 sidor. Häftad. (#26855)50:-
Hjolman, Jenni Farming the Land in Late Antiquity. The Case of Berbati in the Northeastern Peloponnese.. Dissertation, Stockholm 2002. 184 pages. 4:o. Soft covers. (#214187)200:-
Hodges, Richard (editor) San Vincenzo al Volturno 1. The 1980-86 Excavations Part I.. Illustrated. London 1993. xxii,236 pages. 4:o. Soft covers. Very fin, as new. Archaeological monographs of the British School at Rome 7. (#214122)200:-
Holland, Tom Rubicon.. Den romerska republikens uppgång och fall. Sthlm 2004. 361 sidor + planscher. Förlagsband utan skyddsomslag. (#111327)150:-
Holland, Tom Rubicon. The Triumph and Tragedy of the Roman Republic.. Abacus, London 2004. xxviii,430 pages + maps and plates. Paper back. (#218247)100:-
Holloway, R. Ross The Archaeology of Early Rome and Latium.. Illustrated. Routledge, London 1996. xx,(4),203 pages. Paper back. Fine. (#218551)165:-
Holmberg, Erik J. Athens.. Paul Åström, Gothenburg 1978. 128 pages + plates. Paper back. Former owners signature. (#218467)120:-
Holmberg, Erik J. Delphi and Olympia.. Paul Åström, Gothenburg 1979.134 pages + plates. Paper back. (#218288)120:-
Holmberg, Erik J. Zur Geschichte des Cursus Publicus.. Diss. Uppsala 1933. 159 pages. Softcover. (#53771)175:-
Holmberg, Olle Sommar med Sokrates.. Sthlm 1971. 190 sidor. Litet format. Original pappband. (#132578)100:-
Holte, Ragnar Beatitudo och Sapientia.. Augustinus och de antika filosofskolornas diskussion om människans livsmål. Stockholm 1958. 416 sidor. Linneband med bevarat främre omslag. Dedikation: "Docent Arne Palmqvist i tillgivenhet från förf." (#221595)250:-
Homer The Odyssey.. Translated by E.V. Rieu. Penguin Classics 1952. 378 pages. Paperback. (#216150)100:-
Homer The Odyssey.. Translated by E.V. Rieu. Penguin Classics 1953. 469 pages. Pocket. (#216481)100:-
Homeros (Homer) The Odyssey.. Translated by Walter Shewring with an epilogue on translation. Introduced by G.S. Kirk. New York 1980. xxiv, 349 pages. Pocket. (#219485)100:-
Homer's Odyssey.. A critical handbook. Edited by Conny Nelson. Belmont 1969. 199 pages. Paper back. (#185157)110:-
Horatius Flaccus, Quintus Horace: Selected Odes, Epodes, Satires, Epistles. Translated by Burton Raffel. With an Introduction by W.R. Johnson and Notes by David Armstrong. New York 1973. 141 pages. Pocket. (#216590)100:-
Hough, John Newbold The Composition of the Pseudolus of Plautus.. Diss. Princeton 1931. 109 pages. Softcover. Stamped. (#77877)150:-
Hourmouziadis, G.& P. Asimakopoulou - Atzaka & K. A. Makris: Magnesia - The story of a civilization.. Illustrated. Athens 1982. 280 pages. 4:o. Original cloth. Dust jacket. Very fine. (#214191)225:-
Hughes, Bettany Sköna Helena.. Gudinna, prinsessa, myt. Övers. Margareta Eklöf. Illustrerad. Sthlm 2006. 460 sidor. Förlagsband med skyddsomslag. (#177014)170:-
Hugill, William Meredith Panhellenism in Aristophanes.. Diss. Chicago 1936. VIII, 106 pages. Softcover. Stamped. (#109633)175:-
Huldt, Hampus Reinhold Om Tiberius Nero Cæsar.. Akademisk afhandling, Stockholm (Upsala) 1866. 48 sidor. Häftad. Blanka omslag. (#109383)150:-
Hult, Gunnel Nitovikla Reconsidered.. Illustr. Sthlm 1992. 196 pages + plates & folding profiles. Hardcover. (#107405)200:-
Humphrey, Edward Frank Politics and Religion in the Days of Augustine.. Diss. New York 1912. 220 pages. Softcover. Stamped. (#73624)200:-
Hus, Alain The Etruscans. Translated by Jeanne Unger Duell. New York 1961. Illustrated. 192 pages. Pocket. Signature. Evergreen Profile Book 25. (#214394)100:-
Hutchinson, R.W. Prehistoric Crete.. Illustr. Penguin 1963. 374 pages + plates. Paperback. (#117768)100:-
Huttmann, Maude Aline The Establishment of Christianity and the Proscription of Paganism.. Diss. New York 1914. 257 pages. Softcover. Stamped. (#77754)300:-
Hägg, Robin Die Gräber der Argolis 1.. In submykenischer, protogeometrischer und geometrischer Zeit. Lage und Form der Gräber. Illustr. Diss. Upps. 1975. 172 pages. Softcover. Boreas 7:1. (#13371)200:-
Hägg, Robin & Konsola, Dora (editors) Early Helladic Architecture and Urbanization.. Proceedings of a Seminar at Swedish Institute in Athens, June 8, 1985. Göteborg, Paul Åströms förlag 1986. 102 pages text + plates. 4:o. Soft covers. Very Fine, as new. Studies in Mediterranean Archaeology LXXVI. (#214188)300:-
Hägg, Tomas Narrative Technique in Ancient Greek Romances.. Studies of Chariton, Xenophon Ephesius, and Achilles Tatius. Diss. Sthlm (Upps.) 1971. 376 pages. Softcover. Sv. Inst. i Athen 8:o, VIII. (#13321)200:-
Hägg, Tomas Photios als Vermittler antiker Literatur.. Untersuchung zur Technik des Referierens und Exzerpierens in der Bibliotheke. Upps. 1975. 218 pages. Softcover. (#19744)165:-
Höghammar, Kerstin Sculpture and Society.. A Study of the Connection Between the Free-standing Sculpture and Society on Kos in the Hellenistic and Augustan Periods. Illustr. Diss. Upps. 1993. 227 pages. 4:o. Softcover. Boreas 23. (#26639)175:-
Immisch, Otto Das Nachleben der Antike.. Leipzig 1919. x, 64 pages. Original hard covers. Das Erbe der Alten 1. (#100929)130:-
Ingemark, Dominic & Gerding, Henrik Liv och död i antikens Rom.. Fotograf: Martine Castoriano. Lund 2000. 224 sid. Originalklotband. (#70722)150:-
Ingvarsson-Sundström, Anne Children Lost and Found.. A Bioarchaeological Study of Middle Helladic Children in Asine with a Comparison to Lerna. Illustr. Diss. Upps. 2003. 223 pages. 4:o. Softcover. (#73601)200:-
Israel, Gerard & Lebar, Jacques When Jerusalem Burned.. New York 1973. 178 pp. + Plates. Cloth in dustjacket. (#42111)150:-
Ivanova, A.P. Iskusstvo antitjnych gorodov severnogo pritjernomorja.. Illustr. Leningrad 1953. 192 pages. Softcover. Work on the art of the ancient cities of the northern Black Sea area. Text in Russian only. (#62228)125:-
Jaffee, Harold B. Horace: An Essay in Poetic Therapy.. Diss. Chicago 1944. 101 pages. Softcover. Stamped. (#146324)150:-
Jakobsson, Oskar Daimon och Agathos Daimon. Akad. Avh. Lund 1925. 202 sidor. Häftad. Stämpel. (#172169)200:-
Janson, Tore Germanerna. Myten, historien, språken.. Stockholm 2013. 239 sidor. Förlagsband med skyddsomslag. (#201903)130:-
Janson, Tore Romarinnor och romare.. Livet i antiken. Sthlm 2006. 240 sidor. Förlagsband med skyddsomslag. (#177059)150:-
Jelusich, Mirko Hannibal.. Roman. Wien und Leipzig 1934. 238 pages. Original half cloth. (#179700)110:-
Johansen, K. Friis Athenas templer paa Akropolis.. Kbh 1937. 47 sidor + 18 planscher. Häftad. Dedikation. (#119396)75:-
Johansson de Château, Lena From Roman to Native.. Colonialism and the Archaeology of Rural Water Management in the Maghreb. Illustr. Diss. Upps. 2002. 181 pages. 4:o. Softcover. (#74478)200:-
Johansson, Gust Folknamn och ortnamn i Homerus Illiad.. Lekmannafunderingar. Göteborg 1966. 76 sidor. Klotband. Stämpl. (#46516)65:-
Johnson, Franklin Foundations for a Study of Lysippus.. Diss. Osceola 1925. 50 pages. Soft covers. Stamped. (#57253)125:-
Jolliffe, Richard Orlando Phases of Corruption in Roman Administration in the last Half-Century of the Roman Republic.. Dissertation, Menasha, Wisconsin 1919. xii,109 pages. Soft covers. First edition. (#205776)150:-
Jones, A.H.M. Constantine and the Conversion of Europe.. University of Toronto Press 1989222 pages. Paper back. As new. (#218648)150:-
Jones, Brian W, The Emperor Domitian.. Routledge, London 1993. xii,292 pages. Paper back. (#218651)150:-
Jones, Terry & Ereira, Alan Barbarerna. Romarrikets historia ur de erövrade folkens perspektiv.. Förord Dick Harrison. Illustrerad. Sthlm 2009. 296 sidor. Förlagsband med skyddsomslag. (#177056)150:-
Jonsson, Marita Monumentvårdens begynnelse.. Restaurering och friläggning av antika monument i Rom 1800-1830. Illustr. Aa Upps. 1976. 244 sidor. Häftad. (#35668)125:-
Jürss, Fritz (editor) Geschichte des wissenschaftliche Denken im Altertum.. Illustrated. Akademie-Verlag, Berlin 1982. 672 pages + plates. Original cloth. Dust jacket. (#214314)200:-
Karageorghis, Vassos Cyprus Museum and Archaeological Sites of Cyprus.. Illustrated. Athens 1978. 56 pages. 4:o. Soft covers. (#175361)100:-
Karageorghis, Vassos, Styrenius, Carl-Gustaf & Winbladh, Marie-Louise Cypriote Antiquities in the Medelhavsmuseet, Stockholm.. Illustrated. Stockholm 1977. 58 pages + 8 colour and 45 b/w plates. Original cloth. (#28509)175:-
Karlsson, Lars San Giovenale. Vol. IV, facs. 1: Area F East. Huts and Houses on the Acropolis.. With appendices by Giovanni Colonna and Jenni Hjohlman. Illustrated. Stockholm 2006. 174 pages + 22 plates + 4 fold-out plans in pocket. 4:o. Soft covers. Skrifter utgivna av Svenska institutet i Rom. 4°, XXXVI:IV, 1. (#212978)350:-
Kehnscherper, Günther Kreta, Mykene, Santorin.. Illustr. Leipzig 1975. 168 pages + plates. Original cloth in dustjacket. (#128498)125:-
Kenward, Harry K. & Williams, Dorian Biological Evidence from the Roman Warehouses in Coney Street.. London 1979. 105 pages. Softcover. The Archaeology of York 14/2. (#155588)100:-
Kerényi, Karl Grekernas och romarnas religion.. Förord av Carl-Martin Edsman. Illustr. Sth 1962. 196 sidor. Originalklotband. Blyertsunderstrykn. (#44075)125:-
Kerényi, Karl Grekernas och romarnas religion.. Förord av Carl-Martin Edsman. Illustr. Sth 1962. 196 sidor. Originalklotband i skyddsomslag. (#36722)175:-
Kerényi, Karl Grekernas och romarnas religion.. Förord av Carl-Martin Edsman. Illustr. Sth 1962. 196 sidor. Originalklotband i skyddsomslag. Litet blyertsunderstrykn. (#44123)150:-
Kerényi, Karl Grekiska hjältesagor.. Förord av Gösta Säflund. Sthlm 1960. 388 sidor + 80 planscher och en karta. Original klotryggsband. (#137208)200:-
Key, David Martin The Introduction of Characters by Name in Greek and Roman Comedy.. Diss. Chicago 1923. 98 pages. Softcover. Stamped. (#108883)150:-
Kienast, Dietmar Augustus. Prinzeps und Monarch.. Wissenschafliche Buchgesellschaft, Darmstadt 1982. x.515 pages. Original cloth. No jacket. (#219179)150:-
Kindstrand, Jan Fredrik Homer in der Zweiten Sophistik.. Studien zu der Homerlektüre und dem Homerbild bei Dion von Prusa, Maximos von Tyros und Ailios Aristeides. Diss. Upps. 1973. 251 pages. Softcover. (#19592)150:-
Kisa, Anton Das Glas im Altertume 3.. Unter mitwirkung von Ernst Bassermann-Jordan. Mit einem Beitrag über Funde antiker Gläser in Skandinavien von Oskar Almgren. Mit Gesamtregister, 7 Formentafeln und 115 Abbildungen im Text. Leipzig 1908. Pag. 691-978. Original cloth. Very fine copy. Hiersemanns Handbücher III:3. Volume 3 only. (#97087)500:-
Kitto, H.D.F. The Greeks.. Penguin 1957. 256 pages. Paperback. (#118472)100:-
Kjellberg, Ernst Grekisk och romersk konst.. Illustr. Sth 1932. 352 pp. Inbunden. (#27726)125:-
Kjellberg, Ernst Studien zu den attischen Reliefs des V. Jahrhunderts v. Chr.. Diss. Upps. 1926. 151 pages + XVIII plates. Softcover. (#13196)185:-
Kjellberg, Ernst & Säflund, Gösta Grekisk och romersk konst.. Illustr. Sth 1958. 334 sidor + planscher. Pocket. (#102660)100:-
Kjellberg, Lennart Polygnotos. och hans betydelse för den grekiska målarkonsten under femte århundradet f.Kr. Sthlm 1908. 34 sidor. Häftad. (#110690)135:-
Kjellberg, Lennart Studien zu den antiken Dacheindeckung.. Uppsala 1927. 8 pages. Soft covers. (#19571)100:-
Klauser - Mullus.. Festschrift Theodor Klauser. Münster 1964. 415 pages + Tafeln. Original cloth. Dust jacket. (#61885)400:-
Klawans, Zander H. An Outline of Ancient Greek Coins.. Illustrated. Whitman, Racine, Wisconsin 1959. 208 pages. Original decorated cloth. (#214236)150:-
Kleberg, Tönnes Bokhandel och bokförlag i antiken.. Illustr. Sth 1962. 132 sidor. Originalklotband i skyddsomslag. (#26923)100:-
Kleberg, Tönnes Bokvänner i den romerska forntiden.. Bokvännerna, Sthlm 1962. 60 sidor. Häftad. (#93349)75:-
Kleberg, Tönnes Värdshus och värdshusliv i den romerska antiken.. Aa Gbg 1934. 152 sidor. Häftad. Dedikation. (#13200)150:-
Kolb, Frank Rom. Die Geschichte der Stadt in der Antike.. Beck, München 1995. 784 pages. Original cloth. Dust jacket. As new. (#218507)250:-
Kolmodin, Olof De insula Rhodo.. Dissertatio .. respondent Johannes Gust. Mühlenderlein. Upsala 1809. (2), 8 sidor. Häftad, skuren, utan omslag. (#109830)175:-
Kontorli-Papadopoulou, litsa Aegean Frescoes of Religious Character.. Göteborg, Paul Åströms förlag 1996. 257 pages. 4:o. Soft covers. Illustrated. (#218638)450:-
Korres, Panetsos & Seki (editors) Parthenon.. Illustrated. Athent 1996. 144 pages. Folio. Soft covers. Catalogue from an exhibition at the Osaka Museum. Language: Greek, Japanese and English. (#214300)250:-
Kortenbeutel, Heinz Ein Kodizill eines römischen Kaisers.. Mit ein Tafel. Berlin 1940. 15 pages + plates. 4:o. Soft covers. (#99110)140:-
Kraay, Colin M. Greek Coins and History, some current problems.. London 1969. 81 pages + plates. Original cloth. Dust jacket. Former owners signature. (#214251)150:-
Kraeling, Carl H. Anthropos and Son of Man.. A Study in the Religious Syncretism of the Hellenistic Orient. Diss. New York 1927. 191 pages. Softcover. Stamped. (#140833)350:-
Krarup, Per Homer.. Blade af den nyere forsknings historie. Kbhvn 1964. 266 sidor. Pocket. (#86466)100:-
Krarup, Per Rector rei publicae.. Bidrag til fortolkningen af Ciceros De re publica. Aa Kbhvn 1956. 211 sidor. Halvklotband med bevarade omslag. Stämpl. (#89287)250:-
Krarup, Per Rector rei publicae.. Bidrag til fortolkningen af Ciceros De re publica. Aa Kbhvn 1956. 211 sidor. Häftad. (#183026)150:-
Krause, Wilhelm Die Griechen.. Von Mykene bis Byzanz. Wien 1969. XIX, 428 pages. Original cloth. A note in red on title page, otherwise clean besides a former owner's signature. (#64277)175:-
Kurtén-Lindberg, Birgitta Bakom monumenten.. Gestalter ur Europas gryning. Illustr. Lund 2000. 157 sidor. Pocket. (#177107)80:-
Kuttner, Ann L. Dynasty and Empire in the Age of Augustus. The Case of the Boscoreale Cups.. University of California Press 1995. xiv,386 pages + plates. Original cloth. Dust jacket. (#218594)300:-
Kähler, Heinz Seethiasos und Census.. Die Reliefs aus dem Palazzo Santa Croce in Rom. Berlin 1966. 41 pages + plates. 4:o. Original cloth. (#146283)500:-
Lacroix, Léon Monnaies et colonisation dans l'occident grec .. Bruxelles 1865. 178 pages + 12 plates. Soft covers. (#214235)200:-
Laeben-Rosén, Viktoria Age of Rust.. Court and Power in the Severan Age (188-238 AD). Diss. Upps. 2005. 263 pages. Softcover. (#139247)150:-
Lagergren, Jonas Petrus De vita et elocutione C. Plinii Cæcilii Secundi.. Upsala 1872. 183 pages. Soft covers. (#48968)160:-
Langlotz, Ernst & Schuchhardt, Walter H. Archaische Plastik auf der Akropolis.. Frankfurt am Main 1941. XVIII + 64 Plates. Soft cloth. 4:o. (#27103)150:-
Lang, Mabel The Athenian Citizen.. Illustr. Princeton 1960. (32) pages. Staple bound. (#137543)75:-
Lanza, Michele Rom og arven efter Alexander.. Olivetti litteraturfond 1971. 292 sidor. Klotband. PÖversättning till danska. (#182697)150:-
La Rocca, Eugenio (editor) L'esperimento della perfezione. Arte e societā nell'Atene di Pericle.. Illustrated. Electa 1988. 363 pages. Original stiff wrappers. Dust jacket. Very fine, as new. (#214341)225:-
Las casas del Alma. Marquetas arquitectķnicas de la Antigüedad (5500 a.C./300 d.C.. Illustrated. Centre de Cultura Contemporānia de Barcelona 1997. 297 pages. Soft covers. Very fine, as new. (#214096)450:-
Lasinio, Carlo Ornati Presi de Graffiti e Pitture antiche.. A 19th century photographic copy of the famous book, printed in Firenze 1789. Title page + 40 plates. Much smaller than the original. Plate size 200 × 120 mms. The plates (photographs) are pasted on larger, stiff paper, 260 × 230 mms and bound in 19th century half leather. (#141806)1500:-
Latsch, Rudolf Die Chronologie der Satiren und Epoden des Horaz auf entwicklungsgeschichtlicher Grundlage.. Diss. Würzburg 1936. 120 pages. Softcover. Stamped. (#57055)135:-
Law, Helen Hull Studies in the Songs of Plautine Comedy.. Diss. Menasha 1922. 119 pages. Soft covers. Stamped. (#55988)150:-
Lawrence, D.H. Resa i Etruskernas land.. Illustr. Sthlm 1954 138 sidor. Original klotryggsband. (#26643)125:-
Leffingwell, Georgia Williams Social and Private Life at Rome in the Time of Plautus and Terence.. Dissertation, New York 1918. 140 pages. Soft covers. (#181168)150:-
Lendle, Otto Kommentar zu Xenophons Anabasis (Bücher 1-7).. Darmstadt 1995. xxx,(2),523 pages. Original cloth. Dust jacket. (#210922)200:-
Lentini, M.C. Un' arula tra Heidelberg e Naxos. Atti del Seminario di studi Giardini Naxos 18-19 ottobre 1990.. Arula de Sicilia e di Magna Grecia. Muso di Naxos. Giunti 1990. 142 pages. Soft covers. Illustrated. Very fine. (#214089)175:-
Leonard, Albert An Index to the Late Bronze Age Aegean Pottery from Syria-Palestine.. Illustr. Jonsered 1994. 252 pp + 38 maps. 4:o. Hardcover. Studies in Mediterranean Archaeology CXIV. (#37870)450:-
Les Apophtegmes, ou Bons mots.. Des anciens, tirez de Plutarque; de Diogene Laerce, d'Elien; d'Athénée, de Stobée, de Macrobe, & de quelques autres de la traduction de Nicolas Perrot, Sieur d'Ablancourt. Paris, Florentin & Pierre Delaulne 1694. (18), 473, (31) pages. Together with: [de Fourcroy]: Methode pour apprendre facilement l'histoire Romaine. Avec une chronologie du Regne des Empereurs, & un Abregé des Coutumes des Romains. Par Monsieur D***. Brusselle, Franįois Foppens 1694. (3), 6-309, (1) pages. Contemporary full vellum. Some brown spotting in margins, otherwise a good copy. (#110254)1000:-
Letters, F.J.H. Virgil.. London 1946. 168 pages. Original cloth. Dust jacket. (#60461)120:-
Levitt, Bella Supreme Political Power in Greek Literature of the Fourth Century B.C.. Diss. Philadelphia 1943. 110 pages. Softcover. Stamped. (#130459)350:-
Lévy, Jean-Philippe Antikens ekonomi.. Sth 1972. 120 sidor. Pocket. (#26644)85:-
Lexikon der Alten Welt.. Red. K. Bartels und L. Huber. Zürich 1965. 1762 pages. Original cloth. (#102710)500:-
Lilliebjörn, Hadar Über religiöse signierung in der Antike.. Mit besonderer Berücksichtigung der Kreutzsignierung. Nebst einem Exkurs über die Apokalypse und die Mithras-Monumente. Illustr. Diss. Upps. 1933. XII, 119 pages. Softcover. (#13204)140:-
Lilly, Marie Loretto The Georgic.. A Contribution to the Study of the Vergilian Type of Didactic Poetry. Diss. Baltimore 1917. 50 pages. Soft covers. Stamped. (#57344)125:-
Lindblom, Michael Marks and Makers.. Appearance, Distribution and Function of Middle and Late Helladic Manufacturer's Marks on Aeginetan Pottery. Illustr. Diss. Upps. 2001. 153 pages + 64 plates. 4:o. Softcover. (#74480)250:-
Lindblom, Michael and Wells, Berit (editors) Mastos in the Berbati Valley. An Intensive Archaeological Survey.. Illustrated. Stockholm 2011. 189 pages + plates. 4:o. Original hard covers. Dust jacket. As new. Skrifter utgivna av Svenska Institutet i Athen 4ē, 54. (#214180)350:-
Linder, C.W. Om grekernas theater och skådespel.. Föreläsningar hållna i Stockholm under vintern 1864-1865. Med 2 planscher. Sth 1865. Nött rygg. bakre omslag felar. (#42646)85:-
Linders, Tullia Studies in the Treasure Records of Artemis Brauronia Found in Athens.. Illustr. Diss. Sthlm 1972. XV, 80 pp. 4:o. Softcover. Skr. utg. av Svenska Institutet i Athen 4°, XIX. (#46399)120:-
Linders, Tullia Vem är vem i romarriket. Människor och gudar.. Illustrerad. Stockholm 1998. 368 sidor. Förlagsband med skyddsomslag. (#209457)200:-
Lindfors, And. Otto, Handbok i Romerska Antiqviteterna.. Med åtta kopparstick. Andra förbättrade upplagan, Örebro 1830. (8),510,(2) sidor + 8 planscher. Samtida skinnryggsband. (#190392)300:-
Lindfors, And. Otto, Handbok i Romerska Antiqviteterna.. Med åtta kopparstick. Lund 1814. (14),477,(33) sidor + 8 planscher. Samtida nött skinnryggsband. Inlagan ren. (#208676)300:-
Lindfors, And. Otto, Handbok i Romerska Antiqviteterna.. Med åtta kopparstick. Lund 1814. (14),477,(33) sidor + 8 planscher. Samtida skinnryggsband. Inlagan lagerfläckad. (#172943)300:-
Lindgren, Margareta The People of Pylos II.. Prosopographical and Methodological Studies in the Pylos Archives. The Use of Personal Designations and Their Interpretation. Upps. 1973. 228 pages. 4:o. Soft covers. Inscribed. Boreas 3:2. (#39947)180:-
Lindgren, Margareta The People of Pylos I-II.. Prosopographical and Methodological Studies in the Pylos Archives. Upps. 1973. 193; 228 pages. 4:o. Original cloth in dustjacket. 1 vol. Boreas 3:1-2. (#18225)325:-
Lindgren, Margareta The People of Pylos I-II.. Prosopographical and Methodological Studies in the Pylos Archives. Uppsala 1973. 193 + 228 pages. 4:o. Soft covers. 2 volumes. Inscribed by the author. Boreas 3:1-2. (#214081)275:-
Lindhagen, Adam Caleacte. Production and Exchange in a Nort Sicilian Town c. 500 BC - AD 500.. Lund 2006. 214,15 pages + 38 plates. 4:o. Soft covers. As new. (#214069)225:-
Lindkvist, Artur, Krigarens dikt. En sannolik framställning av Alexander den stores handlingar och levnadsöden.. Stockholm 1976. 230 sidor. Förlagsband med skyddsomslag. Namnteckning. (#207925)140:-
Lindroos, C. Plato quomodo ordinem universi et civitatis humanae inter se connexuerit?. Pars prior (all publ.) Hensingforsiae 1891. (2),83 pages. Original decorated cloth. Brown spot on front board. (#219899)200:-
Lindskog, Claes Euripides.. Moderna ideer i antik dräkt. Sth 1928. VI, 280 sidor. Häftad. (#26209)125:-
Lindskog, Claes Euripides.. Moderna ideer i antik dräkt. Sthlm 1928. VI, 280 sidor. Halvklotband. (#26223)150:-
Lindskog, Claes Grekiska kvinnogestalter.. Sthlm 1922. 279 sidor. Halvfranskt band. (#105595)175:-
Lindskog, Claes Grekiska kvinnogestalter.. Sthlm 1922. 279 sidor. Häftad. (#80282)125:-
Lindskog, Claes Grekiska kvinnogestalter.. Sthlm 1922. 279 sidor. Klotband. (#82524)150:-
Lindskog, Claes Grekiska myter och sagor.. Med kulturhistorisk inledning. Sthlm 1966. 204 sidor. Pocket. Namnteckning. (#74926)100:-
Lindskog, Claes, Larsson, Hans & Nilsson, Martin P:n Athena.. Bilder ur den hellenska kulturvärlden. Sthlm 1917. 249 sidor + planscher. Halvklotband. (#182804)150:-
Linkomies, Edwin Kejsar Augustus och det romerska arvet.. Illustr. Sth 1948. 228 sidor. Häftad. (#44911)135:-
Linnér, Sture Europas födelse.. Illustr. Stockholm 1993. 188 sidor. Häftad. Inklistrad tidningsartikel. (#41378)100:-
Linnér, Sture Europas ungtid.. Nedslag i Europas kulturhistoria fram till cirka 500 f.Kr. Illustrerad. Sthlm 2002. 624 sidor. Original pappband utan skyddsomslag. Nyskick. (#71938)200:-
Linnér, Sture Från Alexander till Augustus.. En glanstid i antikens kultur. Illustrerad. Sthlm 2007. 310 sidor. Klotband. (#173853)150:-
Linnér, Sture Grekisk gryning. Om det hellenska kullturflödet genom tiderna.. Illustrerad. Stockholm 2005. 284 sidor. Förlagsband med skyddsomslag. (#216971)150:-
Linnér, Sture Hellenskt och Romerskt.. Essäer. 314 sidor. 1998. Orginal klotband. Skyddsomslag. (#172307)150:-
Linnér, Sture Herodotos, den förste globalisten.. Illustrerad. Stockholm 2008. 224 sidor. Förlagsband med skyddsomslag. (#202107)165:-
Linnér, Sture Homeros.. Sthlm 1989. 185 sidor. Pocket. (#107139)100:-
Linnér, Sture Lans och båge.. Aischylos' Perserna. Sthlm 1992. 177 sidor. Original klotband. Skyddsomslag. Innehåller 124 sidor om skådespelet och författaren samt texten till Perserna. (#74114)150:-
Linnér, Sture Mulåsnan på Akropolis.. Mitt Hellas genom tiderna. Illustrerad. Sthlm 1996. 361 sidor. Original klotband. Skyddsomslag. (#71937)150:-
Linnér, Sture Solglitter över svarta djup. Pindaros segerdikter - idrottspoesi om liv och död.. Illustrerad. Stockholm 2010. 254 sidor. Förlagsband med skyddsomslag. (#214877)150:-
Lintott, Andrew, Imperium Romanum. Politics and Administration.. London 1993. xvi,237 pages + illustrations. Paper back. (#206387)150:-
Lissner, Ivar Die Cäsaren.. Macht und Wahn. dtv, München 1963. 279 pages. Pocket. (#93504)100:-
Lissner, Ivar Romernes kejsere.. Kbhvn 1958. 349 sidor. Häftad. På danska (#182030)140:-
Lissner, Ivar Romerska kejsare.. Övers. av Aida Törnell. Stockholm 1960. 444 sidor + planscher. Originalklotband. Ej skyddsomslag. (#26092)250:-
Litteratur genom tiderna 1.. Grekisk och latinsk litteratur. Red. L. Breitholtz. 1970. 416 pp. (#30078)115:-
Littman, Robert J. The Greek Experiment.. Imperialism and Social Conflict 800-400 BC. Illustr. London 1974. 180 pages. Softcover. (#43641)125:-
Livy ( Titus Livius Patavinus) Rome and Italy. Books VI-X of The History of Rome from its Foundation. Translated and annotated by Betty Radice with an introduction by R.M. Ogilvie. Penguin 1982. 377 pages. Pocket. (#219478)100:-
Lloyd, Alan Marathon.. The story of civilizations on collision course. Illustr. Newton Abbot 1975. XII, 212 pages. Original cloth in dust jacket. (#26649)125:-
L Office de la quinzaine de Paque, selon l usage de Rome, en Latin et en Franįois.. Traduction nouvelle. Avec l'explication des Céremonies propres de ce saint Tems, des Méditations sur les Evangiles, des Réflections sur les Mysteres, & des Prieres pour la Confession & la Communion. Wien, Trattnern 1779. xxx,669 pages + 2 engraved plates. Contemporary full leather binding. (#201491)600:- (bild)
L'Orange, H.P. Fra principat til dominat.. En kunst- og samfundshistorisk studie i den romerske keisertid. Illustr. Sth 1958. 150 sidor. Häftad. (#33760)100:-
L'Orange, H.P. Från antik till medeltid.. Förändringar i konst-, kultur- och samhällsuppfattning från ca år 200 till ca år 800. Sth 1965. 124 sidor + planscher. Pocket. Understrykningar i svart bläck. (#219471)80:-
L'Orange, H.P. Från antik till medeltid.. Förändringar i konst-, kultur- och samhällsuppfattning från ca år 200 till ca år 800. Sth 1965. 124 sidor. Pocket. (#42790)100:-
L'Orange, H.P. Keiseren på himmeltronen.. Illustr. Oslo 1949. 182 pp. Skinnryggsband. 4:o. (#32203)135:-
Lot, Ferdinand The End of the Ancient World,. and the Beginnings of the Middle Ages. Illustr. New York 1961. liv, 441 pages. Somewhat warped softcover. (#102702)100:-
Lovén, Lena Larsson The Imagery of Textile Making. Gender and Status in the Funerary Iconography of Textile Manufacture in Roman Italy and Gaul.. Göteborg 2002. 171 pages + plates. 4:o. Softcover. Inscribed by the author. (#132426)250:-
Lucanus, Marcus Annaeu Civil War. Translated with an Introduction and Notes by Susan H. Braund. New York 1992. lvi, 335 pages. Pocket. (#219465)100:-
Luce, J.V. Homer and the Heroic Age.. Illustrated. New York 1975. 200 pages. Original cloth. Dust jacket. (#136832)175:-
Luckenbach, H. (ed.) Abbildungen zur Alten Geschichte.. Sechste vermehrte Auflage. Illustr. München & Berlin 1906. 112 pages. Original hardcover with worn spine. Kunst und Geschichte 1. (#128205)100:-
Lugli, Giuseppe Det antika Rom.. Illustr. Malmö 1949. 432 sidor. 4:o. Häftad. (#42283)210:-
Lugli, Giuseppe The Roman Forum and the Palatine. With 40 illustration and two plates. Bardi Editore - Roma 1970. 135 pages + 2 fold-out maps. Softcover. Signature by former owner. (#218827)100:-
Lundberg, Carl Slafveriet i forntiden.. Sthlm 1915. 131 sidor. Häftad. (#87946)140:-
Lundberg, Uno Ur antikens och orientens medicin.. Lund 1948. Illustrerad. 271 sidor + planscher. Häftad. (#36725)150:-
Lundmark, Knut On Greek Cosmogony and Astronomy.. Lund 1937. 36 pages. Soft covers. (#94442)150:-
Lundström - Apophoreta Gotoburgensia Vilelmo Lundström oblata.. Illustr. Gbg 1936. (10), 447 pp. (#35693)175:-
Lundström, Sven Acht Reden in der Aenis.. Uppsala 1977. 128 pp. (#44387)140:-
Lundström, Sven Ovids Metamorphosen und die Politik des Kaisers.. Uppsala 1980. 122 pages. Soft covers. (#32930)145:-
Lundström, Vilh. Tacitus' poetiska källor.. Gbg 1923. 24 sidor. Häftad. (#32990)75:-
Lundström, Vilh. Undersökningar i Roms topografi.. Illustr. Göteborg 1929. VI, 138 sidor. Häftad. (#172124)125:-
Lund, Troels Om Sokrates's Laere og Personlighed.. Dissertation Kbhvn 1871. (4),250 sidor. Med bevarade omslag i samtida halvklotband. Stämpel. (#182638)300:-
Lungu, Vasilica Histria. Les résultats des fouilles XIV. La céramique de style West Slope. Bucarest et Paris 2013. 306 pages + map and 33 plates. 4:o. Original hard covers. Very fine, as new (#214092)275:-
Löfstedt, Einar Romare.. Sth 1956. 194 sidor + planscher. Häftad. (#25229)75:-
Löfstedt, Einar Romare.. Sth 1967. 170 sidor. Pocket. (#68464)50:-
Löfstedt, Einar Romare.. Sthlm 1956. 194 sidor + planscher. Klotryggsband. (#13306)125:-
Lönborg, Sven Dike och eros I-III.. Människor och makter i forntidens Aten. Sth 1927-37. 284 + 260 + 560 sidor. Häftade. 3 volymer. (#45992)300:-
Lönborg, Sven Dike och eros I-III.. Människor och makter i forntidens Aten. Sth 1927-37. 284 + 260 + 560 sidor. Häftade. 3 volymer. Del 1 och 2 med lite nötta omslag. (#145233)255:-
Maass-Lindemann, Gerta & Schubart, Hermanfrid Jardín.. Vorbericht über die Grabung 1974 in der Nekropole des 6./5.Jahrhunderts v. Chr. Illustr. Heidelberg 1975. 179-186 pp + Folding Plan + Plates. (#27101)50:-
MacDonald, Janet M. The Uses of Symbolism in Greek Art.. Diss. Chicago 1922. 55 pages. Worn softcover. Ex library. (#144547)75:-
MacGregor, Arthur Finds from a Roman Sewer System and an Adjacent Building in Church Street.. Illustr. London 1976. 31 pages. Softcover. The Archaeology of York 17/1. (#155569)100:-
MacGregor, Arthur Roman Finds from Skeldergate and Bishophill.. Illustr. London 1978. 66 pages. Softcover. The Archaeology of York 17/2. (#155567)100:-
Mackelden, Ferdinad Lehrbuch des Römischen Rechts I-II. Vierzehnte vielfach veränderte Original-Ausgabe. Wien, Carl Gerold's Sohn 1862. XVI,239,(1) + VI,496,(2) pages. Contemporary half leather. Book-plate. Einband berieben. (#195844)300:-
MacKendrick, Paul The Mute Stones Speak. The Story of Archaeology in Italy.. Illustrated. Second edition. New York 1983. xx, 491 pages. Paper back. Former owners signature. (#218464)140:-
MacMullen, Ramsay Christianity and Paganism in the Fourth to Eighth Centuries.. Yale University Press 1997. (6),282 pages. Original cloth. Dust jacket. (#218691)200:-
MacMullen, Ramsay Christianizing the Roman Empire A.D. 100-400.. Yale University Press 1984. viii,183 pages. Paper back. Former owners signature. (#218690)150:-
MacMullen, Ramsay Corruption and the Decline of Rome.. Yale University Press 1988. xii,319 pages. Paperback. Former owners signature. (#218689)160:-
MacMullen, Ramsay Roman Social Relations.. 50 B.C. to A.D. 284. New Haven 1974. X, 212 pages. Paper back. (#187271)110:-
Maiuri, Amedeo Mestiere d'archeologio.. Antologia di scritti a cura di Carlo Belli. Illustrated. Libri Scheiwiller, Milano 1978. 432 pages. 4:o. Original cloth. Dust jacket. Very fine. Language Italian (#214356)350:-
Malcus, Bengt Le sénat et l'ordre sénatorial au Bas-empire.. Études 1. Diss. Lund 1970. 122 pp. A4. Offset. (#19198)130:-
Malmberg, Simon Dazzling Dining. Banquets as an Expression of Imperial Legitimacy.. Illustrated. Dissertation. Uppsala 2003. 257 pages. 4:o. Softcover. A few pages with pencil underlinings. (#74476)225:-
Mamertinus, Claudius Die Neujahrsrede vor dem Kaiser Julian.. Text, Übersetzung und Kommentar [von] Hans Gutzwiller. Diss. Freiburg in der Schweiz 1942. 254 pages. Softcover. Stamped. (#155655)450:-
Manni, Eugenio (direttore) KOKALOS. Studi pubblicati dall' Istituto di Storia Antica dell' Universitā di Palermo. I.1955 - V. 1959.. Palermo 1955-1959. 191 + 220 + 178 + 192 + 218 pages + plates. Soft covers. 6 volumes. (#214348)600:-
Manuzio, Paolo (Paullus Manutius) De civitate Romana. Et Carolus Sigonius De antique jure civium Romanprum.. Ultima edito cum optima collata, diligenter recognita, & mendis expurgata. Lugduni Batavorum (Leyden) Apud Petrum Vander AA, 1696. (2),(95),(1) pages (exept G2, column 101-104). Folio. Old, vorn marbled boards woth vellum spine. Partly water-stained. G 2 is missing. (#199595)500:-
Map of Roman Britain.. Sixteen miles to one inch. Third edition, Ordnance survay 1956. 43 pages + large folding map. Soft covers. Very fine. (#209718)125:-
Marcadé, Jean Roma amor.. Studie über die erotischen Darstellungen in der etruskisch-römischen Kunst. Deutsche Bearbeitung und Nachwort von W. Zscheitzschmann. Illustr. Verlag Nagel, Genf 1961. 134 pages. Folio. Original linen binding. Dust jacket. Slip case. (#87243)450:-
Maria Rita Di Mino e Marina Bertinetti Archeologia a Roma. La materia e la tecnica nell' arte antica.. Illustrated. De Luca 1990. 192 pages + 32 plates. 4:o. Soft covers. As new. (#214121)200:-
Marinatos, Sp. A Brief Guide to the Temporary Exhibition of the Antiquities of Thera.. Illustr. Athens 1971. 39 pages. Booklet. (#112351)75:-
Marinatos, Spyridon Excavations at Thera II.. (1968 Season). Illustrated. Argens 1969. 54 pages + plates and plans. Soft covers. (#70281)175:-
Marion, Jean Les agglomérations antiques des environs de Paul-Robert.. (Departement d'Alger). Alger 1951. 50 pages + plates. Softcover. Extrait de la Revue Africaine 1950. (#94448)120:-
Marstand, Vilhelm Arsenalet i Piræus og oldtidens byggeregler. En teknisk, matematisk, arkitektonisk, skibsbygningsteknisk, topografisk, filologisk, historisk og æstetisk undersøgelse.. Illustrerad. Kbhvn 1922. 288 sidor + 6 planscher och rättelseblad. 4:o. Häftad med nött och skadad rygg. På främre omslaget Albert Engströms namnteckning där han eller Lagercrantz lagt till "till hans gamle vän Otto Lagercrantz" (#215366)250:-
Martha, Jules Manuel d'archéologie étrusque et romaine.. Illustrated. Paris no date (c. 1900). 318 pages. Decorated cloth. (#64273)250:-
Martin, Régis F. Les douze Césars. Du mythe ā la réalité.. Paris, Les belles lettres 1991. 441 pages. Soft covers. (#219174)150:-
Martinsson, Roland Poirier Arkimedes.. Matematiker, vapenmakare, stjärnskådare. Illustrerad. Sthlm 2006. 300 sidor. Klotband med skyddsomslag. (#177063)165:-
Mattingly, Harold Christianity in the Roman Empire.. New York 1967. 108 pages. Paper back. (#187655)100:-
Matz, Friedrich Kreta-Mykene-Troja.. Die minoische und die homerische Welt. Illustr. Stuttgart 1956. 284 pp. Cloth. 4:o. (#26653)130:-
Mauch, J.M. Neue systematische Darstellung der Architektonischen Ordnung der Griechen, Römer und Neuern Baumeister.. Mit Einhundert Kupfertafeln. Dritte Auflage. Potsdam 1845. (6), 116 pages + 100 plates. 4:o. Later cloth. Owner's stamp. (#142101)600:-
Maurer, Joseph A. A Commentary on C. Suetonii Tranquilli Vita C. Caligulae Caesaris.. Chapters I-XXI. Diss. Philadelphia 1949. 108 pages. Softcover. Stamped. (#77887)130:-
McClees, Helen A Study of Women in Attic Inscriptions.. Diss. New York 1920. 51 pages. Softcover. Stamped. (#144549)100:-
McEvedy, Colin The Penguin Atlas of Ancient History.. Penguin 1968. 96 pages. Softcover. (#218199)110:-
McFayden, Donald The History of the Title Imperator under the Roman Empire.. Diss. Chicago 1920. IX, 67 pages. Softcover. Stamped. (#139352)140:-
McKay, A.G. Houses, Villas and Palaces in the Roman World. Illustrated. Cornell University Press 1977 288 pages p plates. Original cloth. Dust jacket. (#214332)200:-
Medelhavsmuseet.. The Museum of Mediterranean and Near Eastern Antiquities. Bulletin. We have the following issues in stock: 4, 1964. 5,1969. 6, 1972. 7, 1972. 8-9, see Peterson, Zeichnungen aus einer Totenstadt) 9, 1974. 11, 1976. 1978. 14, 1979. 15, 1980. 16, 1981. 18, 1983. 21, 1986. Price each (#44755)100:-
Meissner, A.G. C.J. Cæsars lefverne 1-2.. Öfversättning af A.J. Segerstedt. Strengnäs 1807-08. V, 294, 278, (8) sidor. Något nött halvfranskt band med ett bevarat omslag. Endast del 1-2 av 4. Sid. 273-274 i del 1 överhoppad i pagineringen (ingen text saknas). (#147236)250:-
Messinesi, Xenophon Leon Meet the Ancient Greeks.. Illustrated. The Caxton Printers, Caldwell 1962. xxii,264 pages + plates. Original decorated cloth. no Jacket. Inscribed. (#214309)150:-
Meyer, Eduard Caesars Monarchie und das Principat des Pompejus. Innere Geschichhte Roms von 66 bis 44 v.Chr.. Stuttgart und Berlin 1918. X,627,(3) Pages. Soft covers. Covers slightly worn. (#197368)150:-
Meyer, Eduard Die Sklaverei im Altertum.. Vortrag. Dresden 1898. 49 pages. Soft covers. (#94391)135:-
Meyer, Eduard Geschichte des Altertums I:1-2.. Einleitung, Elemente der Anthropologie. Die ältesten geschichtlichen Völker und Kulturen bis zum sechzehnten Jahrhundert. Stuttgart und Berlin 1907-09. xii, 250 + xxviii, 894 pages. Soft covers. 2 volumes. Very fine set. Part I:1-2 only. (#100221)225:-
Meyer, Eduard Geschichte des Altertums III:1.. Das Perserreich und die Griechen. Bis zu den Friedenschlüssen von 448 und 446 v. Chr. Stuttgart 1901. xvi, 691 pages + map. Soft covers. Very fine copy. Part III:1. (#100222)175:-
Meyer, Eduard Geschichte des Altertums IV.. Das Perserreich und die Griechen 3. Athen (vom Frieden von 446 bis zur Capitulation Athens im Jahre 404 v. Chr.). Stuttgart und Berlin 1901. xii, 666 pages. Soft covers. Very fine copy. Part IV:3 only. (#100223)175:-
Meyer, Eduard Geschichte des Altertums V.. Das Perserreich und die Griechen 5. Der Ausgang der griechichen Geschichte. Stuttgart und Berlin 1902. x,584 pages. Soft covers. (#100224)175:-
Meyer, Ernst Einführung in die antike Staatskunde.. Darmstadt 1974. 313 pages. Softcover. (#43639)120:-
Miccichč, Calogero Mesogheia. Archeologia e storia della Sicilia centro-meridionale dal VII al IV secolo a.C.. Illustrated. Roma, Sciascia 1989. 185 pages + plates. Soft covers. Very fine, as new. (#214091)200:-
Michaelis, Adolf Die archäologischen Entdeckungen des neunzehnten Jahrhunderts.. Leipzig 1906. 325 pages. Soft covers. Stamped. (#175826)150:-
Miller, Helen Hill Grekisk horisont.. En resa genom det levande förflutna. Illustr. 1962. 230 sidor. Original klotband. Skyddsomslag. (#41721)150:-
Milne, J.G. Greek Coinage.. Oxford 1931. 132 pages + 12 plates. Original cloth. Dust jacket torn. (#136737)150:-
Milojcic, V., Boessneck, J. & Hopf, M. Das präkeramische Neolithikum sowie die Tier- und Pflanzenreste.. Bonn 1962. 119 pages + plates and plans (some folding in pocket). 4:o. Original cloth. Die deutschen Ausgrabungen auf der Argissa-Magula in Thessalien I. (#146304)300:-
Minten, Eva Roman Attitudes Towards Children and Childhood. Private funerary evidence c. 50 BC - c. AD 300.. Dissertation, Stockholm 2002. 202 pages. Soft covers. Some pencil underlinings. (#214228)175:-
Mitens, Karina Teatri greci e teatri ispirati all'architettura greca in Sicilia e nell'Italia meridionale c. 350-50 a.C.. Copenhagen 1988.176 pages + folding plate. Soft covers. Analecta Romana Instituti Danici - Supplementum XII. (#214079)175:-
Moldenhawer, Joh. Heinrich Daniel Einleitung in die Alterthümer der Egyptier, Jüden, Griechen u. Römer.. Königsberg und Leipzig, Johann Heinrich Hartung 1754. (4),51,(5),696,(36) pages + 2 folding tables (Tabula et forma Castrorun and Römische Calender). 8:vo. Contemporary half leather binding. Stamped. (#179837)550:-
Montelius, Oscar La Grčce préclassique I-II:1. (all published). Sthlm 1924-28. 264 pages + 135 plates. 4:o. Soft covers. 2 volumes. (#96920)1500:-
Montesquieu Lettres persanes / Grandeur et décadence des romains / Politique des romains.. Introduction par Émile Faguet. Édition Lutetia, Paris no date. 541 pages. Original cloth. (#147284)125:-
Montgomery, Hugo Gedanke und Tat.. Zur Erzählungstechnik bei Herodot, Thukydides, Xenophon und Arrian. Diss. Upps. 1965. XVII, 270 pages. Softcover. Sv. Inst. i Athen 8:o, VI. (#13198)140:-
Montgomery, Hugo Medelhavsvärldens historia till omkring 400 e.Kr.. Sthlm 1981. 309 sidor. Originalklotband. Lite blyertsförstrykningar. (#22489)140:-
Mooney, W.W. The House-Door on the Ancient Stage.. Diss. Baltimore 1914. 105 pages. Softcover. Stamped. (#88540)175:-
Moore, R.W. The Roman Commonwealth.. Illustr. London 1953. 255 pages. Original cloth in dustjacket. (#104446)120:-
Morris, Ian Archaeology as Cultural History. Words and Things in Iron Age Greece.. Blckwell, Oxford 2000. xiv,358 pages. Paperback. Some pencil underlinings. Book-plate. Inscribed by the author. (#214317)150:-
Morris, Sarah P. Daidalos and the Origins of Greek Art.. Princeton University Press 1995. xxx,411 pages + illustrations. Paperback. (#214343)200:-
Mühlenbock, Christian et al The Scandinavian Sicilian Archaeological Project. Archaeological excavations at Monte Polizzo Sicily. Reports 1998-2001.. Illustrated. Göteborg 2004. 182 pages 4:o. Soft covers. (#214068)200:-
Müller, Albert Lehrbuch der Griechischen Bünenaltertümer.. Mit 22 Abbildungen im Text. Freiburg 1886. 432 pages. Soft covers. Very fine condition. K.F. Hermann's Lehrbuch der Griechischen Antiquitäten III:1. (#46964)200:- (bild)
Mysteria Mithrae.. Proceedings of the International Seminar on the "Religio-Historical Character of Roman Mithraism, with particular Reference to Roman and Ostian Sources", Rome and Ostia 28-31 March 1978. Edited by Ugo Binachi. Leiden 1979. xxviii,1006 pages + plates. Original cloth. (#178656)950:-
Människan och naturen.. Rapport från Platonsällskapets tofte symposium (Lund 4-7 juni 1993). Redigerad av Jerker Blomqvist. Lund 1995. 205 sidor. Häftad. (#160544)140:-
Människouppfattningen i den senare antiken.. Symposium på Hanaholmen, Esbo, ... 3-5 juni 1985. Föredrag. Helsingfors 1985. 238 sidor. Häftad. Platonselskabet. (#163990)110:-
Nachmanson, Ernst Hippokrates och hans tid.. Sthlm 1921. 148 sidor. Halvklotband. (#172171)150:-
Nachmanson, Ernst Vulci.. Ett hundraårsminne och en återblick på den grekiska vasforskningens historia. Illustr. Sth 1928. 60 sid. (#41579)95:-
Narain, A.K. The Indo-Greeks.. Oxford 1957. XVI, 201 pages + plates. Original cloth in dustjacket. (#71675)950:-
Naso, Alessandro Appunti sul bucchero. Atti delle Giornate di Studio. Illustrated. All'insegna del Giglio 2004. 332 pages. Soft covers. Very fine. (#214084)350:-
Nelson, Axel (ed.) Die Hippokratische Schrift [Peri fuson].. Text und Studien. Diss. Upps. 1909. 119 pages. Softcover. Stamped. Contains two alternate Latin translations by Francesco Filelfo and Janus Lascaris. (#123887)200:-
Neue deutsche Ausgrabungen im Mittelmeergebiet und im Vorderen Orient.. Illustr. Berlin 1959. 565 pages + several folding maps and plans. Softcover. (#35667)200:-
Neumann, Alfred Die römischen Baureste am Hof 9.. Wien 1958. 35 pages + XII plates & folding plan in pocket (plate XIII). Paperback. Excavation in Vienna. (#137504)100:-
New Aspects of Archaeologocal Science in Greece.. Proceedings... British School at Athens January 1987. Ed. R.E. Jones and H.W. Catling. Illustr. Athens 1988. 60 pp. Softcover. (#47976)75:-
Nichols, Francis Morgan (editor and translator) The Marvels of Rome. Mirabilia Urbis Romae.. Second edition with new introduction, gazetteer and bibliography by Eileen Gardiner. Italica Press, New York 1986. xxviii,(4),132 pages. Paper back. (#218489)135:-
Nielsen, Hanne Sigismund och Marhiesen, Hans Erik (red.) Rom - an antik storby.. Illustrerad. Sfinx 1991. 208 sidor. Häftad. (#188015)150:-
Niklasson, Karin Early Prehistoric Burials in Cyprus.. Diss. Göteborg 1991. 262 pp + 101 Figures. 4:o. (#25553)400:-
Nilsson - [DRAGMA].. Martino P. Nilsson A.D. IV ID. IUL. ANNO MCMXXXIX Dedicatum. Ed. Krister Hanell et al. Lund 1939. 656 pages. Softcover. (#24263)350:-
Nilsson, Martin P. Opuscula selecta. Linguis Anglica, Francogallica, Germanica conscripta. Vol. III. Lund 1960. xii,574 pages. Soft covers. (#214324)300:-
Nilsson, Martin P:n De arkeologiska upptäckterna i den klassiska Södern och den forna Orienten.. Illustr. Sth 1933. 328 sidor. Häftad. (#17486)65:-
Nilsson, Martin P:n De grekiska tyrannerna.. Illustr. Sthlm 1941. 99 sidor. Häftad. (#106120)100:-
Nilsson, Martin P:n Forntidens historia.. Sth 1966. 304 pp. Inb. 4:e uppl. Revid. av Krister Hanell. (#23553)70:-
Nilsson, Martin P:n Forntidens historia.. Sth 1971. 304 pp. 5:e uppl. Revid. av Krister Hanell. En del blad lösa. (#23554)50:-
Nilsson, Martin P:n Forntidens historia.. Sthlm 1971. 304 sidor. 5:e uppl. Häftad. Revid. av Krister Hanell. (#185461)120:-
Nilsson, Martin P:n Grekisk religiositet.. Andra upplagan, Stockholm 1960. 208 sidor. Originalklotband. Skyddsomslag. (#40489)145:-
Nilsson, Martin P:n Grekisk religiositet.. Upps. 1946. 227 sidor. Häftad. (#25763)85:-
Nilsson, Martin P:n Helvetets förhistoria.. Straff och sällhet i den andra världen i förkristen religion. Sth 1963. 112 sid. Pocket. (#39941)100:-
Nilsson, Martin P:n Olympen.. Illustr. Prisma 1964. 286 sidor + planscher. Pocket. (#42199)100:-
Nitchie, Elizabeth Vergil and the English Poets.. Diss. New York 1919. IX, 251 pages. Softcover. Stamped. (#157619)150:-
Noack, Ferdinand Homerische Paläste.. Eine Studie zu den Denkmälern und zum Epos. Mit zwei Tafeln und 14 Abbildungen im Text. Leipzig 1903. 104 pages + plates. Soft covers. Stamped. (#172168)175:-
Noack, Ferdinand Ovalhaus und Palast in Kreta.. Ein Beitrag zur Frühgeschichte des Hauses. Mit einer Tafel und 7 Abbildungen im Text. Leipzig und Berlin 1908. 70 pages + Tafel. Original cloth. Stamped. (#175823)200:-
Norberg, Dag Horatius' sista lyriska diktning.. Sth 1945. 108 sidor. Häftad. (#26442)110:-
Norberg, Dag In registrum Gregorii Magni studia critica I-II.. Diss. Upps. 1937-39. XIV, 175 + VII, 263 pages. 2 softcover volumes. (#13414)250:-
Norberg, Dag Processen mot Caelius och Ciceros försvarstal.. Sthlm 1960. 46 sidor. Häftad. (#33748)70:-
Nordquist, Gullög C. A Middle Helladic Village.. Asine in the Argolid. Illustr. Diss. Upps. 1987. 195 pages. 4:o. Softcover. (#26699)200:-
Nordström, Solveig La ceramique peinte iberique de la province d'Alicante II.. Illustr. Diss. Sth 1973. Page 97-296. Soft covers. Part 2 only. (#179383)150:-
Northcote, I. Spencer & Brownlow, W.R. Roma sotterranea.. Die römischen Katakomben. Eine Darstellung der neuesten Forschungen ... bearbeitet von Franz Xaver Kraus. Illustr. Freiburg im Breisgau 1872. (4), xxviii, 580 pages + XII plates and 2 folding plans. Contemporary half leather. Stamped. (#159030)500:-
Northcote, J. Spencer & Brownlow, W.-R., Rome souterraine. Résumé des découvertes de M. de Rossi dans les catacombes Romaines et en particulier dans le cimétičre de Calliste.. Traduit de l'Anglais, avec des additions & des notes par Paul Allard. Paris, Didier & Cie, 1872. (4),xvi,(4),517 pages + 20 plates and folding atlas. Sllightly worn half leather. (#201622)400:- (bild)
Norvin, William Olympiodoros fra Alexandria og hans commentar til Platons Phaidon.. Studier i den Græske philosophis historie. Diss. Kbhvn 1915. X, 345 sidor. Halvklotband. (#35419)200:-
Nuttall, Christopher Seascape Dialogues. Human-sea interactions in the Aegean from Late Neolitic to Late Bronze Age.. Dissertation, Uppsala 2021. (18),458 pages. Soft covers. (#214288)300:-
Nyman, Alf Kring antinomierna.. Teser och antiteser inom föraristotelisk filosofi. Lund 1920. 79 sidor. Häftad. (#100444)145:-
Nyman, Alf Kring antinomierna.. Teser och antiteser inom föraristotelisk filosofi. Lund 1920. 79 sidor. Häftad. Dedikation till Helmer Smith. (#221021)145:-
Nøjgaard, Morten Le fable antique. 1. Le fable grecque avant Phčdre. 2. Les grands fabulistes.. Dissertation (part 1), København 1967-67. 600 + 471 pages. Soft covers. 2 volumes, part 2 uncut. Inscribed by the author. (#214891)500:-
Nørlund, Poul Det romerske slavesamfund under afvikling.. En analyse af underklassens retskaar i oldtidens slutning. Aa Kbhvn 1920. 327 sidor. Häftad. (#88266)250:-
Nørlund, Poul Det romerske slavesamfund under afvikling.. En analyse af underklassens retskaar i oldtidens slutning. Kbhvn 1982. 343 sidor. Häftad. Rikligt med blyertsunderstrykningar. (#49971)125:-
Oates, Whitney Jennings The Influence of Simonides of Ceos upon Horace.. Diss. Princeton 1932. 110 pages. Softcover. Stamped. (#122994)250:-
Ogilvie, R.M. The Romans and their Gods.. In the Age of Augustus. Illustr. London 1974. (8), 135 pages. Softcover. (#28089)110:-
Ogilvie, R.M. The Romans and their Gods.. London 1986. 135 pages + plates. Softcover. (#145854)110:-
Oliphant, Margaret The Atlas of the Ancient World. Charting the Great Civilizations of the Past.. BCA, London 1992. 220 pages. 4:o. Original cloth. Dust hacket. Former owners signature. (#213134)200:-
Opitz, Richard Das häusliche Leben der Griechen und Römer.. Illustr. Leipzig 1894. viii, 304 pages. Original decorated cloth. Kulturbildern aus dem klassischen Altertume VI. (#103353)170:-
Opuscula. Annals of the Swedish Institutes at Athens and Rome 12.. Illustrated. Stockholm 2019. 402 pages. 4:o. Soft covers. (#214115)350:-
Opuscula Atheniensia. Annual of the Swedish Institute at Athens 28.. Illustrated. Stockholm 2003. 214 pages. 4:o. Soft covers. (#214111)250:-
Opuscula Atheniensia. Annual of the Swedish Institute at Athens 29.. Illustrated. Stockholm 2004. 102 pages. 4:o. Soft covers. (#214112)200:-
Opuscula Atheniensia. Annual of the Swedish Institute at Athens 30.. Illustrated. Stockholm 2005. 222 pages. 4:o. Soft covers. (#214113)250:-
Opuscula Atheniensia XII.. Illustr. Sth 1978. 153 pp. 4:o. (#37921)250:-
Opuscula Atheniensia XV.. Illustr. Sth 1984. 208 pp. 4:o. (#25584)300:-
Opuscula Atheniensia XVII.. Illustrated. Stockholm 1988. 248 pages. 4:o. Soft covers. (#25686)250:-
Opuscula Atheniensia XX.. Illustrated. Stockholm 1994. 320 pages. 4:o. Soft covers. (#25679)250:-
Opuscula Romana X.. Illustrated. Stockholm 1974-75. 57 pages. Hard covers. Skrifter utgivna av Svenska Institutet i Rom. (#214070)200:-
Opuscula Romana XIV.. Illustr. Sth 1983. 110 pp. 4:o. Skrifter utgivna av Svenska Institutet i Rom. (#25650)250:-
Opuscula Romana XIX.. Illustr. Sth 1993. 128 pp. 4:o. Skrifter utgivna av Svenska Institutet i Rom. (#25652)250:-
Opuscula Romana XVIII.. Illustr. Sth 1990. 246 pp. 4:o. Skrifter utgivna av Svenska Institutet i Rom. (#37920)350:-
Opus mixtum. Essays in ancient art and society.. Illustrated. Stockholm 1994. 176 pages. Soft covers. (#187902)150:-
Osborne, Robin Classical Landscape with Figures. Tha Ancient Greek City and its Countryside.. Illustrated. Sheridan House, London 1987. 216 pages. Original cloth. Dust jacket. (#214270)175:-
Oswalt, Sabine G. Collins Concise Encyclopedia of Greek and Roman Mythology.. Illustrated. Glasgow 1969. 313 pages. Original cloth. Dust jacket. (#207088)110:-
Ottaway, Patrick Roman York.. Illustr. London 1993. 125 pages. Softcover. (#97742)150:-
Otto, A. Die sprichwörter und sprichwörtlichen redensarten der römer. Druck und verlag von B.G. Teubner, Leipzig 1890. xlv, (3), 436 pages. Signature by former owner. Slightly worn hardcover. (#220177)450:-
Otto, Walter F. Theophania.. Der Geist der altgriechichen Religion. Rowohlt 1956. 134 pages. Pocket. (#118483)100:-
Ovidius Naso, Publius När gudarna leker. Sagor från antiken.. Återberättade av Florence Vilén. Illustrerade av Ib Spang Olsen. Stockholm 1984. 252 sidor. Förlagsband med skyddsomslag. (#221798)130:-
Ovidius Naso, Publius (Ovid) The Metamorphoses of Ovid. Translated and with an introduction by Mary M. Innes. Penguin 1955. 394 pages. Pocket. (#217182)100:-
Oxford Classical Dictionary.. Edited by N.G.L. Hammond and H.H. Scullard. Second edition. Oxford 1970. 1176 pages. Original cloth. Dust jacket. (#58756)450:-
Padua before Rome.. Padova 1977. 161 pages + 32 plates. Soft covers. A few pencil underlinings. (#186154)145:-
Paladino, Antonio & Calabria citeriore. Archeologia in provincia di Cosenza.. Illustrated. Galasso 1989. 192 pages. Soft covers. (#214067)150:-
Pallottino, Massimo The Etruscans.. Penguin 1955. 295 pages + plates. Paperback. (#69678)100:-
Palmblad, Vilhelm Fredrik Sokrates och hans anklagare.. Upsala 1845. (2), 144 sidor. Häftad, oskuren i tryckta originalomslag, varav det främre något skadat. (#110706)175:-
Palmer, Leonard R. Knossos och Mykene.. Vad lertavlorna berättar. Illustr. Sth 1963. 263 sidor. Häftad. (#85008)115:-
Palmer, Leonard R. Knossos och Mykene.. Vad lertavlorna berättar. Illustr. Sth 1963. 263 sidor. Original klotband. Skyddsomslag. (#20141)145:-
Palm, Jonas Om Filostratos och hans Apollonios-biografi.. Upps. 1976. 41 sidor. Häfte. (#19712)80:-
Papadopoulos, Thanasis J. Mycenaean Achaea.. Part 2: Figures. Paul Åströms förlag, Göteborg 1978. 334 pages. 4:o. Soft covers. Part 2, Figures only. (#181871)300:-
Pareti, Luigi, Brezzi, Paolo & Petech, Luciano The Ancient World, I-III.. I: 1200 BC to 500 BC. II: From about 500 BC to the Christian Era. III: From the beginnings of the Christian Era to about AD 500. Illustr. London 1965. LXVI, 1048 pp. 3 vols. Cloth. (#26823)400:-
Parlasca, Klaus Das pergamenische Taubenmosaik und der sogenannte Nestor-Becher.. Illustrated. Berlin 1963. 39 pages. Soft covers. Sonderdruck aus Jahrbuch des deutschen archäologischen Instituts Band 78. (#204474)150:-
Paulson, Johannes Aristophanes' föregångare och samtida inom den grekiska komedidiktningen.. Göteborg 1898. 35 sidor. Häfte. Vidlagt: Jämförande tabell öfver de viktigaste semitiska och de äldsta indoeuropeiska alfabeten. Inbjudningsskrift. (#204476)150:-
Paulson, Johannes Komedier af Aristophanes I-II.. Göteborg 1901. 150 + 198 sidor. Ett halvklotband. Understrykningar med rödpenna. (#135961)150:-
Paulson, Johannes Oidipus-sagan i den grekiska tragedien.. Gbg 1895. 136 pp. Nött rygg. (#29993)85:-
Payne, Robert Guldet från Troja.. Hur Heinrich Schliemann upptäckte grekernas fornskatter. Sthlm 1960. 228 sidor. Häftad. (#116740)120:-
Payne, Robert Guldet från Troja.. Hur Heinrich Schliemann upptäckte grekernas fornskatter. Sthlm 1960. 228 sidor. Original klotryggsband (#182171)135:-
Payne, Robert Guldet från Troja.. Hur Heinrich Schliemann upptäckte grekernas fornskatter. Sthlm 1960. 228 sidor. Original klotryggsband med skyddsomslag. Blyertsunderstrykningar i bokens första femtedel. (#8232)100:-
Payne, Robert Rome Triumphant. How the Empire Celebrated its Victories.. New York 1993. 256 pages. Original cloth. Dust jacket. (#218206)150:-
Payne, Robert The Triumph of the Greeks. Their History and Culture.. London 1964. 449 pages + illustrations. Original cloth. Dust jacket repaired with adhesive tape. (#191177)160:-
Peddie, John The Roman War Machine. Illustrated. Grange Books, London 1997. xiv, 169 pages. Original hardcover with dust jacket. (#219919)140:-
Pendlebury, J.D.S. A Handbook to the Palace of Minos, Knossos,. with its Dependencies. London 1954. 76 pages + plates and folding map. Original cloth. (#106558)75:-
Penttinen, Arto Berbati between Argos and Corinth. The excavations at Pyrgouthi in 1995 and 1997 from the early iron age to the early Roman period.. Illustrated. Dissertation, Stockholm 2001. 127 pages 4:o. Ring binder. (#214182)225:-
Perowne, Stewart Roman Mythology.. Illustrated. Hamlyn, London 1969. 141 pages. Original cloth. Dust jacket. (#85519)125:-
Perrin, J.R. Roman Pottery from the Colonia 2: General Accident and Rougier Street.. With a Report on Amphorae from York by D.F. Williams. Illustr. London 1990. 132 pages + plates, folding plan and microfilm in pocket. Softcover. The Archaeology of York 16/4. (#155594)200:-
Perry, Ben Edwin The Metamorphoses Ascribed to Lucius of Patrae.. Its Content, Nature, and Authorship. Diss. Lancaster, PA 1920. 74 pages. Softcover. Stamped. (#145149)175:-
Persson - Strena Philologica Upsaliensis.. Festskrift tillägnad professor Per Persson på hans 65-årsdag nyårsafton 1922. Upps. 1922. 416 pages. Soft covers. (#13388)200:-
Persson, Axel The Royal Tombs at Dendra near Midea.. Lund 1931. 4:o. VIII,152 pages + 36 plates. Original cloth. (#192781)600:-
Persson, Axel W. Asine.. De svenska utgrävningarna. Illustrerad. Uppsala 1931. 192 sidor. Häftad. (#161949)110:-
Persson, Axel W. Asine.. De svenska utgrävningarna. Illustrerad. Uppsala 1931. 192 sidor. Original klotryggsband. (#19239)135:-
Persson, Axel W. Eisen und Eisenbereitung in ältester Zeit.. Etymologisches und sachliches. Lund 1934. 17 pages. Pamphlet. (#13212)75:-
Persson, Axel W. Hantverk och industri under antiken.. Illustrerad. Sthlm 1929. 174 sidor. Häftad. (#55873)135:-
Persson, Axel W. Kungagraven i Dendrá.. Guldfynd och andra fynd från utgrävningarna 1926 och 1927. Illustr. Sth 1928. 165 sidor. Häftad. (#26827)85:-
Persson, Axel W. Kungagraven i Dendrá.. Guldfynd och andra fynd från utgrävningarna 1926 och 1927. Illustr. Sth 1928. 168 pp. Lite blyerts. (#25695)70:-
Persson, Axel W. Kungagraven i Dendrá.. Guldfynd och andra fynd från utgrävningarna 1926 och 1927. Illustr. Stockholm 1928. 165 sidor + planscher. Lite blyerts. Senare klotband med rygg i läderimitation. (#216966)90:-
Persson, Axel W. Med hacka och spade.. Strödda glimtar ur svunna kulturer. Illustr. Sthlm 1934. 142 sidor + planscher. Inbunden. (#12293)125:-
Persson, Axel W. New Tombs at Dendra near Midea.. With 8 Plates, and 139 Figures in the text. Lund 1942. 210 pages + Plates. 4:o. Original boards with cloth spine. (#19188)500:-
Persson, Axel W. Några studier i romerska lerlampor.. Gbg 1912. 16 pp. Särtryck. (#26858)40:-
Persson, Axel W. Staat und Manufaktur in Römischen Reiche. Eine wirtschaftsgeschichtliche studie, nebst einem Exkurse über angezogene Götterstatuen.. Lund, Gleerup, 1923. 142 pages. Soft covers. Unopened. Publications of the New Society of Letters at Lund. 3. (#195917)160:-
Persson, Axel W. Ur antikens liv och kultur.. Illustrerad. Sthlm 1927. 181 sidor. Dekorerat pergamentband. (#182821)200:-
Persson, Axel W. Ur antikens liv och kultur.. Illustrerad. Sthlm 1927. 181 sidor. Häftad. (#58241)120:-
Persson, Axel W. Ur antikens liv och kultur.. Illustr. Sth 1927. 182 pp. Samt samme: Hantverk och industri under antiken. Illustr. Sth 1929. 172 pp. Samt samme: Kungagraven i Dendrá. Illustr. Sth 1928. 166 pp. Bundna i en volym. (#26828)235:-
Petersen, Eugen Die Kunst des Pheidias am Parthenon und zu Olympia.. Berlin 1873. 418 pages. Soft covers. Very fine. (#46830)250:- (bild)
Petit, Paul Pax Romana.. Translated by James Willis. London 1976. 368 pp. Cloth in dustjacket. (#41273)170:-
Pfuhl, Ernst Die Anfänge der griechischen Bildniskunst.. Ein Beitrag zu Geschichte der Individualität. Mit XII Tafeln. München 1927. 31 pages. Half cloth. (#64284)150:-
Phalén, Adolf Ur efterlämnade manuskript 4.. Kunskapsläran under antiken. (Utom Aristoteles.) 1974. 136 sidor. Inbunden. (#41356)115:-
Phalén, Adolf Ur efterlämnade manuskript 5.. Aristoteles' kunskapslära. Sthlm 1975. 170 sidor. Originalklotband i skyddsomslag. (#41386)135:-
Pickett, Cora Aileen The Temple of Quirinus.. Diss. Philadelphia 1930. 51 pages + plan. Staple bound. Stamped. (#122956)100:-
Pinsent, John Grekiska myter och sagor.. Illustrerad. Forum, Sthlm 1971. 160 sidor. Pocket. (#142380)100:-
Pinsent, John Grekiska myter och sagor.. Stockholm 1988. 160 sidor. Limhäftad. (#213226)100:-
Piranesi e la cultura antiquaria gli antecedenti e il contesto.. Atti del Convegno 14-17 Novembre 1979. Bianco, Anna Lo (editor). 2a edicione. Multigrafica Editrice. Roma 1985. 439 pages + plates. Soft covers. As new. (#218313)200:-
Plato (Platon) The Republic. Translated with an Introduction by Desmond Lee. Second edition (revised). Penguin 1987. 469 pages. Pocket. (#219475)100:-
Plautus, Titus Maccius Tre komedier.. Lögnhalsen, Trinummus, Fångarna. Sthlm, Forum 1956. 184 sidor. Original klotryggsband. (#78025)100:-
Plinius The letters of the younger Pliny.. Translated with an introduction by Betty Radice. Penguin 1969. 320 pages. Pocket. (#214393)100:-
Plutarchos Makers of Rome. Nine Lives. Translated with an Introduction by Ian Scott-Kilvert. Penguin 1965. 366 pages. Pocket. (#219472)100:-
Pohl, Ingrid The Iron Age Necropolis of Sorbo at Cerveteri.. Illustr. Diss. Sth 1972. 306 pp. + Map. 4:o. Sv. Inst. i Rom, 4:o, XXXII. (#13352)375:-
Pomeroy, Sarah B. Frauenleben im klassischen Altertum.. Stuttgart 1985. XIX, 416 pages. Original cloth in dustjacket. (#75308)120:-
Pomeroy, Sarah B. Goddesses, Whores, Wives, and Slaves. Women in Classical Antiquity.. Schocken Books, New York 1975. xiv,265 pages. Paperback. (#220496)145:-
Pompeii and Herculaneum.. Photographs by Jan Lukas. Intr. by Sir Mortimer Wheeler. London 1966. 160 pages. 4:o. Original clot. Dust jacket. (#58867)175:-
Pope, Maurice Aegean Writing and Linear A.. Illustrated. Lund 1964. 16 pages. 4:o. Soft covers. Studies in Mediterranean Archaeology VIII. (#214355)100:-
Pope, Maurice The Ancient Greeks. How They Lived and Worked.. Illustrated. London 1976. 168 pages. Original cloth. Dust jacket. Former owners signature. (#214250)150:-
Porte, Danielle Les donnaurs de sacre. Le prętre a Rome.. Paris 1989. 266 pages. Soft covers. As new (#218684)145:-
Poulsen, Frederik Den delfiske Appollon och hans helgedom.. Illustr. Sth 1925. 189 pp. Inbunden. (#41534)135:-
Poulsen, Frederik Den delfiske gud og hans helligdom.. Illustrerad. Kbhvn 1924. 172 sidor. Häftad. (#13181)145:-
Poulsen, Frederik Kretisk-mykensk konst.. Illustr. Sthlm 1927. 224 sidor. Häftad. (#75312)100:-
Poulsen, Frederik Romerska kulturbilder.. Illustr. Sthlm 1946. 345 sidor. Klotband. (#164626)110:-
Poulsen, Frederik Romerska kulturbilder.. Illustr. Sthlm 1946. 345 sidor. Marmorerat originalpappband i skyddsomslag. (#87528)175:-
Poulsen, Frederik Romerska kulturbilder.. Illustr. Sthlm 1946. 345 sidor. Skinnryggsband. (#44883)150:-
Poulsen, Vagn Fidias.. Illustr. Sthlm 1949. 112 sidor. Häftad. (#26238)120:-
Powell, Anton & Vanags, Patricia Antikens greker i närbild.. Bild: Ivan Lapper. Sthlm 1979. 32 sidor. 4:o. Förlagsband. (#163936)50:-
Pratt Jr., Norman T. Dramatic Suspense in Seneca and in His Greek Precursors.. Diss. Princeton 1939. 120 pages. Softcover. Stamped. (#164401)200:-
Probus, M. Valerius, Libellus de interpretandis romanorum literis, civiumque romanorum nominibus, pronominibus, ac cognominibus:. Ex vetustissimis manuscriptis codicibus, plus partem dimidiam auxit, emendavit, & notis illustravit Henricus Ernstius. Sorö, Henric Crusiius 1647. (8),168 pages. 4:o. Later vellum spine with marbled boards. One leaf with brown stains and one repaired in lower margin, othewise very fine. (#205618)2500:- (bild)
Quennell, Marjorie & C.H.B. Everyday Things in Ancient Greece.. Revised by Kathleen Freeman. Illustr. London 1954. XVI, 256 pages + plates. Original cloth in dustjacket. (#163128)140:-
Ramage, Nancy H. & Andrew Roman Art.. Romulus to Constantine. Second edition. Illustr. London 1995. 320 pages. Softcover. (#145924)150:-
Ramelet, Pierre L'Acquisition des fruits par l'usufruitier et par le possessor bonaæ fidei.. Étude de droit Romain classique. Diss. Lausanne 1945. 154 pages. Softcover. Stamped. (#164419)200:-
Rand, Edward Kennard The Building of Eternal Rome.. New York 1972. XIV, 318 pp. Cloth. (#26835)190:-
Randsborg, Klavs The First Millennium A.D. in Europe and the Mediterranean. An archaeological essay.. Illustrated. Cambridge 1991. 238 pages. Paper back. (#23556)150:-
Rankin, David Celts and the Classical World.. Routledge, London 1996. (8),328 pages. Paper back. As new. (#218459)150:-
Reichard, Christian Theophil Orbis Terrarum Antiquus, cum Thesauro Topographico, continente Indices Tabularum Geographicarum Topographicos, eosdemque criticos.. Nürnberg, Frederic Campus 1824. (2),iv,(258) pages. Folio. Uncut in slightly worn original hard covers. (#201468)900:- (bild)
Reinhardt, Karl Von Werken und Formen.. Vorträge und Aufzätze. Godesberg 1948. 536 pp. Boards. (#19388)225:-
Reverdin, Olivier La religion de la cité platonicienne.. Diss. Paris 1945. XII, 277 pages. Softcover. Stamped. (#146445)650:-
Rhodes, P.J. The Greek City States. A Source Book.. University of Oklahoma Press 1986. xx,266 pages. Paperback. (#214340)150:-
Ribbing, Sigurd Genetisk framställning af Platos ideelära. jemte bifogade undersökningar om de Platonska Skrifternas äkthet och inbördes sammanhang. Upsala 1858. (4), viii, 556 sidor. Häftad. Oskuren med de tryckta originalomslagen. Spricka i ryggen. (#90445)250:-
Riccobono, Franz L'arte dei pastori. Tra peloritani e nebrodi.. Illustrated. Pungitopo 1992. 150 pages. Soft covers. Very fine. (#214090)200:-
Richer, Jean Géographie sacrée du monde Grec.. Croyances astrales des anciens Grecs. Illustr. [Paris] 1967. 281 pages + folding map. Original cloth. (#26119)195:-
Richmond, I.A. Roman Britain.. Penguin 1955. 240 pages + plates. Paperback. The Penguin History of England 1. (#69491)100:-
Richmond, I.A. Roman Britain.. Penguin 1966. 240 pages + plates. Paperback. The Pelican History of England 1. (#74001)100:-
Richmond, I.A. Roman Britain.. Penguin 1988. 240 pages + plates. Paperback. The Penguin History of England 1. (#219784)100:-
Richter, Gisela A Handbook of Greek Art.. Illustr. New York 1969. 432 pp. 6th edition. Cloth. (#26839)200:-
Richter, Gisela A Handbook of Greek Art.. Illustr. New York 1980. 432 pages. Paperback (#214252)135:-
Riis, P.J. An Introduction to Etruscan Art.. Copenhagen 1953. 144 pages + plates. Original hardcover with cloth spine in dustjacket. (#163116)175:-
Riis, P.J. Arkæologi og klassisk kunst.. Illustr. Kbh 1972. 160 sidor. Originalklotband i skyddsomslag. (#112340)75:-
Riis, P.J. Den etruskiske kunst.. Illustr. Kbhvn 1948. 231 sidor. Häftad. (#69671)110:-
Riis, P.J. Tyrrhenika. An Archaeological Study of the Etruscan Sculpture in the Archaic and Classical Periods.. Dissertation, Köpenhamn, Munksgaard 1941. XVI,216 pages + plates. Blue half leather binding with both wrappers, signed Sture Werner. (#193269)500:-
Rizzello, Marcello I Santuari della Media Valle del Liri. IV - I sec. a.C. Depositi votivi e rinvenimenti di Arce, Arpino, Atina, Boville, Canneto Casalvieri, Casamari, Ceprano, Colli, Sora, Veroli.. Illustrated. Centro di studi Sorani, Sora 1980. 211 pages. 4:o. Soft covers. Dust jacket. (#214119)150:-
Robertson, Martin Greek Paintings.. Illustrated. Skira, Geneva 1959. 196 pages. 4:o. Original cloth. Dust jacket. (#181390)200:-
Roberts, W. Rhys Greek Rethoric and Literary Criticism.. New York 1928. 164 pages. Original cloth. (#11854)100:-
Robinson, O.F. Ancient Rome. City Planning and Administration.. Routledge, London 1994. x,258 pages + folding map. Paper back. As new. (#218521)150:-
Roebuck, Carl Angus The Muses at Work. Arts, Crafts, and Professions in Ancient Greece and Rome.. The MIT Press 1969. Illustrated. (10), 294 pages. Original cloth with slightly worn dust jacket. Sunbleached spine. (#221785)200:-
Rolfe, John C. Cicero and His Influence.. New York 1963. 178 pages. Original cloth. No jacket. Our Debt to Greece and Rome. (#136757)120:-
Rollin, Charles Le Rollin de la Jeunesse, ou Morceaux choisis des histoires anciennes et romaine, précédés d'un abrégé de la Vie de Rollin, et accompagnés de courtes réflexions,. Dédié ā M. Lanneau, Chef de l'institution de Sainte Barbe, par un ancien Maître-čs-arts. I. Histoire ancienne. II, Histoire Romaine. Avec gravures. Paris, Delaunay 1809. (8),iv,428 + (4),467,(1) pages + 4 + 4 engravings. 8:vo. Bound in 2 contemporary red half leather bindings in very fine condition. 2 exlibris. A very nice set. (#199176)1000:-
Rollin, Jean-Pierre Untersuchungen zu Rechtsfragen römischer Bildnisse.. Rudolf Habelt, Bonn 1979. xlviii,195 pages. Soft covers. Former owners signature. Fine. Dissertation, Hamburg. (#218725)175:-
[Romance de Mesmon, Germain Hyacinthe] Recherches philosophiques sur le sens moral de la fable de Psyché et Cupidon.. Tirée des métamorphoses de l'Asne d'or d'Apulée philosophe platonicien avec une interprétation du discours de Diotime dans le banquet de Platon et des observations critiques par M. de R. M. Hambourg, Pierre Chateauneuf 1798. (4), 192 pages. In gray wrappers. Former owner's name on title page. (#153199)950:-
Roman Civilization.. Edited by J.P.V.D. Balsdon. Penguin 1965. 272 pages. Paperback. (#86235)100:-
Romarriket - Decennierna före upplösningen. Romidén genom tiderna.. Illustr. Lund u.å. 132 sidor. Häftad. (#26957)90:-
Rostovtzeff, Michael Geschichte der alten Welt I-II.. I: Der Orient und Griechenland. II: Rom. Illustr. Wiesbaden 1941-42. 500; 502 pp + Karten. Cloth. 2 vols. (#20486)200:-
Rostovtzeff, Michael Gesellschaft und wirtschaft im römischen Kaiserreich I-II.. Illustr. Leipzig no date. 348 + 422 pages + plates. Original cloth. 2 volumes. Ink underlinings in vol 2. (#13228)500:-
Rostovtzeff, Michael Greece.. Illustr. New York 1963. 325 pages + maps. Paperback. (#60813)110:-
Rostovtzeff, Michael Rome.. Illustr. Oxford 1977. xvi,347 pages + maps. Paperback. (#214216)110:-
Rostovtzeff, Michael The Social and Economic History of the Roman Empire I-II.. 2d edition revised by P.M. Fraser. Illustr. Oxford 196. XXXII, 542; X, 543-848 pages. Original cloth in dust jackets. 2 volumes. Very fine. (#25715)450:-
Rostovtzeff, Michael The Social and Economic History of the Roman Empire I-II.. 2d edition revised by P.M. Fraser. Illustr. Oxford 196. XXXII, 542; X, 543-848 pages. Original cloth in plasic film. 2 volumes. Some underlinings with red pencil. Former owners signature. (#219180)250:-
Rudberg, Gunnar Forschungen zu Poseidonios.. Uppsala 1918. 336 pages. Softcover. (#19594)200:-
Rudberg, Gunnar Poseidonios från Apameia.. Bidrag till en karaktäristik. Sthlm 1916. 53 sidor. Häftad. (#94187)100:-
Rudberg, Gunnar Sokrates bei Xenophon.. Uppsala 1939. 64 pages. Soft covers. (#48305)100:-
Rudberg, Gunnar Zum sogenannten zehnten Buche der aristotelischen Tiergeschichte.. Uppsala 1911. 144 pages. Soft covers. (#94445)160:-
Ruuskanen, Jukka-Pekka Birds on Aegean Bronze Age Seals.. A Study of Representation. Illustr. Diss. Upps. 1991. 146 pp + figures. 4:o. Soft covers. (#34214)150:-
Ruuskanen, Jukka-Pekka Birds on Aegean Bronze Age Seals.. A Study of Representation. Illustr. Reprinted diss. (Upps.) Rovaniemi 1992. 126 pages. 4:o. Cloth in dustjacket. (#34210)175:-
Rydberg, Viktor Romerska dagar.. Andra tillökade oktavupplagan, Sthl 1892. 325 sidor. Original dekorerat klotband. (#183200)150:-
Rydberg, Viktor Romerske kejsare i marmor. samt andra uppsatser i konst. Sth 1897. 400 sid. Klotband. Skrifter af Viktor Rydberg IX. (#46574)110:-
Ræder, Hans Platoniske stadier.. Kbhvn 1950. 29 pages. Soft covers. (#94454)100:-
Ræder, Hans Platon und die Rhetoren.. Kbhvn 1956. 19 pages. Soft covers. (#94453)100:-
Rösler, Christian Friedrich Chronica medii aevi, argumento generaliora, auctoritate celebriora, usu communiora, post Eusebium atque Hieronymum res Secc. IV., V. et VI. exponentia.. Nova hac editione collegit, digessit, commodo adparatu instruxit Christianus Friedericus Roesler. Tomus I (all published). Tübingen 1798. x,362,(2) pages. 8:vo. Old leathe binding, damaged at foot of spine. (#215410)500:- (bild)
Sabatini, Serena House Urns. A European Late Bronze Age Trans-cultural Phenomenon.. Dissertation, Göteborg 2007. 293 pages + 46 plates. Soft covers. As new. (#214240)250:-
Sacks, David Encyclopedia of the Ancient Greek World.. Drawings by Margaret Bunson. Constable, London 1995.306 pages. 4:o. Original cloth. Dust jacket. Former owners signature. (#213136)200:-
Saloman, Geskel Erklärungen antiker Kunstverke I-II.. Illustrated. Stockholm 1902-3. (2),32 + 28 pages + 7 plates. Folio. Original hard covers. 2 volumes. (#191008)900:-
Salway, Peter The Oxford Illustrated History of Roman Britain.. BCA, London 1993. xiv,563 pages. Original cloth. Dust jacket. Very fine. Former owners name. (#207675)235:-
San Giovenale - Materiali e problemi.. Atti del Simposio all'Istituto Svedese di Studi Classici a Roma 6 Aprile 1983 a cura di Stig Forsberg e Bengt E. Thomasson. Illustr. Sth 1984. 108 pp + VI plates. 4:o. (#40004)300:-
San Giovenale - Berggren, Eric & Kristina San Giovenale. Vol. I, fasc. 5.. The Necropolis of Porzarago, Grotte Tufarina and Montevangone. Drawings by Börje Blomé. Appendices by N.-G. Gejvall and Ruta Suksis-Jansson. Addendum by Olof Vessberg. Sth 1972. 134 pp + LXIII plates. 4:o. (#35654)200:-
San Giovenale - Berggren, Eric & Kristina San Giovenale. Vol. II, fasc. 2.. Excavations in Area B, 1957-1960. With Appendices by H. Helbaek and C. Sorrentino. Sth 1981. 64 pp + 41 plates and 1 folding plan. 4:o. (#40000)250:-
San Giovenale - Berggren, Eric & Kristina San Giovenale. Vol. III, fasc. 1.. The Iron Age Test Square in the North-East Part of Area D. Illustr. Sth 1980. 23 pp + 16 plates. 4:o. (#40001)125:-
San Giovenale - Olinder, Björn & Pohl, Ingrid San Giovenale. Vol. II, fasc. 4.. The Semi-Subterranean Buildings in Area B. Appendix by Claudio Sorrentino. Illustr. Sth 1981. 89 pp + 30 plates and 1 folding plan. 4:o. (#40002)250:-
Sargent, Rachel Louisa The Size of the Slave Population at Athens During the Fifth and Fourth Centuries Before Christ.. Diss. Univ. of Illinois 1923. 136 pages. Softcover. Stamped. Never read. (#78706)200:-
Sauer, Eberhard The End of Paganism in the North-Western Provinces of the Roman Empire. The Example of the Mithras Cult.. Tempus Reparatum. BAR International Series, Oxford 1996. (4),125 pages 4:o. Soft covers. (#218501)400:-
Scarre, Chris, Chronicle of the Roman Emperors. The Reign-by-Reign Record of the Rulers of Imperial Rome.. With 328 illustrations, 111 in colour. London 1995. 240 pages. Original cloth. Dust jacket. Former owners name. (#207671)160:-
Schallin, Ann-Louise Island Under Influence. The Cyclades in the Late Bronze Age and the Nature of Mycenaean Presence.. Illustrated. Dissertation Göteborg. Paul Åström, Jonsered 1993. x,210 pages. 4:o. Original hard covers. Inscribed by the author. Very fine. Studies in Mediterranean Archaeology CXI. (#214134)300:-
Schefold - Gestalt und Geschichte.. Festschrift Karl Schefold zu seinem sechzigsten Geburtstag am 26. Januar 1965. Herausgegeben von Martha Rohde-Liegle und Andere. Illustriert. Bern 1967. 200 pages + 64 plates. 4:o. Original cloth. Dust jacket. (#169556)300:-
Schefold, Karl Orient, Hellas und Rom. in der archäologischen Forschung seit 1939. Bern 1949. 248 pp + 8 Plates. A bit worn. (#28883)100:-
Scherer, Margaret R. Marvels of Ancient Rome.. Illustr. New York 1956. 430 pages. Hardcover. (#49584)200:-
Schiebe, Marianne Wifstrand Das ideale Dasein bei Tibull und die Goldzeitkonzeption Vergils.. Diss. Uppsala 1981. 163 pages. Softcover. (#34555)130:-
Schlesinger, Alfred Cary The Gods in Greek Tragedy.. A Study of Ritual Survivals in Fifth-Century Drama. Diss. Athens (Princeton) 1927. 142 pages. Softcover. Stamped. (#140825)200:-
Schliemann, Heinrich Kein Troja ohne Homer.. Aufzeichnungen. Ausgewählt und herausgegeben von Wieland Schmied. München ohne Jahr (c. 1960). 196 pages. Pocket. (#107250)100:-
Schmidt, Adolf Das perikleische Zeitalter I-II.. Darstellungen und Forschungen. I: Darstellungen nebst vier kritischen Anhängen. II: Forschungen über die Hauptgrundlagen der Überlieferung. Jena 1877-79. 312 + 380 pages. Soft covers. 2 volumes. Very fine. (#46832)250:- (bild)
Schneider, Carl, Geistesgeschichten des antiken Christentums 1-2.. München 1954. lii,743 + xii,424 sidor. Original klotband. 2 volymer. Blyertsunderstrykningar i del 1. (#205050)250:-
Schoder, Raymond V. Mästerverk i grekisk konst.. Ett panorama i text och bild. Sthlm 1961. 20 sid. + 97 färgplanscher. 4:o. Originalklotband med lagat skyddsomslag. I kassett. (#68619)200:-
Schreiner, Johan Henrik og Ödegård, Knut (red.) To gode keisere? Roma under Traianus og Hadrianus.. Illustrerad. Oslo 1996. 245 sidor. Förlagsband. (#210914)170:-
Schuchardt, Carl Schliemann's Discoveries of the Ancient World.. With a new foreword by Ellen N. Davis. Illustr. New York 1979 (facsimile of the 1891 edition). XXXII, 363 pages. Original cloth in dustjacket. (#124668)135:-
Schuchardt, Carl Schliemanns upptäckter.. Troja, Tiryns, Mykene, Orchomenos och på Ithaka. Öfversättning och bearbetning af Julius Centerwall. Med 2 porträtt, 6 kartor och planer samt 291 afbildningar. Sthlm 1891. 364 sidor. Dekorerat original klotband med skinnrygg. Fint ex. (#48891)200:-
Schullian, Dorothy May, External Stimuli to Literary Production in Rome 90 B.C - 27 B.C.. Dissertation, Chicago 1932. x,119 pages. Soft covers. Very fine. Small stamp on front cover. (#205761)150:-
Schulze, Ernst Dia römischen Grenzanlagen in Deutschland und Das Limeskastell Saalburg.. Mit 23 Abbildungen und 4 Karten. Zweite, verbesserte Auflage, Gütersloh 1906. viii,115 pages. Original cloth. Stamped. Beigelegt: Fürer durch das Römerkastell Saalburg ... von H. Jacobi, 1905. (#175824)150:-
Schwab, Gustav Sagen des klassischen Altertums.. Vollständige Ausgabe. Wiesbaden ohne Jahr (c. 1960). 607 pages. Original cloth. Dust jacket. (#85207)200:-
Schück, Henrik Rom. En vandring genom seklerna I.. En vandring genom seklerna. Illustr. Sthlm 1912. 263 sidor. 4:o. Häftad. Forntiden och medeltiden. (#55735)140:-
Schück, Henrik Rom. En vandring genom seklerna I-II.. Illustr. Sth 1913-14. 2 dekorerade originalklotband. (#28804)200:-
Schück, Henrik & Sjöqvist, Erik Rom. En vandring genom seklerna.. Antiken och den tidiga medeltiden. Tredje helt omarbetade upplagan av Erik Sjöqvist. Illustr. Sth 1949. 304 sidor + planscher och utvikbara kartor. Original klotryggsband. (#25531)170:-
Schöbel, Heinz Olympie et ses jeux.. Illustr. Leipzig 1965. 171 pages + plates. 4:o. Original cloth in dustjacket with tear. (#158173)300:-
Scoufopoulos, Niki C. Mycenaean Citadels.. Illustrated. Göteborg 1971. 176 pages. 4:o. Soft, slightly worn covers. Studies in Mediterranean Archaeology XXII. (#37860)200:-
Scranton, Robert L. Greek Architecture.. Illustr. New York 1979. 128 pages. Softcover. (#124671)125:-
Secretan, Dominique Classicism.. London 1973. 85 pages. Paperback. (#93507)100:-
Seeck, Gustav Adolf Dramatische Strukturen der griechischen Tragödie: Untersuchungen zu Aischylos.. München 1984. 86 pages. Softcover. (#75305)100:-
Seeck, Otto Geschichte des Untergangs der antiken Welt 4.. Die Constantinische Dynastie. Darmstadt 1966. 530 pages. Original cloth. Vol. 4 only. (#80891)150:-
Seibert, Jakob Alexander Der Grosse. Wissenschaftliche Buchgesellschaft Darmstadt 1972. 329 pages + folded map. Soft covers. (#211655)110:-
Seibert, Jakob Hannibal.. Darmstadt 1993. 552 pages + karten. Original cloth. (#18363)150:-
Sellar, W.Y. The Roman Poets of the Augustan Age.. Horace and the Elegiac Poets. New York 1965. XLVI, 362 pp. Cloth. (#26859)200:-
Selling, Magnus Ioniska tänkare.. Studium i försokratisk filosofi. Lund 1977. 75 sidor. Häftad. (#127022)140:-
Seltman, Charles A Book of Greek Coins.. Penguin, London 1952. 32 pages text + 48 plates. Original hard covers. Dust jacket. (#136736)110:-
Seltman, Charles Approach to Greek Art.. London 1948. 144 pages + 111 plates. Original cloth. No jacket. (#19245)120:-
Sherk, Robert K. (edited and translation) The Roman Empire: Augustus to Hadrian.. Cambridge University Press 1989. xxii,302 pages. Paper back. Translated documents of Greece and Rome 6. (#218216)150:-
Sichtermann, Hellmut Kulturgeschichte der klassischen Archäologie.. Illustrated. Beck, München 1996. 440 pages. Original cloth. Dust jacket. As new. (#218699)175:-
Sintenis, Karl Heinrich Versuch einer practischen Anleitung zu Cicero's Schreibart.. Leipzig, Baumgärtner 1794. 222 pages. Contemporary marbled boards. (#198950)250:-
Sint, Josef A. Pseudonymität im Altertum.. Ihre Formen und ihre Gründe. Innsbruck 1960. 170 pages. Soft covers. (#116708)175:-
Sitwell, N.H.H. Outside the Empire. The World the Romans Knew. Illustrated. London 1986. 228 pages + plates. Softcover. Signature by former owner. (#219521)115:-
Sjöberg, Birgitta L. Asine and the Argolid in the Late Helladic III Period:. A Socio-Economic Study. Diss. Upps. 2001. 216 pp + 11 figures. 4:o. Softcover. (#48102)225:-
Skafte Jensen, Minna Homer og hans tilhørere.. Iliaden og Odysseen. Kbhvn 1992. 150 sidor. Häftad. Lite blyerts. (#185155)135:-
Skalet, Charles H. Chapters in the History of Ancient Sicyon.. Diss. Baltimore 1928. 62 pages. Softcover. Stamped. Extract from a complete volume published by the Johns Hopkins Press. (#108330)125:-
Skydsgaard, Jens Erik Pompeii.. En romersk provinsby. Illustrerad. Kbhvn 1977.. 190 sidor + planscher. Häftad. (#182653)145:-
Skydsgaard, Jens Erik Pompeji. En romersk landsortsstad.. Illustrerad. Uddevalla 1982. 188 sidor + planscher och utvikbara planer. Förlagsband. Tillskrift. (#26935)145:-
Slej, Karen & Göransson, Kristian Taranto.. En grekisk koloni i Syditalien. Med bidrag av Lars Karlsson. Illustr. Medelhavsmuseet 2001. 128 sidor. Häftad. (#158780)160:-
Slotty, Friedrich, Beiträge zur etruskologie. I. Silbenpunktierung und silbenbildung im altetruskischen. Carl Winter Universitätsverlag, Heidelberg 1952. xvi, 207 pages. Later halfcloth with preserved original covers. (#220176)300:-
Smith, Frederick D. Athenian Political Commissions.. Diss. Chicago 1920. 89 pages. Softcover. Stamped. (#110084)175:-
Smith, Leslie Francis The Genuineness of the Ninth and Third Letters of Isocrates.. Diss. Lancaster, PA 1940. 43 pages. Staple bound. Stamped. (#123939)125:-
Smith, Mattie Frances The Technique of Solution in Roman Comedy.. Diss. Chicago 1940. 136 pages. Softcover. Stamped. (#123935)200:-
Sobrino, Enrique Otķn Léxico de Valerio Máximo 1.. A-D. Madrid 1977. 602 pages. Soft covers. Volume 1 only. (#156418)200:-
SOU 1951:55 Betänkande med utredning och förslag. angående sammanförande och organisation av i Stockholm befintliga arkeologiska samlingar från medelhavsländerna, Främre Orienten och Östasien. Avgivet av Sigurd Curman. Sthlm 1951. 50 sidor + planscher. Häftad. (#91010)150:-
Spaeth, John William A Study of the Causes of Rome's Wars from 343 to 265 B.C.. Diss. Princeton 1926. 70 pages. Soft covers. Stamped. (#55840)145:-
Sparks, Brian A. & Talcott, Lucy Pots and Pans of Classical Athens.. Illustr. Princeton 1970. (32) pages. Staple bound. (#137548)75:-
Spitzbarth, Anna Untersuchungen zur Spieltchnik der griechischen Tragödie.. Diss. Winterthur 1945. 109 pages. Softcover. Stamped. (#146534)150:-
Spivey, Nigel Greek Sculpture.. Illustrated. Cambridge University Press 2013. xxii,329 pages. Paperback. Inscribed by the author. (#214312)200:-
Spivey, nigel Understanding Greek Sculpture. Ancient Meanings, Modern Readings.. Illustrated. Thames & Hudson, London 1997. 240 pages. Paperback. (#214344)175:-
Springer, Lawrence A. Temple Treasures.. A Study Based on Livy. Diss. Philadelphia 1949. XIII, 74 pages. Softcover. Stamped. (#71852)150:-
Staaff, Erik Quintus Horatius Flaccus' liv och diktning.. Sthlm 1947. 215 sidor. Häftad. (#79475)125:-
Stahlmann, Ines Imperator Caesar Augustus. Studien zur Geschichte des Principatsverständnisses in der deutschen Altertumswissenschaft bis 1945.. Wissenschaftliche Buchgesellschaft, Darmstadt 1988. viii,277 pages. Original cloth. Former owners signature. (#219175)200:-
Starr, Chester G. A History of the Ancient World.. Illustr. New York 1974. XVIII, 742 pages. Original cloth. (#88104)250:-
Staten.. Rapport fra Platonselskabets konference på Gammel Vraa Slot i Nordjylland. 2.-5. juni 1995. Red. Jan Lindhardt. Århus 1997. 161 sidor. Häftad. (#159373)150:-
Stauffer, Ethelbert Jerusalem und Rom im Zeitalter Jesu Christi.. Francke Verlag Bern 1957(?). 164 pages. Paperback. (#116546)100:-
Stensby, Marie Den skelögdes son. En berättelse om Gnaeus Pompejus Magnus.. Jengels förlag 2013. 368 sidor. Limhäftad. (#209269)150:-
Stewart, James Corpus of Cypriot Artefacts of the Early Bronze Age II.. Jonsered 1992. 206 pp + 30 plates. 4:o. Studies in Mediterranean Archaeology III:2. (#37876)450:-
Stierneman, Olof von Suplement a l'ouvrage intitulé: Essai sur l'application de la disįipline-militaire des anciens grecs et romains ā notre tems d'aujourdhui, sélon la nature des armes ā feu en usage presentément.. Stockholm, Laurents Kumblin 1774. (4),83,(1) sidor. Häftad. i marmorerat appersomslag. Utkom samma år i en upplaga med 152 sidor och 2 utvikbara planer. (#201144)350:-
Stilwell, Richard (editor) The Princeton Encyclopedia of Classical Sites 1-2.. Print on demand 1996 of the original Princeton University Press 1979. xxii,1119 pages. 4:o. Cloth. 2 columes. Fien. This is a Print-on-demand-book from UMI Books on demand. (#218641)500:-
Strauss, Barry S. & Ober, Joshia The Anatomy of Error. Ancient Military Disasters and Their Lessons for Modern Strategists.. St. Martin's Press, New York 1990. xi,(5),272 pages. Original cloth. Dust jacket. Very fine. (#214273)160:-
Strehl, Willy & Soltau, Wilhelm Grundriss der alten Geschichte und Quellenkunde II.. Römische Geschichte. Breslau 1914. XII, 600 pp. (#26868)170:-
Strehl, Willy & Soltau, Wilhelm Grundriss der alten Geschichte und Quellenkunde I-II.. I. Orientalische und griechische Geschichte. II. Römische Geschichte. Breslau 1913-14. X, 508 + XII, 600 pages. Original cloth. 2 volumes. (#150428)250:-
Stridsberg, Carl Mythologiskt lexicon, öfversättning med tilläggningar. Hvarjämte en Afhandling om de gamla romares heliga plägseder i sammandrag.. Stockholm, Tryckt hos Johan A. Carlbohm,1796. (4),372,(6),114 sidor. Samtida nött halvfranskt band med upphöjda bind och ryggförgyllning. Ryggen trasig upptill och nedtill. Någon enstaka brun fläck. (#197946)350:-
Styrenius, Carl-Gustaf Asine.. En svensk utgrävningsplats i Grekland. A Swedish Excavation Site in Greece. Illustr. Sthlm 1998. 80 pages. Hardcover. Text in Swedish and English. (#104432)120:-
Styrenius, Carl-Gustaf Submycenaean Studies. Examination of Finds from Mainland Greece with a Chapter on Attic Protogeometric Graves.. Dissertation. Lund 1967. 176 pages + plates and maps. Softcover. Sv. Inst. i Athen 8:o, VII. (#13143)250:-
Stömberg, Agneta Male of Female? A methodological study of grave gifts as sex-indicators of Iron Age burials from Athens.. Dissertation Göteborg. Paul Åströms förlag, Jonsered 1993. 217 pages. Soft covers. Inscribed. (#214283)150:-
Sullivan, Daniel David The Life of the North Africans as Revealed in the Works of Saint Cyprian.. Diss. Washington 1933. X, 83 pages. Softcover. Stamped. (#67171)125:-
Sumpter, A.B. & Coll, S. Interval Tower SW5 and the South-West Defences: Excavations 1972-75.. Illustr. London 1977. 38 pages + plates and folding plans. Softcover. The Archaeology of York 3/2. (#155582)100:-
Sunne, Dagny Gunhilda Some Phases in the Development of the Subjective Point of View during the Post-Aristotelian Period.. Diss. Chicago 1911. 96 pages. Softcover. Stamped. (#87500)200:-
Svanberg, Gustaf Hannibals tåg från Karthagena till Turin öfver Alperna.. Akademisk afhandling, Upsala 1860. 58 sidor + karta. Häftad i tryckta originalomslag varav det bakre saknas. Dedikation. Nött rygg. (#186571)145:-
Svoboda, Bedrich & Concev, Dimiter Neue Denkmäler antiker Toreutik.. Illustr. Praha 1956. 172 pp + XX Tafeln. Ocl. 4:o. Written in German, Czech and Russian. (#25675)225:-
Szilágyi, János György In Search of Pelasgian Ancestors. The 1861 Hungarian Excavation in the Apennines.. Illustrated. Budapest 2004. 219 pages + map. Soft covers. (#214215)160:-
Säflund, Gösta Att tyda antika bildverk.. Göteborg 1984. 171 sidor. Häftad. (#201598)175:-
Säflund, Gösta Fynden i Tiberiusgrottan.. Illustr. Sth 1966. 112 sidor. Häftad. (#28951)75:-
Säflund, Gösta Heraklidernas återkomst.. Illustrerad. Sthlm 1963. 136 sidor. Häftad. (#26870)100:-
Säflund, Gösta Romerskt.. Illustr. Sth 1958. 112 sidor. Häftad. (#26099)110:-
Säflund, Gösta The Polyphemus and Scylla Groups at Sperlonga.. Illustr. Sth 1972. 116 pp. (#25674)175:-
Säve, Hjalmar De areopago et judiciis heliasticis apud athenienses quæstiones.. Diss. Upsala 1862. (4), 62 pages. Soft covers. Dedication. (#94383)150:-
Säve-Söderbergh - Sundries in Honour of Torgny Säve-Söderbergh.. Illustr. Uppsala 1984. 133 pages. Softcover. (#44857)230:-
Söderström, Gunnar Den olympiska gudavärlden. och dess återspegling i den svenska diktningen. Illustrerad. Uppsala 1974. 214 sidor Häftad. (#47139)135:-
Söderström, Gunnar Grekisk-romersk kult och mytologi.. Med anknytningen till den svenska diktningen. Andra tryckningen. Stockholm 1960. viii, 136 sidor. Original klotband. Slitet skyddsomslag. (#221547)110:-
Söderström, Gunnar Grekisk-romersk kult och mytologi.. Med anknytningen till den svenska diktningen. Sthlm 1955. viii,136 sidor. Original klotband. Skyddsomslag. (#169033)110:-
Sørensen, Knud Thomas Lodge's Translation of Seneca's De beneficiis Compared with Arthur Golding's Version.. A Textual Analysis with Special Reference to Latinisms. Diss. Kbhvn 1960. 185 pages. Half cloth with preserved covers. Stamped. (#89218)250:-
Tacitus, Cajus Cornelius Tacitus: on Imperial Rome. A new translation with an introduction by Michael Grant. Penguin 1956. 447 pages. Pocket. (#216655)100:-
Tacitus, Cajus Cornelius Tacitus The Annals of Imperial Rome. Translated with an Introduction by Michael Grant. Revised edition. Barnes & Noble, New York 1993. 455 pages. Original hardcover with dust jacket. (#216841)200:-
Tacitus, Cajus Cornelius Tacitus The Annals of Imperial Rome. Translated with an Introduction by Michael Grant. Revised edition. Penguin Classics 1989.455 pages. Paperback. (#218642)100:-
Taine, H. Essai sur Tite Live.. Paris 1910. 364 pages. Somewhat worn softcover. (#63893)125:-
Tamm, Birgitta Auditorium and Palatium.. A Study on Assembly-Rooms in Roman Palaces During the 1st Century B.C. and the 1st Century A.D. Illustr. Diss. Sthlm 1963. 229 pages + folding plan. 4:o. Half cloth. (#189917)450:-
Taplin, Oliver Greek Fire. The Influence of Ancient Greece on the modern World.. Illustrated. Atheneum, New York 1990. (12) 276 pages. Original cloth. Dust jacket. Slightly damp-corrugated. (#218242)150:-
Tarn, William Die Kultur der hellenistischen Welt.. 3., vom Verfasser unter Mitarbeit von G.T. Griffith durchgesehene Auflage. Darmstadt 1966. 468 pages. Original plastic covers. (#135219)150:-
Tarn, William & Griffith, G.T. Hellenistic Civilisation.. London 1953. 372 pages. Original cloth. Pencil underlinings. (#61919)100:-
Tarn, William & Griffith, G.T. Hellenistic Civilisation.. London 1966. 372 pages. Original cloth. No jacket. Small hole in spine. Stamped. (#203325)150:-
[Tellbom, Johan Paul Immanuel och Palmblad, Vilhelm Fredrik] Berättelser ur gamla historien. Jemte ett bihang, innehållande första begreppen af konsternas och wettenskapernas (äfwen philosophiens) historia hos greker och romare.. Upsala, Palmblad 1830. (2),iv,(8),520 sidor + 40 kopparstick. Samtida halvfranskt band. (#212379)600:- (bild)
The Athenian Agora.. A Guide to the Excavation and Museum. Third edition. Illustr. Athens 1976. 338 pages + folding map. Softcover. (#21636)125:-
Thédenat, Henry Le Forum Romain et les Forums impériaux.. Illustr. Quatriéme édition Paris 1908. 454 pages + maps. Original cloth. (#49236)150:-
The Greek World.. Edited by Hugh Lloyd-Jones. Penguin 1967. 264 pages. Paperback. (#86236)100:-
The Metropolitan Museum of Art: Greece and Rome.. Introduction by Joan R. Mertens. Lavishly illustr. New York 1987. 159 pages + folding maps. 4:o. Original decorated cloth. (#110166)175:-
The Odes of Pindar. Translated with an introduction by C.M. Bowra. Penguin 1988. 256 pages. Paperback. Signature of former owner. (#216463)100:-
The Stoa of Attalos II in Athens.. Princeton 1959. 32 pages. Picture booklet. (#112337)75:-
Thimme, Jürgen Frühe Plastik aus Sardinien.. 30 Bildtafeln. Aufnahmen von Friedrich Hewicker. Wiesbaden no date. 46 pages. Hardcover. (#118754)75:-
Thomas, Homer L. Near Eastern, Mediterranean and European Chronology.. Lund 1967. 175 pages text + 62 plates. Soft covers. 2 volumes. Pencil-underlinings and -notes. (#214075)200:-
Thomasson, Bengt E. Die Statthalter der römischen provinzen Nordafrikas von Augustus bis Diocletianus, I.. Diss. Lund 1960. 108 pages + Folding Map. A second volume was published. (#26873)100:-
Thomasson, Bengt E. Qualis vetus Roma fuit.. Antika texter till Roms byggnadshistoria. Lund 1964. 64 sidor. Häftad. (#110698)90:-
Thomasson, Bengt E. (editor) A Survey of Greek and Latin Inscriptions on Stone in Swedish Collections.. Illustrated. Stockholm 1997. 129 pages. Soft covers. Inscribed. (#214268)150:-
Thompson, Dorothy Burr Garden Lore of Ancient Athens.. Illustr. Princeton 1963. (36) pages. Staple bound. (#137541)75:-
Thompson, Dorothy Burr The Athenian Agora.. Illustr. Princeton 1971. (32) pages. Staple bound. (#137547)75:-
Thylander, Hilding Den grekiska världen.. Illustr. Sth 1986. 546 sidor + kartor i separat mapp. Original klotband. Skyddsomslag. (#36713)200:-
Thylander, Hilding Det romerska riket.. En orientering om Roms och romerska rikets historia från äldsta tider till o. 500 e. Kr. Sthlm 1973. 393 sidor + planscher och karta. Häftad. (#92696)150:-
Thylander, Hilding Étude sur l'épigraphie latine.. Date des inscriptions - noms et denomination latine - noms et origine des personnes. Diss. Lund 1952. IX, 191 pp. + Plates. Interfoliated. Sv. Inst. i Rom, 8:o, V. (#13383)200:-
Tingsten, Lars Huvuddragen av forntidens krigskonst.. Sthlm 1926. 152 sidor + karta. Häftad. (#58333)150:-
Titchener, John Bradford The Manuscript-Tradition of Plutarch's Aetia graeca and Aetia romana.. Diss. Univ. of Illinois 1924. 68 pages. Softcover. Stamped. (#140882)250:-
Toutain, J. Les cultes paīens dans l'empire Romain. Premičre partie. Les provinces latines. Tome I. Les cultes officiels; les cultes Romains et Gréco-Romains.. Paris 1907. (4),vi,472,(2) pages. With both wrappers in half cloth. Former owners name. Stamped. (#218461)250:-
Toynbee, J.M.C. Dearh and Burial in the Roman World.. Illustrated. John Hopkins University Press 1996. 336 pages. Paper back. Fine. (#218524)165:-
Tracy, Stephen V. The Lettering of an Athenian Mason. With an introduction The Study of Lettering by Sterling Dow. Princeton 1975. xxiii,134 pages + 40 plates. Soft covers. Stamped. Hesperia: Supplement XV. (#214136)250:-
Treasures of Ancient Macedonia.. Athens 1979. 110 pages + 62 plates. Softcover. Stamped. Text in Greek only. Exhibition catalogue. (#113437)100:-
Trouard, Mary Alexaidia Cicero's Attitude Towards the Greeks.. Diss. Chicago 1942. 104 pages. Softcover. Stamped. (#146130)150:-
Troy.. Heinrich Schliemann's Excavations and Finds. Illustr. Athens 1985. 110 pages. 4:o. Softcover. Exhibition catalogue. (#156860)175:-
Täckholm, Ulf Källskrifter till antikens historia.. Stockholm 1972. 127 sidor. Häftad. (#181074)120:-
Täckholm, Ulf Studien über den Bergbau der römischen Kaiserzeit.. A few illustr. Diss. Upps. 1937. 187 pages. Softcover. (#13440)150:-
Törnebladh, R. Om stället för Hannibals Alpöfvergång.. Sthlm 1867. 18 sidor. Häftad. Aftryck ur "Pædagogisk Tidskrift". (#110679)125:-
Urbs Roma. A Source Book of Classical Texts on the City & Its Monuments. Selected and translated with a commentary by Donald R. Dudley. Phaidon Press 1967. (10),339 pages incl. plates. Original cloth. No jacket. Former owners signature. (#218312)200:-
Wacher, John The Roman Empire. New York 1997. vi, 314 pages. Hardcover with dust jacket. (#216897)160:-
Walbank, F.W. Det västromerska rikets fall.. Ekonomiska, politiska och sociala orsaker. Illustr. Sth 1973. 196 sidor. Pocket. (#9161)100:-
Walbank, F.W. The Hellenistic World.. Fontana 1981. 288 pages + plates. Paperback. (#86206)100:-
Walbank, F.W. The Hellenistic World.. Fontana 1986. 288 pages + plates. Paperback. (#218238)100:-
Walberg, Gisela Kamares.. A Study of the Character of Palatial Middle Minoan Pottery. Illustr. Diss. Upps. 1976. 203 pp. 4:o. Softcover. Boreas 8. (#25701)250:-
Valgiglio, Ernesto Sparta.. Nei suoi ordinamenti politico-sociali dalle vite di Plutarco. Illustr. Torino 1961. XIII, 160 pages. Softcover. (#79425)110:-
Walker, Susan Greek and Roman Portraits.. Illustrated. British Museum 1995. 112 pages. Paperback. (#219382)120:-
Walker, Susan Memorials to the Roman Dead.. Illustrated. British Museum 1985. 64 pages. Paperback. (#219381)100:-
Wallensten, Jenny Aphrodite?i anethe?ken arxas. A study of dedications to Aphrodite from Greek magistrates. Dissertation, Lund 2003. 264 pages. 4:o. Soft covers. (#214190)300:-
Valmin, Natan Alexander den store.. Världsfredens förste förkämpe. Sthlm 1942. 179 sidor. Häftad. (#69674)120:-
Valmin, Natan Det doriska problemet.. Illustr. Sthlm 1945. 137 sidor. Häftad. (#80306)125:-
Valmin, Natan Om ligbrænding i det gamle Grækenland.. Særtryk 1931. 32 sidor. Häftad. (#110695)120:-
Valmin, Natan Om ligbrænding i det gamle Italien.. Illustrerad. Særtryk 1932. 40 sidor. Häftad (#94390)100:-
Vanags, Patricia The Glory That was Pompeii.. Illustrated. New York no date (c. 1980). 128 pages. 4:o Original cloth. Dust jacket. (#58873)175:-
Ward, Anne G. et al. The Quest for Theseus.. Illustrated. Praeger, New York 1970. 281 pages. Original cloth. No jacket. (#214269)160:-
Warner, Rex Greeks and Trojans. Penguin 1953. 175 pages. Pocket. (#216298)100:-
Warner, Rex Perikles atenaren.. Sth 1964. 236 pp. (#26825)65:-
Waterworks in the Athenian Agora.. Illustr. Princeton 1968. 32 pages. Booklet. (#112338)75:-
Vaughan, Agnes Carr The House of the Double Axe.. The Palace at Knossos. London 1960. 240 pages + plates. Original cloth. (#106538)125:-
Webster, Graham The Roman Imperial Army of the First and Second Centuries A.D.. Adam & Charles Black, London 1969. 330 pages + plates. Original cloth. No jacket. (#214230)220:-
Webster, Maud, Roms vatten från antiken till idag.. Illustrerad. Lund 2005. 219 sidor. Förlagsband med skyddsomslag. (#207530)135:-
Wegner, Max Das Musikleben der Griechen.. Berlin 1949. 232 pages + plates. Original cloth. (#140144)175:-
Weiberg, Erika Thinking the Bronze Age.. Life and Death in Early Helladic Greece. Illustr. Diss. Upps. 2007. 404 pages. Softcover. (#99435)250:-
Weickert, Carl Antike Architektur.. Illustr. Berlin 1949. 79 pages. Pamphlet. (#112354)75:-
Weigall, Arthur Alexander the great.. London 1935. 352 pages + map and plate. Original cloth. No jacket. (#196253)135:-
Weigall, Arthur Kleopatra.. Drottning av Egypten. Hennes levnad och tidevarv. Illustr. Sthlm 1924. 304 sidor. Inbunden. (#53986)150:-
Weigall, Arthur The Life and Times of Akhnaton. Pharaoh of Egypt. Illustrated. London 1933. XXXI, 255 pages. Original cloth. No jacket. (#63895)150:-
Weigall, Arthur, Flights into Antiquity.. With 28 illustrations and a map. London no date. 278 pages. Original cloth. No jacket. (#206332)150:-
Weisse, J.P. Populære forelæsninger 1-2.. 1. Tiberius og Nero. 2. Det andet triumvirat, Firekeiseaaret, Det romeske principat, Arbeidet hos romerne, Roms katakomber. Kristiania 1992-86. viii,376 + xiv,304 sidor + karta och porträtt. Inbundna i 2 fina klotband. Ex libris Erling Eidem (#183131)240:-
Weissinger, Reinhard T. A Study of Act Divisions in Classical Drama.. Diss. [Iowa City] 1940. 141 pages. Softcover. Stamped. (#123697)300:-
Wells, Berit (editor) The Berbati-Limnes Archaeological Survey 1988-1990.. Illustrated. Stockholm 1996. 457 pages + map in pocket. 4:o. Original hard cover in dust jacket. Skrifter utgivna av Svenska Institutet i Athen, 4:o, XLIV. English text. (#214077)450:-
Wells, Colin The Roman Empire.. Fontana 1984. 350 pages + plates. Paperback. (#86237)100:-
Wells, Colin The Roman Empire.. Second edition. Fontana 1992. 366 pages + plates. Paperback. (#218496)100:-
Wells, Peter Teutoburgerskogen.. Slaget som stoppade Rom. Sthlm 2004. 276 sidor. Förlagsband utan skyddsomslag. (#185958)125:-
Wells, Peter Teutoburgerskogen.. Slaget som stoppade Rom. Sthlm 2004. 276 sidor. Pappband med skyddsomslag. Namnteckning. (#207824)150:-
Wells, Peter Teutoburgerskogen.. Slaget som stoppade Rom. Stockholm 2005. 276 sidor + planscher. Limhäftad. (#214691)120:-
Wells, Peter Teutoburgerskogen. Slaget som stoppade Rom.. Stockholm 2004. 276 sidor. Förlagsband med skyddsomslag. (#185407)150:-
Wells, Peter S. The Barbarians Speak. How the Conquered Peoples Shaped Roman Europe.. Illustrated. Princeton University Press 1999. xii,335 pages. Original cloth. Dust jacket. As new. (#218579)220:-
Vergilius Maro, Publius The Aeneid. Translated into English prose with an Introduction by W.F. Jackson Knight. Penguin 1980. 361 pages. Pocket. (#216492)100:-
Vermeule, Emily Greece in the Bronze Age.. Illustrated. Chicago 1972. 406 pages + plates. Soft covers. (#56412)160:-
Vernant, Jean-Pierre Myth and Society in Ancient Greece.. Methuen 1982. x,242 pages. Paper back. Former owners signature. Fine. (#218592)130:-
Werner, Kjell The Megaron during the Aegean and Anatolian Bronze Age. A Study of Occurence, Shape, Architectural Adaption, and Function.. Dissertation Göteborg. Jonsered 1993. 151 pages + plates. 4:o. Original hard covers. Inscribed by the author. Studies in Mediterranean Archaeology CVIII. (#37878)300:-
Vessberg, Olof Romersk porträttkonst.. Illustr. Sthlm 1950. 104 sidor. Häftad. (#31698)100:-
Vessberg, Olof Romersk porträttkonst.. Sthlm 1969. 56 sidor + planscher. Pocket. (#138263)100:-
Weter, Winifred Elberta Encouragement of Literary Production in Greece from Homer to Alexander.. Diss. Chicago 1936. 113 pages. Softcover. Stamped. (#107033)150:-
Wetter, Erik, Östenberg Carl Eric & Moretti, Mario Med kungen på Acquarossa.. Den arkeologiska utgrävningen av en etruskisk stad. Illustr. Malmö 1972. 200 sidor + planscher. 4:o. Originalklotband i skyddsomslag. (#25100)145:-
Wetter, Gillis P:son Det romerska världsväldets religioner.. Vid början av vår tideräkning. Hellenism, senjudendom, urkristendom. Illustr. Sthlm 1918. 500 sidor. Häftad. (#25541)140:-
Wetter, Gillis P:son Det romerska världsväldets religioner.. Vid början av vår tideräkning. Hellenism, senjudendom, urkristendom. Illustr. Sthlm 1918. 500 sidor. Pappband. (#127157)175:-
Wetter, Gillis P:son Hellenismen.. En skildring av "hedendomen" i det romerska världsriket. Illustr. Sthlm 1926. 151 sidor. Häftad. Stämpl. (#113609)75:-
Wetter, Gillis P:son Hellenismen.. En skildring av "hedendomen" i det romerska världsriket. Illustr. Sthlm 1926. 151 sidor. Original klotband. (#7573)100:-
Veyne, Paul Kände grekerna till demokratin?. samt Olympia i antiken. Symposion 1991. 71 sidor. Häftad. (#141722)100:-
Wheeler, Mortimer Rome Beyond the Imperial Frontiers.. Greenwood Press, Westport 1971. xii,192 pages + 38 plates and one map. Original cloth. No jacket. Former owners signature. (#214261)150:-
Wheeler, Mortimer Rome Beyond the Imperial Frontiers.. Penguin 1955. 224 pages. Paperback. (#86239)100:-
Wheeler, Mortimer Rom utanför imperiet. Handelsvägar och kulturförbindelser.. Illustrerad. Sthlm 1956. 224 sidor + karta. Förlagsband med skyddsomslag. (#218522)145:-
Wheeler, Mortimer Rom utanför imperiet. Handelsvägar och kulturförbindelser.. Natur och Kultur, 1956. 214 sidor + planscher och en utvikbar karta. Häftad. (#195565)100:-
Whitwell, J.B. The Church Street Sewer and an Adjacent Building.. Illustr. London 1976. 55 pages + plates. Softcover. The Archaeology of York 3/1. (#155572)120:-
Who's Who in the Ancient World.. A Handbook to the Survivirs of the Greek and Roman Classics. Selected with an introduction by Betty Radice. Penguin 1977. 336 pages + plates. Paperback. (#99333)100:-
Wide, Sam. Pomerium och pelargikon.. En religionshistorisk-topografisk undersökning. Upsala 1911. 28 sidor. Inbjudningsskrift. (#184329)110:-
Wifstrand, Albert Bakgrunder.. Uppsatser om tider och tänkesätt. Lund 1961. 215 sidor. Häftad. (#152592)130:-
Wifstrand, Albert Homeros.. Sthlm 1965. 75 sidor. Häftad. Världsförfattare. (#119967)100:-
Wikner, Pontus Narkissos-sagan och platonismen.. Föredrag. Upsala 1880. 38 sidor. Häftad. (#110697)120:-
Vilborg, Ebbe Latinska Citat. Dictum et scriptum latine.. Stockholm 2004. 188 sidor. Förlagets bildprydda rexinband. (#193357)120:-
Vilborg, Ebbe Latinska Citat. Dictum et scriptum latine.. Stockholm 2005. 188 sidor. Förlagsband. (#211347)120:-
Vilborg, Ebbe Latinska Citat. Dictum et scriptum latine.. Stockholm 2009. 188 sidor. Förlagsband. (#220192)120:-
Wilcken, Ulrich Griechische Geschichte im Rahmen der Altertumsgeschichte.. 9., neu durchgesehene Auflage, Berlin 1962. 380 pages + map. Original cloth. (#53988)170:-
Wilcken, Ulrich Griechische Geschichte im Rahmen der Altertumsgeschichte.. Dritte Auflage, Berlin 1931. 256 pages + map. Original cloth. (#59767)145:-
Wilcken, Ulrich Griechische Geschichte im Rahmen der Altertumsgeschichte.. Dritte Auflage, Berlin 1931. 256 pages + map. Original cloth. Underlinings with red pencil. (#58766)120:-
Wilken, Robert L. The Christians as the Romans Saw Them.. Yale University Press 1984. xx,214 pages. Paper back. (#218226)150:-
Wilson, Lillian May A Study of the Roman Toga.. Diss. Baltimore 1924. 38 pages. Softcover. Stamped. Somewhat bent. (#144224)125:-
Wiman, Ingela M.B. Malstria - Malena. Metals and Motifs in Etruscan Mirror Craft.. Illustrated. Dissertation. Lund 1990. 268 pages. 4:o. Soft covers. Inscribed by the author. Very fine. (#25572)300:-
Winbladh, Marie-Louise Den skäggiga gudinnan.. Forntida kulturer på Cypern. Illustr. Sthlm 1995. 96 sidor. Förlagsband. (#132416)100:-
Winckelmann, Johann Joachim Kleine Schriften und Briefe I-II.. Herausgegeben von Hermann Udhe-Bernays. I. Kleine Schriften zur Geschichte der Kunst des Altertums. II. Ausgewählte Briefe. Insel-Verlag, Leipzig 1925. 300 + 340 pages + plates. Original half vellum. 2 volumes. (#100800)400:-
Vogel, Grace Sybil The Major Manuscripts of Cicero's De Senectute.. Chicago 1939. 58 pages. Softcover. Stamped. (#64602)200:-
Vogt, Joseph Ancient Slavery and the Ideal of Man.. Oxford 1974. 227 pages. Softcover. (#58111)120:-
Vogt, Joseph The Decline of Rome. The Matamorphosis of ancient civilization.. Translated from the German by Janet Sondheimer. Weidenfeld, London 1993. xii,340 pages + plates. Paper back. As new. (#218529)175:-
von Cles-Reden, Sibylle Folket som försvann.. Etruskernas liv och land. Illustr. Malmö 1958. 182 sid. Inbunden. (#50814)130:-
von Cles-Reden, Sibylle The Buried People.. A Study of the Etruscan World. Translated... by C.M. Woodhouse. Illustr. London 1955. 248 pp. Cloth in dustjacket. (#37975)200:-
von Heland-Weissglas, Madeleine Figurativ vasdekor i Korint.. En kvantitativ ikonografisk analys. Akad. avh. Sthlm 1970. 119 sidor + Appendix. 36 + 15 + 182 sidor. A4. Stencil. 2 volymer. (#77055)250:-
von Hofsten, Sven The Theme of the Feline-and-Prey in Archaic Greek Art. Classification, distribution, origin, iconographical context.. Dissertation. Stockholm 1997. 144 pages. + 32 plates. 4:o. Soft covers. Very fine. (#46421)300:-
von Pflugk-Harttung, Julius Perikles als Feldherr.. Stuttgart 1884. 144 pages. Soft covers. (#55657)140:-
von Scheffer, Thassilo Die Kultur der griechen.. Richly illustr. Wien 1935. 647 pages + folding map. Original cloth. (#27723)150:-
von Wilamowitz-Moellendorff, Ulrich Einleitung in die Griechische Tragödie.. Unveränderter Abdruck aus der ersten Auflage von Euripides Herakles I Kapitel I-IV. Berlin 1907. x, 257 pages. Cloth. Stamped. (#206465)150:-
Wood, Florence & Kenneth Homer's Secret Odyssey.. The History Press 2011. Illustrated. 240 pages. Softcover. Underlinings in pencil. (#221799)120:-
Woodhead, A.G. The Study of Greek Inscriptions.. Cambridge 1959. 139 pages. Original cloth. Dust jacket. Ink text on free front end-paper. (#214208)140:-
Woodhead, A.G. The Study of Greek Inscriptions.. Cambridge 1967. 139 pages. Original cloth. Dust jacket. (#137752)160:-
Wright, F.A. The Romance of Life in the Ancient World.. London no date. XII, 324 pages + plates. Original cloth in frayed dustjacket. (#87932)125:-
Wycherlet, R.E. How the Greeks Built Cities.. Illustrated. Second edition, London 1962. 235 pages + plates. Original cloth. No jacket. (#188346)150:-
Wytzes, J. Die letzte Kampf des heidentums in Rom. Mit 34 Abbildungen auf XXIII Tafeln, bearbetitet von J.J.M. Derksen. Brill, Leiden 1977. xiv,387 pages + plates. Original cloth. Stamped. (#219411)350:-
Völcker, K.H.W. Mythische Geographie der Griechen und Römer.. Erster Theil (alles erschienen). Mit einem Kärtchen. Leipzig, Köhler 1832. xii,231 pages. Contemporary, slightly worn hard covers. Page 1-7 and 183-231 with pencil underlinings. (#199881)450:-
Yalouris, Nikolaos Olympia.. Altis and Museum. Photographs Spyros Meletzis and Helen Papadakis. Athens 1987. 120 pages. Softcover. (#160678)120:-
Ziegler, Konrat und Walther Sontheimer (Herausg.) Der kleine Pauly. Lexikon der Antike. Auf Grundlage von Pauly`s Realencyclopädie der classischen Altertumswissenschaften unter Mitwirkung zahlreicher Fachgelehrter bearbeitet. und herausgegeben.. Band 1-5. Deutscher Taschenbuch Verlag, München 1979. Soft covers, 5 volumes. As new. (#218637)800:-
Zilliacus, Emil Aischylos.. Sthlm 1951. 96 sidor. Häftad. (#93347)100:-
Zilliacus, Emil Choros.. Studier i grekisk körlyrik. Sth 1939. 222 sidor. Häftad. (#36414)125:-
Zilliacus, Emil Lans och lyra.. Litterära studier och kåserier. Sth 1959. 225 sidor. Häftad. (#64483)125:-
Zilliacus, Emil Lans och lyra.. Litterära studier och kåserier. Stockholm 1933. 223 sidor. Original klotband. (#205092)145:-
Zilliacus, Emil Tempe och Thermopyle.. Resebilder. Sthlm 1956. 161 sidor. Original klotryggsband. (#70475)145:-
Zilliacus, Henrik Hellener och barbarer.. Söderströms 1987. 158 sidor. Häftad. (#185464)140:-
Zilliacus, Henrik Klassiska källsprång.. Söderströms 1983. 247 sidor. Häftad. (#185463)140:-
Zilliacus, Henrik Nya vägar till antiken.. Papyrusfynd och papyrusforskning. Illustr. Sth 1949. 139 pp. (#36448)105:-
Zilliacus, Henrik Thukydides.. Sthlm 1952. 100 sidor. Häftad. (#104711)100:-
Zimmern, Alfred The Greek Commonwealth.. Politics and Economics in Fifth-Century Athens. Oxford 1961. 472 pp + folding map. Softcover. (#26883)110:-
Zschietzschmann, Willy Hellas och Rom.. Antikens kulturhistoria i bilder. Med ett företal av Bror Olsson. Malmö 1960. XCVI, 314 sidor. Inbunden. (#41725)190:-
Zschietzschmann, Willy Kleine Kunstgeschichte der griechen und römer.. Illustr. Stuttgart 1957. 343 pages. Original cloth in frayed dustjacket. (#95659)110:-
Zucker, Friedrich Plotin und Lykopolis.. Berlin 1950. 20 pages. Soft covers. (#126100)100:-
Zumpt, Car. Timotheo Annales veterum regnorum et populorum, imprimis Romanorum.. Berlin 1819. xx,168 pages. Contemporary half leather. (#199321)250:-
Åberg, Nils Bronzezeitliche und früheisenzeitliche Chronologie I.. Italien. Illustrated. Sthlm 1930. (8), 220 pages. 4:o. Soft covers. (#27108)300:-
Åberg, Nils Bronzezeitliche und früheisenzeitliche Chronologie I-V.. I: Italien. II: Hallstattzeit. III: Kupfer- und Frühbronzezeit. IV: Griechenland. V: Mitteleuropäische Hochbronzezeit. Illustr. Sth 1930-35. 4:o. Softcovers. 5 volumes. Stamped. (#55355)1200:-
Åberg, Nils Bronzezeitliche und früheisenzeitliche Chronologie IV.. Griechenland. Illustrated. Sthlm 1933. (8), 284 pages. 4:o. Soft covers. (#27107)300:-
Åkerström, Åke Architektonische Terrakottaplatten in Stockholm.. Mit 52 Textabbildungen, 7 Lichtdrucktafeln und 4 Farbdrucktafeln. Lund 1951. 30x23 cm. 106 pages + 11 plates. Soft covers. Skrifter utgivna av Svenska Institutet i Athen, 4:1. (#193827)250:-
Åkerström, Åke Der geometrische Stil in Italien. Archäologische Grundlagen der frühesten historischen Zeit Italiens.. Illustrated. Lund 1943. 176 pages + plates, several folding. 4:o. Softcover. Skrifter utgivna av Svenska Institutet i Rom. IX. (#13155)375:-
Åkerström, Åke Der geometrische Stil in Italien. Archäologische Grundlagen der frühesten historischen Zeit Italiens.. Mit 33 Tafeln und 52 Textabbildungen. Lund 1943. 176 pages + Tafeln. 4:o. Soft covers. Text partly highlighted. Skrifter utgivna av Svenska institutet i Rom IX (#19187)250:-
Åkerström, Åke Studien über die etruskischen Gräber.. Unter besonderer Berücksichtigung der Entwicklung des Kammergrabes. Illustr. Diss. Upps. 1934. 210 pages. 4:o. Softcover. (#19201)250:-
Åkerström, Åke Studien über die etruskischen Gräber unter besonderer Berücksichtung der Entwicklung des Kammergrabes.. Illustrated. Dissertation, Uppsala 1934. 30x23 cm. 210 pages. With front cover in half leather. (#194147)450:-
Åkesson, Elof Episoden i Theaitetos.. Aa Gbg 1933. 110 sid. Stämpl. (#35377)120:-
Åström, Lena Studies on the Arts and Crafts of the Late Cypriote Bronze Age.. Illustr. Diss. Lund 1967. X, 165 pp. 4:o. Softcover. Stamped. (#19195)350:-
Åström, Paul The Middle Cypriote Bronze Age.. Diss. Lund 1957. Illustrated. XVIII, 307 pages + plates. 4:o. Soft covers. (#32848)350:-
Åström, Paul The Pera Bronzes.. Illustr. Lund 1977. 43 pages. Softcover. (#128742)100:-
Åström, Paul Who's Who in Cypriote Archaeology.. Biographical and Bibliographical Notes. Gbg 1971. 94 pp. 4:o. Studies in Mediterranean Archaeology Vol. XXIII. (#40263)200:-
Ästhetik der Antike.. Aufbau-Verlag, Berlin und Weimar 1964. 598 pages. Original cloth. (#137207)150:-
Östenberg, Carl Eric Luni sul Mignone e problemi della preistoria d'Italia.. Illustr. Diss. Lund 1967. 306 pp. 4:o. Softcover. Sv. Inst. i Rom, 4°, XXV. (#19192)250:-

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