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Altorientalische Texte und Bilder zum Alten Testamente I-II.. In Verbindung mit Dr. Arthur Ungnad und Dr. Hermann Ranke herausgegeben von Lic. Dr. Hugo Gressmann. Texte und Bildern. Tübingen 1909. xvi, 253 + xii, 140 pages. Original hardcover. 1 vol. (#93025)450:-
Annual of the Department of Antiquities 1972 - XVII.. Illustr. Amman 1972. 185 pages + Arabic section. Softcover. (#87913)150:-
Annual of the Department of Antiquities 1973 - XVIII.. Illustr. Amman 1973. 148 pages + Arabic section. Softcover. (#87914)150:-
Annual of the Department of Antiquities 1974 - XIX.. Illustr. Amman 1974. 257 pages + Arabic section. Softcover. (#87912)150:-
Archaeological Discoveries in the Holy Land.. Compiled by the Archaeological Institute of America. Illustr. New York 1967. 220 pp. Cloth in dustjacket. (#42190)250:-
Assyriologien i Danmark.. Illustr. Kbhvn 1997. 102 sidor. Häftad. Stämpl. (#80510)100:-
Babylonske og assyriske kongers historiske indskrifter. (ca. 2800-500 f.Kr.). Oversatte med indledning og forbindende tekst af O.E. Ravn. Kbh 1934. 232 sidor + utvikbar karta. Klotband. (#121498)225:-
Barnett, R.D. Illustrations of Old Testament History.. London 1977. 110 pp. Ocl. (#41892)135:-
Basmachi, Faraj Landschaftliche Elemente in der Mesopotamischen Kunst des IV. und III. Jahrtausends.. Diss. Basel 1943. 141 pages + plates & folding table. Softcover. Stamped. Faradsch Basmadschi. (#111450)300:-
Beek, Martin A. Atlas of Mesopotamia.. A Survey of the History and Civilisation of Mesopotamia from the Stone Age to the Fall of Babylon. Translated by D.R. Welch. Edited by H.H. Rowley. Illustr. London 1962. 164 pages. Folio. Original cloth. Dust jacket. (#100096)450:-
Ben-Dov, Meir In the Shadow of the Temple.. The Discovery of Ancient Jerusalem. Illustr. New York 1985. 381 pages. Original cloth. Dust jacket. (#41995)275:-
Bissell, Edwin Cone Biblical Antiquities:. A Hand-Book for use in Seminaries, Sabbath-Schools, Families and by all Students of the Bible. Illustr. Philadelphia 1892. 420 pp. Ocl. (#42133)250:-
Borger, Riekele Babylonisch-Assyrische Lesestücke I.. I. Elemente der Grammatik und Schrift. Übungsbeispiele. Glossar. Roma 1963. LXXXIX pages. 4:o. Softcovers. (#209801)150:-
Borger, Riekele Babylonisch-Assyrische Lesestücke III.. III. Kommentar. Die Texte in Keilschrift. Roma 1963. Page 101-118 + 66 plates. 4:o. Softcovers. (#209802)150:-
Brooks, Beatrice Allard A Contribution to the Study of the Moral Practices of Certain Social Groups in Ancient Mesopotamia.. Diss. Bryn Mawr 1921. 90 pages. Softcover. Stamped. (#110078)275:-
Ceram, C.W. Efter 4000 år.. Hettiternas gåta löses. Illustr. Sth 1956. 238 pp + 46 planscher + utvikbar karta. Häftad. (#17461)100:-
Chiera, Edward & Cameron, George G. De skrevo i lera.. Vad de babyloniska tavlorna berätta. Illustrerad. Stockholm 1939. 240 sidor. Original klotband. (#178243)150:-
Cross, Dorothy Movable Property in the Nuzi Documents.. Diss. Philadelphia 1937. XII, 65 pages. Softcover. Stamped. (#78258)200:-
Cumming, Charles Gordon The Assyrian and Hebrew Hymns of Praise.. Diss. New York 1934. 176 pages. Softcover. Stamped. (#137539)175:-
de Mecquenem, R. Épigraphie Proto-Élamite.. Together with: M. Rutten, ARCHEOLOGIE SUSIENNE and LES DOCUMENTS ÉPIGRAPHIQUES DE TCHOGHA ZEMBIL. Paris 1949 and 1953. (4), 168 pages incl. plates + 88 pages + 4 plates. 4:o. Cloth. Mémoires de la mission archéologique en Iran. Mission de Susiane. (#74043)600:-
Dion - The World of the Aramaeans 1.. Biblical Studies in Honour of Paul-Eugène Dion. Ed. by P.M. Michèle Daviau, John W. Wevers and Michael Weigl. Sheffield 2001. 223 pages. Original cloth in dustjacket. Stamped, else as new. (#88851)300:-
Dubberstein, Waldo Herman Comparative Prices in Later Babylonia (625-400 B.C.).. Part of diss. Chicago 1938. Pag. 20-43. Softcover. Stamped. (#147193)75:-
Dupont-Sommer, André Les inscriptions araméennes de Sfiré.. (Stèles I et II). Avec la collaboration de M. l'abbé Jean Starcky. Paris 1958. 156 pages + 29 plates. 4:o. Soft covers. Extrait des Mémoires présentés par divers savants à l'Academie des inscriptions at belles-lettres tome XV. (#62496)350:-
Durch Vier Jahrtausende Altvorderasiatischer Kultur.. Illustr. Berlin 1962. 272 pp + folding map. Cloth. Second, enlarged edition. (#17476)100:-
Ein altassyrisches Rechtsbuch.. Übersetzt von Hans Ehelolf. Mit einer rechtsgeschichtlichen Einleitung von Paul Koschaker. Berlin 1922. 45 pages. Softcover. (#121423)200:-
Forsberg, Stig Near Eastern Destruction Datings. as Sources for Greek and Near Eastern Iron Age Chronology. Archaeological and historical studies. The cases of Samaria (722 B.C.) and Tarsus (696 B.C.). Illustr. Upps. 1995. 106 pp. 2nd revised ed. Softcover. Boreas 19. (#17501)140:-
Forsberg, Stig Near Eastern Destruction Datings. as Sources for Greek and Near Eastern Iron Age Chronology. Archaeological-Historical Studies. The Cases of Samaria (722 B.C.) and Tarsus (696 B.C.). Illustr. Upps. 1988. 168 pages. 4:o. Mimeographed. Softcover. (#48121)110:-
Frankfort, Henri Kingship and the Gods. A Study of Ancient Near Eastern Religion as the Integration of Society & Nature.. With a new preface by Samuel Noah Kramer. University of Chicago Press 1978. xxvi,440 pages. Paper back. Former owners signature. Pencil-marks in margins. (#218570)150:-
Fries, S.A. Israel i ljuset av arkeologiska och etnografiska forskningar i Palestina.. Illustr. Sth 1914. 92 sidor. Häftad. (#41513)120:-
Gilgames-eposet.. Tolkat och förklarat av Knut Tallqvist. Illustr. Sthlm 1977. 127 sidor. Pocket. (#178131)100:-
Gilgames-eposet.. Översatt och förklarat av Knut Tallqvist. Illustrerad av Ingrid Årfelt-Svalander. Helsingfors 1962. 96 sidor. Original linneband med skyddsomslag. Stort format. (#204603)175:-
Gilgamesheposet.. "Han som såg Djupet". Nytolkning av Lennart Warring och Taina Kantola. Sthlm 2001. 311 sidor. Förlagsband i skyddsomslag. (#67585)200:-
Gurney, O.R. The Hittites.. Illustrated. Penguin, London 1961. 240 pages. Paperback (#68748)100:-
Gurney, O.R. The Hittites.. Illustr. London 1954. 216 pages. Paperback. (#17440)100:-
Gurney, O.R. The Hittites.. Illustr. London 1954. 216 pp. Paperback. Pencilunderlinings (#99940)75:-
Gurney, O.R. The Hittites.. Illustr. Penguin 1952. 240 pages + plates. Paperback. (#98532)100:-
Hafþórsson, Sigurður A Passing Power.. An Examination of the Sources for the History of Aram-Damascus in the Second Half of the Ninth Century B.C. Diss. Upps. 2006. VIII, 304 pages. Softcover. (#113355)250:-
Hafþórsson, Sigurður A Passing Power.. An Examination of the Sources for the History of Aram-Damascus in the Second Half of the Ninth Century B.C. Diss. Upps. 2006. VIII, 304 pages. Softcover. Ex library copy in very good condition. (#162745)175:-
Haldar, Alfred Associations of Cult Prophets Among the Ancient Semites.. Diss. Upps. 1945. 248 pages. Softcover. (#18725)200:-
Haldar, Alfred Associations of Cult Prophets Among the Ancient Semites.. Diss. Upps. 1945. 248 pages. Softcover. Torn front wrapper. (#153916)175:-
Haller, Arndt Die Gräber und Grüfte von Assur.. Mit einem Stadtplan, 44 Lichtdrucktafeln und 197 Abbildungen im Text. Berlin 1954. (8), 201 pages + plates. Folio. Original linen binding. (#59099)2000:-
Hamblin, Dora Jane Türkei -. Land der lebenden Legenden. Aus dem Amerikanischen von Dr. Joachim Rehork. Illustrated. Bastei-Lübbe-Taschenbuch 1988. 316 pages. Paperback. (#92756)100:-
Hammershaimb, E. Das Verbum im Dialekt von Ras Schamra.. Eine monographische und Syntaktische Untersuchung des Verbums in den alphabetischen Kielschrifttexten aus dem alten Ugarit. Kbhvn 1941. 274 pp. Title-page missing. (#39007)200:-
Hammurabi Briefe König Hammurapis. (2123-2081 v.Chr.) nebst einem einleitenden Überblick die Geschichte und Kultur seiner Zeit und einem Anhang, Briefe anderer altbabylonischer Herrscher enthaltend von Arthur Ungnad. Berlin 1919. VIII, 138 pages. Softcover. The spine has a crack although the book has never been read. (#128524)1200:-
Hartman, Sven S. Gayomart.. Etude sur le syncretisme dans l'ancien Iran. Diss. Upps. 1953. 216 + cii pages. Softcover. (#27341)190:-
Heaton, E.W. Solomon's New Men.. The Emergence of Ancient Israel as a National State. Illustr. London 1974. 216 pp. Ocl. (#42197)175:-
Holt, Ivan Lee Tablets from the R. Campbell Thompson Collection in Haskell Oriental Museum.. Diss. Chicago 1911. Pag. 193-232, including facsimiles of cuneiform texts. Reprint. Softcover. Stamped. (#73803)150:-
Honor, Leo L. Sennacherib's Invasion of Palestine.. A Critical Source Study. Diss. New York 1926. 122 pages. Softcover. Stamped. (#146328)275:-
Hooke, S.H. Middle Eastern Mythology.. Penguin 1963. 199 pages + plates. Pocket. (#131966)100:-
Iranica Antiqva XIII.. Sous la direction de R. Ghirshman et L. vanden Berghe. Illustr. Leiden 1978. 177 pages. Soft covers. (#82600)150:-
Jacob, Edmond Ras Shamra-Ugarit et l'ancien Testament.. Illustr. Neuchatel 1960. 132 pages. Soft covers. (#56704)110:-
Jansen, H. Ludin Die Henochgestalt.. Eine vergleichende religionsgeschichtliche Untersuchung. Diss. Oslo x,1939. 139 pages. Disbound. No wrappers. (#93415)150:-
Jaros, Karl, Leimlehner, M. & Swedik, G. Ägypten und Vorderasien.. Eine kleine Chronographie bis zum Auftreten Alexander des Grossen. Linz ohne Jahr. 206 pages. Paperback. (#86218)100:-
Jeremias, Alfred Babylonisches im Neuen Testament.. Leipzig 1905. 132 pages. Original cloth. (#140198)150:-
Jirku, Anton Die Ausgrabungen in Palästina und Syrien.. Halle (Saale) 1956. 102 pages + plates. Original cloth in dustjacket. (#69087)130:-
Jirku, Anton Geschichte Palästina-Syriens im orientalischen Altertum.. Aalen 1963. 206 pages + map. Original cloth. Dust jacket. (#66176)175:-
Josephson, Folke The Function of the Sentence Particles in Old and Middle Hittite.. Diss. Uppsala 1972. 433 pages. Softcover. (#44448)175:-
Kalugila, Leonidas The Wise King.. Studies in Royal Wisdom as Divine Revelation in the Old Testament and its Environment. Diss. Lund (Uppsala) 1980. 160 pages. Soft covers. (#48197)135:-
Kenyon, Kathleen Jerikos murar.. Med arkeologer i världens äldsta stad. Förord av Olof Vessberg. Illustr. Sth 1959. 202 pp + utvikbar profilritning. Litet blyertsunderstrykn. (#60230)95:-
Kolmodin, Johannes Den historiska kronologien i Assyrien och Babylonien.. En orientering. Sthlm 1916. 29 sidor. Häftad utan omslag. Ur "Antikvarisk tidskrift för Sverige". (#113516)100:-
Larsen, Mogens Trolle Sjunkna palats.. Historien om upptäckten av Orienten. Illustrerad, Symposion, Eslöv 1996. 456 sidor. Original klotband. Skyddsomslag. (#72133)150:-
Leander, Pontus Ueber die sumerischen Lehnwörter im Assyrischen.. Diss. Uppsala 1903. 94 pp. Softcover. (#43787)150:-
Lie, A.G. Om Assyriens historie. og sproget i de assyriske indskrifter fra den ældste tid og ned til Tiglatpileser I (ca. 1100 f.Kr.). Aa Kbhvn 1921. 116 sidor. Häftad. Stämpl. (#88361)150:-
Linder, Sven Sauls Gibea.. Aa Uppsala 1922. 232 sidor + planscher. Häftad. (#41518)150:-
Lloyd, Seton Främre Orientens konst.. Illustr. Sthlm 1962. 296 sidor. Originalklotband i skyddsomslag. (#69080)135:-
Lloyd, Seton The Interval.. A Life in Near Eastern Archaeology. Oxford 1986. 186 pages + plates. Softcover. (#155625)250:-
Loberg, Bengt Syndafloden och verkligheten.. Några bibliska berättelser i geologisk och arkeologisk belysning. Illustr. Sthlm 1980. 130 sidor. Klotband. (#45875)135:-
Margolis, Elias Sumerian Temple Documents.. Diss. New York 1915. 63 pages. Softcover. Stamped. (#88357)275:-
Millard, Alan Skatter från Bibelns tid.. Illustr. Örebro 1985. 190 sudir. Original klotband. Skyddsomslag. (#11865)145:-
Montelius, Oscar Die ältere Kulturperioden im Orient und in Europa II.. Babylonien. Elam. Assyrien. Illustr. Sthlm 1903-23. 445, XVII-XXXII pages. 4:o. Softcover. Worn at head of spine. Part II only. Pag. I-XVI is to be found in part I. (#133205)400:-
Neue deutsche Ausgrabungen im Mittelmeergebiet und im Vorderen Orient.. Illustr. Berlin 1959. 565 pages + several folding maps and plans. Softcover. (#35667)200:-
Niebuhr, Carl Die Amarna-Zeit.. Ägypten und Vorderasien um 1400 v. Chr. nach dem Thontafelfunde von El-Amarna. Leipzig 1899. 32 pages. Soft covers. Ink-underlinings. Der Alte Orient 1:2. (#94450)50:-
Nilsson, Martin P:n De arkeologiska upptäckterna i den klassiska Södern och den forna Orienten.. Illustr. Sth 1933. 328 sidor. Häftad. (#17486)65:-
Nordlander, K.G. Amandus Die Inschrift des Königs Mesa von Moab.. Diss. Uppsala 1896. 70 pp. Softcover. (#44637)125:-
Numismatique Susienne.. Monnaies trouvées a Suse de 1946 a 1956. Par R. Göbl et. al. Paris 1960. (6), 150 pages + 9 plates. Folio. Original half cloth. (#74164)1500:-
Nyberg, H.S. Irans forntida religioner.. Olaus-Petri-föreläsningar vid Uppsala universitet. Uppsala 1937. XV, 559 sidor. Klotband med bevarat främre omslag. Namnteckning. (#221711)575:-
Nöldeke, Theodor Aufsätze zur persischen Geschichte.. Graz 1974. viii, 158 pages. Orginal cloth. Dust jacket. Unveränderter Nachdruck der 1887 ... Ausgabe. (#129389)160:-
Obermann, Julian Ugaritic Mythology.. A Study of Its Leading Motifs. New Haven 1948. XXIV, 110 pages. Original cloth in dustjacket. (#70920)300:-
Otzen, Benedikt Israeliterne i Palæstina.. Det gamle Israels historie, religion og litteratur. Kbhvn 1977. 350 sidor. Häftad. (#88950)200:-
Pallis, Svend Aage Babylonisk kultur.. Illustrerad. Kbh 1948. 355 sidor + kartor. Häftad med skyddsomslag. Livet i Oldtiden II. (#88117)125:-
Pedersen - Melanges Johs. Pedersen.. Fasc. I. Ivan Engnell: The Text II K from Ras Shamra. Joh. Lindblom: Die "Eschatologie" des 49. Psalms. A. Friedrichsen: Notes sur I Cor. XI, 17 et Rom. XII, 16. Sthlm 1944. 32 pages. Soft covers. Horae Soederblomianae I. (#93017)100:-
Pedersén, Olof Archives and Libraries in the City of Assur I.. A Survey of the Material from the German Excavations. Diss. Uppsala 1985. 125 pages. Softcover. (#33999)125:-
Poulsen, Frederik Den gamle Orients kunst.. Illustr. Kbhvn 1942. 336 sidor. Klotband med bevarade omslag. (#69074)125:-
Pruessner, August Henry Date Culture in Ancient Babylonia.. Diss. Chicago 1920. Pag. 213-232. Softcover. Stamped. (#140887)100:-
Reinach, Théodore Essai sur la numismatique des rois de Cappadoce.. Paris 1887. (8), 87, (5) pages + 4 plates. Half cloth. (#74168)1200:-
Resina, Giuseppe Da Jarmo a Tharros: La Mu'alittu.. Illustr. Catania 1961. 51 pages. Softcover. (#88189)125:-
Resina, Giuseppe Sumer e Akkad. La vita economica.. Catania 1958. 172 pages. Softcover. (#88191)175:-
Rimmer, Joan Ancient Musical Instruments of Western Asia in the British Museum.. Illustr. London 1969. 51 pages + 25 plates. Soft covers. (#81876)120:-
Ring, Emanuel Israels Rechtsleben. im Lichte der neuentdeckten assyrischen und hethitischen Gesetzesurkunden. Sthlm 1926. 205 pages. Softcover. (#99403)150:-
Roux, Georges Ancient Iraq.. Penguin 1977. 480 pages + plates. Paperback. (#77235)100:-
Rowley, H.H. From Joseph to Joshua.. Biblical Traditions in the Light of Archaeology. London 1951. XIV, 200 pages. Original cloth in worn dustjacket. (#71099)170:-
Rundgren, Frithiof Intensiv und Aspektkorrelation.. Studien zur äthiopischen und akkadischen Verbalstammbildung. Uppsala 1959. 331 pages. Softcover. (#44539)195:-
Salonen, Erkki Über das Erwerbsleben im alten Mesopotamien I.. (All published.) Untersuchungen zu den akkadischen Berufsnamen. Helsinki 1970. 344 pages + 11 plates. Softcover. (#109887)250:-
Siegel, Bernard J. Slavery During the Third Dynasty of Ur.. Part of diss. Chicago 1944. 54 pages. Softcover. Stamped. Reprint. (#78296)150:-
Steele, Francis Rue Nuzi Real Estate Transactions.. Diss. Philadelphia 1943. 83 pages. Softcover. Stamped. (#122047)225:-
The Biblical Archaeologist Reader [1].. Edited by David Noel Freedman and G. Ernest Wright. Illustr. New York 1961. XVI, 342 pages. Paperback. (#63745)100:-
The Biblical Archaeologist Reader 1-2.. Ed. by G. Ernest Wright, David Noel Freedman and Edward F. Campbell, Jr. Illustr. Cambridge, Ma. 1978. XVI, 342; XX, 420 pages. Softcovers. 2 vols. (#70900)250:-
The Biblical World.. A Dictionary of Biblical Archaeology. Ed. by Charles F. Pfeiffer. Illustr. London 1966. 612 pp. Cloth in dustjacket. (#42072)300:-
The Holy Land.. New Light on the Prehistory and Early History of Israel. Richly illustr. The Hague & Jerusalem 1957. 317 pp. Hardcover. Antiquity and Survival Vol. II:2/3 1957. (#33766)250:-
Van der Meer, P. The Ancient Chronology of Western Asia and Egypt.. With a Synchronistic Table in Four Sheets. Leiden 1947. (6), 71 pages + table. 4:o. Soft covers. (#76074)300:-
Widengren, Geo Hochgottglaube im alten Iran.. Eine religionsphänomenologische Untersuchung. Uppsala 1938. 420 pages. Disbound. No wrappers. (#50664)200:-
Wiseman, D.J. Illustrations from Biblical Archaeology.. The Tindale Press, London 1958. 112 pages. Oblong 8:vo. Original linen binding. (#157011)150:-
Wiseman, D.J. The Alalakh Tablets.. London 1953. IV, 164 pages + LVIII plates. 4:o. Original cloth in dustjacket. (#64087)2000:-
von der Osten, Hans Henning Die Welt der Perser.. Illustr. Stuttgart 1955. 299 pages + folding map. Original cloth in torn dustjacket. (#26948)160:-
von der Osten, Hans Henning Explorations in Hittite Asia Minor.. A Preliminary Report. Illustr. Chicago 1927. VIII, 104 pages. Softcover worn at top and bottom of spine. (#88140)325:-
von der Osten, Hans Henning Explorations in Hittite Asia Minor 1929.. Illustr. Chicago 1930. VII, 196 pages. Softcover. (#88141)400:-
von Soden, Wolfram The Ancient Orient.. An Introduction to the Study of the Ancient Near East. Illustr. Grand Rapids 1994. XX, 263 pages. Softcover. 25 pages with eraseable underlinings. (#114550)125:-
Woolley, Leonard A Forgotten Kingdom.. Being a Record of the Results Obtained from the Excavation of Two Mounds, Atchana and Al Mina in the Turkish Hatay. Penguin 1953. 196 pages + 24 plates. Paperback. (#86215)100:-
Woolley, Leonard Det glömda riket.. Illustr. Sth 1955. 192 sidor. Inbunden. (#49080)125:-
Woolley, Leonard Konsten i Mellersta Östern.. Mesopotamien och Främre Asien. Illustrerad. Allhem, Malmö 1962. 262 sidor. Förlagsband med skyddsomslag. (#41896)200:-
Woolley, Leonard Ur i Kaldéen.. Med 32 planscher. Illustr. Sthlm 1956. 238 sidor. Original halvklotband. (#60277)140:-
Woolley, Leonard Ur of the Chaldees.. A Record of Seven Years of Excavation. Penguin 1952. 164 pages. Paperback. (#150925)100:-

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