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100.000 Jahre Sex.. Über Liebe, Fruchtbarkeit und Wollust. Illustr. Hamburg 2004. 108 pages. Softcover. (#151571) | 175:- |
A Book of Archæology.. Seventeen Stories of Discovery. Selected and edited by Margaret Wheeler. With 12 pages of half-tone illustrations and 3 maps. London 1957. xii, 178 pages. Original cloth. Dust jacket. (#62344) | 200:- |
Africa 1966 - I.. Illustr. Tunis 1966. 198 pp. Institut National d'Archéologie et d'Art. Softcover. (#17536) | 80:- |
African Ecology and Human Evolution.. Ed. F. Clark Howell and Franįois Bourličre. Illustr. New York 1963. X, 666 pages. Soft covers. Viking Fund Publications in Anthropology 36 (#27515) | 200:- |
Anais VIII reuniāo científica da Sociedade de Arqueologia Brasileira.. Coleįāo arqueologia 1:1-2. Illustr. Porto Alegre 1995. 612; 628 pages. Softcovers. 2 vols. (#72245) | 400:- |
Anati, Emmanuel Capo di Ponte.. Centro dell'arte rupestre Camuna. Illustr. Capo di Ponte 1972. 57 pages. Softcover. (#126958) | 100:- |
Anderson, Douglas D. Akmak.. An Early Archeological Assemblage From Onion Portage, Northwest Alaska. Illustr. Kbh 1970. 80 pages + plates. 4:o. Softcover. Inscribed by author. (#144847) | 175:- |
Andersson, Fredrik Med historien i ryggen.. Om den arkeologiska uppgiften. Aa Upps. 2005. 180 sidor. Häftad. (#116800) | 150:- |
Annual Report on the Technical Survey of Angkor Monument 1995.. Edited by Japanese Government Team for Safeguarding Angkor (JSA). Tokyo 1995. 465 pages + plates and maps (in separate volume). 4:o. Soft covers. In slip-case. (#214061) | 500:- |
Archaeological Field Survey in Britain and Abroad.. Edited by Sarah Macready and F.H. Thompson. Illustr. London 1985. 251 pages + folding map. Softcover. (#155412) | 150:- |
Archaeological Remains, Monuments and Museums I-II.. New Delhi 1964. 355 pages + XCVI plates. Softcovers. 2 vols. Stamped. (#106962) | 125:- |
Archaeology in India.. Delhi 1950. 219 pages + LXVI plates. Softcover. Bureau of Education, India, Publication 66. (#155629) | 250:- |
Archeology of Eastern United States.. Edited by James B. Griffin. Chicago 1952. X, 392 pages + plates. 4:o. Original cloth in dustjacket. (#131371) | 550:- |
Arkeologi.. Det internationella standardverket om utgrävningar, fynd och metoder. Red. Andrew Sherratt. Illustr. Sth 1981. 485 sidor. Originalklotband med skyddsomslag. Stort format. (#22491) | 250:- |
Arkeologi og etnisitet.. Kontaktseminaret i Oslo 6.-12. oktober 1991. Oslo 1992. 119 sidor. A4. Häftad. Kontaktstencil 35. (#164532) | 125:- |
Arkeologiska forskningar och fynd.. Studier utgivna med anledning av H. M. Konung Gustaf VI Adolfs sjuttioårsdag 11.11.1952. Illustr. 463 sidor. Stort format. Vackert skinnband. (#73514) | 260:- |
Arkeologiska forskningar och fynd.. Studier utgivna med anledning av H. M. Konung Gustaf VI Adolfs sjuttioårsdag 11.11.1952. Illustrerad. Sthlm 1952. 464 sidor. Lite nött skinnryggsband. (#13076) | 200:- |
Arrhenius, O. The Corrosion of Steel in Soil.. Illustr. Sth 1956. 20 pp + Folding Map. (#27063) | 90:- |
'Atiqot 7.. Hebrew Series (With English Summaries). Illustr. Jerusalem 1974. (#45019) | 100:- |
Avi-Yonah, Michael Introducing Archaeology.. Illustr. London 1973. 95 pages. Original cloth. Dust jacket. (#57219) | 120:- |
Aztecs: Reign of Blood & Splendor.. By the editors of Time-Life Books 1992. 168 sidor. Illustrerad. Stort format. Förlagsband. (#199588) | 140:- |
Bacon, Edward Den nya arkeologin.. En översikt över arkeologiska fynd från hela världen under åren 1945-1959. Illustr. Sth 1964. 336 sidor. Original klotband. Skyddsomslag. (#17420) | 150:- |
Bafaqih, Muhammad Abd al-Qadir L'unifictaion du Yémen antique.. La lutte entre Saba, Himyar et le Hadramawt du Ier au IIIčme sičcle de l'čre chrétienne. Paris 1990. 469 pages + maps. Softcover. (#72517) | 500:- |
Bandaranayake, Senake Arkeologi och imperialism.. Sth 1978. 87 pp + planscher. Pocket. (#25343) | 100:- |
Barnett, R.D. Illustrations of Old Testament History.. London 1977. 110 pp. Ocl. (#41892) | 135:- |
Barth, C.G., Handbok i Den bibliska Fornkunskapen,. jemte Förklaring af åtskilliga dunklare ställen i den heliga Skrift. Öfwersatt af C.W.S. (Carl Wilhelm Skarstedt), samt med Förord af H.M. Melin. Med afbildningar. Sthlm 1857. (12),294,(6) sidor. Häftad. Oskuren med tryckta omslag. (#172910) | 250:- |
Barth, C.G., Handbok i Den bibliska Fornkunskapen,. jemte Förklaring af åtskilliga dunklare ställen i den heliga Skrift. Öfwersatt af C.W.S. (Carl Wilhelm Skarstedt), samt med Förord af H.M. Melin. Med afbildningar. Sthlm 1857. (12),294,(6) sidor. I ett enkelt samtida skinnryggsband. (#190340) | 300:- |
Beek, M.A., Bildatlas der assyrisch-babylonischen Kultur.. Gütersloher Verlagshaus Gerd Mohn 1961. 164 sidor. Folio 36x27 cm. Förlagsband med skadat skyddsomslag. (#201460) | 200:- |
Ben-Dov, Meir In the Shadow of the Temple.. The Discovery of Ancient Jerusalem. Illustr. New York 1985. 381 pages. Original cloth. Dust jacket. (#41995) | 275:- |
Bibby, Geoffrey Det forsvundne årtusinde.. Et panorama over livet i det andet årtusinde f.Kr. Illustr. Århus 1978. 280 pp. Inb. Org. tit. Four Thousand Years Ago. (#17425) | 150:- |
Bibliotheca Orientalis.. Uitgegeven van wege het Nederlandisch Institut voor het Nabije Oosten te Leiden. Eerste Jaargang, 1943 - Jaargang LVII, 2000 + 2001:1-4, 2002:1-2 and Cumulative Index van de Jaargangen 26-50. 1943-1995 bound in red half cloth, the rest in parts. (#66155) | 25000:- |
Biedermann, Hans Die Spur der Altkanarier.. Eine Einführung in die Altvölkerkunde der Kanarischen Inseln. Hellein 1983. 160 pages + plates. Softcover. (#126388) | 175:- |
Bissell, Edwin Cone Biblical Antiquities:. A Hand-Book for use in Seminaries, Sabbath-Schools, Families and by all Students of the Bible. Illustr. Philadelphia 1892. 420 pp. Ocl. (#42133) | 250:- |
Blundell, Geoffrey Nqabayo's Nomansland.. San Rock Art and the Somatic Past. Illustr. Diss. Upps. 2004. 204 pages. 4:o. Softcover. (#113170) | 200:- |
Boëthius, Axel m.fl. San Giovenale. Etruskerna, landet och folket. Svensk forskning i Etrurien.. Malmö Allhem 1960. 4:o 469,(2) sidor + planscher. Rikt illustrerad. Förlagets dekorerade klotband. (#216058) | 250:- |
Boëthius, Axel m.fl. San Giovenale. Etruskerna, landet och folket. Svensk forskning i Etrurien.. Malmö Allhem 1960. 4:o 469,(2) sidor + planscher. Rikt illustrerad. Förlagets halvfranska band. (#213978) | 300:- |
Braidwood, Robert J. Människor före historien.. Under medverkan av Carl-Axel Moberg. Illustr. Sth 1960. 262 sidor. Häftad. (#17426) | 90:- |
Braidwood, Robert J. Människor före historien.. Under medverkan av Carl-Axel Moberg. Illustr. Sth 1960. 262 sidor. Klotryggsband i skyddsomslag. (#105182) | 110:- |
Breasted, James Henry Ur människosläktets äldsta historia.. Illustrerad. Sthlm 1925. 494 sidor. Häftad. (#89961) | 90:- |
Breasted, James Henry Ur människosläktets äldsta historia.. Illustrerad. Sthlm 1925. 494 sidor. Original halvklotband. (#65688) | 130:- |
Brentjes, Burchard Die orientalische Welt.. Von den Anfängen bis Tschinggis-Khan. Mit 65 Fotos und 74 Zeichnungen. Berlin 1972. 524 pages. Original cloth. Dust jacket. (#138491) | 175:- |
Brodrick, Alan Houghton Prehistoric Painting.. With 56 plates in colour and monochrome and 7 line illustrations in the text. London 1948. 40 pages + plates. Original cloth. (#98105) | 150:- |
Brolin, Per-Erik Gamla fynd och glömda folk.. Arkeologiska metoder. Lund 1969. 30 sidor. Pocket. (#137731) | 75:- |
Bruce-Mitford, Rupert (editor) Recent Archaeological Excavations in Europe.. Illustrated. London 1975. xxviii,335 pages. Original cloth. Dust jacket with price-tag. (#214303) | 200:- |
Bryan, Alan Lyle Paleo-American Prehistory.. Illustr. Pocatello, Idaho 1965. 247 pages. 4:o. Softcover. Slightly damaged at head and foot of spine. (#131481) | 140:- |
Buchner, Anthony P. Cultural Responses to Altithermal (Atlantic) Climate Along the Eastern Margins of the North American Grasslands 5500 to 3500 B.C.. Ottawa 1980. XII, 261 pages. 4:o. Softcover. (#130396) | 175:- |
Bulletin of the American School of Oriental Research. (ASOR). Number 69, February 1938 - Number 324, November 2001. 1938-1993 bound in blue half cloth. 1994-2001 in parts. (#66154) | 20000:- |
Burenhult, Göran Iherir.. Klippmålningarna från stenåldern i Centralsahara. Illustr. Sthlm 1982. 268 sidor. 4:o. Originalklotband i skyddsomslag. (#67566) | 225:- |
Burenhult, Göran Speglingar av det förflutna.. Rikt illustr. Höganäs 1986. 351 sidor. 4:o. Original klotband i skyddsomslag. (#25081) | 150:- |
Burkitt, M.C. Prehistory. A Study of Early Cultures in Europe and the Mediterranean Basin. With a Short Prefacy by L'Abbé H. Breuil. Cambridge 1921. xix, (1), 438 pages + plates. Hardcover. Untrimmed. Some comments in pencil. (#220949) | 200:- |
Burland, Cottie & Forman, Werner The Aztecs.. Gods and Fate in Ancient Mexico. Richly illustr. London 1975. 128 pages. 4:o. Original cloth in dustjacket. (#27411) | 135:- |
Bushnell, G.H.S. Peru.. Illustr. Sth 1958. 219 sid. Inbunden. Forntida folk och kulturer. (#45697) | 100:- |
Bushnell, G.H.S. The First Americans.. The Pre-Columbian Civilizations. Illustr. London 1968. 144 pages. Paper back. (#97003) | 100:- |
Bussagli, Mario Chinese Bronzes.. Illustr. London 1969. 158 pages. Original cloth in dustjacket. (#124520) | 100:- |
Butzer, Karl W. Environment and Archeology.. An Introduction to Pleistocene Geography. Illustr. Chicago 1964. XVIII, 524 pages. Original cloth. Stamped. (#146287) | 125:- |
Capon, Edmund Qin Shihuang.. Terracotta Warriors and Horses. Illustr. U.o.o.å. (1983?). 96 pp. 4:o. (#25087) | 70:- |
Carbonneaux, Elisabeth Restauration de l'objet archéologique.. Ā propos de l'exposition "Origines de Caen". Illustr. Caen 1983. 60 pages. Staple bound. (#156815) | 75:- |
Caves, Monuments and Texts.. Zimbabwean Archaeology Today. Edited by Gilbert Pwiti. Illustr. Upps. 1997. 159 pages. Softcover. (#87761) | 130:- |
Cederlund, Carl Olof & Lövstrand, Sten Arkeologi under vatten.. Metoder, resultat, problem. Illustr. Sth 1969. 153 sidor. Häftad. (#40402) | 110:- |
Ceram, C.W. Fynd, forskare och forntidsgåtor.. Arkeologins roman. Illustr. Sth 1950. 452 pp. Häftad. (#17428) | 85:- |
Ceram, C.W. Fynd, forskare och forntidsgåtor.. Arkeologins roman. Illustr. Sth 1950. 452 pp. Inb. (#17430) | 105:- |
Ceram, C.W. Fynd, forskare och forntidsgåtor I-II.. Arkeologins roman. Illustr. Sth 1967. 230; 219 sidor. 2 pocketböcker. (#70151) | 100:- |
Ceram, C.W. Götter, Gräber und Gelehrte. Illustr. Hamburg 1957. 360 pages + plates. Original cloth. (#150711) | 125:- |
Ceram, C.W. Så talade fynden.. Arkeologins frammarsch i text och bild. Sthlm 1958. 360 sidor. Förlagsband. (#17431) | 125:- |
Ceramics and Man.. Ed. Frederick R. Matson. Illustr. New York 1965. 304 pages. Soft covers. Viking Fund Publications in Anthropology 41. (#17457) | 175:- |
Cervantes, Maria Antonieta Treasures of Ancient Mexico.. From the National Anthropological Museum. Richly illustr. Barcelona 1978. 95 pages. Original cloth in dustjacket. (#112535) | 120:- |
Chadwick, John and others (editors) Studies in Mycenaean Inscriptions and Dialect.. Publ. by University of London. Institute of Classical Studies. Soft covers. We have the following volumes in stock: XI, 1965. XII, 1966. XIII, 1967. XV, 1969. XVI, 1970. XVII, 1971. XVIII, 1972. XIX, 1973. XX, 1974/75. Price each (#201509) | 200:- |
Chami, Felix The Tanzanian Coast in the First Millennium AD.. An Archaeology of the Iron-Working, Farming Communities (with Microscopic Analyses by Anders Lindahl). Illustr. Diss. Upps. 1994. 108 pp. 4:o. Softcover. (#17528) | 130:- |
Champe, John L. Ash Hollow Cave.. Illustr. Diss. Lincoln 1946. 130 pages + plates. Softcover. Stamped. (#122375) | 200:- |
Charlesworth, James H. Jesus Within Judaism.. New Light from Exciting Archaeological Discoveries. New York 1988. XVI, 265 pages + plates. Original cloth in dustjacket. (#124530) | 150:- |
Charlier, C.V.L. Utgräfningarna af Thyco Brahes observatorier på ön Hven sommaren 1901.. Illustrerad. Lund 1901. 20 sidor + 3 planscher. 4:o. Häftad. (#78534) | 150:- |
Childe, V. Gordon Människan skapar sig själv.. Uppsala 1954. 310 sidor + kartor. Original klotband. (#17463) | 135:- |
Childe, V. Gordon What Happened in History.. Penguin 1952. 288 pages. Paperback. (#52888) | 100:- |
Chubb, Mary City in the Sand.. Illustr. London 1957. X, 209 pages + folding map. Original cloth in dustjacket. (#71140) | 125:- |
Clark, Grahame Människans äldsta historia.. Sthlm 1969. 320 sidor + illustrationer. Häftad. (#102835) | 110:- |
Clark, Grahame Rummet, tiden och människan.. En förhistorikers synsätt. Illustr. Sthlm 1996. 185 sidor. Häftad. (#71933) | 140:- |
Clark, Grahame World Prehistory. in New Perspective. 3rd edition. Illustr. Cambridge 1978. XX, 554 pages. Softcover. (#120456) | 125:- |
Classical Maya Political History:. Hieroglyphic and Archaeological Evidence. Edited by T. Patrick Culbert. Cambridge 1991. 396 pages. Cloth. Note: this is a copy, printed on one side only! (#65051) | 150:- |
Coe, Michael D. Mexico.. Indianska fornkulturer. Illustr. Sth 1964. 238 pp. Inbunden. (#5772) | 105:- |
Cohen, Daniel Gåtfulla platser.. Sthlm 1985. 202 sidor + planscher. Original pappband. (#71984) | 130:- |
Cole, Sonia The Neolithic Revolution.. Illustr. London 1970. 72 pp. (#48001) | 110:- |
Conolly, James & Lake, Mark Geographical Information Systems in Archaeology.. Illustrated. Cambridge University Press 2006. xx,338 pages. Paper back. (#214292) | 200:- |
Contributions of the Wetherill Mesa Archeological Project.. Assembled by Douglas Osborne. Illustr. Salt Lake City 1965. 230 pages. Softcover. (#146295) | 150:- |
Corliss, David W. Neck Width of Projectile Points: An Index of Culture Continuity and Change.. Pocatello, Idaho 1972. 39, (29) pages. 4:o. Softcover. (#131465) | 100:- |
Correal Urrego, Gonzalo & Pinto Nolla, Maria Investigacion arqueologica en el municipio de Zipacon, Cundinamarca.. Illustr. Bogotá 1983. 203 pages. Softcover. Stamped. (#80137) | 200:- |
Cotterell, Arthur Kejsaren av Kina.. Vår tids största arkeologiska upptäckt. Illustr. Sthlm 1981. 207 sidor. Originalklotband i skyddsomslag. (#163475) | 135:- |
Cottrell, Leonard Försvunna städer.. Illustr. Sth 1961. 240 sidor + planscher. Pocket. (#17468) | 100:- |
Cottrell, Leonard Försvunna städer.. Sthlm 1986. 240 sidor + planscher. Storpocket. (#77387) | 110:- |
Cottrell, Leonard, Davidson, Marshall B. & Chenery, Janet Svunna världar.. Stora kulturer i det förfutna. Illustr. Sthlm 1966. 179 sidor. 4:o. Originalklotband i något defekt skyddsomslag. (#128652) | 150:- |
Courses toward Urban Life.. Archaeological Considerations of some Cultural Alternates. Ed. by Robert J. Braidwood and Gordon R. Willey. New York 1962. IX, 371 pages. Softcover. (#64286) | 150:- |
Cristea, George Saharas gåtfulla klippmålningar.. Arkeologi. Kulturspridning. Teater. Illustrerad. Sthlm 2001. 214 sidor. Förlagsband. (#139943) | 150:- |
Cunliffe, Barry (editor) The Oxford Illustrated Prehistory of Europe. Oxford University Press 1994. xii,532 pages. Original cloth. Dust jacket. (#218729) | 225:- |
Cygielman, Mario and others Etrusker in der Toskana. Etruskische Gräber der Frühzeit.. Kunstmuseum Malmöhus 1987. 28x21 cm. 360 pages. Illustrated. Soft covers. (#193460) | 200:- |
Daniel, Glyn The Idea of Prehistory.. Penguin 1964. 186 pages + plates. Paperback. (#117765) | 100:- |
Daniel, Glyn The Origin and Growth of Archaeology.. Penguin 1967. 304 pages + plates. Paperback. Covers in plastic film. (#46921) | 100:- |
De förhistoriska tiderna i Europa 1-2.. 1: Naturförhållanden. Paleolitisk kultur. Syd- och Östeuropa. 2: Mellan-, Väst- och Nordeuropa. Skildrade av T.J. Arne med flera. Red. K. Friis Johansen. Illustr. Sthlm 1926-27. 495 + 440 sidor. Klotband. 2 volymer. (#67921) | 250:- |
Den historiska tidens arkeologi i Finland / Historiallisen ajan arkeologia Suomessa.. Illustr. Åbo 1984. 172 sidor. 4:o. Häftad. (#22080) | 150:- |
Die Altorientalischen Reiche I-III.. Vom Paläolithicum bis die erste Hälfte des 1. Jahrtausends. Herausgegeben von Elena Cassin, Jean Bottéro und Jean Vercoutter. Fischer 1965-67. 400 + 374 + 380 pages. Paperbacks. 3 volumes. Fischer Weltgeschichte 2. (#116523) | 200:- |
Die Altorientalischen Reiche I-III.. Vom Paläolithicum bis die erste Hälfte des 1. Jahrtausends. Herausgegeben von Elena Cassin, Jean Bottéro und Jean Vercoutter. Fischer 1972. 400 + 374 + 380 pages. Paperbacks. 3 volumes. Fischer Weltgeschichte 2. (#103151) | 200:- |
Disselhoff, Hans-Dietrich & Linné, Sigvald Fornamerikas konst.. Den nya världens högkulturer. Illustr. Malmö 1964. 281 sidor. Originalklotband. (#61176) | 175:- |
Dussaud, René La pénétration des arabes en Syrie avant l'islam.. Paris 1955. 236 pages. 4:o. Soft covers. (#74157) | 950:- |
Early Man in America.. Readings from Scientific American. With an introduction by Richard S. MacNeish. Illustr. San Francisco, CA no date (1973?). 93 pages. 4:o. Softcover. (#131380) | 110:- |
East and West 16:1-2.. Quarterly ... Editor: Giuseppe Tucci et al. Illustr. Rome 1966. 191 pages + plates & advertisments. 4:o. Softcover. (#142968) | 325:- |
East and West 17:3-4.. Quarterly ... Editor: Giuseppe Tucci et al. Illustr. Rome 1967. Pag. 185-353 + plates & advertisments. 4:o. Softcover. (#142969) | 325:- |
Ekblom, Anneli Changing Landscapes.. An Environmental History of Chibuene, Southern Mozambique. Illustr. Diss. Upps. 2004. 195 pages. 4:o. Softcover. (#98591) | 175:- |
Engelsberg Ironworks.. Swedish Industrial Archaeology. A Pilot Project. Ed. Holtze, Nisbeth, Adamson, and Nisser. Illustr. Sthlm 1975. 363 pages. Original cloth. (#15432) | 200:- |
Ethnographisch-archäologische Forschungen 1-6.. Herausgegeben von K.-H. Otto. Berlin 1953-1959. Soft covers. 7 volumes. Stamped. (#85490) | 1000:- |
Evolution und Revolution im Alten Orient und in Europa.. Das Neolithikum als historische Erscheinung. Herausgegeben von Friedrich Schlette. Illustr. Berlin 1971. 171 pages + plates. Softcover. (#146299) | 175:- |
Eyo, Ekpo & Willett, Frank Treasures of Ancient Nigeria.. Richly illustr. New York 1980. XIII, 162 pages. Softcover. Exhibition catalogue. (#69651) | 135:- |
Forest and Civilisations.. Edited by Yoshinori Yasuda. Illustr. New Delhi 2001. 200 pages. 4:o. Original hardcover in dustjacket. (#109863) | 250:- |
Fowler, Peter J. Approaches to Archaeology.. Illustr. New York 1977. 203 pages. Original cloth. Inscribed and signed by author. (#118803) | 175:- |
Fries, S.A. Israel i ljuset av arkeologiska och etnografiska forskningar i Palestina.. Illustr. Sth 1914. 92 sidor. Häftad. (#41513) | 120:- |
Frühe phöniker im Libanon.. 20 Jahre deutsche Ausgrabungen in Kamid el-Loz. Illustr. Mainz am Rhein 1983. 192 pages. Hardcover. Exhibition catalogue. (#158438) | 140:- |
Frängsmyr, Tore, Pekingmänniskan. En historia utan slut.. Stockholm 2006. 200 sidor. Förlagsband med skyddsomslag. Dedikation. (#208066) | 130:- |
Furuhagen, Hans Bibeln och arkeologerna. Om tro, myter och historia.. Sthlm 2010. 296 sidor. Förlagsband med skyddsomslag. (#177080) | 150:- |
Garbini, Giovanni The Ancient World.. Illustr. London 1967. 176 pages. 4:o. Original cloth. Dust jacket. Landmarks of the World's Art. (#103286) | 175:- |
Glob, P.V. Al-Bahrain.. De danske ekspeditioner til oldtidens Dilmun. Illustrerad. Kbhvn 1968. 232 sidor. Klotband med skyddsomslag. (#20668) | 150:- |
Glueck, Nelson Deities and Dolphins.. The Story of the Nabataeans. Illustr. New York 1965. XII, 650 pages. 4:o. Original cloth in dustjacket. (#124507) | 250:- |
Gockel, Wolfgang Die Geschichte einer Maya-Dynastie.. Entzifferung klassischer Maya-Hieroglyphen em Beispiel der Inschriften von Palenque. Mit einer Einführung von Rudolf Pörtner. Illustr. Mainz 1988. 344 pages + plates. Original hard cover. (#65784) | 250:- |
Gough, Michael Den fornkristna kulturen.. Fem sekel historia, tro och konst. Illustr. Sth 1963. 244 sidor. Original klotband. Skyddsomslag. (#11667) | 135:- |
Greenman, Emerson F. The Younge Site.. An Archaeological Record from Michigan. Ann Arbor 1937. 172 pp. + Plates. Softcover. (#12335) | 135:- |
Greenman, Emerson F. & Hinsdale, W.B. Perforated Indian Crania in Michigan.. Illustr. Ann Arbor 1936. 16 pp + V Plates. (#27189) | 120:- |
Gruhn, Ruth The Archaeology of Wilson Butte Cave, South-Central Idaho.. Pocatello, Idaho 1961. 201 pages + plates. 4:o. Softcover. (#131477) | 350:- |
Guldet från stäppen.. Skytisk/sibirisk konst. Illustr. Sthlm 1979. 118 sidor. Häftad. (#97756) | 75:- |
Hadingham, Evan Secrets of the Ice Age.. The World of the Cave Artists. Illustr. London 1979. 343 pages. Original cloth in dustjacket. (#155627) | 175:- |
Haglund, Laila An Archaeological Analysis of the Broadbeach Aboriginal Burial Ground.. Illustr. University of Queensland Press 1976. 70 pages + plates. 4:o. Softcover. (#125082) | 125:- |
Hall, Edward Twitchell Early Stockaded Settlements in the Governador New Mexico.. A Marginal Anasazi Development from Basket Maker III to Pueblo I Times. Illustr. Diss. New York 1944. 96 pages. Softcover. Stamped. (#146865) | 200:- |
Hall, Robert L. The Archeology of Carcajou Point 1-2.. With an Interpretation of the Development of Oneota Culture in Wisconsin. 1: [Text]. 2: [Plates & Tables]. Madison 1962. 200 + 148 pages. Vol. 1 original cloth in dustjacket, vol. 2 spiral bound hardcover. 2 vols. (#146293) | 300:- |
Hartman, C.V. Arkeologiska undersökningar på Costa Ricas ostkust.. (Särtryck) ur Ymer, 1902. 37 sidor + 10 planscher. Häftad. Dedikation. (#180892) | 150:- |
Hasan Tahsin Ucankus Ana Tanriįa Kybele'nin ve Kral Midas'in ülkesi Phrygia. (Kültür rehberi).. Illustrated. Ankara 2002. xvi,621 pages + map. 4:o. Original hard cover. Very fine. (#214132) | 450:- |
Hayes, Alden C. The Archeological Survey of Wetherill Mesa.. Mesa Verde National Park - Colorado. Illustr. Washington 1964. 157 pages + many folding maps. 4:o. Softcover. Stamped. (#145727) | 150:- |
Hayes, Alden C. & Lancaster, James A. Badger House Community.. Mesa Verde National Park. Illustr. Washington 1975. 205 pages. 4:o. Softcover. (#146216) | 150:- |
Heaton, E.W. Dagligt liv på Gamla testamentets tid.. Illustr. Sth 1958. 225 sidor. Häftad. (#28296) | 100:- |
Hegardt, Johan Fyrtio minuter.. En essä om arkeologins berättelser. Illustr. Upps. 2007. 213 sidor. Häftad. (#138326) | 150:- |
Hegardt, Johan Relativ betydelse.. Individualitet och totalitet i arkeologisk kulturteori. Aa Upps. 1997. 277 sidor. Häftad. (#34215) | 125:- |
Hellstadius, Arvid Istidens människor.. Illustr. Sth 1966. 138 sid. Häftad. (#54300) | 125:- |
Hencken, Hugh Indo-European Languages and Archaeology.. American Anthropological Association 1955. 74 pages. Soft covers. (#121021) | 135:- |
Herschend, Frands Gräv där de stod.. Illustr. Upps. 1988. 147 sidor. Häftad. (#89521) | 110:- |
Herschend, Frands I förhållande till arkeologi.. Illustr. Upps. 1998. 176 sidor. Häftad. (#89520) | 150:- |
Heyerdahl, Thor Påskön, en gåta som fått svar.. Illustrerad. Höganäs 1989. 257 sidor. 4:o. Förlagsband med skyddsomslag. (#42515) | 145:- |
Holmgren, Richard & Kaliff, Anders Arkeologer i Bibelns Sodom.. Illustrerad. Stockholm 2003. 208 sidor. Förlagsband. Dedikation. Svenska Dödahavsexpeditionen till Jordanien. (#214287) | 150:- |
Horn, Siegfried H. Resa i forntid.. Illustrerad. Skandinaviska bokförlaget 1983. 218 sidor. Förlagsband med skyddsomslag. (#212330) | 150:- |
Huber, Siegfried Inkarikets ödesdrama.. Vad fornminnen och krönikor berättar om det gamla Peru. Illustr. Sthlm 1953. 238 sidor + planscher. Originalklotband. (#49673) | 125:- |
in Situ.. Västsvensk arkeologisk tidskrift 2000-2001. Illustr. Göteborg 2002. 171 sidor. 4:o. Häftad. (#160650) | 125:- |
Isendahl, Christian Common Knowledge.. Lowland Maya Urban Farming at Xuch. Illustr. Diss. Upps. 2002. 242 pages + folding plan in pocket. 4:o. Softcover. (#74474) | 150:- |
James, E.O. Gravarna berättar.. En bok om förhistoriska religioner. Illustr. Sth 1963. 256 sidor. Pocket. (#28518) | 100:- |
James, E.O. Gravarna berättar.. En bok om förhistoriska religioner. Illustr. Sth 1986. 253 sidor. Pocket. (#46700) | 100:- |
Jamme, A. Pičces épigraphiques de Heid bin 'Aqîl.. La nécropole de Timna (Hagr Kohlân). Louvain 1952. xx, 252 pages + 24 plates. Bound in cloth. Bound together with photo-copies of other works and abstracts on the southern Arabian peninsula. Among others there are works by J. Ryckmans and H. von Wissmann. (#89903) | 500:- |
Jastrow jr.. Morris Bildermappe zur Religion Babyloniens und Assyriens.. Töpelmann, Giessen 1912. 56 Tafeln + Text in Tasche. Original linen binding. Oblong 4:o. (#200000) | 250:- |
Jedlickova, Daniela Exchange and First Contacts in Australia and Tasmania During the 1800s.. Illustr. C essay. Upps. 2000. 64 pages. Softcover. (#143987) | 100:- |
Jelinek, Jan Den stora boken om Människans forntid.. Illustr. Sth 1973. 558 sidor. Original linneband. (#368) | 125:- |
Jelinek, Jan Den stora boken om Människans forntid.. Sakgranskning: professor Björn Kurtén. Översättning: Nils Pontén-Möller. Fjärde upplagan. Illustrerad. Stockholm 1978. 558 sidor. Original linneband. (#222003) | 125:- |
Joannčs, Francis The Age of Empires. Mesopotamia in the First Millennium BC.. Edinburgh University Press 2004. viii,292 pages. Paper back. (#214212) | 150:- |
Jorden ger.. Svenska forskningar och fynd från senare år. Illustr. Sth 1931. 232 sidor. Halvklotband. (#138294) | 125:- |
Jorden ger.. Svenska forskningar och fynd från senare år. Illustr. Sth 1931. 232 sidor. Häftad. (#1968) | 100:- |
Juma, Abdurahman Unguja Ukuu on Zanzibar.. An Archaeological Study of Early Urbanism. Illustr. Diss. Upps. 2004. 198 pages. 4:o. Softcover. (#88557) | 150:- |
Kayser, Hans Arkeologi.. En historisk översikt. Illustr. 1970. 206 sidor. Inbunden. (#42203) | 85:- |
Keeler, Robert W. An Upland Hunting Camp on the North Fork of the Clearwater River, North-Central Idaho.. Illustr. Pocatello, Idaho 1973. 87, (62) pages. 4:o. Softcover. (#131461) | 125:- |
Keller, Christian Arkeologi -. virkelighetsflukt eller samfunnsforming. Illustr. Oslo 1978. 104 sidor. Häftad. (#74167) | 125:- |
Kinahan, Jill Cattle for Beads.. The Archaeology of Historical Contact and Trade on the Namib Coast. Illustr. Diss. Upps. 2000. 117 pp. 4:o. Softcover. (#34249) | 190:- |
Kisa, Anton Das Glas im Altertume 1.. Mit 1 Farbendrucktafel und 153 Abbildungen im Text. Leipzig 1908. 307 pages. Original cloth. Very fine copy. Hiersemanns Handbücher III:1. Volume 1 only. (#97083) | 500:- |
Kisa, Anton Das Glas im Altertume 3.. Unter mitwirkung von Ernst Bassermann-Jordan. Mit einem Beitrag über Funde antiker Gläser in Skandinavien von Oskar Almgren. Mit Gesamtregister, 7 Formentafeln und 115 Abbildungen im Text. Leipzig 1908. Pag. 691-978. Original cloth. Very fine copy. Hiersemanns Handbücher III:3. Volume 3 only. (#97087) | 500:- |
Konserveringstekniska studier.. Analys, metall, trä, läder, sten. Illustr. Sthlm 1983. 160 sidor. 4:o. Häftad. (#89781) | 150:- |
Koppers, Wilhelm Urmänniskan och hennes världsbild.. Förord av Stig Wikander. Sthlm 1955. 147 sidor. Original klotryggsband. (#93588) | 130:- |
Kostrzewski - Palaeologia Vol. IV, No. 3/4.. Kostrzewski Number. Illustr. Osaka 1955. Pag. 223-360 + plates. Softcover. The Palaeological Society of Japan. (#9422) | 90:- |
Källén, Anna And Through Flows the River.. Archaeology and the Pasts of Lao Pako. Illustr. Diss. Upps. 2004. 328 pages. 4:o. Softcover. (#98607) | 225:- |
Lagerlöf, Erland & Andersson, Tord Medeltida stenskulptur på Gotland.. Illustr. Sthlm 1993. 57 sidor. Häfte. Konserveringstekniska studier. (#100701) | 100:- |
Lambert, David och Thr Diagram Group. Den förhistoriska människan.. Illustrerad. Övers. Lars Werdelin. Forum 1988. 256 sidor. Förlagsband. Nyskick. När?Var?Hur?serien. (#209583) | 150:- |
Larousse Encyclopedia of Ancient and Medieval History.. Edited by Marcel Dunan and John Bowle. Foreword by Arnold Toynbee. Illustrated. London 1963. 413 pages. 4:o. Original cloth. Dust jacket. (#58814) | 175:- |
Larousse Encyclopedia of Prehistoric and Ancient Art.. General Editor René Huyghe. Illustr. London 1970. 415 pages. 4:o. Stiff wrappers. (#110513) | 100:- |
Lathrop, Foshag & Mahler Pre-Columbian Art. Robert Woods Bliss Collection.. With 270 illustrations. Phaidon, London 1957. 286 pages. 34x24 cm, Original cloth. Very fine. (#188989) | 350:- |
Layard, Austen Henry Populair beskrivelse af opdagelserne i Niniveh.. Forkortet af forfattaren selv efter hans större vaerk. Oversat fra Engelsk af L. Moltke. Kjöbenhavn Schönberg 1857. (4),IX,(1),320 sidor. Något nött samtida halvfranskt band. Namnteckningar på främre pärmens insida. (#197359) | 180:- |
Lehmer, Donald J. Introduction to Middle Missouri Archeology.. Illustr. Washington 1971. XIV, 206 pages. Original cloth. (#144813) | 175:- |
Leonard, Jonathan Norton Ancient America.. Illustr. 1968. 191 pages. Hardcover. The Great Ages of Man. (#71872) | 120:- |
Les religions de la prehistoire.. Symposium international sur les religions de la prehistoire. Valcamonica, 18-23 Septembre 1972. Illustr. Brescia 1975. 621 pages. 4:o. Softcover. Very fine copy. Valcamonica symposium 72. (#126338) | 400:- |
L'homme avant l'écriture.. Par Camille Arambourg et al. Sous la direction de André Varagnac. Deuxičme édition. Libraire Armand Colin 1968. Illustr. XXIV, 541 pages + plates. Original cloth in dustjacket. (#98221) | 200:- |
Lhote, Henri Klippmålningarna i Sahara.. Upptäckten av en svunnen ökenkultur. Förord Holger Arbman. Illustr. Sth 1959. 192 sidor. Inbunden. (#9178) | 125:- |
Lindahl, Anders & Matenga, Edward Present and Past: Ceramics and Homesteads.. An Ethnoarchaeological Project in the Buhera District, Zimbabwe. Illustr. Upps. 1995. 115 pages. Softcover. (#87759) | 125:- |
Lindblom, Joh. Der sogenannte Bauernkalender von Gezer.. Åbo 1931. 25 pages. Disbound. No cover. (#65341) | 100:- |
Linder, Sven Sauls Gibea.. Aa Uppsala 1922. 232 sidor + planscher. Häftad. (#41518) | 150:- |
Lindig, Wolfgang Vorgeschichte Nordamerikas.. Illustr. Zürich 1973. 399 pages. Softcover. (#129892) | 150:- |
Lindig, Wolfgang Zur Enstehung des Formativums im östlichen Nordamerika.. Illustr. No place or date. Pag. 247-334. Softcover. Offprint. Inscription signed by author. (#131451) | 150:- |
Linné, S. Darien in the Past.. The archaeology of Eastern Panama and North-Western Colombia. Illustrated. Diss. Göteborg 1929. viii,318 pages + map. Soft covers. Stamped. (#174466) | 250:- |
Linné, S. Zapotecan antiquities and the Paulsson collection in the Ethnographical Museum of Sweden.. Illustrated. Stockholm 1938. 30x23 cm. 196 pages + 32 plates. 4:o. Soft covers. Book-plate. (#195417) | 600:- |
Linné, Sigvald Pyramidstaden.. Studier och forskningar, vardagsliv och fest i fornmexicos heliga stad Teotihuacán. Illustr. Sthlm 1942. 63 sidor. Häftad. (#53044) | 150:- |
L'Orange, H.P. Keiseren på himmeltronen.. Illustr. Oslo 1949. 182 pp. Skinnryggsband. 4:o. (#32203) | 135:- |
Lutfiya Ainy The Central Asian art of Avicenna Epoch.. Illustrated. "Ifron" publishing house 1980. 218 pages. 4:o. Original cloth. Dust jacket. Very fine. Mostly illustrations. Text in Russian and English (#214060) | 200:- |
Macshane, Frank Many Golden Ages. Ruins, Temples & Monuments of the Orient.. Illustrated. Charles Tuttle Co. Publ. 1963. 264 pages. Original cloth with dust jacket in original slip-case. (#189045) | 150:- |
Magnusson, Magnus BC The Archaeology of the Bible Lands.. Illustr. London 1977. 239 pages. Original cloth in dustjacket. (#73019) | 130:- |
Magnusson, Magnus Fynd i Bibelns länder.. Illustr. Andra upplagan. Sthlm 1985. 240 sidor. Original pappband. (#73061) | 125:- |
Magnusson, Magnus Fynd i Bibelns länder.. Illustr. Sth 1977. 240 pp. Inb. (#10013) | 115:- |
Mandel, Gabriel Das Reich der Königin von Saba.. Archäologen graben im Paradis und enträtseln die Frühgeschichte Arabiens. Illustrated. Bern und München 1976? 268 pages. Original cloth. Dust jacket. (#76163) | 185:- |
Maringer, John Contribution to the Prehistory of Mongolia.. A Study of the Prehistoric Collections from Inner Mongolia. Together with the Catalogue Prepared by Folke Bergman. With 40 plates, 52 illustrations and maps in the text, and one map at the end. Stockholm 1950. xii, 216 pages + plates and map. With wrappers in original cloth. Very fine copy. Reports from the Scientific Expedition to the North-Western Provinces of China under the Leadership of dr. Sven Hedin. The Sino-Swedish Expedition. Publication 34. VII. Archaeology 7. (#91760) | 750:- |
Marion, Jean Les agglomérations antiques des environs de Paul-Robert.. (Departement d'Alger). Alger 1951. 50 pages + plates. Softcover. Extrait de la Revue Africaine 1950. (#94448) | 120:- |
Marshall, John A Guide to Taxila.. Varanasi 1972. viii, 132 pages + xxix plates, some of which are folding maps and plans. Original cloth, stained. (#67995) | 150:- |
Martinsson-Wallin, Helene Ahu - The Ceremonial Stone Structures of Easter Island.. Analyses of Variation and Interpretation of Meanings. Illustr. Diss. Upps. 1994. 188 pages. 4:o. Softcover. (#17530) | 200:- |
Matenga, Eward Archaeological Figurines from Zimbabwe.. Illustr. Diss. Upps. 1993. 169 pages. Softcover. (#82327) | 125:- |
Mauduit, J.A. 40 000-årig modern konst.. Illustr. Sthlm 1956. 223 sidor + planscher. Originalklotband. (#121859) | 120:- |
Maya det gåtfulla folket.. Utställning på Etnografiska muséet i Stockholm januari-april 1969. Illustr. 1968. XXXII, 128 sidor. Häftad. Utställningskatalog. (#65897) | 80:- |
McCown, Donald E. The Comparative Stratigraphy of Early Iran.. Chicago 1942. xvi, 65 pages + folding plates and map. 4:o. Soft covers. (#76998) | 450:- |
Medelhavsmuseet.. En introduktion. Illustr. Sthlm 1982. 272 sidor. Häftad. (#49497) | 85:- |
Meggers, Betty J. Prehistoric America.. Illustr. Chicago 1973. 200 pages. Softcover. (#131711) | 125:- |
Meshkeris, V.A. [Terrakoti Samarkandskogo muzeja.]. [Katalog.] Illustr. Leningrad 1962. 108 pages + plates. Softcover. In Russian. "Terracottas of the Samarkand Museum". (#124571) | 200:- |
Meshorer, Ya'akov Jewish Coins of the Second Temple Period.. Translated (into English) by I.H. Levine. Tel-Aviv 1967. 184 pages + 32 plates. Original cloth. Dust jacket. Book plate. (#161767) | 300:- |
Meshram, Pradip Saligram Early Caves of Maharashtra.. A Cultural Study. Illustr. Delhi 1991. 172 pages. + plates. Hard covers. (#51628) | 160:- |
Millard, Alan Skatter från de första kristnas tid.. Illustrerad. Örebro 1990. 189 sidor. Original klotband. Skyddsomslag. (#67479) | 150:- |
Mongait, A.L. Archaeology in the U.S.S.R.. Penguin 1961. 320 pages + plates. Paperback. (#116466) | 100:- |
Mongait, Alexander Archäologie und Gegenwart.. Illustr. Dresden 1985. 164 pp. (#17483) | 40:- |
Montelius, Oscar Boning, graf och tempel I.. Illustr. Sthlm 1915. 192 sidor. Häftad. (#97561) | 200:- |
Montelius, Oscar Die vorklassische Chronologie Italiens.. Tafeln. Stockholm 1912. 2 text-leaves + 16 + 83 plates in original portfolio. "Tafeln" Plates only. No text-volume. (#178989) | 500:- |
Montelius, Oscar Orienten och Europa. Ett bidrag till kännedomen om den orientaliska kulturens inverkan på Europa intill midten af det sista årtusendet före Kristi födelse.. Illustrerad. Stockholm 1894-1905. 252 sidor. Häftad. 3 delar. Ur "Antikvarisk tidskrift för Sverige". (#215978) | 170:- |
Montell, Gösta Dress and Ornament in Ancient Peru.. Archaeological and historical studies. Illustrated. Diss. Göteborg 1929. viii,262 pages + Appendix. Soft covers. (#174467) | 300:- |
Moretti, Mario & Maetzke, Guglielmo The Art of the Etruscans.. Photographs by Leonard von ;at. Harry N. Abrams, New York 1970. 253 pages. 4:o. Original cloth. Dust jacket. Very fine. (#191045) | 250:- |
Moseley, Michael Edward & Mackey, Carol J. Twenty-Four Architectural Plans of Chan Chan, Peru.. Structure and Form at the Capital of Chimor. Cambridge, Mass. 1974. 24 folding plans with accompanying booklet in cardboard box inserted in slip-case. Small stamp, else almost as new. (#80156) | 1200:- |
Moulin, Raoul-Jean Måleriets ursprung.. Rikt illustr. Hälsingborg 1969. 207 sidor. Originalklotband i skyddsomslag. (#37391) | 120:- |
Murphy-O'Connor, Jerome The Holy Land.. An Archaeological Guide from Earliest Times to 1700. Illustr. Oxford 1992. XXII, 472 pp. (#27406) | 100:- |
Murthy, K. Krishna Early Indian Secular Architecture.. Illustr. Delhi 1987. xvi, 113 pages + plates. Original cloth. Dust jacket. (#84540) | 150:- |
Mått & mål.. Red. Jarl Nordbladh & Jan Rosvall. Illustr. Gbg 1978. 205 sidor. Häftad. (#79501) | 125:- |
Ndoro, Webber Your Monument Our Shrine.. The Preservation of Great Zimbabwe. Illustr. Diss. Upps. 2001. 136 pp. 4:o. Softcover. (#48104) | 175:- |
Nesbitt, Paul Edward Stylistic and Ethnographic Groups: Petroglyphs of the Lower Snake River.. Pocatello, Idaho 1968. 33 pages + plates. 4:o. Softcover. (#131467) | 145:- |
Nilsson, Martin P:n De arkeologiska upptäckterna i den klassiska Södern och den forna Orienten.. Illustr. Sth 1933. 328 sidor. Häftad. (#17486) | 65:- |
Nordström, Solveig La ceramique peinte iberique de la province d'Alicante II.. Illustr. Diss. Sth 1973. Page 97-296. Soft covers. Part 2 only. (#179383) | 150:- |
Norman, Bruce Footsteps.. Nine Archaeological Journeys of Romance and Discovery. Illustr. London 1988. 279 pages. Small 4:o. Original cloth in dustjacket. (#85040) | 200:- |
Notelid, Michel Det andra påseendet I-II.. I: En studie av övergångar i den arkeologiska diciplinens historia. II: Den omvända diskursen. Aa Upps. 2000. 217 + 43 sidor. 2 häftade vol. (#48110) | 150:- |
Oates, David & Joan The Rise of Civilization.. Illustrated. Phaidon, Oxford 1976. 151 pages. 4:o. Original cloth. Dust jacket. The Making of the Past. (#16458) | 160:- |
Oehler, Hans Georg & Zachrisson, Sune Die Ausgrabungen auf dem Zindan-i-Suleiman.. Sonderdruck, Berlin 1961. 12 pages text + 14 plates and 4 folding plans. 4:o. Soft covers. Inscribed. (#185713) | 200:- |
O forna tiders kvinnor.. Red. Lena Thålin-Bergman. Illustr. Sth 1975. 200 sidor. Pocket. (#14072) | 100:- |
Oro.. Barbarernas guld. Barbaarien kulta-aarre. Skatter från Ukrainas slätter. Illustr. Helsingfors 1997. 107 sidor. 4:o. Häftad. Utställningskatalog. (#114657) | 150:- |
Ottosson, Magnus Palestinas arkeologi.. Illustr. Upps. utan år (1974?). 297 sidor. A4. Häftad. Stencilerad. (#163969) | 175:- |
Outes, Félix F. Alfarerías del Nordeste Argentino.. Anales del Museo de La Plata, Tomo I, Segunda Serie. Buenos Aires 1907. 52 pages + 8 plates. Folio. Soft covers. (#199319) | 250:- |
Paissel, Michel Quintana Roo.. På upptäcktsfärd i Mayafolkets rike. Illustrerad. Sthlm 1964. 256 sidor. Klotband med skyddsomslag. (#175607) | 140:- |
Papers in African Prehistory.. Ed. J.D. Fage & R.A. Oliver. Illustr. Cambridge 1970. 332 pp. (#17521) | 120:- |
Parrot, André Discovering Buried Worlds.. Illustrated. London 1955. 128 pages + plates. Original cloth. (#68133) | 120:- |
Peabody Museum Papers XXVII.. Contents: 1. Some Early Sites in the Northern Lake Titicaca Basin, by Alfred Kidder 1943. 2. An Introduction to the Archaeology of Cuzco, by John H. Rowe 1944. 3. Some Notes on the Archaeology of the Department of Puno, Peru, by Marion H. Tschopik 1946. 4. Indian Skeletal Material from the Central Coast of Peru, by Marshall T. Newman 1947. Cambridge, Mass. 1943-47. 48, 63, 57, 71 pages + plates and folding plans. 4:o. Original cloth with lower part of spine miscoloured. (#60824) | 1000:- |
PERICOT, GARCIA, LUIS & RIPOLL PERELLO, EDUARDO (editors) Prehistoric art of the Western Mediterranean and the Sahara.. New York 1964. XIV,262 pages + plate. Soft covers. (#193425) | 200:- |
Persson, Axel The Royal Tombs at Dendra near Midea.. Lund 1931. 4:o. VIII,152 pages + 36 plates. Original cloth. (#192781) | 600:- |
Persson, Axel W. Eisen und Eisenbereitung in ältester Zeit.. Etymologisches und sachliches. Lund 1934. 17 pages. Pamphlet. (#13212) | 75:- |
Persson, Axel W. Med hacka och spade.. Strödda glimtar ur svunna kulturer. Illustr. Sthlm 1934. 142 sidor + planscher. Inbunden. (#12293) | 125:- |
Pfeiffer, John E. The Emergence of Society.. A Prehistory of the Establishment. Illustr. New York 1977. 512 pp. Cloth with dustjacket. (#27356) | 200:- |
Phillipson, D.W. The Later Prehistory of Eastern and Southern Africa.. Illustr. London 1977. XII, 323 pages. Softcover. (#97539) | 125:- |
Phillips, Wendell Kataba + Saba.. Entdeckung der verschollenen Königreiche an der biblischen Gewürzstraßen Arabiens. Frankfurt am Main 1958. 272 pp + Tafeln. Cloth in dustjacket. (#17503) | 100:- |
Piggott, Stuart Ancient Europe. from the Beginnings of Agriculture to Classical Antiquity. Illustr. Edinburgh 1967. XXIV, 343 pages. Original cloth in dustjacket. (#17487) | 175:- |
Pikirayi, Innocent The Archaeological Identity of the Mutapa State.. Towards an Historical Archaeology of Northern Zimbabwe. Illustr. Diss. Upps. 1993. 200 pp. 4:o. Softcover. (#17522) | 150:- |
Piltz, Elisabeth The von Post Collection of Cypriote Late Byzantine Glazed Pottery.. Illustrated. Paul Åströms förlag, Jonsered 1996. 94 pages. 4:o. Soft covers. Studies in Mediterranean Archaeology CXIX. (#201243) | 250:- |
Poulsen, Jens On the Processing of Pottery Data.. Illustr. Kbhvn 1972. 98 pages. Softcover. (#17499) | 150:- |
Poulsen, Vagn Från grottorna till Rom.. Illustr. Sthlm 1965. 366 sidor. Originalklotband i skyddsomslag. (#96097) | 150:- |
Powers, William Roger Archaeological Excavations in Willow Creek Canyon, Southeastern Idaho 1966.. Pocatello, Idaho 1969. 94 pages + plates. 4:o. Softcover. (#131469) | 140:- |
Prehistoric Man in the New World.. Editors Jesse D. Jennings, Edward Norbeck. Illustr. Chicago 1964. 633 pages. Original cloth in dustjacket. (#131714) | 125:- |
Prehistoric Man in the New World.. Editors Jesse D. Jennings, Edward Norbeck. Illustr. Chicago 1971. 633 pages. Paper back. (#143243) | 100:- |
Pwiti, Gilbert Continuity and Change.. An Archaeological Study of Farming Communities in Northern Zimbabwe AD 500-1700. Illustr. Diss. Upps. 1996. 179 pp. 4:o. Softcover. (#17532) | 150:- |
På jakt efter det förgångna.. Rikt illustr. Sthlm 1982. 336 sidor. 4:o. Originalklotband i skyddsomslag. (#4642) | 150:- |
Qumrân Grotte 4. II.. I. Archaeologie par R. De Vaux. II. Tefillin, Mezuzot et Targums (4Q128-4Q157) par J.T. Milik. Oxford 1977. xii,93 pages + 28 plates. 4:o. Original cloth. Dust jacket. (#155320) | 500:- |
Rachet, Guy L'universe de l'archčologie 1-2.. Technique, histoire, bilan. Illustrated. Marabout université, Verviers 1970. 320 + 318 pages. Paperbacks. 2 volumes. (#118485) | 200:- |
Radimilahy, Chantal Mahilaka.. An Archaeological Investigation of an Early Town in Northwestern Madagascar. Illustr. Diss. Upps. 1998. 293 pp + 4 pp plates. 4:o. Softcover. (#23014) | 200:- |
Ranere, Anthony James Stratigraphy and Stone Tools from Meadow Canyon, Eastern Idaho.. Illustr. Pocatello, Idaho 1971. 61, (64) pages. 4:o. Softcover. Birch Creek Papers 4. (#131473) | 140:- |
Rausing, Gad Arkeologien och naturvetenskaperna.. Illustr. Lund 1958. 116 sid. Häftad. (#43650) | 100:- |
Rawson, Jessica Ancient China.. Art and Archaeology. Illustrated. London 1980. 240 pages + plates. Original cloth. Dust jacket. (#77624) | 185:- |
Reinach, Théodore Essai sur la numismatique des rois de Cappadoce.. Paris 1887. (8), 87, (5) pages + 4 plates. Half cloth. (#74168) | 1200:- |
Renfrew, Colin Arkeologi och språk.. Det indoeuropeiska ursprungets gåta. Illustr. Sth 1989. 323 sidor + planscher. Häftad. (#21377) | 145:- |
Rice, Tamara Talbot Skyterna.. Illustr. Sth 1958. 247 sidor. Original klotband. (#9313) | 100:- |
River Basin Surveys Papers 1-6.. Frank H.H. Roberts, Jr., Editor. Contributions by Waldo R. Wedel, Marvin F. Kivett a.o. Illustr. Washington 1953. XVIII, 336 pages + plates, folding maps and plans. Softcover. Inter-Agency Archeological Salvage Program. (#101696) | 150:- |
River Basin Surveys Papers 7.. Archeological Investigations in the Oahe Dam Area, South Dakota, 1950-51 by Donald J. Lehmer. Illustr. Washington 1954. XI, 190 pages + plates, folding maps and plans. Softcover. Inter-Agency Archeological Salvage Program. (#101698) | 140:- |
Roberts, Frank H.H. Archeological Remains in the Whitewater District Eastern Arizona I.. House Types. Illustr. Washington 1939. 276 pages. Softcover. (#59126) | 150:- |
Russell, Virgil Y. Indian Artifacts.. Completely Revised and Enlarged. Illustr. Boulder, CO 1957. 167 pages. Original cloth in dustjacket. (#129868) | 200:- |
Rydén, Stig Archaeological Researches in the Department of La Candelaria.. (Prov. Salta, Argentina.) With 150 illustrations and two appendices by J.V. Hultkrantz and W. Kaudern. Göteborg 1936. 328 pages. Soft covers. Stamped. Reprinted from Etnologiska studier 1936 vol. 3. (#43225) | 350:- |
Rydh, Hanna Bland fornminnen och indianer.. Illustr. Sth 1934. 276 pp. Nött rygg. (#27165) | 90:- |
Rydh, Hanna Rang Mahal.. The Swedish Archaeological Expedition to India 1952-1954. With Contributions by Holger Arbman Illustr. Lund 1959. 218 pages + 86 plates and folding tables. 4:o. Softcover. (#4818) | 250:- |
Sankalia, Hasmukh D. The Archæology of Gujarat.. (Including Kathiawar). Bombay 1941. (10), X, (6), 268, 109 pages + 42 plates. Original half cloth. Dust jacket. (#66184) | 750:- |
Sarma, I.K. Studies in Early Buddhist Monuments and Brahmi Inscriptions of Andhra Desa.. Nagpur 1988. 132 pages + plates. Hard covers. (#51719) | 165:- |
Sarre, Friedrich Die Keramik im Euphrat- und Tigris-Gebiet.. Mit 15 Tafeln und 22 Textbildern. Berlin 1921. 30 Pages text + 15 plates. Folio. Originalhard covers. Inner hinges cracked. Sonderabdruck aus: Archäologische Reise im Euphrat- und Tigris-Gebiet von F. Sarre und E. Herzfeld. (#215758) | 400:- |
Schnapp, Alain The Discovery of the Past. The Origins of Archaeology.. Illustrated. British Museum Press 1993. 384 pages. Original cloth. Dust jacket. (#218308) | 200:- |
Schreiber, Hermann & Georg Sjunkna städer.. En bok om glans och undergång. Sthlm 1956. 299 sidor + planscher. Häftad. (#163124) | 125:- |
Schrire, Carmel Digging through Darkness.. Chronicles of an Archaeologist. Illustr. Charlottesville 1995. X, 276 pages. Original cloth in dustjacket. As new. (#87458) | 150:- |
Seler, Ed. Archäologische Untersuchungen in Costarica.. Sonderausgabe aus dem "Globus" LXXXV. Band, Nr. 15. Braunschweig 1904. 14 pages + plates. Soft covers. (#180894) | 125:- |
Sellards, E.H. Early Man in America.. A Study in Prehistory. Illustr. Austin 1952. XVI, 211 pages. Original cloth in somewhat torn dustjacket. (#131648) | 400:- |
Sinclair, Paul J.J. Space, Time and Social Formation.. A Territorial Approach to the Archaeology and Anthropology of Zimbabwe and Mozambique c 0-1700 AD. Illustr. Diss. Upps. 1987. 196 pages + maps + see-through overlays in separate pocket. 4:o. Softcover. (#17524) | 200:- |
Sites & Monuments.. National Archaeological Records. Edited by Carsten U. Larsen. Illustr. Kbh 1992. 250 pages. 4:o. Original hardcover. (#157589) | 300:- |
Sixth International Conference for Nubian Studies.. Pre-Publication of Main Papers 1-2 + Abstracts of Communications. Bergen 1986. Soft covers. 3 volumes. (#62050) | 250:- |
Skyterna.. Historia i fickformat. Illustr. Statens historiska museum utan år. 168 sidor. Pocket. (#74786) | 100:- |
Social Life of Early Man.. Ed. Sherwood L. Washburn. Illustr. New York 1961. (14), 300 pages. Soft covers. (#27388) | 300:- |
SOU 1951:55 Betänkande med utredning och förslag. angående sammanförande och organisation av i Stockholm befintliga arkeologiska samlingar från medelhavsländerna, Främre Orienten och Östasien. Avgivet av Sigurd Curman. Sthlm 1951. 50 sidor + planscher. Häftad. (#91010) | 150:- |
[Sovetskaya arheologiya] XVII.. Illustr. Moskva 1953. 378 pages. Original cloth with weak hinges. In Russian. (#151244) | 125:- |
Spaulding, Albert C. The Arzberger Site.. Hughes County, South Dakota. Ann Arbor 1956. 173 pages + plates. Softcover. (#91985) | 125:- |
Stjernquist, Berta Technical Analysis as a Factor in Archaeological Documentation.. Illustr. Lund 1972. 80 pp. (#17371) | 60:- |
Structure and Cognition in Art.. Edited by Dorothy K. Washburn. Illustr. Cambridge 1983. 170 pages. 4:o. Hardcover. (#155384) | 400:- |
Sundström, Jenny A Stratigraphical Interpretation of the Previous Studies of Great Zimbabwe.. Illustr. CD essay, Upps. 1992. 41 pages. 4:o. Softcover. (#127221) | 75:- |
Swan, Lorraine M. Minerals and Managers.. Production Contexts as Evidence for Social Organization in Zimbabwean Prehistory. Illustr. Diss. Uppsala 2008. 4:o. Softcover. (#149553) | 150:- |
Swanson Jr., Earl H. Reconnaissance and the Archaeological Survey System of the University Museum.. Pocatello, Idaho 1963. 28 pages. 4:o. Softcover. (#131475) | 75:- |
Swanson Jr., Earl H. & Bryan, Alan Lyle An Archaeological Reconnaissance in the Birch Creek Valley of Eastern Idaho.. Pocatello, Idaho 1964. 20 pages + plates. 4:o. Staple bound. Birch Creek Papers 1. (#101547) | 75:- |
Swanson Jr., Earl H., Butler, Robert B. & Bonnichsen, Robson Natural and Cultural Stratigraphy in the Birch Creek Valley of Eastern Idaho.. Pocatello, Idaho 1964. 120 pages + plates. 4:o. Softcover. Birch Creek Papers 2. (#101551) | 125:- |
Swanson Jr., Earl H. & Sneed, Paul G. The Archaeology of the Shoup Rockshelter in East Central Idaho.. Illustr. Pocatello, Idaho 1966. 46 pages + 2 pages separate addenda. 4:o. Softcover. Birch Creek Papers 3. (#131471) | 100:- |
Symposia.. Celebrating the Seventy-Fifth Anniversary of the Founding of the American School of Oriental Research (1900-1975). Ed. by Frank Moore Cross. Illustr. Cambridge, Mass. 1979. 183 pages. Original cloth. (#70913) | 200:- |
Terra-Cotta Warriors and Horses at the Tomb of Qin Shi Huang, the First Emperor of China.. Ed. Shilan and Peng Huashi. Illustr. Beijing 1990. Ca 152 pp. (#17549) | 150:- |
Thapar, B.K. Recent Archaeological Discoveries in India.. Illustr. Paris, UNESCO 1985. 159 pages + plates. Softcover. (#158423) | 150:- |
The Application of Quantitative Methods in Archaeology.. Ed. R.F. Heizer and S.F. Cook. New York 1960. 358 pages. Soft covers. (#17490) | 250:- |
The Application of the Physical Sciences to Archaeology.. Ed. Fred H. Stross. Illustr. Berkeley 1971. 62 pp. (#14135) | 85:- |
The Archeology of the Yakutat Bay Area, Alaska.. By Frederica de Laguna, Francis A. Riddell Illustr. Washington 1964. XI, 245 pages + folding maps. Original cloth. (#92012) | 150:- |
The Biblical Archaeologist 26-59.. Published by The American Schools of Oriental Research. Volume 25/1963 - volume 59/1996. 25-58 bound i green cloth, 59 in parts. 12 volumes + 4 parts. (#92020) | 5000:- |
The Biblical Archaeologist Reader [1].. Edited by David Noel Freedman and G. Ernest Wright. Illustr. New York 1961. XVI, 342 pages. Paperback. (#63745) | 100:- |
The Biblical Archaeologist Reader 1-2.. Ed. by G. Ernest Wright, David Noel Freedman and Edward F. Campbell, Jr. Illustr. Cambridge, Ma. 1978. XVI, 342; XX, 420 pages. Softcovers. 2 vols. (#70900) | 250:- |
The Biblical Archaeologist Reader II.. Edited by Edward F. Campbell, Jr. and David Noel Freeman. Anchor Books 1964. 420 pages. Paperback. (#116204) | 100:- |
The Biblical World.. A Dictionary of Biblical Archaeology. Ed. by Charles F. Pfeiffer. Illustr. London 1966. 612 pp. Cloth in dustjacket. (#42072) | 300:- |
The Interpretative Possibilities of Microwear Studies.. Proceedings of the International Conference on Lithic Use-Wear Analysis, 15th-17th February 1989 in Uppsala, Sweden. Illustr. Upps. 1990. 184 pages. 4:o. Softcover. (#89523) | 175:- |
The World-View of Prehistoric Man.. Papers Presented at a Symposium in Lund, 5-7 May 1997 ... Illustr. Sthlm 1998. 274 pages. Softcover in dustjacket. (#90033) | 160:- |
Thomas, David Hurst, South, Stanley & Larsen, Clark Spencer Rich Man, Poor Men: Observations on Three Antebellum Burials from the Georgia Coast.. Illustr. New York 1977. Pag. 395-420. Staple bound offprint. Stamped. (#115593) | 75:- |
Thompson, J. Eric S. Grandeur et décadence de la civilisation Maya.. Traduction de René Jouan. Paris 1980. 308 pages. Paperback. (#86313) | 100:- |
Thompson, J. Eric S. Maya.. En kulturs blomstring och fall. Illustr. Sthlm 1957. 274 sidor + planscher. Häftad. (#85058) | 150:- |
Thomsen. Volhelm m.fl. Orientens forntidskultur 1-2.. Red. Aage Friis. Illustrerad. Sthlm 1927-29. 311 + 294 sidor. Inbundna i 2 gedigna klotband. (#182066) | 200:- |
Trakerna.. Illustr. Sthlm 1980. 256 sid. Häftad. Historia i fickformat. (#66599) | 100:- |
Tretjakov, P.N. Vostotjnoslavjanskie plemena.. Illustr. Moscow 1953. 312 pages. Cloth. On the Eastslavonic tribes. Text in Russian only. (#62230) | 145:- |
Trigger, Bruce G. Arkeologins idéhistoria.. Illustrerad. Stockholm 1993. 574 sidor. Original klotband. Skyddsomslag. (#45640) | 165:- |
Underwood, Leon Bronzes of West Africa.. Illustrated. London 1949. 32 pages + 64 plates. Original cloth. Dust jacket. (#99050) | 120:- |
Urban Origins in Eastern Africa.. Project Proposals and Workshop Summaries. Edited by Paul J.J. Sinclair and Simiyu Wandibba. Uppsala 1988. 187 pages. A4. Soft covers. (#141712) | 175:- |
Wainwright, F.T. Archaeology and Place-Names and History.. An Essay on Problems of Co-ordination. London 1962. xiv, 135 pages. Original cloth. (#143670) | 120:- |
Walker, Alan & Shipman, Pat The Wisdom of Bones.. Illustr. London 1996. 270 pages + plates. Softcover. (#155630) | 140:- |
Walker, Nicholas John Late Pleistocene and Holocene Hunter-gatherers of the Matopos.. An Archaeological Study of Change and Continuity in Zimbabwe. Illustr. Diss. Upps. 1995. 284 pages. 4:o. Softcover. (#17534) | 200:- |
Wallin, Paul Ceremonial Stone Structures.. The Archaeology and Ethnohistory of the Marae Complex in the Society Islands, French Polynesia. Illustr. Diss. Upps. 1993. 178 pages. 4:o. Softcover. (#17526) | 150:- |
Watson, William The Genius of China.. Richly illustr. London 1973. 160 pages. Bound with wrappers in half cloth. Catalogue from an exhibition. (#88822) | 125:- |
Watson, William & Gyllensvärd, Bo Arkeologiska fynd från Folkrepubliken Kina.. Illustr. U.o.o.å. 144 pp. Inb. Katalog från utställning 1974. (#17547) | 75:- |
Wedel, Waldo R. Prehistoric Man on the Great Plains.. Norman 1961. XVIII, 355 pages + plates. Original cloth in dustjacket. (#91355) | 150:- |
Weiler, Ingomar Der Sport bei den Völkern der alten Welt.. Eine Einführung. Mit dem Beitrag "Sport bei den Naturvölkern" von Christoph Ulf. Darmstadt 1981. 303 pages. Original cloth. (#123471) | 150:- |
Welter, G. Stand der Ausgrabung in Sichem.. Illustrated. Berlin 1932. 14 pages. Soft covers. Water-stained. Sonderabdruck. (#121798) | 125:- |
Vergnaud, Baptiste Recherches sur les fortifications d'Anatolie occidentale et central au début du premier millénaire av. J.-C. (Xe-VIe s.). Dissertation, Bordeaux 2012, 418 pages text + 199 pages illustrations. A4. Laminated. 2 volumes. Pencil underlinings by prof. Lars Karlsson and also a report from him to Uppsala University about the thesis. (#214133) | 400:- |
Verhaeghe, F. Archaeology, Natural Science and Technology: The European Situation I-III.. A Survey Prepared for the European Science Foundation. Strasbourg 1979. Softcovers. 3 vols. (#88526) | 300:- |
Verrill, A. Hyatt & Ruth America's Ancient Civilizations.. Illustr. New York 1953. XVII, 334 pages + plates. Original cloth in dustjacket. (#72525) | 175:- |
Vetenskapen om människan I.. 1: Etnologien, dess mål och uppgifter av Alfred Cort Haddon. 2: Arkeologiens problem av George Eduard Seler. Sth 1911. 52 sidor. Häftad. Populära etnologiska skrifter 3. (#27310) | 110:- |
Wheeler, Margaret History was Buried.. A Source Book of Archaeology. Illustr. New York City 1967. 440 pp. Cl. (#17494) | 200:- |
When Orpheus Sang.. An Ancient Bestiary. By Debra Noël Adams, Emma C. Bunker, Trudy Kawami, Robert Morkot & Dalia Tawil. Illustr. Paris 2004. 285 pages. 4:o. Original cloth. (#155383) | 650:- |
Widengren, Geo Iranisch-semitische Kulturbegegnung in parthischer Zeit.. Köln 1960. 163 pages. Soft covers. (#201290) | 250:- |
Wilcox, Elisabeth G. Mu - den sjunkna kontinenten.. Illustrerad. 1964. 180 sidor. Förlagsband med skyddsomslag. (#200384) | 160:- |
Williams, Stephen. Fantastic Archaeology. The Wild Side of North American Prehistory.. University of Pennsylvania Press 1991. xii,407 pages. Paper back. As new. (#218536) | 150:- |
Willoughby, Charles C. Indian Burial Place at Winthrop, Massachusetts.. With notes on the skeletal remains by Earnest A. Hooton. Illustr. Cambridge, Mass. 1924. 37 pages + plates. Cloth. Ex library in excellent condition. (#123913) | 300:- |
Wirgin, Jan Kejsarens armé.. Soldater och hästar av lergods från Qin Shihuangs grav. Illustr. Sth 1984. 100 sidor. Stort format. Original klotband. Skyddsomslag. Utställningskatalog. (#25086) | 75:- |
Virtual Archaeology.. Great Discoveries Brought to Life Through Virtual Reality. Foreword by Colin Renfrew. General editors Maurizio Forte & Alberto Siliotti. Richly illustr. London 1997. 294 pages. 4:o. Original cloth in dustjacket. (#156875) | 175:- |
von Heland, Madeleine The Golden Bowl from Pietroasa.. Illustr. Sthlm 1973. 110 pages. Softcover. (#46381) | 150:- |
Woolley, Leonard Abraham och hebréernas ursprung.. Sthlm 1937. 192 sidor. Klotband. (#181916) | 140:- |
Woolley, Leonard Digging up the Past.. London 1930. X, 144 pages + plates. Original cloth. (#138293) | 125:- |
Woolley, Leonard Digging up the Past.. Penguin 1940. 112 pages + plates. Paperback. (#116306) | 100:- |
Woolley, Leonard Fynd i jorden.. En arkeolog berättar. Illustr. Sth 1954. 117 sidor. Häftad. (#17496) | 65:- |
Woolley, Leonard Fynd i jorden.. En arkeolog berättar. Illustr. Sth 1954. 117 sidor. Inbunden. (#17498) | 100:- |
Woolley, Leonard History Unearthed.. A Survey of Eighteen Archaeological Sites. Illustr. London 1958. 184 pages. 4:o. Original cloth. Dust jacket. (#60376) | 200:- |
Vorgeschichte.. Herausgegeben von Marie-Henriette Alimen und Marie-Joseph Steve. Fischer Bücherei 1966. 400 pages. Pocket. Fischer Weltgeschichte 1. (#118507) | 100:- |
World Archaeology 20, No. 1 June 1988. Archaeology in Africa.. Ed. Ray Inskeep. Illustr. London 1988. 170 pp. (#52038) | 140:- |
Wormington, H.M. Ancient Man in North America.. Fourth edition, fully revised. Illustr. Denver 1957. XVIII, 322 pages. Softcover. (#131510) | 175:- |
Wurz, Reinhold Spirale und Volute. von der vorgeschichtlichen Zeit bis zum Ausgang des Altertums. Mit 239 Abbildungen. Diss. München 1914. 203 pages. Softcover. Stamped. (#77824) | 250:- |
Yadin, Yigael Bar Kochba.. Archaäologen auf den Spuren des letzten Fürsten von Israel. Illustr. Hamburg 1971. 270 pp. Cloth in dustjacket. (#41586) | 200:- |
Yamauchi, Edwin The Archaeology of the New Testament Cities in Western Asia Minor.. Pickering & Inglis 1980. 180 pages. Paper back. Illustrated. (#210911) | 100:- |
Zink, David D. The Ancient Stones Speak.. A Journey to the World's Most Mysterious Megalithic Sites. Richly illustr. New York 1979. 202 pages. 4:o. Original cloth in dustjacket. (#157642) | 125:- |
Åberg, Nils La civilisation Énéolithique dans la Péninsule Ibérique.. Illustr. Uppsala 1921. XIV, 204 pages + plates. Softcover. (#17514) | 160:- |
Åkerström, Åke Studien über die etruskischen Gräber unter besonderer Berücksichtigung der Entwicklungdes Kammergrabes.. Mit 18 ganzseitigen Bildern und 25 Abbildungen im Text. Uppsala, 1934. 30x22 cm. 210 pages. 4:o. Soft covers. Slightly worn and with new spine. Inscribed by the author. (#195418) | 200:- |
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