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Aberstén, Simon Gittin i den babyloniska Talmud Perek 1.. Öfversättning med förklarande anmärkningar. Akademisk afhandling, Göteborg 1896. (2),viii,60,(2) sidor. Häftad. Dedikation. (#189706)125:-
A Chinese-English Dictionary.. (Peking?) 1986. 976 pages. Hardcover. (#150686)150:-
A Conversion Table of Simplified Chinese Characters.. New Haven no date (c. 1980). 64 pages. Staple bound. (#112981)100:-
Allières, Jacques Manuel pratique de basque.. Paris 1979. 262 pages. Soft covers. Very fine. (#121884)200:-
Almkvist, Herman Die Bischari-Sprache tu-bedawie in Nordost-Afrika 2.. Beschreibend und vergleichend dargestellt. Bischari-deutsches und deutsch-bischarisches Wörterbuch. Nebst arabischem Wortverzeichnisse. Uppsala 1885. VIII, 114 pp. 4:o. Soft covers. Part 2, "Wörterbuch", only. (#47750)150:-
Almkvist, Herman Die Bischari-Sprache tu-bedawie in Nordost-Afrika 2.. Beschreibend und vergleichend dargestellt. Bischari-deutsches und deutsch-bischarisches Wörterbuch. Nebst arabischem Wortverzeichnisse. Uppsala 1885. VIII, 114 pp. 4:o. Soft covers. Spine worn. Part 2, "Wörterbuch", only. (#58270)150:-
Almkvist, Herman Nubische Studien im Sudan 1877-78.. Aus dem Nachlass herausgegeben von K.V. Zetterstéen. Uppsala 1911. 322 pp. 4:o. (#40807)350:-
Alphonse, Ephraim S. Guaymí Grammar and Dictionary.. With Some Ethnological Notes. Washington 1956. 128 pages. Softcover. (#113311)110:-
Andersson, Olov Bertil An Investigation into the Present State of Standard Chinese Pronunciation 1a.. A Companion Volume to R.H. Mathews' Chinese-English Dictionary. Lund 1978. 336 pages. Soft covers. (#11313)125:-
Andersson, Olov Bertil An Investigation into the Present State of Standard Chinese Pronunciation 1b.. Character Register to the Companion Volume. Lund 1989. 112 pp. (#11315)100:-
Andersson, Olov Bertil An Investigation into the Present State of Standard Chinese Pronunciation 2.. A Comparison of KUO² - Yܳ and PUTONG-HUÁ. Lund 1974. 220 pp. (#11316)125:-
Andersson, Olov Bertil Bushu.. A Key to the Radicals of the Japanese Scripts. London 1980. xii, 87 pages. Soft covers. (#85197)125:-
Andersson, Olov Bertil Konkordans till fem transkriptionssystem för kinesiskt riksspråk.. Lund 1973. 228 sidor. Häftad. (#86684)145:-
Andersson, Olov Bertil Konkordans till fyra transkriptionssystem för kinesiskt riksspråk.. Lund 1969. 182 pp. Häftad. (#11322)105:-
Andersson, Olov Bertil The "Radicals" of the Chinese Script.. Traditional - and New. A Teaching Aid. Lund 1976. 113 pages. Softcover. (#11318)100:-
A Talking Book of Chinese Conversation.. Hong Kong 1969. 90 pages + vinyl record. Soft covers. (#156007)120:-
Attaoullah, Faud A, Turkish Self-Taught and Grammar.. London, E. Marlbodough 1940. xxii,378 pages + prtrait of Kemal Ataturk! Original cloth. (#214201)150:-
Ayaktopu terimleri sözlügü.. Ankara 1974. 51 pages. Softcover. (#134923)50:-
Bachmann, Johannes Die Philosophie des Neopythagoreers Secundus.. Linguistisch-philosophische Studie. Anhang: 1. Arabischer Text der "Milchmädchen-Fabel". 2. Geschichte des armenischen Königs Terâg. Aethiopisch-Deutsch. 3. Unedierte lateinische Secundus-Handschriften. Berlin 1888. 68,49,14,26 pages. Half cloth. Stamped. (#83085)300:-
Baller, F.W. A Mandarin Primer.. Prepared for the Use of Junior Members of the China Inland Mission. Tenth edition, Shanghai 1919. 282 pages. Sewn as issued. (#40834)200:-
Bastian, Adolf Sprachvergleichende Studien. mit besonderer Berücksichtigung der indochinesischen Sprachen. Leipzig 1870. XXXIX, 344 pages. Half cloth. Stamped. (#106272)1250:-
Beke, Ödön (ed.) Tscheremissische Texte zur Religion und Volkskunde.. Gesammelt und herausgegeben. Oslo 1931. 100 pages. 4:o. Original cloth. Stamped. (#82331)250:-
Bloomfield, Andrew & Tschering, Yanki Tibetan Phrasebook.. Ithaca, New York 1991. 144 pages. Softcover. (#103950)75:-
Borger, Riekele Babylonisch-Assyrische Lesestücke I.. I. Elemente der Grammatik und Schrift. Übungsbeispiele. Glossar. Roma 1963. LXXXIX pages. 4:o. Softcovers. (#209801)150:-
Borger, Riekele Babylonisch-Assyrische Lesestücke III.. III. Kommentar. Die Texte in Keilschrift. Roma 1963. Page 101-118 + 66 plates. 4:o. Softcovers. (#209802)150:-
Brockelmann, Carl Abessinische Studien.. Berlin 1950. 60 pages. Cloth. (#132245)140:-
Carspach, Anton Schwaederle Vorgermanische Fluss- und Bach-Namen im Elsass.. Eine sprach- und kultur-geschichtliche Studie. Colmar 1912. 164 pages. Soft covers. Spine worn. (#82575)175:-
Chen, Janey A Practical English-Chinese Pronouncing Dictionary.. English, Chinese Characters Romanized Mandarin and Cantonese. Rutland and Tokyo 1981. 634 pages. Original cloth in dustjacket. In slip-case. (#77642)225:-
Chinese Reader I-IV.. Beijing 1972-76. 239 + 295 + 327 + 231 pages. Soft covers. (#30684)350:-
Cho Seung-bog A Phonological Study of Early Modern Japanese I-II.. On the Basis of the Korean Source-Materials. Sthlm 1970. XVI, 184 + XV, 450 pages + folding map. Softcovers. 2 vols. (#31509)250:-
Cho Seung-bog A Phonological Study of Korean.. With a Historical Analysis. Diss. Uppsala 1967. 420 pages. Soft covers. (#31511)175:-
Christensen - Øst og vest.. Afhandlinger tilegnede Prof. Dr. phil. Arthur Christensen... Kbhvn 1945. 224 pp. Inbunden. Stämpl. (#35870)170:-
Collinder, Björn Reichstürkische Lautstudien.. Uppsala 1939. 104 pp. (#33961)130:-
Dabartinés lietuviu kalbos zodynas.. Red. J. Balcikonis, K. Korsakas et al. Vilnius 1954. XVI, 990 pages. Original cloth. (#149727)200:-
DeFrancis, John Beginning Chinese.. Revised edition. New Haven 1968. xxxii, 536 pages. Soft covers. Some pencil-markings. (#86679)200:-
DeFrancis, John Beginning Chinese.. Revised edition. New Haven 1971. xxxii, 536 pages. Soft covers. (#85239)250:-
DeFrancis, John Character Text for Beginning Chinese.. New Haven and London 1968. 436 pp. Softcover. (#64443)250:-
DeFrancis, John Character Text for Beginning Chinese.. New Haven and London 1972. 436 pp. Softcover. (#86680)250:-
Dictionnaire du Papyrus Harris No 1.. Publié par S. Birch d'apres l'original du British Museum par le Dr. Karl Piehl. Vienne 1882. VIII, 116 pages. Softcover. (#19403)225:-
Doke, Clement M. Bantu.. Modern grammatical, phonetical, and lexicographical studies since 1860. London 1967. 119 pages. Soft covers. Exlibris. (#182421)150:-
Dunn, C.J. & Yanada, S. Teach Yourself Japanese.. London 1958. 310 pages. Original cloth. (#134542)110:-
Edmo, Ronald Snake Spirit Rider.. A Collection of Contemporary Poetry in the Shoshoni Language. Illustr. Pocatello 2002. XIV, 90 pages. Softcover. Includes glossary and English translation. (#131624)200:-
Egerod, Søren The Lungtu Dialect.. A Descriptive and Historical Study of a South Chinese Idiom. Diss. Kbhvn 1956. XVIII, 284 pages. Half cloth with preserved wrappers. Stamped. (#89288)500:-
Elementargrammatik des neuchinesischen.. Deutsche Fassung des grammatischen Lehrbuches der Universität Peking. Jy fa giau cai''. Übersetzt und bearbeitet von Martin Piasek. Leipzig 1957. 287 pages. Original cloth. (#121965)125:-
Elisséeff, Reischauer & Yoshihashi Elementary Japanese for College Students I-II.. I. Japanese text. II. Vocabularies, Grammar and Notes. Cambridge, Mass. 1961-63. 154 + 209 pages. Soft covers. 2 volumes. A few pages in vol. II with ink underl. (#51568)160:-
Fisch, R. Dagbane-Sprachproben.. Hamburg 1913. 190 pages. Soft covers, slightly damaged. Mitteilungen veröffentlicht vom Seminar für Kolonialsprachen in Hamburg. (#190041)400:-
Fjalori anglisht-shqip.. Tiranë 1966. 340 pages. Hardcover. (#122345)175:-
Friedrich, Johannes Glömda skrifter och språk.. Sthlm 1967. 146 sidor. Pocket. (#86216)100:-
Fürst, Julius Hebräisches und chaldäisches Handwörterbuch über das alte Testament.. Erster bis zweyter Band. Dritte verbesserte und vermehrte Auflage bearbeitet von Dr. Victor Ryssel. Leipzig 1876. (4),xlviii,806 + (4),668 pages. Original half leather with worn surface. (#212217)450:-
Gatschet, Albert S. & Swanton, John R. A Dictionary of the Atakapa Language.. Accompanied by Text Material. Washington 1932. 181 pages. Softcover. (#131631)125:-
Gregersen, Edgar A. Prefix and Pronoun in Bantu.. Baltimore 1967. 69 pages. Softcover. (#82288)110:-
Güner, Musa Turkisk-svensk ordbok. Tredje upplagan, Lund 1985. 201 sidor. Häftad. (#175918)150:-
Hall, Robert A. Pidgin and Creole Languages.. Ithaca 1974. xvi,188 pages. Original cloth. No jacket. (#168748)170:-
Hammershaimb, E. Das Verbum im Dialekt von Ras Schamra.. Eine monographische und Syntaktische Untersuchung des Verbums in den alphabetischen Kielschrifttexten aus dem alten Ugarit. Kbhvn 1941. 274 pp. Title-page missing. (#39007)200:-
Harmandali, Ihsan Güres terimleri sözlügü.. Ankara 1974. 46 pages. Softcover. (#134921)50:-
Hartman, Lars Testimonium linguae. Participial Constructions in the Synoptic Gospels. A Linguistic Examination of Luke 21,13.. Lund 1963. 75 pages. Softcover. (#45933)110:-
Hause, Helen Engel Terms for Musical Instruments in the Sudanic Languages.. A Lexicographical Inquiry. Diss. Philadelphia 1948. 71 pages + folding chart. Softcover. Stamped. (#70164)175:-
Herzog, E. Glosarul dialectului marginean.. No date. 48 pp. (#35363)110:-
Hodge, Carleton Taylor An Outline of Housa Grammar.. Diss. Philadelphia 1947. 61 pages. Staple bound. Stamped. (#125508)100:-
Holmer, Nils M. A Comparative Typological Analysis of a New Guinea Language.. Uppsala 1971. 62 pp. Soft covers. (#47674)150:-
Holmer, Nils M. Oceanic Semantics.. (A study in the framing of concepts in the native languages of Australia and Oceania.) Uppsala 1966. 76 pp. Soft covers. (#47671)145:-
Holmer, Nils M. The Character of the Iroquian Languages.. Uppsala 1952. 37 pages. Pamphlet. (#47721)125:-
Holmer, Nils M. The Ojibway on Walpole Island, Ontario.. (A Linguistic Study). Uppsala 1954. 92 pages + plates. Softcover. (#47725)170:-
Holmer, Nils M. The Seneca Language.. (A Study in Iroquoian.) Uppsala 1954. 116 pp. + plates. Soft covers. (#47724)170:-
Holmer, Nils M. & Vanja E. Stories from Two Native Tribes of Eastern Australia.. Uppsala 1969. 65 pages + plate. Softcover. (#47672)150:-
Ioannidis, Georgios och Ann Lindvall Nygrekiska 1. Lärobok för nybörjare.. Kursverksamhetens förlag, Lund 1984. 160 sidor. Häftad. Utan anteckningar. (#219798)150:-
Jacobs, Melville (ed.) Northwest Sahaptin Texts I.. New York 1934. XII, 294 pp. Original cloth. (#25525)300:-
Jahani, Carina Standardization and Orthography in the Balochi Language.. Diss. Uppsala 1989. 268 pages. Softcover. (#33280)145:-
Jarring, Gunnar Wörterverzeichnis zu G. Raquettes Ausgabe von Täji bilä Zohra.. (Lund 1930) Lund 1967. 64 pages. Soft covers. Back cover spotted. (#33282)125:-
Jaspan, M.A. Folk Literature of South Sumatra.. Redjang Ka-Ga-Nga Texts. Illustr. Canberra 1964. 92 pages. Softcover. (#27225)100:-
Jernudd, Björn The Language Survey of Sudan.. The First Phase: A Questionnaire Survey in Schools. Diss. Umeå 1979. 206 pages. Soft covers. (#58638)180:-
Johansson, K.F. Etymologisches und wortgeschichtliches.. Uppsala 1927. 88 pp. (#33328)135:-
Johansson, K.F. Etymologisches und wortgeschichtliches.. Uppsala 1927. 88 pp. Front cover loose. (#40761)110:-
Johansson & Sahlquist Korrespondu esperante.. Skriv brev på esperanto. Sthlm 1985. 128 sidor. Pocket. (#69541)100:-
Josephson, Folke The Function of the Sentence Particles in Old and Middle Hittite.. Diss. Uppsala 1972. 433 pages. Softcover. (#44448)175:-
Karlgren, Bernhard Etudes sur la phonologie Chinoise 1.. (More publ.) Diss. Uppsala 1915. 388 pages. Soft covers. (#48314)175:-
Karlgren, Bernhard Etudes sur la phonologie chinoise 3.. Uppsala 1916. 316 pages. Soft covers. Front cover loose. Archives D'Études Orientales 15:2 (#179464)150:-
Karlgren, Bernhard Etudes sur la phonologie chinoise 4.. Uppsala 1924. Page 700-899. Soft covers. Archives D'Études Orientales 15:4 (#46130)150:-
Karlgren, Bernhard Från Kinas språkvärld.. Sthlm 1946. 100 sidor. Häftad. (#75859)110:-
Koop, Albert J. & Inada, Hogitaro Japanese Names and How to Read Them.. A manual for art-collectors and students. London 1923. x552,(10) pages. Original cloth. No jacket. Very fine. (#189529)700:-
Krueger, John R. The Kalmyk-Mongolian Vocabulary in Stralenberg's Geography of 1730.. Sth 1975. 205 pages including facsimiles of the English version. Softcover. (#58014)175:-
Kyger, Minor Ellsworth Indo-European Words and Locutions for Danger (with Emphasis on Germanic and Romance Languages).. Diss. Washington 1955. XIX, 133 pages. Softcover. Stamped. (#119304)250:-
Lagercrantz, Otto Indogermanische Prädikativ.. Upps. 1933. 40 pages. Soft covers. (#19549)75:-
Lange, Rudolf, Lehrbuch der japanischen Umgangssprache.. Formenlehre und die wichtigsten Regeln der Syntax. Stuttgart & Berlin, Spemann 1890. xxx,512 pages. Original decorated cloth. One corner bumped. Lehrbuch des Seminars für Orientalische Sprachen in Berlin I (#203264)500:-
Langscheidts Sprachführer - Neugriechisch.. Illustr. Berlin 1964. 196 pages. Pocket sized. Plastic covers. (#152550)100:-
Language in Africa.. Papers of the Leverhulme Conference on Universities and Language Problems of Tropical Africa, held at University College, Ibadan. Edited by John Spencer. Cambridge 1963. 167 pages. Original cloth. Dust jacket. (#101418)160:-
Language in Society. - Eight Sociolinguistic Essays on Balochi. Editor: Carina Jahani. Upps. 2000. 130 pages + map. Softcover. (#113972)250:-
Leander, Pontus Ueber die sumerischen Lehnwörter im Assyrischen.. Diss. Uppsala 1903. 94 pp. Softcover. (#43787)150:-
Lindblom, Gerhard Notes on the Kamba Grammar.. With Two Appendices: Kamba Names of Persons, Places, Animals and Plants - Salutations. Uppsala 1926. 100 pages. Softcover. Archives D'Études Orientales 10. (#44679)175:-
Lindblom, Gerhard Outlines of a Tharaka Grammar.. With a List of Words and Specimens of the Language. Uppsala 1914. 54 pages. Softcover. Archives D'Études Orientales 9. (#44681)140:-
Long, John Voyages and Travels of an Indian Interpreter and Trader,. Describing the Manners and Customs of the North American Indians ... Facsimile edition, Toronto 1971, of the 1791 original. XI, 295 pages. Softcover. Former owners name on title page. Includes a vocabulary of the "Chippeway" language. (#129907)150:-
Löfgren - On Both Sides of al-Mandab. Ethiopian, South-Arabic and Islamic Studies presented to Oscar Löfgren.... Illustrated. Stockholm 1989. (8),168 pages. Soft covers. Swedish Research Institute in Islanbul Transactions vol 2. (#37623)200:-
Majumdar, R.C. (ed.) Inscriptions of Kambuja.. Calcutta 1953. XXVII, 641 pages + folding map. Cloth. (#64061)3100:-
Mardin, Yusuf Turkish Phrase Book.. London 1970. 156 pages. Soft covers. (#97298)100:-
Matsushita, Shuji Bargery Toolbox 1.. Based on Rev. G.P. Bargery's A Hausa-English Dictionary. Hausa Dialect Vocabulary 1. Tokyo 1993. 311 pages. Soft covers. (#138680)180:-
Meinhof, Carl Grundzüge einer vergleichenden Grammatik der Bantusprachen. Berlin 1906. 16 + 159 sidor. Original cloth. Free front end-paper missing. (#182420)300:-
Monchi-Zadeh, Davoud Das persische im Codex Cumanicus.. Uppsala 1969. 219 pages. Softcover. (#44473)165:-
Moser-Philtsou, Maria Lehrbuch der neugriechischen Volkssprache.. München 1958. 586 pages. Original cloth. (#166775)165:-
Peters, Ludwig Grammatik der türkischen Sprache.. Berlin 1947. 244 pages. Original cloth. (#97300)175:-
Piehl, Karl Petites études égyptologiques.. Diss. Vienne 1881. 64 pp. Softcover. (#26720)200:-
Pinow, Heinz-Jürgen Die Nordamerikanischen Indianersprachen.. Ein Überblick über ihren Bau und ihre Besonderheiten. Wiesbaden 1964. XIV, 138 pages + folding maps. Softcover. (#101684)500:-
Pring, Julian T. A Grammar of Modern Greek on Phonetic Basis.. London 1983. 127 pages. Soft covers. (#219799)100:-
Ravn, O.E. Om nominernes bøjning i babylonisk-assyrisk.. (Indtil c. 1100.) Kbhvn 1909. 119 pages. Soft covers. Leaves loose. (#57505)150:-
Ringgren, Helmer Handskrifterna från Qumran IV-V.. Uppsala 1956. 109 pages. Soft covers. (#203758)150:-
Roeder, Günther Ägyptisch. Praktische Einführung in die Hieroglyphen und die ägyptische Sprache mit Lesestücken und Wörterbuch.. München 1926. 180 pages. Cloth. (#51964)150:-
Rose-Innes, Arthur Vocabulary of Common Japanese Words.. New Haven 1945. 161 pages. Softcover. (#108325)100:-
Rundgren - On the Dignity of Man.. Oriental and Classical Studies in Honour of Frithiof Rundgren. Ed. Tryggve Kronholm and Eva Riad. Illustr. Sth 1986. 524 pages. Soft covers. (#35691)180:-
Rundgren, Frithiof Intensiv und Aspektkorrelation.. Studien zur äthiopischen und akkadischen Verbalstammbildung. Uppsala 1959. 331 pages. Softcover. (#44539)195:-
Rydå, Sten Present and Aorist Participles in Contemporary Greek Newspapers.. Diss. Sth 1988. 174 pages. Soft covers. (#34508)135:-
Räsänen, Martti (ed.) Türkische Sprachproben aus Mittel-Anatolien II.. Jozgat vil. Helsinki 1935. 106 pages. Soft covers. Studia Orientalia VI:2 (#97297)160:-
Serial Arrangements of Chinese Characters.. New Haven 1968. 18 pages. Soft covers. (#123425)50:-
Shelly, George L. Discussion of Method in the Teaching of Spoken Chinese.. New Haven 1961. 56 pages. Soft covers. (#123429)75:-
Simonsson, Nils Indo-tibetische Studien I.. Die Methoden der tibetischen Übersetzer, untersucht im Hinblick auf die Bedeutung ihrer Übersetzungen für die Sanskritphilologie. Diss. Upps. 1957. 291 pages + plate. Softcover. (#41553)200:-
Sommerfelt, Alf La langue et la société.. Caractères sociaux d'une langue de type archaique. Oslo 1938. XII, 233 pages. Softcover. A few pencilnotes in the Introduction. Australia. (#52144)175:-
Soothill, W.E. The Student's Four Thousand [Characters] and General Pocket Dictionary.. Tenth edition. Shanghai 1917. XXXV, 428 pages. Soft cloth wrappers. Well used but quite functionable. (#160672)400:-
Steensland, Lars Die Distribution der urindogermanischen sogenannten Gutturale.. Diss. Uppsala 1973. 139 pages. Soft covers. (#48643)145:-
Stimson, Hugh M. One Thousand Chinese Characters With Literary Glosses.. New Haven 1968. 67 pages. Soft covers. (#123423)75:-
St. John, R.F. St. A. Burmese Self-Taught.. (In Burmese and Roman Characters) with Phonetic Pronunciation (Thimm's system). New Delhi 1991. 168 pages. Original cloth. (#134527)100:-
Strandenaes, Thor Principles of Chinese Bible Translations. as Expressed in Five Selected Versions of the New Testament and Exemplified by Mt %:1-12 and Col 1. Diss. Uppsala 1987. 166 pages. Soft covers. (#48466)150:-
Stumme, Hans Arabisch Persisch und Türkisch. in den Grundzügen der Laut-und Formenlehre, für das Privatstudium sowohl als für akademische Vorlesungen, in denen Wörter und Namen aus dem Kulturkreise der islamischen Welt zu erklären sind. Ohne Anwendung der arabischen Schrift. Leipzig 1902. 63 pages. Hardcover. Ex Libris. (#215597)160:-
Sundwall, Johannes Der Ursprung der kretischen Schrift. Åbo 1920. 25 pages. Disbound. No covers. (#183353)150:-
Sundwall, Johannes Der Ursprung der kretischen Schrift. Åbo 1920. 25 pages. Soft covers. (#203751)150:-
Sundwall, Johannes Die Entstehung des phönikischen Alphabets und die kretische Schrift.. Åbo 1931. 10 pages. Disbound. no cover. (#220781)100:-
Svanberg, Ingvar (red.) Tradition och nyskapande. Turkiska språket och kulturen.. Illustrerad. Lund 1997. 183 sidor. Häftad. (#97311)130:-
Svecevicius, B., Lithuanian-English Phrase-Book.. Vilnius 1987. 176 pages. Original cloth. (#206182)100:-
The People's Republic of China National Standard. Code of Chinese Graphic Character Set for Information Interchange Primary Set. GB 2312-80. Beijing 1981. 175 pages + large folding tables. 4:o. Soft covers. (#93109)200:-
Todd, Loreto Pidgins and Creols.. Second edition, London 1992. 117 pages. Soft covers. (#168765)120:-
Türkische Urkunden.. Herausgegeben und übersetzt von A.N. Kurat und K.V. Zetterstéen. Uppsala 1938. 59 pages + 13 folding facsimiles. 4:o. Softcover. (#43599)225:-
Utas, Bo (ed.) Tariq ut-tahqiq.. A Critical Edition, with a History of the Text and a Commentary. Diss. Uppsala 1973. 245, 53 pages. Softcover. (#51482)185:-
Wang, William S-Y. & Lyovin, Anatole CLIBOC:. Chinese Linguistics Bibliography on Computor. Cambridge, Mass. 1970. 513 pages + maps in pocket. Original cloth. Dust jacket. (#77616)250:-
Van, Leonard W. Afrikaans Self-Taught by the Natural Method with Phonetic Pronunciation.. London, Marlborough no date. 246 pages. Soft covers. (#200764)150:-
Wickman, Bo The Form of the Object in the Uralic Languages.. Diss. Uppsala 1955. 154 pages. Softcover. (#34356)130:-
Wikander, Stig (ed.) Recueil de textes kourmandji.. Uppsala 1959. 108 pages. Softcover. (#44537)150:-
Williamson, H.R. Chinese.. Teach Yourself Books. Sevenoaks 1972. 530 pages. Paperback. (#74828)100:-
Williamson, H.R. Teach Yourself Chinese.. London 1955. 530 pages. Original cloth. (#134546)110:-
von Gerlach, Otto Förklaring öfver Johannes' Evangelium,. öfversatt på Amhariska utaf B.P. Lundahl. Utgifven på trycket af J.M. Flad. St. Chrischona 1889. 137 sidor. Halvklotband. (#81914)200:-
von Gerlach, Otto Förklaring öfver Matthei Evangelium,. öfversatt på Amhariska utaf B.P. Lundahl. St. Crischona 1886. 179 sidor. Halvklotband. (#81916)200:-
Üçok, Necip Genel Dilbilim.. (Lengüistik). Ankara 1947. 178 pages. Soft covers. (#117156)150:-
Üçok, Necip Genel Fonetik.. (Ana Çizgileri). Istanbul 1951. 244 pages. Soft covers. (#117158)150:-

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