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Abegg, Lily Im neuen China.. Zürich 1957. 286 pp. Ocl. (#41078) | 160:- |
Account of the T'ų-Yų-Hún in the History of the Chėn Dynasty.. Translated and annotated by Thomas D. Carroll. University of California press 1953. 47 pages. Soft covers. Very fine. (#186480) | 150:- |
A Chinese-English Dictionary.. (Peking?) 1986. 976 pages. Hardcover. (#150686) | 150:- |
A Classified List of Reference Books. in the Reading Rooms of the National Library of Peiping. Published 1932, reprinted by Ch'eng Wen Publ. Company, Taipei 1971. 353, 74 pages. Original cloth. (#133442) | 250:- |
A Conversion Table of Simplified Chinese Characters.. New Haven no date (c. 1980). 64 pages. Staple bound. (#112981) | 100:- |
Ahlenius, K. En kinesisk världskarta från 17:de århundradet.. Uppsala 1903. (2), 25, iv sidor + stor utvikbar karta. Häftad. Fint ex. (#96638) | 300:- |
Ahlenius, K. En kinesisk världskarta från 17:de århundradet.. Uppsala 1903. (2), 25, iv sidor + stor utvikbar karta. Häftad. Saknar omslag. (#95731) | 250:- |
Aijmer, Göran The Dragon Boat Festival on the Hupeh-Hunan Plain, Central China.. A Study in the Ceremonialism of the Transplantation of Rice. Sthlm 1964. 135 pages. Softcover. (#59183) | 175:- |
Ambolt, Nils Relative Schwerkraftsbestimmungen mit Pendeln in Zentralasien.. Mit 10 Tafeln und einer Karte des "Khotan-Darya". Stockholm 1948. 112 pages + plates and maps. 4:o. Soft. Original cloth. Very fine copy. Reports from the Scientific Expedition to the North-Western Provinces of China under the Leadership of dr. Sven Hedin. The Sino-Swedish Expedition. Publication 30. II. Geodesy 2. (#203982) | 350:- |
American Relations with China.. Report of the Conference held at Johns Hopkins University, Septemper 17-20, 1925 ... Baltimore 1925. 198 pages + folding map. Softcover. Stamped. (#118073) | 200:- |
Andersen, Aeneas, Berättelse om Ängelska beskickningen til China under Lord Macartney.. Sammandrag. Stockholm, Pfeiffer 1796. (6),250 sidor. Oskuren i gråpappersomslag med nött rygg. Något musgnagd i övre hörnet. (#203207) | 500:- (bild) |
Andersson, Johan Gunnar Draken och de främmande djävlarna.. Illustr. Sthlm 1926. 454 sidor + utvikbar karta. Häftad. (#163077) | 150:- |
Andersson, Olov Bertil An Investigation into the Present State of Standard Chinese Pronunciation 1a.. A Companion Volume to R.H. Mathews' Chinese-English Dictionary. Lund 1978. 336 pages. Soft covers. (#11313) | 125:- |
Andersson, Olov Bertil An Investigation into the Present State of Standard Chinese Pronunciation 1b.. Character Register to the Companion Volume. Lund 1989. 112 pp. (#11315) | 100:- |
Andersson, Olov Bertil An Investigation into the Present State of Standard Chinese Pronunciation 2.. A Comparison of KUO˛ - YÜŗ and PUTONG-HUÁ. Lund 1974. 220 pp. (#11316) | 125:- |
Andersson, Olov Bertil Konkordans till fem transkriptionssystem för kinesiskt riksspråk.. Lund 1973. 228 sidor. Häftad. (#86684) | 145:- |
Andersson, Olov Bertil Konkordans till fyra transkriptionssystem för kinesiskt riksspråk.. Lund 1969. 182 pp. Häftad. (#11322) | 105:- |
Andersson, Olov Bertil The "Radicals" of the Chinese Script.. Traditional - and New. A Teaching Aid. Lund 1976. 113 pages. Softcover. (#11318) | 100:- |
Anvill, Elis Kinas okrönta drottning. Madame Chiang Kai-Shek.. Illustrerad. Uppsala 1942. 136 sidor. Häftad. Skuren. (#209249) | 130:- |
A Talking Book of Chinese Conversation.. Hong Kong 1969. 90 pages + vinyl record. Soft covers. (#156007) | 120:- |
Baark, Erik & Sigurdson, Jon (eds.) India-China Comparative Research.. Technology and Science for Development. London 1981. IX, 154 pages. Softcover. (#106203) | 125:- |
Backhouse, E. & Bland, J.O.P. Annals & Memoirs of the Court of Peking.. (From the 16th to the 20th century) Illustrated. London 1914. x,532 pages + plates. Original cloth. Stamped. Second impression. (#175872) | 450:- |
Baller, F.W. A Mandarin Primer.. Prepared for the Use of Junior Members of the China Inland Mission. Tenth edition, Shanghai 1919. 282 pages. Sewn as issued. (#40834) | 200:- |
Baller, F.W. An Analytical Chinese-English Dictinary.. Compiled for the China Inland Mission. Shanghai 1915. vi, 637 pages. 4:o. Half leather. (#148423) | 1500:- |
Barcata, Louis China geht nicht Russlands Weg.. Partner? Konkurrenten? Gegner? Stuttgart 1959. 278 pages + plates. Original cloth. Dust jacket. (#101512) | 150:- |
Barnett, Doak Kina efter Mao.. Sth 1968. 218 pp. Pocket. (#11390) | 40:- |
Barnett, Doak A. Communist China and Asia.. Challenge to American Policy. Harper & Brothers 1960. 575 pages. Original cloth with dustjacket. (#150348) | 150:- |
Bechtoldt, Heinrich Die Allianz mit der Armut.. Chinas Revolutionsstrategie gegen Rußland und Amerika. Freiburg 1967. 348 pages. Original cloth. Dust jacket. (#93579) | 150:- |
Behr, Edward The Last Emperor.. London 1988. 335 pages + plates. Softcover. (#163114) | 110:- |
Berton, Peter & Wu, Eugene Contemporary China.. A Research Guide. Edited by Howard Koch, Jr. Stanford 1967. xxx, 695 pages. Original cloth. Dust jacket. (#86989) | 250:- |
Birdwhistell, Anne D. Li Yong (1627-1705) and Epistemological Dimensions of Confucian Philosophy.. Stanford 1996. 286 pages. Original cloth. Dust jacket. (#81732) | 250:- |
Björkstén, Ingmar Tre veckor i Kina.. Reseanteckningar. Illustrerad. Stockholm 1979. 271 sidor. Originalklotband med skyddomslag. (#153083) | 140:- |
Bland, J.O. och Backhouse, E. Kina under sista änkekejsarinnan.. På grundval af offentliga handlingar och enskilda dagböcker utarbetad. Med talrika bilder. Övers. Elias Grip. Sthlm 1912. x,430 sidor + bilder. Halvklotband. Stämpel. (#174471) | 175:- |
Bland, J.O.P. & Backhouse, E. Kina under den sista änkekejsarinnan.. På grundval af offentliga handlingar och enskilda dagböcker utarbetad. Öfvers. Elias Grip. Illustr. Sth 1912. X, 430 pp. Dekorerat originalklotband. (#38598) | 250:- |
Blomqvist, Lars Erik, Lidström, Karl-Gunnar & Odén, Bertil Revolutionernas Kina. Från Konfucius till Mao Tse-tung. Sthlm 1967. 205 sidor. Förlagsband med slitet skyddsomslag. (#211999) | 150:- |
Blumer, Giovanni Den kinesiska kulturrevolutionen.. Sth 1969. 358 sidor. Pocket. Namnteckning (#11297) | 100:- |
Breth, R.M. Mao's China: A study of socialist economic development.. Illustrated. Melbourne 1977. 178 pages. Paper back. (#175473) | 110:- |
Bretschneider, E. Die Pekinger Ebene und das benachbarte Gebirgsland.. Mit einer Originalkarte. Gotha, Justus Perthes 1876. (2),42 pages + folding map. 4:o. Soft covers. Back cover missing. Ergänzungsheft No 46 zu Petermann's Geographischen Mittheilungen. (#201431) | 350:- |
Bring, Sven (praseses) och Svenonius, Bengt (respondent) Dissertatio gradualis, de prærogativis imaginariis literarum chinensium.. Lund, Berling 1748, (4),24 sidor. Liten 4:o. Tagen ur band. (#210396) | 4500:- (bild) |
Buchanan, Keith, FitzGerald, Charles & Ronan, Colin A. Kinaboken.. Illustr. Sthlm 1988. 520 sidor. 4:o. Originalklotband i skyddsomslag. (#122888) | 300:- |
Burchett, Wilfred & Alley, Rewi China: The Quality of Life.. Penguin 1976. 312 pages. Paper back. (#176895) | 100:- |
Bussagli, Mario Chinese Bronzes.. Illustr. London 1969. 158 pages. Original cloth in dustjacket. (#124520) | 100:- |
Capon, Edmund Qin Shihuang.. Terracotta Warriors and Horses. Illustr. U.o.o.å. (1983?). 96 pp. 4:o. (#25087) | 70:- |
[Castillon, Jean] Anecdotes chinoises, japonoises, siamoises, tonquinoises, &c. ; Dans lesquelles on s'est attaché principalement aux moeurs, usages, coutumes & religions de ces différens peuples de l'Asie.. Paris, Vincent 1774. One blank, 422, 234, 52, 32 pages. 8:o. Worn contemporary full leather. Interior clean. (#215103) | 2000:- (bild) |
Chang Chi-yun Chinese History of Fifty Centuries I.. Ancient Times. Illustrated. China Academy, Taipei 1973. xxxviii, 458 pages. Original cloth. Dust jacket. (#82915) | 150:- |
Chang, Jolan Kärlekens Tao.. Den fornkinesiska läran om kärlekskonsten. Sthlm 1978. 163 sidor. Förlagsband med skyddsomslag. Fint ex. (#191458) | 150:- |
Chang, Jolan Kärlekens Tao.. Den fornkinesiska läran om kärlekskonsten. Sthlm 1978. 163 sidor. Förlagsband med skyddsomslag. Lite bläckförstrykningar. (#179331) | 125:- |
Chang, Jung Den sista kejsarinnan av Kina.. Stockholm 2014. 503 sidor + illustrationer. Förlagsband med skyddsomslag. (#214925) | 150:- |
Chang, Jung Wild Swans.. Three daughters of China. 1992. 696 pages. Paperback. (#174792) | 90:- |
Chang, Jung och Halliday, Jon Mao. Den sanna historien.. Illustrerad. Sthlm 2006. 882 sidor. Förlagets klotband med skyddsomslag. (#179122) | 150:- |
Chang, Landers & Spencer Beginning Chinese Reader.. Supplementary Materials. 1: Structural Points and Word Studies. 2: Exercises. New Haven 1978. x, 124 + 72 pages. Soft covers. 2 volumes. (#93113) | 200:- |
Chen, Janey A Practical English-Chinese Pronouncing Dictionary.. English, Chinese Characters Romanized Mandarin and Cantonese. Rutland and Tokyo 1981. 634 pages. Original cloth in dustjacket. In slip-case. (#77642) | 225:- |
Chen Shao-kwan The System of Taxation in China in the Tsing Dynasty, 1644-1911.. Diss. New York 1914. 118 pages. Softcover. Stamped. (#79229) | 250:- |
Chiang Chung-Cheng [Chiang Kai-Shek] Soviet Russia in China.. A Summing-up at Seventy. New York 1957. 392 pages. Original cloth. Dust jacket. (#102333) | 150:- |
Chien, David Lexicography in China.. Bibliography of Dictionaries and Related Literature. Exeter 1986. XXVII, 237 pages. Softcover. Exeter Linguistic Studies 12. (#77961) | 160:- |
China.. Edited by Harley Farnsworth MacNair. Berkeley 1946. 574 pages + plates. Original cloth with dustjacket. (#150089) | 150:- |
China and Ourselves.. Explorations and Revisions by a New Generation. Edited by Bruce Douglass and Ross Terrill. Preface by Edgar Snow. Boston 1970. 259 pages. Original half cloth. Dust jacket. (#109895) | 150:- |
China Readings 3.. Communist China. Revolutionary Reconstruction and International Confrontation 1949 to the Present. Ed. F. Schurmann and O. Schell. London 1967. 648 pp. Paperback. (#11404) | 60:- |
China's Minority Nationalities I.. Illustr. Beijing 1984. 270 pages. Paperback. (#123652) | 75:- |
China, the Emerging Red Giant.. Communist Foreign Policies. San Francisco 1952. 262 pages. Softcover. (#150334) | 110:- |
Chine.. 1568 pages. 92 pages de plans en noir. Atlas de 25 planches en couleurs. 15 plans et cartes en couleurs. Troisičme édition. Genčve 1978. Original cloth. Dust jacket. Nagel encyclopédie de voyage. (#118453) | 150:- |
Chinese Chronological Charts with Index.. Peiping 1931. 22, 8 pages + paper ruler in pocket. Folio. Original cloth. Harvard-Yenching Institute Sinological Index Series. Supplement I. (#123603) | 750:- |
Chinese Dictionaries.. An Extensive Bibliography of Dictionaries in Chinese and Other Languages. Compiled and edited by the Chinese-English Translation Assistance Group. Editor James Mathias. Compilers, Thomas Creamer and Sandra Hixson. Westport and London 1982. xvi, 447 pages. Original cloth. (#86995) | 500:- |
Chinese Philosophy in Classical Times. Edited and Translated by E.R. Hughes. Dent & Sons 1974. xlvi, 336 pages. Pocket. Few markings in pencil. (#219553) | 90:- |
Chinese Reader I-IV.. Beijing 1972-76. 239 + 295 + 327 + 231 pages. Soft covers. (#30684) | 350:- |
Chinesische Gedichte in Vierzeilern aus der T'ang-Zeit.. Mit 6 Reproductionen ... und 20 Wiedergaben von Original-Pinselzeichnungen von Richard Hadl. Rascher Verlag, Zürich 1944. 143 pages + plates. Original cloth. Dust jacket. (#103337) | 145:- |
Ching, Eugene & Nora 201 Chinese Verbs.. Compounds and Phrases for Everyday Usage. Barron, Woodbury 1977. xxiv, 264 pages. Soft covers. (#86991) | 150:- |
Chou, Maria Zur Stellung der Nebenfrau in der älteren chinesischen Gesellschaft.. Diss. München 1959. 225 pages. Softcover. Stamped. (#107437) | 225:- |
Chow Ching-wen Ten Years of Storm.. The True Story of the Communist Regime in China. New York 1960. 324 pages. Original cloth with dustjacket. (#150052) | 150:- |
Cotterell, Arthur Kejsaren av Kina.. Vår tids största arkeologiska upptäckt. Illustr. Sthlm 1981. 207 sidor. Originalklotband i skyddsomslag. (#163475) | 135:- |
Coucheron-Aamot, W. Durch das Land der Chinesen.. Autorisierte Übersetzung aus dem Norwegischen von K. Robolsky. Alte Ausgabe. Leipzig, Robert Baum 1898. (6),198 pages + portrait and plates. Original decorated cloth. (#217157) | 300:- (bild) |
Couchheron-Aamot, W. Gjennem de gules land og krigen i Østasien.. Med 90 illustrationer og 4 Karter. Kristiania 1895. xxii,(2),539 sidor + 4 kartor. Dekorerat original klotband. (#200154) | 350:- (bild) |
Couchheron-Aamot, W. Gjennem de gules land og krigen i Østasien.. Med 90 illustrationer og 4 Karter. Kristiania 1895. xxii,(2),539 sidor + 4 kartor. Halvklotband. (#200210) | 300:- |
Das Selbstbestimmungsrecht der Völker in Osteuropa und China.. Herausgegeben von Boris Meissner. Köln 1968. 237 pages. Original cloth. Dust jacket. (#149232) | 150:- |
Dawson, Raymond Imperial China.. London 1972. 326 pages + illustrations. Original cloth. Dust jacket. The History of Human Society. (#191285) | 150:- |
DeFrancis, John Beginning Chinese.. Revised edition. New Haven 1968. xxxii, 536 pages. Soft covers. Some pencil-markings. (#86679) | 200:- |
DeFrancis, John Beginning Chinese.. Revised edition. New Haven 1971. xxxii, 536 pages. Soft covers. (#85239) | 250:- |
DeFrancis, John Character Text for Beginning Chinese.. New Haven and London 1968. 436 pp. Softcover. (#64443) | 250:- |
DeFrancis, John Character Text for Beginning Chinese.. New Haven and London 1972. 436 pp. Softcover. (#86680) | 250:- |
DeWoskin, Rachel Babes i Beijing. Smart, roligt och insiktsfullt om det nya Kina. Översättning av Jessica Hallén. Prisma 2006. 288 sidor. Förlagsband med skyddsomslag. (#213045) | 130:- |
Dödvatten och gryning.. Två röster från Kina. Tolkade av Göran Malmqvist. Wiken 1983. 202 sidor. Original pappband med skyddsomslag. (#148352) | 100:- |
Egerod, Søren The Lungtu Dialect.. A Descriptive and Historical Study of a South Chinese Idiom. Diss. Kbhvn 1956. XVIII, 284 pages. Half cloth with preserved wrappers. Stamped. (#89288) | 500:- |
Elementargrammatik des neuchinesischen.. Deutsche Fassung des grammatischen Lehrbuches der Universität Peking. Jy fa giau cai''. Übersetzt und bearbeitet von Martin Piasek. Leipzig 1957. 287 pages. Original cloth. (#121965) | 125:- |
Fazzioli, Edoardo & Eileen Kejsarens läkeväxter.. Naturmedel från det gamla Kina. Illustrerad. Wiken 1989. 160 sidor. Stort format. Original klotband. Skyddsomslag. (#149374) | 160:- |
Feis, Herbert The China Tangle.. The American Effort in China from Pearl Harbour to the Marshall Mission. Princeton 1953. 446 pages. Original cloth with dustjacket. (#150083) | 150:- |
Feuerwerker, Albert China's Early Industrialization.. Sheng Hsuan-Huai (1844-1916) and Mandarin Enterprise. Cambridge, Mass. 1958. 311 + 32 pages. Hard covers. Pencil-underlinings. (#51285) | 170:- |
FitzGerald, C.P. Communism Takes China.. How the revolution went red. Illustr. 1971. 128 pp. Pb. (#11417) | 60:- |
Fleming, Peter One's Company.. A Journey to China in 1933. Penguin 1983. 252 pages. Paperback. (#63065) | 100:- |
Franke, Wolfgang Kinas kulturella revolution.. Sthlm 1957. 106 sidor. Häftad. (#75869) | 110:- |
Fraser, Stewart E. (ed.) Education and Communism in China.. An anthology of commentary & documents. London 1971. 614 pp. Ocl. (#11407) | 125:- |
Frequent Chinese Characters.. A Set of 6 Charts Specifying in Total 2,234 Characters According to Frequency. Cathay Books, R.G. Ulrich. Den Haag 1977. 6 folding charts in somewhat worn covers. (#96769) | 120:- |
Fung, Raymond Housholds of God on China's Soil.. Geneva 1982. 78 pages. Paperback. (#157283) | 80:- |
Gale, G.S. No Flies in China.. London 1955. 166 pages. Original cloth with dustjacket. (#150072) | 150:- |
Gatu, Dagfinn Toward Revolution.. War, Social Change and the Chinese Communist Party in North China 1937-45. Diss. Sthlm 1983. 353 pages. Soft covers. (#126781) | 200:- |
Girling, J.L.S. People's War.. The conditions and the consequences in China and in South-East Asia. London 1969. 244 pp. Ocl. (#11409) | 125:- |
Gittings, John The Role of the Chinese Army.. London 1967. 332 pages. Original cloth with dustjacket. (#150075) | 150:- |
Glaubitz, Joachim Opposition gegen Mao.. Abendgespräche am Yenshan und andere politische Dokumente. Olten 1969. 218 pages. Original cloth with dustjacket. (#150093) | 150:- |
Granqvist, Hans Kinas Röda garde.. Aldus, Sthlm 1967. 151 sidor. Pocket. (#183385) | 100:- |
Granqvist, Hans Kinas Röda garde.. Aldus, Sthlm 1967. 153 sidor. Pocket. Blyertsunderstrykningar. (#212640) | 70:- |
Gray, J. & Cavendish, P. Chinese Communism in Crisis.. Maoism and the Cultural Revolution. London 1968. 280 pp. Ocl. (#11413) | 110:- |
Greene, Felix The Wall Has Two Sides.. A Portrait of China Today. London 1962. 416 pages. Original cloth with dustjacket. (#150067) | 150:- |
Green, Felix China.. The Country Americans are not Allowed to Know. Ballantine Books, New York 1963. 448 pages. Paperback. (#116442) | 100:- |
Gros, Jules, Origines de la conquęte du Tong-Kin depuis l'expédition de Jean Dupuis jusqu'ā la mort de Henri Rivičre.. Illustrated. Deuxičme édition, Paris A. Picard et Kaan no date (later than 1886). Portrait. 252,(2) pages. Original cloth. Slightly foxed. Collection Picard. Bibliothčque coloniale et de voyages. (#201227) | 400:- (bild) |
Guillain, Robert Dans trente ans la Chine.. Paris 1965. 302 pages. Softcover. (#150335) | 100:- |
Guisso, Pagani & Miller, Förste kejsaren av Kina.. Illustrerad. Wiken 1993. 215 sidor. Förlagsband med skyddsomslag. (#207146) | 150:- |
Gyllensvärd, Bo Kinesiskt porslin och dess förhistoria.. En bok från Kulturhistoriska museet i Lund. Illustrerad. Västerås, ICA-förlaget 1966. 132 sidor. Häftad. (#175202) | 100:- |
Haglund, Åke Contact and Conflict.. Studies in Contemporary Religious Attitudes among Chinese People. Diss. Lund 1972. 248 pages. Softcover. (#38496) | 170:- |
Hallgren, Claes Morally United and Politically Divided.. The Chinese Community of Penang. Diss. Sth 1986. X, 199 pages. Softcover. Some ink underlinings. (#11444) | 110:- |
Hansén, Stig & Thor, Clas Shanghai, Shanghai!. Illustr. Sthlm 1982. 208 sidor. Förlagsband i skyddsomslag. (#163312) | 100:- |
Han Suyin Kina år 2001.. Sthlm 1968. 233 sidor. Pocket. (#145443) | 100:- |
Hedin, Sven Chiang Kai-Shek. Marskalk av Kina. Illustrerad. Sthlm 1939. 302 sidor + utvikbar karta. Med främre omslag i original klotband. (#189111) | 200:- |
Hedin, Sven Stora hästens flykt.. Fjärde upplagan. Sthlm 1935. 335 sidor + karta och illustrationer. Häftad. (#178231) | 140:- |
Hedin, Sven Stora hästens flykt.. Fjärde upplagan. Sthlm 1935. 335 sidor + karta och illustrationer. Original klotband med bevarat omslag. Skyddsomslaget lite naggat. (#148343) | 200:- |
Hedin, Sven, Stora Hästens flykt.. Stockholm, Bonniers 1935. 8:o. 335 sidor + planscher + faksimil + utvikbar karta. Förlagets dekorerade klotband. (#192390) | 250:- |
Hejzlar, Josef Chinese Watercolours.. Photographs by B. Forman. London 1982. 71 pages + many plates. 4:o. Original cloth in dustjacket. (#128656) | 150:- |
Henle, Hans Mao, China und die Welt von heute.. Union Verlag, Stuttgart 1961. 372 pages. Original cloth. Dust jacket. (#149540) | 150:- |
Henrikson, Alf & Hwang Tsu-yü Kinesisk historia.. Med teckningar av Björn Berg. Sth 1978. 472 sidor. Original klotband. Skyddsomslag. Namn-etikett på omslaget. (#9131) | 150:- |
Henrikson, Alf & Hwang Tsu-yü Kinesisk historia.. Med teckningar av Björn Berg. Sthlm 1967. 472 sidor. Original klotband. Skyddsomslag. (#11426) | 175:- |
Hessler, Carl Arvid De förtrycktas talan.. Ett kinesiskt perspektiv. Sthlm 1988. 191 sidor. Original klotband. Skyddsomslag. (#55574) | 140:- |
Hessler, Carl Arvid De sanna riddersmännens stat,. Politiska tankar i det gamla Kina. Sthlm 1979. 238 sidor. Originalklotband i skyddsomslag. (#75864) | 120:- |
Hirth, Friedrich The Ancient History of China.. To the End of the Chķu Dynasty. New York 1923. XX, 383 pages + folding map. Original cloth. (#68480) | 300:- |
Hjärne, Harald Kinas störste kejsare.. Särtryck. Uppsala 1906. 74 sidor. Häftad. (#120484) | 100:- |
Hobson, R.L. Chinesische Kunstwerke in farbiger Wiedergabe auf 100 Tafeln. Steingut und Porzellan und Jade und Lackarbeiten und Bronzen, Möbel und Gemälde. Berlin, Ernst Wasmuth 1927. 29x23 cm. 16 pages + 100 color plates. Original cloth. No jacket. (#195257) | 250:- |
Howe, Christoffer China's Economy. A Basic Guide. London 1978. 248 pages. Original cloth with dustjacket. (#150069) | 150:- |
Huang, Feng-Hua Public Debts in China.. New York 1919. 108 pages. Soft covers. Stamped. (#177985) | 145:- |
Huang Han Liang The Land Tax in China.. Diss. New York 1918. 180 pages. Softcover. Stamped. (#89136) | 125:- |
Huard, Pierre & Ming Wong La médicine Chinoise au cours des sičcles.. Éd. Roger Dacosta, Paris 1959. 192 pages + plates. Original decorated linen binding. No jacket. Very fine. Nr. 412 of 2000 printed copies. (#190160) | 400:- |
Hwang Tsu-Yü Det blommande granatäppelträdet.. Sthlm 1948. 254 sidor. Häftad. (#43348) | 135:- |
Hägglöf, Gunnar Kina som jag såg det.. Sthlm 1978. 193 sidor. Förlagsband med skyddsomslag. (#175134) | 135:- |
Jones, Owen The Grammar of Chinese Ornament.. Selected from objects in the South Kensington Museum and other collections. Illustrated. Reprint, London 1987. 15 pages + 100 plates. Folio. Original cloth. Dust jacket. (#98356) | 250:- |
Jonson, Jonas Lutheran Missions in a Time of Revolution.. The China Experience 1944-1951. Diss. Uppsala 1972. 230 pages. Softcover. (#39148) | 150:- |
Kahler, Franz Fusuliniden aus T'ien-schan und Tibet. Mit Gedanken zur Geschichte der Fusuliniden-Meere im Perm.. Stockholm 1974. x,148 pages + 2 plates. 4:o. Original cloth. Very fine. Reports from the Scientific Expedition to the North-Western Provinces of China under the Leadership of dr. Sven Hedin. The Sino-Swedish Expedition. Publication 52 (#203976) | 350:- |
Kahler, Franz Fusuliniden aus T'ien-schan und Tibet. Mit Gedanken zur Geschichte der Fusuliniden-Meere im Perm.. Stockholm 1974. x,148 pages + 2 plates. 4:o. Soft covers. Very fine. Reports from the Scientific Expedition to the North-Western Provinces of China under the Leadership of dr. Sven Hedin. The Sino-Swedish Expedition. Publication 52. (#203972) | 250:- |
Kao-Tse-Tcheng Lutans sång.. Bearbetad år 1404 av Mao-Taou. Arrangerad för amerikansk scen av Will Irwin och Sidney Howard. Till svenska av Erik Blomberg. Sthlm 1948. 173 sidor. Häftad. (#89638) | 70:- |
Karlgren, Bernhard Etudes sur la phonologie Chinoise 1.. (More publ.) Diss. Uppsala 1915. 388 pages. Soft covers. (#48314) | 175:- |
Karlgren, Bernhard Etudes sur la phonologie chinoise 3.. Uppsala 1916. 316 pages. Soft covers. Front cover loose. Archives D'Études Orientales 15:2 (#179464) | 150:- |
Karlgren, Bernhard Etudes sur la phonologie chinoise 4.. Uppsala 1924. Page 700-899. Soft covers. Archives D'Études Orientales 15:4 (#46130) | 150:- |
Karlgren, Bernhard Från Kinas språkvärld.. Sthlm 1946. 100 sidor. Häftad. (#75859) | 110:- |
Keim, Jean A. Kinas historia.. En introduktion. Sthlm 1967. 255 sidor + planscher. Originalklotband. (#71389) | 125:- |
Kessle, Gun och Myrdal, Jan Kina: Revolutionen går vidare.. Illustrerad. Pan, Sthlm 1970. 157 sidor. Pocket. (#184461) | 100:- |
Kiang Wen-han The Ideological Background of the Chinese Student Movement.. Diss. New York 1948. 176 pages + map. Softcover. Stamped. (#119325) | 150:- |
Kina - Kinarapport 1/2007.. Sichuan. Illustr. Göteborg 2007. 48 sidor. Klammerhäftad. (#134903) | 50:- |
Kina - Kinarapport 4/2006.. Könsroller, sex och samlevnad. Illustr. Göteborg 2006. 101 sidor. Förlagsband. (#134905) | 125:- |
Kina. Land och folk, skildradt efter de bästa källor.. Fri öfversättning af Kjellman-Göranson. Med 34 (av 35) fina stålstick. (4),236 sidor + graverat titelblad och 33 planscher. Med 2 häftesomslag i ett senare halvklotband. (#200051) | 750:- (bild) |
Kina. Land och folk, skildradt efter de bästa källor.. Fri öfversättning af Kjellman-Göranson. Med 35 fina stålstick. (4),236 sidor + graverat titelblad och 34 planscher. Samtida halvfranskt band. Planscherna med fuktfläck i marginalerna. (#212794) | 950:- (bild) |
Kineser.. Kinesiska dikter i översättning av Hwang Tsu-yü och Alf Henrikson. Med vinjetter av Birger Lundquist. Sthlm 1954. 103 sidor. Original klotryggsband. (#3810) | 100:- |
Kinesiska konstskatter ur H.M. Konungens samling.. Katalog från Östasiatiska museet 1967. Illustr. 104 pp. Häftad. (#11248) | 100:- |
Kinesiska tänkare.. Tolkningar av Alf Henrikson och Hwang Tsu-yü. Sthlm 1960. 195 sidor. Originalpappband i skyddsomslag. (#83662) | 125:- |
Kinesisk konst.. En konstbok från Nationalmuseum redigerad av Bo Gyllensvärd. Rikt illustr. Sth 1959. 167 sid. Inbunden. (#47628) | 105:- |
King, Harry Edwin The Educational System of China as Recently Reconstructed.. Diss. Washington 1911. 105 pages. Softcover. Stamped. (#89262) | 150:- |
Kirsch, Botho China - Gefahr oder Chance?. 10000 Kilometer durch Maos Reich. Düsseldorf 1976. 103 pages. Paper back. (#183326) | 100:- |
Klochko, Mikhail Soviet Scientist in China.. London 1964. 192 pages. Original cloth with dustjacket. (#150087) | 150:- |
Krakowski, Edouard Chine et Russie.. L'orient contre la civilication occidentale. Paris 1957. 412 pages. Soft covers. (#101526) | 150:- |
Kwei-Li Brev från lotusblommans land.. Ett kvinnoliv i sekelskiftets Kina. Illustrerad. Svenska Dagbladet 1992. 174 sidor. Häftad. Tillskrift. (#180603) | 125:- |
Körner, Brunhild Die religiöse Welt der Bäuerin in Nordchina.. Stockholm 1959. (8),86 pages + 12 plates. 4:o. Original cloth. . Very fine. Reports from the Scientific Expedition to the North-Western Provinces of China under the Leadership of dr. Sven Hedin. The Sino-Swedish Expedition. Publication 43 (#203983) | 400:- |
Lao Tzu Tao te ching.. Translated with an Introduction by D.C. Lau. Penguin 1963. 192 pages. Paperback. (#219786) | 100:- |
Lao Tzu Tao te ching.. Translated with an Introduction by D.C. Lau. Penguin 1986. 192 pages. Paperback. (#85963) | 90:- |
Lao Tzu, Lao Tzu, Lao Zi, Lao-tszes Buch vom höchsten Wesen un vom höchsten Gut (Tai-te-king).. Aus dem Chinesischen übersetzt, mit Einleitung versehen und erläutert von Julius Grill. Tübingen 1910. xii,208 pages. Original cloth. Very fine. Former owners name on title-page. (#206704) | 250:- |
Larsson, Jan Diplomati och industriellt genombrott.. Svenska exportsträvanden på Kina 1906-1916. Aa Upps. 1977. 212 sidor. Häftad. (#14993) | 100:- |
Latourette, Kenneth Scott A History of Modern China.. Penguin 1954. 234 pages. Paperback. (#97193) | 100:- |
Lauritzen - Sung-Ming.. Dyrgripar ur Holger Lauritzens samling. Utställning i Östasiatiska Museet 1965. Häftad. Utställningskatalog. (#54526) | 100:- |
Lavallée, Noirot & Dominoque Économie de la Chine socialiste.. Preface de Jaques Duclos. Genčve 1957. 512 pages + map. Soft covers. (#149529) | 150:- |
Le Coq, Alvert von Buried Treasures of Chinese Turkestan.. With an introduction by Peter Hopkirk. Oxford University press 1989. 180 pages. Paper back. (#218495) | 100:- |
Leijonhufvud, Göran, Kinesisk vardag. Livet i en folkkommun.. Foto Åke Malmström. Stockholm 1973. 198 sidor + illustrationer. Förlagsband med skyddsomslag. (#206215) | 150:- |
Leijonhufvud, Göran & Engqvist, Agneta Draken vaknar. Kina år 2000. Ett repotage. Norstedts 1996. 322 sidor. Förlagsband med skyddsomslag. (#213025) | 150:- |
Leijonhufvud, Göran & Engqvist, Agneta Kina, den haltande kolossen.. Sthlm 2008. 271 sidor. Förlagsband med skyddsomslag. (#173076) | 135:- |
Lewin, Günter Die ersten fünfzig Jahre der Song-Dynastie in China.. Beitrag zu einer Analyse der sozialökonomischen Formation während der ersten fünfzig Jahre der chinesischen Song-Dynastie (960-ca. 1010). Illustr. Berlin 1973. 356 pp. + Plates. Pb. (#11329) | 170:- |
Lewis, Ida Belle The Education of Girls in China.. New York 1919. 92 pages + folding map. Softcover. Stamped. (#150977) | 175:- |
Lewis, J.W. (ed.) Party Leadership and Revolutionary Power in China.. Cambridge 1970. 422 pp. Pb. (#11388) | 100:- |
Leys, Simon, Kinesiska skuggbilder.. Contra 1980. 205 sidor. Limhäftad. (#208189) | 145:- |
Liao Kai-lung From Yenan to Peking.. The Chinese People's War of Liberation. From Reconstruction to First Five-Year Plan. Peking 1954. 187 pages. Softcover. (#164154) | 125:- |
Li, Chuan Shih Central and Local Finance in China.. A study of the fiscal relations between the central, the provincial, and the local governments. Dissertation, New York 1922. 189 pages. Soft covers. Exept for a small stamp on front cover, a very fine copy. (#176250) | 250:- |
Lilliehöök, Catarina Mei wenti! Inga problem! Om livet i dagens Kina. Illustrerad. Natur & Kultur 2007. 319 sidor. Pocket. (#219512) | 100:- |
Lilli, Virgilio Rotchina - Gefahr für Oste und West.. Reportage eines Augenzeugen. Herder, Freiburg 1962. 220 pages. Soft covers. (#149531) | 125:- |
Lindqvist, Cecilia Tecknens rike.. En berättelse om kineserna och deras skrivtecken. Illustr. Sth 1989. 424 sidor. Originallinneband i skadat skyddsomslag. Första upplagan. (#189467) | 150:- |
Lindqvist, Cecilia Tecknens rike.. En berättelse om kineserna och deras skrivtecken. Illustr. Sth 1989. 424 sidor. Originallinneband i skyddsomslag. Första upplagan. (#27636) | 175:- |
Lindqvist, Cecilia Tecknens rike.. En berättelse om kineserna och deras skrivtecken. Illustr. Sth 1995. 424 sidor. Original linneband i skyddsomslag. (#73062) | 150:- |
Lindqvist, Sven & Cecilia Kina inifrån.. Stockholm 1963. 178 sidor + planscher. Häftad. (#154097) | 135:- |
Linebarger, Paul ("Cordwainer Smith") The Political Doctrines of Sun Yat-sen.. An Exposition of the San Min Chu I. Diss. Baltimore 1937. XIV, 278 pages. Softcover. Stamped. (#108949) | 125:- |
Linebarger, Paul, Djang Chu & Burks, Ardath Far Eastern Government and Politics.. China and Japan. New York 1954. 630 pages. Original cloth. Dust jacket. (#120170) | 150:- |
Ling Meng-chu Chinesischer Liebesgarten.. Der Abt und die geborene Wu und andere Erzählungen aus der Ming-Zeit. Aus dem Chinesischen von Tsung-tung Chang. München 1969. 239 pages. Paperback. (#86323) | 100:- |
Lin Yutang Kinesisk visdom.. Sthlm 1961. 323 sidor. Original klotband. (#142419) | 150:- |
Liu Shaw-tong Out of Red China.. New York 1953. 269 pages. Original cloth with dustjacket. (#150336) | 150:- |
Lodén, Torbjörn Debatten om proletär litteratur i Kina 1928-1929.. Aa Sth 1980. 326 pp. (#11434) | 95:- |
Loh Dian-yang Translation. Its principles and technique.. Book one. 1958. 356 pages. Soft covers. (#199827) | 160:- |
Lu Hsün I de matta spåren av blod.. Översättning från kinesiskan, urval och redigering av Britta Kinnemark och Göran Sommardal. Cavefors 1978. 471 sidor. Original klotband. Skyddsomslag. Essäer och prosastycken 1918-36. (#141257) | 150:- |
Lundkvist, Artur. Den förvandlade draken.. En resa i Kina. Illustrerad. Sthlm 1955. 282 sidor. Häftad. (#172767) | 140:- |
MacInnis, Donald E. (ed.) Religious Policy and Practice in Communist China.. A Documentary History. London 1972. XXIV, 392 pages. Original cloth in dustjacket. Stamped. (#122492) | 120:- |
Malmqvist, FitzGerald & Gyllensvärd Kina.. Tradition/revolution. Elva radioföredrag om konst, litteratur och politik i Kina under tretusen år. Sveriges radio 1968. 119 sidor. Pocket. (#92490) | 100:- |
Malmqvist, Göran Bernhard Karlgren. Ett forskarporträtt.. Sthlm 1995. 539 sidor + planscher. Original klotband i skyddsomslag. (#78219) | 200:- |
Malmvall, Filip Kristna hjältar i kommunist-Kina.. Jönköping 1971. 138 sidor. Pocket. (#177923) | 100:- |
Mao Tse-tung On Coalition Government.. Peking 1955. 118 pages. Original cloth. (#150080) | 150:- |
Mao Tse-tung Politiska skrifter.. Tal och brev 1956-71. Urval och inledning av Stuart Schram. Översättning Håkan Sundberg. Pan, Sthlm 1974. 329 sidor. Pocket. (#86345) | 100:- |
Mao Tse-tung Skrifter i urval.. Göteborg 1969. 461 sidor. Plastband. (#175508) | 140:- |
Mason, Mary Gertrude Western Concepts of China and the Chinese, 1840-1876.. Diss. New York 1939. XV, 288 pages. Softcover. Stamped. (#75713) | 275:- |
Mehnert, Klaus China nach dem Sturm.. Bericht und Kommentar. Stuttgart 1972. 352 pages. Original cloth. Dust jacket. (#174873) | 150:- |
Mendel, Douglas The Politics of Formosan Nationalism.. Berkeley 1970. 316 pages. Original cloth with dustjacket. (#150063) | 150:- |
Mende, Tibor The Chinese Revolution.. London 1961. 190 pages. Original cloth with dustjacket. (#150092) | 150:- |
Menzies, Gavin 1421. The Year China Descovered the World.. Bantam Press 2002. xx,520 pages + plates and maps. Original cloth. Dust jacket. (#218646) | 175:- |
Mitchison, Lois China in the Twentieth Century.. Illustr. Oxford 1970. 64 pp. (#11436) | 60:- |
Modern Chinese Reader Part 2.. Peking 1958. Page 393 - 786. Original linen binding. Part 2 only. (#207614) | 150:- |
Moise, Edwin E. Modern China.. A History. Illustr. London 1986. XVI, 256 pages. Softcover. (#11397) | 95:- |
Moraes, Frank Report on Mao's China.. New York 1953. 212 pages. Original cloth with dustjacket. (#150342) | 150:- |
Moseley, George China.. Empire to People's republic. London 1968. 192 pp. Ocl. (#11240) | 100:- |
Moule, A.C. The Rulers of China 221 B.C. - A.D. 1949.. Chronological Tables. With a Section on the Earlier Dynasties by W. Perceval Yetts. London 1957. xxvi, 131 pages. Folio. Original cloth. Dust jacket torn but complete. (#99642) | 1350:- |
Myrdal, Jan Kinesiska frågor från Liu Ling 1975.. Sthlm 1975. 53 sidor. Pocket. (#186244) | 80:- |
Myrdal, Jan Sidenvägen.. En resa från Höga Pamir och Ili genom Sinkiang och Kansu. Bilder av Gun Kessle. 1977. 392 sidor. Inbunden. (#43015) | 150:- |
Myrdal, Jan Sidenvägen.. En resa från Höga Pamir och Ili genom Sinkiang och Kansu. Sthlm 1986. 398 sidor. Pocket. (#107145) | 100:- |
Navarra, B. China und die Chinesen.. Mit 5 bunten Kunstbeilagen nach chinesischen Aquarellen, 60 Bildertafeln ... und Text-Illustrationen ... Bremen und Shanghai 1901. xxiv,1184 pages + plates and folding map. Half cloth with partly cracked hinge. (#40960) | 750:- (bild) |
Nee, Victor & Collier, John Kulturrevolutionen vid Kinas universitet. Rapport inifrån.. Cavefors, Zenitserien 8, 1970. 103 sidor. Pocket. (#209052) | 100:- |
Noma, Seiroku Artistry in Ink.. New York 1957. 36 pages text + plates. 4:o. Original cloth. Dust jacket. (#68997) | 250:- |
Norin, Erik Geology of Western Quruq Tagh, Eastern T'ien-Shan.. Dissertation, Stockholm 1937. xvi,195 pages + Fig. 1-5 and in pocket: Plate a-e + Plate I-XLIII. Soft covers. Stamped. Reports from the Scientific Expedition to the North-Western Provinces of China under the Leadership of dr. Sven Hedin. The Sino-Swedish Expedition. Publication 2. (#203978) | 250:- |
Norin, Erik Geology of Western Quruq Tagh, Eastern T'ien-Shan.. Dissertation, Stockholm 1937. xvi,195 pages + Fig. 1-5, Plate a-e and Plate I-XLIII. 4:o. Cloth boards with leather spine. Reports from the Scientific Expedition to the North-Western Provinces of China under the Leadership of dr. Sven Hedin. The Sino-Swedish Expedition. Publication 2. (#203980) | 350:- |
Norin, Erik Geology of Western Quruq Tagh, Eastern T'ien-Shan.. Dissertation, Stockholm 1937. xvi,195 pages + Fig. 1-5, Plate a-e and Plate I-XLIII. 4:o. Original cloth. Reports from the Scientific Expedition to the North-Western Provinces of China under the Leadership of dr. Sven Hedin. The Sino-Swedish Expedition. Publication 2. (#203979) | 350:- |
Ohlmarks, Åke Alla Kinas härskare.. Illustr. Sthlm 1979. 240 sidor. Inbunden. (#51622) | 150:- |
Ommanney, F.D. Fragrant Harbour.. A Private View of Hong Kong. London 1962. 223 pages. Original cloth. Dust jacket. (#138582) | 200:- |
Osgood, Cornelius B. The Chinese I-III.. A Study of a Hong Kong Community. Illustr. Tucson 1975. 1264 pp. Original cloth with dustjackets in box. 3 vols. (#11455) | 400:- |
Palastmuseum Peking.. Schätze aus der Verbotenen Stadt. Herausg. Lothar Ledderose. Illustr. Berlin 1985. 272 pp. 4:o. Exhibition Catalogue. (#34252) | 150:- |
Palmær, Gerd (red.) Vid Yangtseflodens stränder.. från Svenska Missionsförbundets arbete i Centralkina åren 1890-1940. Illustr. Sthlm 1940. 342 sidor. Originalklotband med bevarat främre omslag. (#163452) | 200:- |
Pan Ku Huo Kuang och hans tid.. Täxter ur Pan Ku's Ch'ien Han Shu (översatta) av Arvid Jongchell. Aa Göteborg 1930. 232 sidor. Häftad. (#22273) | 100:- |
Polo, Marco Resor i Asien.. Översättning samt inledning och kommentar av Bengt Thordeman. Sth 1982. 342 sidor + karta. Original pappband. (#40182) | 150:- |
Polo, Marco The Travels.. Translated and introduced by Roland Latham. Illustrated. Abaris Books, New York 1982. 318 pages. 4:o. Original cloth. Dust jacket. As new. (#84991) | 225:- |
Pott, F.L. Hawkes A Sketch of Chinese History.. Shanghai 1936. 306 pp. + Maps. Ocl. A few ink-underl. (#11283) | 100:- |
Power, Brian Den siste kejsaren av Kina.. Illustrerad. Sthlm 1988. 278 sidor + planscher. Original klotband. Skyddsomslag. (#71948) | 150:- |
Prodan, Mario Kinesisk konst.. Sthlm 1957. 191 sidor + planscher. Originalklotband. (#124290) | 100:- |
Pu Yi Aisin-gioro From Emperor to Citizen 1-2.. The Autobiography. Peking 1979. 496 pages + plates. Original hard covers. Dust jackets. 2 volumes. (#62510) | 150:- |
Pu Yi Aisin-gioro Jag var kejsare av Kina. Från himlens son till medborgare.. Illustr. Lund 1988. 433 sidor. Förlagsband i skyddsomslag. (#163108) | 145:- |
Pye, Lucian W. The Spirit of Chinese Politics.. A Psychocultural Study of the Authority Crisis in Political Development. Cambridge, Mass. 1968. 255 pages. Softcover. (#150340) | 100:- |
Rawson, Jessica Ancient China.. Art and Archaeology. Illustrated. London 1980. 240 pages + plates. Original cloth. Dust jacket. (#77624) | 185:- |
Rawson, Jessica Chinese Ornament.. The Lotus and the Dragon. Illustrated. British Museum 1984. 240 pages. 4:o. Soft covers. (#180408) | 150:- |
Reform and Revolution in Twentieth Century China.. Edited by Yu-ming Shaw. Taibei 1987. viii,398 pages. Original cloth. Dust jacket. Stamped. (#83108) | 200:- |
ROC-US Relations Under the Taiwan Act:. Practice and Prospects. Edited by King-yuh Chang. Taipei 1988. viii, 156 pages. Original cloth. Dust jacket. (#82588) | 150:- |
Sartel, O. du, La porcelaine de Chine. Origines, fabrication, décors et marques. La porcelaine de Chine en Europe, Classement chronologique, imitations, contrefacons.. Paris, A. Morel 1881. (2),iv,230,(2) pages + 32 plates (18 of them in chromolithographie). Folio. Loose in original portfolio, spine missing. Text foxed, plates clean. (#200714) | 5000:- |
Schekochowzew, A. Chinesische Kulturrevolution aus der Nähe.. Augenzeugenbericht eines sowjetischen Beobachters. Stuttgart 1969. 321 pages. Original cloth. Dust jacket. (#174386) | 145:- |
Schiffrin, Harold Z. Sun Yat-sen and the Origins of the Chinese Revolution.. Berkeley 1968. 412 pages + plates. Original cloth in dustjacket. Stamped. (#121248) | 150:- |
Schram, Louis M.J. The Monguors of the Kansu-Tibetan Frontier I-III.. I: Their Origin, History, and Social Organization. With an Introduction by Owen Lattimore. II: Their Religious Life. III: Records of the Mongour Clans. History of the Mongours in Huangchung and the Chronicle of the Lu Family. Philadelphia 1954-61. 138; 164; 117 pages. 4:o. The three parts bound with wrappers in one full cloth volume. Very fine copy. (#64546) | 2500:- |
Schram, Stuart Mao Tse-Tung.. Pan/Sthlm 1968. 374 sidor. Pocket. Svensk översättning. (#74652) | 100:- |
Schurmann, Franz & Schell, Orville (ed) Imperial China. The Eighteenth and Nineteenth Centuries. Penguin 1968. 299 pages. Pocket. (#216657) | 100:- |
Schwartz, Benjamin I. Chinese Communism and the Rise of Mao.. Cambridge, Mass. 1951. 258 pages. Original cloth with dustjacket. (#150338) | 150:- |
See Chong-su The Foreign Trade of China.. Diss. New York 1919. 451 pages + map. Softcover. Stamped. (#130292) | 525:- |
Selections From the Book of Songs.. Translated by Yang Xianyi, Gladys Yang and Hu Shiguang. Panda Books, Beijing 1983. 112 pages. Paperback. (#97229) | 100:- |
Se-Ma Ts'ien Les mémoires historiques 4-5.. Traduit et annotés par Édouard Chavannes. Tome IV-V (of 5). Chapitres XXXI-XLVII. Paris 1901-05. 560 + 546 pages. Bound with wrappers in half cloth. 2 volumes. Stamped. Tome III wrongly bound, III:2 first and III:1 last. (#120367) | 900:- |
Serial Arrangements of Chinese Characters.. New Haven 1968. 18 pages. Soft covers. (#123425) | 50:- |
Shelly, George L. Discussion of Method in the Teaching of Spoken Chinese.. New Haven 1961. 56 pages. Soft covers. (#123429) | 75:- |
Shen Fu Pilblad i strömmen. En kinesisk konstnärs självbiografi.. Uppsala 1961. Opaginerad; ca 125 sidor. Original pappband. (#77431) | 110:- |
Siggstedt, Mette Drakens år. Den kinesiska drakens symbolik. Fotoillustrerad. Stockholm 1988. 72 sidor. Förlagets pappband. (#219306) | 120:- |
Slatkin, I.J. Die mongolische Volksrepublik.. Geschichtlicher Abriß. Dietz Verlag, Berlin 1954. 315 pages + map. Original cloth. Dust jacket. (#149534) | 150:- |
Smith, Harold Fred Elementary Education in Shantung, China.. A Study of the Reorganization of the Curriculum to Relate it to Rural Life, and, in Connection with This, a Course of Education for Teachers. Diss. New York 1930. 32 pages. Softcover. Stamped. (#72174) | 100:- |
Smith, Sara Rector The Manchurian Crisis 1931-1932.. A Tragedy in International Relations. Diss. New York 1948. 281 pages. Softcover. Stamped. (#141389) | 200:- |
Snow, Edgar Red China Today.. The Other Side of the River. Penguin 1974. 749 pages. Paperback. (#92505) | 100:- |
Snow, Edgar Red Star Over China.. New and enlarged edition, Pelican 1972. 621 pages + plates. Paper back. (#187636) | 100:- |
Snow, Edgar The Other Side of the River.. Red China Today. New York 1961. 810 pages + plates. Original cloth with dustjacket. (#150054) | 150:- |
Solomon, Richard H. Mao's Revolution and the Chinese Political Culture.. Illustr. Berkeley 1971. 604 pages. Original cloth with dustjacket. (#150055) | 150:- |
Soong Mei-ling (Madame Chiang Kai-shek) Mitt fria Kina.. Tillägg: Fyra års krig mot Japan av Lin Yutang. Sthlm 1941. 239 sidor + planscher. Häftad. (#161688) | 150:- |
Soothill, W.E. The Student's Four Thousand [Characters] and General Pocket Dictionary.. Tenth edition. Shanghai 1917. XXXV, 428 pages. Soft cloth wrappers. Well used but quite functionable. (#160672) | 400:- |
Spence, Jonathan D. Matteo Riccis minnespalats.. Övers. Paul Frisch. Sth 1989. 316 sidor. Original klotband. Skyddsomslag. (#26685) | 175:- |
Steinhaus, Fritz C. Rot Asien 1985.. China bereitet die Geschichtskatastrophe vor. Würzburg 1966. 326 pages. Original cloth. (#101175) | 150:- |
Stimson, Hugh M. One Thousand Chinese Characters With Literary Glosses.. New Haven 1968. 67 pages. Soft covers. (#123423) | 75:- |
Strandenaes, Thor Principles of Chinese Bible Translations. as Expressed in Five Selected Versions of the New Testament and Exemplified by Mt %:1-12 and Col 1. Diss. Uppsala 1987. 166 pages. Soft covers. (#48466) | 150:- |
Sung Po-jen Guide to Capturing a Plum Blossom.. The Chinese Classic Translated with Commentaries by Red Pine. Illustr. San Francisco 1995. XIV, (216) pages. Softcover. (#136949) | 325:- |
Su Sing Ging The Chinese Family System.. Diss. New York 1922. 109 pages. Softcover. Stamped. (#139354) | 225:- |
Szczepanik, Edward The Economic Growth of Hong Kong.. London 1958. 186 pages. Original cloth with dustjacket. (#149893) | 150:- |
Szuma Chien Selections from Records of the Historian.. Translated by Yang Hsien-yi and Gladys Yang. Peking 1979. VI, 461 pages. Original hardcover with cloth spine. (#151614) | 140:- |
Sällström, Pehr-Mikael I kinesernas paradis.. Sju essäer från en arkitekturresa genom Kina. Illustr. Sthlm 1995. 245 sidor. Häftad. (#88007) | 175:- |
Sörbom, Per Tao och de tiotusen tingen. Kinesisk lärdomstradition och naturforskning.. Sthlm 1979. 233 sidor. Original klotband i skyddsomslag. (#124850) | 160:- |
Tang Hui-sun Land Reform in Free China.. Taipei, Taiwan 1954. 335 pages. Softcover. The last page torn with some loss of text. (#88826) | 125:- |
Taylor, J. Hudson After Thirty Years.. Three decades of the China Inland Mission. Illustrated. London, Morgan & Scott [1896]. vi,88 pages + frontespiece and folding map. Original printed wrappers, spine slightly damages. Former owners name + exlibris. (#179096) | 850:- |
Terra-Cotta Warriors and Horses at the Tomb of Qin Shi Huang, the First Emperor of China.. Ed. Shilan and Peng Huashi. Illustr. Beijing 1990. Ca 152 pp. (#17549) | 150:- |
The Chinese Lama Temple Potala of Jehol. Exhibition of Historical and Ethnographical Collections Made by Dr. Gösta Montell, Member of Dr. Sven Hedin's Expeditions and Donated by Vincent Bendix.. Chicago 1932. 64 pages. Pamplet. (#204345) | 200:- |
The Museum of Far Eastern Antiquities, Stockholm 27.. Sth 1955. 130 pp. + 72 Plates. Cont: Boyer, Some Chinese Archaic Bronzes in the Danish National Museum. Kallgren, Notes on the Kiaohsien Dialect. Karlbeck, Selected Objects from Ancient Shou-chou. Softcover. (#11375) | 300:- |
The Museum of Far Eastern Antiquities, Stockholm 33.. Sth 1961. 148 pp + 46 Plates. Cont: Articles by Karlgren, Broman, Malmqvist, and Sundius. Softcover. (#26748) | 250:- |
The Museum of Far Eastern Antiquities, Stockholm 37.. Sth 1965. 230 pp + 75 Plates. Cont: Articles by Karlgren, Gyllensvärd, Wirgin and others. Softcover. (#26746) | 300:- |
The Museum of Far Eastern Antiquities, Stockholm 4.. Sthlm. 1932. 324 pages + 60 Plates. Cont: Schnell, Prehistoric Finds From the Island World of the Far East. Bylin, Notes sur quelques objets néolithiques trouvés ā Formose. Pelliot, Les plaques de l'Empereur du Ciel. Karlgren, Shi King Researches. Janse, Tubes et boutons cruciformes trouvés en Eurasie. Andersson, Hunting Magic in the Animal Style. Half leather binding with bleeched spine. Dedicated to His Royal Highness Crown Prince Gustaf Adolf. De luxe edition printed in 100 numbered copies. (#26791) | 600:- |
The Museum of Far Eastern Antiquities, Stockholm 45.. Sth 1973. 120 pp + 78 Figures + 26 Plates. Cont: Karlgren, Gleanings for a Lexicon of Classical Chinese II. Malmqvist, The Cherng Shianq Ballad of the Shygun Tzyy. Gyllensvärd, Recent Finds of Chinese Ceramics at Fostat I. Softcover. (#26744) | 250:- |
The Museum of Far Eastern Antiquities, Stockholm 55.. Illustr. Sth 1983. 164 pp. Cont: Articles by Malmqvist, Powers, Lodén, and Broman. Softcover. (#26772) | 200:- |
The Museum of Far Eastern Antiquities, Stockholm 57.. Illustr. Sth 1985. 180 pp. Cont: Howard, Royal Patronage of Buddhist Art in Tenth Century Wu Yueh. Rosén, Koryô Bronze Seals in the Collection of MFEA. Rohnström, Manchu Printed Books in the Royal Library in Stockholm. Jacobson, Mountains and Nomads: A Reconsideration of the Origins of Chinese Landscape Representation. (#26783) | 200:- |
The People's Republic of China National Standard. Code of Chinese Graphic Character Set for Information Interchange Primary Set. GB 2312-80. Beijing 1981. 175 pages + large folding tables. 4:o. Soft covers. (#93109) | 200:- |
Ting Yao Kang Månens och vindarnas lek.. Efterskrift och redigering Franz Kuhn. Sthlm 1960. 404 sidor. Original klotryggsband med medbundna omslag. Skyddsomslag. (#126127) | 100:- |
Tin-te-hohn-tse, De hvite slafvarne. Naturhistoriska iakttagelser I-II... Från kinesiskan öfversatt samt försedd med 50 illustrationer af Carl Reinhardt. Från tyskan af S.R. Göteborg, Hedlunds 1877. 93 + 124 sidor. Något nött skinnryggsband. Har tillhört Göteborgs Kontoristförenings Bibliotek. (#203095) | 350:- |
Tsai, Christiana & Drummond, Ellen L. Drottning i det mörka rummet.. Illustr. Sthlm 1957. 156 sidor + planscher. Förlagsband i skyddsomslag. (#118280) | 150:- |
Tsetung, Mao Fyra filosofiska uppsatser. Oktoberförlaget 1977. 142 sidor. Pocket. Stämpel. (#219779) | 100:- |
Tung Tso-Pin Chronological Tables of Chinese History I-II.. Hong Kong 1960. (12), xvi, 72, 357, (3) + (6), 412, (2) pages. Original cloth. Weak hinges. 2 volumes. (#62579) | 2000:- |
van Coillie, Dries Fånge hos Mao Tse-tung.. Verbum 1963. 251 sidor. Pocket. (#74683) | 100:- |
Wang Kung-ping Controlling Factors in the Future Development of the Chinese Coal Industry.. Diss. New York 1947. 231 pages. Softcover. Stamped. (#121677) | 125:- |
Wang, William S-Y. & Lyovin, Anatole CLIBOC:. Chinese Linguistics Bibliography on Computor. Cambridge, Mass. 1970. 513 pages + maps in pocket. Original cloth. Dust jacket. (#77616) | 250:- |
Van Ness, Peter Revolution and Chinese Foreign Policy.. Peking's Support for Wars of National Liberation. Berkeley 1970. 266 pages. Original cloth with dustjacket. (#150059) | 150:- |
van Praag, H. Sagesse de la Chine.. Les grandes valeurs d'une culture millénaire. Verviers 1966. 224 pages. Paperback. (#122308) | 100:- |
Watson, William The Genius of China.. Richly illustr. London 1973. 160 pages. Bound with wrappers in half cloth. Catalogue from an exhibition. (#88822) | 125:- |
Watson, William & Gyllensvärd, Bo Arkeologiska fynd från Folkrepubliken Kina.. Illustr. U.o.o.å. 144 pp. Inb. Katalog från utställning 1974. (#17547) | 75:- |
Westman, Knut B. Den kinesiska odlingens huvudepoker.. Sth 1929. 235 sidor. Häftad. (#38238) | 100:- |
Whitaker, K.P.K. 1200 Chinese Basic Characters.. An Adaption for Students of Cantonese of W. Simon's National Language Version. London 1958. xlii, 318 pages. Original cloth. (#86983) | 150:- |
Wickbom, T.G. Den röda jorden.. Ett Kinareportage. Sthlm 1959. 233 sidor + planscher. Häftad. (#187246) | 100:- |
Wickbom, T.G. Den röda jorden.. Ett Kinareportage. Sthlm 1959. 233 sidor + planscher. Häftad. Dedikation. (#96887) | 100:- |
Wickbom, T.G. Mandariner i blåställ.. Stockholm 1964. 189 sidor + planscher. Häftad. Dedikation från "förf". (#152569) | 120:- |
Wiethoff, Bodo Introduction to Chinese History.. From Ancient Times to 1912. London 1975. 190 pages. Paper back. (#11242) | 100:- |
Wikander, Ingeborg Studier och bilder från det nya Kina.. Illustrerad. Sthlm 1922. 427 sidor + karta.. Sveriges Kristliga Studentrörelses missionsskrifter 17. (#182078) | 145:- |
Willetts, William Chinese Art I-II.. Illustr. London 1958. 802 pp. + Plates and Maps. Pocket. 2 vols. (#11453) | 100:- |
Williamson, H.R. Chinese.. Teach Yourself Books. Sevenoaks 1972. 530 pages. Paperback. (#74828) | 100:- |
Williamson, H.R. Teach Yourself Chinese.. London 1955. 530 pages. Original cloth. (#134546) | 110:- |
Williams, S. Wells, The Middle Kingdom; A Survey of the Geography, Government, Education, Social Life, Arts, Religion, &c. of The Chinese Empire and Its Inhabitants.. In two wolumes. New York & London, Wiley and Putnam 1848. 2 engraved portraits and 2 engraved extra title pages. xxii,590 + viii,614 pages. Blue original decorated cloth. 2 volumes. Foxed throughout. The large folding map is missing in this set. First edition. (#199803) | 4500:- |
Wilson, Dick A Quarter of Mankind.. An Anatomy of China Today. Penguin 1968. 333 pages. Paperback. (#92486) | 100:- |
Vinacke, Harold Monk Modern Constitutional Development in China.. Diss. Princeton 1920. IX, 280 pages. Softcover. Stamped. (#110090) | 250:- |
Wint, Guy Common Sense About China.. New York 1960. 176 pages. Original cloth with dustjacket. (#150090) | 150:- |
Wirgin, Jan Från Kina till Europa. Kinesiska konstföremål från de ostindiska kompaniernas tid.. Illustrerad. Östasiatiska Museet, Stockholm 1998. 326 sidor. Stort format. Förlagsband med skyddsomslag. Nyskick. (#220337) | 250:- |
Wirgin, Jan Kejsarens armé.. Soldater och hästar av lergods från Qin Shihuangs grav. Illustr. Sth 1984. 100 sidor. Stort format. Original klotband. Skyddsomslag. Utställningskatalog. (#25086) | 75:- |
Wirgin, Jan Kinesisk konsthistoria.. Illustrerad. Stockholm 1972. 190 sidor. Häftad. (#165710) | 125:- |
Wirgin, Jan Sung Ceramic Design.. Diss. Stockholm 1970. 272 pages + 43 figures, 104 plates + folding map. Softcover. (#157163) | 700:- |
Wolf, Reinhart (photos) & Tiger, Lionel (text) China's Food.. A Photographic Journey. Recipes by Eileen Yin-fei Lo. New York 1976(?). 231 pages. Original cloth in dustjacket. (#99764) | 200:- |
Wong, Ola No, I'm from Borås. Shanghai, Kina (och) Periam, Rumänien.. Foto: Magnus Laupa. Ordfront 2004. 240 + 80 sidor. Förlagsband med skyddsomslag. (#209620) | 125:- |
Wu Chao-kwang The International Aspect of the Missionary Movement in China.. Diss. Baltimore 1930. IX, 285 pages. Softcover. Stamped. (#109035) | 200:- |
Wu Yuan-li The Strategic Land Ridge.. Peking's Relations with Thailand, Malaysia, Singapore and Indonesia. Stanford 1975. 98 pages. Original cloth with dustjacket. (#150061) | 150:- |
Wu Yü-dschang Die Hsinhai revolution 1911.. Eine bedeutende demokratische Revolution im China der Neuzeit. Peking 1962. 180 pp. Half cloth. (#40838) | 150:- |
Yang, Paul Fu-mien Chinese Dialectology:. A Selected and Classified Bibliography. Hong Kong 1981. xl, 189 pages. Original cloth. Dust jacket. (#86987) | 250:- |
Ücok, Ayse (editor) Chinese Treasures in Istanbul.. Illustrated. 156 pages. Soft covers. Very large book, 32x32 cm. (#214299) | 300:- |
Yen Hung Feng, Doreen The Joy of Chinese Cooking.. Illustrated. New York 1977. 226 pages. Hardcover. (#162940) | 110:- |
Young, C. Walter The International Legal Status of the Kwantung Leased Territory II.. Japan's Jurisdiction and International Legal Position in Manchuria. Diss. Baltimore 1931. XXX, 249 pages. Softcover. Stamped. (#140819) | 200:- |
Yutang, Lin (ed) The Wisdom of China. London 1963. 590 pages. Pocket. (#219552) | 100:- |
Zetterholm, Tore De främmande djävlarna.. Höganäs 1977. 303 sidor. Originalklotband med skyddsomslag. (#151030) | 100:- |
Zhang Gang Chinese Rural Enterprises between Plan and Market.. Stockholm 1997. 152 pages. Softcover. (#60659) | 150:- |
Öberg, Torgny Sällsam resa.. Sthlm 1958. 208 sidor + planscher. Originalklotband. (#121500) | 100:- |
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