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A Corpus of Shetland English.. Edited by Bengt Oreström. Illustr. Sthlm 1985. 119 pages. Softcover. (#46444) | 150:- |
Adam, J.H., Longman Dictionary of Business English.. New edition, 1993. 564 pages. Original cloth. Dust jacket. (#204361) | 150:- |
Adams, Valerie An Introduction to Modern English Word-Formation.. London 1973. 230 pages. Original cloth with dustjacket. (#173597) | 180:- |
Adler, Nancy Help! - a guide for Swedish writers of articles, reports and dissertations in English.. Studentlitteratur, Lund 1980. 68 sidor. Häftad. Dedikation. (#220805) | 100:- |
A Glossary of Yorkshire Words and Phrases,. collected in Whitby and the neighbourhood. With examples of their colloquial use, and allusions to local customs and traditions. By an Inhabitant. London 1855. x,204,(2) pages. Original cloth, bleeched spine and one partly cracked hinge. (#168429) | 350:- |
Aijmer, Karin Some Aspects of Psychological Predicates in English.. Diss. Sthlm 1972. 132 pages. Soft covers. (#46456) | 140:- |
Aitken - The Nuttis Schell.. Essays on the Scots language, presented to A.J. Aitken. edited by Caroline Macafee and Iseabail Macleod. Aberdeen 1987. xviii,247 pages. Original cloth. Dust jacket. (#167557) | 200:- |
Albert, Hermann Mittealterlicher english-französischer Jargon.. Halle 1922. 74 pp. Stamped. (#31335) | 135:- |
Alexander, Henry The Place-Names of Oxfordshire.. Their origin and development. Preface by Henry Cecil Wyld. Oxford 1912. 251 pages. Original cloth. Spine bleeched. (#169457) | 150:- |
Algeo, John Problems in the Origins and Development of the English Language.. Second edition, New York 1972. 292 pages. 4:o. Soft covers. (#169521) | 150:- |
Allen, W. Stannard Living English Structure.. A practical book for foreign students. London 1965. 349 pages. Original cloth. Dust jacket. (#169348) | 125:- |
Allwood, Martn S. Engelska vokaler och idiom.. Med viktigare amerikanska varianter. Sthlm 1964. 168 sidor. Häftad. Stämpel. (#169380) | 90:- |
Alm-Arvius, Christina The English Verb see:. A study in multiple meaning. Diss. Göteborg 1991. 380 pages. A4. Soft covers. (#169519) | 200:- |
Alm-Arvius, Christina The English Verb see:. Gothenburg 1993. 380 pages. Softcovers. Gothenburg studies in english 64. (#173591) | 180:- |
A Middle English Reader.. Edited, with grammatical introduction, notes, and glossary by Oliver Farrar Emerson. New and revised edition, New York 1948. cxxviii,478 pages. Original cloth. No jacket. (#168939) | 175:- |
An Advanced English Syntax.. Edited by E.A. Sonnenschein. London 1911. 166 pages. Original cloth. (#173406) | 110:- |
Ancrene Wisse.. Parts six and seven. Edited by Geoffrey Shepherd. London 1959. lxxiii,116 pages. Original cloth. Dust jacket Nelson's medieval and renaissance library. (#168936) | 100:- |
Anglo-Saxon Prose.. Edited and translated by Michael Swanton. Everyman's University Library 1975. xxvi,188 pages. Paper back. (#181521) | 100:- |
Arnott, W.G. The Place-Names of the Deben Valley Parishes.. Ipswich 1946. xxii,89 pages. Original cloth. Dust jacket. (#169460) | 250:- |
A Selection of English Carols.. Edited with an Introduction, Notes and Glossary by Richard Leighton Greene. Oxford 1962. XI, 279 pages. Original cloth in dustjacket. (#75314) | 140:- |
Asplund, Annika A Middle English Version of Lanfranc's Chirurgia parva: the Surgical Part.. Dissertation, Stockholm 1970. 218 pages. A4. Stencil. Stockholm Theses in English 2. (#213299) | 300:- |
Att studera engelska.. Stockholm 1964. 109 pages. Softcover. (#173404) | 100:- |
Aurner, R.R. & Burtness, P.S. Effective English for Business Communication.. Sixth edition. Cincinnati 1970. 680 pages. Original cloth. (#139903) | 160:- |
Axelsson, Margareta Westergren Contraction in British Newspapers in the Late 20th Century.. Diss. Uppsala 1998. 270 pages. Soft covers. (#70563) | 165:- |
Baddeley, W.St. Clair Place-Names of Gloucestershire.. A handbook. Cloucester 1913. xxx,185 pages. Original hard covers. (#169453) | 150:- |
Bailey, Richard W. Images of English.. A Cultural History of the Language. Illustr. Cambridge 1991. XIV, 329 pp. Cloth in dustjacket. (#30825) | 200:- |
Bailey, Richard W. Varieties of Presend-Day English.. New York 1973. xvi,461 pages. Soft covers. (#167546) | 140:- |
Bammesberger, Alfred English Linguistics.. Heidelberg 1989. 208 pages. Soft covers. Sprachwissenschaftliche Studienbücher. (#171829) | 140:- |
Barber, Charles Linguistic Changein Present-Day English.. Edinburgh 1964. 154 pages. Pencilunderlinings. Original cloth with dustjacket. (#173600) | 130:- |
Barber, Charles Lingusitic Change in Present-Day English.. Edinburg & London 1964. 154 pages. Original cloth. No jacket. (#169375) | 140:- |
Barnhart, Steinmetz & Barnhart A Dictionary of New English.. London 1973. 512 pages. Original cloth. (#24719) | 150:- |
Baugh, Albert C. History of the English Language.. New York 1935. 509 pages. Hard covers. A few pencil underlinings. (#51539) | 145:- |
Baugh, Albert C. History of the English Language.. Second edition. London 1959. xviii, 560 pages. Original cloth. Pencil underlinings. (#139472) | 145:- |
Baugh, Albert C. History of the English Language.. Second edition. London 1968. xviii, 506 pages. Original cloth. (#139473) | 165:- |
Baugh, Albert C. & Cable, T. A History of the English Language.. Third edition, London 1978. 438 pages. Original cloth. (#213739) | 160:- |
Baugh, Albert C. & Cable, T. A History of the English Language.. Third edition, London 1978. 438 pages. Original cloth. Library stamps. (#19538) | 150:- |
Baumann, H. Londinismen.. Slang und cant. Berlin (no year). Original spinecloth. (#173601) | 250:- |
BBC Pronouncing Dictionary of British Names.. With an appendix of Channel Island names. Edited and transcribed by G.E. Miller. London 1971. xxii,172 pages. Original cloth. Dust jacket. (#169481) | 130:- |
Beeching Cyril Leslie A Dictionary of Eponyms.. Third edition, Oxford 1990. xii,218 pages. Paper back. (#169471) | 100:- |
Beeching, Cyril Leslie A Dictionary Eponyms.. Second edition, Oxford 1988. 214 pages. Paper back. (#175276) | 100:- |
Behm, O.P. The Language of the Later Part of the Peterborough Chronicle.. 1. Phonology. 2. Inflection. Diss. Gbg (Upsala) 1884. VII, 89 pages. Softcover. (#44634) | 130:- |
Behre, Frank Papers on English Vocabulary and Syntax.. Gothenburg 1961. 170 pages. Original cloth. (#35442) | 165:- |
Bengtsson, Elna The Language and Vocabulary of Sam Slick I.. Uppsala 1956. 52 pp. Soft covers. (#31148) | 100:- |
Beowulf.. A prose translation with an introduction by David Wright. Penguin 1957. 122 pages. Paperback. (#211601) | 80:- |
Beowulf.. Nebst den kleineren Denkmälern der Heldensage. Mit Einleitung, Glossar und Anmerkungen herausgegeben von F. Holthausen. I: Texte und Namenverzeichnis. II: Einleitung, Glossar und Anmerkungen. 5. und 4. verbesserte Auflage, Heidelberg 1921 and 19. 128 + 201 pages + plates. Volume I in original hard covers, vol. 2 soft covers. Pecil-notes in volume I. (#33199) | 300:- |
Bergener, Carl A Contribution to the Study of the Conversion of Adjectives into Nouns in English.. Diss. Lund 1928. XVI, 222 pages. Softcover. (#31250) | 170:- |
Bergerhoff, Siegfried Studien zum englischen Wortschatz der Gegenwart.. Diss. Bochum (Köln) 1937. 112 pages. Soft covers. Stamped. Kölner anglistiche Arbeiten 28. (#56907) | 150:- |
Berg, Mary Gretchen The Prosodic Structure of Robert Bridges' "Neo-Miltonic Syllabics".. Diss. Washington 1962. 196 pages. Softcover. Stamped. (#145098) | 200:- |
Bergsten, Nils A Study on Compound Substantives in English.. Diss. Uppsala 1911. VIII, 167 pages. Softcover. (#31264) | 170:- |
Berndt, Rolf Einführung in das Studium des Mittelenglischen. unter Zugrundelegung des prologs der "Canterbury Tales". Halle 1960. xiii398 pages. Original hard covers. (#167599) | 220:- |
Berrey, L.V. & Van Den Bark, M. The American Thesaurus of Slang. With Supplement.. New York 1947. xxx,1174,57 pages. Original cloth. (#200701) | 200:- |
Berry, T.E. The Most Common Mistakes in English Usage.. London 1963. viii,151 pages. Original cloth. Dust jacket. First English Edition. (#167603) | 150:- |
Bessinger, J.B. A Short Dictionary of Anglo-Saxon Poetry.. In a normalized early West-Saxon orthography. Toronto 1965. xviii,87 pages. Soft covers. (#168574) | 140:- |
Biddle, Martin & Keene, D.J. The Early Place-Names of Winchester.. Oxford 1976. 96 pages. 4:o. Soft covers. Reprint from Winchester in the early middle ages. (#169523) | 140:- |
Björkhagen, Im. Engelsk grammatik för skolor.. Stockholm 1949. Andra upplagan. 186 sidor. Klotryggsband. (#173296) | 125:- |
Bladin, Vilhelm Studies on Denominative Verbs in English.. Diss. Uppsala 1911. 184 pages. Sawn as issued. Covers missing. (#31248) | 160:- |
Blake, N.F. The English Language in Medieval Literature.. London 1979. 190 pages. Paper back. (#167605) | 120:- |
Blake, N.F. The Language of Shakespeare.. London 1993. 154 pages. Soft covers. (#169275) | 125:- |
Bliss, A.J. A Dictionary of Foreign Words and Phrases in Current English.. London 1966. 390 pages. Original cloth. Dust jacket. (#168116) | 150:- |
Bliss, A.J. A Dictionary of Foreign Words and Phrases in Current English.. London 1979. 390 pages. Original cloth. (#139916) | 150:- |
Blomé, Bertil The Place-Names of North Devonshire.. Diss. Uppsala 1929. XX, 191 pages. Softcover. (#31196) | 150:- |
Blom, W.J. N.S. Schultz's engelske grammatik.. Tredie udgave, aldeles omarbeidet efter den 38te udgave af L. Murray's English Grammar. Kiöbenhavn 1826. (8),xxxii,232 sidor. Samtida skinnryggsband. Namnteckning på titelbladet, lite fläckar, mer mot slutet, dock bara i marginalen. (#199707) | 400:- |
Boethius De consolatione philosophiae.. King Alfred's Old English version of Boethius' De consolatione philosophiae. Edited from the Mss., with introduction, critical notes, and glossary by Walter john Sedgefield. Darmstadt 1968. xliv,328 pages. Original cloth. No jacket. (#173366) | 165:- |
Boklund, Gunnar The Sources of The White Devil.. Diss. Uppsala 1957. 226 pages. Softcover. (#31176) | 145:- |
Bolton, W.F. (ed.) An Old English Anthology.. London 1963. XII, 178 pp. Cloth in dustjacket. A few pages with pencil-notes. (#45706) | 150:- |
Bolton, W.F. (ed.) The English Language.. Essays by English and American men of letters 1490-1839. Cambridge 1966. 228 pages. Paper back. (#188567) | 130:- |
Borgström, Edv. The Proverbs of Alfred.. Re-edited from the manuscripts with an introduction, notes, and glossary. Diss. Lund 1908. lxxxii,100 pages. No covers. Stamped. (#172201) | 200:- |
Both, Martin Die konsonantischen Suffixe altenglischer Konkreta und Kollektiva.. Diss. Kiel 1909. xii,100 pages. Glued in hard covers. (#167597) | 150:- |
Bourcier, Georges An Introduction to the History of the English Language.. English adaption Cecily Clark. Stanley Thornes 1981. 230 pages. Paper back. (#171838) | 140:- |
Brahde, Alf. Studier over de engelske præpositioner.. En principiel undersøgelse. Akad. afh. Kbhvn 1919. 128 sidor. Häftad. (#100246) | 145:- |
Brahde, Alf. Studier over de engelske præpositioner.. En principiel undersøgelse. Akad. afh. Kbhvn 1919. 128 sidor. Inklistrad i blanka omslag. (#167488) | 125:- |
Brandreth, Gyles Everyman's Modern Phrase & Fable.. London 1990. 314 pages. Original cloth. Dust jacket. (#121104) | 170:- |
Brekle, Herbert Ernst Semantsche Analyse von Wertadjektiven als Determinanten persönlicher Substantive in William Caxtons Prologen und Epilogen.. Diss. Tübingen 1963. 104 pages. Soft covers. (#167601) | 120:- |
Bremner, John B. Words on Words.. A dictionary for writers and others who care about words. New York 1980. 406 pages. Paper back. Very fine. (#188592) | 150:- |
Brilioth, Börje A Grammar of the Dialect of Lorton (Cumberland).. Historical and Descriptive. With an appendix on the Scandinavian element, dialect specimens and a glossary. Diss. Uppsala 1913. XI, 198 pages. Softcover. (#48335) | 200:- |
Brink, Bernhard ten Chaucers Sprache und Verskunst.. Dritte Auflage, Bearbeitet von Eduard Eckhardt. Leipzig 1920. xii,243 pages. Original cloth. The first part of the book slightly water-corrugated. (#168890) | 110:- |
Brook, G.L. A History of the English Language.. London 1977. 224 pages. Original cloth. Dust jacket. (#210715) | 150:- |
Brook, G.L. An Introduction to Old English.. Manchester University Press 1955. 138 pages. Original cloth. Dust jacket. (#171844) | 140:- |
Brook, G.L. English Dialects.. The Language Library, London 1963. 232 pages. Original cloth. Dust jacket. Pencil underlinings and notes. (#169046) | 130:- |
Brook, G.L. Varieties of English.. London 1973. 196 pages. Original cloth. Dust jacket. (#167612) | 160:- |
Brorström, Sverker Roligt och intressant i engelskan.. En språk- och kulturhistorisk framställning. 1966. 136 sidor. Klotband med skyddsomslag. (#35496) | 120:- |
Brorström, Sverker Studies on the Use of the Preposition of in 15th Century Correspondence.. With Special Reference to Constructions Differing from Present-day Usage. Sth 1965. 74 pp. (#31150) | 110:- |
Brorström, Sverker The Increasing Frequency of the Preposition about during the Modern English Period.. With Special Reference to the Verbs Say, Tell, Talk, and Speak. Diss. Sth 1963. 336 pages. Soft covers. (#35440) | 200:- |
Brorström, Sverker, Rydén, Mats & Stevens, Michael Övningar i engelsk grammatik och fraseologi för universitetsstadiet.. Uppsala 1972. 130 sidor. Häftad. (#138469) | 120:- |
Brown, Beatrice Daw A Study of the Middle-English Poem known as The Southern Passion.. Diss. Oxford 1926. 110 pages. Softcover. Stamped. (#106339) | 200:- |
Bryson, Bill The Mother Tongue.. English & How It Got That Way. Penguin 1990. 270 pages. Paper back. (#173954) | 100:- |
Buchenröder, J.N.C. Selbstlehrender Englischer Dolmetscher. oder deutlicher Unterricht die englische Sprache in kurzer Zeit gründlich zu erlernen. Ehemals entworfen von J.N.C. Buchenröder; in dieser fünften Ausgabe aber gänzlich umgearbeitet, vermehrt und verbessert. Hamburg 1799. 318 pages. Together with: Élite de Pičces Intéressantes en Prose et en Vers. Servant de Lecture ā la Jeunesse. Redigée par Olave Hammar. Carlscrone (Karlskrona), P.H. Syrén 1809. Engraved extra title page, (4), 152 pages. Half linen binding. (#157217) | 1600:- |
Burchfield, Robert The English Language.. Folio Society, London 2006. xxvi,230 pages + plates. Original cloth in slip-case. (#211528) | 150:- |
Burchfield, Robert The English Language.. Oxford 1985. 194 pages. Original cloth. Dust jacket. (#168857) | 150:- |
Burnley, David The History of the English Language.. A source book. Longman 1993. 373 pages. Paper back. (#171840) | 145:- |
Burrow, ,J.A. & Turville-Petre, Thorlac A Book of Middle English.. Oxford 1992. 303 pages. Softcovers. (#173587) | 160:- |
Bülbring, Karl D. Altenglisches Lautlehre.. I. Teil: Lautlehre (all publ.) Heidelberg 1902. xviii,260 pages. Original hard covers. Spine repaired with tape. (#168564) | 110:- |
Bülbring, Karl D. Atenglisches Elementarbuch.. I. Theil: Lautlehre. Heidelberg 1902. xviii,260 pages. Original hard covers. (#171828) | 125:- |
Bäcklund, Ingegärd Conjunction-Headed Abbreviated Clauses in English.. Diss. Uppsala 1984. 198 pages. Soft covers. (#31170) | 125:- |
Bäcklund, Ulf The Collocation of Adverbs of Degree in English.. Diss. Uppsala 1973. XI, 310 pages. Softcover. (#44221) | 150:- |
Bähr, Dieter Standard English und seine geographischen Varianten.. München 1974. 333 pages. Softcover. (#166035) | 120:- |
Cambridge Advanced Learner's Dictionary.. Second edition, Cambridge 2006. xii,1572 pages + plates and CD-ROM. Paper back. As new. (#211339) | 200:- |
Cameron, Kenneth English Place-Names.. London 1961. 256 pages. Original cloth. Dust jacket. Pencil underlinings. (#169095) | 175:- |
Cameron, Kenneth English Place-Names.. London 1963. 256 pages. Original cloth. (#169094) | 175:- |
Cameron, Kenneth English Place-Names.. New edition, London 1996. 256 pages. Paper back. Inscribed. (#169096) | 125:- |
Cameron, Kenneth The Place-Names of Lincolnshire 1.. The Place-Names of the County and the City of Lincoln. English Place-Name Society 1985. xliv, 236 pages. Original cloth. Dust jacket. (#157145) | 200:- |
Cameron, Kenneth The Place-Names of Lincolnshire III.. The Wapentake of Walshcroft. In collaboration with John Field and John Insley. English Place-Name Society 1992. xxiv,197 pages. Original cloth. Dust jacket. Some pencil-notes by Karl Inge Sandred. (#173903) | 175:- |
Campion, G. Edward Lincolnshire Dialects.. Boston (Lincolnshire) 1976. 61 pages. Original cloth. (#173298) | 110:- |
Carstensen - English in Contact with Other Languages.. Studies in honour of Broder Carstensen on the occasion of his 60th birthday. Edited by Wolfgang Viereck and Wolf-Dietrich Bald. Budapest 1986. 570 pages. Original cloth. Inscribed. (#166725) | 350:- |
Castelford - Thomas Castelford's Chronicle.. Edited in part with comments by Frank Behre. I. Text. II Notes. Göteborg 1940. xvi,436 pages. Disbound. No wrappers. (#179374) | 250:- |
Castelford - Thomas Castelford's Chronicle.. Edited in part with comments by Frank Behre. I. Text. II Notes. Göteborg 1940. xvi,436 pages. Soft covers. 2 volumes. (#184658) | 300:- |
Cederlöf, Mikael The Element -stow in the History of English.. Diss. Upps. 1998. 149 pages. Softcover. (#119845) | 125:- |
Chalker, Sylvia & Weiner, Edmund The Oxford Dictionary of English Grammar.. London 1998. 448 pages. Hardcover with dustjacket. (#171964) | 150:- |
Chambers 20th Century Thesaurus.. A Comprehensive Word-Finding Dictionary. Edited by M.A. Seaton, G.W. Davidson, C.M. Schwarz & J. Simpson. Edinburgh 1987. 750 pages. Original hardcover. (#160452) | 150:- |
Chaucer - The Knights Tale.. Edited with introduction and notes by Alfred W. Pollard. London 1951. xxii,162 pages. Original cloth. (#168949) | 100:- |
Chaucer - The Student's Chaucer, being a Complete Edition of his Works.. Edited from numerous manuscripts by the Rev. Walter W. Skeat. Oxford 1895. xxiv,732,149,(3),8 pages. Original cloth. Very fine and tight. (#204719) | 200:- |
Chaucer, Geoffrey Canterbury Tales.. Nach dem Ellesmere Manuscript mit Lesearten, Anmerkungen und einem Glossar herausgegeben von John Koch. Heidelberg 1915. 476 pages. Original cloth. Pencil notes. Englische Textbibliothek herausg. von J. Hoops. (#169138) | 250:- |
Chaucer, Geoffrey The Prologue to the Canterbury Tales.. Edited by Walter W. Skeat. Oxford 1967. 96 pages. Softcover. (#90561) | 100:- |
Chaucer, Geoffrey Troilus and Crisayde.. Extracts selected and edited by George Bonnard. Bern 1943. 104 pages. Soft covers. Bibliotheca Anglicana. (#169060) | 100:- |
Chaucer, Geoffrey, Canterbury Tales. The Prologue, the Knightes Tale, the Nonne Preestes Tale.. Edited by Richard Morris. A new edition by Walter W. Skeat. Oxford 1907. lxii,262,(10) pages. Original cloth. Some pencil-notes. (#206841) | 100:- |
Chaucer - Ten Brink, Bernhard Chaucers Sprach und Verskunst.. Leipzig 1884. 226 pp. Ocl. Weak hinges. Some pencil-underl. (#33203) | 135:- |
Christophersen, P. & Sandved, A.O. An Advanced English Grammar.. 1970. 278 pages. Soft covers. (#51543) | 145:- |
Christophersen, P. & Sandved, A.O. An Advanced English Grammar.. London 1969. 278 pages. Original cloth. Dust jacket. (#166943) | 165:- |
Christophersen, P. & Sandved, A.O. An Advanced English Grammar.. London 1969. 278 pages. Soft covers. (#113295) | 135:- |
Claiborne, Robert. English.. Its life and times. London 1990. 329 pages. Paper back. Pencil underlinings. (#169249) | 90:- |
Clark, John Williams Early English.. A study of old and middle English. London 1967. 174 pages. Original cloth. Dust jacket. (#168859) | 150:- |
Classen, E. Outlines of the History of the English Language.. London 1919. viii,283,(3) pages. Original cloth. (#168940) | 150:- |
Close, R.A. A Reference Grammar for Students of English.. London 1978. 342 pages. Soft covers. (#120954) | 150:- |
Close, R.A. English as a Foreign Language.. Its constant grammatical problems. Third edition London 1981. 219 pages. Soft covers. (#168861) | 120:- |
Coates, Richard The Place-Names of Hampshire.. London 1989. 193 pages. Original cloth. Dust jacket. (#168492) | 150:- |
Collin, Carl S.R. och Fearenside, C.S. Praktisk hjälpreda vid engelsk skrivning.. Andra upplagan, utgiven av Nils Ivan. Sthlm 1951. 524 sidor. Original klotband. (#169338) | 150:- |
Collin, P.H. Medicine. Engelsk - Svensk - Engelsk. 1992. 684 + 17 sidor. Inbunden. (#172398) | 200:- |
Collins Dictionary of the English Language.. Edited by Patrick Hanks and others. London 1979. xxxvi,1690 pages. Original cloth. Dust jacket. (#168599) | 200:- |
Collins, F. Howard Authors' and Printers' Dictionary.. A Guide for Authors, Editors, Printers, Correctors of the Press, Compositors and Typists. Tenth ed. London 1967. 442 pp. Ocl. Stamped. (#33447) | 145:- |
Collins, V.H. The Choice of Words.. A book of synonyms with explanations. London 1952. xii,222 pages. Original cloth. Dust jacket. (#168535) | 100:- |
Contributions to English Syntax and Philology.. By C.L. Barber, Frank Behre and others. Edited by Frank Behre. Göteborg 1962. 224 pages. Soft covers. Inscribed by Behre. Gothenburg Studies in English 14 (#168557) | 220:- |
Cook, Mary Jane Trouble Spots of English Grammar I-II.. A Text-Workbook for ESL. New York 1983. 241 + 290 pages. Soft covers. Stamped. (#130332) | 200:- |
Crabb, George English Synonyms.. Arranged Alphabetically with Complete Cross References Throughout. London 1956. 716 pages. Original cloth. Dust jacket. (#121107) | 150:- |
Crabb, George English Synonyms.. Arranged Alphabetically with Complete Cross References Throughout. London 1961. 716 pages. Original cloth. (#139470) | 150:- |
Crystal, Davd The English Language.. Penguin 1988. 288 pages. Paper back. (#171842) | 100:- |
Crystal, David & Davy, Derek Investigating English Style.. London 1974. 264 pages. Soft covers. (#168862) | 140:- |
Cunliffe, R.J. A New Shakespearean Dictionary.. London 1936. xii, 346 pages. Original cloth. Torn dust-wrapper. (#68751) | 350:- |
Cutts, Martin The Plain English Guide.. Oxford 1995. 162 pages. Original cloth. Dust jacket. Former owners name. (#207928) | 120:- |
Cutts, Martin The Plain English Guide.. Oxford 1996. 165 pages. Paperback. (#109341) | 100:- |
Dahl, Ivar Substantival Inflexuin in Early Old English.. Vocalic stems. Diss. Lund 1938. xvi,206 pages. Soft covers. Satamped. (#168874) | 250:- |
Dahlstedt, August Rhytm and Word-Order in Anglo-Saxon and Semi-Saxon.. With special reference to their development in modern English. Diss. Lund 1901. 248 pages + folding tables. Soft covers with cloth spine. (#171831) | 200:- |
Dal, Ingerid Zur Entstehung des englishen Participium Praesentis auf -ing.. Olso 1952. 112 pages. Soft covers. Særtrykk (Reprint of) Norsk Tidskrift for Sprogvedenskab. (#171833) | 150:- |
Danielsson, Bror John Hart's Works on English Orthography and Pronunciation II.. [1551, 1569, 1570.] Phonology. Sthlm 1963. 296 pages. Soft covers. Part II only. (#82099) | 150:- |
Danielsson, Bror John Hart's Works on English Orthography and Pronunciation I-II.. [1551, 1569, 1570.] I: Biographical and Bibliograhical Introductions, Texts and Index Verborum. II: Phonology. Sthlm 1955-63. 338 + 296 pages. Soft covers. 2 vols. (#82053) | 400:- |
Danielsson, Bror Studies on the Accentuation of Polysyllabic Latin, Greek, and Romance Loan-Words in English.. With Special Reference to Those Ending in -able, -ate, -ator, -ible, -ic, -ical, and -ize. Diss. Sth 1948. 650 pages. Half cloth. (#166944) | 300:- |
Danielsson, Bror Studies on the Accentuation of Polysyllabic Latin, Greek, and Romance Loan-Words in English.. With Special Reference to Those Ending in -able, -ate, -ator, -ible, -ic, -ical, and -ize. Diss. Sth 1948. 650 pages. Soft covers. (#31638) | 250:- |
Delén, Carl Engelskt och Svenskt Lexikon.. Sthlm 1806-07. 395; 330 sidor. Liten 4:o. Halvfranskt band, något nött i ryggens överkant. (#77282) | 500:- |
Delén, Carl Engelskt och Svenskt Lexikon.. Sthlm 1806-07. 395 + 330 sidor. Liten 4:o. Renoverat skinnryggsband. (#79407) | 500:- |
Devlin, Joseph A Dictionary of Synonyms and Antonyms. and 5,000 Words Most Often Mispronounced. Cleveland 1946. 266 pp. Ocl. (#35434) | 140:- |
Dickens - Gerson, Stanley Sound and Symbol. in the Dialogue of the Works of Charles Dickens. Diss. Sthlm 1967. XXXII, 382 pages. Softcover. (#143977) | 150:- |
Dictionaries of English.. Prospects for the Record of Our Language. Cambridge (Au) 1989. 161 pages. Hardcover with dustjacket. (#173586) | 160:- |
Dictionaries of English.. Prospects for the record of our language. Edited by Richard W. Bailey. Cambridge 1989. x,161 pages. Original cloth. Dust jacket. (#167564) | 175:- |
Dillard, J.L. All- American English.. New York 1976. 369 pages. Paperback. (#173606) | 110:- |
Dillard, J.L. American Talk.. New York 1977. 187 pages. Paperback. (#173605) | 100:- |
Dodgson - Names, Places and People.. An onomastic miscellany in memory of John McNeal Dodgson. Edited by Alexander R. Rumble and A.D. Mills. Stamford 1997. xxx,390 pages. Original cloth. Dust jacket. (#169418) | 250:- |
Donner, H.W. Två kapitel engelsk grammatik.. I. Försök till förenklade regler för "shall" och "will". II. Adverbets plats i engelskan. Stockholm 1951. 105 sidor. Häftad. (#173607) | 80:- |
Dorward, Davd Scottish Surnames.. Harper Collins 1995. xviii,365 pages. Paper back. Collins pocket reference. (#169487) | 100:- |
Dunkling, Leslie The Guinness Book of Names.. 6th edition 1993. 255 pages. Soft covers. (#169467) | 150:- |
Dunlop, Ian The Teaching of English in Swedish Schools.. Studies in methods of instruction and outcomes. Diss. Sthlm 1975. 139 pages. Soft covers. (#170831) | 145:- |
Early Middle English Texts.. Ed. by Bruce Dickins and R.M. Wilson. Cambridge 1952. 336 pp. Ocl. Pencil-notes. (#33205) | 160:- |
Early Middle English Texts.. Ed. by Bruce Dickins and R.M. Wilson. Cambridge 1961. 335 pages. Original cloth. No jacket. (#168066) | 160:- |
Early Middle English Verse and Prose.. Ed. by J.A.W. Bennett and G.V. Smithers. With a Glossary by Norman Davis. Oxford 1966. LXI, 620 pages. Original cloth in worn dustjacket. (#64723) | 150:- |
Edgren, Eva Temporal Clauses in English.. Diss. Uppsala 1971. 252 pages. Soft covers. (#40340) | 150:- |
Edinburgh Studies in English and Scots.. Edited by A.J. Aitken, Angus McIntosh & Hermann Pálsson. London 1971. 247 pages. Original cloth with dustjacket. (#173594) | 160:- |
Efvergren, Carl Names of Places in a Transferred Sense in English. A Sematological Study.. Dissertation, Lund 1909. xii,123 pages. Cloth. (#202114) | 225:- |
Egersten, Erik Amerikansk engelska.. En kort orientering om huvudskillnaderna mellan brittisk och amerikansk engelska. Stockholm 1960. 80 sidor. Häftad. (#173610) | 70:- |
Egersten, Erik Understanding American English.. Stockholm 1972. 133 pages. Softcovers. (#173609) | 100:- |
Egersten, Erik Understanding American English.. Stuttgart 1974. 133 pages. Softcover. (#173608) | 100:- |
Einenkel, Eugen Geschichte der englischen Sprache II.. Historische Syntax. 3. Auflage. Strassburg 1916. xx, 223 pages. Original cloth. (#134462) | 200:- |
Ekblom, Einar Kortfattad engelsk synonymbok.. 15:e upplagan. Sthlm 1963. 211 sidor. Original klotryggsband. (#86913) | 125:- |
Ekblom, Einar Kortfattad engelsk synonymordbok.. Sthlm 1975. 211 sidor. Original klotband. (#139909) | 110:- |
Ekblom, Einar The Place-Names of Wiltshire.. Their Origin and History. Diss. Uppsala 1917. 188 pages. Soft covers. (#31566) | 180:- |
Ekblom, Einar The Place-Names of Wiltshire.. Their Origin and History. Diss. Uppsala 1917. 188 pages. Soft covers. Stamped. (#31568) | 160:- |
Ek, Karl-Gustav The Development of OE y and eo in South-Eastern Middle English.. Diss. Lund 1972. 133 pages. Soft covers. (#168477) | 150:- |
Ekselius, Paul A Study on the Development of the Old English Combinations aht/oht in Middle English.. Diss. Uppsala 1940. XVI, 157 pages. Softcover. (#31562) | 140:- |
Ekwall, Eilert A History of Modern English Sounds and Morphology.. Oxford 1980. 133 pages. Softcover. (#173380) | 120:- |
Ekwall, Eilert A History of Modern English Sounds and Morphology.. Translated and edited by Alan Ward. Oxford 1975. xvi,133 pages. Soft covers. (#168618) | 140:- |
Ekwall, Eilert American and British Pronunciation.. Uppsala 1946. 38 pages. Soft covers. (#31565) | 100:- |
Ekwall, Eilert Historische Neuenglische Laut- und Formenlehre.. Sammlung Göschen 1914. 150 pages. Original cloth. Loose in binding. (#167590) | 75:- |
Ekwall, Eilert Historische Neuenglische Laut- und Formenlehre.. Sammlung Göschen 1965. 150 pages. Soft covers. (#167592) | 100:- |
Ekwall, Eilert Shakspere's Vocabulary I.. Its Etymological Elements (all publ.) Diss. Upsala 1903. XIX, 99 pages. Softcover. Shakespeare. (#43825) | 150:- |
Ekwall, Eilert Studies on English Place-Names.. Sthlm 1936. 221 pages. Softcover. (#31584) | 175:- |
Ekwall, Eilert The Concise Oxford Dictionary of English Place-Names.. Third ed. Oxford 1951. 530 pages. Cloth. (#31578) | 250:- |
Elfstrand, Daniel Kortfattad engelsk grammatik.. Stockholm 1939. 176 sidor. Originalklotband. (#173595) | 100:- |
Elfstrand, Daniel & Gabrielson, Arvid Engelsk grammatik. för universitet och högskolor. Fjärde upplagan. Sthlm 1967. 388 sidor. Original klotband. (#20476) | 150:- |
Elfstrand, Daniel & Gabrielson, Arvid Engelsk grammatik. för universitet och högskolor. Fjärde upplagan. Sthlm 1967. 388 sidor. Original klotband. Blyertsunderstrykningar. (#113292) | 100:- |
Eliason, Norman E. English Essays Literary and Linguistic.. Grand Prairie 1975. 302 pages. Original cloth. (#173381) | 175:- |
Ellegård, Alvar Svensk-engelsk transformationsgrammatik.. Genarp 1969. 185 sidor. Häftad. (#173602) | 150:- |
Ellegård, Alvar Transformationell svensk-engelsk satslära.. Med övningsuppgifter av Sölve Ohlander. Lund 1971. 224 sidor. Häftad. (#121088) | 125:- |
Ellegård, Alvar Who was Junius?. Stockholm 1962. 159 pages. Original cloth with dustjacket. (#173405) | 175:- |
Ellegård, Alvar, Englund, Åke & Rudal, Östen Engelsk grammatik.. För den 3-åriga gymnasieskolan och universitetet. Lund 1973. 256 sidor. Original klotband. (#169972) | 150:- |
Ellis, Alexander J. On Early English Pronunciation ... III.. Illustrations of the Pronunciation of the XIVth and XVIth Centuries. Chaucer, Gower, Wycliffe, Spenser, Shakspere, Salesbury, Barcley, Hart, Bullokar, Gill. Pronouncing Vocabulary. London 1936 (Reprint of 1871 edition). XX, pag. 633-996. Cloth. Part III only. (#87054) | 140:- |
Enblom, V. Lärobok i engelska språket.. Sthlm (tryckt i Västerås) 1856. (4), 97 sidor. Något nött original klotband. (#80059) | 250:- |
Engblom, Victor On the Origin and Early Developmant of the Auxiliary Do.. Lund 1938. 172 pages. Soft covers. Stamped. (#82568) | 200:- |
Engelsk-svensk teknisk ordbok.. Sthlm 1972. 142 sidor. Häftad. (#77566) | 125:- |
Englisch Formen und Funktionen einer Weltsprache.. Ausstellung des Lehrstuhls für Englische Sprachwissenschaft und Mediävistik und der Universitätbibkiothek. Illustrated. Bamberg 1983. 186 pages. Softcover. (#166051) | 130:- |
English as a World Language.. Edited by Richard W. Bailey and Manfred Görlach. Ann Arbor 1982. 496 pages. Original cloth. Dust jacket. (#169309) | 175:- |
English in Speech and Writing.. A Symposium. Edited by Gunnel Tottie and Ingegerd Bäcklund. Uppsala 1986. 204 pages. Soft covers. (#44779) | 150:- |
English Place-Names.. London 1963. 256 pages. Original cloth. (#132184) | 175:- |
English Place-Name Society 1-54.. ( Up to The Place-names of Cheshire V:1:II. More published). Cambridge 1925-81. Original cloth. Spines of the older volumes bleeched. 5 volumes rebound. A few volumes with partly cracked hinges. Some volumes with pencil-remarks and a few with red-pencil underlinings. Professor Erik Tengstrand's set. Complete with all maps except the maps of Essex that are missing. (#50581) | 8000:- |
English Place-Name Society 1-83.. Cambridge 1925-2007. Original cloth. Spines of the older volumes bleeched. Dust-wrappers exept volume 1-16 and 25-26. Volume 1 slightly worn spines. (#171713) | 12000:- |
English Studies.. A Journal of English Language and Literature. Founded by R.W. Zandvoort. Volume 35, 1954 - volume 64, 1983 + number 1-3 of 1984. 6 issues per year. Volume 35-45 bound in green cloth, the rest in parts. (#177448) | 3000:- |
English Transported.. Essays on Australian English. Edited by W.S. Ramson. Canberra 1970. 243 pages. Softcover. (#173288) | 160:- |
Eric Partridge In His Own Words.. Edited by David Crystal. London 1980. 251 pages. Hardcover with dustjacket. (#173287) | 150:- |
Erlebach, Peter Die zusammengesetzten englishen Zunamen französischer Herkunft.. Sprachwissenschaftliche und namenkundliche Analyse. Heidelberg 1979. 166 pages. Softcover. (#173307) | 150:- |
Erman, Britt Pragmatic Expressions in English.. A Study of You know, You see and I mean in Face-to-Face Conversation. Diss. Sthlm 1987. 238 pages. Softcover. (#46442) | 160:- |
Errata.. Papers in error analysis. Edited by Jan Svartvik. Lund 1973. 172 pages. Soft covers. Pencil underlinings. (#174767) | 140:- |
Essays and Studies by Members of the English Association.. Volume II. Collected by H.C. Beeching. Oxford 1911. 182 pages. Original cloth. Stamped. (#175278) | 150:- |
Evans, Ifor The Use of English.. London 1966. 133 pages. Hardcover with dustjacket. (#160444) | 140:- |
Everett, Dorothy Essays on Middle English Literature.. Edited by Patricia Kean. Oxford 1955. xii,180 pages. Original cloth. Dust jacket. (#169011) | 165:- |
Fairfield, S The Streets of London.. a dictionary of the names and their origins. 1984. 353 pages. Soft cover. (#172396) | 120:- |
Fernald, James C. Funk & Wagnalls Standard Handbook of Synonyms, Antonyms, and Prepositions.. Completely revised edition. New York 1947. 515 pages. Original cloth. (#139910) | 150:- |
Field, John Place-Names of Greater London.. London 1980. 184 pages. Original cloth. Dust jacket. Pencil notes by Karl-Inge Sandred. (#168491) | 150:- |
Finegan, Edward Attitudes Towards English Usage.. The history of a war of words. 1980. 196 pages. Soft cover. (#172408) | 135:- |
Fischerström, Nils Ny engelsk grammatik.. Femte upplagan. Sthlm 1962. 283 sidor. Original klotband. (#165498) | 135:- |
Fischerström, Nils Ny engelsk grammatik.. Sjätte upplagan. Lund 1965. 283 sidor. Förlagsband, något lite nött. (#219037) | 140:- |
Fischerström, Nils Ny engelsk grammatik.. Sjätte upplagan. Lund 1965. 283 sidor. Original klotband. Lite understrykningar med rödpenna. (#113294) | 140:- |
Fischerström, Nils Ny engelsk grammatik.. Tredje upplagan. Sthlm 1956. 220 sidor. Original klotryggsband. Blyerts. (#6983) | 100:- |
Fischerström, Nils & Johansson, Bertil Engelsk grammatik.. Sthlm 1972. 352 sidor. Original klotband. (#100478) | 135:- |
Fisiak, Jacek A Short Grammar of Middle English.. Part one: Graphemics, Phonemics and Morphenics. Warszawa 1968. 138 pages. Softcovers. (#173311) | 100:- |
Fisiak, Jacek Middle English miscellany.. From vocabulary to linguistic variation. Poznan 1996. 283 pages. Softcovers. (#173603) | 165:- |
Fjelkestam-Nilsson, Brita ALSO and TOO.. A Corpus-based Study of Their Frequency and Use in Modern English. Diss. Sthlm 1983. 149 pages + appendices. Softcover. (#46333) | 150:- |
Focus on: England and Wales.. Edited by Wolfgang Viereck. Amsterdam 1985. 304 pages. Softcover. Varities of English Around the World G4. (#166069) | 150:- |
Focus on: Scotland.. Edited by Manfred Görlach. Amsterdam 1985. 241 pages. Softcover. Varities of English Around the World G5. (#168051) | 150:- |
Foerster - Beiträge zur romanischen und englischen Philologoe. Festgabe für Wendelin Foerster zum 26 Pktober 1901.. Halle, Niemeyer 1902. (8),499 pages. Later cloth. Very fine. (#206481) | 250:- |
Forsberg, Rune A Contribution to a Dictionary of Old English Place-names.. Diss. Uppsala 1950. 274 pages. Soft covers. (#24413) | 200:- |
Forsberg, Rune The Place-name Lewes.. A study of its early spellings and etymology. Uppsala 1997. 66 pages. Soft covers. (#168499) | 100:- |
Forsström, Gösta The Verb 'to be' in Middle English.. Diss. Lund 1948. 237 pages. Soft covers. (#82570) | 200:- |
Forster, Klaus A Pronouncing Dictionary of English Place-Names. including standard local and archaic variants. London 1981. xxxvi,258 pages. Original cloth. Dust jacket. (#169447) | 220:- |
Fowler, H.W. A Dictionary of Modern English Usage.. Oxford 1952. 744 pp. Ocl. (#31813) | 120:- |
Fowler, H.W. A Dictionary of Modern English Usage.. Second ed. revised by Sir Ernest Gowers. Oxford 1970. 726 pp. Ocl. (#45939) | 160:- |
Fowler, H.W. & Fowler, F.G. The King's English.. Third edition. Oxford 1951. 383 pages. Original cloth. Dust jacket. (#47965) | 150:- |
Francis, W.N. Dialectology.. An introduction. London 1983. xii,240 pages. Soft covers. (#168619) | 125:- |
Francis, W. Nelson The English Language.. An introduction. Background for writing. New York 1965. 273 pages. original cloth with dustjacket. (#173312) | 150:- |
Francis, W. Nelson The English Language.. An introduction. London 1970. xii,273 pages. Original cloth. Dust jacket. A few pages with pencil underlinings. (#168796) | 150:- |
Francis, W. Nelson The Structure of American English.. New York 1958. 614 pages. Original cloth. (#173313) | 200:- |
Franz, W. Shakespeare-Grammatik.. Halle 1900. xii,427 pages. Half leather. Stamped. First edition. (#202356) | 150:- |
Franz, W. Shakespeare-Grammatik.. Zweite Auflage, wesentlish vermehrt und verbessert. Heidelberg 1909. xxviii, 602 pages. Original half leather. End spine cracked and a few leaves loose. (#169146) | 150:- |
Freeman, William A Concise Dictionary of English Slang.. London 1955. 268 pages. Original cloth. (#43466) | 135:- |
Freeman, William & Phythian, B.A. A Concise Dictionary of English Idioms.. London 1987. 166 pages. Original cloth in dustjacket. (#75680) | 135:- |
Fridén, Georg Studies on the Tenses of the English Verb from Chaucer to Shakespeare.. With Special Reference to the Late Sixteenth Century. Diss. Uppsala 1948. 222 pages. Softcover. (#43788) | 165:- |
Fries, Charles Carpenter The Structure of English.. An Introduction to the Construction of English Sentences. London 1964. 304 pages. Original cloth. (#152066) | 120:- |
Fries, Udo Einführung in die Sprache Chaucers.. Phonologie, Metrik und Morphologie. Tübingen 1985. xii,111 pages. Soft covers. Anglistische Arbeitshefte 20. (#174740) | 120:- |
Fristedt, Sven L. The Wycliffe Bible III.. Relationships of Trevisa and the Spanish Medieval Bibles. Sthlm 1973. 94 pp. Softcover. (#46356) | 135:- |
From Runes to Romance.. A festschrift for Gunnar Persson on his sixtieth birthday, November 9, 1997. Umeå 1997. 268 pages. Softcovers. (#173274) | 150:- |
Frykman, Erik W.E. Aytoun, Pioneer Professor of English at Edinburgh.. A study of his literary opinions and his contribution to the development of English as an academic discipline. Gothenburg 1963. 139 pages. Soft covers. Inscribed by the author. (#184279) | 200:- |
Fåhræus, Ann-Mari Two Kinds of Syntactic-Semantic Value-Loading in English.. Diss. Uppsala 1984. 184 pages. Soft covers. (#31742) | 140:- |
Fägersten, Anton The Place-Names of Dorset.. Diss. Upps. 1933. XXIII, 336 pages. Softcover. (#41546) | 225:- |
Förster, Max, Altenglisches Lesebuch für Anfänger.. Heidelberg 1949. xii,75 pages. Soft covers. (#206541) | 100:- |
Gabrielson, Arvid Exempelsamling till engelska grammatiken med engelsk översättning.. 1. Svensk text. 2. Engelsk text. Sthlm 1949. 88 + 101 sidor. Häftad. 2 volymer. Lite blyerts. (#169350) | 100:- |
Gabrielson, Arvid The Influence of W- in Old English as Seen in the Middle English Dialects.. Diss. Göteborg 1912. 256 pages. Soft covers. (#40528) | 250:- |
Gadde, Fredrik, On the History and Use of the Suffixes -ery (-ry), -age and -ment in English.. Dissertation, Lund 1910. viii,143 pages. Soft covers. Covers worn and damaged. Stamped. (#203742) | 150:- |
Galinsky, Hans Das amerikanische Englisch:. Seine innere Entwicklung und internationale Ausstrahlung. Darmstadt 1979. 379 pages. Soft covers. (#175270) | 120:- |
Ganshina, M.A. & Vasilevskaya, N.M. English Grammar.. Ninth edition revised, Higher School publishing house 1964. 548 pages. Original hard covers. (#175260) | 150:- |
Gelling, Margaret Place-Names in the Landscape.. London 1984. 326 pages. Original cloth. Dust jacket. (#169512) | 200:- |
Gelling, Margaret The Place-Names of Oxfordshire 1-2.. Based on material collected by Doris Mary Stenton. English Place-Name Society 1953-54. liv,517 + 2 maps in pocket. Original cloth. No jackets. (#173905) | 300:- |
Gerritsen - Historical & Editorial Studies in Medieval & Early Modern English.. For Johan Gerritsen. Edited by Mary-Jo Arn and Hanneke Wirtjes with Hans Jansen. Groningen 1985. 229 pages. Original cloth. (#143078) | 150:- |
Gesta Romanorum.. A record of auncient histories newly perused by Richard Robinson (1595). A facsimile reproduction with an introduction by John Weld. Scholar's Facsimiles & Reprints, Delmar, New York 1973. xii,327 pages. Original cloth. No jacket. (#169266) | 200:- |
Gevenich, Olga Die englische Palatalisierung von k>c im Licht der englischen Ortsnamen.. Halle 1918. xvi,168 pages. Soft covers. Glued spine. 7 lines with underlinings with green pencil. (#82579) | 125:- |
Giffhorn, Barbara Der mittelenglische Typus waishen:. Untersuchung zu den englischen Dialekten. Diss. Bonn 1976. 393 pages. Soft covers. A few pencil underlinings. (#168636) | 150:- |
Gill, Alexander Logonomia Anglica I.. (1619). Facsimiles of Gill's Presentation Copy in the Bodleian Library (4°G30Art.). List of Transcribed Words by Bror Danielsson and Arvid Gabrielson. Sthlm 1972. XV, 241 pages. Softcovers. (#179377) | 175:- |
Gill, Alexander Logonomia Anglica I-II.. (1619). I. Facsimiles of Gill's Presentation Copy in the Bodleian Library (4°G30Art.). List of Transcribed Words by Bror Danielsson and Arvid Gabrielson. II. Biographical and Bibliographical Introductions. Notes by Bror Danielsson and Arvid Gabrielson. Translation by Robin C. Alston. Sth 1972. XV, 241 + 245 pages. Softcovers. 2 vols. (#31401) | 325:- |
Gimson, A.C. An Introduction to the Pronunciation of English.. Second edition. London 1972. 320 pages. Soft covers. (#139907) | 140:- |
Glendening, P.J.T. Beyond the Dictionary in English for Swedish Speakers.. London 1966. viii,162 pages. Original cloth. Dust jacket. Vardagsengelska för Svenskar. En praktisk handbok. (#173743) | 145:- |
Glossaire des génériques en usage dans les noms géographiques du Canada.. Glossary of generic terms in Canada's geographical names. Ottawa 1987. xxii,311 pages. Soft covers. Bulletin de terminologie - Terminology Bulletin 176 (#168586) | 150:- |
Gneuss, Helmut Lehnbildungen und Lehnbedeutungen im Altenglischen.. Berlin 1955. 184 pages. Soft covers. (#65146) | 150:- |
Goës, Alvar Nyqvist The Stress System of English.. Diss. Uppsala 1974. 190 pages. Soft covers. (#31455) | 125:- |
Graham, William The Scots Word Book.. English - Scots, Scots - English Vocabularies. Edinburgh 1977. 194 pages. Original cloth. Dust jacket. (#168605) | 150:- |
Gregory, Michael & Carroll, Susan Language and Situation.. Language varities and their social contexts. London 1981. 113 pages. Paper back. (#169515) | 100:- |
Gregory, Michael & Carroll, Susan Language and Situation.. Language varities and their social contexts. London 1981. 113 pages. Paper back. Pencil underlinings. (#169516) | 80:- |
Gustafsson, Larisa Oldireva Preterite and Past Participle Forms in English 1680-1790.. Standardisation Processes in Public and Private Writing. Diss. Upps. 2002. 306 pages. Softcover. (#72014) | 175:- |
Gårdmark/ Wright Testa din engelska språkfärdighet.. Lund 1970. 103 sidor. Häftad. (#173417) | 100:- |
Gårdmark/ Wright Testa din engelska språkfärdighet.. Lund 1970. 104 sidor. Häftad. (#173398) | 100:- |
Hallander, Lars-G. Old English Verbs in -sian.. A Semantic and Derivetional Study. Diss. Stockholm 1966. 620 pages. Soft covers. (#43629) | 150:- |
Hallbeck, Einar S:son, The Language of the Middle English Bestiary.. I. Phonology. II Inflection. Dissertation, Cristianstad (Lund) 1905. (2),66 pages. Soft covers. (#203743) | 140:- |
Halliday, McIntosh & Stevens. The Linguistic Sciences and Language Teaching.. London 1973. xx, 322 pages. Original cloth. Dust jacket. (#168627) | 150:- |
Hall, Joseph Selections from Early Middle English 1130 - 1250 I-II.. I. Texts. II. Notes. Edited with Introductions and notes by Joseph Hall. Oxford 1953-56. 675 pages. Original cloth. 2 volumes. (#168633) | 275:- |
Hamer, Enid The Metres of English Poetry.. London 1954. 340 pp. Ocl. (#35444) | 130:- |
Hammarberg, Viktor & Zetterström, Sven Kortfattad engelsk skolgrammatik.. Sextonde upplagan. Sthlm 1964. 198 sidor. Blyertsunderstrykningar. (#131815) | 100:- |
Hammarberg, Viktor & Zetterström, Sven Kortfattad engelsk skolgrammatik.. Sextonde upplagan. Sthlm 1964. 198 sidor. Klotband. (#121113) | 125:- |
Hammarberg, Viktor & Zetterström, Sven Kortfattad engelsk skolgrammatik.. Sextonde upplagan. Sthlm 1969. 198 sidor. Klotband. (#209402) | 125:- |
Hanson, Jeremy, Engelska för affärslivet. Handboken för dig med internationella lontakter.. Liber-Hermods 1995. 131 sidor. Limhäftad. Namnteckning. (#207960) | 145:- |
Harms, Robert T. Introduction to Phonological Theory.. Englewood Cliffs 1968. 142 pages. Paper back. Some pencil underlinings. (#168739) | 110:- |
Harrison, Brian English as a Second and Foreign Language.. London 1973. 111 pages. Soft covers. (#140506) | 100:- |
Hayward, Arthur L. & Sparkes, John J. The Concise English Dictionary.. Omega Books 1982. 1348 pages. Original cloth. Dust jacket. (#132682) | 175:- |
Heath, Christopher D. The Pronunciation of English in Cannock, Staffordshire.. A socio-linguistic survey of an urban speech-community. Oxford 1980. xii,141 pages + maps. Original cloth. No jacket. Publications of the Philological Society XXIX. (#169369) | 150:- |
Hedberg, Johannes The Syncope of the Old English Present Endings.. A Dialect Criterion. Diss. Lund 1945. 310 pages. Soft covers. (#49796) | 250:- |
Hedberg, Johannes The Syncope of the Old English Present Endings.. A Dialect Criterion. Diss. Lund 1945. 310 pages. Soft covers. Some ink-marks in margins. (#150383) | 225:- |
Hemings - Junge, Otto The Fatal Contract. A French Tragedy by William Hemings.. Kritische Neuausgabe mit Einleitung und Anmerkungen. Diss. Löwen 1912. VIII, 66 pages. Softcover with worn spine. Stamped. Introduction and Commentary only. (#89236) | 145:- |
Herndon, Jeanne H. A Survey of Modern Grammars.. New York 1970. 208 pages. Soft covers. (#175263) | 125:- |
Herold, Curtis Paul The Morphology of King Alfred's Translation of the "Orosius".. The Hague 1968.80 pages. Soft covers. (#173408) | 140:- |
Heyman, Harald E. Studies on the Havelok-Tale.. Diss. Upsala 1903. 152 pp. Softcover. (#43819) | 160:- |
Hibbitt, George Whiting Diphtongs in American Speech.. A Study of the Duration of Diphtongs in the Contextual Speech of Two Hundred and Ten Male Undergraduates. Diss. New York 1948. 86 pages. Softcover. Stamped. (#111091) | 135:- |
Hjertstedt, Ingrid Middle English Nicknames in the Lay Subsidy Rolls for Warwickshire.. Diss. Uppsala 1987. 241 pages + maps. Softcover. (#31060) | 140:- |
Hofstrand, G. The Seege of Troye.. A Study in the Intertextual Relations of the Middle English Romance the "Seege or Batayle of Troye". Diss. Lund 1936. 206 pp. Stamped. (#33230) | 165:- |
Hollqvist, Håkan The Use of English in Three Large Swedish Companies.. Diss. Upps. 1984. 160 pages. Soft covers. (#31081) | 125:- |
Holmberg, Börje James Douglas on English Pronunciation c. 1740.. Diss. Lund 1956. 354 pages. Soft covers. (#33253) | 170:- |
Holm, Sigurd Corrections and Additions in the Ormulum Manuscript.. Diss. Uppsala 1922. 120 pages. Soft covers. (#33228) | 145:- |
Holthausen, Ferdinand Etymologisches Wörterbuch der englische Sprache.. Leipzig 1917. 192 pages. Original half cloth. (#151400) | 125:- |
Honey, John Does Accent Matter?. The Pygmalion factor. London 1989. 208 pages. Paper back. (#168737) | 120:- |
Horlacher, Fredrich W. & Hough, Peter C. American Vocabulary.. American-English-Swedish. Stuttgart 1974. 101 pages. Softcover. (#173377) | 80:- |
Hornby, A.S. A Guide to Patterns and Usage in English.. London 1966. 261 pages. Soft covers. (#169351) | 100:- |
Hornby, A.S. Oxford Advanced Learner's Dictionary of Current English.. Fourth edition. Oxford 1989. 1580 pages. Paper back. (#169075) | 100:- |
Hornby, A.S. Oxford Student's Dictionary of Current English.. Oxford 1978. 774 pages. Paper back. (#168543) | 100:- |
Horner, A. Musgrave, Spoken Words. A Guide to Everyday Speech.. London 1957. 120 pages. Original cloth. Dust jacket. Very fine. (#200768) | 145:- |
Horsley, Canon J.W. Place Names in Kent.. Maidstone 1921. 92 pages. Original cloth. Pencil underlinings. (#169455) | 125:- |
Horwill, H.W. A Dictionary of Modern American Usage.. Second edition Oxford 1949. 360 pages. riginal cloth. (#35452) | 135:- |
Horwill, H.W. An Anglo-American Interpreter.. A vocabulary and phrase bok. Oxford 1939. x,92 pages. Original cloth. (#168534) | 100:- |
Hoskins, W.G. Fieldwork in Local History.. London 1967. 192 pages. Original cloth. No jacket. One page with coffee-stains and som pencil underlinings. (#169476) | 125:- |
Huddleston, Rodney An Introduction to English Transformational Syntax.. London 1976. 273 pages. Softcover. (#173400) | 125:- |
Hughes, Arthur & Trudgill, Peter English Accents and Dialects.. An introduction to social and regional varieties of British English. London 1979. 90 pages. Soft covers + tape recordings. Pencil underlinings. (#168771) | 140:- |
Hughes, Harold K. Dictionary of Abbreviations in Medicine and the Health Sciences.. Lexington 1978. 314 pp. Ocl. (#33453) | 185:- |
Hultfors, Pär Reactions to Non-Native English 1.. Native English-speaking assessments of errors in the use of English made by non-native users of the language. Acceptability and intelligibility. Diss. Sthlm 1986. 246 pages. Soft covers. (#46447) | 160:- |
International Trade.. Prepared by English Language Service. Collier Macmillian 1977. 88 pages. Soft covers. Ex library. (#130847) | 75:- |
Jackson, Benjamin Daydon A Glossary of Botanical Terms.. With Their Derivation and Accent. 4th edition, London 1960. 481 pages. Original cloth. (#153044) | 200:- |
Jacobson, Sven Adverbial Positions in English.. Diss. Uppsala 1964. 386 pages. Original cloth. (#44152) | 200:- |
Jacobson, Sven Adverbial Positions in English.. Diss. Uppsala 1964. IX, 385 pages. Softcover. (#33283) | 160:- |
Jacobson, Sven British and American Scouting and Guiding Terminology.. A Lexo-Semantic Study. Sthlm 1985. 112 pages. Soft covers. (#46463) | 140:- |
Jacobson, Sven Factors Influencing the Placement of English Adverbs in Relation to Auxiliaries.. Sthlm 1975. 599 pages. Softcover. Soiled wrappers. (#124642) | 175:- |
Jacobson, Sven On the Use, Meaning, and Syntax of English Preverbial Adverbs.. Sthlm 1978. 160 pages. Softcover. (#70538) | 175:- |
Jacobson, Sven Preverbial Adverbs and Auxiliaries.. A Study of Word Order Change. Sthlm 1981. 100 pages. Softcover. (#70537) | 145:- |
Jacobson, Sven Studies in English Transformational Grammar.. Sthlm 1971. 139 pages. Soft covers. (#70561) | 150:- |
Jacobson, Sven Unorthodox Spelling in American Trademarks.. Sthlm 1966. 54 pages. Soft covers. (#33330) | 110:- |
Jacobson, Sven och Hallander, Lars-G. Nuengelsk lingvistik.. Sthlm 1972. 88 sidor. Häftad. (#169334) | 100:- |
Jacobs, Roderick A. & Rosenaum, Peter S. English Transformational Grammar.. Blaisdell Publ. Co. 1968. x,294 pages. Original cloth. Dust jacket. A few pencil-notes. (#168727) | 180:- |
Jacobs, Roderick A. & Rosenaum, Peter S. English Transformational Grammar.. London 1968. 294 pages. Original cloth. (#173387) | 160:- |
Jacobsson, Bengt Inversion in English.. With special reference to the early modern English period. Diss. Uppsala 1951. 236 pages. Soft covers. (#43838) | 165:- |
Jespersen, Otto Essentials of English Grammar.. London 1950. 387 pages. Original cloth. (#178179) | 120:- |
Jespersen, Otto Essentials of English Grammar.. London 1950. 387 pages. Original cloth. Pencil underlinings. (#138467) | 110:- |
Jespersen, Otto Essentials of English Grammar.. London 1954. 387 pages. Original cloth. Pencil underlinings. (#166941) | 120:- |
Johannesson, Nils-Lennart English Language Essays.. Investigation method and writing strategies. Stockholm 1986. 243 pages. Softcover. (#173303) | 175:- |
Johannesson, Nils-Lennart The English Modal Auxiliaries:. A Stratificational Account. Diss. Sthlm 1976. 166 pages. Soft covers. (#46464) | 145:- |
Johansson, Christine The Relativizers whose and of which in Present-day English.. Description and Theory. Diss. Uppsala 1995. 276 pages. Soft covers. (#69885) | 175:- |
Johansson, Stig Kort lärobok i engelsk fonetik.. Lund 1973. 156 sidor. Häftad. (#173361) | 100:- |
Johnson, Burges New Rhyming Dictionary and Poet's Handbook.. Revised edition, New York 1957. 464 pages. Original cloth.. Dust jacket. Very fine. (#188593) | 160:- |
Johnson, Samuel A Dictionary of the English Language:. In which the words are deduced from the origin and illustrated in their different significations by examples from the best writers. To whish are prefixed a History of the Language, and An English Grammar. In two volumes. Printed for G. and J. Offor et al. London 1822. Portrait. (16),1029,(1) + (4)1084 pages. 4:o. bound i 2 later half leather bindings. Preface with stains in inner margin, otherwise a clean copy. (#175807) | 4500:- |
Jones, Charles An Introduction to Middle English.. New York 1972. 228 pages. Original cloth. (#173362) | 170:- |
Jones, Daniel An English Pronouncing Dictionary.. Containing 56.300 Words in International Phonetic Transcription. Ninth edition. London 1948. xxviii, 490 pages. Cloth. (#85219) | 150:- |
Jones, Daniel An Outline of English Phonetics.. Illustrated. 9th edition, Cambridge 1962. xx,380 pages. Original cloth. Dust jacket. A few pages with pencil underlinings. (#168795) | 150:- |
Jones, Daniel An Outline of English Phonetics.. New York 1940. 326 pages. Illustrated. Original cloth with dustjacket. (#173363) | 150:- |
Jones, Daniel Everyman's English Pronouncing Dictionary.. 13. ed. London 1969. 544 pp. Ocl. (#43550) | 130:- |
Jones, Daniel Everyman's English Pronouncing Dictionary.. Revised and edited by A.C. Grimson. 14th edition, London 1977. 560 pages. Original cloth. (#169236) | 120:- |
Jones, Daniel Phonetic Readings in English.. Heidelberg 1958. 90 pages. Softcover. (#173364) | 100:- |
Jungandreas, Wolfgang Geschichte der englischen Sprache.. Göttingen 1949. 272 pages. Soft covers. Geschichte der deutschen und der englischen Sprache III. (#168713) | 125:- |
Kabell, Lauridsen & Zettersten Studies in Early Modern English Pronunciation.. A DEMEP publication. Copenhagen 1984. 136 pages. Soft covers. (#168587) | 145:- |
Kaiser, Rolf Alt-und mittelenglische anthologie.. Berlin 1954. 474 pages + plates. Original cloth. (#173302) | 200:- |
Kaiser, Rolf Medieval English.. Berlin 1958. 592 pages + plates. Original cloth. (#173301) | 175:- |
Kaiser, Rolf (ed.) Alt- und mittelenglische Anthologie.. 2. Auflage. Berlin 1955. 474 pages + map. Hard covers. (#51581) | 175:- |
Karlberg, Göran The English Interrogative Pronouns.. A Study of Their Syntactic History. Diss. Sthlm (Göteborg) 1954. 353 pages. Soft cover. Gotheburg Studies in English III. (#82011) | 250:- |
Karlström, Sigurd Old English Compound Place-Names in -ing.. Diss. Uppsala 1927. XXIII, 195 pages. Softcover. (#24483) | 170:- |
Kenyon, J.S. & Knott, T.A. A Pronouncing Dictionary of American English.. Springfield, Mass. 1953. 484 pages. Original cloth. (#134006) | 150:- |
Kihlbom, Asta A Contribution to the Study of Fifteenth Century English I.. (All publ.) Diss. Uppsala 1926. XXXII, 205 pages. Softcover. (#44512) | 150:- |
King Alfred's West-Saxon Version of Gregory's Pastoral Care.. With an English translation, the Latin text, notes,and an introduction. Edited by Henry Sweet. London 1871. xliv,509 pages. Original(?) cloth. Weak hinges. Pencil underlinings in the introduction. (#168807) | 450:- |
King, Arthur H. The Language of Satirized Characters in Poëtaster.. A Socio-Stylistic Analysis 1597-1602. Diss. Lund 1941. 260 pages. Soft covers. (#33338) | 150:- |
King, Robert D. Historical Linguistics and Generative Grammar.. Englewood Cliffs 1969. 230 pages. Original cloth with dustjacket. (#173365) | 180:- |
Kirchner, Gustav Gradadverbien.. Restriktiva und Verwandtes im heutigen English (britisch und amerikanisch). Halle 1955. 126 pages. Soft covers. (#168470) | 120:- |
Kivimaa, Kirsti Ūe and Ūat as Clause Connectives in Early Middle English. with especial consideration of the emergence of the pleonastic Ūat. Diss. Helsinki 1966. 272 pages. Soft covers. (#168473) | 185:- |
Kjellmer, Göran Context and Meaning.. A Study of Distributional and Semantic Relations in a Group of Middle English Words. Diss. Göteborg 1971. 199 pages. Softcover. (#110205) | 170:- |
Kjerrström, Bengt Studies in the Language of the London Chronicles.. Vocabulary, Phonology, Notes on Accidence. Diss. Upps. 1946. 327 pages + plates. Softcover. (#24977) | 185:- |
Klasson, Kerstin Developments in the Terminology of Physics and Technology.. Diss. Sth. 1977. 202 pp. (#33401) | 145:- |
Klein, Hans Wilhelm Englische Synonymik für Studierende und Lehrer.. Leverkusen 1951. 644 pages. Original cloth. (#169378) | 175:- |
Klein, Hans-Wilhelm & Friederich, Wolf Englische Synonymik für Studierende und Lehrer.. München 1975. 921 pages. Original cloth. (#168529) | 160:- |
Kluge, Friedrich Angelsächsisches Lesebuch.. Zusammengestellt und mit Glossar versehen. Vierte Auflage, Halle 1915. (4),206,(2) pages. Half cloth. (#204427) | 225:- |
Koch, Carl O. & Kärre, Karl Det engelska språket.. Stockholm 1960. 144 sidor. Original klotband. (#173388) | 100:- |
Kock, Ernst A. The English Relative Pronouns.. A critical essay. Diss. Lund 1897. x,94 pages. 4:o. With both wrappers in hard covers. Some pencil-notes and remarks. (#182617) | 200:- |
Koziol, Herbert Handbuch der englischen Wortbildungslehre.. Heidelberg 1937. xvi,260 pages. Original cloth. (#168479) | 150:- |
Kristensson, Gillis A Survey of Middle English Dialects 1290-1350.. The Six northern Counties and Lincolnshire. Diss Lund 1967. 299 pages. Soft covers. (#168086) | 200:- |
Kristensson, Gillis A Survey of Middle English Dialects 1290-1350.. The West Midland Counties. Lund 1987. 248 pages. Soft covers. (#33390) | 250:- |
Kruisinga, E. The Phonetic Structure of English Words.. Bern 1943. 179 pages. Softcover. Bibliotheca Anglicana (#173369) | 130:- |
Kurath, Hans A Phonology and Prosody of Modern English.. Heidelberg 1964. 158 pages. Original cloth. (#173308) | 130:- |
Kärre, Karl Nomina Agentis in Old English I.. (All publ.) Diss. Uppsala 1915. 246 pages. Soft covers. (#44503) | 170:- |
Kökeritz, Helge Mather Flint on Early Eighteenth-Century English Pronunciation.. Uppsala 1944. XLVI, 189 pp. Soft covers. Page 1-77 contains an edition of Prononciation de la langue angloise... by Mather Flint in French. (#44070) | 200:- |
Kökeritz, Helge The Phonology of the Suffolk Dialect.. Descriptive and Historical. Diss. Uppsala 1932. XXIII, 328 pages. Softcover. (#24437) | 170:- |
Kökeritz, Helge The Phonology of the Suffolk Dialect.. Descriptive and Historical. Diss. Uppsala 1932. XXIII, 328 pages. Softcover without wrappers. (#31004) | 150:- |
Langendoen, Terence The Study of Syntax.. The generative-transformational approach to the structure of american english. New York 1969. 174 pages. A few pencilmarks. Softcovers. (#173604) | 110:- |
Langenfelt, Gösta Select Studies in Colloquial English of the Late Middle Ages.. Lund 1933. xxviii, 129 pages. Glued in hard covers. (#166572) | 170:- |
Langenfelt, Gösta Select Studies in Colloquial English of the Late Middle Ages.. Lund 1933. xxviii, 129 pages. Soft covers. (#119707) | 170:- |
Langenfelt, Gösta Toponymics or Derivations from Local Names in English.. Studies in Word-Formation and Contributions to English Lexicography. Diss. Uppsala 1920. XVI, 252 pages. Cloth (#202126) | 200:- |
Langenfelt, Gösta Toponymics or Derivations from Local Names in English.. Studies in Word-Formation and Contributions to English Lexicography. Diss. Uppsala 1920. XVI, 252 pages. Softcover. (#24470) | 150:- |
Language and Society.. Essays presented to Arthur M. Jensen on his seventieth birthday. Copenhagen 1961. 202 pages. Softcover. (#173401) | 150:- |
Languages of Scotland.. Edited by A.J. Aithen and Tom McArthur. Edinburgh 1979. 160 pages. Soft covers. A few pencil underlinings. (#167556) | 120:- |
Lass, Roger The Shape of English.. Structure and history. London 1987. xxii,384 pags. Original cloth. Dust jacket. (#169279) | 185:- |
Leeb-Lundberg, W. Word-Formation in Kipling.. A stylistic-philological study. Diss. Lund 1909. 116 pages. Soft covers. Dedication from the author. (#172198) | 180:- |
Leech, Deuchar & Hoogenraad English Grammar for Today.. A new introduction. London 1985. xvi,224 pages. Soft covers. (#168697) | 140:- |
Leech, Geoffrey N. Meaning and the English Verb. London 1979. viii, 131 pages. Softcover. Signature by former owner. Eighth impression. (#220066) | 125:- |
Leech, Geoffrey N. Towards a Semantic Description of English.. Longmans 1969. 277 pages. Original cloth. Dust jacket. (#186018) | 150:- |
Leech, Geoffrey N & Short, Michael H. Style in Fiction.. A linguistic introduction to English fictional prose. London 1992. 402 pages. Soft covers. (#168441) | 140:- |
Leech, Geoffrey & Svartvik, Jan A Communicative Grammar of English.. Longmans 1975. 324 pages. Soft covers. (#186020) | 170:- |
Lee, Donald W. Functional Change in Early English.. Diss. Menasha 1948. IX, 128 pages. Softcover. Stamped. (#78782) | 125:- |
Lees, Robert B. The Grammar of English Nominalizations.. Fourth printing, The Hague 1966. xlvi,205 pages. Soft covers. (#186022) | 170:- |
Lehnert, Martin Poetry and Prose of the Anglo-Saxons.. Dictionary. Berlin 1956. 247 pages. Original cloth. Very fine. (#168573) | 160:- |
Lehnert, Martin Sprachform und Sprachfunktion im "Orrmulum" (um 1200).. Die Deklination. Berlin 1953. xii,200 pages. Hard covers. (#169295) | 125:- |
Lehto, Leena English Stress and its Modification by Intonation.. An analytic and synthetic study of acoustic parameters. Helsinki 1969. 206 pages. Soft covers. (#186021) | 160:- |
Leith, Dick Social History of English.. London 1983. 224 pages. Some pencilmarks. Softcover. (#173419) | 100:- |
Leonhardi, Arnold & Welsh, Brian W.W. Grammatische Wörterbuch - English.. Dortmund 1966. 303 pages. Original cloth. Dust jacket. Lensing Koorekturhandbücher. (#168532) | 140:- |
Lewis, J. Windsor A Concise Pronouncing Dictionary of British and American English.. London 1972. xx, 233 pages. Original cloth. Dust jacket. (#139918) | 160:- |
Lewis, Robert E. & McIntosh, Angus A Descriptive Guide to the Manuscripts of the Prick of Conscience.. Oxford 1982. 173 pages. Softcovers. (#173255) | 140:- |
Levitt, John and Joan The Spell of Words.. London 1959. 224 pages. Original cloth. No jacket. (#188578) | 140:- |
Liedholm, Astri A Phonological Study of the Middle English Romance Arthour and Merlin.. (Ms Auchinleck.) Diss. Uppsala 1941. 192 pp. (#43774) | 160:- |
Liljegren - Bibliographie der Veröffentlichungen von S.B. Liljegren. anlässlich seines 70. Geburtstages am 8. Mai 1955. Zusammengestellt von Ronald Arnold. Uppsala 1956. 28 + 64 pp. Soft covers. (#47676) | 145:- |
Liljegren - Bibliographie II der Veröffentlichungen von S.B. Liljegren. anlässlich seines 75. Geburtstages am 8. Mai 1960. Zusammengestellt von Ronald Arnold. Uppsala 1960. 110 pp. Soft covers. (#47678) | 145:- |
Liljegren - Bibliographie III der Veröffentlichungen von S.B. Liljegren. anlässlich seines 80. Geburtstages am 8. Mai 1965. Zusammengestellt von Ronald Arnold. Uppsala 1967. 56 pp. Soft covers. (#47679) | 100:- |
Liljegren - Bibliographie IV der Veröffentlichungen von S.B. Liljegren. anlässlich seines 90. Geburtstages am 8. Mai 1975. Zusammengestellt von Ronald Arnold. Uppsala 1976. 30 pp. Soft covers. (#47680) | 80:- |
Lindberg, Conrad (ed.) The Earlier Version of the Wycliffite Bible 6.. Baruch 3.20 - end of OT. Edited from Ms Christ Church 145. Sthlm 1973. 394 pages. Soft covers. (#46363) | 175:- |
Lindberg, Conrad (ed.) The Earlier Version of the Wycliffite Bible 7.. The Gospels edited from Ms Christ Church 145. Sthlm 1994. 269 pages. Softcover. (#46362) | 165:- |
Lindblad, Karl-Erik Noah Webster's Pronunciation and Modern New England Speech.. A Comparison. Uppsala 1954. 92 pp. Soft covers. (#47707) | 150:- |
Lindelöf, Uno Grunddragen af engelska språkets historiska ljud- och formlära.. Andra, omarbetade upplagan, Helsingfors 1911. 122 sidor. Häftad. (#174750) | 100:- |
Lindgvist, Hans English adverbials in Translations.. A corpus study of Swedish Renderings. Lund 1989. 184 pages. Softcovers. (#173270) | 150:- |
Lindkvist, Harald Middle-English Place-Names of Scandinavian Origin I.. (All publ.) Diss. Uppsala 1912. LXIII, 227 pages. Softcover. (#33046) | 175:- |
Lindkvist, Karl-Gunnar A Comprehensive Study of Conceptions of Locality in which English Prepositions Occur.. Sth 1976. 368 pages. Soft covers. (#32986) | 175:- |
Lindkvist, Karl-Gunnar AT versus ON, IN, BY: on the Early History of Spatial AT and Certain Primary Ideas distinguishing AT from ON, IN, BY.. Diss. Sth 1978. 90 pages. Soft covers. (#32979) | 120:- |
Lindkvist, Karl-Gunnar Studies on the Local Sense of the Prepositions in, at, on and to in Modern English.. Diss. Lund 1950. 432 pages. Soft covers. (#33069) | 150:- |
Lindkvist, Karl-Gunnar The Local Sense of the Prepositions OVER, ABOVE, and ACROSS.. Studied in Present-Day English. Diss. Sth 1972. 108 pp. (#32977) | 135:- |
Lindström, Bengt (ed.) A Late Middle English Version of The Gospel of Nicodemus.. Edited from British Museum MS Harley 149. Diss. Uppsala 1974. 184 pages. Softcover. (#32984) | 170:- |
Lindström, Olof Aspects of English Intonation.. Diss. Gbg 1978. 260 pp. (#32980) | 150:- |
Ling, A.J. Svensk-engelsk prepositions- och konstruktionslära.. Jämte fullständigt register för skolor samt till själfstudium. Stockholm 1894. 319 sidor. Originalklotband. (#173256) | 150:- |
Ljung, Magnus A Frequency Dictionary of English Morphems.. Sthlm 1974. 275 pages. Original cloth. (#128646) | 200:- |
Ljung, Magnus A Study of TEFL Vocabulary.. Diss. Sthlm 1990. 426 pp. (#44168) | 185:- |
Ljung, Magnus English Denominal Adjectives.. A Generative Study of the Semantics of a Group of High-frequency Denominal Adjectives in English. Diss. Gothenburg (Lund) 1970. 249 pages. Softcover. (#32926) | 165:- |
Lockwood, W.B. Languages of the British Isles Past and Present.. London 1975. 262 pages. Hardcover with dustjacket. Some pencil undelinings in the beginning. (#166070) | 150:- |
Loman, Bengt (ed.) Conversations in a Negro American Dialect.. Transcribed & Edited. Washington 1967. XX, 164 pages. Softcover. (#32973) | 150:- |
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English.. New edition, 1987. 53,1229,29 pages. Paper back. (#169383) | 100:- |
Longmans Dictionary of Contemporary English.. Edited by Paul Procter and others. London 1978. xl,1303 pages. Original cloth. Dust jacket. (#168604) | 150:- |
Loring, Andrew The Rhymers' Lexicon.. Second ed. London no date (c. 1950). xlviii, 880 pages. Original cloth. Stamped. (#121115) | 150:- |
Loureiro-Porto, Lucía The Semantic Predecessors of Need in the History of English (c. 750-1710).. Blackwell 207. 273 pages. Soft covers. (#169251) | 150:- |
Low, W.H. The English Language: Its History and Structure.. Fourth edition, Londoon 1897. viii,239,16 pages. Original cloth. (#188576) | 120:- |
Löfgren, Rudolf Engelsk grammatik.. För skolor och självstudier. Stockholm 1947. 212 sidor. Klotryggsband. (#173297) | 100:- |
Löfvenberg, Mattias T. Contributions to Middle English Lexicography and Etymology.. Lund 1946. 110 pages. Blankcovers. (#173265) | 200:- |
Löfvenberg, Mattias T. On the Syncope of Old English Present Endings.. Uppsala 1949. 52 pages. Soft covers. (#32982) | 100:- |
Macaulay, R.K.S. Language, Social Class, and Education.. A Glasgow Study. Edinburgh University Press 1977. 179 pages. Original cloth with dustjacket. Some pencil underlinings. (#166071) | 140:- |
Macer Floridus A Middle English Translation of De Viribus Herbarum.. Edited by Gösta Frisk. Diss. Upps. 1949. 338 pages + plate. Softcover. (#24981) | 200:- |
Macklin, Bill & Nash, Trevor Air Travel.. Special English. London 1972. 118 pages. Soft-covers. Ex-library. (#130848) | 75:- |
Maclean, Joan English in Basic Medical Science.. English in Focus. London 1975. 112 pages. Softcover. Ex-library. (#130850) | 100:- |
Magnusson, Ulf Studies in the Phonology of the Ayenbite of Inwyt. Diss. Lund 1971. 277 pages. A4. Stencil. Soft covers. Lund Theses in English 1. (#168754) | 200:- |
Maiden nomet kuudella kieleeä.. Suomeksi-ruotsiksi-saameksi. Englanniksi-ranskaksi-saksaksi. Toimittanut Eeva Maria Nähri. Helsinki 1994. 163 pages. Soft covers. (#169388) | 110:- |
Male and Female Terms in English.. Proceedings of the Symposium at Umeå University, May 18-19, 1994. Editors Gunnar Persson & Mats Rydén. Umeå 1996. 195 pages. Softcover. (#173291) | 160:- |
Mallory, Thomas Le morte d'Arthur.. In two volumes. Preface by Sir John Rhys. Everyman's Library 1956. xxxviii,401 + xvi,411 pages. Original cloth. 2 volumes. (#204721) | 150:- |
Malone, Kemp Studies in Heroic Legend and in Current Speech.. Edited by Stefan Einarsson and Norman E. Eliason. Copenhagen 1959. 297 pages. Softcover. (#173266) | 300:- |
Malory, Thomas The Morte Darthur.. Parts seven and eight. Edited with an introduction, notes, and glossary by D.S. Brewer. London 1970. viii,166 pages. Paper back. (#168947) | 100:- |
Marckwardt, Albert H. American English.. Oxford University Press 1978. 194 pages. Softcover. (#173261) | 100:- |
Marckwardt, Albert H. Introduction to the English Language.. Oxford University Press 1942. 347 pages. Original cloth. (#173257) | 125:- |
Master Fitzherbert The Book of Husbandry.. Reprinted from the edition of 1534, and edited with an introduction, notes and glossarial index by Walter W. Skeat. London 1882. xxxii,167 pages. Soft covers. Covers loose and damaged. Spine worn. 5 pages with lots of ink-underlinings, after that occational underlinings. (#186128) | 150:- |
Mattews, C.M. English Surnames.. London 1966. 359 pages. pencil marks. Original cloth with dustjacket. (#173250) | 170:- |
Matthews, C.M. Place-Names of the English-Speaking World.. London 1972. xii,370 pages. Original cloth. Dust jacket. (#169477) | 200:- |
Mawer, Allen Place-Names and History.. Robert Spence Watson Memorial Lecture ... Liverpool 1922. 38 pages. Staple bound. Torn wrapper. (#115563) | 150:- |
Mawer, Allen (ed.) The Chief Elements Used in English Place-Names.. Being the Second Part of the Introduction to the Survey of English Place-Names. Cambridge 1924. 78 pages. Original cloth. Spine loose. Underlinings with pencil, and red- and blue-pencil. (#33092) | 100:- |
Mawer, A. & Stenton, F.M. (ed.) Introduction to the Survey of English Place-Names.. Part I. Cambridge 1933. 202 pages. Original cloth. (#33094) | 165:- |
May, A. Lärobok i engelska språket.. Med Läs- och Skrif-öfningar för Begynnare. Femte upplagan. Stockholm 1849. (2), 202 sidor. Samtida, enkelt halvfranskt band. (#139471) | 250:- |
May, A. Lärobok i engelska språket.. Med Läs- och Skrif-öfningar för Begynnare. Nionde upplagan. Stockholm 1861. viii, 180 sidor. Samtida, enkelt halvfranskt band. (#173671) | 250:- |
May, A. Samtals-öfningar på engelska och svenska,. jemte exempel på partiklarnes användande, bref m.m. Sjette upplagan. Sthlm 1867. (8), 136 sidor. Samtida, nött skinnryggsband. (#139920) | 150:- |
McAllister, J. & Madama, G. English for Electrical Engineers.. London 1976. 298 pages. Softcover. Ex-library. (#130854) | 140:- |
McArthur, Tom & Atkins, Beryl Dictionary of English Phrasal Verbs and their Idioms.. London 1976. 256 pages. Original hard covers. (#178116) | 100:- |
McCrum, Crane & MacNeil The Story of English.. Illustrated. Elisabeth Sifton Books, Viking, 1987. 384 pages. Original cloth. Dust jacket. (#170165) | 220:- |
McDonald, Fred & Cresswell, Julia The Guinness Book of British Place Names.. 1993. 160 pages. Soft covers. (#169469) | 150:- |
McIntosh, Angus An Introduction to a Survey of Scottish Dialects.. Edinburgh 1952. 122 pages. Original cloth. Dedication. (#173260) | 110:- |
McKinley, R.A. A History of British Surnames.. London 1990. 230 pages. Paper back. A fewpencil underlinings. (#169482) | 130:- |
McLaughlin, John C. A Graphemic-Phonemic study of a Middle English Manuscript.. The Hauge 1963. 162 pages. Pencilunderlinings. Original cloth. (#173284) | 140:- |
McMordie, W. English Idioms and How to Use Them.. Revised by R.C. Goffin. Third edition, London 1970. 350 pages. Original cloth. Dust jacket. (#169346) | 125:- |
Middle English Dictionary A-Pro.. Edited by Hans Kurath and others. Ann Arbor 1954-83. A-N bound in 6 solid cloth bindings, O-Pro (Part P.7) in soft covers. More published, available from University of Michigan Press. (#169412) | 3000:- |
Middle English Literature.. Edited y Charles W. Dunn and Edward T. Byrnes. New York 1973. xii,564 pages. Original cloth. (#168439) | 180:- |
Mills, A.D. A Dictionary of English Place-Names.. Oxford 1991. xxiv.388 pages. Original cloth. Dust jacket. (#169256) | 170:- |
Mills, A.D. A Dictionary of English Place-Names.. Reprinted with corrections Oxford 1995. xxiv.388 pages. Original cloth. Dust jacket. (#169257) | 170:- |
Mills, A.D. A Dictionary of London Place Names.. Oxford 201. liv,276 pages + maps. Paper back. (#169237) | 100:- |
Mills, A.D. Dictionary of English Place-Names.. 1998. 407 pages. Softcover. (#172992) | 100:- |
Mills, A.D. Dorset Place-Names.. Their origins and meaning. Wimbourne 1986. 192 pages. Paper back. (#168485) | 100:- |
Mills, A.D. The Place-Names of Dorset II.. The hundreds of Cogdean, Loosebarrow, Rushmore, Combs Ditch, Pimperne, Bedbury, Cranborne, Wimborne St Giles, Knowlton, Monkton up Wimborne. English Place-Name Society 1980. 298 pages. Original cloth. Dust jacket. (#173904) | 175:- |
Mills, A.D. The Place-Names of the Isle of Wight.. Stamford 1996. 126 pages. Soft covers. (#168494) | 120:- |
Mills, David The Place Names of Lancashire.. London 1976. 154 pages. Original cloth. Dust jacket. (#169464) | 160:- |
Mitchell, Bruce A Guide to Old English.. Second edition, Oxford 1971. XVI, 176 pages. Soft covers. (#167475) | 140:- |
Mitchell, Bruce & Robinson, Fred C. A Guide to Old English.. Revised with texts and glossary. Oxford 1982. 271 pages. Softcovers. (#173271) | 175:- |
Mittelenglische Sprach- und Literaturproben.. Ersatz für Mätzners Altenglische Sprachproben. Mit etymologischem Wörterbuch zugleich für Chaucer. Herausgegeben von A. Bandl und O. Zippel. Berlin 1917. 423 pages. Cloth. (#167487) | 250:- |
Mittelenglische Sprach- und Literaturproben.. Ersatz für Mätzners Altenglische Sprachproben. Mit etymologischem Wörterbuch zugleich für Chaucer. Herausgegeben von A. Bandl und O. Zippel. Berlin 1917. 423 pages. Softcover. Some pencil underlinings. (#51580) | 170:- |
Mittins, W.H. ,Salu, M. Edminson, M & Coyne, S. Attitudes to English Usage.. London 1970. 121 pages. Softcover. (#166063) | 100:- |
Moore, Samuel Historical Outlines of English Sounds and Inflections.. Ann Arbor 1963. 179 pages. Original cloth. Understrykningar. (#173414) | 120:- |
Moore, Samuel & Knott, Thomas A. The Elements of Old English.. Ann Arbor 1958. 339 pages. Original cloth. (#173416) | 150:- |
Morris, Richard & Skeat, Walter W. Specimens of Early English.. Part II, from Robert of Gloucester to Gower. Oxford 1894. 490 pages. Original cloth. Pencilmarks. (#173584) | 120:- |
Morsbach, Lorentz Ueber den ursprung der neuenglischen schriftsprache.. Heilbronn 1888. 187 pages. Halfcloth. (#173418) | 175:- |
Mossé, Fernand Handbook of Middle English.. Baltimore 1952. 495 pages. Original cloth. (#173424) | 170:- |
Mossé, Fernand Handbook of Middle English.. Baltimore 1952. 495 pages. Pencilunderlinings and red pen. Original cloth. (#173423) | 120:- |
Murison, David The Guid Scots Tongue.. Edinburgh 1978. 63 pages. Softcovers. (#173254) | 70:- |
Murphy, Raymond English Grammar in Use.. A Self-study Reference and Practice Book for Intermediate Students. With Answers. Together with: Supplementary exercises with answers. By Louise Hashemi. Second edition. Cambridge 1995-96. 350 + 126 pages. Soft covers. 2 volumes. Former owners signature. (#86934) | 220:- |
M -ustanoja Studies Presented to Tauno F. Mustanoja on the Occasion of His Sixtieth Birthday.. Helsinki 1972. 496 pages. Soft covers. Neuphilologische Mitteilungen. (#174741) | 150:- |
Nach, D.M. Text and Translations.. Lund 1961. 288 pp. (#35499) | 150:- |
Needham, Paul Temporal Perspective.. A Logical Analysis of Temporal Reference in English. Diss. Uppsala 1975. 112 pages. Softcover. (#33863) | 100:- |
Nevanlinna, Saara The Northern Homily Cycle.. The expanded version in MSS Harley 4196 and Cotton Tiberius E vii. I From Advent to Septuagesima. Helsinki 1972. 303 pages. Softcovers. (#173410) | 170:- |
Nicholson, Margaret A Dictionary of American-English Usage.. Based on Fowler's Modern English Usage. Signet, New York 1957? 671 pages. Paperback. (#86357) | 100:- |
Nicholson, Margaret A Dictionary of American-English Usage.. Based on Fowler's Modern English Usage. Signet, Oxford 1957? 671 pages. Original cloth. Dust jacket. (#188579) | 150:- |
Nicolaisen, W.F.H. Scottish Place-Names.. Their study and significance. London 1976. 210 pages. Original cloth. Dust jacket. A few pages with pencil underlinings. (#173890) | 145:- |
Nida, Eugene A. A Synopsis of English Syntax.. Norman 1964. LXVIII, 233 pages. Softcover. (#72192) | 125:- |
Nielsen, Hans Frede From Dialect to Standard: English in England 1154-1776.. University Press of Southern Denmar, Odense 2005. xx,300 pages. Soft covers. Inscribed by the author. (#204642) | 175:- |
Nilsson, Tore Noun Phrases in British Travel Texts:. A corpus-based study. Diss. Uppsala 2001. xiv,361 pages. A4. Soft covers. (#169525) | 175:- |
Nohlgren, Rune English Pronunciation According to Peter Moberg (1801 ff.) and Other Swedes before 1900.. Diss. Sth 1981. 184 pages. Soft covers. (#33861) | 140:- |
Nordhjem, Bent The Phonemes of English.. An Experiment in Structural Phonemics. Diss. Kbhvn 1960. 215 pages. Half cloth with preserved wrappers. Stamped. (#89292) | 250:- |
Nässlin, Siv The English Tag Question:. A study of sentences containing tags of the type isn't it?, is it? Diss. Sthlm 1984. 204 pages. Soft covers. (#125696) | 150:- |
Nöjd, Ruben The Vocalism of Romanic Words in Chaucer.. Diss. Uppsala 1919. 170 pages. Soft covers. (#33621) | 160:- |
Nöjd, Ruben The Vocalism of Romanic Words in Chaucer.. Diss. Uppsala 1919. 170 pp. Boards. (#78084) | 165:- |
Nöjd, Ruben The Vocalism of Romanic Words in Chaucer.. Diss. Uppsala 1919. 170 pp. Wrappers missing. (#33865) | 120:- |
Nöjd, Torkel Richard Hodges's The English Primrose (1644).. A study of the strong-stressed vowels and diphtongs with some regard to A Special Help to Orthographie (1634), The Plainest Directions (1643), Most Plain Directions for True-Writing (1653). Diss. Sthlm 1977. 194 pp. Soft covers. (#46470) | 170:- |
Odenstedt, Bengt Glossary [to] Ernest Hemingway, A Farewell to Arms.. Stockholm 1972. 127 pages. Soft covers. Staple bound. (#168926) | 110:- |
O'Donnell, W.R. & Todd, Loreto Variety in Contemporary English.. London 1980. 156 pages. Soft covers. Pencil underlinings. (#167527) | 100:- |
Ohlander, Urban Studies on Coordinate Expressions in Middle English.. Lund 1936. 214 pages. Soft covers. (#82566) | 200:- |
Ohlander, Urban (ed.) A Middle English Matrical Paraphrase of the Old Testament II.. Gothenburg 1955. 111 pages. Soft covers. Contains: Primus Liber Regum (continued) and Liber Secundum Regum (#182575) | 175:- |
Ohlander, Urban (ed.) A Middle English Matrical Paraphrase of the Old Testament III.. Gothenburg 1961. 132 pages. Soft covers. Contains: Liber Tertius Regum and Liber Quartus Regum (#182576) | 175:- |
Ohlander, Urban (ed.) A Middle English Matrical Paraphrase of the Old Testament V.. Glossary. Gothenburg 1972. 116 pages. Soft covers. (#182577) | 150:- |
Orton - Studies in Honour of Harold Orton.. On the occasion of his Seventieth Birthday. Edited by Stanley Ellis. Leeds 1968. 169 pages + map. Soft covers. (#174766) | 150:- |
Pabst, Felix Die Sprache der mittelenglischen Reimchronik des Robert von Gloucester.. I. Lautlehre. Diss. Berlin 1889. 146 pages. Hard covers. Slightly worn spine. (#174748) | 200:- |
Palm, Birger The Place of the Adjective Attribute in English Prose.. From the Oldest Times up to Our Days. A Syntactic-Historical Study. Diss. Lund 1911. 173 pages. Softcover. (#126509) | 150:- |
Palmer, Harold E. A Grammar of Spoken English.. On a Strictly Phonetic Basis. Second edition, revised by the author with the assistance of F.G. Blandford. Cambridge 1959. 298 pages. Original cloth. (#120956) | 150:- |
Palmer, Harold E. The New Method Grammar.. London 1961. 216 pages. Original cloth. (#138468) | 110:- |
Palmgren, Carl English Gradation-Nouns in Their Relation to Strong Verbs.. Diss. Uppsala 1904. 92 pages. Half cloth. (#166567) | 200:- |
Palmgren, Carl English Gradation-Nouns in Their Relation to Strong Verbs.. Diss. Uppsala 1904. 92 pages. Soft covers. (#43821) | 150:- |
Palmgren, Fredr. An Essay on the Use in Present English Prose of when, after, since, as Introducing Temporal Clauses.. Diss. Sth (Uppsala) 1896. 70 pages. Softcover. (#44641) | 125:- |
Papers from the Scandinavian Symposium on Syntactic Variation.. Stockholm, May 18-19, 1979. Edited by Sven Jacobson. Sthlm 1980. 172 pp. (#46468) | 150:- |
Papers from the Third Scandinavian Symposium on Syntactic Variation.. Stockholm, May 11-12, 1985. Edited by Sven Jacobson. Sthlm 1986. 180 pages. Soft covers. (#46469) | 150:- |
Partridge, A.C. A Companion to Old and Middle English Studies.. London 1982. 462 pages. Softcover (#173385) | 150:- |
Partridge, A.C. English Biblical Translation.. London 1973. 246 pages. Hardcover with dustjacket. (#173273) | 175:- |
Partridge, Eric A Dictionary of Abbreviations.. With especial attention to war-time abbreviations. London 1943. 105 pages. Original cloth. (#168519) | 150:- |
Partridge, Eric A Dictionary of Slang and Unconventional English 1-2.. Dictionary + Supplement. London 1967. 1476 pages. Original cloth. Dust jacket. 2 volumes. (#180333) | 300:- |
Partridge, Eric A Dictionary of the Underworld.. British & American. Being the Vocabularies of Crooks, Criminals, Racketeers, Beggars and Tramps ... New York 1961. XIII, 817 pages. Original cloth in dustjacket. (#19671) | 200:- |
Partridge, Eric A Dictionary of the Underworld.. British & American. Being the Vocabularies of Crooks, Criminals, Racketeers, Beggars and Tramps ... Third edition (much enlarged), London 1968. XIII, 885 pages. Original cloth in dustjacket. (#168105) | 300:- |
Partridge, Eric Origins.. A Short Etymological Dictionary of Modern English. London 1958. 970 pages. Original cloth. No jacket. (#202333) | 200:- |
Partridge, Eric Slang To-Day and Yesterday.. With a short historical sketch; and vocabularies of English, American, and Australian slang. London 1933. 476 pages. Original cloth. Underlinings with pencil and red-pencil. (#157783) | 200:- |
Partridge, Eric The Concise Usage and Abusage.. A modern guide to good English. London 1955. 219 pages. Original cloth. Dust jacket. (#188552) | 135:- |
Partridge, Eric Usage & Abusage.. A Guide to Good English. London 1948. 384 pages. Original cloth. Dust jacket. (#166566) | 150:- |
Pearson, Ian English in Biological Science.. English in Focus. London 1978. 122 pages. Softcover. Ex-library. (#130852) | 100:- |
Penttilä, Erkki The Old English Verbs of Vision.. A semantic study. Helsinki 1956. 209 pages. Softcovers. (#173276) | 160:- |
Persson, Gunnar Repetition in English I.. Sequential Repetition. Diss. Uppsala 1974. 178 pages. Soft covers. (#34013) | 135:- |
Peters, F.J.J. and Swan, Toril American English a Handbook and Sociolinguistic Perspective.. Oslo 1983. 182 pages. Pencilmarks. Softcover. (#173292) | 110:- |
Peters, Robert A. A Linguistic History of English.. Boston 1968. 352 pages. Original cloth. (#173277) | 150:- |
Phillips, James W. Washington State Place Names.. Seattle & London 1985. 167 pages. Soft covers. (#174991) | 140:- |
Phythian, B.A. A Concise Dictionary of Correct English.. London 1991. 166 pages. Original cloth in dustjacket. (#73147) | 125:- |
Pilch, Herbert Altenglische Grammatik.. + Begleitband: Altenglischer Lehrgang.München 1970. 267 + 82 pages. soft covers. 2 volumes. Commentationes Societatis Linguisticae Europaeae I:1-2. (#174745) | 200:- |
Pinsker, Hans Ernst Historische englische Grammatik.. Elemente der Laut-,Former-und Wortbildungslehre. München 1963. 281 pages. Original cloth. (#173278) | 150:- |
Potter, Simeon Changing English.. London 1969. 192 pages. Hardcover with dustjacket. (#173279) | 150:- |
Presorn, Dennis R. and Shuy, Roger W. (ed.) Varieties of American English: A Reader.. Washington D.C. 1979. 383 pages. Soft covers. (#180475) | 150:- |
Proceedings from the Second Nordic Conference for English Studies.. Hanasaari/Hanaholmen 19-21 May, 1983. Edited by Håkan Ringbom and Matti Rissanen. Åbo 1984. viii,611 pages. Soft covers. (#167520) | 250:- |
Proceedings from the Third Nordic Conference for English Studies I-II.. Hässelby, Sept 25-27, 1986. Edited by Ishrat Lindblad and Magnus Ljung. Sthlm 1987. 806 pages. Softcovers. 2 vols. (#46428) | 200:- |
Proceedings of the Seventh Symposium of Societas Celtologica Nordica.. Edited by Micheál Ķ Flaithearta. Uppsala 2007. 194 pages. Soft covers. (#169240) | 160:- |
Pyles, Thomas The Origins and Develpment of the English Language.. Second edition. New York 1971. 413 pages. Softcover. (#173280) | 150:- |
Pyles, Thomas and Algeo, John The Origins and Develpment of the English Language.. New York 1982. 383 pages. Original cloth. (#173289) | 175:- |
Påhlsson, Joel The Recluse.. A fourteenth century version of The Ancren Riwle, critically edited. Diss. Lund 1918. xvi,335 pages + plate. No covers as published. (#172202) | 300:- |
Quirk, Adams & Davy Old English Literature.. A practical introduction. London 1977. 79 pages. Soft covers. (#167572) | 100:- |
Quirk, Randolph The Use of English.. London 1962. 333 pages. Hardcover with dustjacket. (#173282) | 140:- |
Quirk, Randolph The Use of English.. Second edition. London 1975. 370 pages. Softcover. (#173281) | 100:- |
Quirk, Randolph & Greenbaum, Sidney A University Grammar of English.. + Workbook, by R.A. Close. Longman 1975 and 74. 484 + 174 pages. Original cloth with dust jacket + soft covers (Workbook). (#19434) | 200:- |
Quirk, Randolph & Wrenn, C.L. An Old English Grammar.. London 1955. x,166 pages. Original cloth. Dust jacket. (#188550) | 130:- |
Quirk, Randolph & Wrenn, C.L. An Old English Grammar.. London 1960. x,166 pages. Original cloth. Pencil underlinings and notes. (#167574) | 100:- |
Quirk, Randolph & Wrenn, C.L. An Old English Grammar.. New York 1957. x,166 pages. Original cloth. (#211544) | 100:- |
Radford, Andrew Syntactic theory and the structure of English. A minimalist approach.. Cambridge University Press 1998. xii,558 pages. Soft covers. Cambridge Textbooks in Linguistics. (#212351) | 160:- |
Raith, Josef Englische Grammatik.. 2. Auflage. München 1959. 302 pages. Original cloth. (#173596) | 150:- |
Readings and Thinking in English.. Consepts in use. Teacher's edition. Oxford 1980. 130 pages. Soft covers. (#175266) | 125:- |
Readings and Thinking in English.. Exploring functions. Teacher's edition. Oxford 1979. 170 pages. Soft covers. (#175265) | 125:- |
Reaney, Percy H. A Dictionary of British Surnames.. London 1961. lxii,366 pages. Original cloth. (#24523) | 250:- |
Reaney, Percy H. A Dictionary of British Surnames.. Second edition with corrections and additions by R.M. Wilson. London 1976. lxiv, 398 pages. Original cloth. Dust jacket. (#168122) | 350:- |
Recommendations for the Abbreviation of Titles af Periodicals.. British Standards Institution (B.S.4148: 1967). 88 pages. Soft covers. (#80063) | 150:- |
Redin, Mats Word-Order in English Verse.. From Pope to Sassoon. Uppsala 1925. 227 pages. Softcover. (#44514) | 160:- |
Reed, Carroll E. Dialects of American English.. Massachusetts 1973. 119 pages. Paperback. (#173294) | 100:- |
Reifer, Mary Dictionary of New Words.. New York 1955. 236 pp. Ocl. (#35353) | 130:- |
Rende, Claes-Göran & Petti, Vincent Engelska synonymordboken.. Upps. 1983. 453 sidor. Original klotband. (#33458) | 150:- |
Reum, Albrecht A Dictionary of English Style.. 3rd edition, München 1961. viii,772 pages. Original cloth. Dust jacket torn. (#168585) | 250:- |
Reuter, Ole Verbe Doublets of Latin Origin in English.. Helsingfors 1936. 45 pages. Soft covers. (#203753) | 110:- |
Reuter, O.R. Proverbs, Proverbial Sentences and Phrases in Thomas Deloney's Works.. Helsinki 1986. 146 pp. (#34514) | 140:- |
Rhys Jones, T.J., Living Welsh. A complete working course.. Teach yourself books 1981. 445 pages. Pocket. (#206115) | 100:- |
Richard Rolle English Writings. Hermit of Hampole.. Edited by Hope Emily Alen. Oxford 1931. lxiv,180 pages. Original cloth. Dust jacket. (#169063) | 150:- |
Richard Rolle Meditatio de passione domini.. According to MS. Uppsala C. 494 edited with introduction and notes by Harald Lindkvist. Uppsala 1917. 78 pages. Soft covers. (#120458) | 200:- |
Ripman, Walter English Phonetics.. A revised version of "The sounds of Spoken English". London 1946. 238 pages. Original cloth. (#173579) | 100:- |
Robertson, Stuart The Development of Modern english.. Second edition. Revised by Frederic G. Cassidy. New York 1954. 469 pages. Original cloth. (#173581) | 145:- |
Roberts, Paul English Syntax.. A Book of Programed Lessons. An intoduction to transformational grammar. New York 1964. 404 pages. Soft covers. (#121093) | 150:- |
Roberts, Paul Modern Grammar.. New York 1968. 440 pages. Original cloth. (#120967) | 150:- |
Roget, Peter Mark Roget's Thesaurus of Synonyms and Antonyms.. London 1972. 201 pages. Softcover. (#165813) | 100:- |
Roget, Peter Mark Thesaurus of English Words and Phrases.. Revised by D.C. Browning. Everuman, London 1975. 572 pages. Original cloth. Dust jacket. (#150417) | 140:- |
Roget's Thesaurus of English Words and Phrases.. New edition ... by Robert A. Dutch. London 1963. lii, 1309 pages. Original cloth. Name and stamp. (#123538) | 175:- |
Room, Adrian A Concise Dictionary of Moden Place-Names in Great Britain and Ireland.. Oxford 1983. xliv,148 pages. Original cloth. Dust jacket. (#168487) | 150:- |
Room, Adrian A Concise Dictionary of Modern Place-Names in Great Britain and Ireland.. Oxford 1985. xliv,148 pages. Paper back. (#168580) | 100:- |
Ross, Alan S.C. Etymology.. With especial reference to english. London 1958. 169 pages. Original cloth with dustjacket. (#173583) | 125:- |
Rotander, Per The Use of the Prepositions over, above, and across in Present-Day British and American Texts.. Diss. Stockholm 1972. 217 pages. A4. Xerox. Soft covers. (#43624) | 170:- |
Rubin, Sven The Phonology of the Middle English Dialect of Sussex.. Diss. Lund 1951. 235 pages. Soft covers. Water damaged, but fully readable. (#171988) | 125:- |
Rudskoger, Arne Fair, Foul, Nice, Proper.. A Contribution to the Study of Polysemy. Diss. Sthlm (Göteborg) 1952. 505 pages. Soft covers. Gothenburg Studies in English I. (#82010) | 275:- |
Rydén, Mats An Introduction to the Historical Study of English Syntax.. Sth 1979. 58 pages. Softcover. (#34511) | 75:- |
Rydén, Mats Coordination of Relative Clauses in Sixteenth Century English.. Uppsala 1970. 81 pages. Softcover. (#34510) | 110:- |
Rydén, Mats Relative Constructions in Early Sixteenth Century English.. With Special Reference to Sir Thomas Elyot. Diss. Upps. 1966. 384 pages + 24 Tables. Soft covers. (#24786) | 200:- |
Rydén, Mats Shakespearean Plant Names.. Identifications and Interpretations. Illustr. Sth 1978. 117 pages. Softcover. (#19586) | 150:- |
Rydén, Mats The English Plant Names in The Grete Herball (1526).. A Contribution to the Historical Study of English Plant-name Usage. Sthlm 1984. 110 pages. Softcover. (#46449) | 125:- |
Rydén, Mats & Brorström, Sverker The Be/Have Variation with Intransitive in English.. With Special Reference to the Late Modern Period. Sth 1987. 266 pages. Soft covers. (#34553) | 150:- |
Rye, James A Popular Guide to Norfolk Place-names.. Larks press 1997. 76 pages. Soft covers. (#169306) | 100:- |
Rynell, Alarik Antedatings and Additions for OED from the Catalogue of Prints of Political and Personal Satire in the British Museum.. Sthlm 1987. 184 pages. Soft covers. (#34475) | 150:- |
Rynell, Alarik Engelska förr och nu.. Andra upplagan, Lund 1974. 228 sidor. Häftad. (#206196) | 120:- |
Rynell, Alarik Parataxis and Hypotaxis as a Criterion of Syntax and Style, Especially in Old Englisg Poetry.. Lund 1952. 60 pages. Soft covers. Inscribed by the author. (#203750) | 135:- |
Rönnerdal, Göran Temporal Clauses in Early Modern English:. Variation and Change. Uppsala 2007. 192 pages. Soft covers. (#169310) | 150:- |
Sager, Olof och Spalding-Larsson, Muriel Engelsk översättning 1-2.. Lund 1978-79. 112 + 75 sidor. Häftad. 2 volymer. (#213737) | 135:- |
Sahlin, Elisabeth Some and Any in Spoken and Written English.. Diss. Uppsala 1979. 178 pages. Soft covers. (#34559) | 135:- |
Samuels, M.L. Linguistic Evolution with Special Reference to English.. Cambridge 1972. 203 pages. Original cloth. Dust jacket. (#168513) | 170:- |
Sandahl, Bertil Middle English Sea Terms I.. The Ship's Hull. Diss. Uppsala 1951. 235 pages. Softcover. (#24433) | 200:- |
Sandhagen, Harald Studies on the Temporal Senses of the Preposition at, on, in, by and for in Present-Day English.. Diss. Upps. 1956. 200 pages. Soft covars. (#19742) | 145:- |
Sandred, Karl Inge English Place-Names in -stead.. Dissertation, Uppsala 1963. 348 pages. Authors own working copy with extra material (printed). Covers loose and in bad condition. (#186706) | 300:- |
Sandred, Karl Inge English Place-Names in -stead.. Diss. Uppsala 1963. 348 pages. Soft covers. (#24479) | 150:- |
Sandred, Karl Inge Good or Bad Scots?. Attitudes to Optional Lexical and Grammatical Usage in Edinburgh. Uppsala 1983. 132 pages. Soft covers. (#34561) | 135:- |
Sandred, Karl Inge The Place-Names of Norfolk II.. The hundreds of East and West Flegg, Happing and Tunstead. English Place-Name Society 1996. 224 pages. Original cloth. Dust jacket. (#173901) | 200:- |
Sandred, Karl Inge The Place-Names of Norfolk III.. The hundreds of North and South Erpingham and Holt. English Place-Name Society 2002. 167 pages. Original cloth. Dust jacket. (#173902) | 175:- |
Sandred, Karl Inge (ed.) A Middle English Version of the Gesta Romanorum. edited from Glouster Cathedral MS 22. Upps. 1971. 176 pages. Soft covers. (#24493) | 160:- |
Sandred, Karl Inge & Lindström, Bengt The Place-Names of Norfolk I.. The Place-Names of the City of Norwich. 1989. 170 pp. + Maps. Ocl. English Place-Name Society volume LXI. (#34583) | 175:- |
Sandved, Arthur O. Studies in the Language of Caxton's Malory.. And that of the Winchester Manuscript. 1968 Oslo. 449 pages. Hardcover with dustjacket. (#173242) | 200:- |
Schaar, Claes Some Types of Narrative in Chaucher's Poetry.. Lund 1954. 293 pages. Softcovers. Lund Studies in English. XXV. (#173245) | 250:- |
Scheurweghs, G. Present-Day English Syntax.. A Survey of Sentence Patterns. London 1959. 434 pages. Original cloth. (#139912) | 160:- |
Schibsbye, Knud A Modern English Grammar.. London 1965. 310 pages. Hardcover with dustjacket. (#173598) | 150:- |
Schibsbye, Knud A Modern English Grammar.. Second edition, London 1970. 390 pages. Soft covers.. (#173252) | 145:- |
Schibsbye, Knud Om de udvidede verbalformers begreb og anvendelse i moderne engelsk.. Aa Kbhvn 1936. 114 sidor. Halvklotband. Stämpl. (#79170) | 130:- |
Schlauch, Margaret The English Language in Modern Times.. Warsaw 1959. 316 pages. Original cloth with dustjacket. (#173253) | 200:- |
Schmidt, Fredrik Studies in the Language of Pecock.. Diss. Uppsala 1900. 140 pages. Soft covers. (#53083) | 150:- |
Schuldt, Claus Die Bildung der schwachen Verba im Altenglishen.. Kiel 1905. 95 pages. Halfcloth. (#173249) | 160:- |
Scotland and the Lowland Tongue.. Studies in the language and literature of Lowland Scotland. In honour of David D. Murison. Edited by J. Derrick McClure. Aberdeen 1983. 230 pages. Original cloth with dustjacket. (#173264) | 150:- |
Seidl, Jennifer & McMordie, W. English Idioms and How to Use Them.. Oxford 1978. 268 pages. Paper back. (#169344) | 100:- |
Serjeantson, Mary S, A History of Foreign Words in English.. London 1961. x,354 pages. Original cloth. No jacket. Traces of adhesive tape on free fly-leafs. (#190617) | 150:- |
Shakespeare - Onions, C.T. A Shakespeare Glossary.. Oxford 1953. 264 pages. Original cloth in dustjacket. (#54342) | 130:- |
Shakespeare - Onions, C.T. A Shakespeare Glossary.. Second edition. Oxford 1919. 260 pages. Original cloth. (#24721) | 100:- |
Shaw, Harry Errors in English and Ways to Correct Them.. New York 1963. 375 pages. Softcovers. (#173309) | 110:- |
Sholl, Andrew Bloomers, Biros & Wellington Boots.. How the names became the words. 1996. 180 pages. Hardcover. (#172993) | 140:- |
Shostak, Jerome Concise Dictionary of Current American Usage.. New York 1968. 418 pages. Paperback. (#81515) | 100:- |
Sievers, Eduard Abriss der altenglischen (angelsächsischen) Grammatik.. 14. verbesserte Auflage von Karl Brunner. Tübingen 1956 viii,90 pages + folding tables. Soft covers. (#174752) | 120:- |
Sievers, Eduard Abriss der altenglischen (angelsächsischen) Grammatik.. Zehnte Auflage, neubearbeitet von Karl Brunner. Halle a.S. 1941. 80 pages + folding tables. Hardcover. Underlinings. (#87424) | 150:- |
Sievers, Eduard Abriss der angelsächsischen Grammatik.. Dritte Auflage. Halle a.S. 1904. 62 pages + folding tables. Softcover. (#87423) | 110:- |
Sievers, Eduard Abriss der angelsächsischen Grammatik.. Fünfte Auflage. Halle a.S. 1915. 66 pages + folding tables. Hardcovers. (#169078) | 135:- |
Sievers, Eduard & Brunner, Karl Altenglische Grammatik. nach der angelsächsischen Grammatik von Eduard Sievers neubearbeitet von Karl Brunner. Zweite, revidierte Auflage der Neubearbeitung. Halle 1942. 449 pages. Original hard covers. Sammlung kurzer Grammatiken germanischer Dialekte A.3. (#118923) | 200:- |
Skaarup, V. & Winther, K. U.S.A.-slang.. Ordbok över modern amerikansk slang. Sth 1949. 80 sidor. Inbunden. (#45944) | 85:- |
Skeat, Walter W. A Glossary of Tudor and Stuart Words.. Especially from the dramatists. Collected by Walter W. Skeat. Edited with additions by A.L. Mayhew. Oxford 1914. xx,462 pages. Original cloth. (#168525) | 200:- |
Skeat, Walter W. An Etymological Dictionary of the English Language.. New edition revised and enlarged. Oxford 1946. XLIV, 780 pages. Original cloth. (#109822) | 450:- |
Slettengren, Anders & Widén, Bertil A Modern English Grammar.. Shorter edition. Sthlm 1966. 179 pages. Original cloth. (#136655) | 140:- |
Slettengren, Anders & Widén, Bertil A Modern English Grammar.. Sthlm 1969. 250 pages. Original cloth. (#120959) | 145:- |
Smith, A.H. The Place-Names of Westmorland I-II.. I. Introduction. River- & Lake-Names. Road-Names, the Barony of Kendal. II. The Barony of Westmorland. Analysis, Index, Maps. Cambridge 1967. lxxvi, 212 + xiv, 367 pages + maps in pocket. Original cloth. 2 volumes. Very fine. No wrappers. English Place-Name Society 42-43. (#118997) | 500:- |
Smith. Logan Pearsall The English Language.. Second edition. London 1960. 178 pages. Original cloth. Dust jacket. (#104060) | 100:- |
Smith, Thomas Literary and Linguistic Works I.. Certaigne Psalmes or Songues of David translated into Englishe meter by T.S... 1549. Edited by Bror Danielsson. Sth 1963. 37 pages + facsimiles. Softcovers. (#179375) | 100:- |
Smith, Thomas Literary and Linguistic Works II.. De Recta et Emendata Linguae Graecae Pronuntiatione... 1568. Edited by Bror Danielsson. Sth 1978. 220 pages. Softcovers. (#179376) | 150:- |
Smith, Thomas Literary and Linguistic Works III.. De Recta et Emendata Linguae Anglicae Scriptione, Dialogus (Lutetiae, ex off. Roberti Stephani 1568). Edited by Bror Danielsson. Sth 1983. 186 pages. Softcovers. (#179373) | 150:- |
Smith, Thomas Literary and Linguistic Works I-III.. I. Certaigne Psalmes or Songues of David translated into Englishe meter by T.S... 1549. II. De Recta et Emendata Linguae Graecae Pronuntiatione... 1568. III. De Recta et Emendata Linguae Anglicae Scriptione, Dialogus (Lutetiae, ex off. Roberti Stephani 1568). Edited by Bror Danielsson. Sth 1963-83. 37 + 220 + 186 pp + facsimiles. Softcovers. 3 vols. (#31636) | 300:- |
Smith, William George The Oxford Dictionary of English Proverbs.. Third edition, revised by F.P. Wilson. Oxford 1980. 930 pages. Original cloth. Dust jacket. (#168084) | 300:- |
Sociolinguistic Patterns in British English.. Edited by Peter Trudgill. London 1978. 186 pages. Original cloth. Dust jacket. Pencil underlinings. (#168767) | 140:- |
So many people longages and tongues.. Philological essays in Scots and mediaeval English presented to Angus McIntosh. Edited by Michael Benskin and M.J. Samuels. Edinburgh 1981. 430 pages. Softcovers. (#173275) | 170:- |
So Meny People Longages and Tongues.. Philological essays in Scots and mediaval English presented to Angus McIntosh. Edited by Michael Benskin and M.L. Samuels. Edinburgh 1981. 430 pages. Softcovers. (#173310) | 150:- |
Soule, Richard A Dictionary of English Synonyms and Synonymous Expressions.. Bantam, New York 1960. 528 pages. Paperback. (#81466) | 100:- |
Speculum Christiani.. A Middle English Religious Treatise of the 14th Century. Edited from all the known MSS. and one old edition, with introduction, notes, glossary, index of names and quotations, a table, and appendices by Gustaf Holmstedt. London 1933. 552 pages. Original cloth. (#11743) | 500:- |
Sprockel, Cornelis The Language of the Parker Cronicle I-II.. I. Phonology and accidence. II. Word-formation and syntax. s'Gravenhage 1965-73. xxviii,274 + xiv,284 pages. Soft covers. 2 volumes. Part I Inscribed by the author and with a few pencil underlinings. (#166723) | 450:- |
Stanley, Oma The Speech of East Texas.. Diss. New York 1937. X, 135 pages. Softcover. Stamped. (#108962) | 300:- |
Stern, Gustaf Meaning and Change of Meaning.. With Special Reference to the English Language. Göteborg 1931. xvi, 456 pages. Disbound. No wrappers. (#157164) | 250:- |
Stevens, Martin & Kegel, Charles H. A Glossary For College English.. New York 1966. 245 pages. Softcover. (#160450) | 100:- |
Strandberg, Otto The Rime-Vowels of Cursor Mundi.. A Phonological and Etymological Investigation. Diss. Uppsala 1919. 232 pages. Soft covers. (#53684) | 175:- |
Stratmann, Francis Henry A Middle-English Dictionary.. Containing Words Used by English Writers from the Twelfth to the Fifteenth Century. A new edition, re-arranged, revised and enlarged by Henry Bradley. Oxford 1891. xxiv, 708 pages. Later cloth. (#85244) | 300:- |
Strunk Jr., William The Elements of Style.. With Revisions, an Introduction and a Chapter on Writing by E.B. White. New York 1962. xvi, 71 pages. Pocket. (#216229) | 100:- |
Stubelius, Svante Engelsk fonetik.. Sthlm 1968. 250 sidor. Häftad. Lite blyerts. (#206195) | 145:- |
Stubelius, Svante Engelsk fonetik 1.. Sthlm 1983. 250 sidor. Häftad. Stämpel. (#121086) | 145:- |
Studia Anglica Posnaniensia 35.. An international review of English studies. Edited by Jacek Fisiak and others. Poznan 2000. 314 pages. Soft covers. (#168119) | 140:- |
Studia Anglica Posnaniensia 36. An international review of English studies. Edited by Jacek Fisiak and others. Poznan 2001. 330 pages. Soft covers. (#168118) | 140:- |
Studia Anglica Posnaniensia 37. An international review of English studies. Edited by Jacek Fisiak and others. Poznan 2002. 403 pages. Soft covers. (#167498) | 140:- |
Studia Anglica Posnaniensia 38.. An international review of English studies. Edited by Jacek Fisiak and others. Poznan 2002. 526 pages. Soft covers. (#167497) | 140:- |
Studia Anglica Posnaniensia 39.. An international review of English studies. Edited by Jacek Fisiak and others. Poznan 2003. 326 pages. Soft covers. (#167495) | 140:- |
Studia Anglica Posnaniensia 40. An international review of English studies. Edited by Jacek Fisiak and others. Poznan 2004. 372 pages. Soft covers. (#167496) | 140:- |
Studia Anglica Posnaniensia 42. An international review of English studies. Edited by Jacek Fisiak and others. Poznan 2006. 536 pages. Soft covers. (#169070) | 140:- |
Studia Anglica Posnaniensia XVI (16). An international review of English studies. Edited by Jacek Fisiak and others. Poznan 1983. 297 pages. Soft covers. (#168121) | 140:- |
Studia Anglica Posnaniensia XXII (22).. An international review of English studies. Edited by Jacek Fisiak and others. Poznan 1989. 207 pages. Soft covers. (#169082) | 140:- |
Studia Anglica Posnaniensia XXII (23).. An international review of English studies. Edited by Jacek Fisiak and others. Poznan 1990. 134 pages. Soft covers. (#169080) | 100:- |
Studia Anglica Posnaniensia XXIX (29). An international review of English studies. Edited by Jacek Fisiak and others. Poznan 1995. 232 pages. Soft covers. (#169087) | 140:- |
Studia Anglica Posnaniensia XXVIII (28).. An international review of English studies. Edited by Jacek Fisiak and others. Poznan 1994. 225 pages. Soft covers. (#169088) | 140:- |
Studia Anglica Posnaniensia XXV-XXVII (25-27).. An international review of English studies. Edited by Jacek Fisiak and others. Poznan 1991-93. 285 pages. Soft covers. (#169089) | 140:- |
Studia Anglica Posnaniensia XXXI (31).. Festschrift for Roges Lass on his sixtieth birthday. An international review of English studies. Edited by Jacek Fisiak and others. Poznan 1997. 344 pages. Soft covers. (#169085) | 140:- |
Studia Anglica Posnaniensia XXXII (32).. An international review of English studies. Edited by Jacek Fisiak and others. Poznan 1997. 266 pages. Soft covers. (#169084) | 140:- |
Studia Anglica Posnaniensia XXXIII (33).. An international review of English studies. Edited by Jacek Fisiak and others. Poznan 1998. 490 pages. Soft covers. (#169083) | 140:- |
Studia Anglica Posnaniensia XXXIV (34).. An international review of English studies. Edited by Jacek Fisiak and others. Poznan 1999. 413 pages. Soft covers. (#168120) | 140:- |
Studies in Anglistics.. Edited by Gunnel Melchers and Beatrice Warren. Sthlm 1995. 316 pp. Hard covers. (#46340) | 175:- |
Studies in Scots and Gaelic.. Proceedings of the third international conference on the language of scotland. Edited by Alexander Fenton and Donald A MacDonald. 1994. 182 pages. Soft cover. (#172405) | 160:- |
Style Guide.. The Economist 1993. 144 pages. Original cloth. Dust jacket. Former owners name. "The Best-selling Guide to English Usage." (#207679) | 120:- |
Sundby, Bertil Front-Shifted ing and ed Groups in Present-Day English.. Lund 1970. 100 pages. Soft covers. (#93239) | 130:- |
Sundby, Bertil Studies in the Middle English Dialect Material of Worcestershire Records.. Norwegian Universities Press, Bergen - Oslo 1963. 280 pages. Original cloth. Dust jacket. (#186023) | 300:- |
Sundby, Bertil The Dialect and Provenance of the Middle English Poem The Owl and the Nightingale.. Diss. Lund 1950. 218 pages. Soft covers. Inscribed to Erik Tengstrand. (#174751) | 226:- |
Sundén, Karl Contributions to the Study of Elliptical Words in Modern English.. Diss. Uppsala 1904. 234 pages. Soft covers. (#34625) | 200:- |
Sundén, Karl Contributions to the Study of Elliptical Words in Modern English.. Diss. Uppsala 1904. 234 pages. With front wrapper in half cloth. (#166570) | 250:- |
Sundén, K.F. Essays I-II.. I. The Predicational Categories in English. II. A Category of Predicational Change in English. Uppsala 1916. 562 pp. (#44523) | 250:- |
Sundén, K.F (ed.) A Famous Middle English Sermon.. (Ms. Hatton 57, Bod. Lib.) Gbg 1925. 52 pp. (#34627) | 130:- |
Sundh, Stellan Swedish School Leavers' Oral Proficiency in English.. Grading of Production and Analysis of Performance. Diss. Upps. 2003. 320 pages. Softcover. (#134646) | 125:- |
Supitza - Schipper Alt- und mittelenglisches Übungsbuch.. Mit einem Wörterbuch. Vierzehnte verbesserte Auflage herausgegeben von Albert Eichler. Wien 1931. viii,392 pages. Cloth. Pencil-notes. (#168822) | 140:- |
Survey of English Dialects.. (B) The basic material. Volume III, The East Midland Counties and East Anglia. Part III. Edited by Harold Orton and Michael V. Barry. Leeds 1971. Page 897-1344. Original cloth. Fore-edge with pressure mark. (#170263) | 200:- |
Svartvik, Jan Engelska. - öspråk, världsspråk, trendspråk. Illustr. Sthlm 1999. X, 406 sidor. Original klotband med skyddsomslag. (#158832) | 150:- |
Svartvik, Jan Engelska. - öspråk, världsspråk, trendspråk. Illustr. Sthlm 2000. X, 406 sidor. Originalpappband. (#72907) | 150:- |
Svartvik, Jan On Voice in the English Verb.. Mouton 1966. 200 pages. Soft covers. (#34579) | 150:- |
Svartvik, Jan och Rikard Engelsk språkguide. Språktips og feller du ikke vil gå i.. Norsk utgave ved Artur O. Sandved. Kunnskapsforlaget, Oslo 2003. xvi,516 sidor. Förlagsband. Nyskick. (#211685) | 200:- |
Svartvik, Jan & Sager, Olof Engelsk universitetsgrammatik.. Sthlm 1978. 484 sid. Inbunden. Lite blyertsunderstrykningar. (#40433) | 200:- |
Svartvik, Jan & Sager, Olof Engelsk universitetsgrammatik.. Sthlm 1978. 484 sidor + Övningsbok. Förlagsband med skyddsomslag + häfte. Blyertsunderstrykningar. (#210716) | 200:- |
Svartvik, Jan & Sager, Olof Engelsk universitetsgrammatik.. Uppsala 1989. 484 sidor. Förlagsband med skyddsomslag. (#33474) | 250:- |
Svartvik, Jan & Sager, Olof Modern engelsk grammatik.. Uppsala 1985. 256 sidor. Originalklotband. (#173599) | 150:- |
Svartvik, Jan & Svartvik, Rikard Handbok i engelska från A till Ö.. Andra upplagan, Stockholm 2007. 570 sidor. Förlagsband. Namnteckning. (#208285) | 200:- |
Sweet, Henry The Students Dictionary of Anglo-Saxon.. Oxford 1897. xvi,217 pages. Original cloth. (#169077) | 250:- |
Sweet, Henry The Students Dictionary of Anglo-Saxon.. Oxford 1953. xvi,217 pages. Original cloth. (#189393) | 200:- |
Sweet, Henry (ed.) First Middle English Primer.. Extracts from the Ancren Riwle and Ormulum. With Grammar, Notes, and Glossary. Second edition. Oxford 1966. 100 pages. Original cloth. (#167482) | 110:- |
Sweet, Henry (ed.) Second Middle English Primer.. Extracts from Chaucer. With Grammar and Glossary. Second edition, revised. Oxford 1948. 115 pages. Original cloth. (#87053) | 125:- |
Sweet's Anglo-Saxon Primer.. Revised throughout by Norman Davis. 9th edition. Oxford 1953. VII, 129 pages. Original cloth. Underlinings. (#75133) | 110:- |
Sweet's Anglo-Saxon Reader.. In Prose and Verse. Revised throughout by C.T. Onions. 12th edition. Oxford 1950. VIII, 312 pages. Original cloth. (#202261) | 150:- |
Sweet's Anglo-Saxon Reader.. In Prose and Verse. Revised throughout by C.T. Onions. 12th edition. Oxford 1950. VIII, 312 pages. Original cloth with repaired spine. Pencil notes and underlinings. (#75134) | 130:- |
Svensson, Jacob Vilhelm Om språket i den förra (merciska) delen af Rushworth-handskriften I.. Ljudlära. Aa Göteborg (Upsala) 1883. 68 sidor. Häftad. (#44630) | 85:- |
Svinhufvud, Anne Charlotte (ed.) A Late Middle English Treatise on Horses.. Edited from British Library MS. Sloane 2584 ff. 102-117b. Diss. Sthlm 1978. 281 pages including facsimiles. Softcover. (#46460) | 150:- |
Söderberg, Carl-Gustaf A Typological Study on the Phonetic Structure of English Words with an Instrumental-Phonetic Excursus on English Stress.. Diss. Lund 1959. 124 pp. Stamped. (#34585) | 145:- |
Söderlind, Johannes Verb Syntax in John Dryden's Prose I.. Diss. Uppsala 1951. 262 pages. Soft covers. (#34463) | 150:- |
Sørensen, Holger Steen Word-Classes in Modern English. with Special Reference to Proper Names. With an Introductory Theory of Grammar, Meaning and Reference. Diss. Kbhvn 1958. 189 pages. Soft covers. (#89230) | 175:- |
Tengstrand, Erik A Contribution to the Study of Genitival Composition in Old English Place-Names.. Diss. Upps. 1940. LXVII, 354 pages. Softcover. (#24481) | 200:- |
Thaning, Kirstine Besejrede oldengelske ord.. Betragtninger over sprog som udtryk for tanke. Akad. avh. Kbhvn 1904. X, 184 sidor. Häftad. (#101396) | 160:- |
Thavenius, Cecilia Referential Pronouns in English Conversation.. Diss. Lund 1983. 194 pages. Soft covers. (#168893) | 160:- |
The Battgle of Maldon.. Text and translation. Translated and edited by Bill Griffiths. Anglo-Saxon Books 1991. 89 pages. Soft covers. (#173399) | 100:- |
The Chester Mystery Plays.. Sixteen pageant plays from the Chester craft cycle. Adapted into modern English by Maurice Hussey. London 1957. xxii,160 pages. Original cloth. Dust jacket. (#168453) | 110:- |
The Concise Oxford Dictionary of Current English.. Adapted by H.W. Fowler and F.G. Fowler from The Oxford Dictionary. Fifth edition. Revised by E. McIntosh. Oxford 1964. 1566 pages. Original cloth. Dust jacket. Title page missing. (#46912) | 150:- |
The Concise Oxford Dictionary of Current English.. Adapted by H.W. Fowler and F.G. Fowler from The Oxford Dictionary. Third edition. Revised by H.W. Fowler, H.G. Le Mesurier and E. McIntosh. Oxford 1949. 1520 pp. Cloth. Weak hinges. (#46913) | 100:- |
The Concise Scots Dictionary.. Editor-in-chief Mairi Robinson. Aberdeen 1985. xlii,820 pages. Original cloth. Dust jacket. (#168611) | 250:- |
The Earliest English Poems.. Translated and introduced by Michael Alexander. Penguin 1977. 160 pages. Paper back. (#183299) | 100:- |
The Earliest English Poems.. Translated and introduced by Michael Alexander. Penguin 1982. 160 pages. Paper back. Pencil underlinings and notes. (#168942) | 90:- |
The English Language 1-2.. Essays by English and American men of letters 1490-1964. Selected and edited by W.F. Bolton & D. Crystal. Cambridge 1966-69. xii,228; xiv,325 pages. Soft covers. 2 volumes. (#167619) | 240:- |
The Junius Manuscrift.. Edited by George Philip Krapp. London and New York 1931. lviii,247 pages. Original cloth. No jacket. The Anglo-Saxon Poetic Records I. (#168950) | 250:- |
The New American Rogat's College Thesaurus. in Dictionary Form. Signet Book 1958. 414 pages. Paperback. (#81577) | 100:- |
The Owl and the Nightingale.. Edited by Eric Gerald Stanley. London 1962. 210 pages. Original cloth. Dust jacket. A few pencil underlinings. (#168454) | 100:- |
The Owl and the Nightingale. Cleanness. St. Erkenwald.. Penguin 1977. 264 pages. Paper back. (#183296) | 100:- |
The Oxford Guide to the English Language.. London 1988. xxiv, 577 pages. Original cloth. (#108101) | 150:- |
The Oxford Guide to the English Language.. London 1989. 577 pages. Original cloth. (#103552) | 150:- |
The Oxford Guide to the English Language.. London 1990. 577 pages. Original cloth. (#207903) | 150:- |
The Oxford library of English Usage I-III. Grammar. Spelling. Usage.. Oxford 1991. 383 + 299 + 725 sidor. Originalband i kassett. Namnteckningar, annars fint ex. (#207899) | 200:- |
The Paris Psalter and the Meters of Boethius.. Edited by George Philip Krapp. London and New York 1933. lvi.239 pages. Original cloth. No jacket. A few pencil markings. The Anglo-Saxon Poetic Records V. (#168952) | 250:- |
The Shorter Oxford English Dictionary. on Historical Principles. Prepared by William Little, H.W. Fowler, J. Coulson. Revised and Edited by C.T. Onions. Third Edition. London 1968. XXII, 2515 pages. 4:o. Original cloth in dustjackets. 2 vols. (#77244) | 450:- |
The Study of the Personal Names of the British Isles.. Proceedings of a working conference at Erlangen 21-24 September 1975. Edited by Herbert Voitl. Erlangen 1976. 135 ppges. Soft covers. (#168900) | 120:- |
The Teaching of English.. By B.C. Brookes and others. Preface by A.H. Smith and Randolph Quirk. London 1959. 192 pages. Original cloth. Dust jacket. A few pencil underlinings. Studies in Communication 3. (#168781) | 125:- |
The Use of Welsh.. A contribution to sociolinguistics. Edited by Martin J. Ball. Clevedon 1988. 341 pages. Paper back. One leave loose. (#169486) | 110:- |
The Vercelli Book.. Edited by George Philip Krapp. London and New York 1932. xciv,152 pages. Original cloth. No jacket. The Anglo-Saxon Poetic Records II. (#168951) | 250:- |
The Vocabulary of English Place-Names 1.. Á-Box. Edited by David Parsons & Tania Styles with Carole Hough. Nottingham 1997. xx,155 pages. Soft covers. (#169434) | 100:- |
The Vocabulary of English Place-Names 3.. Ceafor - Cock-Pit.. Edited by David Parsons. Nottingham 2004. xx,164 pages. Soft covers. (#169436) | 100:- |
Thomson, A.J. & Martinet, A.V. A Practical English Grammar.. Second edition. London 1976. 275 pages. Soft covers. (#133968) | 140:- |
Thomson, A.J. & Martinet, A.V. A Practical English Grammar for Foreign Students.. London 1962. 312 pages. Soft covers. (#168430) | 120:- |
Thorberg, Yngve English in a Multilingual Society.. A study of interference phenomena in East African English with special reference to the language learning situation. Sthlm 1970. 143 pages. A4. Stencil. (#49612) | 150:- |
Thorpe, Benjamin A Selecion in Prose and Verse, from Anglo-Saxon Authors of Varoious Ages;. With a glossary. Designed chiefly as a first book for students. New Edition, London 1868. xii,303 pages. Original cloth. Analecta Anglo-Saxonica. (#167333) | 180:- |
Thun, Nils Reduplicative Words in English.. A Study of Formations of the Types Tick-tick, Hurly-burly and Shilly-shally. Diss. Uppsala 1963. XII, 347 pages. Softcover. (#34030) | 160:- |
Todd, Loreto English Grammar.. Longman 1985. 112 pages. Soft covers. York Handbooks. (#168775) | 100:- |
Todd, Loreto Modern Englishes.. Pidgins and creoles. Oxford 1984. xvi,286 pages. Soft covers. (#168773) | 165:- |
Tranmark, Assar, Övningar i engelsk affärskommunikation.. Stockholm 1976. 91 sidor. Häfte. (#208245) | 100:- |
Traugott, Elizabeth Closs A History of English Syntax.. A transformational approach to the history of English sentence structure. New York 1972. viii,216 pages. Original cloth. (#168895) | 175:- |
Trudgill, Peter Accent, Dialect and the School.. London 1975. 106 pages. Paper back. (#168768) | 100:- |
Trudgill, Peter The Dialects of England.. Oxford 1990. 145 pages. Original cloth. Dust jacket. (#168761) | 150:- |
Trudgill, Peter The Social Differentiation of English in Norwich.. Cambridge 1974. x,211 pages. Original cloth. Pencil underlinings. (#168764) | 150:- |
Trudgill, Peter & Hannah, Jean International English.. A guide to varieties of standard English. London 1982. 130 pages. Soft covers. (#168769) | 135:- |
Tucker, Susie I. English Examined.. Two centuries of comment on the mother-tongue. Cambridge 1961. 154 pages. Original cloth. Dust jacket. Very fine. (#188575) | 145:- |
Turner, G.W. The English Language in Australia and New Zealand.. London 1966. 236 pages. Original cloth. Dust jacket. (#188519) | 145:- |
Turner, William Libellus de re herbaria novus 1538.. Ed. with a translation into English by Mats Rydén, Hans Helander & Kerstin Olsson. Upps. 1999. 146 pages including facsimile. Soft covers. (#29482) | 150:- |
Twelve Facsimiles of Old English Manuscripts.. With transcriptions and an introduction by the Rev. Walter W. Skeat. Oxford 1892. 36 pages + 12 plates. 4:o. Original hard covers. (#173351) | 450:- |
Twiti, William The Art of Hunting 1327.. Ed. by Bror Danielsson. Sth 1977. 116 pp. + plates. Softcover. (#34091) | 150:- |
Uhrström, Wilhelm Pickpocket, Turnkey, Wrap-Rascal. and Similar Formations in English. A Semasiological Study. Sthlm no date (1918?). 80 pages. Softcover. (#119266) | 135:- |
Uhrström, Wilhelm Studies on the Language of Samuel Richardson.. Diss. Uppsala 1907. 181 pages. Softcover. (#35395) | 150:- |
Uhrström, Wilhelm Studies on the Language of Samuel Richardson.. Diss. Uppsala 1907. 181 pages. Softcover. Wrappers missing. Stamped. (#35397) | 100:- |
Urdang, Laurence A Dictionary of Names and Nicknames.. Oxford 1991. 326 pages. Paper back. (#168578) | 125:- |
Wagner, Urs Studies on English Place-names in Thorp.. Diss. Basel 1976. 270 pages. A4. Stencil. (#24545) | 200:- |
Wakelin, Martyn F. English Dialects.. An introduction. London 1972. xvi,207 pages. Soft covers. (#168901) | 150:- |
Walker, John A Critical Pronouncing Dictionary, and Expositor of The English Language: ... To which are prefixefd, Priciples of English Pronunciation: ... Likewise, Rules to be observed by the Natives of Scotland, Ireland and London .... London and Leipsic, Ernst Fleicher 1826. (4),544 pages + Verlags-Berichte 20 pages. Original cloth. Very fine copy. (#199783) | 200:- |
Wallenberg, J.K. The Vocabulary of Dan Michel´s Ayenbite of Inwyt.. A Phonological, Morphological, Etymological, Semasiological and Textual Study. Diss. Uppsala 1923. 347 pages. Soft covers. (#169973) | 240:- |
Vallins, G.H. Better English.. Pan, London 1953. 224 pages. Paper back. (#176915) | 100:- |
Vallins, G.H. Good English. How to write it. Pan, London 1955. 256 pages. Paper back. (#176916) | 100:- |
Vallins, G.H. The Pattern of English.. Penguin 1957. 168 pages. Paper back. (#176917) | 100:- |
Wallner, Björn An Exposition of Qui Habitat and Bonum Est in English.. Edited from the manuscript with introduction, notes and Glossary. Diss. Lund 1954. lxxii,122 pages + plate. Soft covers. (#168902) | 250:- |
Wallner, Björn The Middle English Translation of Guy de Chaliac's Treatise on Fractures and Dislocations.. Book V of the Great Surgery. Edited from MS. New York Academy of Medicine 12 and related MSS. Lund 1969. xxi,80 pages + plate. Soft covers. (#168904) | 175:- |
Wallner, Björn The Middle English Translation of Guy de Chaliac's Treatise on Wounds.. Part II. Notes, Glossary and Latin Appendix. Book III of the Great Surgery. Edited from MS. New York Academy of Medicine 12 and related MSS. Stockholm 1979. 116 pages. Soft covers. (#181822) | 175:- |
Wardale, E.E. An Introduction to Middle English.. London 1949. 130 pages. Original cloth. (#202505) | 100:- |
Wardale, E.E. An Introduction to Middle English.. London 1949. 130 pages. Original cloth. Pencilmarks. (#173585) | 100:- |
Wardale, E.E. An Old English Grammar.. London 1958. 146 pages. Original cloth. (#158148) | 150:- |
Warner, Alan A Short Guide to English Style.. London 1965. 198 pages. Soft covers. (#35459) | 150:- |
Warrack, Alexander Chambers Scots Dictionary. serving as a glossary for Ramsey, Fergusson, Burns, Scott, Galt, minor poets, kailyard novelists, and a host of other writers of the Scottish tongue. Edinburgh 1979. 718 pages. Original cloth. Dust jacket. (#24713) | 200:- |
Warren, Beatrice Sense Developments.. A contrastive study of the development of slang senses and novel standard senses in English. Sthlm 1992. 192 pp. Hard covers. (#46341) | 175:- |
Webster, Webster's Third New International Dictionary of the English Language. Unabridged.. Edited by Philip Babcock Gove. Könemann 1993. 120,2662 pages. Original cloth. Dust jacket. Very fine. (#202805) | 400:- |
Webster, Noah Complete Dictionary of the English Language.. Thoroughly revised and improved by Chauncey A. Goodrich and Noah Porter. Illustrated. London no date (1864). lxxii, 1760 pages + portrait. Original cloth, repaired. (#74155) | 450:- |
Webster, Noah Illustrated Dictionary of the English Language.. Thoroughly revised and improved by Chauncey A. Goodrich and Noah Porter. Illustrated. London: Bell and Daldy, no date (nineteenth century). lxxii, 1538 pages. Later cloth binding. (#180419) | 450:- |
Webster's New Dictionary of Synonyms.. Springfield 1968. 909 pages. Original cloth. Dust jacket. (#79810) | 250:- |
Wells, J.C. Jamaican Pronunciation in London.. Oxford 1973. viii,150 pages. Original cloth. Dust jacket. Publications of the Philological Society XXV. (#169363) | 150:- |
Weman, Bertil Old English Semantic Analysis and Theory.. With special reference to verbs denoting locomotion. Diss. Lund 1933. 188 pages. Soft covers. Stamped. (#184277) | 200:- |
Wendt, G. Syntax des heutigen Englisch I-II.. I. Die Wortlehre. II: Die Satzlehre. Heidelberg 1911. xii,328 + viii,279 pages. Original cloth. One volume. (#168905) | 300:- |
Wentworth, Harold & Flexner, Stuart Berg Dictionary of American Slang.. New York 1960. XVIII, 669 pages. Original cloth in dustjacket. (#168096) | 200:- |
Wentworth, Harold & Flexner, Stuart Berg Dictionary of American Slang.. Second supplemented edition. New York 1975. XVIII, 766 pages. Original cloth in dustjacket. (#13678) | 200:- |
Wentworth, H. & Flexner, S.B. The Pocket Dictionary of American Slang.. A Popular Abridgement of the Dictionary of American Slang. New York 1974. 414 pages. Paperback. (#97249) | 100:- |
Westblad, Hj. Det Engelska affärsspråkets grammatik.. Sthlm 1943. 505 sidor. Original linneband. (#169263) | 170:- |
Western, Aug. Englische Lautlehre für Studierende und Lehrer.. Dritte Auflage, Leipzig 1912. viii,149 pages. Original cloth. (#168864) | 110:- |
What are U?. Edited by Alan S.C.Ross. London 1969. 142 pages. Hardcover with dustjacket. (#173582) | 120:- |
What are U?. Edited by Alan S.C.Ross. London 1969. 142 pages. Original cloth. (#173295) | 100:- |
Widén, Bertil Studies on the Dorset Dialect.. Diss. Lund 1949. 180 pages. Soft covers. (#34365) | 160:- |
Widén, Slettengren och Hargeviik, Engelsk grammatik.. Stockholm 1976. 247 sidor. Förlagsband. Bakre inre falsen svag. (#204743) | 130:- |
Viëtor, Wilhelm Einführung in das Studium der englischen Philologie.. Mit Rücksicht auf die anforderungen der Praxis. Mit einem Anhang: Das englische als Fach des Frauenstudiums. Dritte Auflage, Marburg 1903. xii,120 pages. Glued in hard covers. (#168897) | 125:- |
Wijk, Axel Huvudreglerna för engelskans uttal.. En översikt över sambandet mellan stavning och uttal. Sthlm 1966. 72 sidor. Häftad. (#168866) | 100:- |
Wijk, Axel Regularized English.. An Investigation into the English Spelling Reform Problem with a new, Detailed Plan for a Possible Solution. Sthlm 1959. 362 pages. Original cloth. (#47290) | 300:- |
Wijk, Axel Rules of Pronunciation for the English Language.. An account of the relationship between English spelling and pronunciation. Stockholm 1965. 160 pages. Soft covers. (#168867) | 150:- |
Wik, Berit English Nominalizations in -ing.. Synchronic and diachronic aspects. Diss. Uppsala 1973. 158 pages. Soft covers. (#168868) | 130:- |
Wild, Friedrich Die sprachlichen Eigentümlichkeiten der wichtigsten Chaucer-Handschriften und die Sprache Chaucers.. Wien und Leipzig 1915. xvi,373 pages. With both wrappers glued in hard covers. Front cover loose. (#168870) | 175:- |
Wilkes, Ian British Initials and Abbrevations.. London 1966. 164 pages. Cloth. (#121101) | 175:- |
Wilson, R.M. Early Middle English Literature.. London 1951. 310 pages. Original cloth. Pencil-underlinings. (#33208) | 145:- |
Winther, Kris Amerikanskt slanglexikon.. Sthlm 1970. 243 sidor. Pocket. (#168094) | 100:- |
Winther, Kris Amerikanskt slanglexikon.. Sthlm 1976. 243 sidor. Pappband (#181193) | 120:- |
Winther, Kris Amerikanskt slanglexikon.. Tredje upplagan. Sthlm 1984. 295 sidor. Pocket. (#77090) | 100:- |
Winther, Kris Amerikanskt slanglexikon.. Tredje upplagan. Sthlm 1987. 295 sidor. Förlagsband. (#202322) | 125:- |
Withycombe, E.G. The Oxford Dictionary of English Christian Names.. Oxford 1946. 136 pages. Original cloth. Stamped. (#168093) | 100:- |
Withycombe, E.G. The Oxford Dictionary of English Christian Names.. Second ed. Oxford 1953. 294 pages. Original cloth. Stamped. (#33953) | 150:- |
Wood, Frederick T. English Prepositional Idioms.. London 1967. 562 pages. Original cloth. Dust jacket. (#169352) | 140:- |
Wood, F.T. Current English Usage.. London 1964. 273 pages. Paper back. (#169065) | 100:- |
Wood, F.T. Current English Usage.. London 1987. 304 pages. Original cloth. Dust jacket. (#19480) | 145:- |
Wood, James Dictionary of Quotations. From ancient and modern, english and foreign sources. London. 659 pages. Original cloth. (#172395) | 175:- |
Woodring, Maxie Nave, A Study of the Quality of English in Latin Translations.. Dissertation, New York City 1925. viii,85 pages. Soft covers. Small stamp on front cover. Very fine. First edition. (#205826) | 150:- |
Vorácek, Jaroslav Zemedelska anglictina a slovotvorna analyza jeri terminologie.. Praha 1987. 120 pags. Soft covers. Agricultural English and the word-formation analysis of its terminology. (#168576) | 140:- |
Worrall, A.J. English Idioms for Foreign Students.. With exercises. London 1950. 98 pages. Original soft cloth covers. (#168813) | 100:- |
Wrenn, C.L. The English Language.. London 1958. 236 pages. Original cloth. Home study books 8. (#173263) | 100:- |
Wright, Joseph & Elizabeth Mary An Elementary Historical New English Grammar.. Oxford 1924. xii,224 pages. Original cloth. (#168808) | 145:- |
Wright, Joseph & Elizabeth Mary Old English Grammar.. Third edition, Oxford 1950. 372 pages. Original cloth. Reinforced spine. Loose in binding. Pencil-notes and -underlinings. (#166945) | 100:- |
Wyld, H.C. A History of Modern Colloquial English.. Third edition, Oxford 1956. xviii,433 pages. Original cloth. Dust jacket. (#168831) | 200:- |
Wyld, Henry Cecil A Short History of English.. With a bibliography and lists of texts and editions. London 1968. viii,294 pages. Original cloth. Dust jacket. (#168811) | 150:- |
Wyler, Siegfried Die Adjektive des mittelenglischen Schönheitsfeldes. unter besonderer Berücksichtigung Chaucers. Ein Begriff in seiner sprachlichen Gestaltung. Diss. Biel (Zürich) 1944. 197 pages. Softcover. Stamped. (#112375) | 200:- |
Zachrisson, R.E. A Contribution to the Study of Anglo-Norman Influence on English Place-Names.. Lund 1909. xvi,171 pages. Sawn as issued. Spine worn. Covers loose. Inscribed by the author. (#203534) | 150:- |
Zachrisson, R.E. Engelsk grammatik.. Sthlm 1933. 208 sidor. Original klotband. (#168830) | 140:- |
Zachrisson, R.E. English Place-Names and River-Names Containing the Primitive Germanic Roots *vis, *vask.. An Essay in Comparative Place-name Study. Uppsala 1926. 68 pages. Disbound. No wrappers. (#45037) | 100:- |
Zachrisson, R.E. English Place-Names and River-Names Containing the Primitive Germanic Roots *vis, *vask.. An Essay in Comparative Place-Name Study. Uppsala 1926. 68 pages. Softcover. (#44530) | 120:- |
Zachrisson, R.E. Pronunciation of English Vowels 1400-1700.. Göteborg 1913. xiv,232 pages. Half cloth. Underlinings with red pencil. (#168826) | 275:- |
Zandvoort - English Studies.. Presented to R.W. Zandvoort on the occasion of the seventieth birthday. Amsterdam 1964. 284 pages. Soft covers. (#169292) | 160:- |
Zandvoort, R.W. A Handbook of English Grammar.. London 1958. 351 pages. Original cloth. (#113293) | 145:- |
Zandvoort, R.W. A Handbook of English Grammar.. Third ed. Groningen 1948. 377 pages. Original cloth. (#35365) | 150:- |
Zandvoort, R.W. English in the Netherlands.. A study in linguistic infiltration. Groneingen 1964. xvi,88 pages. Soft covers. Marginal pencil notes. (#168815) | 100:- |
Zettersten, Arne A Word-Frequency List of Scientific English.. Lund 1969. 306 pages. Soft covers. (#168818) | 300:- |
Zettersten, Arne Studies in the Dialect and Vocabulary of the Ancrene Riwle.. Diss. Lund 1965. 331 pages. Softcover. (#71245) | 250:- |
Zupitza, Julius Alt- und mittelenglisches Übungsbuch.. Zum gebrauche bei Universitäts-Vorlesungen. Mit einem Wörterbuche. 14. Auflage, Wien 1931. viii,389 pages. Soft covers. (#203403) | 145:- |
Zupitza, Julius Alt- und mittelenglisches Übungsbuch.. Zum gebrauche bei Universitäts-Vorlesungen. Mit einem Wörterbuche. Dritte Auflage, Wien 1884. 192 pages. With both covers in later cloth. Stamped. A few pages with pencil-notes. (#168820) | 120:- |
Ångström, Margareta Studies in Old English Mss.. With special reference to the delabialisation y(u+i) to i. Diss. Uppsala 1937. 176 pages. Half cloth. A few pencil underlinings by Erik Tengstrand. (#168056) | 200:- |
Ångström, Margareta Studies in Old English Mss.. With special reference to the delabialisation y(u+i) to i. Diss. Uppsala 1937. 176 pages. Soft covers. (#43828) | 150:- |
Öhrlander, C.N. Lärobok i engelska språket, innehållande grammatik, skrif- och läsöfningar samt ordbok.. Andra förbättrade upplagan, Stockholm 1841. xii,262,(2),cxvi sidor. Oskuren i tryckta originalomslag. Mycket fint ex. (#201600) | 350:- |
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