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5000 Jahre Kunst aus Indien.. (Ausstellungs-Katalog). Villa Hügel, Essen 1959. Illustr. 2. Auflage. 430 pages. Soft covers. (#67992)150:-
Aberigh-Mackay, G.R. The Chiefs of Central India I:I-II.. Photocopy of the original edition, printed in Calcutta 1879. ccxxxiii + 219 pages. Bound in cloth. Photocopy! (#109277)500:-
Abhidhamma-Mulatika.. Sa ca Bhadantacariya Dhammapalattherena Viracitaya Anutikaya Sammagata. Edited by Ramasankara Tripathi. Varanasi 1988. Original cloth. Dust jacket. Pali-Granthamala vol. 7. (#85295)300:-
Acariya-Buddhadatta Abhidhammavataro.. Edited by Mahesh Tiwary. Delhi 1987. 144, [320] pages. Hardcover in dustjacket. (#138359)200:-
Acharya, Padmasri Paramananda Studies in Orissan History, Archaeology and Archives.. Orissa 1969. (6),x,560 pages. Original hard covers. (#76141)250:-
A Critical Study of Chandra Vyakaran Vritti.. Original cloth. Hindi text only. (#95329)200:-
Adigal, Ilangô Shilappadikaram.. The Ancle Bracelet. Translated by Alain Daniélou. New York 1965. 211 pages. Paperback. (#84496)100:-
Administration Report for the Dangs.. From 1st August 1944 to 31st March 1946. (Signed by) T.B. Creagh Coen. (4), 40 pages. Folio. Cloth. Pencil-underlinings. (#76071)200:-
af Edholm, Erik Jñanacaksus.. Om vision och vetande i indiskt religiöst tänkande. Akad. avh. Uppsala 1989. Häftad. (#84559)150:-
Agrarian Movements in India: Studies on 20th Century Bihar.. Edited by Arvind N. Das. London 1982. 152 pages. Soft covers. Stamped. The Journal of Peasant Studies, Special issue. (#183435)150:-
A Guide to Oriental Classics.. Prepared by the staff of the Oriental Studies Program, Columbia College and edited by Wm. Theodore De Bary and Ainslie T. Embree. Columbia University Press 1964. 199 pages. Soft covers. Surface of spine slightly worn. (#185600)150:-
A Handbook for Travellers in India, Pakistan, Burma and Ceylon.. 20th Ed. London 1965. CII, 632 pages + folding maps. Original cloth in dustjacket. (#71170)175:-
A History of Orissa I-II.. By W.W. Hunter, Andrew Stirling, John Beames and N.K. Sahu. Edited by N.K. Sahu. Calcutta 1956. xvi,404 pages. Original cloth. Dust jacket (torn on vol 2). (#76155)250:-
Ahnlund, Knut Jordens skönhet.. Singalesiska minnen och myter. Brombergs 1979. 104 sidor. Förlagsband med skyddsomslag. Nyskick. Tryckt i 500 numrerade och signerade exemplar med en färgillustration av Björn Dal. (#200866)150:-
Ainkurunooru.. The South India Saiva Siddhanta Works Publishing Society, Ltd. Madras 1961. Original cloth Dust jacket. In Tamil language only. (#181752)350:-
Aitchison, C.U. A Collection of Treaties, Engagements and Sanads. Relating to India and Neighbouring Countries II. Compiled by C.U. Aitchison. The Treaties, &c., Relating to the United Provinces of Agra and Oudh, Bengal, Bihar and Orissa and the Central Provinces. Revised and continued up to 1929 ... Calcutta 1930. xxxiv, 578, (2), v, xxxii pages. Original, worn and repaired half cloth. 8 leaves (in Contents and Index) in facsimile. Part II only. (#125227)850:-
Aitchison, C.U. A Collection of Treaties, Engagements and Sanads. Relating to India and Neighbouring Countries III. Compiled by C.U. Aitchison. The Treaties, &c., Relating to the States in Rajputana. Revised and continued up to 1930 ... Calcutta 1932. (2), xvi, 482, (2), xiv, xxv pages. Original half cloth. 8 leaves (in Contents and Index) in facsimile. Part III only. (#125229)850:-
Aitchison, C.U. A Collection of Treaties, Engagements and Sanads. Relating to India and Neighbouring Countries VI. Compiled by C.U. Aitchison. The Treaties, &c., Relating to the Western India States and Baroda. Revised and continued up to 1930 ... Calcutta 1932. (2), xxxii, 406, (2), xciv, xxvi, pages. Original half cloth. Part VI only. (#125231)1000:-
Aitchison, C.U. A Collection of Treaties, Engagements and Sanads. Relating to India and Neighbouring Countries VII:1-2. Compiled by C.U. Aitchison. The Treaties, &c., Relating to The Bombay Presidency I-II Revised and continued up to 1929 Calcutta 1931. I. (2), x, 242, xxii pages. Part 1 in original half cloth. 2 leaves in facsimile. Part 2, xviii,457,xlix pages, all in facsimile. Title-page missing. Bound in cloth. 2 volumes. Part VII:I only. (#125232)750:-
Aiyangar, Krishnasvami Ancient India and South Indian History and Culture I-II.. Papers on Indian History and Culture. I. Ancient India. II: South India History and Culture. Poona 1941. 846 + 912 pages. Later cloth. 2 volumes. (#118376)400:-
Akananuru.. Ed. Kasinicunanatan. The South India Saiva Siddhanta Works publishing society, Tinnevelly, Ltd. Madras 1961. Original cloth. Dust jacket. (#181755)350:-
Akhilananda, Swami Hindu Psychology.. Its Meaning for the West. New York 1946. xx, 241 pages. Original cloth. (#81804)200:-
Ali, Syed Ashfaq Bhopal.. Past and Present. A Brief History of Bhopal from the Hoary Past upto the Present Time. Bhopal 1981. App. 600 pages. Cloth. (#68101)200:-
Allen, Charles (editor) Plain Tales from the Raj. Images of British India in the Twentieth Century. Edited in association with Michael Mason. Introduction by Philip Mason. Futura 1980. 287 pages + plates. Pocket. (#219742)100:-
Altekar, A.S. State & Government in Ancient India.. 2nd edition, revised and enlarged. Banaras 1955. x, 386 pages. Original cloth. Dust jacket. (#44753)175:-
Amarakosa I-II:1. With the unpublished South Indian commentaries Amarapadavivrti of Lingayasurin and the Amarapadaparijata of Mallinatha and the Amarapadavivarana of Appayarya. Critically edited with introduction by A.A. Ramanathan. Original hard covers. 2 volumes. More published? (#92059)350:-
Amin, Shahid Event, Metaphor, Memory.. Chauri Chaura 1922-1992. New Delhi 1996. 256 pages + plates and folding map. Softcover. (#104929)120:-
Ananthanarayana, H.S. Four Lectures on Pa:nini's Asta:dhya:yi:. Delivered as Special Lectures at the Linguistic Department of the Annamalai University 1976. Annamalainagar 1976. 92 pages. Stiff wrappers. (#157060)140:-
An Anthology of the Epics and Puranas.. Edited by S.K. De & R.C. Hazra. Sahitya Akademi, New Delhi 1959. Original cloth. Dust jacket. (#92197)200:-
Andersson, Axel En färd till Indien.. Illustrerad. Sthlm 1939. 264 sidor. Original linneband. (#122666)150:-
Andersson, Gunnar Hinduistisk livssyn.. Jivasthitikathana ur Kularnava Tantra. Uppsala 1971. 24 sidor. Häftad. Särtryck ur Kungl. Vetenskapssamhällets i Uppsala Årsbok 1970. (#71416)75:-
Anguttara-Nikaya IV, The. Sattaka-nipata, Atthaka-nipata and Navaka-nipata. Edited by E. Hardy. London 1958. vi, 477 pages. Original hard covers. Spine worn. Pali Text Society. (#134388)300:-
Anuruddhacariya Abhidhammatthasangaho I-II.. Along with Hindi translation & Abhidharma-Prakasini commentary. General editor Baladeva Upadhyaya. Critically edited, translated & commented by Bhadant Rewatadhamma and Ram Shankar Tripathi. Varanasi 1967. Original cloth. 2 volumes. First edition, 1000 copies. Pali Granthamala 1. (#92029)900:-
Appadorai, A. Indian Political Thinking. in The Twentieth Century. From Naoroji To Nehru. An Introductory Survey. Oxford 1971. XXVI, 189 pp. Softcover. (#10251)100:-
Arbman, Ernst Rudra.. Untersuchungen zum altindischen Glauben und Kultus. Diss. Upps. 1922. 312 pages. Soft covers. (#11540)195:-
Archaeological Remains, Monuments and Museums I-II.. New Delhi 1964. 355 pages + XCVI plates. Softcovers. 2 vols. Stamped. (#106962)125:-
Archaeology in India.. Delhi 1950. 219 pages + LXVI plates. Softcover. Bureau of Education, India, Publication 66. (#155629)250:-
Archer, W.G. The Hill of Flutes.. Life, Love and Poetry in Tribal India. A Portrait of the Santals. Illustr. London 1974. 375 pp. Cloth in dustjacket. (#41383)225:-
Arnold, Sir Edwin The Light of Asia or The Great Renunciation.. (Mahâbhinishkramana). Being the life and teaching of Gutama, prince of India and founder of buddhism (as told in verse by an Indian buddhist) London 1904. Portrait, 240 pages. Original leather. Inscribed (by C.Sg.) (#180770)250:-
Baark, Erik & Sigurdson, Jon (eds.) India-China Comparative Research.. Technology and Science for Development. London 1981. IX, 154 pages. Softcover. (#106203)125:-
Baierlein, E.R. Die Lehre des Vedanta von Gott, von der Welt, von dem Menschen und von der Erlösung des Menschen.. Aus den Quellen dargestellt. Zweite, vermehrte Auflage mit einem Anhang aus dem Dharma Shastra des Manu. Dresden und Leipzig ohne Jahre (c. 1900). viii,80 pagest. Together with: S. Zehme, Die Lehre von der Seelenwanderung in ihre Bedeutung für das religiös-sittliche Leben des Inders. Leipzig 1903. 40 pages. Together with: E. Just, Die Siddhanta oder Die Geheimlehre des modernen Siwaismus. Mit 8 Bildern. Leipzig 1897. 28 pages. Bound in half cloth. Foxed. (#181664)150:-
Bains, J.S. India's International Disputes.. London 1962. 219 pages. Original cloth with dustjacket. (#150353)150:-
Bali, A.N. Glimpses of Punjab's History.. New Delhi 1969. 180 pages. Hard covers. Dust jacket. (#67957)150:-
Banerjea, K.M. Dialogues of the Hindu Philosophy, comprising the Nyaya, the Sankhya, the Vedant; to which is added a discussion of the Authority of the Vedas.. Second edition, Madras 1903. xx,431 pages. Original cloth, slightly worn. Stamped. (#186723)500:-
Banerjee, Anil Chandra Lectures on Rajput History.. Raghunath Prasad Nopany Lectures (1960) Calcutta University. Calcutta 1962. 192 pages. Original cloth in dustjacket. (#95653)150:-
Banerjee, Mangobinda An Historical Outline of Pre-British Chotanagpur.. From Earliest Times to 1765. Ranchi 1989. viii,290 pages. Original half cloth. Dust jacket. One leave in facsimile. (#76157)150:-
Bardhan, Pranab The Political Economy of Development in India.. Oxford 1990. VIII, 118 pages. Softcover. (#105643)110:-
Barnett, L.D. Antiquities of India.. An Account of the History and Culture of Ancient Hindustan. Calcutta 1964. XV, 311 pages + plates and folding map. Original cloth in dustjacket. (#106549)125:-
Barua, B.K. A Cultural History of Assam I.. (Early Period). Nowgong 1951. xvi, 223 pages + 35 plates and one map. Soft covers. (#99529)150:-
Basu, Nirmal Kumar Assam in the Ahom Age 1228-1826.. Being politico-economic and socio-cultural studies. Calcutta 1970. xvi,365 pages + map. Original cloth. Dust jacket. (#68206)200:-
Bauddha gân o dohâ.. Printed by R.C. Mittra at the Visvakosha-Press, Calcutta. Date? C. 360 pages + 11 plates. With front wrapper in later cloth. Printed on better paper. Text in Hindi only (#216024)500:- (bild)
Bauer, P.T. Indian Economic Policy and Development.. London 1961. 152 pages. Original cloth with dustjacket. (#150376)150:-
Bauer, P.T. United States Aid and Indian Economic Development.. Washington 1952. 117 pages. Softcover. (#150374)110:-
Beames, John Memoirs of a Bengal Civilian.. London 1984. 312 pages. Softcover. "The lively narrative of a Victorian district-officer". (#143974)125:-
Behara, Dandapani Freedom Movement in the State of Ghumsar in Orissa.. 1836-1866. Calcutta 1984. xiv, 169 pages + maps and plates. Original cloth. Dust jacket. (#57881)150:-
Behara, Dandapani The Bhanjas (The House of Upendra Bhanja) and the Khons of Orissa.. Calcutta 1987. xii, 213 pages + 2 plates and 2 maps. Original cloth. Dust jacket. Orissa Studies Project 31. (#70673)150:-
Berg, Lasse, Längs Ganges.. Illustrerad. Stockholm 1986. 249 sidor. Förlagsband utan skyddsomslag. Dedikation. (#201657)150:-
Berg, Sten E. & Gandhi, Arun & Sunanda Experiments in Self-help.. Voices from Indian Villages. Illustr. Sthlm 1984. 172 pages. Soft covers. (#74027)125:-
Berkes, Ross N. & Bedi, Mohinder S. The Diplomacy of India.. Indian Foreign Policy in the United Nations. Stanford 1958. 221 pages. Original cloth with dustjacket. (#150368)150:-
Bhadantacariya Buddhaghosa Viracita Atthasalini.. Nama Dhammasnagahatthakatha sa ca Acariya ñanakittitherena racitaya Atthasalini-atthayojanaya ... Edited by Ramasankara Tripathi. Varansi 1989. Original cloth. Dust jacket. First edition, 500 copies. Pali-Granthamala Vol. 6. (#92104)350:-
Bhadantachariya Upasena Saddhammapajjotika.. Or the Commentary to the Chula-Niddesa of the Khuddaka Nikaya, Sutta Pitaka. Edited by Boruggamuwe Acharya Siri Rewata Thera. Finally revised by Mahagoda Siri Nanissara Thera. Colombo 1923. (12), 124 pages + portrait. Cloth. Simon Hewavitarne Bequest Vol. XIV. (#76565)300:-
Bhakti-Shatakam.. Published by The Buddhist Text Society of India, Darjeeling 1896. Cloth. First leaf loose. (#74581)150:-
Bhâsa The Madhyama vyayoga.. A Drama. Translated from the Original Sanskrit with Introduction and Notes by Ernest Paxton Janvier. Diss. Mysore (Philadelphia) 1921. 44 pages. Softcover. Stamped. (#106298)150:-
Bhattacarya, Srivatsalanchana Kavyamrtam.. Edited by K.S. Ramamurti. Tirupati 1971. 16, [87], 12 pages. Softcover. (#138824)140:-
Bhattacharjee, Jatindra Mohan Catalogus Catalogorum of Bengali Manuscripts I.. Calcutta 1978. Original cloth. Stamped. (#82829)200:-
Bhattacharyya, Prabhat Kumar Bangla natake swadeshikatar probhab (1800-1914 A.D.).. The Influence of Nationalism on Bengali Drama. 1979. Original hardcover in dustjacket. Stamped. (#138465)175:-
Bhatta, Nagesa Laghusabdendusekhara.. With the Sekhara Dipaka Commentary by Nityananda Panta Parvatiya. With an introduction by Gopala Sastri Nene, Vyakaranacharya. Varanasi 1975. [158] pages. Hardcover with cloth spine. In Sanskrit only. (#150527)150:-
Bhatt, J.R. Animal Life.. In Story and Picture with Special Reference to Ceylon. With a foreword by D.R.R. Burt. Illustr. Colombo 1946. (16), 300 pages. Original boards. (#81764)170:-
Bhavamisra The Bhavaprakasa I-II.. Edited with the Vidyotini Hindi commentary, notes, index etc., by §Sri Brahma Sankara Misra and Sri Rupalalaji Vaisya. Varanasi 1969 & 1961. Original cloth. Hinges cracked. 2 volumes. The Kashi Sanskrit Series 130. (#92052)400:-
Bhoja Namamalika.. Critically edited by Ekanath Dattatreya Kulkarni and Vasudeo Damodar Gokhale. Poona 1955. 3, [203] pages. Worn softcover. No wrappers. In Sanskrit. (#125498)125:-
Bidpai Das Buch des Weisen. in lust- und lehrreichen Erzählungen des indischen Philosophen Bidpai 1-2. Aus dem Arabischen von Philipp Wolff. Zweite Auflage. Stuttgart 1839. liv, (2), 248 + (4), 278 pages + 2 plates. Original, printed hard covers. First pages foxed, otherwise a very fine copy. (#98749)1200:-
Bihari The Satasai.. Translated from the Hindi and with an introduction by Krishna P. Bahadur. Penguin 1992. 404 pages. Paperback. (#116544)100:-
Boeck, Kurt Indische Gletscherfahrten. Reisen und Erlebnisse im Himalaja.. Deutsche Verlags-Anstalt, Stuttgart und Leipzig 1900. XII,470,(2) pages + 4 panoramas, 3 maps (2 folding) and 50 plates.Original decoratd cloth. A very fine copy. (#195781)950:-
Bolts, Willem État civil, politique et commerçant, du Bengale ou histoire des Conquêtes & de l'Administration de la Compagnie Angloise dans ce pays.. Ouvrage traduit de l'Anglais ... par M. Demeunier. La Haye, Gosse 1775. xlii,222,(6),240 pages + 2 fronrespieces and one folding map. Contemporary full leather. Very little foxing. (#214995)2500:- (bild)
Bose, Namai Sadhan History of the Candellas of Jejakabhukti.. With a Foreword by A.L. Basham. Calcutta 1956. xiv, 213 pages + map. Original cloth. (#62294)150:-
Bose, Sudhindra Some Aspects of British Rule in India.. Diss. Iowa City 1916. 149 pages. Softcover. Stamped. (#87464)300:-
Bowen, H.V. The Business of Empire: The East India Company and Imperial Britain, 1756-1833.. Cambridge University Press 2008. xiv,304 pages. Paper back. (#212556)150:-
Boyce, James K. Agrarian Impasse in Bengal:. Institutional Constraints to Technological Change. Oxford 1987. 308 pages. Soft covers. (#51367)165:-
Bradley-Birt, F.B. Chota Nagpore.. A Little-known Province of the Empire. With an introduction by the Right Hon. the Earl of Northbrook. With forty-three illustrations and a map. London 1903. xiv, 310 pages + plates and map + one page advertisments. Decorated original cloth, slightly worn and faded spine. On leaf loose. (#74145)900:-
Briem, Efraim Indiska gestalter.. Sthlm 1935. 340 sidor. Klotryggsband. Dedikation. (#175898)140:-
Brohier, R.L. Seeing Ceylon.. In Vistas of Scenery, History, Legend and Folklore. Colombo 1965. (10), 262 pages. Soft covers. (#138559)150:-
Brown, D. Mackenzie The Nationalist Movement.. Indian Political Thought from Ranade to Bhave. Berkeley 1961. 244 pages. Paperback. (#93874)100:-
Brown, Hilton (editor). The Sahibs. The life and ways of the British in India as recorded by themselves.. London 1948. xii,266 pages. Original cloth. No jacket. (#200378)150:-
Buddharakkhita Jinâlankâra. or "Embellishments of Buddha". Edited with introduction, notes and translation by James Gray. London 1984. 112 pages. Original cloth. (#81649)300:-
Buddhistische Märchen aus dem alten Indien.. Ausgewählt und übersetzt von Else Lüders. Mit einer Einleitung von Heinrich Lüders. Jena 1922. 378 pages. Printed boards with weak hinges. (#66910)125:-
Burgess, James The Chronology of Indian History.. Medieval & Modern. Delhi 1972. VI, 485 pages. Original cloth. (#65723)200:-
Burnes, Alexander Oberst Sir Alexander Burnes's reise paa Indusfloden i aaret 1831 tilligemed beretninger om Pandshap og Afganistan .. Oversat af Thorl. Gudm. Repp. København, Steens Forlag 1839. 19x11,5 cm. (8),XIX,(5),240 sidor + 1 litogr. front. Halvfranskt band från tiden med ryggförgyllningar. Tidsskrivt for Reisebeskrivelser IV. deel. (#198172)900:-
Cachar District Records.. Datta, Silehar no date (1969?). 218 pages. Original boards. (#65633)150:-
Campbell, Alexander The Heart of India.. London 1958. 340 pp. Ocl. (#41052)175:-
Candidasa S?ri?kr?s?n?aki?rtana.. Basantarañjana Raya (editor). Kalika?ta? [Calcutta], Ban?gi?ya-sa?hitya-paris?ad. Printed by R. C. Mittra, at the Visvakosa press, 1323 [1915/1916]. 45,28,814 pages + 7 plates. Soft covers. 400 pages text + 414 pages notes. (#216020)500:- (bild)
CAPPELLER,CARL Sanskrit-Wörterbuch nach den Petersburger Wörterbüchern bearbeitet.. Strassburg, Karl J. Trübner 1887. VIII,542 pages. Contemporary half leather. A few underlinings. (#195196)500:-
Carlstedt, Gunnar Studier i Kularnava-tantra.. Akad. avh. Uppsala 1974. 68 sidor. Häftad. (#53823)110:-
Carlstedt, Gunnar Till Kulas lov.. Kulamahatmyakathana ur Kularnava-tantra. Upps. 1974. 49 pp. Särtryck. (#29123)100:-
Cave, Henry W. Picturesque Ceylon [1]. Colombo and the Kelani Valley.. London, Sampson, Low, Marston and Co. 1893. (8),69,(3) pages + 30 plates. 4:o. Original decorated hard covers with leather spine, slightly worn. Interior very fine. (#209765)4000:- (bild)
Cederlöf, Gunnel Bonds Lost.. Subordination, Conflict and Mobilisation in Rural India c. 1900-1970. Illustr. Diss. New Delhi (Uppsala) 1997. XVI, 276 pp. Hardcover in dustjacket. (#35240)150:-
Champion, F.W. Djungelns mysterier.. En djungelälskares upplevelser. Sthlm 1934. 216 sidor + planscher. Halvklotband. (#161621)135:-
Chanakya-Rajaniti-Sastram.. Edited by Pandit Isvara Chandra Sastri. Calcutta 1919. Half cloth. Sanskrit text only. (#79538)150:-
Chariya-Pitakaya.. Edited with a Singhalese Translation by W. Sudassana Thera. Ambalamgoda 1904. xxvi, 135 pages. Bound with covers in cloth. Stamped. (#85453)250:-
Charpentier, Jarl Indien.. Historia. Religion. Kastväsen. Illustr. Sth 1925. 647 sidor. Klotband. (#52824)150:-
Charpentier, Jarl Kleine Beträge zur indoiranischen Mythologie.. Uppsala 1911. 87 pages. Softcover. (#44600)130:-
Charpentier, Jarl Studien zur indischen Erzählungsliteratur I.. Paccekabuddhageschichten. Uppsala 1908. IX, 174 pages. Softcover. (#44528)170:-
Charpentier, Jarl (red.) Indiska myter och sagor.. Illustrerad. Sthlm 1925. 260 sidor. Original klotband. (#30693)150:-
Chatterjee, Asim Kumar A Comprehensive History of Jainism.. (Up to 1000 A.D.). Calcutta 1978. XII, 400 pages. Original cloth in dustjacket. (#70877)200:-
Chatterji, Suniti Kumar The Place of Assam in the History and Civilization of India.. Gauhati 1955. 84 pages. Original cloth. Dust jacket. (#58634)150:-
Chattopadhyaya, K.P. Ancient Indian Culture Contacts and Migrations.. Illustr. Calcutta 1970. 114 pages. Original hardcover in dustjacket. (#69119)175:-
Choudhary, Gulab Chandra Political History of Northern India. from Jain Sources (C. 650 A.D. to 1300 A.D.). With a Foreword by Vasuveda Sarana Agrawala. Diss. Amritsar 1954. XXV, 449 pages. Original cloth in dustjacket. (#70773)300:-
Choudhary, Radhakrishna History of Bihar.. With a Foreword by R.S. Tripathi. Madhipura 1958. 421 pages + plates. Original cloth in dustjacket. (#70738)200:-
Chronological List of Inscriptions of the Pudukkottai State.. Arranged According to Dynasties. Published by Authority. Pudukkotai 1923(?). iv, 154 pages. Hard covers. There is no title-page, but probably there should not be one. (#55199)300:-
Clive Bayley, Emily & Metcalfe, Thomas The Golden Calm.. An English Lady's Life in Moghul Delhi. Edited by M.M. Kaye. Illustr. New York 1980. 220 pages. Hardcover in dustjacket. (#106940)125:-
Collins, Larry & Lapierre, Dominique Freedom at Midnight. Grafton Books 1986. 596 pages + plates. Pocket. (#213351)100:-
Comprehensive History and Culture of Orissa 1:I-II-2:I-II.. Edited by P.K. Mishra, J.K. Samal. New Delhi 1997. XXXVII, 1014 pages + a few plates. Original cloth in dustjackets. 4 vols. (#68559)1600:-
(Constitution of India).. (Hindi translation by Rajendra Prasad). New Delhi 1950. [298], 51 pages. Softcover. (#150516)150:-
Coomaraswamy, Ananda K. History of Indian and Indonesian Art.. With 400 illustrations on 128 plates and 9 maps. Dover Publ., New York 1965. 295 pages + plates. Soft covers. (#84536)175:-
Coomaraswamy, Ananda K. History of Indian and Indonesian Art.. With 400 illustrations on 128 plates and 9 maps. Dover Publ., New York 1985. 295 pages + plates. Soft covers. (#218225)150:-
Cowen, D.V. Flowering Trees and Shrubs in India.. Illustrated in colour and b/w. Thacker & Co, Bombay 1952. xviii,142 pages + colour plates. 4:o. Original cloth. Dust jacket with tears and small loss of paper. Second, revised edition. (#185172)250:-
Cross, Cecil Merne Putnam The Development of Self-Government in India 1858-1914.. Diss. Chicago [1922]. 248 pages. Softcover. Stamped. (#134121)225:-
Dahlquist, Allan Megasthenes and Indian Religion.. A Study in Motives and Types. Diss. Uppsala 1962. 320 pages. Softcover. (#43754)170:-
Dahlström, Åsa Tiljander No Peace of Mind.. The Tibetan Diaspora in India. Illustr. Diss. Upps. 2001. 210 pages. Softcover. (#48241)175:-
Dalgliesh, Wilbert Harold The Perpetual Company of the Indies in the Days of Dupleix;. Its Administration and Organization for the Handling of Indian Commerce, 1722-1754. Diss. Philadelphia 1933. X, 238 pages. Softcover. Stamped. (#88875)350:-
Darshanakesari, Gopalshastri Paniniya-Prabodha.. Varanasi 1970. Original cloth. Sarasvati Bhavana Granthamala 101. (#92189)200:-
Das, Durga India from Curzon to Nehru and After.. London 1969. 487 pages + plates. Original cloth in dustjacket. Stamped. (#121284)150:-
Das, Kalyani Early Inscriptions of Mathura.. A Study. Calcutta 1980. 288 pages. Hard covers. Weak hinges. (#51715)150:-
Das, Veena Structure and Cognition.. Aspects of Hindu Caste and Ritual. Second edition. New Delhi 1992. XIII, 171 pages. Softcover. (#103838)110:-
de Golish, Rambach & Hérbert-Stevens Okänt Indien.. Expedition Sköldpaddan 1950-1952. Illustrerad. Allhem, Malmö 1955. Original klotband. (#98070)200:-
Desai, Kanu & Bhadra, Indian Decorative Art.. D. B. Taraporevala Sons. 15 sheets with 30 illustrations + 8 pages text in origianl envelope. Oblong 4:o. (#201429)350:-
Desai, W.S. Bombay and the Marathas. up to 1774. New Delhi 1970. XVI, 248 pages. Original cloth in dustjacket. (#70854)175:-
de Schweinitz Jr., Karl The Rise and Fall of British India. Imperialism as Inequality.. Methuen, London and New York 1983. 275 pages. Paper back. Very fine. (#188035)125:-
Det indiska dramat.. Den lilla lervagnen, Urvasî och hennes hjälte, Sakuntalâ. Sthlm 1927. 368 sidor. Häftad. Världslitteraturen. (#141259)130:-
Det menskliga lifvets pligter och mål.. Indiskt manuskript. Från engelskan af S.M. Stockholm Berg 1872. viii,157,(3) sidor. Häftad i tryckta, något nötta originalomslag. Namnteckning på främre omslaget. (#186489)175:-
Det menskliga lifvets pligter och mål.. Indiskt manuskript. Från engelskan. Ny upplaga. Sthlm 1937. 171 sidor. Originalklotband. (#134896)175:-
Devavacaka Nandisutram.. With the Vrtti by Shri Haribhadracarya and Durgapadavyakhya on Vrtti by Shri Sricandracarya and Visamapadaparyaya on Vrtti. Edited by Muni Shri Punyavijayaji. Ahmedabad 1966. Original cloth. Prakrit Text Society Series No. 10. (#84610)150:-
Die Bhagavadgita.. Sanskrittext mit Einleitung und Kommentar von S. Radhakrishnan. Mit dem indischen Urtext verglichen und ins Deutsche übersetzt von Siegfried Lienhard. Wiesbaden no date. 448 pages. Original cloth. (#114741)150:-
Diehl, Carl Gustav Church and Shrine.. Intermingling patterns of culture in the life of some Christian groups in South India. Uppsala 1965. 204 pages. Soft covers. (#44590)150:-
Diehl, Carl Gustav Instrument and Purpose.. Studies on Rites and Rituals in South India. Illustr. Diss. Lund 1956. 395 pages. Soft covers. (#51601)250:-
Die Hymnen des Tayumanavar.. Texte zur Gottesmystik des Hinduismus. Aus dem Tamil übersetzt von Arno Lehmann. Gütersloh 1935. xvi,270 pages. Original cloth. Dust jacket with tear. Very fine copy. (#184855)300:-
Donald Campbells land-resa til Indien och Fra Paolinos da San Bartolomeo resor uti Indien.. Sammandrag. Utg. av Samuel Ödmann. Stockholm, Kongl. Ordens Boktryckeriet 1801. (8),364,(19),(3 blanka) I ett samtida, lite nött halvfranskt band. Namnstämpel på titelbladet. (#214740)800:- (bild)
Druhe, David N. Soviet Russia and Indian Communism.. 1917-1947. With an Epilogue Covering the Situation Today. New York 1959. 430 pp. Ocl. (#41142)170:-
Duff, Mabel C. The Chronology of Indian History.. From the Earliest Times to the Beginning of the Sixteenth Century. Delhi 1972. XII, 409 pages. Original cloth. Dust jacket. (#65721)225:-
Durgasimha Katantronadisutravrttih.. Editor and Hindi Commentator Dr. Dharma Datt Chaturvedi. Varanasi 1992. 60, 396 pages. Original cloth. Dust jacket. First edition, 550 copies. Bibliotheca Indo-Tibetica Series 26. (#61671)200:-
Dutta, Sristidhar The Mataks and Their Kingdom.. Castes and Tribes of Assam. Allahabad 1985. XV, 279 pages. Original cloth in dustjacket. (#70918)150:-
Dutt, Nalinaksha Buddhist Sects in India.. Calcutta 1977. xii, 318 pages. Original cloth. (#84448)200:-
Dutt, Romesh The Economic History of India I.. Under Early British Rule 1757-1837. India 1963. 304 pages. Soft covers. (#51339)150:-
Dutt, Romesh The Economic History of India II.. In the Victorian Age 1837-1900. India 1963. 462 pages. Soft covers. (#51341)160:-
Edén, Åke East India Company's Indienpolitik före 1773.. Gbg 1994. 168 sidor. Häftad. (#11213)100:-
Edwardes, Michael Illustrierte Geschichte Indiens, von den Anfängen bis zur Gegenwart.. Knaur Nachf. München 1961. 434 pages. Original cloth. No jacket. (#200391)150:-
Eggeling, Julius (editor) The Kâtantra with the commentary of Durgasimha.. Edited with notes and indices. Calcutta, Baptist Mission Press 1876. 576 pages. Contemporary half leather. The first 8 leaves+ 2 others loose. Bibliotheca Indica: A collection of oriental works published by the Asiatic Society of Bengal. (#216011)400:- (bild)
Eimer, Helmut Berichte über das Leben des Dipamkarasrijnana.. Eine Untersuchung der Quellen. Diss. Bonn 1974. 348 pages. Soft covers. (#92114)185:-
Ekenborn, Lars Människor i en indisk by.. Illustr. Sthlm 1968. (8), (6) sidor + 105 fotoplanscher. Originalklotband i skyddsomslag. (#161713)125:-
Eklund, J.A. Nirvana.. En religionshistorisk undersökning. Upps. 1899. 196, XV sidor. Häftad. (#25766)135:-
Eleven Âtharvana Upanishads with Dîpikâs.. Edited with notes by Colonel G.A. Jacob. Second edition. Bombay 1916. Soft covers. Sanskrit text only. (#81797)200:-
Embree, Anslie T. Indien.. Geschichte des Subkontinents von der Induskultur bis zum Beginn der englishen Herrschaft. Fischer 1967. 352 pages. Paperback. (#86347)100:-
Epigraphia Indica:. A Collection of Inscriptions Supplementary to the Corpus Inscriptionum Indicarum of the Archæological Survey. Volume I, 1892 - volume X, 1909-10 + volume XV, 1919-20 - volume XX, 1929-30 + Appendix to vols XIX-XXIII. Reprint, Delhi 1960-84. Volume I, V and X bound in cloth, the rest in soft covers. 17 volumes. 4:o. (#62506)2000:-
Farquhar, J.N. Modern Religious Movements in India.. London 1918. 471 pages + plates. Original cloth. Pencil underlinings. (#53430)150:-
Faulkner, Alex S. An Historical Sketch of the Naruka State of Ulwar in Rajputana.. Calcutta 1895. (8), 42 pages. Original cloth. (#74165)2000:-
Fenger, J. Ferd. History of the Tranquebar Mission.. Worked out from the original papers. Published in Danish and translated into English from the German. Second (bicentenary) edition, Madras 1906. vi,258 pages. Original half cloth. (#185178)300:-
Forbes, Geraldine Women in Modern India.. Feminist Engagements with Law in India. New Delhi 1996. XIX, 289 pages. Original cloth. The New Cambridge History of India IV:2. (#104789)135:-
Francken, Gotthilf August Sechs und zwanzigste(bis Seches und dreyszigste) Continuation Des Berichts Der Königlichen Dänischen Missionarien in Ost-Indien; .... Halle, In Verlegung des Wäysenhauses 1730-1734. (18),164 + (18),165-299,(1) + (12),301-400 + (16),401-524 + (10),525-678 + (8),679-782 + (18),783-866 + (12),867-1006 + (22),1007-1158 + (16),1159-1214 + 1215-1302 + 14 plates, maps and plans, some folding. Small 4:o. In old vellum binding. Interior very clean, only slightly brownish text in the end of the book. Plates clean. (#210106)6000:- (bild)
Franz, Heinrich Gerhard Buddhistische Kunst Indiens.. Illustr. Leipzig 1965. 384 pages. Original cloth. (#67987)225:-
Fraser, Lovat India Under Curzon & After.. London, Heinemann 1911. xii,496 pages + portrait, plates and map. Original cloth. No jacket. Book-plate and stamp. (#204604)200:-
Fredriksson, Gunnar Indien.. Tragedi eller revolution. Prisma 1970. 334 sidor. Pocket. (#74924)100:-
Freed, Stanley A. & Ruth S. Uncertain Revolution: Panchayati Raj and Democratic Elections in a North Indian Village.. Illustr. New York 1987. 78 pages. Softcover. Stamped. (#90663)100:-
Fyzee-Rahamin, Atiya Begum The Music of India.. With illustrations. London 1925. 95 pages + plates and table. Original cloth. No jacket. Stamped. (#174955)200:-
Gaeffke, P. Grundbegriffe moderner indischer Erzählkunst.. Aufgezeigt am Werke Jayasankara Prasadas (1889-1937). Leiden 1970. 240 pages. Soft covers. Stamped. Handbuch der Orientalistik II. Indien. Ergänzungsband II. (#53478)175:-
Gaeffke, P. Hindiromane in der ersten Hälfte des zwanzigsten Jahrhunderts.. Leiden 1966. 155 pages. Soft covers. Stamped. Handbuch der Orientalistik II. Indien. Ergänzungsband I. (#53476)150:-
Gandhi, Mahatma Mina experiment med sanningen I-II.. Självbiografiska anteckningar. Från den av Gandhi auktoriserade engelska editionen översatt av Hugo Hultenberg. Sthlm 1930-31. 339 + 347 sidor. Häftad. 2 vol. (#123607)400:-
Gandhi, Mahatma Tal och skrifter.. Översatta av Albert Lundman. Inledning av Anders Österling. Andra upplagan, Stockholm 1924. xx,292 sidor. Häftad. Fint ex. (#205545)140:-
Gangulee, N. The Indian Peasant and his Environment.. (The Linlithgow Commission and After). Oxford 1935. 230 pages. Hard covers. Dust jacket. (#53127)170:-
Garrett, John A Classical dictionary of India, Illustrative of the Mythology, Philosophy, Literature, Antiquities, Arts, Manners, Customs &c. of the Hindus + Supplement.. Reprint, Graz 1971 of the edition from 1871.(2),xii,793,(7),160 pages. Original cloth. (#212342)250:-
Geijerstam, Jan af Landscapes of Technology Transfer. Swedish Ironmakers in India 1860-1864.. Illustrated. Stockholm 2004. 454 pages. 4:o. Original cloth. Dust jacket. Jernkontorets bergshistoriska skriftserie 42. (#217793)250:-
Ghora Nidan.. Edited by Late Srijut Tarani Charan Bhattacharjee of Tezpur. Shillong 1932. viii,108 pages. Original hard covers. Loose in binding. Stamped. (#85334)100:-
Ghosh, Nagendra Nath Early History of Kausambi.. From the Sixth Century B.C. to the Eleventh Century A.D. Allahabad 1935. XXXV, 120 pages + plates. Original cloth. Allahabad Archaeological Society Series No. 1. (#65577)250:-
Glatter, Augusta Contributions to the Ethnography of the Chodhris.. (Surat District, Gujarat.) Wien 1969. 199 pages. Softcover. (#90635)200:-
Goës, Karl Die Indischen Großstädte.. Diss. München 1910. 94 pages + XII tables. Softcover. Stamped. (#107443)200:-
Goetz, Hermann Indiens konst genom femtusen år.. Med 68 färgreproduktioner. Allhem, Malmö 1961. 264 sidor. Original klotband. Skyddsomslag. Förlagsny. (#194124)150:-
Goswami Tulsidas (or Tulasi Dasa) Vinaya Patrika.. Printed an published by K. Mittra at the Indian Press, Allahabad. Original hard covers. Fine copy. (#216016)400:- (bild)
Goudapada, Acharya Agamasastra.. With the Commentary "Vritti" of Vidhushekhar Bhatacharya. Edited and translated [into Sanskrit] by Buddhi Vallabha Pathak. Varanasi 1992. Original cloth. Bauddha Bharati Series 29. (#92202)150:-
Gravely, F.H. An Outline of Indian Temple Architecture.. Madras 1936. 22 pages + plate. Soft covers. 4:o. Bulletin of the Madras Government Museum. (#52721)135:-
Great Men of India.. Edited by L.F. Rushbrook Williams. Illustr. The Home LibraryClub no date. 640 pages. Original decorated cloth. (#118123)200:-
Gren, Erik Indiens historia.. Sthlm 1959. 317 sidor. Original pappband. Kulturländernas historia. (#61130)120:-
Grierson, George A. (ed.) The Apabhramsa Stabakas of Rama Sarman (Tarkavagisa).. With three plates. Bombay 1923. 29 pages + plates. 4:o. Half cloth. Reprinted from "The Indian Antiquity". (#82025)200:-
Griffin, Lepel Henry The Rajas of the Punjab.. Being the History of the Principal States in the Punjab and Their Political Relations with the British Government. New Delhi 1977. viii, 661, xvi, 17 pages. Original cloth. Reprint. First published 1870. (#65819)250:-
Grønbech, Vilhelm Mystik i Österland och Västerland I.. Indien. Sthlm 1926. 354 sidor. Häftad. (#88185)140:-
Guide Through Netherlands India.. Compiled by order of the Koninklijke Paketvaart Maatschappij (Royal Packet Steam Navigation Co.). Amsterdam 1911. viii,(4),249,(1) pages + 5 folding maps and 3 single-page plans/maps. Original stiff covers with cloth-spine. Front cover sligtly worn corners, end covers with small part missing. (#191451)1100:-
Gupta, Jyotirindra Das Language Conflict and National Development.. Group Politics and National Language Policy in India. Berkeley 1970. 293 pages. original cloth with dustjacket. (#150357)150:-
Gupta, Kalyan Kumas Das The Malavas.. Calcutta 1966. xviii, 36 pages + plates. Original cloth. Dust jacket. (#32152)150:-
Gustafson, W. Eric & Jones, Kenneth W. (eds.) Sources on Punjab History.. New Delhi 1975. 454 pages. Original cloth in dustjacket. (#70922)200:-
Haarsma, G.E. Der Tabaksbau in Deli.. Mit 9 Abbildungen und 3 Grundrissen. Amsterdam 1890. vi,240 pages. Original cloth. One leave, Vorrede, with tear in lower part, not effecting the text. Otherwise a very fine copy. (#188965)1000:-
Haberlandt, G. Eine botanische Tropenreise.. Indo-malayische Vegetationsbilder und Reiseskizzen. Zweite Auflage. Mit 48 Abbildungen im Text, 9 Tafeln in Autotypie und 3 Aquarelltafeln. Leipzig 1910. 296 pages. Original hard covers. Stamped. (#165147)300:-
Haeckel, Ernst Indische Reisebriefe.. Vierte Auflage. Berlin 1903. XVI, 415 pages + map. Printed soft covers. No illustrations present. (#53665)250:-
Haeckel, Ernst Indiska dagar.. Reseminnen från hinduernas och singhalesernas land. Bemyndigad öfversättning af Anton Stuxberg. Med 67 bilder i texten och 1 karta. Göteborg 1891. 352 sidor + karta. Dekorerat originalklotband. (#53959)350:-
Haribhadra Sanatukumara-Cariya.. A Section of His Neminaha-Cariya. Edited by H.C. Bhayani and M.C. Modi. Ahmedabad 1974. Original hard covers. (#92132)165:-
Harper, Marvin Henry Ecclesiastical Organization and Administration in the Methodist Episcopal Church in India.. Diss. Lucknow (Chicago) 1936. VII, 222 pages. Stiff wrappers. Stamped. (#109698)150:-
Harrison, Selig S. India.. The Most Dangerous Decades. Princeton 1960. 350 pages. Original cloth with torn dustjacket. (#150380)150:-
Harsa Ratnavali.. Texte traduit par Maurice Lehot. Paris 1933. xxvi, 104 pages. Soft covers. (#92191)145:-
Harsha-Deva The Priyadarsika.. Edited with an exhaustive introduction, a short Sanskrit comm., various readings, a literal English translation, copious notes and useful appendices by M.R. Ka'le. First edition. Published by Gopal Na'ra'yen & Co. Bombay 1928. (4), xl, 48, 55 pages + sanskrit text. Original hard covers. Loose in binding. Leaves loose. Pencil underlinings. (#157015)150:-
Hasan, Mohibbul Kashmir under the Sultans.. Calcutta 1959. XIII, 338 pages + plates. Original cloth in dustjacket. (#64044)1800:-
Havell, E.B. The History of the Aryan Rule in India.. From the earliest times to the death of Akbar. London no date (1918). 583 pages. Original cloth. Front inner hinge worn. Stamped. (#186726)150:-
Hellman, Eva Political Hinduism.. The Challenge of the Visva Hindu Parisad. Diss. Upps. 1993. 222 pages. Softcover. (#35230)125:-
Hindi Fourth Book.. Published by the Christian Literature Society, Allahabad. Printed at the Allahabad Mission Press 1893. 3rd edition. Illustrated. Original stiff wrappers with cloth spine. Inscription on front wrapper. (#204804)450:-
Hindu Philosophy Examined.. By a Benares Pandit. Two volumes in one. Allahabad 1915. Original hard covers. Sanskrit text only. (#79550)150:-
Historical Genealogies.. Editor P.M. Joshi. Bombay 1957. Original cloth. Sanskrit text only. State Board for Historical Records and Ancient Monuments. Historical Publications Series 1. (#62554)150:-
Hole, Elizabeth Åsa Neither Here - Nor There.. An Anthropological Study of Gujarati Hindu Women in the Diaspora. Diss. Upps. 2005. 352 pages. Softcover. (#116796)150:-
Houghton, Frank Amy Carmichael of Dohnavus.. The Story of a Lover and her Beloved. London 1953. 390 pp. Ocl. (#40921)160:-
Härtel, Herbert Indische Skulpturen I.. Der Werke der frühindischen, klassischen und frühmittelalterlichen Zeit. 87 pages + plates. Softcover. Part I only. (#124620)125:-
Inden, Ronald Imagining India.. Oxford 1994. 298 pages. Softcover. (#104770)135:-
India.. Pictorial, Descriptive, and Historical. From the Earliest Times to the Present. With nearly one hundred illustrations. London, Henry G. Bohn 1854. x, 494 pages. Original green cloth. One inner hinge cracked. (#85735)350:-
India's Population.. Some Problems in Perspective Planning. Ed. by S.N. Agarwala. London 1960. XL, 208 pages. Original cloth in dustjacket. (#75336)110:-
Indien kastar loss - Press under press. Teman ur tidskriften Axess år 2004. 433 sidor. Pocket. Främre omslaget lite fult. (#184477)90:-
Indische Miniaturen. aus dem Besitz der staatlichen Museen zu Berlin. Mit einer Einführung von Ernst Kühnel. Berlin ohne Jahre (c. 1950) Text + 19 Tafeln. Original boards. (#77076)150:-
Indiska fabler och sagor.. En antologi sammanställd av Elin Lagerkvist. Sthlm 1961. 238 sidor. Original pappband. Skyddsomslag. (#63742)100:-
Indiska ordspråk och visdomsord.. I urval av Herman Stolpe. Sthlm 1970. 80 sidor. Pappband. Fimt ex. (#182531)100:-
Indiska sagor I.. Öfversatta från sydbuddhistiska originaltexter af K.F. Johansson. Sthlm 1907. 273 sidor. Häftad. Spräckt rygg. (#124309)150:-
Indisk dikt och tanke.. En antologi sammanstäld av Elin Lagerkvist. Sthlm 1959. 192 sidor. Original pappband. Skyddsomslag. (#102773)100:-
Inkinen, Magdalena Mobilising the Lower Castes.. The rise of the Bahujan Samaj Party in India. Diss. Uppsala 2003. 211 pages. Soft covers. (#175452)150:-
Inscriptions of the Kalachuri-chedi Era 1-2.. Edited by Vasudev Vishnu Mirashi. Ootacamund 1955. (XXX), CXCIV, 374 + XII, 375-722 pages + 61 + 42 plates and 3 maps. Folio. Original cloth. Wormholes. 2 volumes. Corpus Inscriptionum Indicarum IV. (#65756)900:-
Inscriptions of the Silaharas.. Edited by Vasudev Vishnu Mirashi. With 3 maps and 143 plates. New Delhi 1977. XCI, 311 pages. Folio. Original cloth. Corpus Inscriptionum Indicarum VI. (#65764)450:-
Irschick, Eugene F. Dialogue and History.. Constructing South India, 1795-1895. Delhi 1994. XIII, 263 pages. Original cloth in dust jacket. (#104778)135:-
Isaksson, Folke och Karlsson, Stig T. Har Indien en chans?. Illustrerad. Stiftelsen Litteraturfrämjandet 1969. 232 sidor. Förlagsband med skyddsomslag. (#172764)140:-
Jain, Kailash Chand Malwa Through the Ages.. From the Earliest Time to 1305 A.D. Delhi 1972. 555 pages + plates. Original cloth. Dust jacket. (#65576)225:-
Jash, Pranabananda History of the Parivrajaka.. Delhi 1991. XVI, 170 pages + plates. Original cloth. Dust jacket. (#65671)150:-
Jayawardhana Kotte Dhatvattha dipani.. 1895 (2438). (10),173,xiii pages. Soft covers. Last pages wrickled. Back cover missing. Stamped. (#216022)250:- (bild)
Jettmar, Gabriele Die Holztempel des oberen Kulutales.. In ihren historischen, religiösen und kunstgeschichtlichen Zusammenhängen. Wiesbaden 1974. xii,133 pages + 48 plates. Soft covers. (#76184)200:-
Jivanayakam, Daniel Training Teachers for English Schools in Travancore.. Diss. New York 1931. 166 pages. Soft, blank covers. Stamped. (#184350)175:-
Johann von Capua Beispiele der alten Weisen.. Übersetzung der hebräischen Bearbeitung des indischen Pañcatantra ins Lateinische. Herausg. und übersetzt von Friedmar Geissler. Berlin 1960. XVI, 412 pages. Softcover. (#29742)160:-
Johansson, K.F. Solfågeln i Indien.. En religionshistorisk-mytologisk studie. Uppsala 1910. 80 sidor. Häftad. (#44601)125:-
Johansson, K.F. Über die altindische Göttin Dhisána und Verwandtes.. Beiträge zum Fruchtbarkeitskultus in Indien. Uppsala 1917. 170 pages. Softcover. (#44285)195:-
Joshi, Arjun History & Culture of Khijjingakotta.. Under the Bhanjas. Delhi 19983. viii,160 pages + maps. Original cloth. Dust jacket. (#68143)150:-
Journal of the Pali Text Society 1886.. Edited by T.W. Rhys Davids. London 1886. xvi, 172 pages. Original hard covers. Spine worn. back cover loose. (#134387)250:-
Jyotirisvara-Kavisekharacarya Varna-Ratnakara.. Edited with English and Maithili Introductions and Index Verborum by Suniti Kumar Chatterji and Babua Misra. Calcutta 1940. LXIV, 8, [166] pages + plate. Softcover. (#137807)350:-
Kalapa-Vyakaranam.. (27 original texts & 7 specific appendixes of Kalapa Vyakarana). Edited by Janaki Prasada Dwivedi. Varanasi 1988. Original cloth. Dust jacket. First edition, 550 copies. Bibliotheca Indo-Tibetica Series XIV. (#92041)300:-
Kalâyudha Kavirahasya. in beidem Recensionen herausgegeben von Ludwig Heller. Greifswald 1900. Soft, worn covers. Sanskrit-Drucke 1. (#138836)200:-
Kalidasa Kongen og danserinden.. Lystspil i fem akter. Oversat af Edvard Brandes. Med tegninger af C. Thomsen. Kbhvn 1874. (2),88 sidor. Häftad med ytskadat främre omslag. Ett ark loss. (#86130)250:-
Kalidasa The Raghuvamsa of Kalidasa.. The Commentary (the Sanjîvinî) of Mallinâth. Edited by Kâs'înâth Pândurang Parab. Revised by Wâsudev Laxman S'âstri Pans'îkar. Tenth edition. Pândurang Jâwajî, Bombay 1932. Stiff wrappers with cloth spine. Front cover and first 2 leaves loose. (#216013)150:- (bild)
Kalidasa Urvasî och hennes hjälte.. Ett skådespel. Översatt av Hilding Andersson. Lund 1906. 60 sidor. Häftad. Bläckunderstrykningar. (#106451)100:-
Kalidâsa Vikrama och Urvasi eller Hjelten och nymfen. Ett indiskt skådespel.. Öfversatt och förklaradt af C.F. Bergstedt. Stockholm 1846. xiv,11 sidor Tillsammans med D. Yvan, Kina och kineserne. Iakttagelser öfver kinesernes seder och bruk i religion, lefnadsförhållanden, klädedrägt m.m. antecknade under sista franska missionen till Kina. Öfversättning. Med 4 planscher. Stockholm 1847. (4),64 sidor + 4 planscher. Tillsammans med: Biographien der berühmtesten General Napoleon's. Frankfurt am Main, F.C. Vogel ohne Jahr (c. 1850) 37 pages. Bundna i ett samtida skinnryggsband med något nött yta. (#189404)900:-
Kâlidâsa Cakuntalâ. The Bengâlî Recension.. With critical notes edited by Richard Pischel. Liel, Schwers 1877. Cloth. (#200053)500:- (bild)
Kali Hokai. Ed. Kacinicunanatan? Madras 1962. Original cloth. Dust jacket. In Tamil language only (#181751)350:-
Kalikala Sarvagna shri Hemachandracharya The Abhidhanachintamani.. With his own notes. Edited ... by Hargovindas and Behechardas. Published by Nathalal Laxmichand Vakil, Veera 2442 (1897?). Original cloth. Sanskrit text only. (#85458)400:-
Kalpagam, U. Labour and Gender.. Survival in Urban India. New Delhi 1994. 309 pages. Softcover. (#104764)125:-
Kannassabhagavata 1.. Edited by K. Sambasiva Sastri. Trivandrum 1932. XX, 272 pages. Original hardcover. Sri Citrodayamanjari Bhasa Series 1. Sinhalese text only. (#135137)200:-
Kant, Shashi Political and Cultural History of Mid-North India.. Delhi 1987. XVI, 476 pages + plates and folding maps. Original cloth in dustjacket. (#71103)250:-
Karaikkalammaiyar Chants dévotionnels tamouls.. Edition et traduction par Karavelane. Introduction par Jean Filliozat. Nouvelle edition. Pondichéry 1982. 171 pages + plates. Softcover. Stamped. (#92207)175:-
Kashyap, Bhikku J. (editor) The Cullaniddesa [Khuddakanikaya Vol IV, Part II]. Pali Publication Board, Bihar 1959. Original half cloth. Nalanda-Devanagari-Pali-Series. Pali text only. (#216002)250:-
Kashyap, Bhikku J. (editor) The Dhammasabgani [Abhidhamma pitaka Vol. )]. Pali Publication Board, Bihar 1959. Original half cloth. Nalanda-Devanagari-Pali-Series. Pali text only. (#216008)250:-
Kashyap, Bhikku J. (editor) The Jataka (Part II) [Khuddakanikaya Vol III, Part II.]. Pali Publication Board, Bihar 1959. Original half cloth. Nalanda-Devanagari-Pali-Series. Pali text only. (#216007)250:-
Kashyap, Bhikku J. (editor) The Jataka (Part I) [Khuddakanikaya Vol III, Part I.]. Pali Publication Board, Bihar 1959. Original half cloth. Nalanda-Devanagari-Pali-Series. Pali text only. (#216005)250:-
Kashyap, Bhikku J. (editor) The Khuddakapatha-Dhammapada-Udana-Itivuttaka-Suttanipata [Khuddakanikaya Vol I]. Pali Publication Board, Bihar 1959. Original half cloth. Nalanda-Devanagari-Pali-Series. Pali text only. (#216001)250:-
Kashyap, Bhikku J. (editor) The Mahaniddesa [Khuddakanikaya Vol II, Part I]. Pali Publication Board, Bihar 1959. Original half cloth. Nalanda-Devanagari-Pali-Series. Pali text only. (#216003)250:-
Kassapatthera of Cola Mohavicchedani abhidhammamatikatthavannana.. Edited by A.P. Buddhadatta and A.K. Warder. London 1961. xxviii, 384 pages. Original cloth. Pali Text Society. (#84603)175:-
Kasyapa Silpa Sastram.. With Tamil Translation. Edited and Translated by K.S. Subrahmanaya Sastry. Tanjore 1960. (38), 474 pages. Original cloth. Dust jacket. Tanjore Saraswati Mahal Series No. 89. (#92179)250:-
Kaundabhatta Vaiyâkarana Bhushanasâra.. With the "Sarala" commentary ny Pandit Gopal Sastri Nene. Edited by Narahari Sastri Thatte. Benares 1930. Half cloth. (#138565)200:-
Kausitaki Upanisad.. Publiée et traduite par Louis Ranou. Paris 1948. 72 pages + Sanskrit text. Soft covers. Les Upanishad VI. (#79545)140:-
Kavindracharya Jagadvijayacchandras. Edited by C. Kunhan Raja. Bikaner 1945. Soft covers. Sanskrit text only. (#81791)150:-
Kavi, Nivasa Ananda Ranga Vijaya Campu.. Edited with Critical Introduction, Notes and Sanskrit Commentary by V. Raghavan. With a Foreword by C.F. Baron. Madras 1948. XVI, 76, 199 pages + folding map & folding genealogical chart. Softcover. Stamped. (#112075)150:-
Khilnani, Sunil The Idea of India.. New York 1999. XXIV, 294 pages. Softcover. (#104776)135:-
Kini, Kulai Narayana Proposals for a Program of Vocational Education for Mysore (India).. Based upon Experiences in Mysore and the United States of America. Diss. Washington 1932. VIII, 205 pages. Softcover. Stamped. (#112582)125:-
Kitch, Ethel May The Origin of Subjectivity in Hindu Thought.. Diss. Chicago 1917. 82 pages. Softcover. Stamped. (#79106)150:-
Konow, Sten Hinduismen I-II.. Det religiösa livet i Indien. Illustr. Sthlm 1927. 272 sidor. Häftade. 2 vol. Bakre omslag loss på del I. (#122324)150:-
Krishna, Bal Commercial Relations between India and England (1601-1757). With a map. London 1924. xxii,370 pages. Original cloth. Ex library copy in very good condition. (#174956)300:-
Krishnayya, Stephen Ganugapati The Rural Community and the School.. The Message of Negro & Other American Schools for India. Diss. (New York) Calcutta 1932. XXIV, 161 pages + plates. Softcover. Stamped. (#106786)200:-
Kumar, Satish Rana Polity in Nepal.. Origin and Growth. London (printed in India) 1967. 195 pages + folding map. Original cloth in dustjacket. (#71185)200:-
Kural of Tiruvalluver.. High-Tamil Text with Translation into Common Tamil and Latin, Notes and Glossary by Charles Graul. Published by William Germann. Leipzig 1865. x, 336 pages. Bound with wrappers in half leather. Foxed. Bibliotheca Tamulica 4. (#92119)500:-
Kuruntogai.. Madras 1961. Reprint of the 1955 edition. The South India Saiva Siddhanta works publishing sosiety, Tinnevelly, Ltd. Original cloth. Dust jacket. In Tamil language only. (#181750)350:-
Lambrick, H.T. Sind.. A General Introduction. Hyderabad 1964. xvi, 274 pages + maps. Original cloth. Dust jacket. History of Sind Series Volume I. (#65828)200:-
Le Bhaguat-Geeta, ou Dialogues de Kreeshna et d'Arjoon;. Contenent un Précis de la Religion & de la Morale des Indiens. Traduit du Samscrit, (sic!) la Langue sacrée des Brahmes, en Anglois, par M. Charles Wilkin; et de l'Anglois en Francois, par M. Parraud. Londres 1787. (2),clxii,180 pages. 8:vo. Contemporary, slightly worn full leather (calf). Small name on title-page. Interor very fine. (#190371)2500:- (bild)
Lehmann, Edv. Buddha.. Hans liv och hans gärning. Illustr. Malmö 1928. 289 sidor. Något lite nött halvfranskt band. (#35638)145:-
Lehmann, Edv. Buddha.. Hans lære og dens gærning. Kbhvn 1907. 260 sidor. Häftad. (#80297)100:-
Le May, Reginald The Culture of South-East Asia.. The heritage of India. London 1956. 222 pages + maps and illustrations. Original cloth. No jacket. Pencil underlinings and notes. (#180757)150:-
Levi, Werner Free India in Asia.. Minneapolis 1952. 161 pages. Original cloth. Dust jacket. (#76241)135:-
Lienhard, Siegfried (ed.) Nevarigitimanjari.. Religious and Secular Poetry of the Nevars of the Kathmandu Valley. Sthlm 1974. 332 pages. Softcover. (#46473)170:-
Lindberg, Staffan The Madharis.. An Ex-Untouchable Caste in South India. Socio-Economic and Religious Aspects of Conversion into Christianity and Urbanisation-Industialization. Diss. Lund 1969. VIII, 135, 19 pages. A4. Softcover stencil edition. (#49610)175:-
Lindblad, Jan Djungelbokens värld.. Illustr. Sthlm 1980. 247 sidor. Originalklotband med skyddsomslag. (#57937)125:-
L'Inde du Bouddha.. Vue par des Pèlerins Chinois sous la dynastie Tang (VIIe siècle). Présentation d'etiemble. Texte établi et annoté par Catherine Meuwese. Paris 1968. 319 pages. Softcover. (#84232)130:-
Lindquist, Sigurd Siddhi und Abhiñña.. Eine Studie über die klassischen Wunder des Yoga. Uppsala 1935. 99 pages. Softcover. (#44598)145:-
Lobo, Jerónimo The Itinerário.. Transl. by Donald M. Lockhart. From the Portuguese Text Established and Edited by M.G. da Costa. With an Introduction and Notes by C.F. Beckingham. London 1984. XXVI, 417 pages + plates and maps. Original cloth. Stamped. The Hakluyt Society. (#80411)185:-
Macaulay, Thomas Babington Indiens erövrare.. Med bidrag av Knut Hagberg och Hans Forssell. Stockholm 1943. 266 sidor + planscher. Häftad. (#175307)140:-
Macaulay, Thomas Babington Indiens erövrare.. Med bidrag av Knut Hagberg och Hans Forssell. Stockholm 1943. 266 sidor + planscher. Häftad. Lätt nött. (#163309)125:-
MacDonell, Arthur A. A History of Sanskrit Literature.. Delhi 1971. 406 pages. Hardcover. (#122321)135:-
MacDonell, Arthur A. A History of Sanskrit Literature.. London, Heinemann 1909. x,472 pages. Original cloth, slightly damaged. (#187452)135:-
Macdougall, William Charles, The Way of Salvation in the Ramayan of Tulasi Das.. Dissertation, Univ. of Chicago 1926. (4),269 pages. Soft covers. Small stamp on front cover. First edition. (#205822)350:-
MacMunn, George The Romance of the Indian Frontiers.. London 1931. 352 pages + plates and map. Original cloth. Stamped. (#174952)150:-
Madhaviar, A. Clarinda, a Historical Novel.. Madras, Printed for the Cambridge Press, Tondiarpet 1915. (4),viii,258 pages + 7 pages advertisments. Original green cloth with worn surface and top and bottom of spine. (#184857)1000:-
Madras State District Atlas.. Publiched under the direction of Mr. H. St. C. Gilby. Madras 1952. One page + 14 double-page maps. Folio. Original hard covers. (#191793)900:-
Madsen, Kjeld Elden och hjulet.. En essä om indisk filosofi. Nora 2003. 272 sidor. Originalpappband i skyddsomslag. (#107288)170:-
Madura.. A Tourist's Guide. Madras 1913. 204 pages + plates. Original hardcover. Stamped. Spine intact but the book block is broken in two. (#121270)175:-
Maha Thera Jati Dukkha Wibhagaya. or Kayawirati Gatha. Edited by Nanaratana Tissa Thera. Colombo 1914. 76 pages. Cloth. Stamped. Pali text only. (#85354)170:-
Malleson, G.B. The Founders of the Indian Empire.. Lord Clive. With a portrait and four plans. London 1882. xl,516 pages. Original cloth. Ex library copy. (#174957)250:-
Manikam, Rajah B. Missionary Collegiate Education in the Presidency of Madras, India.. A Study of the Historical Development, the Contributions and the Religious Educational Program of Mission Colleges in the Presidency. Diss. Lancaster 1929. VIII, 158 pages + folding tables. Softcover. Stamped. (#140857)250:-
Mansinha, Mayadhar The Saga of the Land of Jagannatha.. Cuttack no date. III, 288, IV pages + plates. Original cloth. (#70911)225:-
Marshall, John A guide to Taxila.. Cambridge, The University Press,1960. X,196 pages.+ plates. Original cloth. Dust jacket. (#198136)150:-
Marshall, John A Guide to Taxila.. Varanasi 1972. viii, 132 pages + xxix plates, some of which are folding maps and plans. Original cloth, stained. (#67995)150:-
Mathew, Cheruvathur Cheru A Study of the American Agricultural Extension Work. and Its Application to the Villages of the Native State of Cochin, India. Diss. New York 1931. 165, IV pages. Softcover. Stamped. (#77947)130:-
Medinikara Nanartha Sabda Kosa or Medini Kosa.. Edited with an Introduction, Index etc., by Sahtyacharya Pt. Jagannath Sastri Hoshing. Varanasi 1968. Hardcover. The Kashi Sanskrit Series 41. (#112269)120:-
Mehta, Gita Klättra och kana.. En personlig skildring av det moderna Indien. Sthlm 1998. 240 sidor. Originalpappband i skyddsomslag. (#104419)150:-
Mehta, Ved Mahatma Gandhi and His Apostles.. Penguin 1982. 260 pages. Softcover. (#105654)110:-
Memorial.. Submitted to His Excellency the Viceroy and Governor-General of India by The Rajas and Chiefs of Central India Holding Relations Guaranteed by the British Government with the Gwalior State and Other Superior States ... The Malwa Stationery & Printing Works, Ltd. Indore no date (early 1920:ies). (4), 95 pages. Folio. Half cloth. First 7 leaves repaired without loss of text. (#99528)500:-
Menon, K.D. Tripura District Gazetteers.. 1975. (6),476 pages + 28 plates. Original cloth. (#68166)250:-
Meshram, Pradip Saligram Early Caves of Maharashtra.. A Cultural Study. Illustr. Delhi 1991. 172 pages. + plates. Hard covers. (#51628)160:-
Misra, B.B. The Indian Middle Classes.. Their Growth in Modern Times. London 1961. 438 pages. Original cloth with dustjacket. (#150370)150:-
Misra, Devaswarupa Mahabhasyanigudhakutayah.. Varanasi 1978. Original cloth. Sarasvati Bhavana Studies Vol. XXII. (#92060)200:-
Mitra, Debala Ajanta.. Ninth edition. New Delhi 1983. 80 pages + plates. Softcover. (#123433)125:-
Mitra, Sisir Kumar The Early Rulers of Khajuraho.. Foreword by B.C. Sen. Calcutta 1958. XIV, 253 pages + plates. Original cloth. Dust jacket. (#66241)200:-
Mode, Heinz Die Skultptur Ceylons.. Diss. Basel 1942. 88 pages. Softcover. Stamped. (#146500)150:-
Monroy, Antonio Indien.. Uppsala, Förlagshuset Fyris 1987. 4:o. 287 sidor. Förlagets klotband med skyddsomslag. (#193331)200:-
Mookerji, Radha Kumud Hindu Civilization.. (From the Earliest Times up to the Establishment of the Maurya Empire). Bombay 1950. XII, 359 pages + plates. Original cloth in dustjacket. (#70869)225:-
Moraes, Dom Gone Away.. An Indian Journal. London 1960. 240 pp. Ocl. (#41054)160:-
Moray, M.S. History of Buddhism in Gujarat.. Ahmedabad 1985. VIII, 145 pages + plates. Original cloth in dustjacket. Front hinge broken. (#106540)75:-
Morris-Jones, W.H. Parliament in India.. London 1957. 417 pages. Original cloth with dustjacket. (#150360)150:-
Mukherjee, B.N. The Paradas.. A Study in Their Coinage and History. Calcutta 1972. xvi, 152 pages + plates. Original cloth. Dust jacket. (#67956)200:-
Mukherjee, Ramkrishna The Dynamics of Rural Society.. A Study of the Economic Structures in Bengal Villages. Berlin 1957. 134 pages. Hardcover. (#49323)150:-
Mulay, Sumati Studies in the Historical and Cultural Geography and Ethnography of the Deccan.. (Based entirely on the inscriptions of the Deccan from 1st-13th century A.D.). Poona 1972. VIII, 355 pages + maps. Soft covers. Spine worn. (#65637)200:-
Munshi - Munshi Indological Felicitation Volume.. A Volume of Indological Studies by Eminent Scholars of India and Other Countries Presented to Dr. K.M. Munchi on His Completion of Seventy-five Years in December 1962. Edited by J.H. Dave and others. Bombay 1963. viii, 412 pages. Soft covers. Spine missing. Bharatiya Vidya Volume XX-XXI, 1960-61. (#31580)250:-
Munsterberg, Hugo Art of India and Southeast Asia.. Illustr. New York 1970. 263 pages. Original cloth in dustjacket. (#121491)140:-
Murdoch, John Hindu and Muhammadan Festivals.. Compiled from Wilson, Wilkins, Crooke, Sell, Hughes and other writers. Madras 1904. viii, 88 pages. Original hard covers. First edition, two thousand copies. (#157146)200:-
Murthi Dhyanam.. Edited by Siromani S. Swaminatha Sastri. Thanjavur 1985. XVIII, 224 pages. Softcover. In Sanskrit and Tamil with transcription in Roman letters. (#128208)145:-
Murthy, A.V. Narasimha The Coins of Karnataka.. Illustrated. Mysore 1975. 254 pages. Original cloth. Dust jacket. (#68099)200:-
Murthy, K. Krishna Early Indian Secular Architecture.. Illustr. Delhi 1987. xvi, 113 pages + plates. Original cloth. Dust jacket. (#84540)150:-
Myrdal, Jan Indien väntar.. Bilder av Gun Kessle. 1980. 408 sidor. Förlagsband med skyddsomslag. (#43014)145:-
Mythes et légendes extraits des Brâhamana.. Traduis du sanskrit et annotés par Jean Varenne. Paris 1967. 204 pages. Softcover. (#107132)150:-
Nagesa Bhatta (Nagesabhatta) Brhat-Sabdendusekhara 1-3.. Varanasi 1960. Hard covers. 3 volumes. Sarasvati Bhavana Granthamala Vol. 87. (#52742)500:-
Naik, A.V. Inscriptions of the Deccan.. An Epigraphical Survey. (Circa 300 B.C. - 1300 A.D.) Mysore no date (c. 1950). 160 pages. Soft covers. Reprinted from The Bulletin of the Deccan College Research Institute, Poona. (#76042)150:-
Naipaul, V.S. India.. A Million Mutinies Now. Minerva 1990. 521 pages. Paperback. (#211418)100:-
Naipaul, V.S. India. A Million Mutinies Now. London 1990. 521 pages. Pocket. (#217279)100:-
Nair, Kusum De indiska byarna - rörelse i stagnation.. Sthlm 1962. 282 sidor. Häftad. (#101062)140:-
Namdev The Hindi Padavali.. A critical edition of Namdev's Hindi songs with translation and annotation [by] Winand M. Callewaert, Mukund Lath. Illustr. Delhi 1989. 430 pages. Original cloth in dustjacket. Front hinge broken. (#123924)125:-
Nanavati, J.M. & Dhaky, M.A. The Maitraka and the Saindhava Temples of Gujarat.. Ascona 1969. 83 pages + plates. 4:o. Original cloth. Dust jacket. Artibus Asiae. Supplementum XXVI. (#76021)350:-
Nandy, Ashis The Intimate Enemy.. Loss and Recovery of Self under Colonialism. Delhi 1991. XX, 121 pages. Softcover. (#104766)110:-
Narayana Hitopadesa.. Edited with a Sanskrit commentary Marma-Prakasika and notes in English by M.R. Kale. Motilal Banarsidass, Delhi 1980. Original stiff wrappers. (#157055)160:-
Narrinai nanooru.. Ed. P.V. Camacundaran. The South India Saiva Siddhanta Works publishing society, Tennevelly, Ltd. Madras 1962 (reprint of the 1952 edition). Original cloth. Dust jacket. In Tamil language only. (#181754)350:-
Nath, R.M. The Back-Ground of Assamese Culture.. Second edition. Gauhati 1978. (16), 158, x, (6), (6) pages + map and 13 plates. Original half cloth. Dust jacket. (#55411)150:-
Nehru, Jawaharlal Dagens och morgondagens Indien.. Sthlm 1960. 34 sidor. Häfte. (#118278)75:-
Nehru, Jawaharlal India's Foreign Policy.. Selected Speeches, September 1946 - April 1961. Delhi c. 1965. 612 pp. Rear wrapper torn. (#41076)175:-
Nerhu - Tibor Mende Conversations with Mr. Nerhu.. London 1956. London 1956. 144 pages. Original cloth. Dust jacket. (#76239)125:-
Newman, Henry Stanley What I Saw In India.. London, S.W. Partridge no date (1885). Map, (8),170,(2) pages. In original decorated cloth. Inner hinges weak. (#189810)150:-
Nilsson, Sten (editor) Aspects of Conservation in Urban India.. Illustrated. Lund University PPress 1995. 240 pages. 4:o. Soft covers. (#191332)500:-
Nilsson, Sten Åke Fem huvudstäder i Indien och Pakistan.. En kritisk genomgång. Illustr. Lund 1970. 70 sidor. Häftad. (#163985)90:-
Nolan, E.H. A History of the British Empire in India and the Eas. One section of the book, containing page 593-792 + 8 engraved plates and a map. C. 1860, In oruginal decorated red cloth. Very fine, (#199414)500:-
Noronha, George E. Background in the Education of Indian Girls.. Diss. Washington 1939. X, 237 pages. Softcover. Stamped. (#73334)250:-
Olcott, Mason Village Schools and Teachers in India.. Diss. Calcutta (Colombia Univ.) 1926. 235 pages. Soft covers. Stamped. (#57243)140:-
Olsson, Gustaf 1935 års indiska författning.. Lund 1942. 108 sidor. Häftad. Fahlbeckska stiftelsen. (#63156)100:-
Olsson, Gustaf Den indiska författningskrisen.. Lund 1929. 289 sid. + utvikbar karta. Häftad. Fahlbeckska stiftelsen XIII. (#58787)120:-
Olsson, Torvald & Werth, Lukas Sjakalerna.. Nomader i kastsamhällets utkant. Studier av sjakalerna och de f.d. oberörbara kasternas sociala organisation, religion och utvecklingsproblem. Illustr. Sthlm 1990. 183 sidor. Häftad. (#104427)120:-
Padmanabhadatta The Supadma-Vyakarana.. By R.S. Saini. Delhi 1989. Originsl cloth. Dust jacket. Sanskrit text only. (#84477)150:-
Padumanar, Acharya Naladiyara.. With original Tamil, English translation and poetic translation in Sanskrit and Hindi. Edited by M. Vinya Sagar and others. Introduction by Mandan Mishra. Jaipur 1990. 236 pages. Original cloth. Dust jacket. (#84489)150:-
Pagar, Shankar Madhav The Indian Income Tax.. Its History, Theory, and Practice. Diss. New York (Baroda) 1920. 223 pages. Softcover. Stamped. (#145165)200:-
Pandeya, Ramajna Vyakaranadarsanabhumika.. Edited by Gaurinath Sastri. Varanasi 1982. Original cloth. Dust jacket. Sarasvatibhvana-Studies 11. Second edition. (#92177)150:-
Pandeya, Ramajna Vyakarana darsana-pithika.. Varanasi 1965. Original cloth. Sarasvati Bhavana Studies 12. (#92178)200:-
Pandeya, Ramajna Vyakaranadarsanapithika.. Edited by Garinath Sastri. Varanasi 1986. Original cloth. Dust jacket. Sarasvatibhavana-Studies 12. Second edition. (#92175)150:-
Pandeya, Ramajna Vyakaranadarsanapratima.. Edited by Sri Ramagovinda Sukla. Varanasi 1979. Original cloth. Dust jacket. Front hinge cracked. Sarasvati Bhavana Studies XXIII. (#157062)130:-
Panhwar, M.H. Chronological Dictionary of Sind.. From Geological Times to 1539 A.D. Jamshoro 1983. xxviii, 396, 66, 70 pages + maps, tables and plates. Original cloth. Dust jacket. (#58741)250:-
Panikkar, K. Madhu Common Sense about India.. New York 1960. 174 pp. Ocl. (#41068)150:-
Panschatantra.. Das Fabelbuch des Pandit Wischnu Scharma. Aus dem Sanskrit von G.L. Chandiramani et al. Köln 1971. 264 pages. Original cloth in dustjacket. (#163101)125:-
Papageienbuch, Das. Herausgegeben und aus dem Sanskrit übertragen von Wolfgang Morgenroth. Illustrationen von Renate Göritz. Rütten & Loening, Berlin 1968. 326 pages. Original cloth. Dust jacket. Original title: Schukasaptati. (#118418)250:-
Paripatal (mulam um uraiyum). Ed, P.V. Comacuntaran. Madras 1957. Original cloth. Dust jacket. Alt. title: Pari Paadal. In Tamil language only. (#181747)350:-
Patel, C.B. Dynastic History of Nalas.. History and Culture of Central Easten India, Orissa-Madhya Pradesh under the Nalas (c. 300-1000 A.D.). Calcutta 1990. XXIV, 292, VI pages + plates and map. Original cloth. Dust jacket. (#66170)175:-
Patirruppattu (mulamum vilakka uraiyum). Ed. Turaicamippillai. The South India Saiva Siddhanta Works publishing society, Tinnevelly, Ltd. Madras 1963 (reprint of the 1950 edition). Original cloth. Dust jacket. (#181753)350:-
Paul, K.D. South Pañchala.. A Study in Historical and Cultural Geography. Kanpur 1985. xvi,146 pages. Original cloth. (#76190)150:-
Paul, Pramode Lal The Early History of Bengal 1-2.. (From the Earliest Times to the Muslim Conquest.) Calcutta 1939-40. (8), viii, 158 + (10), 158 pages + map. Original half cloth. 2 volumes. (#76045)800:-
Paustian, Paul W. Canal Irrigation in the Punjab.. An Economic Inquiry Relating to Certain Aspects of the Development of Canal Irrigation by the British in the Punjab. Diss. New York 1930. 179 pages + folding map. Softcover. Stamped. (#77231)125:-
Payne, Robert The Life and Death of Mahatma Gandhi.. London 1969. 703 pages + plates. Original cloth in dustjacket. (#123605)150:-
Perkins, Roger Kashmir Gate.. Lieutenant Home & the Delhi VCs. Illustrated. Picton publ. 1983. 161 pages. Original cloth. Dust jacket. (#175306)150:-
Pertold, Otaker Ceremonial Dances of the Sinhalese.. An inquiry into Sinhalese folk religion. Tisara Prakasakayo 1973. xii,142 pages. Stiff wrappers. (#191921)140:-
Plaeschke, Herbert Buddhistische Kunst.. Illustr. Leipzig 1970. 194 pages + map. Hard covers. Lower part of spine damaged. (#52690)130:-
Political Visions and Social Realities in Contemporary South India.. Edited by Lars Berge and Gunnel Cederlöf. Falun 2003. 233 pages. Soft covers. (#172637)150:-
Poplai, Sundar Lal & Talbot, Phillips India and America.. A Study of Their Relations. New Delhi no date (c. 1950). 200 pp. Ocl. (#41056)145:-
Pradhan, Sita Nath Chronology of Ancient India.. From the Times of the Rgvedic King Divodasa to Chandragupta Maurya, with Glimpses into the Political of the Period. Calcutta 1927. xxxii, 291 pages + folding table. With wrappers in half cloth. (#68145)350:-
Prakrit Dhammapada.. Based upon M. Senart's Kharosthi Manuscript with Text, Translations and Notes by Benimadhab Barua and Sailendranath Mitra. Delhi 1988. a-p, lv, 238, xii pages. Original cloth in dustjacket. (#84520)150:-
Premcabd Die Schachspieler.. Erzählungen. Aus dem Hindi übersetzt. Wiesbaden 1989. 142 pages. Soft covers. (#156010)110:-
Prince Vajirañanavarorasa Numerical Sayings of Dhamma 2.. (Dhamma Vibhaga.) Published by The Mahamakut Buddhist University, Thailand. 2513/1970.(26),207 pages. Soft covers. Covers reinforced on inside with adhesive tape. (#204092)150:-
Qanungo, Kalika-Ranjan History of the Jats I.. A Contribution to the History of Northern India. To the Death of Mirza Najaf Khan, 1782 (all publ.). Calcutta 1925. viii, ii, 377, (5) pages + plates. Original cloth or half cloth with protective paper glued to the inside of the boards. Inscribed by the author. A few worm-holes. (#138736)500:-
Quigley, Declan The Interpretation of Caste.. Oxford 1995. IX, 184 pages. Softcover. (#104762)125:-
Radjasekharan, Gundappa The Problem of Fatigue in Relation to the Programme of "Basic Education" in India.. A Contribution to Some Problems in the Psycho-Physiology of Motivation. Diss. Uppsala 1961. 242 pages. Soft covers. (#133970)150:-
Rajaratnam - Empowering Society.. Dr. K. Rajaratnam's platinum birth anniversary commemoration volume 2. Edited by Prasanna Kumari. Madras 1995. xlii,607 pages. Original cloth. Dust jacket. Library stamps, otherwise very fine copy. Se also "Liberating Witness". (#170975)250:-
Rajaratnam - Liberating Witness.. Dr. K. Rajaratnam's platinum birth anniversary commemoration volume 1. Edited by Prasanna Kumari. Madras 1995. xxxiv,671 pages. Original cloth. Dust jacket. Library stamps, otherwise very fine copy. Se also "Empowering Society". (#170973)250:-
Ramacandracarya Prakriyakaumudi I.. With Prakasa by Srikrisna. Edited with his "Rasmi" by Muralidhara Misra. Varanasi 1977. Original cloth. Dust jacket. First edition, 500 copies. Sarasvati Bhavana-Granthamala Vol. 111. (#156937)350:-
Ramachandran, T.N. Buddhist Sculptures From a Stupa Near Goli Village, Guntur District.. Madras 1962. 47 pages + plates. Softcover. (#121710)125:-
Rangnekar, D.K. Poverty and Capital Development in India.. Contemporary Investment Patterns Problems and Planning. London 1958. 316 pages. Original cloth. (#150355)150:-
Readings in Indian Agricultural Development.. Ed. Pramit Chaudhuri. London 1972. 192 pp. Softcover. (#10271)70:-
Recasting Women.. Essays in Colonial History. New Delhi 1993. 372 pages. Softcover. One corner bumped. (#103855)110:-
Religion in India. Edited by T.N. Madan. Delhi 1992. XVII, 460 pages. Softcover. (#36770)130:-
Religiousness in Sri Lanka.. Edited by John Carter Ross. Colombo 1979. 300 pages. Original cloth. Ex-library copy in good condition. (#82821)150:-
Rg-Bhasya-Sangraha.. A Handbook of Rgvedic Hymns. Edited by Devraj Chanana. Delhi 1961. Original hard covers. First edition. (#92126)150:-
Rice, Stanley Hindu Customs and Their Origins.. With a foreword by H.H. The Maharaja Gaekwar of Baroda. London 1937. 219 pages. Original cloth. Dust jacket damaged. (#188152)250:-
Richter, Julius A History of Missions in India.. Translated by Sydney H. Moore. Edinburgh and London 1908. viii, 469 pages + map. Later cloth. A few underlinings with red pencil. Ex library. (#127600)200:-
Rizvi, Janet Ladakh.. Crossroads of High Asia. Delhi 1989. XII, 224 pages. Softcover. (#103966)110:-
Rodhe, Sten Deliver us from Evil.. Studies on the Vedic Ideas of Salvation. Diss. Lund 1946. 207 pages. Softcover. (#40207)145:-
Rosén-Hockersmith, Eva Buddhismen i Bangladesh.. En studie av en minoritetsreligion. Akad. avh. Uppsala 1985. 191 sidor. Häftad. (#50378)135:-
Rossander, Carl J. Rubinön.. Reseminnen från Ceylon. Illustrerad. Sthlm 1894. 142 sidor + planscher. Häftad. (#138978)250:-
Roy, Arundhati Priset för att leva.. Nora 2001. 127 sidor. Originalpappband. (#94595)110:-
Rydh, Hanna Rang Mahal.. The Swedish Archaeological Expedition to India 1952-1954. With Contributions by Holger Arbman Illustr. Lund 1959. 218 pages + 86 plates and folding tables. 4:o. Softcover. (#4818)250:-
Rönnow, K. Trita Aptya I.. Eine vedische Gottheit (all publ.). Diss. Uppsala 1927. XXVIII, 192 pages. Softcover. (#38826)150:-
Sachdeva, D.R. & Dua, B.D. Studies in Indian Administration.. Allahabad 1969. 504 pages. Original cloth in torn dustjacket. (#123608)150:-
Sager, Peter Moskaus Hand in Indien.. Untersuchung über die sowjetische Propaganda in Indien. Bern 1966. 232 pp. Boards. (#41060)150:-
Sahajakirti Siddhasabdarnava.. Edited by M.G. Panse. Poona 1965. 36, [228] pages. Softcover. (#88989)200:-
Sahityaratnakose Vedakhyanakalpadrumah.. (An anthology of Brahmansam, Samhitas and Upanisads) Edited by Vidya Niwas Misra. New Delhi 1992. Original hard cover with dust jacket. In sanskrit only. (#183662)150:-
Saint-Hilaire, Barthelemy. Du Bouddhisme et de sa littérature a Ceylan et en Birmanie.. Collection de M. Grimblot, Vice-consul de France à Ceylan. Extrait du Journal des Savants (1866). 48 pages. Soft, worn covers. (#82859)200:-
Sakatayana Sabdanusasana.. Togeteher with the Amoghavrtti. Printed around 1960. 109 + 476 pages. Original half cloth Sakatayana-Vyakaranam. In sanskrit only. (#183426)300:-
Sampath, M.D. Chittoor Through the Ages.. Delhi 1980. XX, 267 pages + plates. Original cloth. Dust jacket. (#65673)200:-
Sampurnanand Indian Socialism.. London 1961. 132 pp. Ocl. (#41070)150:-
Samyutta-Nikaya III.. Khandha-vagga. Edited by M. Leon Feer. London 1960. xiv, 291 pages. Original hard covers. Spine worn. Pali Text Society. (#134390)300:-
Sandahl-Forgue, Stella Le Gitagovinda.. Tradition et innovation dans le kavya. Diss. Sthlm 1977. 276 pages. Softcover. (#45305)175:-
Sandegren, Johannes Om Sydindiens rövarekaster och deras religiösa värld.. Studier och upplevelser. Stockholm 1924. 264 sidor. Häftad. Stämpl. Något nött. (#158739)110:-
Sangharakkhita Thera Vuttodaya.. (Exposition of Metre). A Pali Text, Edited with Translation and Notes by G.E. Fryer. Calcutta 1877. 44 pages. Half cloth. Pencil notes. (#138569)250:-
Sankalia, Hasmukh D. Prehistory of India.. Illustrated. New Delhi 1977. xvi,211 pages + plates and maps. Original cloth. Dust jacket. (#67133)150:-
Sankalia, Hasmukh D. The Archæology of Gujarat.. (Including Kathiawar). Bombay 1941. (10), X, (6), 268, 109 pages + 42 plates. Original half cloth. Dust jacket. (#66184)750:-
Santal Folk Tales II.. Edited by P.O. Bodding. Oslo 1927. 403 pages. Soft covers. Stamped. Volume II of III. (#155191)200:-
Santal Folk Tales III.. Edited by P.O. Bodding. Oslo 1929. 411 pages. Soft covers. Stamped. Volume III of III. (#155192)200:-
Sarasangaha.. Edited by Genjun H. Sasaki. London 1992. 359 pages. Original cloth. Pali Text Society. (#84458)200:-
Sarma - Sri Mallampalli Somasekhara Sarma Commemoration Volume.. Editors R. Subrahmanyam and N. Ramesan. Hyderabad 1976. 479 pages. Original cloth. Dust jacket. Hinges cracked, i.e. book-block loose in boards. Journal of the Andhra Historical Research Society. (#70639)200:-
Sarma, Bina Kumari The History of Somavamsi Rule in Orissa.. Calcutta 1983. xiv, 119 pages + plates. Original cloth. Dust jacket. Orissan Studies Project No. 15. (#70674)150:-
Sarma, I.K. Studies in Early Buddhist Monuments and Brahmi Inscriptions of Andhra Desa.. Nagpur 1988. 132 pages + plates. Hard covers. (#51719)165:-
Sastri, Gummaluri Sangameswara Sangameswarakrodum on Jagadisa's Siddhantalashanam.. Anandra University 1933. Soft covers. Front cover loose. Text in Hindi. (#216026)120:-
Sastri, K.A. Nilakanta Sources of Indian History.. With Special Reference to South India. London (printed in India) 1964. (8), 113 pages. Original cloth. Dust jacket. (#63138)150:-
Sastri, S. Srikantha Sources of Karnataka History 1.. Mysore 1940. xlviii, 238 pages + tables. Original hardcover. (#82900)160:-
Satthianadhan, Krupabai Kamala.. Eine Geschichte aus dem Hinduleben. Autorisiert Übersetzung. Leipzig 1898. Portrait. 288 pages. Original cloth. (#78918)150:-
Schalk, Peter God as a Remover of Obstacles. A Study of Caiva Soteriology among Ilam Tamil Refugees in Stockholm, Sweden.. Illustrated. Uppsala 2004. 299 pages. Soft covers. Inscribed by a co-editor. (#204709)160:-
Schiff, Leonard M. The Present Condition of India.. A study of social relationships. Quality Press, London 1939. 196 pages. Original cloth. Dust jacket. Foreword by Jawahar Lal Nehru. (#185160)250:-
Schlegel, August Wilhelm von Indische Bibliothek. I.. Ersten Band Erstes (bis Dritte) Heft (more publ.) Bonn, Eduard Weber 1820-22. xvi,1-128,(2),129-256,(2),257-370 pages. Contemporary half leather with worn surface. Interior clean, only a few small brown spots. (#215411)2000:- (bild)
Schmidt, Richard Beiträge zur indischen Erotik. Das Liebesleben des Sanskritvolkes.. Zweite, durchgesehene Auflage. Berlin, Barsdorf 1911. xii,692 pages. Original half cloth. (#18856)250:-
Schweitzer, Albert Die Weltanschauung der indischen Denker.. Mystik und Ethik. München 1935. 204 pages. Original cloth. (#129387)150:-
Sekharam, K. Balendu The Andhras Through the Ages.. Hyderabad 1973. xxii, 227, 288 pages. Repaired original half cloth. (#62435)250:-
Sen, Mala India's Bandit Queen.. The True Story of Phoolan Devi. New Delhi 1996. XXIV, 262 pages + plates. Softcover. (#104773)125:-
Shah, Tribhuvandas L. Ancient India 1-4.. History of Ancient India for 1000 Years. [From 900 B.C. to 100 A.D.]. Baroda 1938. 400 + 456 + 514 + 476 pages + plates. Original cloth. 4 volumes. Fine set. (#99621)1500:-
Sharma, Dasharatha Early Chauhan Dynasties.. A Study of Chauhan Political History, Chauhan Political Institutions and Life in the Chauhan Dominions. From 800 to 1316 A.D. Delhi 1959. xxviii, 364 pages + map. Original cloth. Dust jacket. (#64416)200:-
Sharma, R.K. The Kalachuris and Their Times.. Delhi 1980. xvi, 329 pages + plans and plates. Original cloth. (#66991)245:-
Sharma, R.K. The Kalachuris and Their Times.. Delhi 1980. xvi, 329 pages + plans and plates. Original cloth. Dust jacket. (#70648)250:-
Sharpe, Eric J. Not to Destroy But to Fulfil.. The Contribution of J.N. Farquhar to Protestant Missionary Thought in India before 1914. Diss. Uppsala 1965. 387 pages. Softcover. (#48483)160:-
Shastri, Bhagirath Prasad Tripathi Vagish Samskrtavanmayamanthanam.. Varanasi 1990. Original cloth. Dust jacket. (#76545)250:-
Shastri, Gopalcharandas "Shri Hari Van Vicharan Kavyam" I-II.. My Lord Shri Swaminarayan Prevail. Composed in Sanskrit and translated in Gujarati. India 1970. Original cloth. 2 volumes. Text in Gujarati and English. This is the third edition, the first in English. (#67112)300:-
Shilotri, Prabhaker S. Indo-Aryan Thought and Culture. and Their Bearing on Present Day Problems in India. Diss. New York 1913. 81 pages. Softcover. Stamped. (#73753)250:-
Shirer, William L. Gandhi.. A Memoir. Calcutta 1993. 204 pages. Softcover. (#105656)110:-
Shivdatta & Kashinath Pandurang Parab (editors Brhatkathamanjari of Ksemendra.. Published by Panini, New Delhi 1982. Original cloth. Reprinted from 1931 edition of Nirnaya Sagar Press, Bombay. (#216010)400:- (bild)
Shridharani, Krishnalal Mitt Indien.. Sthlm 1942. 343 sidor. Häftad. (#122295)125:-
Shrimali, Krishna Mohan History of Pancala I-II.. To c. AD 550. I: A Study. II: Corpus of Coins. Illustr. New Delhi 1983-85. XX, 255; 162 pages + plates. 4:o. Original cloth in dustjackets. 2 vols. (#70034)400:-
Shukla, Dinesh Chandra Early History of Rajasthan.. Delhi 1978. 252 pages. Original cloth. Dust jacket. (#65098)145:-
Shukla, H.L. History of the People of Bastar.. A Study of Tribal Insurgency. New Delhi 1992. XI, 436 pages. Original cloth in dustjacket. (#72510)275:-
Sial, Danish Samvetsfången.. Atlas 2022. 377 sidor. Förlagsband med skyddsomslag. (#217464)140:-
Siddalingaiya, Mooganaykankote Re-constructing Elementary Education in Mysore, India.. Diss. Mysore 1935. XV, 211 pages. Softcover. Stamped. (#67169)125:-
Simla Hill States 1910.. Compiled and Published under the Authority of the Punjab Government. Lahore 1911. Half cloth. Title-pages repaired. Punjab States Gazetteer, Volume VIII. (#66061)200:-
Singh, Bright D. Inflationary Price Trends in India Since 1939.. London 1961. 307 pages. Original cloth with dustjacket. (#150362)150:-
Singh, Karan Prophet of Indian Nationalism.. A Study of the Political Thought of Sri Aurobindo Ghosh 1893-1910. With a foreword by Jawaharlal Nehru. London 1963. 164 pages. Original cloth. Dust jacket. (#95054)150:-
Sinha, B.P. The Decline of the Kingdom of Magadha.. (Cir. 455-1000 A.D.). With a foreword by L.D. Barnett. Patna 1954. xxviii, 482 pages + plates. Original cloth. Dust jacket. (#63637)250:-
Sircar, D.C. Ancient Malwa and the Vikramaditya Tradition.. Delhi 1969. xii, 202 pages. Original cloth. Dust jacket. (#62378)150:-
Sivaprakasa kattalai. or The Manifestation of Siva. Shiyali 1932. 15, III, 32 pages. Hardcover with preserved wrappers. 15 pages in Tamil, the remainder in English. (#115567)150:-
Skönhetens spegel.. Konstskatter från Indien. Illustrerad. Östasiatiska Musset 1987. 234 sidor. Original pappband. (#98138)150:-
Smith, Donald Eugene India as a Secular State.. Princeton 1963. 518 pages. Original cloth with dustjacket. (#150364)150:-
Smith, R. Morton Dates and Dynasties in Earliest India.. (Translation and Justification of a Critical Text of the Purana Dynasties). Delhi 1973. X, 517 pages. Original cloth in dustjacket. (#71198)200:-
Smith, William L. The Myth of Manasa.. A Study in the Popular Hinduism of Medieval Bengal. Diss. Stockholm 1976. 201 pages. Softcover. (#44493)170:-
Smyth, R. & Thuillier, H.L. A manual of surveying for India, detailing the mode of operations on the revenue surveys in Bengal and the North - Western provinces. Prepared for the use of the Survey Department. Illustrated. Calcutta and London 1851. xxiv,718,lvi,(4) pages + 15 (of 18) plates and one table. Contemporary half leather. Some pages reinforced or repaired in margins. The missing plates are the frontespiece (Figures of Kelashees), Number 8 (Village plan and register N.W.P.) and 15 (Specimen of Imprived Khusrah. (#190540)1500:-
Soils of India.. By S.P. Raychaudhuri and others. Edited by D. Raghavan. Indian Counsil of Agricultural Research, New Delhi 1963. x,496 pages. Original cloth. Stamped. (#174643)300:-
Somani, Ram Vallabh Jain Inscriptions of Rajasthan.. Jaipur 1982. 342 pages. Hard covers. (#51705)185:-
Sommerfeld, Susanne Indienschau und Indiendeutung romantischer Philosophen.. Diss. Zürich 1943. 108 pages. Softcover. Stamped. (#111448)150:-
South Asian Affairs.. Number One. Edited by Raghavan Iyer. London 1960. 155 pages. Original cloth. Dust jacket. St. Antony's Papers 8. (#105857)150:-
Spear, Percival India.. A Modern History. Michigan 1961. 491 pages. Original cloth with dustjacket. (#150359)150:-
Spear, Percival The Oxford History of Modern India.. 1740-1975. Second ed. Delhi 1990. 472 pages. Paperback. 2 pages with ink-spot. (#134533)90:-
Spencer, Daniel L. India, Mixed Enterprise and Western Business.. Experiments in Controlled Change for Growth and Profit. The Hague 1959. 252 pp. (#41062)170:-
Spiritual Songs in Tamil with Music.. 3, Stereotype Edition, Enlarged. Printed at the Church of Sweden Mission Press, Tranquebar, 1921. iv,69,(3) pages. Oblong 8:vo. Original, printed hard covers. Former owners name on front cover. (#184854)250:-
Steadman-Jones, Richard Colonialism and Grammatical Representation: John Gilchrist and the Analysis of the "Hindustani" Language in the Late Eighteenth and Early Ninethieenth Centuries.. Blackwell 2007. x,280 pages. Soft covers. Publications of the Philosophical Society 41. (#212345)150:-
Steiff, Eric Indien und Pakistan nach dem Himalajakrieg.. Zürich 1963. 156 pages. Softcover. (#150372)110:-
Stein, Burton The New Cambridge History of India 1.2 Vijayanagara.. Cambridge University Press 2005. xiv,156 pages. Paper back. As new (#212531)135:-
Stewart, William Religionsgränserna i Indien.. Sthlm 1965. 166 sidor. Häftad. (#60844)80:-
Strandberg, Samuel Luvarsal.. Indisk by i utveckling. Illustr. Lund 1971. 175 sidor. Pocket. (#123595)100:-
Structure and Change in Indian Society.. Edited by Milton Singer and Bernard S. Cohn. Chicago 1968. XVI, 507 pages. Original cloth in frayed dustjacket. Stamped. (#122484)150:-
Subrahmanian, N. History of Tamilnad.. (To A.D. 1336). Tamilnadu 1976. xvi, 440 pages + plates. Soft covers. (#66988)165:-
Sundkler, Bengt Church of South India.. The Movement Towards Union 1900-1947. London 1954. 460 pp. Orig. cloth. Pencil underlinings. (#47922)150:-
Sundström, Erland & Wikström, Jan-Erik Indien vid korsvägen.. Illustrerad. Sthlm 1962. 239 sidor + planscher. Förlagsband med skyddsomslag. (#161598)145:-
Sundström, Erland & Wikström, Jan-Erik Indien vid korsvägen.. Illustrerad. Sthlm 1962. 239 sidor + planscher. Häftad. (#101060)125:-
Suneson, Carl Richard Wagner och den indiska tankevärlden.. Aa Sthlm 1985. 99 sidor. Häftad. (#45268)115:-
Suparnadhyayah.. Suparni fabula. Edidit Elimar Grube. Leipzig 1975. (4),xxvi,52 pages. With printed wrappers in half leather. (#81686)225:-
Suryanarayana, Kolluru History of the Minor Chalukya Families in Medieval Andhradesa.. Delhi 1986. XXIV, 435 pages + plates. Original cloth. Dust jacket. (#65715)200:-
Svensson, Monica Som mitt hjärta såg det.... Monicas dagbok. 30 dagboksanteckningar från 2005 10 10 till 2006 10 12. Illustr. Utan tryckort 2007. 100 sidor. Häftad. "Jordbävningskatastrofen Pakistan 8 oktober 2005". (#163634)125:-
S'vetas'vataropanisad.. Including Original Passages, Construed Text (Anvaya) with a Literal Word by Word Translation, English Rendering of Each Passage, Copious Notes and Introductory Note by Swami Tyagis'ananda. Mylapore 1943. 133 pages. Soft covers. (#73515)100:-
Tagore, Rabindranath Mashi och andra berättelser.. Övers. Hugo Hultenberg. Sthlm 1920. 167 sidor. Original klotband. (#174046)120:-
Tagore, Rabindranath Min barndom.. Översättning från engelskan av Ella Myrin-Hillbom. Teckningar av Ulla Sundin. Stockholm 1956. 91 sidor. Förlagsband med skyddsomslag. (#221619)100:-
Taittiriyopanisad.. Including Original Passages, Construed Text (Anvaya) with a Literal Word by Word Translation, English Rendering of Each Passage, Copious Notes, and Introductory Note by Swami Sharvananda. Mylapore 1949. 169 pages. Soft covers. (#73518)120:-
Tarayana.. (Taragana.) An anthology of Bappabhattis's Prakrit Gathas compiled by Sankuka with an anonymous Sanskrit commentary. Edited by H.C. Bhayani. Prakrit Text Society 1987. Stiff wrappers. (#157048)120:-
Taylor, John Lettres politiques, commerciales et littéraires sur l'Inde ; ou Vues et intérêts de l'Angleterre, relativement à la Russie, à l'Indostan et à l'Egypte.. Ouvrage traduit de l'anglais. Paris, Marchant an IX - 1801. (6),xxxii,424 pages. Contemporary half leather. Interior with very few brown spots. Book-plate: Hammer. (#215137)950:- (bild)
Thapar, B.K. Recent Archaeological Discoveries in India.. Illustr. Paris, UNESCO 1985. 159 pages + plates. Softcover. (#158423)150:-
The Anguttara Nikaya. Catukkanipata & Pañcakanipata.. Editor Bhikkhu J. Kashyap. Bihar 1960. Original hard covers. Nalanda-Devanagari-Pali-Series. Sanskrit text only. (#215997)300:-
The Anguttara Nikaya. Ekakanipata, Dukanipata & Tikanipata.. Editor Bhikkhu J. Kashyap. Bihar 1960. Original hard covers. Nalanda-Devanagari-Pali-Series. Sanskrit text only. (#215998)300:-
The Anguttara Nikaya. Navakanipata, Dasakanipata & Ekadaskanipata.. Editor Bhikkhu J. Kashyap. Bihar 1960. Original hard covers. Nalanda-Devanagari-Pali-Series. Sanskrit text only. (#215996)300:-
The Anguttara-Nikaya V.. Dasaka-Nipata and Ekadasaka-Nipata. Edited by E. Hardy. London 1958. x, 422 pages. Original hard covers. Spine worn. Pencil underlinings. Pali Text Society. (#134392)250:-
The Digha Nikaya III.. Edited by J. Estlin Carpenter. London 1960. 327 pages. Original hard covers. Spine worn. Pencil underlinings. Pali Text Society (#134389)150:-
The Heart of Buddhism.. Being an Anthology of Buddhist Verse. Translated and edited by K.J. Saunders. London 1915. 96 pages. Original cloth. The Heritage of India. (#78913)100:-
The Indian Empire Reader.. Compiled from Hunter, Kaye, Strachey, Cunningham, Baines, and other writers. Second edition. London and Madras 1898. Portrait, viii, 179 pages. Together with: The Principal Nations of India. Compiled from Hunter, Dalton, Caldwell, Cust, Latham, and others. Illustr. London and Madras 1903. Map, (2), 156 pages. Half leather. Stamped. (#98663)300:-
The Indian Historical Quarterly 1925-1963.. (Part of) + Index. Vol. 1 part 1-2 (of 4) Original (?) half cloth. Vol. 2 part 2-4 in half cloth. Vol. 3 part 1-4 disbound, worn, page 225-234 missing, ends with page 884. Vol. 4 part 1-4, 1-2 disbound, worn, 3-4 in half cloth. Vol. 5 part 1-4, 1-3 in half cloth, 4 disbound, worn, ends with page 831. Vol. 6 part 1-2 in half cloth, many pages repaired without loss of text.Vol. 7 part 3-4, disbound, worn. Vol. 8 part 2-4 in half cloth.Vol 9 part 1-4, part 1 + part of the rest in copy, bound in later cloth. Vol. 10 missing. Vol. 11 part 3-4 in half cloth. Vol 12 part 1-3, part 1 disbound, worn, part 2-3 in half cloth. Vol 13, 14, 15 and 16 1-4, a few leaves in copy, later cloth 4 volumes. Vol 17 part 1-4 part 1-3 in copy, later cloth. Vol. 18-19 complete, half in copy, later cloth, one volume. Vol 20-22 complete, later cloth, one volume. Vol 23-25 complete, later cloth, one volume. Vol 26-27 complete, later cloth, one volume. Vol. 28 part 1, 3 and 4, half cloth. Vol. 29 part 1, 3 and 4, half cloth. vol. 30 part 2 and 4 in half cloth. Vol. 31 part 2 and 4 in half cloth. Volume 32 part 1-4 in half cloth. Vol 33, part 1-3, 1-2 in half cloth, 3 soft wrappers, worn spine. Vol. 34-39 complete, bound in 3 later cloth wit a few leaves in copy. Everything except the copied leaves are in the original edition. (#71822)3500:-
The Kathavatthu.. Edited by Bhikkhu J. Jashyap. Varanasi 1961. Original half cloth. Nalanda-Devanagari-Pali-Series. (#76636)350:-
The Pancappakarana-atthakatha II.. Kathãvatthu-atthakathã. Editor Mahesh Tiwary. Patna 1971. Original cloth. Volume II only. Sanskrit text. (#157013)200:-
The Pancappakarana-atthakatha III.. Yamaka-Patthãna-atthakathã. Editor Mahesh Tiwary. Patna 1972. Original cloth. Volume III only. Sanskrit text. (#157012)200:-
The Parivara.. Editor Bhikkhu J. Kashyap. Bihar 1958. Original hard covers. Nalanda-Devanagari-Pali-Series. Sanskrit text only. (#85293)300:-
The Patisambhidamagga.. Edited by Bhikkhu J. Kashyap. Varanasi 1960. Original cloth. Both inner hinges cracked. Nalanda-Devanagari-Pali-Series. (#76663)175:-
The Penguin Book of Indian Cartoons.. Selected and Introduced by Abu Abraham. Illustr. New Delhi 1988. Softcover. (#104931)100:-
The Quarterly Journal of the Andhra Historical Research Society.. Volume I, 1926 - volume 31, 1966. Bound in 10 volumes, green half cloth and green cloth. (#68158)4500:-
The Samantapasadika I-III.. The Commentary on Vinaya. Editor Birbal Sharma. Patna 1964-67. Original cloth. 3 volumes. Nava Nalanda Mahavihara Publication. (#92022)1000:-
The Samhitopanishadbrahmana. (being the Seventh Brahmana) of the Sâma Veda. The Sanskrit text with a commentary and index of words etc. edited by A.C Burnell. Magalore 1877. xxii, 49, xiii, (2) pages. Original stiff paper covers. Inscribed "With best regards of A.B." (#138561)200:-
The Sasanavamsa.. Edited by S. Mookerjee and C.S. Upasak. Nalanda 1961. Original cloth. (#61637)175:-
The State of India's Democracy.. Edited by Sumit Ganguly, Larry Diamond & Marc F. Plattner. Baltomore 2007. 231 pages soft covers. A few pages vith ink markings. (#170050)120:-
The Suttanipata-atthakatha I-II.. Editor Angraj Chaudhary. General editor Nathmal Tatia. Nalanda (Bihar) 1974-75. Original cloth. 2 volumes. Nava Nalanda Mahavihara Publications. (#92023)650:-
The Tirtha-Bhramana.. Printed by R.C. Mittra at the Visvakosha-Press, Calcutta c. 1920. Soft covers. Spine worn, covers damaged. (#216014)250:- (bild)
The Uttaradhyayanasutra.. Being the First Mulasutra of the Svetambara Jains. Edited with an introduction, critical notes and a commentary by Jarl Charpentier. Uppsala 1922. 409 pages. Softcovers. 2 volumes. Archives D'Études Orientales 18. (#44676)300:-
The Yamaka I-III.. General editor Bhikkhu J. Kashyap. Pali Publication Board (Bihar) 1961. Original hard covers. 3 volumes. Nalanda-Devanagari-Pali-Series. (#92025)650:-
Thiruvalluvar Kural.. Edited and translated by A. Ranganatha Mudaliyar. 1933. xxviii, 365 pages. Original half cloth with slightly worn spine. Tamil text and English translation. (#157068)350:-
Thurston, Edgar Castes and Tribes of Southern India I-VII.. Assisted by K. Rangachari. Madras 1909. 397 + 501 + 504 + 501 + 487 + 458 + 439 pages + plates. Original cloth. A couple of hinges weak and some foxing. 7 vols. (#121255)3000:-
Thusu, Kidar Nath Gond Kingdom of Chanda.. With particular reference to its political structure. Calcutta 1980. (6), 288 pages + plates and maps. Original half cloth. Dust jacket. (#66205)180:-
Tiliander, Bror Christian and Hindu Terminology.. A study in their mutual relations with special reference to the Tamil area. Diss. Uppsala 1974. 312 pages. Soft covers. Library stamps. Very fine copy. (#48571)120:-
Tiliander, Bror Christian and Hindu Terminology.. A Study in Their Mutual Relations with Special Reference to the Tamil Area. Sthlm 1974. 311 pages. Softcover. (#11597)150:-
Tinling, Christine I. India's Womanhood.. Forty Years' Work at Ludhiana. London 1935. 120 pp. + Plates. Foxed. (#40898)150:-
Tirtha, Narayana Kusumanjali-karika-vyakhya.. Edited by Shrinivas Shastri. Kurukshetra 1974. Soft covers. Stamped. Sanskrit text only. (#85375)125:-
Tiruvalluvar Tirukkural.. Sydindisk levnadsvisdom, statskunskap och kärlekskonst sammanfattad i 1330 epigram av tamilskalden Tiruvalluvar (omkr. 300-talet e. Kr.). I svensk tolkning av Yngve Frykholm. Sthlm 1971. 161 sidor. Pocket. (#68371)100:-
Tiwary, Mahesh (editor) The Saddhammasangaha.. Nava Nalanda Mahavihara, Nalanda, Patna 1961. Soft covers. Front wrapper loose. Text in Hindi. (#216025)150:-
Tobdan History and Religions of Lahul.. From the Earliest to Circa A.D. 1950. VIII, 111 pages. Original cloth in dustjacket. (#72512)150:-
Toynbee, Arnold J. Between Oxus and Jumna.. London 1961. 211 pages. Original cloth. Dust jacket. Exlibris. (#188888)160:-
Trayambaka Jotirvida Rajakanya Parinaya.. Nataka. Edited by T.R. Bhima Rao. Thanjavur 1985. XXVI, VIII, 52 pages. Softcover. In Marathi and Tamil. (#128209)125:-
Tripathi, Harish Chandra Mani Nipatarthanirnaya.. Varanasi 1990. Original cloth. Dust jacket. First edition, 1000 copies. Sarasvatibhavana-Studies 30. Text in Sanskrit only. (#92123)250:-
Tripathi, Sudarsanacarya Laghukasika 1-2.. Varanasi 1973-74. Original cloth. Weak hinges. First edition, 500 copies. Sarasvati Bhavana Granthamala Vol. 100. (#92097)450:-
Tripathi, Vijaya Prasada Samasavrttivimarsah.. Varanasi 1991. Original cloth. Dust jacket. First edition, 1000 copies. Sarasvatibhavana-Studies 42. (#92173)200:-
Tuneld, Ebbe Recherches sur la valeur des traditions bouddiques palie et non-palie.. Deux chapitres de la biographie du Bouddha. Étudiés d'après les sources palies, sanscrites, chinoises et thebétaines. Diss. Lund 1915. 239 pages. Soft covers. Stamped. (#34093)250:-
Tuxen, Poul Buddha och hans lära.. Sth 1930. 168 sidor. Häftad. (#38343)100:-
Udbhatasagara.. An Anthology of Sanskrit Epigrams. Compiled by Purna Chandra De. Delhi 1993. [184] pages. Original cloth. Dust jacket. Sanskrit text only. (#142435)175:-
Ur Indiens klassiska litteratur.. Urval och översättning med inledning och anmärkningar av Jarl Charpentier. Sth 1920. 239 sid. Häftad. (#22276)100:-
Ur Indiens klassiska litteratur.. Urval och översättning med inledning och anmärkningar av Jarl Charpentier. Sth 1920. 239 sidor. Halvklotband. (#3845)125:-
Urquhart, Margaret M. Bengalens kvinnor.. Sthlm 1929. 216 sidor. Häftad. (#84230)100:-
Wachtmeister, H. Turistskizzer från Indien.. Illustr. Sthlm 1894. 191 sidor + planscher & utvikbar karta. Vackert dekorerat originalklotband i mycket gott skick. (#209170)250:-
Wachtmeister, H. Turistskizzer från Indien.. Illustr. Sthlm 1894. 191 sidor + planscher & utvikbar karta. Vackert dekorerat originalklotband i mycket gott skick. Något lite lagerfläckar. (#127033)250:-
Vaidya, C.V. History of Mediæval Hindu India II.. (Being a History of India from 600 to 1200 A.D.). Early History of Rajputs (750 to 1000 A.D.). Poona 1924. viii, 354, xxii, ii pages + table and map. Original cloth. Volume II only. (#82867)200:-
Vaidya, P.L. (editor) Mahayanasutrasamgraha Part II.. Mithila Institute of Post-Graduate Studies and Research in Sanskrit Learning, Darbhanga, 1964. Soft covers with dust jacket. Fine copy. Buuhist Sanskrit Texts No. 18. Sanskrit text only. (#216021)300:- (bild)
Walch, James Faction and Front.. Party Systems in South India. Diss. Sthlm 1976 (printed in New Delhi). 464 pages. Original cloth in dustjacket. (#143985)175:-
Wallbank, T. Walter A Short History of India and Pakistan.. An Abridged Edition of India in the New Era, completely revised and up-to-date. Mentor Book 1958. 320 pages. Paperback. (#117674)100:-
Vambery, Hermann Den analkande striden om Indien. En skildring af Rysslands inkräktningar i Central-Asien och de faror som derigenom hota England.. Stockholm 1885. (2),215,(3) sidor + karta. Samtida halvklotband. (#201217)300:-
Vasudeva Saurikathodaya.. A Yamaka Poem. Edited with Translation, Notes and Introduction by Carl Suneson. Sth 1986. 191 pages. Original cloth. (#34621)175:-
Vatsyayana The Complete Kama Sutra.. The First Unabridged Modern Translation of the Classic Indian Text by Vatsyayana. Transl. by Alain Daniélou. Prepared with the help of Kenneth Hurry. Rochester, Vermont 1994. VII, 564 pages. Softcover. (#76912)175:-
Vatsyayana The Kama Sutra.. Transl. by Sir Richard Burton and F.F. Arbuthnot. Ed. with a preface by W.G. Archer. Intr. by K.M. Panikkar. London 1987. 296 pages. Original cloth in dustjacket. Former owners name. (#217074)150:-
Vatsyayana The Kama Sutra.. Transl. by Sir Richard Burton and F.F. Arbuthnot. Ed. with a preface by W.G. Archer. Intr. by K.M. Panikkar. London 1987. 296 pages. Original cloth in dustjacket. Former owners name. (#53676)150:-
Weld, William Ernest India's Demand for Transportation.. Diss. New York 1920. 127 pages. Softcover. Stamped. (#110446)125:-
Velugotivarivamsavali.. Edited with introduction by N. Venkata Ramanayya. Madras 1939. (8), 60, (4), 174 pages. Original half cloth. Worm-holes. (#66232)220:-
Venisamhara.. Drame sanskrit. Édité et traduit par Francine Bourgeois. Paris 1971. 248 pages. Soft covers. Publications de l'Institut de civilisation Indienne, 8°, 33. (#92138)225:-
Westphal-Hellbusch, Sigrid & Westphal, Hans Zur Geschichte und Kultur der Jat.. Berlin 1968. 368 pages. Soft covers. Forschungen zur Ethnologie und Sozialpsychologie Band 7. (#66247)200:-
Vethamuthu, K.J. Notes on Tiruvammanai and Tiruchalal.. And 150 Tamil Proverbs. Madras 1934. 75 pages. Interfoliated. Original cloth. (#122328)150:-
Who is Who in Bihar & Orissa?. Editor C.S. Ramanathan. Patna no date (c. 1940). 201 pages + plates. Half cloth. (#76111)150:-
Who's Who in India.. Second Supplement brought up to 1914. Popular edition. Lucknow 1914. 199, xxvii pages + portraits. Original half cloth. The preserved wrappers are wrinkled and the book contains a few worm holes. (#68138)200:-
Vibhangamlatika.. Tassanuvannanabhuta Bhadantacariya Dhammapalattherena Kata Vibhanga Anutika Sahita. Edited by Brahmadeva Narayan Sharma. Varanasi 1987. Original cloth. Dust jacket. Pali-Granthamala vol. 5. Sanskrit text only. (#85296)300:-
Wiesinger, Rita & Haekel, Josef Contributions to the Swinging Festival in Western Central India.. Illustr. Wien 1968. 26 pages + plates. Softcover. (#90617)100:-
Wilberforce-Bell, H. The History of Kathiawad from the Earliest Times.. With a preface by C.H.A. Hill. With illustrations and a map. xix, 313 pages. Photocopy of the edition from 1916. Cloth. (#157948)250:-
Wilberforce, Reginald G. An Unrecorded Chapter of the Indian Mutiny.. Being the Personal Reminiscences of Reginald G. Wilberforce, Late 52nd Light Infantry. Compiled From a Diary and Letters Written on the Spot. London, Murray 1894. xviii,(2),234 pages + plates. Original decorated cloth with something removed from the front. (#200493)400:- (bild)
Williams, L.F. Rushbrook The State of Pakistan.. London 1962. 254 pp. Ocl. (#41080)150:-
Winternitz, M A History of Indian Literature III:II. Scientific Literature. Delhi 1967. Page 417-720. Hard covers. (#183687)140:-
Visvanatha Kosakalpataru.. Edited by Madhukar Mangesh Patkar and K.V. Krishnamurthy Sarma. Poona 1957-66. 6, [325] + VIII, [400] pages. Softcovers. Part I worn at head of spine. 2 vols. In Sanskrit. (#124556)400:-
Vivekananda, Franklin Chinna Swamy Unemployment in Karnataka South India.. Diss. Uppsala 1979. 176 pages. Soft covers. (#50648)145:-
Volf, Pavel Seger åt gudarna.. Rituell besatthet hos ladakhier. Aa Sthlm 1994. 248 sidor. (#46314)145:-
Wolpert, Stanley A New History of India.. 3rd edition. New York 1989. 493 pages. Softcover. (#51625)120:-
Wolpert, Stanley India.. Updated Edition with a New Preface. Berkeley 1999. XVIII, 273 pages + plates. Softcover. (#104772)175:-
von Glasenapp, Helmuth Die Literaturen Indiens.. Von ihren Anfängen bis zur Gegenwart. Stuttgart 1961. XVI, 484 pages. Original cloth. Pencil underlinings. (#127273)125:-
von Glasenapp, Helmuth Die Religionen Indiens.. Stuttgart 1943. XI, 394 pages + folding map. Original cloth. (#127274)110:-
von Glasenapp, Helmuth Indiens religioner.. Lund 1979. 374 sidor. Pocket. (#11524)125:-
von Glasenapp, Helmuth Indiens religioner.. Lund 1985. 374 sidor. Pocket. (#142199)125:-
von Hesse-Wartegg, Ernst Indien och dess furstehof.. Illustr. Sthlm 1907. 460 sidor + planscher. Enkelt originalklotband. 1 plansch lös. (#127035)175:-
Vyasa Siksha.. Along with Vedataijas commentary of Sri Surya Narain Suravadhani & Sarva Lakshanmanjari Sangraha of Sri Raja Ghanpathi. Forword by M. Channa Reddy. Edited by Acharya Sri P.N. Pattabhirama Sastri. Varanasi 1976. Hard covers. Dust jacket. The Kashi Sanskrit Series 225. (#52779)145:-
Yâdnyavalkya, Yogîshvara Yânnyavalkyasmriti.. With the Commentary Mitâksharâ of Vidnyâneshvara. Edited by Wâsudev Laxman Shâstrî Pansîkar. Bombay 1909. [492, 27] pages. Original, slightly worn cloth. (#138574)300:-
Zaehner, R.C. Hinduism.. Oxford 1966. 210 pages. Paperback. Ink-underlinings. (#57734)50:-
???? ???? ?? ??????? (Sri-Sri-Pada-Kalpataru) I-III (more publ?). Printed by R.C. Mittra, Calcutta 1322-1330 (1915-23). Soft covers. 3 volumes. Front wrapper on volume 1 loose Bengal Academy of Literature publications 50: 1-3 In Bengali only. (#216140)1200:-

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