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Abad Franco, Armando Parteiensystem und Oligarchie in Ecuador.. Berlin 1974. 288 pages. Softcover. (#152845)175:-
Alexander, Robert J. Prophets of the Revolution.. Profiles of Latin American Leaders. New York 1962. 322 pages. Original cloth. Dust jacket. (#95066)150:-
Alves, Marcio M. Brasilien - Rechts diktatur zwischen Armut und Revolution.. Rowohlt 1972. 185 pages. Paperback. (#97191)100:-
Amdeo, Mario Ayer hoy maņana.. Tercera ediciķn. Buenos Aires 1956. 224 pages. Soft covers. (#95152)150:-
Ancient South Americans.. Edited by Jesse D. Jennings. San Francisco 1983. 414 pages. Original cloth, slightly worn. A few pencil and ink underlinings. (#166404)140:-
Arciniegas, Germán The State of Latin America.. London 1953. 416, xiv pages. Orignal cloth. Slightly worn dust jacket. (#102072)150:-
Aridjis, Homero Från nya världen. Översättning av Elisabeth Helms. Gedins 1989. 339 sidor. Förlagsband med skyddsomslag. (#221187)125:-
Arnoldsson, Sverker Los momentos histķricos de America.. Según la historiografía hispanoamericana del período colonial. 2.a ediciķn. Madrid 1965. 103 pages. Softcover. (#148572)130:-
Aronsson, Inga-Lill Negotiating Involuntary Resettlement.. A Study of Local Bargaining during the Construction of the Zimapán Dam. Illustr. Diss. Upps. 2002. 331 pages. Softcover. (#74490)175:-
Arora, Shirley L. Proverbial Comparisons in Ricardo Palma's Tradiciones peruanas.. Los Angeles 1966. 205 pp. (#30665)150:-
Aspectos Argentinos.. Glimtar från Argentina. Ord och bild om Argentina. Ett antipodernas land med stora rikedomar och skönhetsvärden. Text och bilder sammanställda av Nils Stålhandske. Utgiven av Svensk-argentinska föreningen, Sthlm 1944. 104 sidor. Stort format. Original klotryggsband. (#120813)200:-
Astiz, Carlos A. Pressure Groups and Power Elites in Peruvian Politics.. Ithaca 1969. 316 pages. Original cloth. Dust jacket. (#105926)150:-
Asturias, Miguel Angel Weekend i Guatemala. Litteraturfrämjandet 1985. Översättning av Karin Alin. 319 sidor. Pocket. (#210580)100:-
Authoritarian Brazil.. Origins, Policies, and Future. Edited by Alfred Stephan. New Haven 1973. 265 pages. Original cloth. Dust jacket. (#102202)150:-
Bahlsen, Gerhard Mexiko.. Aufruhr und Beharrung. Stuttgart 1961. 300 pages + plates. Original cloth. Dust jacket. (#105924)150:-
Barranco, Manuel Mexico.. Its Educational Problems - Suggestions for Their Solution. Diss. New York 1914. VII, 78 pages. Softcover. Stamped. (#73767)150:-
Bohman, Kristina Women of the Barrio.. Class and Gender in a Colombian City. Diss. Sthlm 1984. 374 pages. Softcover. (#46377)150:-
Bolinder, Gustaf Tropiska vildmarksfärder och andra resor i Sydamerika.. Illustrerad. Stockholm 1940. 221 sidor + karta. Original klotband. (#205449)150:-
Bolivar, Simon His Basic Thoughts.. Biographical Sketch and Selection of Documents by Manuel Pérez Vila. Caracas 1980. 167 pages. Softcover. (#146053)140:-
Bourricaud, Franįois Pouvoir et société dans le Pérou contemporain.. Paris 1967. 320 pages. Soft covers. (#120784)150:-
Brenner, Anita The Wind that Swept Mexico. The History of The Mexican Revolution 1910-1942. 184 Historical Photographs assembled by George R. Leighton. Harper & Brothers, New York 1943. Third edition. 302 pages. Original cloth with worn dust jacket. Corner on the back has sustained some mice damage. (#220201)320:-
Bryans, Robin Fanfare for Brazil.. London 1962. 256 pages. Original cloth. Dust jacket. (#102453)150:-
Bryce, James South America.. Observations and Impressions. With maps. New edition corrected and revised. New York 1926. XXIV, 611 pages. Original cloth. (#63698)150:-
Butland, Gilbert J. Chile.. An Outline of its Geography, Economics, and Politics. London 1953. 128 pages. Original cloth. Dust jacket. (#95878)125:-
Callcott, Wilfrid Hardy Church and State in Mexico 1822-1857.. Diss. [New York] 1926. 359 pages. Softcover. Stamped. (#65248)275:-
Camacho, George Latin America.. A Short History. London 1973. 314 pp. Pb. (#10239)100:-
Camacho, J.A. Brazil.. An Interim Assessment. London 1952. 116 pages. Original cloth. Dust jacket. (#102451)120:-
Cervantes, Maria Antonieta Treasures of Ancient Mexico.. From the National Anthropological Museum. Richly illustr. Barcelona 1978. 95 pages. Original cloth in dustjacket. (#112535)120:-
Charpenel, Mauricio Las Miniaturas en el arte popular mexicano.. Illustr. Austin 1970. XVIII, 82 pages. Softcover. Some damage at head and foot of spine. (#114418)120:-
Chile & Allende.. Edited by Lester A. Sobel. Introduction by jordan M. Young. Facts on file, Inc. New York 1974. 190 pages. Original cloth. No jacket. (#174714)150:-
Chilean Economic Policy.. Edited by Juan Carlos Méndez. Chile 1979. 386 pages. Soft covers. (#41049)150:-
Clark, Gerlad Latinamerika på revolutionens rand.. Prisma/Verdandi, Sthlm 1965. 263 pages. Pocket. (#107537)100:-
Clark, Gerlad Latinamerika på revolutionens rand.. Prisma/Verdandi, Sthlm 1965. 263 pages. Pocket. Stämpel. (#219514)100:-
Confalonieri, Orestes D. Peron conta Peron.. Buenos Aires 1956. 412 pages. Soft covers. (#95176)150:-
Cortazar, Augusto Raul Confluencias culturales en el folklore argentino.. Buenos Aires 1944. 100 pages. Softcover. (#127984)125:-
Cruz Costa, João A History of Ideas in Brazil.. The Development of Philosophy in Brazil and the Evolution of National History. Translated by Suzette Macedo. Berkeley 1964. 427 pages. Original cloth. Dust jacket. (#120106)220:-
Cuba.. The Economic and Social Revolution. Edited by Dudley Seers. Chapel Hill 1964. 432 pages. Original cloth. Dust jacket. (#95884)150:-
Damonte Taborda, Raul Ayer fue San Perķn.. 12 aņos de humillacion Argentina. Ediciones Gure 1955. 271 pages. Soft covers. (#123488)150:-
Debray, Régis Essäer om Latinamerika. Med debutessän: 'Castrismen - Latinamerikas långa marsch', i översättning av Margit Lindström. Partisan 1969. 158 sidor. Pocket. Inplastade omslag. Stämpel. Lilla Partisanserien 2. (#219530)100:-
Debray, Régis & Guevara, Ernesto "Che" m.fl. Kontinent i uppror.. Politiska texter från latinamerika sammanställda av Francisco J. Uriz med inledning av Caleb J. Anderson. Tema, Sthlm 1967. 156 sidor. Pocket. (#86349)100:-
de Castro, Josué En brasiliansk tragedi.. Sthlm 1967. 158 sidor. Pocket. (#116229)100:-
de los Angeles Pozas, María Industrial Restructuring in Mexico.. Corporate Adaption, Technological Innovation, and Changing Patterns of Industrial Relations in Monterrey. San Diego, CA 1993. 110 pages. Softcover. (#126537)135:-
de los Reyes, Paulina The Rural Poor.. Agrarian Changes and Survival Strategies in Chile 1973-1989. Diss. Uppsala 1992. 196 pages. Soft covers. (#55120)140:-
Descola, Jean Daily Life in Colonial Peru.. 1710-1820. London 1968. 275 pages + plates. Original cloth in dustjacket. (#163137)140:-
Directions in the Anthropological Study of Latin America: A Reassessment.. Jack R. Rollwagen, Editor. Buffalo, New York 1986. 219 pages. Softcover. (#59181)135:-
Donghi, Tulio Halperin Latinamerikas historia.. Sth 1972. 418 sidor. Pocket. (#10235)100:-
Draper, Theodore Castroism.. Theory and Practice. London 1965. 263 pages. Original cloth. Dust jacket. (#120853)150:-
Draper, Theodore Castroism.. Theory and Practice. Second printing. New York 1965. 263 pages. Original cloth. Dust jacket. (#120855)150:-
Draper, Theodore Castro's Revolution.. Myth and Realities. New York 1962. 211 pages. Original cloth. Dust jacket. Some pencil-markings in margins. (#94949)150:-
Duarte Pereira, Osny Estudos nacionalistas I-II.. (Consideraįões ā margem do Brasil contemporâneo.) S. Paulo 1960. 610 pages. Soft covers. 2 volumes. (#120178)200:-
Duguid, Julian Gröna helvetet.. En färd genom östra Bolivias urskogar. Till svenska av Gösta Dahl. Sthlm 1931. 260 sidor + planscher. Halvfranskt band. (#189016)165:-
Duguid, Julian Gröna helvetet.. En färd genom östra Bolivias urskogar. Till svenska av Gösta Dahl. Sthlm 1931. 260 sidor + planscher. Halvklotband. (#163788)145:-
Duguid, Julian Tiger-Man.. An Odyssey of Freedom. Illustrated from Photographs. New York 1932. 287 pages + plates. Original cloth. Ex-library. (#131016)300:-
Ebaugh, Cameron Duncan The National System of Education in Mexico.. Diss. Baltimore 1931. 149 pages. Softcover. Stamped. (#120999)200:-
Economic Development for Latin America.. Proceedings of a Conference held by the International Economic Association. Edited by Howard S. Ellis. Assisted by Henry C. Wallich. London 1961. 479 pages. Original cloth. Dust jacket. (#95199)200:-
Ehnmark, Anders Cuba Cubana.. Sthlm 1963. 202 sidor + planscher. Häftad. (#105989)140:-
Enock, C. Reginald Mexico.. Its Ancient and Modern Civilisation, History and Political Conditions, Topography and Natural Resources, Industries and General Development. With map and seventy-five illustrations. London 1912. 362 pages. Original cloth. Weak hinges. Ex-library. (#131070)200:-
Evans, Henry Clay Chile and Its Relations With the United States.. Diss. Durham, NC 1927. 243 pages. Softcover. Stamped. (#66366)170:-
Facķ, Rui Brasil século XX.. Rio de Janeiro 1960. 261 pages. Softcover. (#123882)150:-
Ferguson, J. Halcro Latin America.. The Balance of Race Redressed. London 1961. 101 pages. Paperback. (#95202)100:-
Fisher, Jo Out of the Shadows.. Women, Resistance and Politics in South America. London 1993. 228 pp. (#47334)95:-
Fitzgibbon, Russel H. Latin America.. A Panorama of Contemporary Politics. Ill. N.Y. 1971. 560 pp. Ocl. (#10243)150:-
Flodell, Sven Arne Tierra nueva.. Svensk grupputvandring till Latinamerika. Integration och församlingsbildning. Illustr. Aa Uppsala 1974. 217 sidor. Häftad. (#48619)135:-
Foster, George M. Culture and Conquest.. America's Spanish Heritage. New York 1960. 272 pages + plates. Softcover. (#111889)140:-
Foster, George M. (ed.) Readings in Contemporary Latin American Culture:. An Anthropological Sourcebook. New York no date (1960-ies). Softcover. (#59143)125:-
Frank, Andre Gunder Kapitalism och underutveckling i Latinamerika. Historiska studier över Chile och Brasilien. Bo Cavefors 1970. 361 sidor. Pocket. Zenitserien 8. (#212637)100:-
Fraser, Ronald Latin America.. A Personal Survey. London 1953. 239 pages. Original cloth. Dust jacket. (#95108)150:-
Freedom & Reform in Latin America.. Edited by Frederick B. Pike. Notre Dame 1959. 308 pages. Original cloth. Dust jacket. (#95172)150:-
Frondizi, Arturo Politica economica nacional.. Buenos Aires 1963. 316 pages. Soft covers. (#95157)145:-
Genberg, Birgitta Kampen om godsen.. Två fallstudier från Valle Sagrado under den sista perioden av det andinska storgodsväldet. Illustr. Aa Göteborg 2000. 303 sidor. Förlagsband. (#49922)140:-
Gerholm, Tomas & Matthis, Iréne Fallet Brasilien.. En studie i kapitalismens kris och revolutionens möjligheter. Pan, Sthlm 1970. 291 sidor. Pocket. (#86351)100:-
Gilbert, Alan Latin American Development. A Geographical Perspective. Penguin 1974. 366 pages. Paperback. (#216393)100:-
Goldberg, Boris Kommunismus in Lateinamerika.. Stuttgart 1971. 639 pages. Original cloth. Dust jacket. (#95200)160:-
Goldenberg, Boris & Esser, Klaus Zehn Jahre kubanische Revolution.. Hannover 1969. 106 pages. Soft covers. (#94947)110:-
González Arriagada, Alejandro Surviving in the City.. The Urban Poor of Santiago de Chile 1930-1970. Diss. Upps. 2000. 294 pages. Softcover. (#81259)175:-
Gott, Richard Guerilla Movements in Latin America.. London 1970. 452 pages + plates. Original cloth. Dust jacket. (#95173)200:-
Griffin, Keith Underdevelopment in Spanish America.. An Interpretation. London 1969. 288 pages. Hardcover with dustjacket. Ink underlining. (#165858)120:-
Gros Espiell, Hector Las constituciones de Uruguay.. (Expesiciķn, crítica y textos.) Madrid 1956. 464 pages. Soft covers. (#123491)150:-
Grubbe, Peter Im Schatten des Kubaners.. Das neue Geschicht Lateinamerikas. Hamburg 1962. 326 pages. Original cloth. Dust jacket. (#93725)170:-
Guevara, Ernesto "Che" Dagbok från Bolivia.. 7 november 1966 - 7 oktober 1967. Med en introduktion av Fidel Castro. Sthlm 1968. 229 sidor. Pocket. (#69014)100:-
Gunther, John Inside Latin America.. New York 1941. 498 pages. Original cloth. Dust jacket. (#102078)150:-
Gutelman, Michel Réforme et mystification agraires en Amčrique Latine.. La cas du Mexique. Paris 1971. 259 pages. Softcover. (#161066)175:-
Haglund, Fritiof Lever revolutionen?. Stockholm 1967. 134 sidor. Pocket. (#210605)100:-
Hallström, Anders Olja och indianer.. Upplevt i Venezuela. Sthlm 1960. 160 sidor + planscher. Häftad. (#107097)125:-
Harding, Bertita Kejsardrama i Mexico.. Maximilian och Carlota av Mexico. Sthlm 1944. 391 sidor. Häftad. (#133133)150:-
Haseman, John D. Some Factors of Geographical Distribution in South America.. Diss. New York 1912. Pag. 9-112 + plates. Softcover. Stamped. (#73739)175:-
Henry, Arnold Kahle The Panama Canal and the Intercoastal Trade.. Diss. Philadelphia 1929. 111 pages. Softcover. Stamped. (#89142)375:-
Herring, Hubert A History of Latin America.. From the Beginning to the Present. London (printed in America) 1954 or -55. xx, 796, xxvi pages. Original cloth. Dust jacket. (#120094)175:-
Hillekamps, Carl H. Lateinamerika - Staaten suchen ihre Nation.. Stuttgart 1963. 172 pages. Soft covers. (#95188)125:-
Hofmann, Manfred Bolivien und Nicaragua.. Modelle einer Kirche im Aufbruch. Münster 1987. 364 pages. Soft covers. (#139603)140:-
Holmberg, Mats "Revolution med piroger och vin".. Ett reportage från Salvador Allendes Chile. Pan 1971. 96 sidor. Pocket. (#116298)100:-
Horna, Hernán Five Essays on Post Colonial Latin American History.. Upps. 1994. 148 pages. Pen-underlinings. (#10247)75:-
Horna, Hernán Five Essays on Post Colonial Latin American History.. Uppsala 1994. 141 pages. Softcover. Opuscula Historica Upsaliensia 13. (#69263)130:-
Horna, Hernán Transport Modernization and Entrepreneurship in Nineteenth Century Colombia.. Cisneros & Friends. Diss. Uppsala 1992. 189 pages. Softcover. Inscription signed by author. (#53537)150:-
Illich, Ivan D. Almosen und Folter.. Verfehlter Fortschritt in Lateinamerika. München 1970. 160 pages. Soft covers. (#95119)140:-
Industrialization of Latin America.. Edited by Lloyd J. Hughlett. Illustrated. New York 1946. 508 pages. Original cloth. Dust jacket slightly damaged. (#102184)150:-
Innes, Hammond The Conquistadors.. Illustrated. London 1969. 336 pages. Original cloth. Dust jacket. (#122712)170:-
Integration und Kooperation in Lateinamerika.. Herausgegeben von Manfred Mols. Paderborn 1981. 314 pages. Soft covers. Internationale Gegenwart Band 1. (#95112)150:-
Irazusta, Julio Peron y la crisis Argentina.. Buenos Aires 1956. 246 pages. Soft covers. (#95162)140:-
Johnson, Heynes The Bay of Pigs.. The Invasion of Cuba by Brigade 2506. London 1964. 368 pages + plates. Original cloth. Dust jacket. (#120159)175:-
Johnson, John J. The Military and Society in Latin America.. Stanford 1964. 308 pages. Original cloth. Dust jacket. (#102075)150:-
Johnson, William Weber Mexico.. Rikt illustr. Malmö 1963. 160 sidor. 4:o. Förlagsband. (#163980)80:-
Jurgens, Evert Amazonas blev mitt hem.. Verbum, Sthlm 1969. 198 sidor. Häftad. Som ny. (#161751)125:-
Kamppinen, Matti Cognitive Systems and Cultural Models of Illness.. A Study of Two Mestizo Peasant Communities of the Peruvian Amazon. H-fors 1989. 152 pp + 7 Plates & 2 Maps. FFC 244. (#27334)150:-
Karlsson, Weine & Magnusson, Åke (red) Sverige - Latinamerika. Förbindelser och samarbete. Illustrerad. Stockholm 1992. 248 sidor. Limhäftad. (#217653)145:-
Kastlund, Åke Utpost i Incaland.. Sthlm 1956. 292 sidor + planscher. Original klotryggsband med bevarat främre omslag. Skyddsomslaget saknas (#162112)135:-
Kirkpatrick, F.A. Les conquistadors espagnols.. Traduit de l'anglais par A. et H. Collin Delavaud. Paris 1980. 316 pages. Paperback. (#86311)100:-
Korngold, Ralph The Citizen Toussaint.. New York 1965. 338 pages. Paperback. Ex-library. (#130905)100:-
Krakau, Knud Die kubanische Revolution und die Monroe-Doktrin.. Eine Herausforderung der Aussenpolitik der Vereinigen Staaten. Frankfurt am Main 1968. 220 pages. Soft covers. (#102178)150:-
Krantz, Lasse Peasant Differentiation and Development.. The Case of a Mexican Ejido. Diss. Illustr. Sthlm 1991. 233 pages. Softcover. (#45258)165:-
Krieger Vasena, A. & Pazos, Javier Wirtschaftsfaktor Lateinamerika.. Neue Wege zur internationalen Kooperation. Düsseldorf 1975. 280 pages. Original cloth. Dust jacket. (#95121)150:-
La cultura popular en el Ecuador IV.. Esmeraldas. Coordinador de la investigaciķn: Marcelo Naranjo V. Illustr. No place nor date. 263 pages. Softcover. (#121275)200:-
Lalander, Rickard O. Suicide of the Elephants.. Venezuelan Decentralization between Partyarchy and Chavismo. Helsinki 2004. XIII, 323 pages. Softcover. (#124500)175:-
La revolucion libertadora.. Discursos del presidente provisional general Pedro Eugenio Aramburu y del vicepresidente cortraamirante Isaac F. Rojas en 12 meses de gobierno. Buenos Aires 1956. 207 pages. Soft covers. (#123490)150:-
Lateinamerika.. Eine Analyse seiner gegenwärtigen Probleme. Eingeleitet und bearbeitet von Peter Molt. Mit beiträgen von Javier Lagarrigue und Andere. Bonn 1965. 230 pages. Soft covers. (#95187)130:-
Lateinamerika - Land der Sorge und der Zukunft.. Geleitwort von Albert Hunold. Aufsätze von A. Gansser, H. Boesch und Andere. Erlenbach-Zürich 1962. 315 pages. Original cloth. Dust jacket. (#95198)150:-
Latin America.. Problems in Economic Development. Ed. Charles T. Nisbet. Toronto 1969. 357 pages. Softcover. (#10232)125:-
Latin American Civilization: Readings and Essays.. Ed. Harold A. Bierck. Boston 1967. 438 pages. Softcover. (#10231)110:-
Lewis, Oscar Fem familjer.. Studier av fattigkulturen i Mexiko. Förord av Oliver La Farge. Sthlm 1970. 336 sidor. Pocket. (#104429)100:-
Lewis, Oscar Pedro Martínez.. A Mexican Peasant and his Family. Drawings by Alberto Beltrán. New York 1967. LVII, 507 pages. Softcover. Back wrapper torn. (#82271)125:-
Lieuwen, Edwin Arms and Politics in Latin America.. New York 1960. 296 pages. Original cloth. Dust jacket. (#93832)150:-
Lindahl, Göran G. Lagen och svärdet.. Maktkampen i Latinamerika. Stockholm 1989. 223 sidor. Förlagsband. Bläckunderstrykningar. (#161274)90:-
Lindqvist, Sven Jordens gryning.. Jord och makt i Sydamerika 2. Sthlm 1974. 250 sidor. Original klotband. Skyddsomslag. (#99038)150:-
Lindqvist, Sven Jordens gryning.. Jord och makt i Sydamerika 2. Sthlm 1974. 250 sidor + planscher. Original klotband. Skyddsomslag. Stämpl. (#80541)135:-
Lindqvist, Sven Jord och makt i Sydamerika I-II.. (II = Jordens gryning.) Sthlm 1974. 480 sidor. Pocket. En volym. (#187332)100:-
Lindqvist, Sven Slagskuggan.. Latinamerika inför 70-talet. Aldus, Sthlm 1971. 245 sidor. Pocket. (#160738)100:-
Linné, Sigvald El valle y la ciudad de Mexico en 1550.. Relaciķn histķrica fundada sobre un mapa geográfico, que se conserva en la biblioteca de la Universidad de Uppsala, Suecia. Illustrated. Stockholm 1948. xvi, 220,(29 pages + mapas I-XII + large, folding map in pocket. 4:o. Original linen binding. Inscribed (not by the author) Printed in 700 copies. (#178424)2000:-
Linton, Magnus Americanos. Ett repotage om Latinamerikas nya rebeller. Atlas 2005. 222 sidor. Förlagsband med skyddsomslag. Före detta biblioteksbok. (#217656)110:-
Ljungner, Erik Nahuel Huapi.. Ein geographischer Querschnitt durch die Anden in Patagonien. Bericht Nr. 6 der schwedischen wissenschaftlichen Expedition nach Patagonien 1932-34. Illustr. Uppsala 1959. 360 pages. Softcover. (#44661)175:-
Luna, Félix Argentina de Peron a Lanusse 1943-1973.. Buenos Aires 1972. 230 pages. Softcover. (#95164)100:-
Lundin, Göran Haiti - mot alla odds.. En resa in i det okända. Foto: Erland Segerstedt. Skellefteå 1998. 184 sidor. 4:o. Förlagsband. (#146710)145:-
Lundkvist, Artur Så lever Kuba.. Sthlm 1965. 181 sidor + rikligt med fotoplanscher. Förlagsband i skyddsomslag. Arkivexemplar. (#217700)115:-
Löfving, Staffan An Unpredictable Past.. Guerrillas, Mayas, and the Location of Oblivion in War-Torn Guatemala. Illustr. Diss. Upps. 2002. XII, 340 pages. Softcover. (#73855)175:-
MacCorkle, Stuart Alexander American Policy of Recognition Towards Mexico.. Diss. Baltimore 1933. 119 pages. Softcover. Stamped. (#89156)225:-
Malmberg, Bertil Det spanska Amerika i språkets spegel.. Iakttagelser av språk- och kulturmönster. Aldus, Sthlm 1966. 200 sidor + illustrationer. Pocket. (#116449)100:-
Malmgren, Cecilia & Willén, Lasse Grenada.. Karibiens okända revolution. Illustr. Sthlm 1983. 110 sidor. Häftad. (#145247)125:-
Márquez, Gabriel García Rapport om en kidnappning.. Sthlm 1997. 246 sidor. Originalpappband i skyddsomslag. (#81257)125:-
Márquez, Gabriel García Rapport om en kidnappning.. Stockholm 1997. 246 sidor. Förlagsband med skyddsomslag. Stämpel. (#219294)120:-
Marshall, Oliver European Immigration and Ethnicity in Latin America.. A Bibliography. London 1991. 165 pages. Soft covers. Ex-library copy in very good condition. (#85591)150:-
Martinez de Hoz, José Alfredo Bases para una Argentina moderna 1976-80.. Buenos Aires 1981. 246 pages. Soft covers. (#95115)140:-
Martinez Estrada, Ezequiel Que es est?. Catalinaria. Buenos Aires 1956. 320 pages. Soft covers. Erased dedication. (#123467)150:-
Martin, Michael Rheta & Lovett, Gabriel H. Encyclopedia of Latin-American History.. Bobbs-Merrill, Indianapolis and New York 1968. 348 pages. Original cloth. No jacket. (#191347)150:-
Martz, John D. Colombia.. A Contemporary Political Survey. Chapel Hill 1962. 384 pages. Original cloth. Dust jacket. (#95840)150:-
Matthews, Herbert L. The Cuban Story.. New York 1961. 318 pages. Original cloth. Dust jacket. A few pencil-markings in margins. (#95881)150:-
Mergal, Ángel M. Federico Degetau.. Un orientador de su pueblo. Diss. New York 1944. 202 pages + portrait. Softcover. Stamped. Puerto Rico. (#67291)200:-
Mexico.. A Geographical Sketch. Washington 1900. 385 pages. Half cloth. Ex library. (#130858)200:-
Miner, Dwight Carroll The Fight for the Panama Route.. The Story of the Spooner Act and the Hay-Herrán Treaty. Diss. New York 1940. 469 pages. Softcover. Stamped. (#119866)400:-
Mols, Manfred Mexiko im 20. Jahrhundert.. Politisches System, Regierungsprozeß und politische Partizipation. Paderborn 1981. 464 pages. Softcover. (#108014)200:-
Mörner, Magnus Latinamerika.. Malmö 1970. 213 sidor. Pocket. Problem i modern historia. (#73585)100:-
Mörner, Magnus Leve revolutionen.. Tradition och dynamik i latinamerikanskt samhällsliv. Sthlm 1960. 238 sidor + karta. Häftad. (#55119)100:-
Mörner, Magnus Rasblandningen i Latinamerikas historia.. Illustrerad. Stockholm 1967. 194 sidor. Häftad. (#209354)140:-
Nabuco, Carolina The Life of Joaquim Nabuco.. Stanford 1950. XXV, 373 pages. Original cloth. Inscribed by author. (#116028)150:-
North, Joseph Cuba: Hope of a Hemisphere.. New York 1961. 95 pages. Original cloth. Dust jacket. Pencil-markings in margins. (#95850)140:-
Obstacles to Change in Latin America.. Edited by Claudio Veliz. London 1965. 263 pages. Original cloth. Dust jacket. (#102407)150:-
Odell, P.R. & Preston D.A. Economies and Societies in Latin America:. A Geographical Interpretation. Illustr. London 1973. 276 pp. Original cloth in dutjacket. (#10241)140:-
O'Neill, Ancilla Trisao de Athayde and the Catholic Social Movement in Brazil.. Dissertation, Washington 1939. x,156 pages. Soft covers. Small stamp on front cover. (#176267)150:-
Owens, R.J. Peru.. Oxford 1964. XII, 195 pages + folding map. Original cloth in dustjacket. (#108012)150:-
Parker, F.D. The Central American Republics.. London 1964. 348 pages + folding maps. Original cloth. Dust jacket. (#102108)125:-
Parkes, Henry Bamford Mexicos historia.. Sthlm 1940. 408 sidor. Häftad. (#119078)140:-
Pendle, George Argentina.. London 1955. 159 pages. Original cloth. Dust jacket. Pencil-markings in margins. First edition. (#95147)150:-
Pendle, George Argentina.. Second edition. London 1961. 208 pages. Original cloth. Dust jacket. (#95149)150:-
Pendle, George Latinamerikas historia.. Aldus 1965. 234 sidor. Pocket. (#129263)100:-
Petras, James och Zeitlin, Maurice Latinamerika. Reform eller revolution?. En antologi. Stockholm 1971. 309 sidor. Pocket. TemaTeori 4. (#218338)100:-
Porter, Charles O. & Alexander, Robert J. The Struggle for Democracy in Latin America.. New York 1961. 215 pages. Soft covers. (#93834)120:-
Radler, D.H. El Gringo.. The Yankee Image in Latin America. Philadelphia 1962. 170 pages. Original cloth. Dust jacket. (#95110)150:-
Rivarola Puntigliano, Andrés Mirrors of Change.. A Study of Industry Associations in Chile and Uruguay. Diss. Sthlm 2003. 259 pages. Softcover. (#161115)200:-
Robe, Stanley L. (ed.) Hispanic Riddles from Panama.. Collected from Oral Tradition. Edited with Introduction and Notes. Berkeley 1963. 94 pp. (#30813)140:-
Rodriguez Larreta, Daniel Actualidad economico financiera de el pais.. Montevideo 1952. 376 pages. Soft covers. Inscribed by the author. Printed in 600 copies. (#96300)250:-
Rojas, Mauricio Latinamerikas sociala och ekonomiska historia.. Akademisk avhandling. Lund 1992. 203 sid. Häftad. Stämpel. (#67719)145:-
Romano, Ruggiero Les mécanismes de la concuęte coloniale:. Les conquistadores. Flammarion 1972. 180 pages. Paperback. (#86295)100:-
Rosenthal, Mario Guatemala.. The Story of an Emergent Latin-American Democracy. New York 1962. 327 pages + plates. Original cloth. Dust jacket. (#95885)150:-
Salazar, Maria Cristina A Socio-Religious Survey of the Parish of Cristo Rey in Manizales, Colombia.. Diss. Washington 1957. XIII, 121 pages. Softcover. Stamped. (#130456)150:-
Schori, Pierre (red) Latinamerikaner om Latinamerika. En antologi. Stockholm 1968. 191 sidor. Pocket. Verdanti-debatt nr XXXVIII. (#219874)100:-
Schulthess, Emil Amazonas.. Ett bildverk. Text Emil Egli. Örebro 1962. Opaginerade textsidor + 162 bildsidor. Stort, liggande format. Förlagsband. (#164015)200:-
Schurz, William Lytle Brazil, the Infinite Country.. New York 1961. 346 pages. Original cloth. Dust jacket. (#95853)150:-
Schurz, William Lytle This New World.. The Civilization of Latin America. Illustrated. London 1956. 429 pages + maps. Original cloth. Dust jacket. (#102183)150:-
Schutter, Charles Henry The Development of Education in Argentina, Chile, and Uruguay.. Diss. Chicago 1943. 165 pages. Softcover. Stamped. (#139229)200:-
Scobie, James R. Argentina.. A City and a Nation. New York 1964. 294 pages. Original cloth. Dust jacket. (#95117)150:-
Sedimentological Studies in the Cachí Reservoir, Costa Rica.. Sediment Inflow, Reservoir Sedimentation, and Effects of Flushing. Margareta B. Jansson and Alexis Rodríguez (Eds.). Illustr. Upps. 1992. 217 pages + folding maps in pocket. Softcover. (#115155)150:-
Silvert, Kalman H. The Conflict Society:. Reaction and Revolution in Latin America. New Orleans 1961. 280 pages. Original cloth. Dust jacket. (#95174)160:-
Simķn Bolívar 1783-1983.. Imagen y presencia del Libertador en estudios y documentos suecos. Illustr. Stockholm 1983. 87 pages. Softcover. (#161061)110:-
Social Change in Latin America Today.. Its Implications for United States Policy. By Richard N. Adams and others. Introduction by Lyman Bryson. New York 1960. 353 pages. Original cloth. Dust jacket. (#95171)150:-
Stein, Stanley J. & Barbara H. The Colonial Heritage of Latin America.. Essays on Economic Dependence in Perspective. New York 1970. 222 pages. Original cloth. Dust jacket. (#95168)150:-
Stein, Stanley J. & Barbara H. The Colonial Heritage of Latin America.. Essays on Economic Dependence in Perspective. New York 1970. 222 pp. Softcover. Ink-underlinings. (#63913)75:-
Strömberg, Stefan Bolivia blues. Från självhushållning till självutplåning.. PM Bäckströms 1996. 200 sidor. Förlagsband. (#217462)150:-
Strömberg, Stefan Uruguay. Tillbaka till framtiden.. PM Bäckströms förlag 1994. 160 sidor. Förlagsband. (#217495)135:-
Stucki, Lorenz Kontinent im Aufbruch.. Südamerika auf dem Weg ins 21. Jahrhundert. Bern 1971. 320 pages. Original cloth. Dust jacket. (#95170)150:-
Suárez, Andrés Cuba: Castroism and Communism, 1959-1966.. Cambridge, Mass. 1967. 266 pages. Original cloth. Dust jacket. (#102204)150:-
Svedberg, Peter Foreign Investment and Trade Policies in an International Economy with Transnational Corporations.. A theoretical and empirical study with references to latin america. Sthlm 1977. 164 pages. Softcover. Some ink underlinings. (#172855)150:-
Svenskar i Columbi fotspår.. Illustr. Sthlm 1992. 64 sidor. Häftad. Skada på främre omslaget. Kulturrådet 7:1992. (#161500)50:-
The European Challenge. Europe's New Role in Latin America. London 1982. 243 pages. Softcover. Stamped. (#218759)130:-
Thomas, Alfred Barnaby Latin America.. A History. New York 1956. 801 pages. Original cloth. (#95574)150:-
Tingsten, Herbert Revolutionernas arvtagare.. Sydamerikanskt perspektiv. Sth 1950. 115 sidor. Häftad. (#60246)110:-
Turner, Frederick C. The Dynamics of Mexican Nationalism.. Chapel Hill 1968. 350 pages. Original cloth. Dust jacket. (#120124)165:-
Walker, Fred Till okänd ort.. En äventyrares liv. Sthlm 1935. Porträtt, 262 sidor. Halvklotband. (#161684)175:-
Wallin, Börje På hästryggen genom Mexiko.. Sthlm 1942. 164 sidor + planscher & utvikbar karta. Original halvklotband med bevarat främre omslag. Stämpl. (#142746)125:-
Wallin, Börje På hästryggen genom Mexiko.. Sthlm 1942. 164 sidor + planscher & utvikbar karta. Tillsammans med: Brita Wrede, Rumänien i ofredens år. Lindfors 1944. 149 sidor. Halvklotband. (#190579)150:-
Wedin, Åke Bricka i spelet. Storpolitik och fackföreningsrörelse i Latinamerika.. Interlingua 1985. 128 sidor. Häftad. (#217455)100:-
Wedin, Åke Latinamerika 500 år. Tankar kring ett jubileum.. Stockholm 1992. 128 sidor. Limhäftad. (#217308)120:-
Wedin, Åke Latinamerika. Colombia, Mexico, Argentina, Cuba. Prisma 1975. 120 sidor. Pocket. (#219780)100:-
Whetten, Nathan L. Guatemala.. The Land and the People. New Haven 1961. 399 pages + plates. Original cloth. Dust jacket. (#102188)150:-
Whitaker, Arthur P. La Argentina, un calidoscopio.. Buenos Aires 1956. 189 pages. Soft covers. (#95126)125:-
Whitaker, Arthur P. La Argentina y los Estados Unidos.. Buenos Aires 1956. 290 pages. Soft covers. (#95123)120:-
Whitaker, Arthur P. Nationalism in Latin America.. Past and Present. Gainesville 1962. 91 pages. Original cloth. Dust jacket. (#95125)150:-
Wilson, Irma Mexico.. A Century of Educational Thought. Diss. New York 1941. 377 pages. Softcover. Stamped. (#67234)110:-
Women and the Cuban Revolution.. Ed. Elizabeth Stone. New York 1981. 158 pp. (#14035)50:-
von Oven, Wilfred Argentinien, Paraguay, Uruguay.. Land am Silberstrom. Die La-Plata-Länder. Nürnberg 1969. 390 pages + plates. Original cloth. Dust jacket. Kultur der Nationen. (#95166)150:-
von Schoen, Wilhelm Geschichte Mittel- und Südamerikas.. Mit drei Karten. München 1953. 700 pages. Original cloth. Dust jacket. (#93745)150:-
Yglesias, Jose In the Fist of the Revolution.. Life in a Cuban Country Town. Vintage Books, New York 1969. 310 pages. Paperback. (#81494)100:-

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