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799 - Kunst und Kultur der Karolingerzeit.. Karl der Grosse und Papst Leo III. in Paderborn. Katalog der Ausstellung Paderborn 1999 herausgegeben von Christoph Stiegemann und Matthias Wemhoff. Illustrated. Mainz 1999. 939 pages. Soft covers. 2 volumes. (#172672)450:-
Abulafia, David Frederick II. A Medieval Emperor.. Pimlico, London 1992. (14),466 pages. Paper back. (#218219)150:-
A Calendar of the Feet of Fines. Relating to the Court of Huntingdon. Levied in the King's Court from the Fifth Year of Richard I to the End of the Reign of Elizabeth, 1194-1603. Edited by G.J. Turner. Cambridge 1913. clxiv, 30 pages. Soft covers. Front wrapper torn. Cambridge Antiquarian Society. Octavo Publ. No. 37. (#143560)300:-
Adam Brian at al. Medeltidens värld.. Övers. Birger Stolpe. Illustrerad. Sthlm 1981. 61 sidor. Stort format. Pappband. (#181391)140:-
Adelson, Howard L. Medieval Commerce. An Anvil Original under the general editorship of Louis L. Snyder. New York 1962. 192 pages. Pocket. (#216643)100:-
Alaux, Jean-Paul Vasco de Gama ou l'épopée des Portugais aux Indes.. Illustré d'aquarelles de Gustave Alaux et de documents anciens. Duchartre, Paris 1931. xxxii,285 pages + plates. 4:o. Soft covers. Spine cracked (the book is in two parts). (#189487)450:-
Altheim, Franz Gesicht vom Abend und Morgen.. Von der Antike zum Mittelalter. Fischer Bücherei 1955. 243 pages. Pocket. (#118469)100:-
Anderson, Perry Övergångar från antiken till feodalismen.. Lund 1977. 328 sidor. Häftad. (#31844)100:-
Anderson, Perry Övergångar från antiken till feodalismen.. Lund 1981. 320 sidor. Häftad. Blyertsförstrykningar. (#210613)100:-
Anna Komnena Anna Komnenas värld. Bysans på 1100-talet.. Alexiaden i urval med inledning, översättning och kommentarer av Sture Linnér. Sthlm 1994. 377 sidor. Klotband. Atlantis väljer ur världslitteraturen. (#32344)150:-
Anna Komnena Anna Komnenas värld. Bysans på 1100-talet.. Alexiaden i urval med inledning, översättning och kommentarer av Sture Linnér. Stockholm 1993. 377 sidor. Klotband. Atlantis väljer ur världslitteraturen. (#221219)150:-
Annales Hildesheimenses.. Hannover 1878. VIII, 69 pages. Softcover. Stamped. Scriptores rerum germanicarum. (#77170)150:-
Annales Mettenses priores.. Primum recognovit B. de Simson. Hannover & Leipzig 1905. XVII, 119 pages. No covers. Taken from binding. Scriptores rerum germanicarum. (#77173)125:-
Attard, Joseph The Knights of Malta.. Malta 1995. viii,192 pages. Soft covers. (#212541)100:-
Baker, Timothy Medieval London.. Illustrated. London 1970. 260 pages. Original cloth. Dust jacket. (#168987)160:-
Barber, Malcolm Det nya ridderskapet.. Tempelherreordens historia. Inledning av Dick Harrison. Illustr. Sth 1996. 432 sid. Inbunden. (#43694)150:-
Barlow, Frank The English Church 1000 - 1066. A Constitutional History.. London 1963. 324 pages. Original cloth. Dust jacket. (#187765)150:-
Barraclough, Geoffrey The Medieval Papacy.. Illustarted. London 1975. 216 pages. Soft covers. Stamped. (#186648)125:-
Bautier, Robert-Henri The Economic Development of Medieval Europe.. Illustr. London 1971. 286 pages. Paperback. (#60809)100:-
Bebel, Heinrich Von arglistigen Weibern und gewitzten Tölpeln.. Eine Auswahl aus den Facetien des Henricus Bebelius. Köln 1972. 137 pages. Original cloth in dustjacket. (#137718)110:-
Becher, Matthias Charlemagne.. Translated by David S. Bachrach. Illustrated. Yale University press 2003. 170 pages. Paper back. (#188072)140:-
Bede Ecclesiastical History of the English People with Bede's Letter to Egbert and Cuthbert's Letter on the Death of Bede.. The History translated by Leo Sherley-Price, revised by R.E. Latham. Translation of the minor works, new introduction and notes by D.H. Farmer. Penguin 1990. 397 pages. Paperback. End cover missing. (#219235)80:-
Ben Abdallah, Habib De l'iqta' étatique ā l'iqta' militaire.. Transition économique et changements sociaux ā Baghdad, 247-447 de l'Hégire/861-1055 ap. J. Diss. Upps. 1986. 219 pages. Softcover. (#51016)150:-
Bennett, Judith M. A Medieval Life.. Cecilia Penifader of Brigstock c. 1295-1344. McGraw-Hill College 1999. x, 147 pages. Soft covers. (#141717)135:-
Beresford, Maurice New Towns of the Middle Ages.. Town Plantation in England, Wales and Gascony. Illustrated. London 1967. xx, 670 pages. Original cloth. Dust jacket. (#143636)300:-
Berkhof, Hendrik Kyrka och kejsare.. En undersökning om den bysantinska och den teokratiska statsuppfattningens uppkomst på 300-talet. Sth 1962. 207 sidor. Häftad. (#92676)125:-
Blomqvist, Jerker Johannes Philoponos och den aristoteliska kosmologin.. Upps. 1979-80. 19 sidor. Klammerhäftad. Särtryck. (#119400)50:-
Bonifatius - Vitae Sancti Bonifatii.. Archiepiscopi Moguntini. Recognovit Wilhelm Levison. Hannover 1905. LXXXVI, 241 pages. Cloth with preserved wrappers. (#106566)150:-
Bossard, Robert Ueber die Entwicklung der Personendarstellung in der mittelalterlichen Geschichtsschreibung.. Diss. Meilen 1944. VII, 242 pages. Softcover. Stamped. (#111463)175:-
Bossuat, Robert Manuel bibliographique de la littérature franįaise du moyen age.. + Supplement (1)-2 (1949-1960). Paris 1951-61. 638 + 152 + 132 pages. Original cloth + Supplement in soft covers. 3 volumes. (#120027)450:-
Brandt, William J. The Shape of Medieval History.. Studies in Modes of Perceptions. New York 1973. 200 pp. (#10429)130:-
Braunfels, Wolfgang Karl der Grosse.. Mit Selbstzeugnissen und Bilddokumenten dargestellt. 1987. 186 pages. Paperback. (#77519)100:-
Breitholtz, Lennart Vid medeltidens gryning.. Rom under barbarernas svärd. Lund 1984. 358 sidor. Häftad. (#20140)110:-
Bridge, Antony The Crusades.. Granada, London 1980. 314 pages + illustrations. Original cloth. Dust jacket. Smal lable in the front cover. (#213227)150:-
Bridge, Antony Theodora.. Portrait in a Byzantine Landscape. London 1978. 194 pages. Original cloth. Dust jacket. (#42033)150:-
Brinton, Selwyn Mediceernas guldålder.. (Cosimo, Piero, Lorenzo de Medici) 1434-1494. Illustr. Sthlm 1926. 212 sidor. Halvpergamentband. (#216)175:-
Brooke, Christopher Europe in the Central Middle Ages 962-1154.. London 1964. 430 pages. Original cloth in dust jacket. (#10386)150:-
Brooke, Christopher Europe in the Central Middle Ages 962-1154.. London 1964. 430 pages. Original cloth. No jacket. (#206230)150:-
Brooke, Christopher Europe in the Central Middle Ages 962-1154.. Longman 1981. XX,403,(1) pages. Paperback. (#196562)100:-
Brooke, Christopher The Structure of Medieval Society.. Illustrated. London 1971. 143 pages. Paperback. (#219561)110:-
Brooke, Christopher & Keir, Gillian London 800-1216: The Shaping of a City.. London 1975. XXI, 424 pages + plates. Original cloth in dustjacket. The History of London. (#155619)160:-
Brooke, Z.N. The English Church & the Papacy.. From the Conquest to the Reign of John. Cambridge 1931. xii, 260 pages. Original cloth. (#143648)185:-
Brown, R. Allen English Medieval Castles.. Illustrated. London 1954. 208 pages + plates. Original cloth. (#143638)160:-
Burman, Edward Världen före Columbus 1100-1492.. Sthlm 1991. 221 sidor. Förlagets klotband med skyddsomslag. (#209117)140:-
Burman, Edward Världen före Columbus 1100-1492.. Sthlm 1991. 221 sidor. Förlagets klotband med skyddsomslag. Exlibris. (#203287)140:-
Burman, Edward Världen före Columbus 1100-1492.. Sthlm 1991. 221 sidor. Förlagets klotband med skyddsomslag. Namnstämpel. Lite blyertsförstrykningar. (#207523)120:-
Burman, Edward Världen före Columbus 1100-1492.. Sthlm 1991. 221 sidor. Förlagets klotband med skyddsomslag. Tillskrift. (#179121)140:-
Bysans och Norden.. Akta för Nordiska forskarkursen i bysantinsk konstvetenskap 1986. Red. av Elisabeth Piltz. Illustr. Uppsala 1989. 224 sidor. Häftad. Figura Nova 23. (#71440)200:-
Campbell, John, Eric John & Patrick Wormald The Anglo-Saxons.. Edited by James Campbell. Illustrated. Penguin 1991. 272 pages. Paper back. (#218607)150:-
Caoursin, Guillaume Beretning om Belejringen af Rhodos.. Facsimile-udgave af Johan Snels udgave af 1482. Kbhvn 1910. Oskuren i original pappband. Tryckt i 225 exemplar. (#139635)200:-
Carlqvist, Jonas & Langum, Virginia (editors) Words and Matter. The Virgin Mary in Late Medieval and Early Modern Parish Life.. Stockholm 2015. 253 pages. Original cloth. Dust jacket. Runica et Mediaevalia. Scripta minora 24 (#210506)150:-
Carus-Wilson, E.M. Medieval Merchant Ventures.. Collected studies. London 1967. 314 pages. Paper back. (#187637)140:-
Cassidy, Vincent H. The Sea Around Them.. The Atlantic Ocean, A.D. 1250. Baton Rouge 1968. XVII, 202 pages + plates. Original cloth. (#144851)175:-
Chase, Colin (editor) The Dating of Beowulf.. Published in assosiation with The Center for Medieval Studies, University of Toronto by University of Toronto Press 1997. 228 pages. Paper back. (#187863)175:-
Chazan, Robert Medieval Jewry in Northern France.. A Political and Social History. Baltimore 1973. XIV, 238 pages. Original cloth in dustjacket. (#121704)200:-
Cheney, C.R. English Bishops' Chanceries 1100-1250.. Manchester 1950. xii, 176 pages + folding plates. Original cloth. Dust jacket. (#143620)250:-
Cheney, C.R. From Becket to Langton. English Church Government 1170-1213.. The Ford lectures 1955. Manchester 1956. 212 pages. Original cloth. No jacket. (#187757)135:-
Chronicon Abbatiæ de Evesham, ad annum 1418.. Edited by William Dunn Macray. London 1863. liv, 394, 14 pages + folding plates. Original half cloth. Rerum Britannicorum Medii Æevi Scriptores. (#143478)600:-
Chronology, Conquest, and Conflict in Medieval England.. Cambridge 1997. 285 pages. Original cloth. Camden Miscellany XXXIV. Camden Fifth Series, Volume 10. (#143491)175:-
Church and State in the Middle Ages.. Edited by Bennett D. Hill. New York 1970. 210 pages. Softcover. (#158118)125:-
Clanchy, M.T. England and its Rulers 1066-1272.. Foreign lordship and national identity. Barnes and Noble 1983. 317 pages. Original cloth. Dust jacket. Pancil underlinings. (#169438)145:-
Cohn, Norman Europe's Inner Demons. Illustrated. Granada Publishing 1975. 302 pages. Paperback. (#216530)100:-
Cohn, Norman The Pursuit of the Millennium. Revolutionary millenarians and mystical anarchists of the Middle Ages.. Pimlico 1993. 414 pages. Paper back. As new. (#61087)160:-
Collins, Roger Charlemagne.. London 1998. 234 pages. Paper back. (#187728)135:-
Combridge, Rosemary Norah Das Recht im "Tristan" Gottfrieds von Straßburg.. Diss. München 1959. 220 pages. Softcover. Stamped. (#107433)150:-
Cornford, Barbara Medieval Flegg.. Two Norfolk hundreds in the middle ages. East and West Flegg, 1086-1500. The Larks Press 2002. 208 pages. Soft covers. Inscribed. (#168497)150:-
Cotton, Charles The Saxon Cathedral at Canterbury and the Saxon Saints Buried Therein.. Manchester 1929. xvi, 111 pages + plates. Original cloth. (#143566)250:-
Coulton, G.G. Medieval Panorama II.. The Horizons of Thought. Fontana 1961. 475 pages. Paperback. (#86547)100:-
Crombie, A.C. Augustine to Galileo. Vol. II. Science in the later middle ages and early modern times XIII-XVII centuries. London 1961. xvii, (3), 380 pages + plates. Softcover. (#220578)135:-
Cuaderno otorgado a los procuradores en las cortes de Valladolid de 1351.. Edited with notes by Sarah Embry Coleman. Diss. Chicago 1939. XXI, 88 pages. Softcover. Stamped. (#88130)175:-
Cunliffe, Barry The Ancient Celts.. Illustrated. Oxford University Press 1997. (12),324 pages. Original cloth. Dust jacket. (#218245)200:-
Darby, H.C. The Medieval Fenland.. Illustrated. Cambridge 1940. xviii,200 pages + plates. Original cloth. (#143614)200:-
Davis, H.W.C. England under the Normans and Angevins 1066-1272.. With eleven maps. Tweltfh edition, London 1945. xx, 584 pages. Original cloth. (#143618)150:-
Davis, R.H.C. A History of Medieval Europe. From Constantine to Saint Louis.. London 1992. xvi,408 pages. Paper back. (#212594)140:-
Day, David The Quest for King Arthur.. Illustrated. London 1975. 176 pages. Original cloth. Dust jacket. Former owners name. (#207674)150:-
de Haas, Elsa Antiquities of Bail.. Origin and Historical Development in Criminal Cases to the Year 1275. Diss. New York 1940. 175 pages + 7 plates. Softcover. Stamped. (#65305)160:-
Denis Piramus, La vie Seint Edmund le rei. Počme anglo-normand du XIIe sičcle par Denis Piramus.. Publié avec introduction, notes et glossaire par Hilding Kjellman. Göteborg 1935. 348 pages. Soft covers. (#33432)300:-
Denton, J.H. English Royal Free Chapels 1100-1300.. A Constitutional Study. Manchester 1970. xiv, 190 pages + map. Original cloth. (#143610)170:-
De onuitgegeven oorkonden van de Sint-Salvatorsabdij te Ename voor 1200.. Door Ludo Milis. Bruxelles 1965. L, 90 pages. 4:o. Original cloth. Koninklijke Academie van België. (#112846)250:-
de Plancy, J. Collin Godefroid de Bouillon,. Chroniques et légendes du temps des deux premičres croisades, 1095-1180. Vignettes par J. Coomans. Bruxelles 1842. (4), IV, 479 pages. Contemporary half leather with guilded decoration and lettering on spine. Slightly foxed. A very good copy. (#53245)1500:-
De rekeningen van de stad Brugge 1:1-2.. (1280-1319). (1280-1302). Uitgegeven door C. Wyffels. Bruxelles 1965-71. xviii, 1052 + 224 pages. 4:o Original cloth. 2 volumes. Koninklijke Academie van België. (#112850)750:-
Dhondt, Jan Das frühe Mittelalter.. Fischer 1978. 398 pages. Paper back. Fischer Weltgeschichte 10. (#183276)100:-
Diehl, Charles Bysantiska Gestalter. Bemyndigad Öfversättning af A.E.T. Förra delen. Helsingfors 1919. 265 sidor. Samtida halvfranskt band. 2 cm spricka i ena falsen. (#211656)150:-
Diehl, Charles Theodora.. Danserska och kejsarinna. Med 8 planscher. Sthlm 1919. 196 sidor. Original klotryggsband. (#133427)150:-
Diez, Friedrich Leben und Werke der Troubadours.. Ein Beitrag zur nähern Kenntniss des Mittelalters. Zweite vermehrte Auflage von Karl Bartsch. Hildesheim 1965. XVI, 506 pages. Original cloth (#203246)200:-
Dopsch, Alfons Die Wirtschaftsentwicklung der Karolingerzeit 1-2.. Vornehmlich in Deutschland. Dritte, erweiterte Auflage. Darmstadt 1962. 444 + 451 pages. Original linen bindings. 2 volumes. (#25006)350:-
Dopsch, Alfons Die ältere Wirtschafts- und Socialgeschichte der Bauern in den Alpenländern Österreichs.. Oslo 1930. 181 pages + folding maps. Hardcover. Stamped. (#66495)150:-
Dopsch, Alfons Die ältere Wirtschafts- und Socialgeschichte der Bauern in den Alpenländern Österreichs.. Oslo 1930. 181 pages + folding maps. Softcover. Somewhat worn. (#80623)100:-
Dopsch, Alfons Die ältere Wirtschafts- und Socialgeschichte der Bauern in den Alpenländern Österreichs.. Oslo 1930. 181 pages + folding maps. Softcover. Stamped. (#66497)125:-
Dopsch, Alfons Grundlagen der europäischen Kulturentwicklung I-II.. Aus der Zeit von Caesar bis auf Karl den Grossen. Zweite veränderte und erweiterte Auflage Wien 1923-24. 418 + 615 pages. Original cloth. 2 volumes. Stamped. (#28931)350:-
Douglas, David C. The Norman Achievement. Collins/Fontana 1972. 284 pages. Pocket. (#216659)100:-
Douglas, David C. William the Conqueror. The Norman Impact Upon England.. London 1964. 476 pages. Original cloth. No jacket. (#187772)160:-
Downs, Norton Basic Documents in Medieval History. An Anvil Original 1959. 189 pages. Pocket. (#219768)100:-
Duby, Georges Dames du XIIe sičcle 1-3.. 1. Héloīse, Aliénor, Iseut et quelques autres. 2. Le souvenir des aīeules. 3. Čve et les prętres. Gallimard 1995-96. 175 + 138 + 219 pages. Soft covers. 3 volumes. (#185297)300:-
Duby, Georges Guerriers et paysans.. VIIe-XII sičcle premier essor de l'economie européenne. Paris 1973. 308 pages. Soft covers. (#61314)145:-
Duby, Georges Le chevalier, la femme et le prętre.. Le mariage dans la France féodale. Hachette 1981. 312 pages. Paperback. (#86286)100:-
Duby, Georges L'économie rural et la vie des campagnes dans l'Occident médieval.. (France, Angleterre, Empire, IXe-XVe sičcles.) Essai de synthčse et perspectives de recherches. Aubier, Édition Montaigne 1962. 822 pages. Soft covers. (#170931)250:-
Duby, Georges Le temps des cathédrales.. L'art et la sociéte 980-1420. Paris 1976. 379 pages. Soft covers. (#61313)140:-
Duby, Georges Makten och kärleken.. Om äktenskapet i feodaltidens Frankrike. Sth 1998. 251 sidor. Original klotband. Skyddsomslag. (#43701)150:-
Duby, Georges Söndagen vid Bouvines.. Den 27 juli 1214. Sthlm 1990. 250 sidor. Originalklotband i skyddsomslag. (#67762)125:-
Dupuy, Micheline Les grandes heures le l'Aquitaine.. Libraire Académique Perrin, Paris 1973.434 pages. Original hard covers. (#185347)145:-
Dyer, Christopher Making a Living in the Middle Ages. The People of Britain 850-1520.. Yale University press 2002. 403 pages. Original cloth. Dust jacket. (#187751)175:-
Early Guild Records of Toulouse.. Edited with an Introduction by Mary Ambrose Mulholland. Diss. New York 1941. LI, 193 pages. Softcover. Stamped. (#65385)225:-
Eastern and Western Europe in the Middle Ages.. Ed. Geoffrey Barraclough. Ill. London 1970. 216 pages. Paper back (#10411)100:-
Eastern and Western Europe in the Middle Ages.. Edited with an introduction by Geoffrey Barraclough. Illustr. London 1970. 216 pages. Original cloth in dustjacket. A few ink-marks. (#111999)125:-
Easton, Stewart C. & Wieruszowski, Helene The Era of Charlemagne. Frankish State and Society. An Anvil Original under the general editorship of Louis L. Snyder. New York 1961. 191 pages. Pocket. (#216642)100:-
Einhard and Notker the Stammerer Two Lives of Charlemagne.. Translated with an introduction by Lewis Thorpe. Penguin no date (c. 1980). 227 pages. Paperback. Fine. (#219230)100:-
Ellis, Clarence Hubert de Burgh.. London 1952. 240 pages + plate. Original cloth. (#143623)150:-
Erbstösser, Martin The Crusades.. Illustr. Newton Abbot 1978. 209 pages + maps. 4:o. Original cloth in dustjacket. Ex library with usual markings. (#156864)125:-
Euler, August Das Königtum im altfranzösischen Karls-Epos.. Marburg 1886. 60 pp. Stamped. (#31534)125:-
Fawtier, Robert The Capetian Kings of France.. Monarchy & Nation (987-1328). London 1968. X, 242 pages + folding maps and table. Paper back. (#187748)140:-
Fehr, Joseph Der Aberglaube und die katholische Kirche des Mittelalters.. Ein Beitrag zur Kultur- und Sittengeschichte. Stuttgart 1857. 164 pages. Soft covers. Spine worn. Stamped. (#133569)400:-
Fengler, Gerog Untersuchungen zu den Einnahmen und Ausgaben der Stadt Greifswald im 14. und beginnenden 15. Jahrhundert (besonders nach dem Kämmereibuch von 1361-1411).. Dissertation Greifswald 1936. 132 pages. Blank covers. Small stamp on title page. Fine copy. (#181186)150:-
Fernandez de Heredia, Juan La grant cronica de Espanya, Libros I-II.. Ediciķn según el manuscrito 10133 de la Biblioteca Nacional de Madrid, con introducciķn crítica, estudio lingüístico y glosario por Regina af Geijerstam. Diss. Upps. 1964. 406 pages + plates. Softcover. (#94574)250:-
Fighting for the Faith - The Many Crusades.. Edited by Kurt Villads Jensen and others. Stockholm 2018. 423 pages. Original cloth. Dust jacket. Runica et Mediaevalia. Scripta minora 27. (#210503)200:-
Fink, Karl August Martin V. und Aragon.. Diss. Berlin 1938. 164 pages. Softcover. Stamped. (#107423)300:-
Finn, R. Welldon The Norman Conquest and Its Effect on the Economy 1066-86.. London 1971. xiv, 322 pages. Original cloth. Dust jacket. Domesday Studies. (#143650)250:-
Fischer, Friedrich Politiker um Otto den Großen.. Diss. Berlin 1938. 171 pages. Softcover. Stamped. (#107425)150:-
Fletcher, Richard The Conversion of Europe. From Paganism to Christianity 371-1386 AD.. Illustrated. HarperCollins London 1997. xiv,562 pages. Original cloth. Dust jacket. Fine. Former owners signature. (#219186)200:-
Fouracre, Paul & Richard A. Gerberding Late Merovingian France. History and Hagiography 640-720.. Manchester University Press 1996. xii,397 pages. Soft covers. As new. (#218721)150:-
Fox, George G. The Medieval Sciences in the Works of John Gower.. Diss. Washington 1931. 164 pages. Softcover. Stamped. (#122373)375:-
Froissart Krönike.. I udvalg ved Robert L. Hansen. Kbhvn 1922-24. 278 + 334 sidor + karta. Häftad. 2 volymer. (#182795)150:-
Froissart Krönike.. I udvalg ved Robert L. Hansen. Kbhvn 1922-24. 278 + 334 sidor + karta. Klotband. 1 volym. (#202180)250:-
Fundenburg, George Baer Feudal France in the French Epic.. A Study of Feudal french Institutions in History and Poetry. Diss. Princeton 1918. 121 pages. Softcover. Stamped. (#72303)125:-
Förnegård, Per, Les démonstratifs dans une compilation historique du XIVe sičcle. Préfixation, microsystčmes, cooccurrences.. Stockholm 2012. 110 pages. Soft covers. Runica et Medaevalia, Opuscula 16. (#203154)140:-
Gad, Carl Middelalderen.. Et stykke kulturhistorie. Illustr. Kbhvn 1962. 301 pp. (#31887)100:-
Gad, Carl Middelalderen. Et stykke kulturhistorie.. Illustrerad. Kbhvn 1962. 301 sidor. Klotband med skyddsomslag. (#182650)150:-
Gallagher, John J. Church and State in Germany Under Otto the Great (936-973).. Diss. Washington 1938. XV, 97 pages. Softcover. Stamped. (#77818)200:-
Ganshof, F.L. Feudalism.. London 1960. xix, 160 pages + plate. Original cloth. Ex-Library with pencil underlinings. (#106106)90:-
Ganshof, Francois Louis Frankish Institutions under Charlemagne.. New York 1968. 191 pages. Paper back. (#187739)120:-
Gardner, John The Life and Times of Chaucer.. Ornaments by J. Wolf. New York 1977. 328, X pages. Original cloth in dustjacket. (#124307)150:-
Geary, Patrick J. Furta sacra. Theft of Relics in the Central Middle Ages.. Princeton University Press 1990. xvi,219 pages. Paper back. (#218500)150:-
Geary, Patrick J. Living with the Dead in the Middle Ages.. Cornell University Press 1994. x,273 pages. Paperback. (#218742)145:-
Geary, Patrick J. (editor) Readings in Medieval History.. Broadview, Peterborough 1989. x,834 pages. Paper back. Very fine. (#218220)175:-
Gentse Stads- en Baljuwsrekeningen (1351-1364).. Uitgegeven door Alfons Van Werveke. Met een inleiding door Hans Van Werveke. Bruxelles 1970. xxxi, 685 pages. 4:o. Original cloth. Koninklijke Academie van België. (#112821)600:-
Geoffroy de la Tour Landry En bok till mina döttrar.. Övers. och kommentar av Gustaf Holmér. 1990. 188 sidor. Häftad. (#56454)125:-
Georgius Lacapenus Epistulae X priores cum epimerismis. editae Sigfrid Lindstam. Diss. Uppsala 1910. lx, 104 pages. Soft covers. Stamped. (#139627)200:-
Geschichte des Mittelalters I.. Redaktion: J.A. Kosminski und S.D. Skaskin. Berlin 1958. 611 pages + maps. Original cloth. Volume I only. (#98841)150:-
Geschichte Walthers von der Vogelweide.. Übersetzt von Karl Simrock. Achte Auflage. Leipzig 1894. Engraved extra title page, xl, 360 pages. Contemporary half leather. (#89926)300:-
Grandes chroniques de France,. selon que elles sont conservées en l'église de Saint-Denis en France. Publiées par M. Paulin Paris. Techener, Paris 1836. (2), xviii, 863 pages (columns 1-1726). Folio. Contemporary half leather, slightly worn extremities. Folio-edition, published the same year as the the more common 6-volume-edition in 8:vo. (#143344)3500:-
Guds färdemän.. På korståg med Joinville, till storkanen med Ruysbroek, islams resenär Ibn Batuta. Ett urval redigerat och presenterat av Göran Schildt. Sthlm 1961. 230 sidor. Häftad. (#100184)120:-
Guth, Paul Histoire de la douce France.. De la Gaule ā la quatričme croisade. Illustr. Paris 1968. 718 pages. Original cloth. Dust jacket. (#42216)200:-
Gülke, Peter Mönche / Bürger / Minnesänger.. Musik in der Gesellschaft des europäischen Mittelalters. Illustr. Leipzig 1975. 283 pages. Hardcover. (#153301)150:-
Hallam, Elizabeth (editor) Medieval Monarchs.. Illustrated. Tiger Books International, London 1996. 160 pages. 4:o. Original hard covers in dust jacket. Very Fine. (#185416)150:-
Hall, Thomas Mittelalterliche Stadgrundrisse.. Versuch einer Übersicht der Entwicklung in Deutschland und Frankreich. Illustr. Sth 1980. 160 pages. Softcover. (#58016)150:-
Handelingen van de Leden en van de staten van Vlaanderen I.. Regeringen van Maria van Bourgondië en Filips de Schone (5 januari 1477 - 26 september 1506). Excerpten uit de rekeningen van de Vlaamse steden en kasselrijen en van de vorsteijke ambtenaren. Tot de vrede van Kadzand (1492). Door Willem Pieter Blockamns. Bruxelles 1973. xxxii, 606 pages. 4:o. Original cloth. Koninklijke Academie van België. (#112843)500:-
Hannestad, Knud Korstågen.. Ett möte mellan två kulturer. Sthlm 1966. 86 sidor. Pocket. (#58172)75:-
Harrison, Dick Krigarnas och helgonens tid.. Västeuropas historia 400-800 e.Kr. Illustr. Sth 1999. 592 sid. Förlagsband i skyddsomslag. Några få bläckförstrykningar. (#206891)150:-
Harrison, Dick Krigarnas och helgonens tid. Västeuropas historia 400-800 e.Kr.. Illustrerad. Stockholm 1999. 592 sidor. Förlagsband med skyddsomslag. (#177073)160:-
Harrison, Dick Krigarnas och helgonens tid. Västeuropas historia 400-800 e.Kr.. Illustrerad. Stockholm 1999. 592 sidor. Förlagsband utan skyddsomslag. (#214970)130:-
Harrison, Dick Stora döden.. Den värsta katastrof som drabbat Europa. Illustr. Sthlm 2000. 480 sidor. Inbunden. Skyddsomslag. (#63826)150:-
Harrison, Dick Stora döden.. Den värsta katastrof som drabbat Europa. Illustr. Sthlm 2000. 480 sidor. Inbunden utan skyddsomslag. (#201919)140:-
Harrison, Dick Stora döden.. Den värsta katastrof som drabbat Europa. Illustr. Sthlm 2003. 480 sidor. Pocket. (#116168)100:-
Hashagen, Justus Europa im Mittelalter.. Alte Tatsachen und neue Gesichtespunkte. Eine Einführung mit besonderer Berücksichtigung der nichtdeutschen Staaten. München 1951. 519 pages. Original cloth. (#103006)160:-
Havighurst, Alfred F. (editor) The Pirenne Thesis. Analysis, Criticism, and Revision.. Boston 1958. 109 pages. Staple-bound. (#188705)100:-
Heath, Ian A Wargamers' Guide to the Crusades.. Illustrated. Cambridge 1980. 160 pages. Hardcover with dustjacket. (#158071)170:-
Heck, Philipp Die Standesgliederung der Sachsen im frühen Mittelalter.. Tübingen 1927. xii,209 pages. Bound with both wrappers in half cloth. Stamped. (#94841)250:-
Heer, Friedrich Medeltiden.. 1100-1350. Illustrerad. Sthlm 1966. 296 sidor. Klotband med skyddsomslag. (#41451)150:-
Heer, Friedrich Medeltiden.. 1100-1350. Illustrerad. Sthlm 1966. 296 sidor. Klotband utan skyddsomslag. (#211670)140:-
Heer, Friedrich The Medieval World.. Europe from 1100 to 1350. Cardinal, London 1974. 432 pages + plates. Paperback. (#107585)100:-
Heilmann, My Burgen und Ritter am Rhein.. Ein historischer Führer zwischen Bingen und Koblenz. Illustr. Düsseldorf 1974. 233 pages. Soft covers. (#67971)200:-
Heinrich, Mary Pia The Canonesses and Education in the Early Middle Ages.. Diss. Washington 1924. 218 pages. Softcover. Stamped. (#145460)300:-
Hellström, Jan Arvid Änglars fall. En berättelse från katarernas Languedoc i det trettonde århundradet.. Atlantis 1995. 203 sidor. Förlagsband med skyddsomslag. Fint ex. (#207194)150:-
Hemme am Rhyn, Otto Kulturgeschichte der Kreuzzüge.. Illustr. Leipzig n.d. 302, (20) pp. Half cloth. (#31873)200:-
Henrikson, Alf Byzantinsk historia.. Teckningar av Björn Berg. Sth 1971. 459 sidor. Original klotband. (#26418)125:-
Henrikson, Alf Byzantinsk historia.. Teckningar av Björn Berg. Sth 1978. 459 sidor. Original klotband. Skyddsomslag. (#216525)150:-
Henrikson, Alf Byzantinsk historia.. År 326 till år 1453. Teckningar av Björn Berg. Sth 1975. 459 sidor. Original klotband. Skyddsomslag. (#64591)150:-
Henry, Charles W. Canonical Relations Between the Bishops and Abbots at the Beginning of the Tenth Century.. Diss. Washington 1957. VIII, 220 pages. Softcover. Stamped. (#92287)225:-
Herre, Paul Deutsche Kultur des Mittelalters in Bild und Wort.. Mit 245 schwarzen Abbildungen auf 112 Tafeln und 1 farbigen Titelbild. Leipzig 1912. x,82 pages + 112 plates. Original decorated cloth. Stamped. (#76908)150:-
Herrin, Judith Det bysantinska riket.. Illustrerad. Höör 2009. 432 sidor. Förlagsband med skyddsomslag. (#180069)150:-
Herrschaft und Staat im Mittelalter.. Darmstadt 1956. 411 pages. Original cloth Wege der Forschung II. (#69341)145:-
Hesse, Hermann (herausg.) Geschichte aus dem Mittelalter.. Verlag Karl Hönn, Konstanz no date. 190 pages. Original cloth. Dust jacket. First edition. (#189600)185:-
Hibbert, Christopher The Rise and Fall of the House of Medici.. Penguin 1979. 368 pages + plates. Paper back. (#218494)100:-
Hicks, Carola (editor) England in the Eleventh Century.. Proceedings of the 1990 Harlaxton Symposium. Stamford 1992. 356 pages. + plates. Original cloth. Dust jacket. Very fine. Harlaxton Medieval Studies II. (#188061)185:-
Hjärne, Harald (utg.) Medeltidens statsskick.. Omkr. 800-1350. Valda texter. Upps. 1895. XXII, 426 sidor. Halvfranskt band. (#31892)200:-
Hjärne, Harald (utg.) Medeltidens statsskick.. Omkr. 800-1350. Valda texter. Upps. 1895. XXII, 426 sidor. Häftad. (#31927)125:-
Hjärne, Harald (utg.) Medeltidens statsskick.. Omkr. 800-1350. Valda texter. Upps. 1895. XXII, 426 sidor. Klotband. (#205126)175:-
Holland, Leicester Bodine, Traffic Ways About France in the Dark Ages (500-1150).. Dissertation, H. Ray Haas 1919 (Univ. of Pennsylvania). (8),99,(11) pages + 2 maps and 3 diagrams. Very fine, as new. Small stamp on front cover. (#205767)300:-
Hollister, C. Warren Medeltidens Europa.. En kortfattad översikt. Illustr. Sth 1972. 307 sidor. Häftad. (#31897)100:-
Hollister, C. Warren Medeltidens Europa.. En kortfattad översikt. Illustr. Sth 1972. 307 sidor. Häftad. En del blyerts. (#77386)75:-
Hollister, C. Warren Medieval Europe.. A Short History. Illustrated. 8. edition, New York 1998. xx, 407 pages. Paper back. (#187599)140:-
Holmberg, Märta Åsdahl (herausg.) Der Harffer Sachsenspiegel vom Jahre 1295.. Landrecht. Diss. Lund 1957. 208 pp + plate. Soft cover. Some pencil underlinings. Inscribed by the editor. (#24415)150:-
Holmes, George Europe: Hierarchy and Revolt 1320-1450. Fontana/Collins 1975. 352 pages. Pocket. (#217268)100:-
Holtzmann, Robert, Geschichte der sächsischen Kaiserzeit.. (900-1024). Mit 40 Bildseiten, Stammtafel und Karte. München 1961. 575 pages. Original cloth. (#172682)200:-
Hoyt, Robert S. Europe in the Middle Ages.. Illustrated. Second edition, New York 1966. 684 pages. Original cloth. No jacket. (#187724)150:-
Hughes, Kathleen Early Christian Irelland: Introduction to the Sources.. London 1972. 320 pages. Original cloth. (#187588)150:-
Huizinga, Johan Historia och dikt.. Studier över 1300- och 1400-talens levnadsstil och tankeformer i Frankrike och Nederländerna. Illustr. Sth 1964. 383 sidor. Pocket. Inbunden i ett halvklotband. (#2996)125:-
Huizinga, Johan The Waning of the Middle Ages.. A Study of the Forms of Life, Thought and Art in France and the Netherlands in the XIVth and XVth Centuries. New York 1954. 362 pages. Paperback. (#55149)90:-
Huizinga, Johan Ur medeltidens höst.. Studier över 1300- och 1400-talens levnadsstil och tankeformer i Frankrike och Nederländerna. Illustr. Lund 1964. 383 sidor. Pocket. (#135802)100:-
Huizinga, Johan Ur medeltidens höst.. Studier över 1300- och 1400-talens levnadsstil och tankeformer i Frankrike och Nederländerna. Illustr. Sth 1927. 432 sidor. Halvklotband. (#61762)170:-
Huizinga, Johan Ur medeltidens höst.. Studier över 1300- och 1400-talens levnadsstil och tankeformer i Frankrike och Nederländerna. Illustr. Sth 1927. 432 sidor. Halvklotband. Understrykninga med rödpenna. (#167775)125:-
Huizinga, Johan Ur medeltidens höst.. Studier över 1300- och 1400-talens levnadsstil och tankeformer i Frankrike och Nederländerna. Illustr. Sth 1964. 383 sidor. Pocket. Inbunden i ett halvklotband. (#4506)125:-
Huizinga, Johan Ur medeltidens höst.. Studier över 1300- och 1400-talens levnadsstil och tankeformer i Frankrike och Nederländerna. Illustr. Sth 1988. 383 sidor. Storpocket. (#74606)120:-
Hunt, Edwin S. och Murray, James M., Företagande och handel i det medeltida Europa 1200-1550.. Stockholm 2001. 367 sidor. Förlagsband. (#203393)165:-
Härdelin, Alf (utg) Från hymn till skröna.. Medeltida litteratur i ny belysning. Illustr. Sthlm 1989. 202 sidor. Förlagsband. (#93390)125:-
Inga helgon precis.... Politik, erotik och filosofi i Bysans. Sex föreläsningar vid Göteborgs universitet. Karin Hult (red.). Illustr. Sthlm 1999. 85 sidor. Häftad. Runica et Mediaevalia. Opuscula 5. (#164763)125:-
[Istoria tou neou ellinismou].. [A' Archez kai diamorfosi tou. Ekdosi B' Sumpliromeni kai enimeromeni.] Illustr. Thessaloniki 1974. 481 pages. Softcover. In Greek only. (#150850)150:-
James, Edward The Origins of France. From Clovis to the Capetians 500-1000.. Macmillan 1992. xxiv,253 pages + plates. Paperback. Fine. (#218737)145:-
Jean Froissart Krönika.. Urval, översättning och efterskrift av Lorenz von Numers. Sthlm 1961. 241 sidor. Förlagsband i skyddsomslag. (#60721)100:-
Johansen, Børge V. Fra Chaucers tid.. 1327-1400. Illustrerad. Kbhvn 1965. 262 sidor. Häftad. (#127699)165:-
John, Eric Land Tenure in Early England.. A discussion of some problems. Leicester, 1960. 184 ppages. Original cloth. No jacket. (#187586)150:-
John, Eric Orbis Britanniae and Other Studies.. Leicester 1966. 303 pages. Original cloth. No jacket. (#187587)200:-
Joho, Jean-Jacques Histoire des relations entre Berne et Fribourg. et entre leurs signeurs depuis les origines jusqu'en 1308. Diss. Neuchatel (Berne) 1955. 203 pages. 4:o. Soft covers. Stamped. (#156361)300:-
Jolliffe, J.E.A. Angevin Kingship.. London 1963. xii, 358 pages. Original cloth. (#143532)200:-
Jönsson, Maren "Ob ich ein Ritter wære".. Genderentwürfe und genderrelatierte Erzählstrategien im Nibelungenlied. Diss. Uppsala 2001. 375 pages. Softcover. (#52878)150:-
Karl der Grosse.. Werk und Wirkung. (Ausstellungskatalog) Aachen 1965. 778 pages + 158 plates. Soft covers. (#50315)200:-
Karlsson, Gustav Idéologie et cérémonial dans l'épistolographie byzantine.. Textes du Xe sičcle analysés et commentés. Diss. Upps. 1959. 154 pages. Softcover. (#19727)150:-
Karlsson, Gustav Idéologie et cérémonial dans l'épistolographie byzantine.. Textes du Xe sičcle analysés et commentés. Nouvelle édition, revue et augmentée. Uppsala 1962. 157 pages. Softcover. (#39811)165:-
Keen, Maurice The Penguin History of Medieval Europe.. Penguin Books 1991. 349 pages. Paper back. (#187750)110:-
Keen, M.H. England in the Later Middle Ages.. A Political History. London 1973. xii, 581 pages. Original cloth. (#143526)200:-
Kehr - Papsttum und Kaisertum.. Forschungen zur politischen Geschichte und Geistkultur des Mittelalters. Paul Kehr zum 65. Geburtstag dargebracht. Herausgegeben von Albert Brackmann. München 1926. viii, 707 pages + plates. Original cloth. (#158947)450:-
Kibre, Pearl Scholarly Privileges in the Middle Ages.. London 1961. XVI, 446 pages. Hardcover. (#41457)350:-
Koenigsberger, H.G. Medieval Europe 400 - 1500.. Longman 1997. 401 pages. Paper back. A history of Europe. (#187726)145:-
Kurtén-Lindberg, Birgitta Medeltida människor.. Ett porträttgalleri. Lund 2000. 232 sidor. Förlagsband med skyddsomslag. (#207514)150:-
Kurtén-Lindberg, Birgitta Medeltida människor.. Ett porträttgalleri. Lund 2000. 232 sidor. Förlagsband utan skyddsomslag. (#177171)130:-
Kurtén-Lindberg, Birgitta Medeltida människor.. Ett porträttgalleri. Lund 2002. 234 sidor. Pocket. (#213082)100:-
Körner, Sten The Battle of Hastings, England, and Europe 1035-1066.. Dissertatiopon. Lund 1964. XII, 303 pages. Softcover. Inscribed by the author. (#10356)400:-
Labarge, Margaret Wade A Small Sound of the Trumpet. Women in Medieval Life.. Illustrated. London 1990. xiv,271 pages. Paperback. Very fine. (#219560)150:-
Ladurie, Emmanuel Le Roy Montaillou.. Cathars and Catholics in a French Village 1294-1324. Translated by Barbara Bray. London 1978. 383 pages. Original cloth. Dust jacket. (#131809)170:-
Ladurie, Emmanuel Le Roy Montaillou.. En fransk by 1294-1324. Övers. Jan Stolpe. MånPocket 1982. 511 sidor. Pocket. (#74641)100:-
Ladurie, Emmanuel Le Roy Montaillou. En fransk by 1294-1324.. Sthlm 1980. 511 sidor. Klotband. (#36714)160:-
Ladurie, Emmanuel Le Roy Montaillou. En fransk by 1294-1324.. Sthlm 1989. 511 sidor. Förlagsband. (#211697)150:-
Laistner, M.L.W. Thought and Letters in Western Europe AD 500 - 900.. London 1957. 416 pages. Original cloth. Dust jacket. (#187740)200:-
Lansarna vid Jordan.. En resa i korsfararnas spår. Sthlm 1964. 158 sidor + planscher. Originalklotband med bevarade omslag. Skyddsomslag. (#128069)150:-
Larson, Laurence Marcellus The King's Household in England Before the Norman Conquets.. Dissertation, Masison 1904. 157 pages. Soft covers. Bulletin of the University of Wisconsin No. 100, page 56-211. (#187581)150:-
Latouche, Robert The Birth of Western Economy.. Economic Aspects of the Dark Ages. London 1961. 341 pages. Hard covers. Lots of pencil-underlinings. (#51253)145:-
La vie d'Edouard le confesseur.. Počme Anglo-Normand du XIIe sičcle. Publié avec introduction, notes et glossaire par Östen Södergård. Diss. Upps. 1948. 384 pages + 2 facsimiles. Softcover. (#24495)150:-
Le Goff, Jacques Das Hochmittelalter.. Fischer Bücherei 1965. 350 pages. Pocket. Fischer Weltgeschichte 11. (#119147)100:-
Le Goff, Jacques Un long moyen âge.. Tallandier, Paris 2004. 258 pages. Soft covers. (#185322)145:-
Le Goff, Jacques Your Money or Your Life.. Economy and Religion in the Middle Ages. New York 2001. 116 pages. Softcover. (#145921)125:-
Lehmann, Johannes Die Kreuzfahrer.. Abenteurer Gottes. Illustr. München 1976. 432 pages. Original cloth. Dust jacket. (#42213)150:-
Lennard, Reginald Rural England 1086-1135.. A Study of Social and Agrarian Conditions. Oxford 1997. 409 pages. Hard covers. Dustjacket. (#51245)200:-
Les Normands en Méditerranée dans le sillage des Tancrčde.. Actes publiés sous la direction de Pierre Bouet et Franįois Neveux. Illustr. Caen 1994. 272 pages. Softcover. Colloque de Cerisy-la-Salle (24-27 septembre 1992). (#155403)200:-
Levison, Wilhelm England and the Continent in the Eight Century.. Ford. lectures. Oxford 1946. 348 pages. Original cloth. No jacket. (#187579)150:-
Lindner, Theodor Die Deutsche Hanse.. Ihre Geschichte und Bedeutung. Illustriert. Vierte Auflage, Leipzig 1911. 192 pages + map. Original cloth. Stamped. Pencil underlinings. (#94894)150:-
Linnér, Sture Bysantinsk kulturhistoria.. Illustrerad. Sthlm 1994. 277 sidor. Original klotband. Skyddsomslag. (#71936)145:-
Litteræ de Beneficiis o.p. (1243-1524).. Uitgegeven door S.P. Wolfs O.P. Groningen 1963. xxxii, 91 pages. Soft covers. Fontes minores medii aevi XIV. (#126039)120:-
Lloyd, Alan King John.. Illustr. Newton Abbot 1973. XVII, 428 pp. Cloth in dustjacket. (#6638)200:-
L'Orange, H.P. Från antik till medeltid.. Förändringar i konst-, kultur- och samhällsuppfattning från ca år 200 till ca år 800. Sth 1965. 124 sidor + planscher. Pocket. Understrykningar i svart bläck. (#219471)80:-
L'Orange, H.P. Från antik till medeltid.. Förändringar i konst-, kultur- och samhällsuppfattning från ca år 200 till ca år 800. Sth 1965. 124 sidor. Pocket. (#42790)100:-
Loyn, Henry The Norman Conquest.. London 1965. 212 pages. Original cloth with dustjacket. (#152892)100:-
Lundberg, Carl Några drag ur den antika kulturens lif under medeltiden.. Sthlm 1916. 54 sidor. Häftad. (#88186)110:-
Maalouf, Amin Korstågen enligt araberna.. Lund 1991. 316 sidor. Klotband med skyddsomslag. (#41499)140:-
Machiavelli, Niccolō Geschichte von Florenz.. Vollständige Ausgabe. Deutsch von Alfred von Reumont. Illustr. Wien 1934. 489 pages. Original cloth. (#61150)150:-
Matthew, Donald The Norman Kingdom of Sicily.. Cambridge University Press 1992. xvi,418 pages. Paper back. As new. (#218560)150:-
Mayer, Hans Eberhard The Crusades.. Translated by John Gillingham. Oxford University Press 1993. xii,354 pages. Paperback. As new. (#219176)140:-
McGuire, Thomas A. The Conception of the Knight in the Old French Epics of the Southern Cycle.. With Parallels from Contemporary Historical Sources. Diss. East Lansing 1939. 118 pages. Softcover. Stamped. (#110056)250:-
Medeltid.. Närbilder från fyra världsdelar. Av Beril Almgren m.fl. Sveriges radio 1968. 110 sidor. Pocket. (#81415)100:-
Mediaeval Germany 911-1250 1-2.. 1. Introduction. 2. Essays by German Historians. Translated and with an introduction by Geoffrey Barraclough. Oxford 1938. 141 + 305 pages. Odiginal cloth. Ex library. (#208371)250:-
Medieval Culture and Society.. Ed. David Herlihy. N.Y. 1968. 448 pp. (#10376)135:-
Medieval Narrative.. A Symposium. Odense University Press 1979. 139 pages. Soft covers. (#187159)150:-
Medieval Queenship.. Edited by John Carmi Parsons. Sutton Publishing 1998. 264 pages. Softcover. (#156824)140:-
Medieval Translators and Their Craft.. Edited by Jeanette Beer. Kalamazoo 1989. 428 pages. Soft covers. (#169398)200:-
Michaud, Joseph-Franįois Korstågen.. Illustr. av Gustave Doré. Uddevalla 1973. 478 sidor. Förlagsband i skyddsomslag. (#31910)145:-
Michaud, M., Histoire des croisades. Abrégée a l'usage de la jeunesse.. Illustrated. Tours, Alfred Mame et fils 1899. 399 pages. Original decorated cloth, slightly worn. (#204853)200:-
Michelet, Jules Le Moyen Age.. Histoire de France. Paris 1981. 1098 pages. Paper back. (#185331)120:-
Mitchell, Sydney Knox Taxation in Medieval England.. Edited by Sidney Painter. New Haven 1951. 413 pages. Original cloth. (#143689)200:-
Montaigu, Henry La fin des féodaux.. Le pré carré du roi Louis. Olivier Orban 1980. 370 pages. Soft covers. (#104850)140:-
Morrall, John B. Political Thought in Medieval Times.. New York 1962. 152 pages. Paperback. (#66443)100:-
Morrall, John B. Political Thoughts in Medieval Times.. University of Toronto Press 1989. 152 pages. Paper back. (#218252)140:-
Morris, John The Age of Arthur.. A History of the British Isles from 350 to 650. London 1973. xviii, 665 pages. Hardcover. (#143693)150:-
Morris, William Alfred The Medieval English Sheriff to 1300.. Manchester 1927. xviii, 291 pages. Original cloth. No jacket. (#95479)400:-
Mossé, Claude Les histoires de l'historire.. Le bas moyen age. Acropole Paris 1981. 413 pages. Paper back. (#185389)140:-
Moss, L.B. The Birth of the Middle Ages 395-814.. Illustr. London 1947. XVIII, 291 pages. Original cloth. No jacket. (#110226)145:-
Moss, L.B. The Birth of the Middle Ages 395-814.. Illustr. London 1961. XVI, 291 pages. Softcover. (#51032)120:-
Mundy, John H. & Riesenberg, Peter The Medieval Town.. Princeton 1967. 190 pages. Paperback. (#74658)100:-
Myers, A.R. England in the Late Middle Ages.. Penguin 1952. 264 pages. Paperback. The Pelican History of England 4. (#74002)100:-
Myers, Henry A. Medieval Kingship.. Nelson-Hall, Chicago 1982. x,467 pages. Original cloth. Dust jacket. Fine. (#218741)165:-
Müller, Iso Die churrätische Wallfahrt im Mittelalter.. Ein Überblick. Basel 1964. 112 pages + plates. Soft covers. (#61565)140:-
Nash, E. Gee Hansan.. Dess historia och romantik. Stockholm 1930. 228 sidor. Häftad. Blyertsunderstrykningar (#44914)115:-
Nigg, Walter Vom Geheimnis der Mönche.. Zürich 1953. 424 pp. Cloth in dustjacket. (#35849)180:-
Nithard Historiarum libri IIII.. Ed. Georgius Heinricus Pertz. Hannover 1870. VIII, 57 pp. Scriptores rerum germanicarum. (#32222)100:-
Njeussychin, A.I. Die Entstehung der abhängigen Bauernschaft. als Klasse der frühfeudalen Gesellschaft in Westeuropa von 6. bis 8. Jahrhundert. Deutsche Ausgabe besorgt von Bernhard Töpfer. Berlin 1961. 598 pages. Hardcover. Lots of pencil-, and ink-underlinings by prof Bo Gustafsson. (#49308)150:-
Nordberg, Michael Den dynamiska medeltiden.. Illustrerad. Stockholm 1987. 400 sidor. Original klotband. Skyddsomslag med namn-etikett på omslaget. (#213228)140:-
Nordberg, Michael Den dynamiska medeltiden.. Illustr. Sth 1984. 400 sidor. Förlagsband i skyddsomslag. (#36668)150:-
Nordberg, Michael Den dynamiska medeltiden.. Illustr. Sth 1984. 400 sidor. Förlagsband utan skyddsomslag. (#204375)130:-
Nordberg, Michael Den dynamiska medeltiden.. Illustr. Stockholm 1991. 400 sidor. Original klotband. Skyddsomslag. (#10423)150:-
Nordberg, Michael Eldsjälen från Mallorca. och andra medeltida skribenter. Sth 1998. 264 sidor + planscher. Originalklotband i skyddsomslag. (#41466)125:-
Nordberg, Michael Les Ducs et la Royauté.. Études sur la rivalité des ducs d'Orléans et de Bourgogne 1392-1407. Diss. Upps. 1964. XI, 257 pages. Softcover. (#10354)180:-
Nordberg, Michael Maktkamp och mord. Politik i medeltidens Frankrike 1380-1408.. Illustrerad. Stockholm 1990. 229 sidor. Originalklotband i skyddsomslag. (#43698)140:-
Nordberg, Michael "Renässansmänniskan". 1400-talets Italien - myter och verklighet.. Illustrerad. Stockholm 1993. 352 sidor. Original klotband. Skyddsomslag. (#43234)140:-
Norwich, John Julius Byzantium. The Early Centuries.. Penguin 1990. 408 pages + plates. Paper back. Former owners signature. (#218493)100:-
Ofenbrüggen, Eduard Das Alamannische Strafrecht in deutschen Mittelalter.. Schaffhausen 1860. xvi,419 pages. Contemporary half cloth. Stamped. (#94836)600:-
Ohly, Friedrich Schriften zur mittelalterlichen Bedeutungsforschung.. Darmstadt 1977. xxxiv, 422 pages + 30 plates. Original cloth. (#117397)200:-
Oorkondenboek van het Sint-Elizabethospitaal te Antwerpen.. (1226-1355). Door J. Van den Nieuwenhuizen. Bruxelles 1976. xxxviii, 415 pages. 4:o. Original cloth. Koninklijke Academie van België. (#112849)400:-
Orrling, Carin (red.) Medeltidens ABC.. Ny reviderad upplaga. Stockholm Prisma 2001. 490 sidor + planscher. Förlagsband. Illustrerad. (#196422)140:-
Owen.Crocker, Gale R. Dress in Anglo-Saxon England.. Illustrated. Manchester 1986. xii,241 pages. Original cloth. Dust jacket. (#169402)250:-
Owen.Crocker, Gale R. Dress in Anglo-Saxon England.. Illustrated. Manchester 1986. xii,241 pages. Paper back. (#187568)150:-
Pagel, Karl Die Hanse.. Illustr. Berlin 1952. 460 pp. Cloth. (#28927)250:-
Pagel, Karl Die Hanse.. Illustr. Berlin 1963. 380 pp. Cloth. (#66499)250:-
Painter, Sidney A History of the Middle Ages.. 284-1500. New York 1960. XIV, 497, XX pages + plates. Original cloth. Dust jacket. A few small ink-markings in marginals. (#31916)200:-
Painter, Sidney A History of the Middle Ages.. 284-1500. New York 1961. XIV, 497, XX pages. Original cloth. No jacket. (#131817)200:-
Painter, Sidney Mediaeval Society.. Ithaca 1968. 109 pages. Soft covers. (#83789)110:-
Palme, Sven Ulric Hur Frankrike blev Frankrike.. En oumbärlig vägledning för turisten i dagens franska landskap och för envar med intresse för fransk kultur, litteratur och politik. Sth 1970. 232 sidor + planscher. Pocket. (#2977)80:-
Pelteret, David A.E. Slavery in Early Mediaeval England.. From the reighn of Alfred until the twelfth century. The Boydell press, 2001. 375 pages. Paper back. (#187572)160:-
Perignon, Rudolf Die Tendenzen der kaiserlichen Kriegführung von 936 bis 1146.. Diss. Heidelberg (München) 1936. 96 pages. No covers. Stamped. (#56969)135:-
Petit-Dutaillis, Charles The Feudal Monarchy in France and England.. From the Tenth to the Thirteenth Century. New York 1964. XVIII, 429 pp. Softcover. (#47510)100:-
Philippe de Commynes Hågkomster om konung Ludvig och hertigen av Burgund.. Översättning och efterskrift av Lorenz von Numers. Sthlm 1962. 286 sidor. Originalpappband i skyddsomslag. (#75366)125:-
Phillpotts, Bertha Surtees Kindred and Clan in the Middle Ages and After.. A Study in the Sociology of the Teutonic Races. Cambridge 1913. XII, 302 pages. Original cloth. (#63845)500:-
Pickering, F.P. Augustinus oder Boethius? I.. Geschichtsschreibung und epische Dichtung im Mittelalter - und in der Neuzeit. Einführender Teil. Berlin 1967. 168 pages. Softcover. (#63968)145:-
Piérard, Christiane Les plus anciens comptes de la ville de Mons (1279-1356) II.. Bruxelles 1973. 214 pages + 5 plates. 4:o. Original cloth. Koninklijke Academie van België. Part II only. (#112840)250:-
Piltz, Elisabeth Kamelaukion et mitra.. Insignes byzantins impériaux et ecclésiastiques. Uppsala 1977. 190 pages text + plates. 4:o. Softcover. Some pencil under-linings and folded corners. (#133035)400:-
Pirenne, Henri Mohammed and Charlemagne.. London 1954. 293 pages. Original cloth. Lots of pencil-underlinings. (#45572)120:-
Pirenne, Henri Mohammed and Charlemagne.. Meridian Books, Cleveland 1957. 293 pages. Paperback. (#187424)100:-
Pirenne, Henri Mohammed and Charlemagne.. Meridian Books, Cleveland 1961. 293 pages. Paperback. (#46679)100:-
Platts, Graham Land and People in Medieval Lincolnshire.. Illustr. Lincoln 1985. 340 pages. Original cloth in dustjacket. History of Lincolnshire IV. (#97744)225:-
Plucknett, T.F.T. Edward I and Criminal Law.. Cambridge 1960. viii,104 pages. Original cloth. Dust jacket. (#143572)145:-
Pontal, Odette Histoire des conciles mérovingiens.. Édition du Cerf 1989. 423 pages. Soft covers. Fine. (#218668)165:-
Poole, Austin Lane Obligations of Society in the XII and XIII Centuries.. The Ford lectures, Oxford 1946. 116 pages. Original cloth. No jacket. (#187571)140:-
Poole, Reginald L. The Exchequer in the Twelfth Century.. The Ford Lectures Delivered in the University of Oxford 1911. Oxford 1912. xii, 196 pages. Original cloth. (#143576)250:-
Postan, M.M. The Medieval Economy & Society.. An Economic History of Britain in the Middle Ages. Penguin 1975. 296 pages. Paperback. (#10388)65:-
Postan, M.M. The Medieval Economy & Society.. An Economic History of Britain in the Middle Ages. Penguin 1978. 296 pages. Paperback. (#81233)100:-
Power, Eileen Medieval People.. Penguin 1937. 212 pages + plates. Paperback. (#68932)100:-
Power, Eileen The Wool Trade in English Medieval History.. Being the Ford Lectures. Oxford 1941. 128 pages. Hard covers. (#53857)165:-
Power, Eileen The Wool Trade in English Medieval History.. Being the Ford Lectures. Oxford 1941. 128 pages. Original cloth. Pencil underlinings. (#45283)150:-
Power, Eileen The Wool Trade in English Medieval History.. Being the Ford Lectures. Oxford 1969. VIII, 128 pp. Cloth. (#41473)165:-
Power, Eileen & Postan, M.M. (editors) Studies in English Trade in the Fifteenth Century. Second impression, London 1951. xx, 435 pages. Original cloth. No jacket. Stamped. (#208368)175:-
Pre-reformation Germany.. Edited by Gerald Strauss. New York 1972. 454 pages. Original cloth. Dust jacket. Owners signature. (#162065)165:-
Pre-reformation Germany.. Edited by Gerald Strauss. New York 1972. 454 pages. Soft covers. (#61880)140:-
Previté-Orton, C.W. The Shorter Cambridge Medieval History I.. The Later Roman Empire to the Twelfth Century. Illustr. Cambridge 1960. XXI, 643 pages. Original cloth. (#71395)150:-
Proceedings of the International Congress Commemorating the Millennium of Christianity in Rus'-Ukraine.. General Editors Omeljan Pritsak and Ihor Sevcenko. Cambridge, Mass. 1990. 894 pages. Softcover. Harvard Ukrainian Series XII/XIII, 1988/1989. Special issue. (#151604)500:-
Psellos, Michael Bysantinska porträtt.. Översättning, inledning och kommentarer av Sture Linnér. Sthlm 1984. 302 sidor. Förlagsband i skyddsomslag. (#42068)150:-
Putnam's Dark and Middle Ages Reader.. Selections from the 5th to 15th Centuries edited by Harry E. Wedeck. Capricorn Books, New York 1965. xxi, 362 pages. Paperback. (#143681)100:-
Pütz, Wilhelm Hufvuddragen af medeltidens geografi och historia.. För gymnasier och andra läroverk. Bearbetad öfversättning. Med en Tids-Tafla. Sthlm 1843. vi,106 sidor. Häftad med tryckta originalomslag. Sprucken rygg. (#86128)200:-
Quirin, Heinz Einführung in das Studium der mittelalterlichen Geschichte.. Braunschweig 1961. 358 pages. Hard covers. (#47445)225:-
Rait, Robert S. Life in the Medieval University.. New York 1969 (Kraus Reprint). 164 pp. Cloth. (#41564)145:-
Rall, Hans Zeitgeschichtliche Züge im Vergangenheitsbild. mittelalterlicher, namentlich mittellateinischer Schriftsteller. Diss. Berlin 1937. 298 pages. Softcover. Stamped. (#107395)150:-
Rapp, Albert Studien über den Zusammenhang des geistlichen Theaters mit der bildenden Kunst im ausgehenden Mittelalter.. Diss. München 1936. 99 pages + folding table. Softcover. Stamped. (#112401)200:-
Read, Piers Paul Tempelriddarna och korstågen till det Heliga landet.. Stockholm 2003. 390 sidor + planscher. Förlagsband i skyddsomslag. (#97574)150:-
Read, Piers Paul Tempelriddarna och korstågen till det Heliga landet.. Stockholm 2003. 390 sidor + planscher. Förlagsband i skyddsomslag. Lite blyerts. (#208097)150:-
Read, Piers Paul The Templars.. London 2003. 350 pages + plates. Paper back. (#209403)120:-
Redecker, Helmut Das Stift Schildesche im Mittelalter.. Diss. Münster 1936. 60 pages. Softcover. Stamped. (#112413)175:-
Rey-Henningsen, Marisa Den frugtsommelige abbedisse.. Kvinder og magt i middelalderen. Illustr. Kbhvn 1983. 160 sid. Bläckunderstrykn. (#47178)110:-
Richardson, H.G. & Sayles, G.O. Law and Legislation.. From Æthelberht to Magna Carta. Edinburgh 1966. 201 pages + plates. Original cloth. (#143547)300:-
Ringius, Albert Om Ursprunget till de Sydfranska Städernas Medeltids-författningar.. Akad. afh. Lund 1868. 56 sidor. Häftad. Saknar omslag. (#94520)150:-
Robinson, J. Armitage Gilbert Crispin, Abbot of Westminster.. A Study of the Abbey Under Norman Rule. Cambridge 1911. xii, 180 pages. Original cloth. (#143481)750:-
Rosén, Jerker Medeltidens allmänna historia.. Sthlm 1982. 224 sidor. Förlagsband. (#10424)145:-
Rosén, Jerker Medeltidens allmänna historia.. Sthlm 1982. 224 sidor. Förlagsband. Blyertsunderstrykningar. (#116836)125:-
Round, J.H. Feudal England.. London 1895. xvi,587 pages. Original cloth. Front inner hinge weak. (#187575)250:-
Rousset, Paul Les origines et les caractčres de la premičre croisade.. Diss. Genčve 1945. 207 pages. Softcover. Stamped. (#146488)150:-
Roy, J.-J.-E. Histoire des Templiers.. Tours 1851. 308 pages + plates. Original hardcover, richly decorated in goldrelief. Spine faded and slightly damaged at head. (#127990)600:-
Rudgley, Richard Barbarians. Secrets of the Dark Age.. Channel 4 Books 2002. (6),282 pages + plates. Original cloth. Dust jacket. As new. (#218547)185:-
Runciman, Steven Die Erste Kreuzzug.. Mit 119 Abbildungen, davon 18 in Farbe. München 1981. 240 pages. Original cloth. Dust jacket. (#175372)150:-
Russell, Josiah Cox Medieval Regions and their Cities.. Newton Abbot 1972. 286 pages. Original cloth. Dust jacket. (#174089)175:-
Rüdiger, Jan Did Charlemagne know Carolingian kingship theory?. Stockholm 2011. 38 pages. Soft covers. Runica et Mediaevalia, Lectiones 10 (#187148)100:-
Rörig, Fritz Die Europäische Stadt und die Kultur des Bürgertums im Mittelalter.. Göttingen 1964. 148 pages. Soft covers. (#10414)90:-
Salomies, Martti Die Pläne Kaiser Karls V. für eine Reichsreform mit Hilfe eines allgemeinen Bundes.. Diss. Helsinki 1953. 228 pages. Softcover. (#128261)200:-
Salzman, L.F. English Life in the Middle Ages.. Illustrated. London 1945. 287 pages. Original cloth. (#152896)120:-
Samlingsband.. 1. Hauschnick, Tyska Hanseförbundets historia. Christianstad 1833. (2),iv,204 sidor 2. Moritz Döring, De förnämsta munkordnarnes historia. Christinastad 1834. (2),250,(2) sidor. 3. K.H.L. Pölitz, Konungariket Sachsens historia. Christianstad 1834. (6),x,242 sidor. Inbundna i ett samtida halvfranskt band. (#200549)450:- (bild)
Sandberger, Dietrich Studien über das Rittertum in England.. Vornehmlich während des 14. Jahrhunderts. Diss. Berlin 1937. 248 pages. Softcover. Stamped. (#107376)150:-
Saunders, Frances Stonor Den djävulske engelsmannen. Hawkwood - blod, guld och ära i 1300-talets Italien.. Sthlm 2006. 374 sidor + kartor och illustrationer. Förlagsband med skyddsomslag. (#180244)150:-
Saunders, Frances Stonor Hawkwood.. Diabolical Englishman. London 2005. XVIII, 366 pages + plates. Softcover. (#146872)110:-
Saunders, J.J. A History of Medieval Islam.. London 1982. XV, 219 pages. Softcover. (#150878)125:-
Sayles, G.O. The King's Parliment of England.. London 1975. 164 pages. Paper back. (#187873)120:-
Sayles, G.O. The Medieval Foundations of England.. London 1958. xii,480 pages. Original cloth. (#143691)175:-
Sayles, G.O. The Medieval Foundations of England.. London 1970. xxiv,482 pages. Paper back. (#167471)125:-
Scheiber, Mary Magdalita Ludwig Tieck and the Mediaeval Church.. Diss. Washington 1939. XXI, 163 pages. Softcover. Stamped. (#106299)150:-
Schevill, Ferdinand. The Medici.. Harper Torchbooks, New York 1960. 240 pages + illustrations. Paper back. (#188073)110:-
Schieblich, Walter Die Auffassung des mittelalterlichen Kaisertums in der deutschen Geschichtsschreibung von Leibniz bis Giesebrecht.. Diss. Berlin (Leipzig) 1932. 160 pages. Soft, blank covers. Stamped. (#57125)165:-
Schirren, C. Der Verfasser der livländischen Reimchronik.. Riga 1855. 67 pages. Blank covers. Sonderabdruck aus den "Mittheilungen aus der livländischen Geschichte" VIII:1. (#123782)300:-
Schmid, Toni Beiträge zum mittelalterlichen Kultleben.. Roma 1944. 38 pages. Soft cover. Ex: Ephemerides Liturgicae Anal. Hist.-Ascetica 58 (page) 50-87. (#187047)150:-
Schück, Henrik Rom. En vandring genom seklerna I.. En vandring genom seklerna. Illustr. Sthlm 1912. 263 sidor. 4:o. Häftad. Forntiden och medeltiden. (#55735)140:-
Schück, Henrik Rom. En vandring genom seklerna I-II.. Illustr. Sth 1913-14. 2 dekorerade originalklotband. (#28804)200:-
Severin zwischen Römerzeit und Völkerwanderung.. Ausstellung des Landes Oberösterreich ... 1982 im Stadtmuseum Enns. Ed. Karl Pömer. Illustr. Linz 1982. 672 pages. Soft covers. (#171194)150:-
Sigrist, Hans Solothurn und die VIII alten Orte.. Ihre Beziehungen von den Anfängen bis zum Bunde vom 1481. Diss. Solothurn (Bern) 1944. XVI, 182 pages. Softcover. Stamped. (#112373)225:-
Sire, H.J.A. The Knights of Malta.. Illustrated. Yale University Press 1994. xiv,305 pages. 4:o. Original cloth. Dust jacket. Very fine. (#213266)200:-
Southern, R.W. Western Society and the Church in the Middle Ages.. Penguin 1970. 376 pages. Paper back. (#173742)100:-
Stafford, Pauline The East Midlands in the Early Middle Ages.. Illustrated. Leicester 1985. xii,230 pages. Paper back. (#169284)145:-
Stenton, Doris Mary English Justice Between the Norman Conquest and the Great Charter 1066-1215.. Jayne Lectures for 1963. London 1965. 238 pages. Original cloth. Dust jacket torn without loss of paper. (#187869)150:-
Stephenson, Carl Mediaeval History.. Europe from the Second to the Sixteenth Century. Fourth edition, edited and revised by Bruce Lyon. Illustrated. First reprint edition, New York 1966. xxiv, (2), 639 pages. Original cloth. Sunbleached spine. Few markings in pencil. (#221832)140:-
Stephenson, Carl Mediaeval History.. Europe from the Second to the Sixteenth Century. Fourth edition, edited and revised by Bruce Lyon. Illustrated. New York 1962. 639 pages. Original cloth. (#142490)150:-
Stolpe, Sven Jeanne d'Arc.. Illustrerad av Svenolov Ehrén. Sthlm 1975. 329 sidor. Originalklotband. Skyddsomslag. (#79871)125:-
Studi Medievali.. A cura del centro Italiano di studi sull'alto medio evo. Serie terza Anno XIX, Fasc 1-2 1978. Red. Ovido Capiatai et al. Spoleto 1978. 1126 pages. Soft covers. 2 volumes. (#82565)300:-
Stumpf-Brentano Die Wirzburger Immunitaet-Urkunden des X. und XI. Jahrhunderts I-II.. I. Ein Beitrag zur Diplomatik. II. Eine Antikritik. Innsbruck 1974-76. 80 + 80 pages + 3 Facsimile-Tafeln. Soft covers. 2 volumes. (#127630)275:-
Sullivan, Richard E. Aix-la-Chapelle. in the Age of Charlemagne. Norman 1963. XIV, 226 pp. Cloth. About Aachen. (#42384)150:-
Tenckhoff, Franz Die westfälischen Bischofswahlen bis zum Wormser konkordat (1122).. Paderborn 1912. 70 pages. Soft covers. (#177963)150:-
The Bayeux Tapestry.. A coprehensive study. Edited by Sir Frank Stenton. With 150 illustrations. Phaidon Press, London 1957. 182 pages + plates. 4:o. Original cloth in dust jacket. (#188205)250:-
The Death of King Arthur.. Translated with an introduction by James Cable. Penguin Classics 1971. 237 pages. Paperback. (#218632)100:-
The Domesday Book,. seu liber censualis Willelmio primi regis Angliae (&) Libri censualis vocati Domesday-Book Indices. London 1783-1816. 382 leaves, 450 pages + (8), 570 pages. Folio. Later cloth. 3 volumes. Volume I-II issued without title pages. A fourth volume, Additimenta, was published in 1816. (#152473)5000:-
The Legacy of the Middle Ages.. Edited by C.G. Crump & E.F. Jacob. Illustrated. Oxford 1951. 548 pages + plates. Original cloth. One inner hinge weak. (#83794)150:-
The Life of St. Irene, Abbess of Chrysobalanton.. A Critical Edition with Introduction, Translation, Notes and Indices by Jan Olof Rosenqvist. Uppsala 1986. LXXVIII, 175 pages. Softcover. (#44477)225:-
The Memoranda Roll. for the Tenth Year of the Reign of King John (1207-8). Together with the Curia Regis Rolls of Hilary 7 Richard 1 (1196) and Easter 9 Richard I (1198). A Roll of Plate Held by Hugh de Neville in 9 John (1207-8) and Fragments of the Close Rolls of 16 and 17 John (1215-16). Edited by R. Allen Brown. London 1957. xvi, 230 pages. Original cloth. (#143599)400:-
The Register of St. Augustine's Abbey, Canterbury I-II.. Commonly Called the Black Book. Edited by G.J. Turner and H.E. Salter. London 1915-24. xliv, 1-378 + x, 379-678 pages. Original cloth. 2 volumes. Records of the Social end Economic History of England and Wales II. (#143579)1000:-
Thomas, Charles Britain and Ireland in Early Christian Times.. AD 400-800. Illustr. London 1971. 144 pages. Softcover. (#144871)125:-
Thomas, Charles Celtic Britain.. Thames and Hudson 1997. 200 pages. Paper back. (#218214)135:-
Thompson, A. Hamilton Military Architecture in England During the Middle Ages.. Illustrated. Henry Frowde, London 1912. xxii, 384, (10) pages. Original cloth. (#143452)750:-
Thompson, A. Hamilton The English Clergy and the Organization in the Later Middle Ages.. The Ford Lectures for 1933. Oxford 1947. xvi, 328 pages. Original cloth. (#143454)250:-
Thorne, William Chronicle of Saint Augustine's Abbey, Canterbury.. Now rendered into English by A.H. Davis. With a preface by A. Hamilton Thompson. Oxford 1934. lxviii, 740 pages. Original cloth. (#143678)1000:-
Tiberg, Erik Moscow, Livonia and the Hanseatic League 1487-1550.. Diss. Sthlm 1995. X, 290 pages including maps. Softcover. Studia Baltica Stockholmiensia 15. (#28332)175:-
Titow, J.Z. English Rural Society 1200-1350.. London 1969. 208 pages. Original cloth. Dust jacket. Some ink underlinings. (#10377)120:-
Titow, J.Z. English Rural Society 1200-1350.. London 1969. 208 pages. Paper back. (#168064)100:-
Town Origins.. The Evidence from Medieval England. Ed. John F. Benton. XVIII, 108 pp. (#47632)110:-
Tuchman, Barbara W. En fjärran spegel.. Det stormiga 1300-talet. Sthlm 1984. 668 sidor + karta. Pocket. (#41426)100:-
Ur medeltidens poesi.. Ett urval ur medeltidens latinska lyrik i svensk tolkning jämte därtill hörande literaturhistoriska studier af Johan Bergman. Sthlm 1899. 191 sidor. Rött klotband. Blyertsnoteringar. (#159789)125:-
Usama ibn Munkids De lærerige eksemplers bog (Kitabu-l-itibari).. Oversat i uddrag af Ove Chr. Krarup. Kbhvn 1940. 171 sid. Häftad. (#75595)150:-
Waddell, Helen The Wandering Scholars.. Fontana 1968. 347 pages. Paperback. (#74655)100:-
Wahl, Rudolph Kaiser Friedrich Barbarossa.. Eine Geschicte. Dritte Auflage. München 1950. 614 pages. Original cloth. Dust jacket. (#123306)150:-
Waley, Daniel Later Medieval Europe.. From St Louis to Luther. Ill. London 1978. 320 pp. (#10374)130:-
Van der Linden, M.P. De Burggraven van Montfoort.. In de geschiedenis van het Sticht Utrecht en het Graafschap Holland 1260-1490. Assen 1957. (8), 197 pages + table and map. Original cloth. Dust jacket. (#68828)250:-
Warren, W.L. King John.. Penguin 1961. 367 pages. Paperback. (#143671)100:-
Webster, Leslie & Brown, Michelle (editors) The Transformation of the Roman Woorld AD 400-900.. Illustrated. British Museum 1997. 258 pages. Paper back. Very fine. (#188251)150:-
Vedel, Valdemar Bag klostermure.. Et forsøg i kulturpsykologi. Illustr. Kbh 1911. 431, XII sidor. Halvklotband. (#125018)200:-
Vedel, Valdemar By og borger i middelalderen.. Et forsøg i kulturpsykologi. Illustr. Kbh 1901. 452 sidor. Något nött halvfranskt band. (#132721)150:-
Vedel, Valdemar Ridderromantiken i fransk og tysk middelalder.. Illustrerad. Kbhvn 1906. 485 sidor. Med bevarade omslag i elegant halvfranskt band med upphöjda bind. Pärmexlibris. (#185263)250:-
Vedel, Valdemar Ridderromantiken i fransk og tysk middelalder.. Illustr. Kbh 1906. 485 sidor. Halvklotband. De första två kapitlen med blyertsunderstrykningar. Två färgfläckar på baksidan. (#125016)150:-
Weller, Karl Geschichte des schwäbischen Stammes. bis zum Untergang der Staufer. München 1944. 476 pages. Original somewhat worn hardcover with cloth spine. (#152834)140:-
Wells, Peter S. Från brabarer till änglar. De mörka århundradena i nytt ljus.. Illustrerad. Dialogos 2008. 204 sidor + illustrationer. Förlagsband med skyddsomslag. (#218307)150:-
Welsby, Derek A. The Medieval Kingdoms of Nubia. Pagans, Christians and Muslims Among the Middle Nile.. Illustrated. The British Museum Press 2002. 296 pages. Original cloth. Dust jacket. Very fine. (#219182)200:-
Verdon, Jean Voyager au Moyen Age.. Perrin 1998. 407 pages. Paper back. (#185293)140:-
Wey, Franz Rudolf Die Deutschordens-Kommende Hitzkirch.. (1236-1528). Diss. Luzern 1923. XX, 201 pages + plates. Softcover. Stamped. (#112366)450:-
Whittock, Martyn A Brief History of Life in the Middle Ages.. London 2009. 320 pages. Paper back. (#187683)135:-
Winnig, August Der deutsche Ritterorden und seine Burgen.. Illustr. Königstein im Taurus 1961. 112 pages. Softcover. (#109762)100:-
Vinogradoff, Paul English Society in the Eleventh Century.. Essays in English Medieval History. Oxford 1908. 599 pages. Original cloth. No jacket. (#188059)220:-
Vinogradoff, Paul, (editor) Oxford Studies in Social and Legal History II.. Volume II: Types of manorial structure in the northern Danelaw by F.M. Stenton [and] Customary rents by N. Nielson. Oxford 1910. 96 + 219 pages. Original cloth. No jacket. (#188060)150:-
Viroli, Maurizio Niccolōs leende. Historien om Machiavelli.. Atlantis 2004. 326 sidor. Förlagsband med skyddsomslag. Nyskick. (#218697)145:-
Wojtczak, Hanna & Stanek, Maciej (editors), Tracking the Paths of the 14th-Century Reflections on God and World. Essential Readings and Commentary.. Lublin 2014. 262 pages. Soft covers. Very fine. Labyrinthus infinitus. Studia Mediaevalia atque Textus 1. (#201345)220:-
Women in Medieval Society.. Edited, with an Introduction by Susan Mosher Stuard. Philadelphia 1980. 219 pages. Softcover. Pencil underlinings. (#92296)100:-
von Castelmur, Anton Der alte Schweizerbund.. Ursprung und aufbau. Mit einem Beitrag über das Neue Bundesbriefarchiv zu Schwyz von Dr. Paul Hilber. Erlenbach-Zürich no date. 184 pp + several folding facsimilia. Cloth. Some pencil-underlinings. (#35531)160:-
von Grunebaum, Gustave E. Medieval Islam.. A Study in Cultural Orientation. Chicago 1946. 365 pages. Original cloth. (#65603)250:-
Wærn, Cecilia Mediæval Sicily.. Aspects of Life and Art in the Middle Ages. Illustr. London 1910. XXXII, 355 pages. Original cloth with somewhat bleached spine and bumped corners. (#77435)1000:-
[Yanin, V.L.] [Novgorodskie posadniki.]. Diss. Moscow 1962. 387 pages + plates (mainly depicting coins). Original cloth. Text in Russian. (#123879)350:-
Ziegler, Philip The Black Death. Penguin 1970. 331 pages. Pocket. (#216660)100:-
Zimmerling, Dieter Die Hanse.. Handelsmacht im Zeichen der Kogge. Düsseldorf - Wien 1976. 400 pages. Original cloth. (#156841)130:-
Åberg, Alf Digerdöden.. Sth 1963. 90 sidor. Pocket. (#12345)100:-
Åberg, Alf Digerdöden.. Sth 1963. 90 sidor. Pocket. Lite bläckunderstrykningar. (#97631)75:-
Ågren, Kurt Medeltiden.. Red. Göran Rystad. Lund 1989. 207 sidor. Pocket. Problem i äldre historia. (#74670)100:-
Åman-Nilsson, G. Abailard.. Ett medeltida livsöde jämte fem brev från Abailard och Heloisa i översättning från latinet. Sthlm 1932. 216 sidor. Häftad. Något lite fuktskadad. Abélard och Heloise. (#128896)100:-

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