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Abstracts/Resumenes.. 44th International Congress of Americanists. 44° Congreso Internacional de Americanistas. Manchester 1982. XII, 552 pages. Softcover. (#75947)300:-
Akten des 34. Internationalen Amerikanistenkongresses.. Wien, 18. bis 25. Juli 1960. Illustr. Wien 1962. VIII, 874 pages. Softcover. (#30889)900:-
Americanistas suecos.. Illustr. Sthlm 1994. 112 pages. Softcover. "Edición especial" from Kulturrådet. (#85024)130:-
Amerikanistische Miszellen.. Illustr. Hamburg 1959. 202 pages. 4:o. Softcover. (#131895)225:-
Aronsson, Inga-Lill Negotiating Involuntary Resettlement.. A Study of Local Bargaining during the Construction of the Zimapán Dam. Illustr. Diss. Upps. 2002. 331 pages. Softcover. (#74490)175:-
Blacker, Irwin R. Cortés och aztecernas underkuvande.. Illustrerad. Allhems förlag 1966. 153 sidor. Original klotband. (#72008)100:-
Bolinder, Gustaf Indianerna och deras liv.. Skildringar för ungdom. Illustr. Sth 1927. 208 sidor. Original klotryggsband. (#24942)120:-
Bolinder, Gustaf Indianerna och deras liv.. Skildringar för ungdom. Illustr. Sth 1927. 208 sidor. Original klotryggsband. Bakre pärmen bräckt. (#160784)100:-
Bovallius, Carl Resa i Central-Amerika 1881-1883 1-2.. Illustr. Upsala 1887. xii, 276 + xii, 277-484 sidor + planscher och utvikbara kartor. 7 häften med originalomslagen. Nötta ryggar. (#154526)250:-
Broda, Johanna, Carrasco, Davíd & Matos Moctezuma, Eduardo The Great Temple of Tenochtitlan.. Center and Periphery in the Aztec World. Illustr. Berkeley 1988. 184 pages. Softcover. (#113245)130:-
Burland, Cottie & Forman, Werner The Aztecs.. Gods and Fate in Ancient Mexico. Richly illustr. London 1975. 128 pages. 4:o. Original cloth in dustjacket. (#27411)135:-
Bushnell, G.H.S. The First Americans.. The Pre-Columbian Civilizations. Illustr. London 1968. 144 pages. Paper back. (#97003)100:-
Cervantes, Maria Antonieta Treasures of Ancient Mexico.. From the National Anthropological Museum. Richly illustr. Barcelona 1978. 95 pages. Original cloth in dustjacket. (#112535)120:-
Classical Maya Political History:. Hieroglyphic and Archaeological Evidence. Edited by T. Patrick Culbert. Cambridge 1991. 396 pages. Cloth. Note: this is a copy, printed on one side only! (#65051)150:-
Coe, Michael D. Mexico.. Indianska fornkulturer. Illustr. Sth 1964. 238 pp. Inbunden. (#5772)105:-
Coe, Michael D. & Flannery, Kent V. Early Cultures and Human Ecology in South Coastal Guatemala.. Illustr. Washington 1967. 136 pages + plates & folding tables. 4:o. Original cloth. (#113485)225:-
Collier, John Indians of the Americas.. The Long Hope. New York 1947. 191 pages. Paperback. (#145012)100:-
Collier, John Indians of the Americas.. The Long Hope. New York 1948. 191 pages. Paperback. (#124470)100:-
Collis, Maurice Cortés och Montezuma.. Mexikos erövring. Illustr. Sth 1956. 224 sidor. Original klotryggsband. (#27139)125:-
Collis, Maurice Cortés och Montezuma.. Mexikos erövring. Sthlm 1969. 197 sidor. Pocket. (#211259)100:-
Dahlgren de Jordan, Barbro La Mixteca.. Su cultura e historia prehispanicas. Illustr. México 1954. 400 pages + folding maps. Softcover. (#113218)250:-
Davies, Nigel The Ancient Kingdoms of Mexico.. Illustr. Penguin 1987. 272 pages + plates. Softcover. (#124993)125:-
Díaz del Castillo, Bernal Histoire véridique de la concuête de la Nouvelle-Espagne I-II.. Traduction de D. Jourdanet. Introduction et choix des textes par Bernard Grunberg. Paris 1980. 260 + 268 pages. Paperbacks. 2 volumes. (#86368)150:-
Díaz del Castillo, Bernal Mexicos erövring.. Övers., inledning och kommentar av Siv och Börje Söderlund. Bokfrämjandet 1971. 270 sidor + illustrationer. Förlaget imiterade skinnband. (#201877)125:-
Díaz del Castillo, Bernal Mexicos erövring.. Övers., inledning och kommentar av Siv och Börje Söderlund. Sthlm 1965. 261 sidor. Original pappband. Skyddsomslag. (#58926)125:-
Die Mexikanische Sammlungen des Museums für Völkerkunde, Wien.. Wien 1965. XX, 56 pages + plates. Softcover. Exhibition catalogue. (#111851)120:-
Die Religionen des alten Amerika.. By Walter Krickeberg, Hermann Trimborn, Werner Müller, Otto Zerries. Stuttgart 1961. XII, 397 pages. Original cloth. (#178733)200:-
Die Religionen des alten Amerika.. By Walter Krickeberg, Hermann Trimborn, Werner Müller, Otto Zerries. Stuttgart 1961. XII, 397 pages. Original cloth in dustjacket. (#105537)250:-
Disselhoff, Hans-Dietrich & Linné, Sigvald Fornamerikas konst.. Den nya världens högkulturer. Illustr. Malmö 1964. 281 sidor. Originalklotband. (#61176)175:-
Dos cantos shamanísticos de los indios cunas.. 1. Serkan-ikala, La canción de los difuntos. 2. Tisla-ikala, Canción iniciatoria. Textos en lengua cuna, anotado por el indio Guillermo Hayans con traducción española y comentarios por Nils M. Holmer y S. Hernry Wassén. Illustr. Göteborg 1963. 151 pages. Softcover. Etnologiska studier 27. (#26777)150:-
Drucker, Philip La Venta, Tabasco.. A Study of Olmec Ceramics and Art. Illustr. Washington 1952. 257 pages + plates. Softcover. (#113317)350:-
Drucker, Philip, Heizer, Robert F., Squier, Robert J. et al. Excavations at La Venta, Tabasco, 1955.. Washington 1959. 312 pages + plates & folding plans etc. Original cloth. (#113249)375:-
Estudios Chocoes.. I. Etnohistoria chocoana y cinco cuentos waunana apuntados en 1955. Por S. Henry Wassén. II. Gramatica comparada de un dialecto del choco (con textos, índices y vocabulario). Por Nils M. Holmer. Illustr. Göteborg 1965. 248 pages. Softcover. Etnologiska studier 26. (#27138)180:-
Fabrega Jr, Horacio & Silver, Daniel B. Illness and Shamanistic Curing in Zinacantan.. An Ethnomedical Analysis. Stanford, California 1973. XVI, 285 pages. Cloth in somewhat torn dustjacket. (#32086)250:-
Franch, José Alcina Arte y antropología.. Illustr. Madrid 1988. 302 pages. Softcover. (#98576)140:-
Friederici, Georg Die Schiffahrt der Indianer.. Stuttgart 1907. 130 pages. Softcover. Worn spine, back wrapper coming loose. (#131602)500:-
Früh-welkende Blumen.. Aztekische Gesänge. Ausgewählt, übersetzt und eingeleitet von Günter Lanczkowski. Freiburg in Breisgau 1983. 127 pages. Paperback. (#124466)100:-
Genet, Jean Histoire des peuples shoshones-aztèques.. (Amérique du nord et Amérique centrale.) Paris 1929. 351 pages. Softcover. (#129939)200:-
Gockel, Wolfgang Die Geschichte einer Maya-Dynastie.. Entzifferung klassischer Maya-Hieroglyphen em Beispiel der Inschriften von Palenque. Mit einer Einführung von Rudolf Pörtner. Illustr. Mainz 1988. 344 pages + plates. Original hard cover. (#65784)250:-
Gower, Charlotte D. The Northern and Southern Affiliations of Antillean Culture.. Menasha 1927. 60 pages. Softcover. (#113556)150:-
Halperin, Rhoda H. Administración agraria y trabajo:. Un caso de la economía política mexicana. Illustr. México 1975. 228 pages. Original cloth i dustjacket. (#80152)225:-
Hellbom, Anna-Britta La participacion cultural de las mujeres.. Indias y Mestizas en el México precortesiano y postrevolucionario. Illustr. Diss. Sthlm 1967. 304 pages + 2 folding diagrams. Softcover. (#26895)150:-
Innes, Hammond The Conquistadors.. Illustrated. London 1969. 336 pages. Original cloth. Dust jacket. (#122712)170:-
Isendahl, Christian Common Knowledge.. Lowland Maya Urban Farming at Xuch. Illustr. Diss. Upps. 2002. 242 pages + folding plan in pocket. 4:o. Softcover. (#74474)150:-
Kirkpatrick, F.A. Les conquistadors espagnols.. Traduit de l'anglais par A. et H. Collin Delavaud. Paris 1980. 316 pages. Paperback. (#86311)100:-
Kramer, Fritz W. Literature among the Cuna Indians.. Göteborg 1970. 166 pages. Softcover. Etnologiska studier 30. (#27155)150:-
Ladd, John Archeological Investigations in the Parita and Santa Maria Zones of Panama.. Illustr. Washington 1964. XII, 291 pages. Original cloth. (#113163)150:-
Lamb, Dana & Ginger Det förbjudna landet.. Stockholm 1956. 274 sidor + planscher. Förlagsband med något slitet skyddsomslag. (#221382)135:-
Leonard, Jonathan Norton Ancient America.. Illustr. 1968. 191 pages. Hardcover. The Great Ages of Man. (#71872)120:-
Linares de Sapir, Olga Cultural Chronology of the Gulf of Chiriquí, Panama.. Illustr. Washington 1968. 119 pages + plates & folding tables. 4:o. Original cloth. (#113481)200:-
Lindholm, Stig Är indianerna människor?. Om Christoffer Columbus och Bartolomeo de las Casas. Illustr. Sthlm 1972. 167 sidor. Klotband. F.d. biblioteksbok. (#146574)100:-
Lindig, Wolfgang & Münzel, Mark Die Indianer 2.. Mittel- und Südamerika. Illustr. München 1978. 331 pages. Paperback. Part 2 only. (#124476)100:-
Linné, Sigvald Archaeological Researches at Teotihuacan, Mexico.. Illustr. Sthlm 1934. 236 pages. 4:o. Softcover. (#113495)1000:-
Linné, Sigvald Mexikanska konstskatter.. Konst och konsthantverk under två årtusenden. Illustr. Nordisk rotogravyr, Sthlm 1956. 131 sidor. 4:o. Häftad. (#126885)100:-
Linné, Sigvald Pyramidstaden.. Studier och forskningar, vardagsliv och fest i fornmexicos heliga stad Teotihuacán. Illustr. Sthlm 1942. 63 sidor. Häftad. (#53044)150:-
Löfving, Staffan An Unpredictable Past.. Guerrillas, Mayas, and the Location of Oblivion in War-Torn Guatemala. Illustr. Diss. Upps. 2002. XII, 340 pages. Softcover. (#73855)175:-
Mason, J. Alden The American Collections of the University Museum.. The Ancient Civilizations of Middle America. Illustr. Philadelphia 1943. 64 pages. Softcover. University Museum Bulletin 10:1-2. (#113240)100:-
Maya det gåtfulla folket.. Utställning på Etnografiska muséet i Stockholm januari-april 1969. Illustr. 1968. XXXII, 128 sidor. Häftad. Utställningskatalog. (#65897)80:-
McCosker, Sandra Smith The Lullabies of the San Blas Cuna Indians of Panama.. Göteborg 1974. 192 pp. Etnologiska studier 33. (#27153)140:-
Mexikanische Lyrik aus frühgeschichtlichen Zeiten.. [Übertragt und herausgegeben] von Gabriele von Munk Benton. Wien 1967. 83 pages. Softcover. (#90614)150:-
Morley, Sylvanus Griswold The Ancient Maya.. Illustrated. Stanford 1947. xxxii, 520 pages + plates. Original cloth. Dust jacket. Weak inner joints. (#62515)250:-
Müller, Johann Georg Geschichte der Amerikanischen Urreligionen.. Basel 1855. VIII, 707 pages. Half leather with weak hinges. (#125452)1000:-
Nicholson, Irene Mexican and Central American Mythology.. Illustrated. Hamlyn, London 1967. 141 pages. 29 × 21 cm. Original cloth. Dust jacket. (#99062)150:-
Past and Present in The Americas.. A Compendium of Recent Studies. Edited by John Lynch. Manchester 1984. VIII, 314 pages. Original cloth in dustjacket. (#101877)150:-
Peissel, Michel Quintana Roo.. På upptäcktsfärd i mayafolkets rike. Sthlm 1964. 256 sidor + planscher. Häftad. Klisterlapp "Läsexemplar" på främre omslag. (#92298)120:-
Prescott, William H. Mexikos eröfring.. Öfversättning. Sthlm 1863. 637 sidor. Inbunden i senare halvklotband. (#102777)175:-
Prescott, William H. The History of the Conquest of Mexico.. Abridged and edited by C. Harvey Gardiner. Chicago 1966. XVIII, 413 pages. Softcover. (#143229)140:-
Proceedings of the Thirtieth International Congress of Americanists.. Held at Cambridge, 18-23 August 1952. Illustr. London no date. 249 pages. Softcover. (#144881)450:-
Proceedings of the Thirty-Second International Congress of Americanists.. Copenhagen 1956. Illustr. Copenhagen 1958. 743 pages. Softcover. (#30890)400:-
Präkolumbische Kunst aus Mexiko und Mittelamerika.. Frankfurt 1960. XXX, 96 pages + 69 plates & folding map. Softcover. Exhibition catalogue. (#113320)125:-
Rückkehr der Götter.. Die Aufzeichnungen der Azteken über den Untergang ihres Reiches. Herausgegeben von Miguel León-Portilla und Renate Heuer. dtv München 1965. 157 pages. Paperback. (#86548)100:-
Soustelle, Jacques Dagligt liv hos aztekerna i det gamla Mexico.. Illustr. Sth 1985. 306 sidor + planscher. Storpocket. (#27170)100:-
Stirling, Matthew W. et al. National Geographic on Indians of the Americas.. A Color-illustrated Record. Washington 1955. 432 pages. 4:o. Original cloth. (#106003)225:-
Stolpe, Hjalmar On American Ornamental Art.. Illustr. Sthlm 1897. Pag. 79-112. Booklet. (#113387)125:-
Stout, D.B. San Blas Cuna Acculturation: An Introduction.. Diss. New York 1947. 124 pages + plates. Softcover. Stamped. (#78649)150:-
Stuart, George E. & Gene S. The Mysterious Maya.. Illustr. National Geographic Society, Washington 1977. 200 pages. Hardcover. (#164694)125:-
Thompson, J. Eric S. Grandeur et décadence de la civilisation Maya.. Traduction de René Jouan. Paris 1980. 308 pages. Paperback. (#86313)100:-
Thompson, J. Eric S. Maya.. En kulturs blomstring och fall. Illustr. Sthlm 1957. 274 sidor + planscher. Häftad. (#85058)150:-
Thompson, J. Eric S. The Civilization of the Mayas.. Illustr. Chicago 1954. 96 pages + plates. Softcover. (#113225)100:-
Threatened Peoples and Environments in the Americas I-II.. Pueblos y medios ambientes amenazados en las Américas. Editors Magnus Mörner, Mona Rosendahl. ... 48th International Congress of Americanists (ICA). Sthlm 1995. 304 + 319 pages. Softcovers. 2 vols. (#105536)375:-
Vaillant, G.C. The Aztecs of Mexico.. Origin, Rise and Fall of the Aztec Nation. Penguin 1951. 333 pages + plates. Paperback. (#119174)100:-
Vaillant, G.C. The Aztecs of Mexico.. Origin, Rise and Fall of the Aztec Nation. Penguin 1956. 333 pages + plates. Paperback. (#6352)100:-
Verrill, A. Hyatt & Ruth America's Ancient Civilizations.. Illustr. New York 1953. XVII, 334 pages + plates. Original cloth in dustjacket. (#72525)175:-
Williams, George Dee Maya-Spanish Crosses in Yucatan.. Cambridge, Mass. 1931. XV, 256 pages + plates. Cloth. Ex library in excellent condition. (#123914)250:-
Wißmann, Hans Die "Colloquios" des Padre Fray Bernardino de Sahagún als religionsgeschichtliche Quelle.. Diss. Heidelberg 1977. 139 pages. 4:o. Softcover. "Typescript". (#113496)250:-
Vlahos, Olivia New World Beginnings.. Indian Cultures in the Americas. Illustr. by George Ford. Fawcett Premier Book 1972. 266 pages. Paperback. (#145106)100:-
von Hagen, Victor Wolfgang The Aztec.. Man and Tribe. Illustr. Mentor Book 1961. 224 pages + plates. Paperback. (#144821)75:-

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