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Abel, O. Grundzüge der Palaeobiologie der Wirbeltiere.. Illustr. Stuttgart 1912. XV, 708 pages + plates. Original decorated cloth with weak hinges. (#84287)200:-
Abel, O. Lebensbilder aus der Tierwelt der Vorzeit.. Mit 1 farbigen Titelbild und 507 Abbildungen im Text. Jena 1922. 643 pages. Original hard covers. (#135063)250:-
Adams, Leverett Allen A Memoir on the Phylogeny of the Jaw Muscles in Recent and Fossil Vertebrates.. Diss. New York 1919. 118 pages + plates. Soft covers. Stamped. Reprint from the Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences. (#56277)150:-
Aiello, Leslie The Prentice-Hall Concise Book of the Origins of Man.. Illustr. Scarborough, Ontario 1982. 96 pages. 4:o. Original cloth in dustjacket. (#112644)100:-
Andres, Dietmar Strukturen, Apparate und Phylogenie primitiver Conodonten.. Mit 14 Tafeln und 39 Abbildungen im Text. Stuttgart 1988. 48 pages + plates. Folio. Soft covers. Inscribed by the author. Sonder-Abdruck aus Paleontographica. (#184725)200:-
Arnold, Chester Arthur The Genus Callixylon from the Upper Devonian of Central and Western New York.. Diss. Michigan 1930. 50 pages + XIX plates. Softcover. Stamped. (#65381)125:-
[Atlas rukovodjashih form iskopaemih fauni i flori zapadnoj Sibiri] I-II.. [P.P. Hapfina] (ed.). Illustr. Moskva 1955. 502 + 320 pages. Original cloth. 2 vols. In Russian. (#124012)450:-
Berry, Charles T. Miocene and Recent Ophiura Skeletons.. Diss. Baltimore 1934. 135 pages + plates. Softcover. Stamped. (#141212)250:-
Bjørlykke, Knut Det centrale Norges fjeldbygning.. Med 1 farvetrykt oversiktskart, 30 specialkarter og kartskisser, 158 tegninger og fotografier samt an "English summey". Tillæg: Chas. Lapworth: Notes on the graptolites from Bratland, Gausdal, Norway. Kristiania 1905. (8), 595 + 15 sidor + plansch och utvikbar karta. Halvklotband. Några få sidor med blyertsunderstrykningar. Norges Geologiske Undersøgelse No. 39. (#104659)750:-
Bohlin, Birger Die Familie Giraffidæ.. Mit besonderer Berücksichtigung der fossilen Formen aus China. Illustr. Diss. Uppsala (Peking) 1926. 179 pp. + XII plates. 4:o. Softcover. Paleontologia Sinica. (#45418)200:-
Bohlin, Birger Four Localities with Late Palaeozoic Plants in the Chinese Provinces Kansu and Kokonor.. Text + Plates. Sthlm 1976. 167 pages + plates. 4:o. Original cloth. 2 volumes. Very fine. Reports from the Scientific Expedition to the North-Western Provinces of China under the Leadership of Dr. Sven Hedin. The Sino-Swedish Expedition Publ. 53. (#203974)450:-
Borg, Gunnar Ch. Palaeo-Ecology Reflected in Physical and Chemical Properties of Three Baltic Cores.. Diss. Upps. 1985. 93 pages. 4:o. Softcover. Striae 23. (#117318)125:-
Bölsche, Wilhelm Skapelsedagarna.. Stockholm 1907. 91 sidor + planscher. Klotryggsband. (#157547)120:-
Carlsson, J.G. The Cretaceous Cirripedes of Sweden.. With 6 plates. Lund 1953. 32 pages + plates. Soft covers. (#204512)150:-
Clark, Wilfrid Le Gros History of the Primates.. An Introduction to the Study of Fossil Man. Illustr. Tenth ed. British Museum 1970. 127 pages. Soft covers. (#48993)110:-
Colbert, Edwin Harris Distributional and Phylogenetic Studies of Indian Fossil Mammals.. Illustr. Diss. New York 1935. Softcover. Stamped. American Museum Novitates, nos 796-800. (#77181)130:-
Coryell, Horace Noble Bryozoan Faunas of the Stone River Group of Central Tennessee.. Diss. Chicago 1921. 80 pages. Soft covers. Stamped. (#56350)140:-
Delle, N. Zemgales lidzenuma Augszemes un Lietuvas devona nogulumi.. Riga 1937. 300 pages + plates, maps and diagrams. Soft covers. Latvijas universitates raksti (Acta universitatis Latviensis). Matematikas un dabas zinatnu fakultates serija II.5. (#133996)200:-
Dinosaurs and Their Living Relatives.. Illustrated. New York 1987. 71 pages. Softcover. (#160016)80:-
Dunbar, Robin Historien om människan.. Nya tankar om mänsklighetens tillblivelse. Övers., förord och fackgranskning av Staffan Ulfstrand. Dualis förlag 2006. 264 sidor. Förlagsband med skyddsomslag. (#177054)150:-
Eha, Silvio The Pre-Devonian Sediments on Ymers ø, Suess Land, and Ella ø (East Greenland) and their Tectonics.. Illustr. Diss. Kbh (Basel) 1953. 105 pages + folding plates. Softcover. Stamped. (#107449)150:-
Erdmann, Edvard Beskrifning öfver Skånes stenkolsförande formation.. Med en geologisk öfversigtskarta öfver Skåne och 4 taflor. Sth 1872. 96 sidor + tavlor och karta. 4:o. Inbunden. SGU C 3. (#201843)300:-
Erdmann, Edvard Description de la formation carbonifère de la Scanie.. Édition abrégée, suivie du texte Suédois complet publiée en 1872, et accompagnée d'une carte géologique de la Scanie et de 4 planches. Sthlm 1873. (4), 87 pages + map and plates. 4:o. Original hard covers. Stamped. SGU C. 4. (#137364)250:-
Erikson, Bertil (Halden) En submorän fossilförande aflagring vid Bollnäs i Hälsingland.. Illustr. Särtryck ur Geol. Fören. i Stockholm Förhandl. 1912. Sidorna 500-541. Häftad. Dedikation. (#99084)100:-
Felix, Johannes Die Leitfossilen aus dem Planzen- und Tierreich in systematischer Anordnung.. Mit 626 Abbildungen im Text. Leipzig 1906. x,240 pages. Soft covers. Stamped on front cover. (#170958)250:-
Florin - Florilegium Florinis dedicatum.. Editors: Lars-König Königsson and Katrin Paabo. Illustr. Upps. 1981. 212 pages. 4:o. Softcover. Striae 14. (#117305)200:-
Frödin, Gustaf Ett par nyare svenska mammutfynd.. Frösöfyndet, Upsalafyndet. Illustr. Sthlm 1916. Pag. 65-85. Häfte. Främre omslag klippt. Särtryck. (#113982)75:-
Gamble, Clive Timewalkers.. The Prehistory of Global Colonization. Illustr. Alan Sutton 1993. 309 pages. Original cloth in dustjacket. (#155404)150:-
Gaudry, Albert Die Vorfahren der Säugetiere in Europa.. Illustr. Leipzig 1891. viii, 222 pages + plates. Original decorated cloth. (#133600)175:-
Gillette, Tracy The Clinton of Western and Central New York.. Diss. Baltimore 1936. 191 pages + plates. Softcover. Stamped. (#105714)200:-
Haq, Bilal, ul Paleogene Calcareous Nannoflora 1-4.. Diss. Sthlm 1971. 158 pages + plates. Soft covers. (#45094)170:-
Hedström, Herman Über die Gattung Phragmoceras in der Obersilurformation Gotlands.. Mit 27 Tafeln. Sthlm 1917. 35 pages + plates. 4:o. Soft covers. Stamped. SGU Ca. 15. (#137308)300:-
Hellstadius, Arvid Istidens människor.. Illustr. Sth 1966. 138 sid. Häftad. (#54300)125:-
Hennig, Edw. Am Tendaguru.. Leben und Wirken einer deutschen Forschungs-Expedition zur Ausgrabung vorweltlicher Riesenfaurier in Deutsch-OstafrikaIllustriert. Stuttgart 1912. 151 pages + plates and advertisments Bound with both wrappers in cloth. Very fine copy. (#188893)900:-
Henriksen, Kai L. Undersøgelser over Danmark-Skånes kvartære insektfauna.. Aa Kbhvn 1933. Sid. 77-355 + planscher. Häftad. Stämpl. Särtryck. (#88643)275:-
Holmer, Lars E. Middle Ordovician Phosphatic Inarticulate Brachiopods from Västergötland and Dalarna, Sweden.. Illustr. Diss. Oslo (Uppsala) 1989. 172 pages. 4:o. Soft covers. (#50443)185:-
Hultén, Eric Outline of the History of Arctic and Boreal Biota during the Quarternary Period.. Their evolution during and after the glacial period as indicated by the equiformal areas of present plant species. Diss. Stockholm (Lund) 1937. 168 pages + plates. Soft covers. (#43319)400:- (bild)
Isberg, Orvar Studien über Lamellibranchiaten des Leptaenakalkes in Dalarna.. Beitrag zu einer Orientierung über die Muschelfauna im Ordovicium und Silur. Diss. Lund (Uppsala) 1934. 430 pages + 32 plates. 4:o. Softcover. (#48536)250:-
Jaanusson, Valdar Middle Ordovician Ostracodes of Central and Southern Sweden.. Diss. Uppsala 1957. 270 pages + plates. Soft covers. (#51620)175:-
Jarvik, Erik Middle Devonian Vertebrates From Canning Land and Wegeners Halvö (East Greenland). Part II Crossopterygii. With 37 figures in the text and 24 plates. Kbhvn 1950. 132 pages + plates. Soft covers. Stamped. Meddelelser om Grönland 96.4. (#177720)200:-
Kahler, Franz Fusuliniden aus T'ien-schan und Tibet. Mit Gedanken zur Geschichte der Fusuliniden-Meere im Perm.. Stockholm 1974. x,148 pages + 2 plates. 4:o. Original cloth. Very fine. Reports from the Scientific Expedition to the North-Western Provinces of China under the Leadership of dr. Sven Hedin. The Sino-Swedish Expedition. Publication 52 (#203976)350:-
Kahler, Franz Fusuliniden aus T'ien-schan und Tibet. Mit Gedanken zur Geschichte der Fusuliniden-Meere im Perm.. Stockholm 1974. x,148 pages + 2 plates. 4:o. Soft covers. Very fine. Reports from the Scientific Expedition to the North-Western Provinces of China under the Leadership of dr. Sven Hedin. The Sino-Swedish Expedition. Publication 52. (#203972)250:-
Kautsky, Fritz Phylogenetische Studien an fossilen Invertebraten.. Sthlm 1962. 164 pages + 28 plates. Soft covers. Stamped. SGU C. 581. (#137939)145:-
Kinberg, Willy Världens och människans uppkomst.. Illustrerad. Stockholm 1908. 294 sidor + planscher. Häftad. Nött i ryggens överkant. (#154079)140:-
Kurtén, Björn Inte från aporna.. Illustr. Sthlm 1971. 190 sidor. Häftad. (#131797)125:-
Kurtén, Björn Istiden.. Illustr. Sthlm 1969. 179 sidor. 4:o. Originalklotband i skyddsomslag. (#71655)200:-
Kurtén, Björn Människans utveckling.. Illustr. Sthlm 1963. 176 sidor. Pocket. (#151257)100:-
Kurtén, Björn Våra äldsta förfäder.. Illustr. Sthlm 1986. 112 sidor. Häftad. (#97028)110:-
Larsen, Gunnar Rhaetic Jurassic Lower Cretaceous Sediments in the Danish Embayment.. Illustr. Diss. Kbhvn 1966. 128 pp. + plates. 2 volumes. (#45484)200:-
Larsson, Kent Silurian Tentaculitids from Gotland and Scania.. Illustr. Diss. Oslo (Uppsala) 1979. 180 pp. 4:o. Fossils and Strata 11. (#43959)150:-
Laursen, Dan The Stratigraphy of the Marine Quarternary Deposits in West Greenland.. Illustr. Diss. Kbhvn 1950. 152 pages + plates. Softcover. Stamped. (#88579)200:-
Leakey, Richard E. Människans ursprung.. Illustr. Sthlm 1981. 256 sidor. Förlagsband. (#45441)125:-
Lee, Willis Thomas Stratigraphy of the Coal Fields of Northern Central New Mexico.. Diss. Baltimore 1913. Pag. 571-686. Softcover. Stamped. Reprint. (#73715)125:-
Liste des paléontologistes du monde.. Directory of the Paleontologists 1960. Paris 1960. 237 pages. Soft covers. (#135062)135:-
Loberg, Bengt Syndafloden och verkligheten.. Några bibliska berättelser i geologisk och arkeologisk belysning. Illustr. Sthlm 1980. 130 sidor. Klotband. (#45875)135:-
Manger, G. Edward The Geology of San Quintin Bay.. Diss. Baltimore 1929. Pag. 273-301 + plate. Staple bound. Stamped. Abstract from "Some Pleistocene Mollusks of San Quintin Bay and Other Localities from Lower California". (#140855)100:-
Martinsson, Anders Ostracodes of the Family Beyrichiidae from the Silurian of Gotland.. Illustr. Diss. Uppsala 1962. 370 pages. Soft covers. (#44261)200:-
Moberg, Joh. Chr. Om lias i sydöstra Skåne.. Med 1 karta och 3 taflor. Sthlm 1888. 88 sidor + 3 planscher och en karta. 4:o. Häftad. Nött rygg. Stämpel. SGU C. 99. (#137374)300:-
Mook, Charles Craig A Study of the Morrison Formation.. Illustr. Diss. New York 1916. Pag. 39-191 + folding map. Softcover. Stamped. Offprint. (#88355)200:-
Moore, Ruth Felande länken.. Utvecklingens historia. Illustr. Sthlm 1954. 345 sidor. Häftad. (#49653)125:-
Moore, Ruth Felande länken.. Utvecklingens historia. Illustr. Sthlm 1954. 345 sidor. Klotryggsband. (#70896)145:-
Nathan, Susan Ett annat Israel. Min resa över den judisk-arabiska gränsen.. Ordfront 2006. 291 sidor. Förlagsband med skyddsomslag. Nyskick. (#217547)150:-
Nathorst, A.G. Om floran i Skånes kolförande bildningar I.. Floran vid Bjuf 1-3. Med 10 + 8 + 8 taflor. Sthlm 1878-86. 150 sidor + planscher. 31 × 25 cm. Häftade. Nötta ryggar. 3 häften. Stämpel. SGU C. 27 och 33. (#98998)500:-
Nathorst, A.G. Om floran i Skånes kolförande bildningar II.. Floran vid Höganäs och Helsingborg. Med 8 taflor. Sthlm 1878. 53 sidor + planscher. 4:o. Original klotryggsband. SGU C. 29 (#137363)300:-
Neufville, E. Miedi Himie Upper Cretaceous-Palaeocene Ostracoda from the South Atlantic.. Diss. Uppsala 1973. 205 pages + plates. Softcover. (#50678)160:-
Nilsson, Sven Petrificata Suecana Formationis Cretaceæ, descripta et iconibus illustrata.. Pars prior, Vertebrata et mollusca sistens (all published). Londoni Gothorum (Lund) 1827. VIII, 40 sidor + 10 planscher. Folio. Häftad med reparerat fräämre omslag och nött rygg. Något lite lagerfläckar. (#200723)2500:-
Nordmann, Alexander von, Palaeontologie Suedrusslands I-IV + Plates. Helsingfors 1858-60. (2),xii,1-110,(2),111-190,(2),191-270,(4),271-360. 4:o + title and 30 plates in folio, 54x35 cm. Text: contemporary half leather with worn surface. Plates: Contemporary half leather with very worn spine Interior fine. 2 volumes. (#191516)9500:-
Norling, Erik Jurassic Stratigraphy and Foraminifera of Western Scania, Southern Sweden.. With 23 tables and 54 figures. Sthlm 1972. 120 pages + plates. 4:o. Soft coers. Stamped. SGU Ca. 47. (#137349)150:-
Nørvang, Aksel The Foraminifera of the Lias Series in Jutland, Denmark.. Diss. Kbhvn 1957. 135 pages + plates. Softcover. Stamped. (#88913)250:-
Oertli, H.-J., Brotzen, F. & Bartenstein, H. Mikropaläontologisch-feinstratigraphische Untersuchung der Jura-Kreide-grenzschichten in Südschweden.. Sthlm 1961. 24 pages + 2 plates. Soft covers. Stamped. SGU C. 579. (#137935)100:-
Palaeoecology and Biostratigraphy of Graptolites.. Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference ... Cambridge 1981. Edited by C.P. Hughes & R.B. Richards. Illustrated. Oxford 1986. 277 pages. Original cloth. Dust jacket. (#135060)200:-
Palaeoecology of Africa and the Surrounding Islands 11.. Covering the years 1975-1977. Edited by E.M. van Zinderen Bakker SR and J.A. Coetzee. Rotterdam 1979. 237 pages. Original cloth. (#122574)150:-
Paleolimnology of Lake Biwa and the Japanese Pleistocene.. (Volume 10.) Edited by Shoji Horie. Illustrated. 1982. 375 pages. Soft covers. (#135061)200:-
Paris, F., Laufeld, S. & Chlupac, I. Chitinozoa of the Silurian-Devonian Boundary Stratotypes in Bohemia.. With 3 plates. Uppsala 1981. 29 pages. 4:o. Soft covers. SGU Ca. 51. (#137347)110:-
Petersen, Kai Djuren genom tiderna.. Illustrerad. Stockholm 1958. 127 sidor. Förlagsband med skyddsomslag. (#154130)125:-
Pierres .... Minéraux et fossiles. Préface d'André Maurois. Textes de R. Galopin et E. Lanterno. Photographies de Stévan Célébonovic. Édition Eidos et édition Pea, Genève-Paris sans date (c. 1960). 92 pages. 4:o. Original hard covers. (#135498)200:-
Poulsen, Chr. Forstenede hvirvellöse dyr.. Tekst + Atlas. Kbhvn 1948. 140 sidor text + 85 tavler. Original klotryggsband med skyddsomslag. 2 volymer. (#186814)200:-
Pribyl, Alois Bibliographische Index of Bohemian Silurian Graptolites.. Praha 1948. 96 pages + table. Soft covers. (#76466)150:-
På jakt efter våra förfäder.. Om människans ursprung. Red. Lennart Fredén m.fl. Illustr. Sthlm 1978. 144 sidor. Originalpappband. (#122731)110:-
Reports of the XVII Session.. (Of the) International Geological Congress (in) The Union of Soviet Socialistic Republics 1937. Volume 6. Symposium on paleozoic and pre-cambrium climates. Illustreted. Moscow 1940. 260 pages + maps and plates. Original cloth. Stamped. In very fine condition. (#186095)450:-
Ringström,, T.J. Vertebratfynd i finiglaciiala skalbankar vid Uddevalla.. Göteborg 1928. 18 sidor. Häftad. Tagen ur band. Ej omslag. (#200316)100:-
Ringström, Torsten Nashörner der Hipparion-Fauna Nord-Chinas.. Plates I-XII and 92 figures of text. Diss. Peking (Uppsala) 1924. 158 pages + plates. 4:o. Soft covers. Paleontologia Sinica. Ed. V.K. Ting and W.H. Wong. Series C. Volume 1. Fascicle 4. (#55542)200:-
Rolle, Friedrich Ch. Darwins lära om arternas uppkomst i växt- och djurriket,. tillämpad på skapelsehistorien. Öfvers. af Rudolf Sundström. Med 21 träsnitt. Sthlm 1870. (8), 240 sidor. Senare klotband. (#149380)300:-
Romer, Alfred Sherwood The Locomotor Apparatus of Certain Primitive and Mammal-like Reptiles.. Diss. New York 1922. Pag. 517-606 + plates (some folding). Softcover. Stamped. (#154865)140:-
Rothpletz, Aug. Über die Kalkalgen, Spongiostromen und einige andere Fossilen aus dem Obersilur Gottlands.. Sthlm 1913. (4), 57 pages + plates and map. 4:o. Soft covers. Spine worn. Stamped. SGU Ca. 10. (#137311)150:-
Rowe, Richard Burton A Study of the Paleodevonian Formations of Maryland.. Diss. Baltimore 1913. 27 pag. Pamphlet. Stamped. (#73745)135:-
Schönichen, Walther Urtidens djur.. Övers. av E. Thall. Illustrerad. Sthlm 1925. 143 sidor + planscher. Häftad. (#154357)125:-
Schött, Harald Zur Systematik und Verbreitung palaearctischer Collembola.. Akademische Abhandlung, Upsala 1893. 100 pages + 7 plates. 4:o. Soft covers. Title page torn. Kongl. Svenska Vetenskaps-Akademiens handlingar. Bandet 26. N:o 11. (#172439)250:-
Sederholm, J.J. Forntidens djurvärld.. Med särskild hänsyn till ryggradsdjuren. Enligt Osborn, Scott, Lucas, Abel m.fl. skildrad. Illustr. Sthlm 1916. 176 sidor. Häftad. (#154359)150:-
Sefve, Ivar Die Fossilen Pferde Südamerikas.. Akademische Abhandlung, Uppsala 1912. 185 pages + 2 plates. 4:o. Soft covers. Stamped. Kungl. Svenska Vetenskapsakademiens handlingar Band 48. N:o 6. (#172438)375:-
Sefve, Ivar Utdöda djur.. Några drag ur djurlivet i förgångna tider. Illustr. Sthlm 1924. 168 sidor. Originalklotband. (#87360)110:-
Selling, Olof H. Studies in the Recent and Fossil Species of Schizaea,. with Particular Reference to Their Spore Characters. Göteborg 1944. 112 pages + plates. Soft covers. Pencil-markings in margin. Särtryck ur Meddelanden från Göteborgs Botaniska Trädgård. (#84171)140:-
Senet, André Människan söker sina förfäder.. Livets utveckling i paleontologins ljus. Illustr. Sthlm 1958. 258 sidor. Häftad. (#49643)115:-
Shifflett, Elaine Eocene Stratigraphy and Foraminifera of the Aquia Formation.. Diss. Baltimore 1948. 93 pages + folding map, folding tables & folding tables in pocket. Softcover. Stamped. (#141391)100:-
Shi Ning The Late Cenozoic Stratigraphy, Chronology, Palynology and Environmental Development in the Yushe Basin, North China.. Illustr. Diss. Upps. 1994. 90 pages. 4:o. Softcover. Striae 36. (#117310)150:-
Sivhed, Ulf Lower Jurassic Ostracodes and Stratigraphy of Western Skåne, Southern Sweden.. With 12 plates. Uppsala 1980. 61 pages + 12 plates. 4:o. Soft covers. Stamped. SGU Ca. 50. (#137325)135:-
Spieker, Edmund M. The Paleontology of the Zorritos Formation of the North Peruvian Oil Fields.. Diss. Baltimore 1922. 31 pages. Staple bound. Stamped. (#139340)75:-
Stensiö, Erik A:son On the Head of the Macropetalichthyids With Certain Remarks on the Head of the Other Arthrodires. Chicago 1925. 114 pages + 12 plates. Soft covers. Inscribed by the author. (#204406)250:-
Säve-Söderbergh, G. Further Contributions to the Devonian Stratigraphy of East Greenland I.. Results from the Summer Expedition 1932. With 15 figures in text and 3 plates. Kbhvn 1933. 40 pages + plates. Soft covers. Meddelelser om Grønland 96:1. (#93060)150:-
Säve-Söderbergh, G. Further Contributions to the Devonian Stratigraphy of East Greenland II.. Investigations on Gauss Peninsula during the Summer of 1933. With an Appendix: Notes on the Geology of the Passage Hills (East Greenland). With 16 figures in the text and 10 plates. Kbhvn 1934. 55 pages + appendix and folding plates. Soft covers. (#84049)170:-
Säve-Söderbergh, G. On the Palaeozoic Stratigraphy of Canning Land, Wegener Peninsula, and Depot Island (East Greenland).. With 8 figures in the text and 2 plates. Kbhvn 1937. 41 pages + plates. Soft covers. (#84051)120:-
Takumi Nagano 2 Works.. 1. A Summery of the Palaeogene Stratigraphy of Kyûshû, Japan, with Some Accounts on the Fossiliferous Zones. With 1 plate and 1 Table (loose). 2. Palaeogene Fossiles of the Island of Kyûshû, Japan. With 17 plates. Tokyo and Sendai 1928. 140 pages + plates. Folio. Soft covers. The Science Reports of the Tôhoku Imperial University, Sendai, Japan. Second Series (Geology) Vol. XII, No. 1. (#199282)800:-
Thulin, Barbara Diatoms and Paleoenvironment at Ottenby, Southern Öland, in the Western Baltic Basin, SE Sweden.. Illustr. Diss. Upps. 1987. 61 pages. 4:o. Softcover. Striae 28. (#117314)145:-
Walker, Alan & Shipman, Pat The Wisdom of Bones.. Illustr. London 1996. 270 pages + plates. Softcover. (#155630)140:-
van der Klaauw, C.J. The Auditory Bulla In Some Fossil Mammals.. With a general introduction to this region of the skull. New York 1931. 352 pages. Soft covers. Bulletin of the American Museum of Natural History Vol. LXII. (#177724)200:-
Wedekind, R. Die Zoantharia Rugosa von Gotland. (bes. Nordgotland). Nebst Bemerkungen zur Biostratigraphie des Gotlandium. Sthlm 1927. 95 pages + 30 plates. 4:o. Soft covers. Stamped. SGU Ca. 19. (#137337)300:-
Weiner, J.S. Felande länkens mysterium.. Sth 1956. 180 sidor. Häftad. "The Piltdown Forgery". (#30540)100:-
Wendt, Herbert From Ape to Adam.. The Search for the Ancestry of Man. Illustr. London 1972. 287 pages. Original cloth in dustjacket. (#155413)150:-
Wendt, Herbert I urmänniskornas spår.. Förhistoriens forskaräventyr. Illustr. Sth 1955. 441 pp. Inbunden. (#49070)105:-
Wendt, Herbert I urmänniskornas spår.. Förhistoriens forskaräventyr. Illustr. Sth 1955. 441 sidor. Häftad. (#30709)85:-
Westergård, A.H. Sveriges olenidskiffer.. I. Utbredning och lagerföljd. II. Fauna. 1. Trilobita. Med 16 tavlor. Sthlm 1922. (6), 205 sidor + 16 planscher med förklarande text. 4:o. Häftad. Nött rygg. SGU Ca. 18. (#142888)400:-
White, Maynard Pressley Some Index Foraminifera of the Tampico Embayment Area of Mexico.. Diss. New York 1928. 167 pages + plates. Softcover. Stamped. (#157389)200:-
Vignati, Milcíades Alejo Descripción de los molares humanos f´siles de Miramar (provincia de Buenos Aires).. Universidad nacional de La Plata 1941. 90 pages + 10 plates. Soft covers. (#208412)200:-
Wiman, Carl Über die Karbonbrachiopoden Spitzbergens und Beeren Eilands.. Mit 19 Tafeln. Uppsala 1914. 92 pp. + Tafeln. 4:o. Soft covers. Nova Acta Regiæ Societatis Scientiarum Upsaliensis IV.3.8. (#47746)300:-
Visser, A.M. Monograph on the Foraminifera of the Type-Locality of the Maestrichtian.. (South-Limburg, Netherlands.) Diss. Leiden 1950. 270 pages + diagrams. Soft covers. Stamped. (#141234)200:-
Wood, Albert Elmer Evolution and Relationship of the Heteromyid Rodents. with New Forms from the Tertiary of Western North America. Illustr. Diss. New York 1935. Pag. 73-262 + folding tables. Softcover. Stamped. Reprinted from Annals of the Carnegie Museum XXIV. (#164391)175:-
Wood, Bernhard Så föddes människan.. Illustrerad. Bra Böcker 1978. 124 sidor. Stort format. (#156297)150:-
Wängsjö, Gustav The Downtonian and Devonian Vertebrates of Spitsbergen IX A-B.. Morphologic and Systematic Studies of the Spitsbergen Cephalaspids. A: Text. B: Plates. Illustr. Diss. Oslo (Uppsala) 1952. 615 + 42 pages + 118 plates. Softcovers. 2 volumes. Results of Th. Vogt's Expedition 1928 and the English-Norwegian-Swedish Expedition 1939. Norsk Polarinstitutt Skrifter Nr. 97. (#43832)250:-

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